A Surveillance System For Drone Localization and Tracking Using Acoustic Arrays
A Surveillance System For Drone Localization and Tracking Using Acoustic Arrays
A Surveillance System For Drone Localization and Tracking Using Acoustic Arrays
Abstract—The wide proliferation of drones has posed great Drone surveillance using acoustic arrays [16–18], as a
threats to personal privacy and public security, which makes promising drone surveillance method, could circumvent the
it urgent to monitor the drones in the sensitive areas. Drone above limitations and be used to localize and track the
surveillance using acoustic arrays, as a promising method, could
localize and track the drones effectively. In this paper, we develop drones. In [17], a tetrahedral shape acoustic array with four
a systematic method for drone localization and tracking by microphone sensors is used to estimate the direction of arrival
using acoustic arrays. Specifically, we develop a time difference (DOA) of the drone. The azimuth and the elevation angles are
of arrival (TDOA) estimation algorithm based on Gauss priori obtained by multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm.
probability density function to overcome the multipath effect and However, it has very low accuracy and fails to track the target.
the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and design a localization
method by making full use of the TDOA estimation results, Besides, due to lack of ground truth, the performance has not
followed by tracking the drone by Kalman filter. Finally, field been evaluated. In [18, 19], the authors develop and build
experiments are carried out to verify the effectiveness and the acoustic aircraft detection (AAD) system. The system can
performance of the proposed methods. The results show that detect, track and classify small planes, helicopters and ultra-
they can achieve good performance in drone localization and light aircraft. However, the authors do not consider the effect
Index Terms—drone surveillance, acoustic arrays, localization, of multipath and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) condition
tracking in a more complex environment. In [16], a acoustic array
consists of two perpendicular linear arrays of microphones
I. I NTRODUCTION along x-axis and y-axis, respectively, is applied to track the
flying drones. The estimation of flight parameters are based on
Recently, the proliferation of drones, i.e., small unmanned Doppler effect and the maximum likelihood method is chosen
aerial vehicles (UAV), has benefited us a lot in many appli- to estimate the DOA. However, they can only track the flying
cations, e.g., drone-assistant logistics, UAV aerial photograph, drones with the assumption that the drone is flying along a
etc. Nevertheless, in the wrong hands, drones can be dan- straight line. So it still can not give the three-dimensional
gerous. For example, from 2016 to 2017, some unauthorized locations of the drone.
drones flew over the airports leading to a serious threat to Motivated by above, in this paper, we build up a drone
airplanes taking off and landing [1, 2]. Besides, drones can surveillance system using acoustic arrays for drone local-
also be used to carry explosive, transport drugs, steal personal ization and tracking. We propose a series of algorithms to
privacy and attack people by criminals. Such security breach improve the accuracy of localization and tracking. Three-
incidences have met a sudden increase in recent years and dimensional trajectory of the flying drone can be calculated
posed great threats to public security and individual privacy. in real time. The contributions of this paper are summarized
Therefore, it is of great significance to localize and track the as follows:
drones in the sensitive areas.
Drone surveillance is urgent but challenging, due to the 1) According to actual acoustic signals, we develop a new
drone’s small size, low flying speed at low altitude. And drone time difference of arrival (TDOA) estimation algorithm
surveillance has received many researches in recent years [3– by using Gauss function based on GCC-PHAT [20] in
10]. Though many existing surveillance technologies, e.g., order to overcome the multipath effect and low SNR.
radar [11, 12], video-based surveillance [13, 14], radio fre- 2) To have good localization performance, we propose a
quency (RF) based surveillance [15], etc., are applicable, their localization scheme to estimate the location of the flying
performances are limited due to various reasons, such as small drone by making full use of the TDOA information.
radar cross section for radar systems, difficulty in detecting a 3) Field experiments are carried out to evaluate the perfor-
flying drone using video and lack of communication signals mance of the proposed methods and verify the effective-
in GPS navigation mode for RF-based surveillance. ness of the system.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The system
This work is partially supported by NSFC under Grant 61772467, Zhejiang deployment is illustrated in Section II. The drone localization
Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant LR16F010002,
973 Project under Grant 2015CB352503, the Fundamental Research Funds
and tracking methods are presented in Section III. Experiment
for the Central Universities (2017XZZX009-01) and Project funded by China evaluation is described in Section IV, followed by conclusion
Postdoctoral Science Foundation in Section V.
II. S YSTEM DEPLOYMENT weaken the influence of low frequency wind noise. The
In this section, we will first introduce the drone surveillance acoustical-absorbent materials are wrapped up on the ground
system, then describe how the acoustic array is deployed. of every acoustic array in order to weaken the multipath effect.
m n
(t ,k)
AXLos = B, (10)
GPDF(t ,k)
0.2 −
Rx x (t ,k)
m n
S2 − S1 d21 0
S3 − S1 d31 0
S − S1 d41 0
−0.1 A = 2 4 , (11)
TDOA S6 − S5 0 d65
−18 −16 −14 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 S − S
t (s) x 10
7 5 0 d75
S8 − S5 0 d85
Fig. 4: The GPDF
x 10
S2 S2T − S1 S1T − d221
t21 t
S3 S3T − S1 S1T 2 4
− d31 t31 t43
S ST − S1 S1T − d241
3 t41 t
B = 4 4T 2 . (12)
S6 S6 − S5 S5T − d65 2
S ST − S5 S5T − d275 1
TDOA (s)
7 7
S8 S8T − S5 S5T − d285 0
The result can be given by least square solution: −2
S0T −1 T
d50 −5
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
time (s)
The inial location value for (8) can be obtained from XLos ,
then we can calculate the final location of the flying drone. Fig. 5: The TDOA estimation results after filtering
C. Drone tracking reached more than 100m with the SNR lower than -5dB. The
estimation errors and CDF of the errors are shown in Fig. 7.
Kalman filter is widely used in tracking problems because
From these two figures, we can see that more than 95% of the
of good real-time and low computational complexity. So in
estimation errors are lower than 6m and 80% of the estimation
our system, we use Kalman filter to track the flying drone. We
errors are within 2m. The results shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7
use the first order system to approximate how the flying drone
also verify the effectiveness of the TDOA estimation algorithm
moves, then the dynamic system equations can be written as:
in section III.A.
X(k) I ∆I X(k − 1)
= + wn (k − 1), (14)
Ẋ(k) 0 I Ẋ(k − 1) acoustic array−1
acoustic array−2
trajectory of the drone
Y(k) = I 0 + vn (k), (15) 100
Z (m)
T 50
where X(k)= x̂ ŷ ẑ is the trajectory of the drone, I is a
unit matrix, ∆ is the sampling time with a constant value, 0
in III.A are shown in Fig. 5. From this figure, we can find 6 0.3
CDF of the error