Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical equilibrium refers to the state of a system in which the concentration of the reactant
and the concentration of the products do not change with time, and the system does not display
any further change in properties.
When the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction, the state of
chemical equilibrium is achieved by the system.
When there is no further change in the concentrations of the reactants and the products due to the
equal rates of the forward and reverse reactions, the system is said to be in a state of dynamic
A graph with the concentration on the y-axis and time on the x-axis can be plotted. Once the
concentration of both the reactants and the products stops showing change, chemical equilibrium
is achieved.
At this point, the number of reactant molecules converting into products and product molecules
into reactants is the same.
The same equilibrium can be carried out with the same reactants anywhere with similar
conditions with continuous interchanging of molecules, and hence chemical equilibrium is
Homogeneous Equilibrium
Heterogeneous Equilibrium
In this type, the reactants and the products of chemical equilibrium are all in the same phase.
Reactions in which the number of molecules of the products is equal to the number of molecules
of the reactants. For example,
Reactions in which the number of molecules of the products is not equal to the total number of
reactant molecules. For example,
In this type, the reactants and the products of chemical equilibrium are present in different
phases. A few examples of heterogeneous equilibrium are given below:
Thus, the different types of chemical equilibrium are based on the phase of the reactants and
According to Le-Chatelier’s principle, if there is any change in the factors affecting the
equilibrium conditions, the system will counteract or reduce the effect of the overall
transformation. This principle applies to both chemical and physical equilibrium.
There are several factors like temperature, pressure and concentration of the system that affect
equilibrium. Some important factors affecting chemical equilibrium are explained below.
Change in Concentration
The concentration of the reactants or products added is relieved by the reaction, which
consumes the substance that is added.
The concentration of reactants or products removed is relieved by the reaction, which is
in the direction that replenishes the substance which is removed.
When the concentration of the reactant or product is changed, there is a change in the
composition of the mixture in chemical equilibrium.
Change in Pressure
Change in Temperature
The effect of temperature on chemical equilibrium depends upon the sign of ΔH of the
reaction and follows Le-Chatelier’s Principle.
As temperature increases, the equilibrium constant of an exothermic reaction decreases.
In an endothermic reaction, the equilibrium constant increases with an increase in
Along with the equilibrium constant, the rate of reaction is also affected by the change in
As per Le Chatelier’s principle, the equilibrium shifts towards the reactant side when the
temperature increases in the case of exothermic reactions; for endothermic reactions, the
equilibrium shifts towards the product side with an increase in temperature.
Effect of a Catalyst
A catalyst does not affect the chemical equilibrium, it only speeds up a reaction.
In fact, the catalyst equally speeds up the forward as well as the reverse reaction.
This results in the reaction reaching its equilibrium faster.
The same amount of reactants and products will be present at equilibrium in a catalysed
or non-catalysed reaction.
The presence of a catalyst only facilitates the reaction to proceed through a lower-energy
transition state of reactants to products.
When an inert gas like argon is added to a constant volume, it does not take part in the
reaction, so the equilibrium remains undisturbed.
If the gas added is a reactant or product involved in the reaction, then the reaction
quotient will change.
The law of mass action states that the rate of a reaction is proportional to the product of the
concentrations of each reactant.
This law can be used to explain the behavior exhibited by solutions in dynamic equilibria.
The law of mass action also suggests that the ratio of the reactant concentration and the product
concentration is constant at a state of chemical equilibrium.
The Equilibrium Constant (Kc)
The concentration of reactants and products, at equilibrium, are constant at a given temperature.
Consider the following simple reversible reaction where A & B are the reactants whereas C & D
are the products.
It has been experimentally observed that the equilibrium constant is also dependent on the
stoichiometric coefficients of the reactants and products.
Therefore, the law of mass action dictates that the equilibrium constant, at a given constant
temperature, is equal to the product of the concentration of products raised to the respective
stoichiometric coefficients divided by the product of the reactant concentrations, each raised to
the corresponding stoichiometric coefficient.
This is also known as the equilibrium law or the law of chemical equilibrium.
aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD
According to the law of mass action, the constant value obtained by relating equilibrium
concentrations of reactants and products is called the equilibrium constant. For the forward
reaction, this is given by
The equilibrium constant for the reverse reaction is the inverse of the forward reaction and is
given by:
Given the equation, N2 (g) + 3H2 (aq) ⇌ 2NH3 (g). Find Q and determine which direction
the reaction will shift in order to reach the state of chemical equilibrium.
