Plastic Deformation Mechanism in Double-Roller Clamping Spinning of Flanged Thin-Walled Cylinder

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Fan et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng.

(2018) 31:56 Chinese Journal of Mechanical


Plastic Deformation Mechanism

in Double‑Roller Clamping Spinning of Flanged
Thin‑Walled Cylinder
Shu‑Qin Fan*, Sheng‑Dun Zhao and Chao Chen

Double-roller clamping spinning (DRCS) is a new process for forming a thin-walled cylinder with a complex surface
flange. The process requires a small spinning force, and can visibly improve forming quality and production efficiency.
However, the deformation mechanism of the process has not been completely understood. Therefore, both a finite
element numerical simulation and experimental research on the DRCS process are carried out. The results show that
both radial force and axial force dominate the forming process of DRCS. The deformation area elongates along the
radial direction and bends along the axial direction under the action of the two forces. Both the outer edge and round
corner of the flange show the tangential tensile stress and radial compressive stress. The middle region shows tensile
tangential stress and radial stress, while the inner edge shows compressive tangential stress and radial stress. Tan‑
gential tensile strain causes a wall thickness reduction in the outer edge and middle regions of the flange. The large
compressive thickness strain causes material accumulation and thus, an increase in the wall thickness of the round
corner. Because of bending deformation, the round corner shows a large radial tensile strain in addition. The inner
edge of the flange shows small radial compressive strain and tensile strain in thickness. Thus, the wall thickness on the
inner edge of the flange continues to increase, although the increment is small. Furthermore, microstructure analysis
and tensile test results show that the flanged thin-walled cylinder formed by DRCS has good mechanical properties.
The results provide instructions for the application of the DRCS process.
Keywords: Flange, Double-roller clamping spinning, Plastic deformation, Cylinder

1 Introduction schematic of the DRCS process. Prior to the DRCS pro-

Large thin-walled cylindrical parts with complex curved cess, a thin-walled cylindrical workpiece is fixed on the
flanged as shown in Figure 1 are widely used in ventila- internal expanding clamp, which expands radially under
tor, aerospace, aeronautics and weaponry industries. Tra- an axial compressive load to tightly clamp the cylindrical
ditional processing methods use a combination of block workpiece. At the same time, two rollers clamp the sec-
local bending and welding, which is inefficient, and is tion, which is to be formed into a flange, and exert flang-
characterized by low material utilization, poor appear- ing force. The axial contact length between the rollers
ance quality and poor mechanical properties. In addi- and workpiece is exactly the width of the forming flange.
tion, such methods cannot ensure size and geometrical In the DRCS spinning process, the workpiece rotates
tolerances. together with the clamp, while the two rollers rotate on
A new double-roller clamping spinning (DRCS) pro- their own axis, performing three degrees of freedom
cess is suitable for forming large thin-walled cylindri- motion driven by the spinning head (linear motion along
cal parts with complex curved flanges. Figure 2 shows a the Z and X axes, and rotation around the Y axis). Thus
the thin-walled cylindrical part with a complex curved
flange can be formed.
*Correspondence: The spinning process is classified as power spinning
School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049,
China and conventional spinning, and the power spinning

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Fan et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:56 Page 2 of 9

