William Liu
November 2023
1 N3
2 N4
its smallest prime factor, d(n × pk ) < 2 × d(n) as the exponent for 2 is already
1 or more.
We also cannot have any prime satisfy the condition, as d(p) = 2 > 1 = pp .
Thus, any n must automatically be the product of at least 2 primes.
Now we go by constructive cases by smallest prime to find all n that satisfy the
condition. This is based on the fact that, when the product is composed of 2
primes, d(n) ≤ 4.
Case 1: p1 ≥ 5:
Then pn1 ≥ 5 as the smallest 2nd prime is 5, and consequently by our lemma,
all possible n constructed from this cannot satisfy the condition.
Case 2: p1 = 3:
If the next prime is greater than or equal to 5, for the same reason as before,
this can never work. If the next prime is 3, then we have a solution, n = 9. No
other solutions constructed from either of these can work due to the lemma.
Case 3: p1 = 2:
The next prime, or any subsequent primes multiplied, cannot be greater than
or equal to 5, for the same reason as before.
If the next prime is 3, we have d(n) = 4 > pn1 = 3. From checking the next
prime being 2 or 3, we have only n = 12 is a solution.
If the next prime is 4, d(n) = 3 > pn1 = 2. As multiplying 3 again yields 12, we
instead try 2, yielding n = 8 is a solution. No subsequent solutions in any of
these cases can satisfy the condition due to our lemma.
Thus, we have n = 8, 9, 12 are our only solutions, which can all be trivially
3 N5
Answer: Yes. There is an infinity of pairs, where k ≥ 3 and k is odd, (k, k + 2),
which are relatively prime and satisfy k + (k + 2) | k k+2 + (k + 2)k .
RTP: 2(k + 1) | k k+2 + (k + 2)k for all odd k.
Proof - First we have that k + (k + 2) = 2k + 2 = 2(k + 1)
Our basis is:
2(k + 1) | (k + 1)(k − 1)
- as k − 1 is even, because k is odd.
From this we have:
2(k + 1) | k 2 − 1
=⇒ 2(k + 1) | k k × (k 2 − 1)
=⇒ 2(k + 1) | k k+2 − k k
By a | b =⇒ a | a + kb for integer k, and by the identity (x + y)n = (x + y)(...)
for odd n:
=⇒ k + (k + 2) | k k+2 − k k + (k k + (k + 2)k )
=⇒ k + (k + 2) | k k+2 + (k + 2)k
This concludes the proof.