Since only nitrogen and hydrogen concentration is given, they can be assumed as the reactants
and ammonia as the product. Since ammonia concentration is not given, it can be assumed to be
Since K = 0.04 is larger than Q, nitrogen and hydrogen will combine to form the product
The equilibrium constant is the ratio of the concentrations raised to the stoichiometric
coefficients. Therefore, the unit of the equilibrium constant = [Mole L-1]△n.
Where, ∆n = sum of stoichiometric coefficients of products – sum of stoichiometric coefficients
of reactants.
K is the ratio of the relative amount of products to reactants at equilibrium, while Q is the ratio at
any point in time of the reaction. The Q value can be compared to K to determine the direction of
the reaction to take place. The spontaneity of the process is related to the free energy change. △G
(Gibbs Free Energy), K (Equilibrium Constant), and Q (Reaction Quotient) are related, as
detailed below:
1. △G < 0 and Qc ˂ Kc or Kp at the start of the reaction: The reaction will proceed to
form products.
3. △G > 0 and Qc > Kc or Kp after equilibrium: The reaction will proceed in the
direction to form reactants.
The equilibrium constant (Kc) can be used to predict the extent of a reaction, i.e. the degree of the
disappearance of the reactants. The magnitude of the equilibrium constant gives an idea of the
relative amount of the reactants and the products.
Case 1: The larger value of the equilibrium constant (>103) shows that forward reaction is
favoured, i.e. the concentration of products is much larger than that of the reactants at
For example,
This shows that at equilibrium, the concentration of the products is very high, i.e. reaction goes
almost to completion.
Case 2: Intermediate value of the equilibrium constant (10-3 to 103) show that the concentration
of the reactants and products are comparable.
For example,
Case 3: Low value of equilibrium constant (<10-3) shows that backward reaction is favoured, i.e.
concentration of reactants is much larger than that of products, i.e. the reaction proceeds to a
very small extent in the forward direction.
For example,
The equilibrium constant can be used to predict the direction of the reaction. We need a term,
reaction quotient (Qc expressed in terms of concentrations or Qp in terms of partial pressures)
similar to the equilibrium constant, except that the conditions are not at equilibrium.
For a balanced reaction, aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD
Qc = [C]c[D]d/[A]a[B]b
When factors like concentration, pressure, temperature, and inert gases that affect
equilibrium are changed, the equilibrium will shift in that direction, where the effects caused by
these changes are nullified.
Le Chatelier’s principles are often used to manipulate reversible reactions in order to obtain
suitable outcomes (such as an improvement in yield).
As per Le Chatelier’s principles, the only way for equilibrium to accept more reactants is to
increase product formation. The forward reaction is favoured when the concentration of the
reactant is increased. The equilibrium of the reaction shift towards the use of reactants in the
reaction, which decreases the concentration of the reactants.
Similarly, the addition of product (concentration/pressure) shall increase the backward reaction
to decrease the product concentration. The backward reaction is favoured when the concentration
of the reactant decreases, the equilibrium of the reaction shift towards the production of
reactants, and the concentration of the reactants is more.
Consider a reaction between oxygen and sulfur dioxide to produce sulfur trioxide.
Equilibrium will shift towards the decrease in the concentration of the reactants.
More favoured for the forward reaction.
Some of the SO2 or O2 form SO3.
Equilibrium of the reaction shift towards the right.
Equilibrium will shift towards the increase in the concentration of the reactants.
More favoured for the backward reaction.
Some of the SO3 would change to SO2 or O2.
Equilibrium of the reaction shift towards the left.
The equilibrium of the reaction shift to increase the concentration of the sulfur trioxide.
Increase in the forward reaction rate.
Some of the SO2 or O2 form SO3.
Equilibrium of the reaction shift towards the right.
The equilibrium of the reaction shifts to decrease the concentration of the sulfur trioxide.
Increase in the reverse reaction rate.
Some of the SO3 would change to SO2 or O2.
Equilibrium of the reaction shift towards the left.
Effect of Change of Volume, Pressure, or Inert Gas on Equilibrium and Product
Kp = Kc (RT)Δn = Kc (p/v)Δn
Change of volume, pressure or inert gases has no effect on the reactions of liquids and solids.
They may have an effect in gaseous reactions, and that too, only when the difference in the sum
of the number of reactant and product molecules (∆n) is not zero.
When ∆n = 0:
When ∆n = +ve:
An increase in pressure or decrease in volume will decrease the formation of the product. A
decrease in pressure or increase in volume shall have the opposite effect of increasing the
product formation.
Inert gases do not take part in the reaction and shall increase the volume or pressure only.
