Nuclear III

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The graph below shows the number of radioactive nuclei remaining in a sample of material

1 against time. The radioactive isotope decays to a non-radioactive element.

(a) Use the graph to show that, after a time of 500 s, about 6 × 104 nuclei are decaying every


(b) Calculate the decay probability (decay constant) of a nucleus of the radioactive isotope in
the sample.

Decay probability ____________________

(Total 6 marks)

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(a) (i) Sketch a graph to show how the neutron number, N, varies with the proton number,
Z, for naturally occurring stable nuclei over the range Z = 0 to Z = 90. Show values of
N and Z on the axes of your graph and draw the N = Z line.

(ii) On your graph mark points, one for each, to indicate the position of an unstable
nuclide which would be likely to be

an α emitter, labelling it A,

a β– emitter, labelling it B.

(b) State the changes in N and Z which are produced in the emission of

(i) an α particle,



(ii) a β– particle.



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(c) The results of electron scattering experiments using different target elements show that

where A is the nucleon number and r0 is a constant.

Use this equation to show that the density of a nucleus is independent of its mass.




(Total 10 marks)

(a) (i) Complete the equation below which represents the induced fission of a nucleus of
uranium .

(ii) The graph shows the binding energy per nucleon plotted against nucleon number A.

Mark on the graph the position of each of the three nuclei in the equation.

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(iii) Hence determine the energy released in the fission process represented by the







(b) (i) Use your answer to part (a)(iii) to estimate the energy released when 1.0 kg of
uranium, containing 3% by mass of , undergoes fission.







(ii) Oil releases approximately 50 MJ of heat per kg when it is burned in air. State and
explain one advantage and one disadvantage of using nuclear fuel to produce

advantage _____________________________________________________




disadvantage ___________________________________________________



(Total 12 marks)

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4 Deuterium ( ) and tritium ( ) nuclei will fuse together, as illustrated in the equation below.

(a) State the nucleon number and the proton number for the product of the reaction which has
been written as X in the equation.

nucleon number ____________________

proton number ____________________


(b) The masses of the particles involved in the reaction are:

mass of = 3.34250 × 10–27 kg

mass of = 5.00573 × 10–27 kg

mass of = 6.62609 × 10–27 kg

mass of neutron = 1.67438 × 10–27 kg

(i) Explain why energy is released during this reaction.





(ii) Calculate the amount of energy released when a deuterium nucleus fuses with a
tritium nucleus.

The speed of electromagnetic radiation, c = 3.0 × 108 m s–1

(Total 7 marks)

5 A small portion of the hydrogen in air is the isotope tritium . This is continually being formed in
the upper atmosphere by cosmic radiation so that the tritium content of air is constant. Tritium is
a beta emitter with a half-life of 12.3 years.

(a) (i) Write down the symbols for the two isotopes of hydrogen, the atoms of which have
lower masses than those of tritium.


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(ii) Write down the nuclear equation that represents the decay of tritium using the symbol
X for the daughter nucleus.


(iii) Calculate the decay constant for tritium in year–1.


(b) When wine is sealed in a bottle no new tritium forms and the activity of the tritium content
of the wine gradually decreases with time. At one time the activity of the tritium in an old
bottle of wine is found to be 12% of that in a new bottle. Calculate the approximate age of
the old wine.

mass of a tritium nucleus = 3.016050 u
mass of a proton = 1.007277 u
mass of a neutron = 1.008665 u
atomic mass unit, u = 1.660566 × 10–27 kg
speed of electromagnetic radiation in free space = 3.0 × 108 m s–1


(i) the mass change, in kg, when a tritium nucleus is formed from its component parts,

(ii) the binding energy, in J, of a tritium nucleus.

(Total 11 marks)

(a) Uranium-238 decays by alpha emission to thorium-234. The table shows the masses in
atomic mass units, u, of the nuclei of uranium-238 ( ), thorium-234, and an alpha
particle (helium-4).

Element Nuclear mass/u

Uranium-238 238.0002

Thorium-234 233.9941

Helium-4, alpha particle 4.0015

1 atomic mass unit, u = 1.7 × 10–27 kg

speed of electromagnetic radiation, c = 3.0 × 108 m s–1
the Planck constant, h = 6.6 × 10–34 J s

(i) How many neutrons are there in a uranium-238 nucleus?