the forward flow forming of tubes, calculated the flow

formability of tube materials, and evaluated the effects
of attack angles and feed rates on flow formability. Mori
et al. [10] developed a hot shear spinning process that
eliminates casting defects while forming aluminium alloy
parts. Zhan et al. [11] established a three-dimensional
(3D) FE model of a cone spinning process with two sym-
metrical rollers, and analyzed the effects of roller feed
rate on spinning force and forming quality. Xia et al. [12]
derived calculation formulas for the spinning forces in
the flexible spinning of a cone and assessed the effects
of the main process parameters using experimental and
theoretical methods. Wang et al. [13] studied a stagger
Figure 1 Typical thin-walled cylindrical part with complex curved
flange spinning process which is a special tube spinning pro-
cess, and developed a 3D FE model of a stagger spinning
process to improve the accuracy and reliability of the
simulation. Zhao et al. [14] studied uneven plastic defor-
mation in the multi-pass hot power backward spinning of
high-strength cast aluminum alloy tubes to avoid defects
such as cracks, bulges, and bell mouths using FE simula-
tions and experiments. Zhan et al. [15] developed a new
plastic forming technology: the rolling-spinning of tita-
nium alloy tube, which combines rolling with tube spin-
ning. The researchers achieved damage prediction for the
rolling-spinning process. Xu et al. [16] studied the defor-
mation characteristics and spinning forces during tube
spinning with different roller distribution modes.
Moreover, significant research was carried out on
Figure 2 Schematic of the DRCS process conventional spinning. Kang et al. [17] reported that
deformation in the first pass of conventional spinning
determines the wall thicknesses of the final spun parts.
includes tube spinning and shear spinning [1–4]. Many Liu et al. [18] carried out research on the first pass of
researchers have investigated power spinning. Hua et al. the spinning process using an elasto-plastic FE method.
[5] simulated a practical three-roller backward tube spin- Xia et al. [19] studied the characteristics of the one-pass
ning process, particularly the bell-mouth, build-up and deep drawing spinning of cups and obtained forming
bulging in the spinning process, and drew the conclusion limit diagrams and proper process parameters. Hamil-
that the circumferential and axial tensile stresses cause ton et al. [20] studied the material deformation mecha-
cracks on the tube surfaces. Lexian et al. [6] developed nism of single-pass conventional spinning. Watson et al.
a FE code to simulate the hot tube spinning process of [21] studied the material wrinkling failure mechanics of
the dome and obtained optimum values for the roller conventional metal spinning, and the effects of process
nose radius and release angle. Jiang et al. [7] used theo- parameters and material properties on wrinkling. Khaled
retical and experimental methods to study a ball spinning et al. [22] proposed a new deep spinning process, using a
process, which belongs to tube spinning by using balls roller set with constant clearance blank-holders to sup-
as deformation tools instead of rollers. They concluded press wrinkle formation in the deformation zone, and
that the radial spinning force component plays a signifi- also discussed the new failure modes of flange jamming
cant role in the ball spinning of a thin-walled tube, and and wall fractures. Roy et al. [23] constructed a novel
increasing the radial spinning force component contrib- industrial-scale apparatus and carried out spinning pro-
utes to the plastic deformation of the spun tubular blank cess experiments for a common aluminum automotive
as well as the accuracy of the spun workpieces. Mohebbi casting alloy (A356) at elevated temperatures. In addi-
et al. [8] studied the evolution of redundant strains in a tion, they established a coupled thermomechanical FE
single-roller flow forming process in one pass, and con- model with the various thermal and mechanical process-
cluded that frictional work can be neglected in com- ing steps, and simulated the spinning process. Based on
parison with redundant work. Parsa et al. [9] simulated their experimental and simulation results, they quantified
Fan et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:56 Page 3 of 9