At constant pressure, the addition of inert gas increases the volume, so it increases the
product formation.
At constant volume, inert gas is added, which does not take part in the reaction; the
equilibrium remains undisturbed because the addition of inert gas at constant volume
does not change the partial pressures or the molar concentrations of the substance
involved in the reaction. The reaction quotient changes only if the added gas is a reactant
or product involved in the reaction.
When ∆n = -ve:
As per Le Chatelier’s principle, an increase in pressure or decrease in volume will increase the
formation of the product.
At constant pressure, the addition of inert gas increases the volume, so it decreases the product
N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3
In the formation of ammonia, ∆n = -2. The increase of pressure or decrease in volume increases
the formation of ammonia.
The individual reaction in the equilibrium can be either endothermic or exothermic. Likewise, at
equilibrium, the net energy involved may make the reversible reactions either endothermic or
As per the Van’t Hoff equation, for an exothermic equilibrium, ∆H will be negative. An increase
in temperature shall decrease K2, or a decrease in temperature increases K2. The opposite is true
for an endothermic reaction.
Consider a reaction
Increase in temperature
Decrease in temperature
In a reversible reaction, the change in reaction rate is the same for both forward and backward
The ratio of the reaction rates remains the same, and so is the equilibrium constant. According to
Le Chatelier’s principles, the presence of the catalyst may speed up or delay the attainment of
equilibrium but will not affect the equilibrium concentration.
What happens to the COBr2 ⇌ CO+ Br2 reaction on adding inert argon gas?
There will be no change in the reaction, and the reaction will be in equilibrium.
What happens when the temperature is decreased in the following reaction 2H2 + O2 →
Kc Calculations
Practice Question: What is the value for Kc of the reaction with the equation:
H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) ⇌ 2HCl (g)? The equilibrium concentrations are: [H2] = 0.67 mol dm–3, [Cl2)
= 0.83 mol dm–3 and [HCl] = 0.33 mol dm–3.
2. Substitute the molar equilibrium concentrations into the equation and calculate the
value of Kc.
3. Finally calculate the units of the value for Kc by just substituting the equation with the
units without putting the numbers in.
Therefore the units cancel out therefore there are no units for Kc in this example.
Sometimes you will have to calculate the equilibrium concentrations in a reaction before
calculating the value of Kc.
We know that CO and CH3OH are in a 1:1 molar ratio. This means that for every 1 mole of CO
that reacts, 1 mole of CH3OH is produced.
Therefore as 0.051716 moles of CH3OH is produced, the number of moles of CO would have
reduced by 0.0 51716 moles.
This means that as 0.051716 moles of CH3OH is produced, the number of moles of H2 must
have reduced by 0.051716 moles multiplied by 2:
2. Calculate the molar concentrations by dividing each number of moles by the total
volume of the vessel.
Here the equilibrium molar concentrations are the same as the equilibrium number of moles of
each of the substances as the volume of the vessel is 1.00 dm3.
When you divide each of the equilibrium number of moles by 1.00, you get the same value for
the concentration.
If you know the value of Kc, you can calculate the concentrations of substances in a reaction at
Practice Question: In an experiment that was allowed to reach equilibrium, 2.5 moldm–3 of
H2O and 3.0 mol dm–3 of CO are allowed to reach equilibrium. If the value of Kc is 4.5 at 800K
what are the equilibrium concentrations of all species in the equation: CO(g) + H2O(g) ⇌ H2 (g)
+ CO2 (g) ?
1. First of all write an expression for Kc using the reversible equation given.
Therefore as [H2] = [CO2] = √33.75 = 5.81 mol dm–3 (to 3 significant figures).
Temperature and Kc
The value of Kc will change if the temperature is changed as the temperature change will affect
the direction in which the reaction goes. Earlier we learned that an increase in temperature
favours the reaction in the endothermic reaction and a decrease in temperature favours the
reaction in the exothermic reaction.
If you change the temperature of a reaction, the change in Kc depends on what happens:
If we write an expression for Kc, remember that the concentrations of the products are at the top
(numerator) and the concentrations of the reactants are at the bottom (denominator). This means
that if a temperature change increases the amount of product that is formed, the value of the
numerator will increase and therefore the value of Kc will be higher.
If a temperature change decreases the amount of product that is formed, the value of the
numerator will decrease and therefore the value of Kc will be lower.
Catalyst = Unchanged Kc
Using a catalyst in the reaction does not affect the value of Kc. A catalyst speeds up the reaction
in both directions so that equilibrium is reached faster