Halo RPG Rules Reference (8-9-22)
Halo RPG Rules Reference (8-9-22)
Halo RPG Rules Reference (8-9-22)
-Turn Sequence: All characters roll initiative at start of their turns (d20+initiative bonus).
Halo Roleplaying Game Mark down initiative values, in order. Every round, characters action in initiative order,
going down from highest to lowest initiative. At the end of turn, after everyone has gone,
restart initiative back to the top.
-Actions: When a character gets their turn, they gain a standard action, move action, and
Basic Rules Reference Sheet minor action every turn. Once all their actions are used, or they decide not to use them,
their turn is over.
-Standard Action: Used to make weapon attacks, push or grab an enemy, perform first aid,
Procedure for weapon attack etc. Can be sacrificed to perform an additional move or minor action.
-1) Roll a d20 for an attack. Add your attack accuracy, +4 for every -Move Action: Used to move your movement speed, shift your shift speed, or reload most
attack beyond the first weapons. Can be sacrificed to perform an additional minor action.
-2) Compare the attack roll to the target’s defense. If the attack -Minor Action: Used to pull something off a belt, perform a combat augmentation, combat
equals or surpasses defense, it hits. behavior, combat influence, fall prone, crouch behind cover, or any lesser action such as
-3) Determine how much the attack roll surpasses target’s defense. pressing a button or opening a door.
This is the attack overage. The maximum attack overage you can
benefit from is equal to your Strength (for melee attacks) or Instinct Combat Behaviors
(for ranged attacks) One Combat Behavior can be used per turn. They are applied through using a minor action.
-4) Add the attack overage to the damage of the weapon attack. They last until start of next turn
-5) Reduce the target’s damage resistance by the attack’s -Aiming and Called Shots: While aiming, gains +2 accuracy with ranged attacks against the
penetration. target being aimed at. Some factors increase this bonus. Alternately, can sacrifice aim
-6) Compare the final attack damage to the target’s damage bonus to make called shots. Can instead suffer -4 to accuracy, to ensure crippling wounds
resistance. The target takes damage equal to the amount the final are dealt to the action, mobility, or core; can suffer -6 accuracy to ensure wounds are dealt
damage surpasses damage resistance (after penetration). to vital or critical.
-7) Afterwards, compare the final damage dealt to the target’s -Heavy Strikes: When using melee attacks, can only make a single strike. But the attack
damage threshold. If the attack has any rending, reduce the target’s gains +2 accuracy and +5 damage.
damage threshold by the rending value. -Bob and Weave: Gains +2 defense and can perform evade actions.
-8) If the damage threshold surpasses the target’s damage -Focusing: Gains +4 resolve, morale bonus, and advantage on combat augmentations
threshold, they suffer a random crippling wound. They suffer an
additional wound each time the damage surpasses the target’s Critical Strike
damage threshold If you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll, you ignore the damage resistance and shield armor
-9) If the attack has Hailfire, multiple the final damage dealt by a of the primary target of the attack.
factor of 1+ the hailfire value (so x3 for Hailfire (2)). If the base Movement Basics
damage (before hailfire) deals a crippling wound, target receives -Basic Movement: Move a number of squares equal to 4+ ½ agility as a move action.
extra crippling wounds equal to hailfire multiplier. Provokes opportunity attacks if moving out of enemy’s threatened squares.
-Shift Movement: Move a number of squares equal to 1+ 1/5 agility as a move action. Does
Special Actions not provoke opportunity attacks.
-Action Move: Full-round action, moves as limited movement -Difficult Terrain: Hazardous terrain costs 2 squares for every 1 square of movement
method, can make their attack at any point on their movement that -Limited Movement: Climbing, swimming, balancing, etc. Moves at half speed, and is
turn, ranged attacks suffer -2 accuracy considered flat-footed.
-Charge: Uses move and standard action, moves normal movement -Sprinting: Full-round action, moves 4x move speed in straight line. Can only sprint 1 round
speed +3 in straight line towards a target, making a single melee every minute for every 2 points of fortitude, or gains fatigue.
strike or multiple ranged strikes against that single target. All attacks
gain +5 accuracy; melee attacks also gain +10 damage. Charger is Crippling Wounds
flat-footed and cannot evade for 1 turn. You receive a crippling wound when damage surpasses damage threshold. Crippling
-Burst Fire: Instead of attacking normally with automatic weapon, wounds accumulate with multiple wounds and increases the ongoing penalty with
can make a single attack with Burst (1) and Hailfire (1). Expends 10 additional wound points. Roll d20 to see which limb is wounded.
rounds. Fully automatic weapons can instead do Burst (2), but -Mobility (1-4): Target is knocked prone; suffers -1 speed, athletics, acrobatics, stealth and
expend 20 rounds pilot per wound. On 5 wound points a limb, usually a leg, is severed.
