The Way of The World QnA
The Way of The World QnA
The Way of The World QnA
The pursuit of women is the main business of all men. The women,
generally all windows, are the members of the Cabal-night where they all
pretend to hate men. But they all have to be pursued by young men.
infact they enjoy their chase. Marriage has lost sanctity and free love is
the order of the day.
Money holds a very significant role in the play. Greed is Fainall's
obsession. He married the widow of Mrs. Languish because she was the
only daughter of a rich widow. At first she plotted to get Millamant
married to Mirabell against the wishes of her aunt so that her property
will come to Fainall's wife and so indirectly tel ls lady Wishfort that
Mirabell is only pretending of her love. Then Fainall threatens to expose
the bad behavior of his own and Millamant's property to him. But finally
he gets defcated when Millamant agrees to marry Sir Wiltfull and gets a
claim over her property, and a document is produced in which Mrs.
Languish has transfer her entire property in the name of Mirabell before
she married Fainall. And so Fainall fails in his attempt to grab well the
wealth and the property of lady Wishfort and her family.
Not only with Fainall, but with others also money holds an important
stand for their existence. Millamant loves Mirabell sincerely but she
knows that marriage without money would be a sentimental mistake. And
so she agrees to marry Sir Wilfull in order to save six thousand pounds
her legacy. Lady Wishfort has her command on her niece, Millamant,
only because of money. And Waitwell also must agree to mary Faible and
act as Sir Rowland only on the promise of a handsome reward from his
master (Mirabell). Thus money is the be-all and end-all in the play.
play deals with love in its various forms. The most gracetul
aspects of love is seen in the relationship of Mirabell and Millamant. This
was a Restoration ideal of love - intense and yet balanced and without
any emotions. It is love based on mutual respect without the sacrifice the
auality. Then there is an atmosphere of free love in the play. Mirabel
e an affair with the widow daughter of Lady Wishfort and they
ome so intimate that she was afraid that they are in the family way.
A however did not marry her. He arranged her marriage with Fainal.
nd latter on nobody blames on him for it. Instead Mrs. Fainall remains
Very friendly terms with Mirabell and heips him n all his piOis.
English Voices TheHay ofthe World
Mirabell has
has replaced 9
or similarly scandalous matter, is subordinate to the play's brittle atmo-
although a
widow, is annoyed
and sphere, witty dialogue, criticism and commentary on human foibles. "The
ances and now
he enjoying
is all passion
and no sincerity,
Mil"Ood ithwoo Way of the World" which is written by William Congreve, is a restoration
fer adv But
love relation
where there
and hopes
to win
her someday. lamant comedy play with its witty dialogues between the characters, criticism of
annered attempts
Wilfull's ill manr the upper class people's manners and also satiric and effective scenes
ACeps courting there are
fool. Then me there is
other extreme Such as lady and maid; unmasking scene of male libertine and proviso
reats him merely
Then at the
Millamant. She is most
desir. in a lyrical celebration of unity.
to make love to marTied daughter.
twice scene that ends
ith a husband
hus in her old "The Way of the World" (1700), in fact "a world of wit and pleasure
Wishfort, and old lady
have a young
again. She longs to neither by realism nor by
ous to marryli inhabited by persons of quality and deformed
"The way of the p.401) which has come to be regarded as one of the
theme of Congreve's farce" (Congreve,
But love intrigue is the main The plays of Congreve are
with the intrigues of Mirabell to win great comedies in the English language.
workd". The play is mainly concemed achievement of Restoration comedy. They are
to make love to Lady considered the greatest
the hand of Millamant. First off all he pretends artificial and narow world as ex-
comedies of manners, depicting
Millamant. when this does
Wishfort in order to get access to her niece, of nobility and fashion, to whom
not work, Mirabellhatches a plot. The
deeperold lady wants to have a plained above, peopled by charaçters
are more important than morals such as
husband at any cost. So he gets his servant Waitwell married to Lady manners, especially gallantry,
and Fainall. No doubt, Congreve's view of
Wishfort's maid servant Foible, and then sends Waitwel in disguish of his Mirabell, Lady Wishfort,
uncle, Sir Rowland to make love to her. It is plan to save the lady from mankind is amused and cynical. His characters are constantly engaged
disaster at the last moment if he agrees to her marriage with Millamant. in complicated intrigues, usually centering around money like Mirabell,
like Mrs.Marwood, the signing or not
Mirabell's plan fails this time also. Waitwell is arested and Foible too which involve mistaken identities
is to signingof legal documents, weddings in masquerade.