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(ii) How many protons are there in a nucleus of thorium?


(b) (i) Determine the mass change in kg when a nucleus of uranium-238 decays by alpha
emission to thorium-234.

(ii) Determine the increase in kinetic energy of the system when a uranium-238 nucleus
decays by alpha emission to thorium-234.

(c) Wave particle duality suggests that a moving alpha particle (mass 6.8 × 10–27 kg) has a
wavelength associated with it. One alpha particle has an energy of 7.0 × 10–13 J.


(i) the momentum of the alpha particle;


(ii) the wavelength associated with the alpha particle.

(Total 10 marks)

The diagram below shows an arrangement used to maintain a constant thickness of sheet paper
7 or steel as it is being rolled. A radioactive source and detector are used to monitor the thickness.

(a) Explain briefly how this arrangement works.






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(b) Alpha, beta or gamma sources could be selected for use in such an arrangement.

State which source should be selected in each case and explain briefly why the others
would not be suitable.


Source selected _____________________________________________________

Reasons why the others are unsuitable ___________________________________




Source selected _____________________________________________________

Reasons why the others are unsuitable ___________________________________



(c) Cobalt-60 is commonly used as a source in such applications. This has a half-life of 5.3
years. When fresh the source contains 5.0 × 1020 radioactive atoms.

For it to be useful the source has to have an activity of at least 1.5 × 1012 Bq.

(i) What is meant by an activity of 1 Bq?



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(ii) Draw a graph showing the number of radioactive atoms in the source over a period of
3 half-lives. Include suitable scales on the axes.


(iii) Determine the decay constant of cobalt-60 in s–1.


(iv) After what time will it be necessary to replace the source?

(Total 15 marks)

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The graph below shows how the nucleon number A changes with proton number Z for the decay
series that starts with uranium-238. The half-lives of each decay are also shown.

(a) How many alpha particles and beta particles are emitted when a uranium-238 nucleus
decays to radon-222 (222Rn)?

Number of alpha particles _____________________________________________

Number of beta particles ______________________________________________


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(b) How many neutrons are there in a nucleus of polonium-210 (210Po)?


(c) Identify the stable isotope that results from this decay chain.


(d) 214 g of bismuth-214 (214 Bi) contains 6.0 × 1023 atoms. A sample containing only
bismuth-214 has an initial mass of 0.60 g.

(i) After what period of time will the mass of bismuth-214 present in the sample be
0.15 g?

(ii) Determine the number of bismuth-214 atoms present after this time.

(iii) Calculate the activity of the bismuth-214 in the sample after this time.

(iv) Explain how the total activity of the sample will be different from the value calculated
in (iii).





(v) The bismuth-214 decays into polonium-214. Explain why you would find very little
polonium-214 if you were to analyse the sample.


(Total 15 marks)

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An alpha particle moves at one-tenth the velocity of a beta particle. They both move through the
9 same uniform magnetic field at right angles to their motion.

The magnitude of the ratio is

(Total 1 mark)

A beam of α particles irradiates a metal foil. The paths of four α particles near the nucleus of a
metal atom are shown in the diagram. Which one of the paths must be incorrect?

(Total 1 mark)

The actinium series of radioactive decays starts with an isotope of uranium, nucleon (mass)
11 number 235, proton (atomic) number 92.

Which line in the table shows the nucleon number and proton number of the isotope after the
emission of 5 α particles and 2 β– particles?

Nucleon number proton number

A 213 82

B 215 80

C 215 84

D 227 87

(Total 1 mark)

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Nuclear binding energy is
the energy required to overcome the electrostatic force between the protons in the

B energy equivalent of the mass of the protons in the nucleus

C the energy equivalent of the mass of all the nucleons in the nucleus

the energy equivalent of the difference between the total mass of the individual
nucleons and their mass when they are contained in the nucleus

(Total 1 mark)

Which of the following does not give a value in seconds?

A capacitance × resistance

C half-life

(Total 1 mark)

In the Rutherford alpha particle scattering experiment, alpha particles having the same energy
14 were fired at gold nuclei. The diagrams below are intended to represent encounters between two
alpha particles and a gold nucleus N, the alpha particles arriving at different times. Which one
best represents the possible encounters?