the processing history and predicted the final geometry. conditions, where the workpiece rotates around its own
Yoshihiko et al. [24] studied the effects of different pass axis. The second method makes the workpiece motion-
set parameters on formability in the synchronous multi- less, unlike in the actual forming process. Different meth-
pass spinning of a circular cup and rectangular box. Jia ods may be chosen according to the different computing
et al. [25] established an FE model of square section die- conditions [26]. To save computing time, the authors
less spinning, obtained a relationship between surface used the second method to establish an FE model of
quality and half-cone angel, and assessed the effect of the the DRCS, and solved key problems in establishing the
roller nose radius on surface quality. model, such as the expression of the complex roller path,
DRCS is a type of conventional spinning process; there- meshing, the clamping position for the internal expand-
fore, it has many of the same advantages as conventional ing clamp, and the location of the bending point. Then,
spinning. For example, rollers apply pressure to the local a precise three-dimensional elasticoplastic FE model
section of a workpiece, which produces local plastic was established for DRCS, and the FE model was veri-
deformation. Therefore, less force is needed than that fied by experiments [27]. Moreover, the authors carried
in conventional pressure processing. Thus, the forming out experimental research and many FE simulations and
load capacity and equipment cost of DRCS is significantly obtained the effects of main process parameters, such as
reduced. In addition, DRCS can produce the products the roller radius, the spacing between two rollers and the
with high mechanical strength and good surface quality. feed rate of rollers on the DRCS process [28].
It is worth mentioning that DRCS has some advantages Based on the above research, FE simulations and exper-
that conventional spinning lacks. iments on the DRCS process for rectangular flanges have
Conventional spinning is a single-roller spinning pro- been carried out in this study. DRCS spinning force,
cess. Because only one roller is used, one side of the sheet stress, strain, and wall thickness distributions for the dif-
metal bears severe asymmetrical spinning force, which ferent deformation areas have been obtained. Moreover,
can easily cause wrinkling. And point contact between the mechanics performance levels of the spun parts were
the single roller and sheet metal causes very small plas- analyzed, and the deformation mechanism of a thin-
tic deformation after each spinning pass, which leads to walled cylinder with a rectangular flange was revealed.
more spinning passes and low production efficiency. Fur-
thermore, conventional single-roller spinning requires 2 FE Simulations and Experiments on DRCS
the use of different sizes of rollers for different materials, Process
shapes, and sizes of spun parts. These rollers have com- An ordinary Q235A steel plate was cut, rolled up, and
plex surface profiles, terrible stress conditions, low life welded to form a cylindrical workpiece. The diameter of
cycled, and high manufacturing costs. In contrast, the the cylindrical workpiece was 200 mm, and its initial wall
new DRCS process uses two cylinder rollers with simple thickness was 1 mm. The diameter of the cylinder roller
shapes and low costs to symmetrically clamp the sheet was 100 mm, its height was 60 mm, and its round radius
metal which bears compressive stress. Because there was 4 mm. The main material parameters of Q235A are
is sufficient pressure in the thickness direction, it is not presented in Table 1, and its true stress–strain curve is
easy to cause sheet wrinkling, and the spun parts have shown in Figure 3.
high dimensional accuracy. In contrast with conven- Using the nonlinear FE analysis software ABAQUS/
tional spinning, the DRCS process involves line contact Explicit, an FE model of the DRCS process for the cyl-
between the rollers and sheet metal. Thus, the load- inder with the flange was established, as shown in Fig-
ing action area is larger than that in conventional spin- ure 4. Then, a DRCS simulation was carried out. Based
ning, and the plastic deformation in each spinning pass on the G-CNC6135 general numerical control lathe, a
is larger. Consequently spinning efficiency is higher. In computer-controlled experimental device for DRCS was
addition, in the DRCS process, the shape of the final parts developed to conduct the DRCS experiments. The exper-
is determined by the roller path, not by the profile of the imental DRCS process is shown in Figure 5.
mandrel, which is different from conventional spinning
processes. That is, DRCS is a dieless, flexible spinning
process that can be used to produce a variety of shapes of Table 1 Main material parameters
flanges, including rectangular flanges. Parameter Value
As a special type of conventional spinning process,
DRCS should be studied to reveal its deformation mecha- Young’s modulus E (GPa) 210
nism. Thus, the authors used two methods to establish FE Poisson ratio υ 0.3
model of DRCS for a cylinder with a rectangular flange. Density ρ (kg/m3) 7850
The first method is the same as that for actual working Yield stress σs (MPa) 200
Fan et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:56 Page 4 of 9

has been completed. The contact length of a workpiece

with rollers before spinning is referred to as the contact
length l. The contact length is 20 mm in the simulation.
In addition, the roller feed rate is defined as the rotating
angle of the rollers when the workpiece rotates through a
complete cycle around the main spindle. The roller feed
rate is 0.05 rad/r in the simulation. Figure 6 shows vari-
ations in the equivalent strain field on the deformation
zone during the forming process of DRCS.
It can be seen that throughout the process the outer
edge of the deformation zone shows the largest plas-
tic strain. The equivalent strain in the deformation
zone decreases gradually along the axial direction, with
the minimum value appearing on the inner edge of the
Figure 3 True stress–strain curve for material deformation zone. As the forming process continues, the
equivalent strain distribution does not change, but the
equivalent strain in the deformation zone increases, with
bending deformation becoming severe.

