Design and Manufacturing of A Low-Profile Coaxial-To-Dual Ridge Waveguide Adapter For Cubesat Reflectarray Antenna Systems
Design and Manufacturing of A Low-Profile Coaxial-To-Dual Ridge Waveguide Adapter For Cubesat Reflectarray Antenna Systems
Design and Manufacturing of A Low-Profile Coaxial-To-Dual Ridge Waveguide Adapter For Cubesat Reflectarray Antenna Systems
CubeSats are promising candidates for a variety of space
missions, due to their relatively low cost and short
development times. However, the limited space available in a
CubeSat makes it challenging to embark high-gain antennas
on the platform. Such high-gain antennas are required for
high-speed communication links and for microwave
Fig. 1. Realized X-band polarizing reflectarray antenna system
instruments requiring a narrow beamwidth, e.g., radiometers
designed for 6U CubeSat platforms.
and radars. The antenna solutions available today are typically
based on deployable reflector technology, e.g. [1], but this type
This paper is organized as the following. In Section II we
of antenna will typically occupy 1-2 units of area to allow it to
provide a short overview of the polarizing reflectarray antenna
be stowed during launch.
system, which will be followed by a section describing the
The use of a planar reflectarray has been demonstrated in
preliminary design of the low-profile coaxial-to-DRWG
space, where a narrow-band high-gain X-band antenna was
adapter in Section III. In Section IV, we cover the mechanical
used to achieve data downlink from Mars [2]. The use of a
design of the adapter. The mechanical design is based on
planar reflectarray is also considered for future ESA missions,
building a realizable mechanical model and running EM
e.g. [3] and [4]. The main goal in the design of an antenna
analysis to verify that the adapter will still meet the required
system suitable for these missions was to have a high-gain
performance. This is done by applying uncertainty
antenna that left the internal volume of the CubeSat fully
quantification to the feed model using the commercially
useable for the mission payload.
available UQ software product in TICRA Tools [8].
An antenna system capable of satisfying the requirements
Finally, measurements of the reflection coefficient of the
defined by ESA for the two missions [3], [4] has been designed
realized feed will be presented and compared with the outputs
and reported in [5] – [7], the antenna system on a 6U CubeSat
of the uncertainty quantification.
platform can be seen in Fig. 1. In the first phases of the design,
the antenna system and its feed have been designed to have an
extremely low profile when stored, leaving the CubeSat inner II. OVERVIEW OF THE POLARIZING REFLECTARRAY ANTENNA
volume empty. However, the output of the feed was connected SYSTEM
to a standard coaxial-to-dual ridge waveguide (DRWG)
The reflectarray antenna system is a compact deployable
adapter during verification measurements of the antenna
reflectarray antenna operating in circular polarization (CP). It
system. This standard adapter had a high profile of 26.5 mm
employs using three individual panels which measure
which protruded into the valuable volume inside the CubeSat. approximately 33 x 20 cm2 each. Each panel is realized as a
To complete the antenna system, a low-profile coaxial-to- symmetric sandwich structure with Rogers 4003C dielectric
DRWG adapter is needed. surrounding a fibre glass core. Fig 2. – 3. shows the stowed
antenna system together with the deployment sequence.
The reflectarray antenna [5], where one combines uses of a
polarizing reflectarray with a compact all-metallic feeding
structure. The feeding structure provides [5] an incoming the primary feed is sufficiently compact for fitting into an
linearly polarized (LP) field, which is then converted by the existing recess in a standard CubeSat frame with no need for
reflectarray into a CP and highly focused beam in the far field. structural changes. The antenna provides a gain of
This concept allows the feed to be significantly simplified approximately 29 dBi and the return loss at the waveguide port
when compared to classic reflectarrays that requires a CP feed is better than 15 dB over the frequency range 8.025 GHz - 8.4
to provide a CP beam from the reflectarray. Fig 4. shows the GHz, which covers the entire Earth observation downlink
reflectarray panels together with the PCB stack-up and band. The complete antenna system shown in Fig. 3., has been
geometry of the crossed-dipole unit cell. modelled and optimised using TICRA Tools [8]. Further
The feed proposed here is based on a planar all-metallic details regarding measurements and comparison to simulation
cavity antenna which is flush mounted on the CubeSat body, results can be found in [6] - [7].
implying that the RF connector is located inside the spacecraft
and that the primary feed element does not need to deploy. The
feed model is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Feed model of the cavity backed radiating slot antenna with
planar subreflector.