(Total 1 mark)

15 What is the mass difference of the Li nucleus?

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Use the following data:
mass of a proton = 1.00728 u
mass of a neutron = 1.00867 u
mass of Li nucleus = 7.01436 u

A 0.93912 u

B 0.04051 u

C 0.04077 u

D 0.04216 u
(Total 1 mark)

The nuclear fuel, which provides the power output in a nuclear reactor, decreases in mass at a
rate of 6.0 × 10−6 kg per hour. What is the maximum possible power output of the reactor?

A 42 kW

B 75 MW

C 150 MW

D 300 MW
(Total 1 mark)

Artificial radioactive nuclides are manufactured by placing naturally-occurring nuclides in a

17 nuclear reactor. They are made radioactive in the reactor as a consequence of bombardment by

A α particles.

B β particles.
C protons.

D neutrons.
(Total 1 mark)

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Mark schemes
(a) Appropriate method

sensible and correct readoffs


correct evaluation from readoffs


(b) correct readoff on y-axis


use of λ = A/N


correct evaluation from readoff [condone use of 6.0 here]

or determines T1/2 /uses T1/2 =0.69/λ/λ = 0.69/725




(b) (i) α emitter: N ↓ 2, Z ↓ 2 (1)

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(ii) β− emitter: N ↓ 1, Z ↑ 1 (1)

(c) density = (1)

mass ∝ A

volume ∝ R3 and R ∝ hence volume ∝ A (1)

hence density = is independent of A (1)


3 (a) (i)

(ii) three correct positions to within ±2 on x-axis (1) (1) (one mark if two correct)

(iii) estimate of energy released:

binding energy of U-235 nucleus = (235 × 7.5) = 1763(±15)(MeV) (1)
binding energy of Sr-98 = (98 × 8.6) = 843( ± 15)(MeV) (1)
binding energy of Xe-135 = (135 × 8.4) = 1134( ± 15)(MeV) (1)
binding energy released = 1134 + 843 – 1763 = 214MeV (1)
max 6

(b) (i) 235g of U-235 releases 6 × 1023 × 214 × 1.6 × 10–13 J = 2.1 × 1013 (J) (1)
1.0 kg of uranium containing 3% U-235 contains 30g of U-235 (1)

energy from 1.0kg of uranium = = 2.6 × 1012 J [[1.6 × 1025


(ii) advantage:
less mass of fuel used (1) because more energy per kilogram (1)
[alternative: less harm to environment (1) because does not generate
greenhouse gases (1)
or any statement (1) argued (1)]
hazardous waste (1) because fission products are radioactive (1)
[alternative: long term responsibility (1) because waste needs to be stored for
many years (1)
or any statement (1) argued (1)]
max 6

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(a) nucleon number 4
4 B1

proton number 2

(b) (i) mass of products is less than mass of reactants / binding energy per nucleon
increases / mass defect increases / ‘loss’ of mass

change in mass converted to energy


(ii) change in mass = 4.8 × 10–29 kg


E = mc2

4.3 × 10–12 J (4.30 × 10–12 J)

(if truncated sig. figs used only 2nd mark available)


5 (a) (i) and or and condone etc


(ii) →X+β


Z correct throughout

A correct throughout

(iii) 0.056(4) (no unit penalty)


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(b) A = A0e–λt

12 = 100e–λt or other progress toward answer


38 (40) y allow e.c.f. from (iii)


or evidence of working in half-lives


statement that age is 3 × T


age ≈ 37 y

or A = N0e–λt (using incorrect formula from sheet)


λN = N0e–λt and = 0.12 or = 0.12


t = 89 y

(c) (i) (mass of proton + 2 × mass of neutron – mass of tritium) = 0.0086 u


multiplies any mass in u by 1.660566 × 10−27


1.42 × 10–29 kg
(no significant figure penalty) (no unit penalty) (condone –ve answer)

(ii) E = mc2

E = 1.28 × 10–12 J
(no unit penalty) (allow e.c.f. from (i) for m in kg) (condone –ve answer)

or using recall of u = 931 MeV

energy change in MeV = 8.557 × 931 = 7.97 MeV

energy change in J = 7.97 × 1.6 × 10–19 = 1.27 × 10–12 J


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(a) (i) 146
6 B1

(ii) 90

(b) (i) 0.0046 u or 4.0061 u


their mass change in u × 1.7 × 10–27 or

7.8 × 10–30 or 6.8 × 10–27 kg

(ii) E = mc2 (or recalls 1 u = 931 MeV)


their (i) × 9 × 1016

6.9 – 7.0 × 10–13 or 4.82 MeV

(c) (i) speed determined correctly from their (ii)