3.1 Spinning Force
Figure 7 shows variation curves for radial force, axial
force, and tangential force. It can be seen that radial force
and axial force dominate, and are greater than the tan-
gential force throughout the DRCS process. The flange
deformation area elongates along the radial direction
under the action of radial force, and bends along the
axial direction under the action of axial force. Before
1 s, the radial force is greater than the axial force, and
radial elongation is the main deformation on the flange.
At approximately 1 s, axial force is almost equal to radial
Figure 4 FE model of DRCS
force, and thus the flange is simultaneously bent by axial
force and stretched by radial force. Then, after 1 s, axial
force is greater than radial force, so the axial bending of
the flange is more obvious than the radial elongation. The
tangential force emerges because of circumferential fric-
tion, and a small friction coefficient value is chosen in the
simulation, so that tangential force remains invariable
during the forming process.

3.2 Stress
In the simulation, the whole DRCS process is completed
within 2 s, and the stresses and strains at 1 s are cho-
sen for analysis. For convenience, record the point at
the extreme outer edge of the flange as the initial point.
Choose a path composed of 32 points with different dis-
tances from the corresponding initial point, as shown in
Figure 5 Experimental process of DRCS
Figure 8.
The distribution in stresses on the roller contact area
is different than it is on the rest of the flange, as can be
seen in Figure 9. It can be seen that the roller contact area
3 Results and Discussion is under compressive tangential stress, and the remain-
Using the cylindrical workpiece with an initial wall thick- ing area is under tensile tangential stress. The roller con-
ness of 1 mm and diameter of 200 mm, the FE simulation tact area will show reduced compressive tangential stress
Fan et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:56 Page 5 of 9

Figure 7 Variations in spinning force

Figure 8 Path on deformation area

Figure 6 Forming process of DRCS

Figure 9 Distribution of tangential stress

Fan et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:56 Page 6 of 9

after the roller is removed, and can even show small ten-
sile tangential stresses.
In this study, the stress distribution on the flange after
the roller is removed is focused, so the path is chosen at a
location far away from the roller contact area. Adopt the
distances between the points on the path and initial point
as the abscissa, and take the stress values of the points
on the path as the ordinate. Then the distribution curves
for radial stress and tangential stress on the flange can be
obtained as shown in Figure 10.
According to the different features of the deformation
area, the deformation area is divided into five regions
named A, B, C, D and E, as shown in Figure 8. Because
no deformation occurs on the cylinder wall, all stresses
Figure 11 Distribution of strains
are zero on region E. The outer edge of the flange (Region
A) shows tensile tangential stress and compressive radial
stress. The middle region of the flange (Region B) shows
tensile tangential stress and radial stress, and the round
corner (Region C) shows tensile tangential stress and
compressive radial stress. The inner edge (Region D)
shows compressive tangential stress and radial stress. It
can be known that the inner edge of the flange may incur
wrinkling because of the tangential compressive stress
and radial compressive stress. Additionally, bulges can
appear in the round corner because of the compressive
radial stress.

3.3 Strain and Thickness

Continue to adopt the distances between the points on
the path and initial point as the abscissa, and then take
the strains of the points on the path as the ordinate.
Curves for radial strain, tangential strain and thickness
strain are shown in Figure 11. It can be seen that Region
Figure 12 Distribution of wall thickness on deformation area
A shows tensile tangential strain, compressive radial and
thickness strain, and that the absolute value of tangential

strain is the largest, Thus, the wall thickness reduction

in Region A is caused primarily by the tangential tensile
strain, and the wall thickness reduction is the largest, as
shown in Figure 12.
Region B shows smaller tensile tangential strain and
larger compressive radial strain than Region A. The com-
pressive thickness strain for Region B transforms into
small tensile strain. The tangential tensile strain is still the
main reason for the wall thickness reduction, but the wall
thickness reduction decreases relative to Region A, which
can be seen from Figures 11 and 12.
It can also be seen that the tangential tensile strain on
Region C decreases to zero, while the thickness com-
pressive strain increases significantly, which causes
material accumulation on the round corner of the
flange (Region C) and an the increase in wall thick-
Figure 10 Distribution of stresses on deformation area ness. In addition, because of bending, in Region C the
Fan et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:56 Page 7 of 9

radial compressive strain changes to very large radial

tensile strain. In Region D, the large radial tensile strain
changes to small compressive strain, and the large
thickness compressive strain changes to small tensile
strain. As a result, the wall thickness on the inner edge
of the flange is continues to increase, but the incre-
ment is small. No deformation occurs in Region E, so
all strains are zero.