-Focused Burst: Instead of attacking normally with automatic -Action (5-8): Drops one-handed item of attacker’s choice; suffers -1 to attack accuracy,
weapon, can make a single attack against a target with Hailfire (2). and all skill checks relating to using hands per wound. On 5 wound points, a limb, usually
Expends 10 round. Fully automatic weapons can also gain Advantage an arm, is severed.
on attacks, but expends 20 rounds. -Core (9-12): Target takes +5 damage; loses 1 healing threshold until healed per wound. On
-Suppressing Fire: Instead of attacking normally with automatic 5 wound points, character is permanently killed.
weapon, can make a single in a Cone (12), spending 40 bullets.. This -Vital (13-16): Target takes +5 damage and suffers 2 bleed; loses 1 damage resistance and
is a full-round action. Make standard weapon attack, no hailfire or regeneration per wound. On 5 wound points, character is permanently killed.
extra strikes. No damage on missed attack. Dealing hit point -Critical (17-20): Target suffers +10 damage; -1 defense attacks, and skill checks per
damage, targets are Slowed for 1 round and lose 1 morale. Cone wound. On 5 wound points, character is permanently killed.
area lasts until the start of shooter’s next turn. Targets must spend a
morale to move into the area, and those who end their turn within Morale
the area suffer two opportunity attacks from the weapon. Each
-Morale Basics: Characters gain morale through combat situations. They start morale at 0
attack that damages a target causes 1 morale. Full auto weapons can
morale level. Whenever they are at positive morale (1 or more) they spend a morale level
instead spend 80 rounds for a Cone (18) area, if they choose.
taking -1 morale, to gain a bonus to a single check that they have already rolled equal to
-Evading: In a turn where the character used Bob and Weave, can try
their morale bonus. Low morale makes targets more susceptible to combat influence
to dodge an attack with the Delay, Grenade, or Projectile trait. Make
acrobatics check against the attack roll. On success, characters
-Gaining and Losing Morale: Morale levels can be gained and lost through using the
makes a shift. If outside the area of the attack, take no damage.
influence or leadership skill or through situational modifiers.
Otherwise, take half damage. Can only successfully evade once per
-1 Morale: suffer a crippling wound point or roll a natural 1 on a check
-2 Morale: Start turn with Burning or Melting conditions
-Emergency Evading: Identical to evading, but can be done when not
-3 Morale: Reduced to 0 hit points or below and suffer a disfigurement
Bobbing and Weaving. Character takes -2 to acrobatics test, but is
+1 Morale: kill an enemy (once per turn), gain morale from a leader’s rally action, or roll a
prone after action, regardless of success or failure
natural 20 on a check
Unit Rules
Halo Roleplaying Game A unit is 2 or more characters fighting cohesively in a single, unified force. Units are
generally led by an PC with NPC followers selected via requisition. Every unit is controlled
by their PC, who provides the base statistics of the unit based on unit type. The unit uses
the leader’s defense, -1 for every minion in the unit, and the leader’s toughness and
Advanced Rules resolve, +1 for every minion in the unit. On the encounter map, a unit is drawn with every
member of the unit adjacent to one another.
Tactics Combat Augmentations Units Attacking
-You can activate a tactics augmentation as a minor action. Tactics The unit can make a standard action attack as normal. They fire each individual weapon
last a number of rounds equal to intelligence. class separately. The attacks gain +2 accuracy per assisting shooter and +1 hailfire per 2
-Make a tactics skill check. The DC is 15. You gain a larger bonus if assisting shooters firing the weapon. If the leader is using the weapon class, they use their
you score a 20 or 25. statistics when firing. If it is a weapon that is that the leader is not firing, then it uses the
Tactics Options attack profile of a chosen member of the unit. For example, a character is in a unit with
Precision Aim: +1 attack accuracy, +1 per additional success (max +3) four marines. Three marines are equipped with assault rifles. The leader and one marine
Defensive Stance: +1 defense and toughness, +1 per additional are equipped with a battle rifle. The leader attacks with +2 accuracy, because he has an
success (max +3) assisting marine, and uses his own profile. The assault rifle attack uses the profile of one of
Fast March: +1 speed, +1 per additional success (max +3) the marines, gaining +4 accuracy and +1 hailfire because there is 2 assisting attacks.
Long Shot: +2 attack range, +2 attack range per additional success Attacking Units
(max +6) Additional members in a unit have life instead of hit point. The squad leader still uses hit
Hardiness: +1 damage resistance, +1 damage resistance per points. A squad member has life based on the squad member’s profile. When a unit takes
additional success (max +3) damage, the leader allocates hits to members of the unit. If it was an area attack, they
allocate hits to a number of squad members based on the size of the area area:
Lore Combat Augmentations -Burst: Number of hits equal to burst area Cones: Number of hits equal to ½ cone value
-You can activate a lore augmentation as a minor action. You chose a -Lines: Number of hits equal to ¼ line area
target for the action. If you succeed, you gain the augmentation If the damage to a squad member surpasses their damage resistance, they lose 1 life, +1
bonus against that target for the remainder of the encounter life per hailfire of the attack, +1 life per crippling wound they would have suffered. Minions
-Make a lore skill check. The DC is 15. You gain a larger bonus if you reduced to 0 hit points are dropped; they can be stabilized if they have healing applied to
score a 20 or 25. them in 1 minute, bringing them back up to 1 life. Minions reduced to negative life are
Lore Options killed.