be sent to prison, Millamant decides to save her property by
agreeing tomamy Sir Wilfall. Now Fainall cannot get her properly. And As Restoration Period comedy play, the story
revolves around a pair
who establish a rather unconventional
Mirabell seems to lost her. of lovers, Millamant and Mirabell,
based on their knowledge of the way of the
But Mirabell still have a trumpt card with him. He wins
Lady Wishfort's mariage arrangement inhabited and fools.
by producing a deed by which Mrs. Fainall had transfer her entire which, as they know, is primarily by intriguers, fops,
prop- class people's manners and behaviours
erty which she nherited from her first husband in the name
of Mirabell. The satire and criticism of upper the play. For example, Mirabell's
So Fainall cannot ruin them now. And are variable in many examples through
finally Mirabell wins Milamant to Millamant; and also Lady
to the
goodness of Sir Wilfull who does not wish to stand in the due admiration for money more than his love
of the two lovers
being united. So, Mirabell comes out to be victorious way Wishfort's coquette attitudes such as overdressing and making up.
meant to be ridicu-
in this entire action mentions that: "Those characters are
proved game in the play because he is the most As Congreve Edward. Restoration Comedy:
perfect intrigues. lous in most of our comedies",( Burns,
Thus Congreve;s The London: The MacMillan Press Ltd.,
of the world" ridicules Crises of Desire and Identity.
follies of human kind, as way the vices and the truth and does the right one.
exhibited in the characters of the 1987.)ironically, he tells Wishfort to Sir
vices and follies are violations of
the play. These other hand, Mirabell plots to mary Lady
pursuit of one's ends in life, worthy orsanctity of marriage, unscrupulous On the desire for revenge. In
and cynicism. Men unworthy and all round depravity Rowlagd which appeals to her vanity and to her man who
getting hold their pursuits of lust and rumored to be Mirabel's uncle, a
form ing intrigues, form the main themes of the gold through thissituation, "Sir Rowland" is male child of his own,
play. In other words it is by having
hates Mirabell and who could, father's
pcture of a rotten life. in Millamant's will. Mrs. Fainall's aids Mirabell
disinherit Mirabell unfaithfuiness
The Way of the World" disgusted with her husband's
inthis fiction because she ismentioned sets up a
Congreve's play
ARS Restorationm Comedy is a
as a
Restoration Comedy: with Mrs. Marwood. It is which servants mimic the behaviors of the
reiated with the manners type Restoration
Subplot and main plot in
Drama, which is
audience laugh at them afterand attitudes of the characters aristocrats and their would-be followers.
Comedy of Manners isa witty, andpursuit sex and money. In a what the
the of is the aspects of the hypocrisy, selfish-
cerebral form way, the So,it is obvious that there characters who called "upper class" and
depicts and often satirizes manners and of ness, and ungratefulness
of the
rary society. A comedy of the dramatic comedy that it can be said that,
the satire and
the affectations
manners is concerned of a aristocrats" in society. As the result, characters are derived from the
question of whether or not
The plot of with social contempo- Criticism of these selfish and proud
such a characters meet certain usage and characteristics of Restoration Comedy. dialogues between the characters
comedy, usually concermed social
with an illicit standards. Besides this, there are many "witty"
love affair
English loices
eftect of theco
nedy of TheWay ofthe World
10 ironic
Congreve: The Critical Heritage. London: The Routledge Press Ltd. 1989)
that implies deep Iricnd's
Without doubt, it's comical to see the two wits going at it, but, when
manners. For instance; with your love look deeper, there is a edge of seriousness behind their words. After
are very
frec is as
dull as
with- we
in other
they list conditions, Mirabell says, "These provisos admitted,
You without
"Mirabell: a sccret hese
to tell you
bytthe week, to things I may prove tractable and complying
a husband." (p.423)
wine more, as Mirabell appears
enjoyment or and something Love may be the basis of their relationship,
trulls whom
he allows (p.409) honest; however, their alliance is a sterile romance, devoid of the "touchy,
public places." because it eal
we hope for in a courtship. Mirabell and Millamant are
day at
a dialogue which
feely stuff,"
a witty
call on be named as
This quotation may
ironies and metaphors
for each other in the battle of the sexes; nevertheless
shadow ofthe
implications, two wits perfect
the realities under the Mirabell thinks tha and greed reverberates as the relationship between
of freedom and joy. the pervading sterility
related with the
concepts "wit" which is also becomes much more confusing. But then, that is the way
and using his ,
the two wits
is speaking very frecly the shadow of it can be assumed that the Restoration
with his name, tries to
show the realities
of the world. In this situation, and wit instead of sense and emotions
related Period was the period
of logic
ironies, metaphors, and impications. of freedom in that is why William Congreve, as a passionate
unmaried man.
