Sprawlrunners Cheat Sheets by Merpy-Jo
Sprawlrunners Cheat Sheets by Merpy-Jo
Sprawlrunners Cheat Sheets by Merpy-Jo
INITIATIVE 1. Damage dice only, no Wild Die. Can Ace.
Draw Action Cards every round. ATTACKS Melee: Str + Wpn damage vs. Toughness
Order: ♠ > ♥ > ♦ > ♣, Aces are high. Joker = take 1. Roll to hit: Ranged: Weapon damage vs. Toughness
turn at any time, +2 to all Trait & Damage rolls, all Melee: Fighting vs. target’s Parry
team members get a Benny. Shuffle after any 2. Success: Target is Shaken.
Ranged: Shooting vs. TN 4
round with a Joker. Raise: Target takes 1 Wound per Raise.
Spells: Spellcasting vs. TN 4
Can Hold your turn, but if Shaken or Stunned Success with no Raise vs. a Shaken
Thrown: Athletics vs. TN 4 person: Target takes 1 Wound.
while Holding, you lose it. Opposed Athletics roll
2. If you get 1 or more Raises on a roll to hit,
to interrupt an enemy’s action, fail = they go first.
add 1d6 (not more) to the damage roll. SHAKEN
STANDARD TURN 3. Roll Damage (see Damage box). Only Free Actions/Movement. Spirit roll at start of
turn to shake it off, or cure any time with a Benny.
Movement (Pace # of squares) + one Action +
Free Actions (speaking, dropping prone, HIGHER RATE OF FIRE (RoF)
dropping an item, etc.) up to GM discretion. If your weapon RoF > 1, instead:
Can try to Soak Wounds with a Benny: Vigor roll.
1. Declare your target(s) and whether Soak 1 Wound per Success/Raise. If all Wounds
MULTI-ACTIONS you’re firing at a higher RoF or not. successfully soaked, also cures Shaken.
You can take up to 2 extra Actions per round by
2. Roll as many Shooting dice as your RoF,
declaring how many at the start of your turn. Per Wound: -1 to Pace, -1 to all Trait rolls
plus one Wild Die (this can replace
Each extra Action gives a stacking -2 penalty on Per Wound Incident* (i.e., just once if taking 2+
another die, it’s not an extra shot).
all Actions that turn. Wounds in one attack): roll on Injury Table
3. If using RoF > 1, apply a -2 Recoil penalty (Conditions sheet). Effect lasts until Wound heals.
to each shot after the first.
ATTACK STATS (p. 65-67) 4. Assign to targets as desired.
Range: short/med/long (see Common Mods). 5. Roll Damage for each hit separately.
Test: Skill vs. target’s Attribute. Success = choose
AP: Armour Piercing (bypass X points of Having 1+ raises (for that hit) adds 1d6. Distracted or Vulnerable ‘til end of their next turn.
Toughness from armour). SBT/MBT/LBT:
Small/Medium/Large blast template (circle 2/4/6 NON-COMBATIVE ACTIONS Aim: Full turn. Ignore 4 penalties or add +2.
squares in diameter). Cone: 9 sq. long, 1 sq. wide
Support an ally. Describe attempt & roll Skill. Called Shot: Head/vitals shot at -4 = +4 dmg |
at origin, 3 sq. wide at end. Stun effect: Victim
Ally receives +1 on their roll for each Success Hand at -4, can Disarm | Limb -2, no extra effect |
must make Vigour roll -2 or be Stunned.
& Raise, up to max +4. Held item: -2 to -4, may break.
Run (free): Roll Running die (d6 by default, Defend: +4 to Parry this turn. Can walk, not run.
can’t Ace) & add to your Pace for this turn, at Suppressive Fire: One Shooting roll at -2 vs.
Wounds: -1 per Wound to Pace & Trait rolls
the cost of -2 penalty to all other Actions. targets within a 4x4 square. Success = Distracted.
Range: Medium -2 | Long -4 | Extreme -8 & must
Raise = hit. Max targets hit = RoF.
Aim first. Cover: -2 to -8. Illumination: -2 to -6. Drop Prone (free): See Conditions sheet.
Costs 2 points of movement to get back up. Grapple: Opposed Athletics roll. Success =
Entangled, raise = Bound. If foe is Bound,
BENNIES (p. 96) Climbing: Athletics skill. Costs 2 points of attacker is also Vulnerable.
Reroll Trait Roll | Reroll Damage | Cure Shaken
movement per square.
Soak Damage | Redraw Action Card Wild Attack: +2 to Fighting & dmg rolls but
Keep best result on rerolls unless Critical Fail. TN = Target Number. All page numbers are SWADE. Vulnerable until end of next turn.
*Using Gritty Damage rules.
Harder to hit from afar: 1. ENTANGLED: Victim can’t move and is Distracted.
-4 penalty to hitting Prone characters at a range of 3” or more 2. BOUND: Victim can’t move, is Distracted and Vulnerable, can’t
(doesn’t stack with Cover). -4 points of damage from AoE attacks. make physical actions other than trying to break free.
Easier to hit in melee:
-2 to Prone character’s Parry. DISTRACTED & VULNERABLE
It’s harder to attack from Prone: 1. DISTRACTED: -2 on Trait rolls until end of next turn.
-2 from Prone character’s Fighting rolls. 2. VULNERABLE: Actions and attacks against target are made at +2
until end of next turn.