Armor Vulnerability: you gain +1 penetration on all attacks against Leadership Options
the target, +1 additional penetration per additional success (max +3) While in a squad, the leader can only command their squad, no one else. They gain special
Weak Point: you gain +1 rending against the target, -1 additional leadership combat augmentations when in a squad. They can rally themselves, as normal.
rending per additional success (max +3) Precision Strike: Spend a morale point before attack to add +2 penetration; +1 penetration
Patterns of Movement: you gain +1 accuracy against the target, +1 per bonus success
additional accuracy per additional success (max +3) Deadly Sweep: Spend a morale point before attack to transfer hailfire into either burst or
cleave (max 2); bonuses successes gives +1 max burst or cleave area
Leadership Combat Augmentations Evasive Maneuvers: Once per round, spend 3 morale while whole squad is standing to
-You can activate a leadership augmentation as a minor action. make an attack automatically miss, not deal half damage, cause the squad to go prone, and
Leadership lasts a number of rounds equal to willpower. Effects all shift 1 square; each bonus success allows shifting 1 extra square after the attack
allies within 15 squares that can hear or see the leader. Shake it Off: Once per round, spend morale to negate a number of life damage against
-Make a leadership skill check. The DC is 15. You gain a larger bonus if your squad equal to 1, cannot cancel instant kills; each bonus success let you ignore
you score a 20 or 25. additional life damage
-While leadership is active, can make a rally action once per round as
minor action to give allies morale points. DC 15 gives 1 morale, +1 Combat Influence
morale per 5 above 15 (max 3, 1 per ally) -Combat influence can be used against sapient enemies to taunt, dismay, or manipulate
Leadership Options your enemies. Combat influence requires an influence skill check versus the target’s
Coordinate: Allies can spend morale to make a shift action once per resolve. Combat influence requires the enemy to hear you and understand your language.
turn, +1 shift speed on this action per bonus success Most combat influence requires spending the target’s negative morale markers to take
Responsive Strategy: Allies can spend 3 morale to spend a reaction effect.
to attack a target who just attacked them, +2 attack accuracy per Combat Influence Types
bonus success, -Demoralize: Used as a minor action that requires spending 0 morale, target loses 1 morale
Defensive Formation: Allies can spend morale to add 2 morale bonus level +1 per 5 points over resolve
to defense while ally is adjacent, +1 defense per bonus success -Taunt: Used as a minor action, target suffers a -5 penalty on attacks against all targets
Efficiency: Allies can spends a morale point to reroll a skill check and other than you. Lasts until start of your next turn. Target gains +5 to their resolve for every
add morale bonus to reroll, +2 to the reroll per bonus success. positive morale.
-Terrorize: Used as a standard action that spends 4 negative morale, causes the target to
flee the combat.
Sneaking and Cloaking -Demand Surrender: Used as a standard action that spends 5 negative morale, causes the
-Can gain the sneaking condition by making a DC 15 stealth test as a target to lay down their weapons and surrender. Target gains +5 to their resolve against
standard action while not being within line of sight of any enemies. this check
-While sneaking, enemies do not know what square you occupy. They
suffer -5 accuracy against attacks versus your square
-Enemies you attack while sneaking are flat-footed, but you lose Combat Modifiers
Hidden condition, unless you attack with a suppressed weapon from Concealment: Caused by partial lack of vision, causes -5 accuracy
more than 15 squares away Total Concealment: caused by total lack of vision, causes -10 accuracy
-While sneaking, you must move at half your speed and not attack, or Cover: Caused by obstruction of line of fire (roughly 50%), gives +5 defense against ranged
you are detected attacks
-Spotter actions reveal sneaking enemies within 30 squares as a Improved Cover: Caused by greater obstruction of line of fire (roughly 80-95%), gives +10
standard action. Finding a sneaking enemy can be shared with allies defense against ranged attacks
as a move action. Cloaked enemies require detector actions instead. Flat-Footed: Target is unable to dodge attacks, loses agility bonus to defense
-Cloaking is identical to sneaking, except you are only partially Flanking: Target has an attacker on either side directly across from them, they are flat-
revealed when attacking or moving at full speed. All targets are flat- footed and attackers gain +2 accuracy
footed against your attacks, and attacks against you are always at -5. Prone: Target is lying on the ground, +5 defense against ranged attacks, -5 defense against
Partially revealed goes away at the start of your next turn. melee attacks