Introduction To Ideology (Pol Science)
Introduction To Ideology (Pol Science)
Introduction To Ideology (Pol Science)
Our lives may be more boring than those who lived in apocalyptic times,but being
bored is greatly preferable to being prematurely dead because of some ideological
fantasy.(Michael Burleigh,The Third Reich: A New History,2000) We are now again
in an epoch of wars of religion,but a religion is now called an ‘ideology’.(Bertrand
Russell,‘Philosophy and Politics’,Unpopular Essays,1950) Ideology is ...a system of
definite views,ideas,conceptions,and notions adhered to by some class or political
party.[Ideology] is always a reflection of the economic system predominant at any
given time.(Soviet Philosophical Dictionary,1954) Political debate is widespread in
society. Whether we are aware of it or not, most of us are, at a very simple level,
political philosophers. In democratic societies like the UK and the USA citizens are
expected to have opinions on a wide range of issues that either directly as individuals
or collectively as citizens affect their lives. Even at a simple, unsophisticated level we
have views on the ‘correct’ form of government, freedom, equality and equal rights,
the ‘proper’ role of government in society, how ‘democratic’ one’s own political
system is, the right levels of public spending, and so on. How we think about these
and many other subjects will be influenced by the kinds of ideological beliefs we
carry around in our heads, the product of our social conditioning, our life experiences
and our reflections on them, the nation we live in, our educational level and our social
class. We regularly draw on this store of ideological beliefs when we try to make
sense of the world. They may not be logical, well structured or even consistent
(tortured are those who try to force their experiences into an ideological straitjacket;
and, given enough power, they will often similarly torture others into wearing the
same garment), but one’s opinions and actions will make reference to those beliefs.
Ideologies can be seen as a form of intellectual ‘map’ to help us find our way about
the world, understand our place in it, analyse the political and social events going on
around us. Maps vary in their degree of accuracy. One can assess their value by
comparison with objective reality and debate with others. Ideologies are associated
with power structures. Politicians seek power. Their ideology and the social,
economic and political circumstances of the time influence what they do with that
power when they have achieved it. Indeed, it is impossible to separate the two. This
applies even to those who deny having an ideology. The use of power always takes
place in a framework of ideology. Modern politics can only be properly understood by
reference to the great ideological movements: conservatism, liberalism, socialism,
fascism, and so on. Ideologies tend to have a bad press. They are often dismissed as
‘errors’ or ‘untruths’. If ideology is ‘a window on the world’ it is a window with glass
that distorts the vision. The viewer has difficulty thinking beyond these distortions
and assumes what he or she believes to be the ‘truth’. Ideology often distorts ‘reality’
and encourages conflict: ‘One man’s ideology is another man’s falsehood.’
Nevertheless, one must not fall into the trap of assuming that all ideologies are of
equal validity. They should be respected as important ways of understanding the
world. One should also attempt to examine one’s own ideological beliefs, to better
understand the role of ideology in politics and society.
A new consensus?
The Thatcher and Major governments attempted to create a new right-of centre
ideological consensus for British politics, heavily influenced by neo-liberalism, and to
bring about a fundamental shift away from the social democratic consensus. The
features included the following: The concept of the mixed economy was to be
challenged by the transfer of state-owned industries to the private sector, a process
known as ‘privatisation’. Corporatism was to be rejected and the role for trade unions
and business in formal government economic planning was to be ended. There was a
strong commitment to market economics as the best means of ensuring economic
efficiency and high levels of economic growth. Keynesian economic management
was to be abandoned, along with the commitment to maintaining full employment.
Inflation was to be the major economic ‘dragon’ for the government to slay, by the
adoption of free-market and ‘monetarist’ policies. The welfare state was to be
challenged with cuts in benefits and entitlements, the introduction of more means
testing for claimants, and the introduction of market solutions into the health and
education services.
The level of taxation on both individuals and businesses was to be steadily reduced as
incentives for both to work harder, and take risks and succeed. There were clearly
strong elements of liberalism at work here in the economic policies and in the stress
on individualism and individual choice and effort. Conservatism raised the role of the
family, traditional values, patriotism, discipline and hierarchy. It was even possible to
see elements of Marxism in the emphasis on the role of economics in building society.
The new consensus can be recognized in the Labour Party’s shift to a right of-centre
programme under Neil Kinnock, John Smith and, especially, Tony Blair. There was
no significant reversal of Conservative policies after Labour came to power in 1997.
Welfare spending was kept under tight control, helped by high levels of economic
growth and low unemployment. Attacks were made on benefit fraudsters and the
automatic nature of some benefits. There was considerable support for free-market
capitalism, no return to corporatism and no great changes to the tough trade-union
legislation of the 1980s. No nationalisation occurred, although Conservatives claimed
that the end of RailTrack in 2001, during Labour’s second term, was the thin end of
the wedge leading to renationalisation. Even policies such as the minimum wage and
family income-tax credits were designed to encourage people into work rather than
rely on state benefits. Pragmatic policies, yes, but with ideological underpinnings
familiar to the post-war consensus and its successor.
People have ideological beliefs, even if these beliefs are not very coherent.
Ideological beliefs are beyond rational or scientific testing, whatever the claims of
their proponents. Such beliefs perform a social role for those who hold them. Some
critics argue that ideologies are simply instruments of power, wielded by the
dominant groups in society. Another hostile opinion is that ideologies, especially
‘restrictive’ ones, mentally enslave those who believe in them. Some modern thinkers
have argued that ‘ideology is dead’, that no one believes in any ideology, and that
conflicts no longer have an ideological basis. Opponents of such views can point to
abundant evidence that liberal capitalism is deeply influenced by ideology.
Ideological beliefs were of profound influence in twentieth-century history. New
forms of ideology, such as militant Islamism, seem likely to be important in the
twenty-first century. While it may be true that ideology in the ‘restrictive’ sense is
largely absent from British politics, this is certainly not the case with ‘relaxed’
ideology. From 1945 to 1979 there was a clear consensus between the major parties
which constituted such an ideology. A consensus exists today, though it is far more
influenced by neo-liberalism than was the case in the period before 1979.