3.4 Microstructure Analysis
A cylinder with an initial wall thickness of 1 mm and
diameter of 200 mm has been manufactured into a
cylinder with a flange under the conditions of the
roller contact length (l = 20 mm) and roller feed rate
f (0.05 rad/r). Then, the formed part was cut, inlaid,
ground, polished, and corroded. Both the flange area
and round corner area were observed with a micro-
scope. Figure 13(a) shows the metallographic structure
of the initial blank which is mainly composed of fer-
rite and pearlite. Figure 13(b) and (c) show the metal-
lographic structure of the part manufactured by DRCS.
It can be seen that the material does not incur a phase
change. However, the grains of the material is squashed
and stretched, and they form a fibrous tissue, while
the inclusions in the material are broken or stretched;
therefore, the mechanical performance of the material
changes. Because of the work hardening, the strength
of the part increases, and its plasticity decreases.

3.5 Tensile Test for the Part Formed by DRCS

To assess changes in the strength of the part formed
by DRCS, tensile tests were conducted for the parts
formed by DRCS. First, a cylinder with an initial wall
thickness of 1 mm and diameter of 200 mm was manu-
factured into a cylinder with a flange under a roller con-
tact length of 20 mm and roller feed rate of 0.05 rad/r.
Second, take the samples from the formed flange, as
shown as Figure 14(a). The first type of samples, called
I, were taken at a position 10 mm from the edge of the
flange, while the second type of samples, called II were
taken at a position 8 mm from the edge of the flange.
The geometric dimensions of the samples are shown in
Figure 14(b) and presented in Table 2. A photo of the
samples is shown in Figure 14(c).
Finally, tensile tests were performed. The true stress–
strain curve of the material formed by DRCS was Figure 13 Metallographic structure of initial blank and part formed
obtained and compared with the true stress–strain curve by DRCS (×200)
Fan et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:56 Page 8 of 9

Figure 15 True stress–strain curves of the material before and after


Thus, parts formed by DRCS have high mechanical


4 Conclusions
(1) Both radial force and axial force dominate the form-
ing process of DRCS. The deformation area elon-
gates along the radial direction under the action
of radial force, and bends along the axial direction
under the action of axial force.
(2) The outer edge of the flange shows tangential ten-
sile stress and radial compressive stress, and the
middle region of the flange shows tangential tensile
stress and radial tensile stress. The round corner of
the flange shows tangential tensile stress and radial
compressive stress, and the inner edge of the flange
shows tangential compressive stress and radial
compressive stress.
(3) The outer edge of the flange shows tensile tangen-
Figure 14 Samples for the tensile test tial strain, compressive radial strain, and thick-
ness strain. The middle region of the flange shows
smaller tensile tangential strain, larger compres-
Table 2 Geometric dimension of the samples sive radial strain, and small tensile thickness strain.
Parameters I II The tangential tensile strain causes wall thickness
reduction in the two regions.
Overall length L (mm) 77 62 (4) The round corner of the flange shows a large thick-
Chuck length L1 (mm) 15 15 ness compressive strain, which causes material
Original gauge length L2 (mm) 30 15 accumulation and an increase in wall thickness in
Width L3 (mm) 4 ± 0.03 3 ± 0.03 this region. Because of bending deformation, the
Knuckle radius R (mm) 15 15 round corner also shows large radial tensile strain.
The inner edge of the flange shows small radial
compressive strain and the small thickness ten-
of the initial material, as shown in Figure 15. The mate- sile strain. Consequently, the wall thickness on the
rial after DRCS shows obvious work hardening, which is
particularly pronounced closer to the edge of the flange.
Fan et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:56 Page 9 of 9

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