(1.43 × 107 m s–1)
p2 / 2m = E or E = ½mv2
and momentum (p) = mv

9.5 – 9.8 × 10–20 kg ms–1


(ii) wavelength = h / mv

their value of h / their (i)

6.6 – 6.9 × 10–15 m

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(a) thicker material absorbs more particles
7 B1

count rate (number detected) falls if material is thicker


fall in count rate produces change to adjust process to produce thinner material /
restore to original thickness

allow 1 mark for

‘change in thickness changes count rate and rollers adjust to compensate’

(b) use a beta source


alphas would be absorbed by paper


gammas would not be affected


use a gamma source


beta would be absorbed completely


alphas would be absorbed completely

allow beta if candidate includes statement about the steel sheet being thin

(c) (i) 1 disintegration / decay / particle emitted per second (per unit time)
not one count per second

(ii) correct curvature starting at 5 × 1020;

time scale inserted up to 15 (unit not necessary)
or labelled T1/2, 2T1/2, 3T1/2

sensible scales (not multiples of 3);

correct number of atoms at each half-life;
reasonable curve and unit for time

(iii) half-life = 0.69 / decay constant


4.1 – 4.2 × 10–9 (s–1)


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(iv) A = (–)λN

number of R / A atoms when activity is 1.5 × 1012 Bq = 3.6 × 1020


correct time read from graph


(2.5 y / 920 days / 8.0 × 107s)

determines original activity or final number of atoms
2.1 × 1012 Bq or 3.6 × 1020
allow ecf from (iii)

N = N0e–λt or A = A0e–λt

940 d or 2.6 y (answer depends on where rounding off has been done)

(a) number of alpha particles = 4

8 B1

number of beta particles = 2


(b) 126

(c) Pb-206

(d) (i) number of half lives = 2

or half life = 20 minutes


40 minutes

(ii) 4.2 × 1020


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(iii) decay constant = 0.69 / half life (allow e.c.f. from (i))

or = N0e–λt1 / 2

5.75 × 10–4 s–1 or 5.78 × 10–4 s–1 or 0.0345 min–1

(allow if calculation is done in (ii))

A = λN

2.4 (2.42) × 1017 Bq (or decays per s)

or 1.5 (1.45) × 1019 decays per minute


(iv) the (daughter) products are also decaying [or are radioactive]

activity will be greater


(v) any 2 of:

polonium-214 has a half life of 1.6 × 10–4 s


decays almost as soon as it is formed or decays very quickly


only some of the bismuth-214 decays via polonium-214

max 2







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Examiner reports
(a) There was a widespread inability to carry through this part in any sensible way. Many
1 obviously failed to understand the consequences and implications of this graph. Only rarely
did examiners see a clear tangent drawn on the graph and then a serious attempt to
evaluate its value, this from candidates who in PHB1 will happily and accurately evaluate
the gradient of a distance–time graph to calculate a speed.

(b) This part was better but very frequently marred by misreads from the graph and errors in
expressing the unit of decay constant.

It was not uncommon for the weaker candidates to score more than 50% of their total marks on
3 this question.

Parts (a)(i) and (a)(ii) were completed correctly by the vast majority of candidates and most
heeded the ‘hence’ in part (a)(iii) and attempted to use the graph, with at least partial success.
Frequently, the solution did not extend beyond using the values from the graph and treating them
as values of energy rather than energy per nucleon. A few candidates tried the more familiar
mass-defect route, which was not a viable option considering the data available in the Data

Answers to part (b)(i), though varied in style, were often successful. Part (b)(ii) was well done,
but there were many answers of a vagueness which was not expected at Advanced level.

Many candidates demonstrated confused ideas about mass / energy conversion in this question.
(a) The majority of candidates gained full credit here.

(b) (i) Few candidates produced cohesive answers to this part. Although most candidates
talked in terms of different masses, mass defects or nuclear binding energies, most
answers failed to demonstrate clear understanding of what happens in nuclear
fusion. The simplest answers gaining full credit amounted to a statement that the total
mass of the fusion products was less than the sum of the masses of the fusing nuclei
and that this apparent mass loss had become the kinetic energy of the fusion

(ii) The majority of candidates were able to attempt this calculation, although there were
frequent errors involving the addition and subtraction of masses or the squaring of
the c value. A surprisingly large number of candidates tried to calculate the energy by
using the equation for kinetic energy.