He answers the question by mentioning the importance Maybe, restoration period playwright who had the abilities
classical character of comedy of became a successful
friendship. In fact, Witwoud is a andwitty language, showing the importance of logic,
manners, created by Congreve, as a cunning, clever, and creative man of using a perfect also making satire
behaviours of upper class people and
who is aware of talking to a dangerous person. criticising the in "The Way of the World." As
the aspects of the period,
Then, as another important point, the significant scenes of "The Way in terms of characters to behave according to the aspects of
of the World" as a comedy of manners, should be explained. Basicly, Congreve created these
of manners, such an explanation is given for the
there are three important scenes in the play. First one can be named as the period and comedy want to saddle
the Lady&Maid scene in which the audience expect the lady (Lady reason of the situation: "Why in the play Mirabell should
WIshfort) without make up and mask, and expectedly; ugly. In addition, they want each other because they do; it is a
himself with Millamant, understands because the performers cast in the
also learn her hatred for male libertine when she says "IIl have him audience
given that the make it subsconsciously obvious they
murdered!Ill have him poisoned..." for Mirabell. (p.419) The second scene to
roles have been chosen as Robert D. The Rakish Stage: Studies in
can be said as the unmasking scene of the male libertine in which all plans are made for
each other." (Hume,
and tricks are revealed. Although the characters are in a bad situation, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press,
funny position for the audience to laugh at English Drama, 1660-1800. of Restoration comedy according
them; and that is why the 1983.)Probably, this is another aspect
restoration comedy is also called as a comedy of manners in which
audience laugh at the the
to the conditions of the period.
characters' situation after their manners related with of manners in the period of
SCx, money, mariage, and selfishness. Tosum up, the main goal of the comedy other ways lift up society for
the end of the play in which the After that, the last scene is also Restoration is to mock society, or in if the
equality and unity between two sexes or positive results. In the end,
1S established. The mutual scrutiny, which could cause negative audience leave the theater feel
important for both male love, respect, freedom and trust are very playwright has been successful,
the will
and female characters. At the end having laughed at themselves
Fainall springs his
of the play, ing good,or at least feeling something,
demanding Lady Wishfort's estate, his wifc's
estate, and half of Millamant's society. Congreve's writing style shows
both intelligence and sympathy
the Resto-
inheritance in retum for Fainall's not
charging his wife with adultery. Mrs. creativity of the characters fixed with the aspects of
Fainall dares them to attempt with his unbalanced manners of the char
ecution because she has pros- ration Comedy. The selfish, absurd and
vinces Lady Wishfort that proof of innocence, but Mrs. Marwood con-
criticises clearly with the ironic
the acters (upper class aristocrats) arethe and
family. Thus, these three press coverage of the trial would humiliate importance of witty dialogues
their common scenes are satiric usage of Congreve. Als0, cannot be disregarded as the absolute
relationship of
Restoration Comedy.
So, it's obvious that
very significant withh unmasking scene of male libertine
in Congreve's "The proofs of the comedy manners.
of restoration Way of the World" the trend
continues, but mariage becomes more about contractual of the World
agreements and greed, then about love. Mirabell and Millament in the Way
a Millamant and Mirabell iron out his last comedy, Congreve
prenuptial agreement before Ans. Can use In The Way of the World,
instant, seems willing to theyheragree to marry, Then Millamant, for
of man
an for providing an ideal pair
Seemsto cometo realise the importance
keep her money. "Sex in marry " cousin, Sir Willful, so that she can be taken for models in
that the pair could
Congreve, Mr. andwoman, ideal in the sense task, where the
wits. It is not a
battlefield of emotipns." Lindsay says, "is a battle of the this was almost impossible
thelife-style of the period. But sophisticated, immoral, regard-
(Lindsay, Alexander. William Stagewas occupied by men and women,
English loice
and preoccupied
wi the self. TheWay ofthe Horld 13
around them,
out of
of the
Conne ulating the
in the situation so that