(a) (i) Most candidates completed this successfully.

(ii) There was a good proportion of correct equations but there were many who were
unable to write the symbolic equation correctly using X and β

(iii) Most candidates did this correctly. A minority gave the answer in s−1.

(b) The majority of the candidates used the route of determining the approximate number of
half lives and arrived at the correct answer. Although a more difficult route, most others
used the decay equation correctly. A common fault by those using the equation was to
assume that the activity dropped by 12% rather than to 12%. A very small number quoted
the incorrectly printed formula on the formula sheet.

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Most of these immediately realised the error and proceeded correctly. A few combined the
incorrect formula with A = λN and proceeded correctly to obtain an answer of 89 years.
Candidates who proceeded logically in this way gained full credit.

(c) (i) Most candidates gained credit for undertaking the conversion from u to kg correctly.
Many failed thereafter because they assumed a tritium nucleus to have either one
proton and one neutron or two protons and one neutron. Arithmetic, presumably done
using a calculator, presented a problem for some who knew the correct constituents.

(ii) Having obtained the mass change most proceeded correctly in this part. The usual
error was to determine the energy equivalent of a tritium nucleus.

(a) (i) This was usually correct.

(ii) There were many correct answers to this part but not as many as for part (i) as many
misread the question and presumably thought the question was still referring to the
uranium nucleus.

(b) (i) There were two reasonable interpretations of this question, both of which were
equally rewarded. Some candidates determined the difference in mass between the
uranium and the thorium nucleus and others the difference in mass between the
parent nucleus and the products of the decay. There were a large number of errors in
adding and subtracting the numbers but the majority knew how to convert u to kg.

(ii) Only the total change in mass was appropriate in this part. Many gained a mark for E
= mc2 but a large number of candidates seemed unaware of the physics involved
here and used ½mv2 or ½: mc2.

(c) (i) The use of ½ mc2 to determine the speed of the alpha particle was correct in this part
followed by momentum = my. The common error was to calculate momentum
assuming the alpha particle to travel at 3 × 108 m s−1. Some tried to use p = h / λ.

(a) There were many well explained answers to this part. However, the question exposed many
7 misunderstandings. Many candidates wrote that either the source or radioactive particles
passed through the material. Some thought that the material itself was radioactive.
Although many referred to less radiation reaching the detector, it was disappointing how
few referred to the radiation being ‘absorbed’. (Did they think it was reflected?) Many
candidates referred to radiation being detected or not detected as thickness changed rather
than that there being a variation in count rate.

(b) (i) To gain credit in either part the correct source first had to be identified. There were
many who stated that alpha sources should be used for paper although the fact that
alpha particles are absorbed by paper and travel only a short distance in air should
be well-known.

(ii) A beta source was stated by many to be suitable. This was allowed only if they also
stated that the steel would be thin. Many stated or implied in one or other of the two
parts that gamma radiation could pass through anything without any change in

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(c) (i) There was a surprising number of incorrect answers to this. Statements such as ’1 Bq
means that one radioactive atom is radiated from the source per second’ or simply
that ‘it is the activity of a source’ were not uncommon. Many associate the value with
the count rate of a detector rather than a property of the source.

(ii) Poor graph drawing skills cost many candidates a mark here. To gain the first mark
the correct value at t = 0 had to be plotted and indicated at 5 × 1020 and the curvature
had to be correct though not accurate. For the second mark the scale should have
been sensible (e.g. not 5.3, 10.6 etc at the 2 cm grid markings), and the values were
expected to be reasonably accurate at times equal to 1, 2 and 3 half lives.

(iii) Most candidates did this correctly. Common faults were giving the answer as 0.13
year−1 or as 0.13 s−1.

(iv) Whilst there were many correct answers, many were confused. A common response
was 1.5 × 10−2 = 5 × 1020 e−λt. These candidates did not appreciate that they needed
to find either the original activity or the final number of radioactive atoms. There were
also many instances where units were mixed. Calculation of the number of atoms
remaining when the activity is 1.2 × 1012 Bq and reading the time from the graph was
an expected, easy route to the answer but this approach was rarely used.

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