Pump Handbook 2024
Pump Handbook 2024
Pump Handbook 2024
All you need to know...
Second edition 2023
The information provided in this handbook is
given in good faith, but Alfa Laval is not able
to accept any responsibility for the accuracy
of its content, or any consequences that may
arise from the use of the information supplied
or materials described.
if Pumps
are the
question… Twin Screw Pumps 237 9.11 Motor Sizing Values 275
11 Compliance 288
11.1 Compliance with International
Standards and Guidelines 288
Pump Classifications
Rotor Reciprocating
Circumferential Archimedean
Piston Screw
Rubber Lined
Alfa Laval
Centrifugal and
Liquid Ring
Two basic viscosity parameters are commonly used, Where ρ is the fluid density (see section 2.1.3)
absolute (or dynamic) viscosity and kinematic viscosity.
In the CGS system this translates to:
Absolute (or Dynamic) Viscosity
This is a measure of how resistive the flow of a fluid is Kinematic Viscosity (cSt) = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
between two layers of fluid in motion. A value can be Specific Gravity
obtained directly from a rotational viscometer which
measures the force needed to rotate a spindle in the or
fluid. The SI unit of absolute viscosity is mPas in the
so-called MKS (metre, kilogram, second) system, while Absolute Viscosity (cP) =
in the CGS (centimetres, grams, seconds) system this Kinematic Viscosity (cSt) x SG
is expressed as 1 centipoise (cP) where 1 mPas = 1
cP. Water at 1 atmosphere and 20° C (68° F) has the A viscosity conversion table is included in section
value of 1 mPas or 1 cP. Absolute viscosity is usually 14.3.10.
designated by the symbol µ.
• Hydrocarbons
• Milk
• Mineral Oils
• Resins
• Syrups
Shear Rate
Fig. 2.1.2c Viscosity against Shear Rate
Non-Newtonian Fluids
Most empirical and test data for pumps and piping
systems has been developed using Newtonian fluids
It is not always obvious which type of
across a wide range of viscosities. However, there are
many fluids which do not follow this linear law, these
viscous behaviour a fluid will exhibit, and
fluids are named Non-Newtonian fluids (Fig. 2.1.2c). consideration must be given to the shear
rate that will exist in the pump under
When working with Non-Newtonian fluids, we use pumping conditions. It is not unusual
Effective Viscosity to represent the viscous character- to find the effective viscosity as little as
istics of the fluid as though it was Newtonian at that
1% of the value measured by standard
given set of conditions (shear rate, temperature). This
effective viscosity is then used in calculations, charts,
graphs, and ‘handbook’ information.
Typical Shear
Rate in Pumping
• Emulsions
• Gums
• Lotions
• Soap
• Toothpaste
• Yeast
16 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook
2.0 Terminology and Theory
Shear Rate Time
Fig. 2.1.2f Dilatant fluids Fig. 2.1.2g Thixotropic fluids
• Dairy Creams
• Greases
• Stabilised Yoghurt
Time Time
Fig. 2.1.2h Anti-thixotropic fluids Fig. 2.1.2i Rheomalactic fluids
Y = Yield Stress
Shear Rate
Fig. 2.1.2j Plastic fluids
Plastic Fluids
Need a certain applied force (or yield stress) to over-
come ‘solid-like structure’, before flowing like a fluid
(Fig. 2.1.2j). It should be noted that some fluids would
have both thixotropic and pseudoplastic
Typical fluids are:
• Barium X-ray Meal
• Chocolate
• Tomato Ketchup
1m 1 ft
m ft
1 1
Mass of Mass of
ethyl alcohol ethyl alcohol
789 kg 49.2 lb
1 ft
2.1.3 Density
The density of a fluid is its mass per unit of volume,
usually expressed as kilograms per cubic metre
(kg/m3) or pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft3) (Fig. 2.1.3a).
Density is usually designated by the symbol ρ.
Density in gases varies considerably
1 m3 of ethyl alcohol has a mass of 789 kg
with pressure and temperature but
i.e., density = 789 kg/m3 can be regarded as constant in fluids.
1m 1m
m m
1 1
Mass of Mass of
ethyl alcohol water
789 kg 1000 kg
Fluid velocity can be of great importance especially could result in blockages and changes in system
when pumping slurries and fluids containing solids. pressure as the actual internal diameter of the pipe is
In these instances, a certain velocity may be required effectively decreased, which could impact on pump
to prevent solids from settling in the pipework, which performance.
Parabolic curve
max u
max = Maximum Velocity u
max = Maximum Velocity
V = Velocity V = Velocity
Fig. 2.1.7a Laminar flow Fig. 2.1.7b Turbulent flow
Transitional Flow
Between laminar and turbulent flow there is an area
referred to as transitional flow where conditions are
unstable and have a blend of each characteristic.
Since Reynolds number is a ratio of two forces, it Where transitional flow occurs, frictional loss calcula-
has no units. For a given set of flow conditions, the tions should be carried out for both laminar and turbu-
Reynolds number will not vary when using different lent conditions, and the highest resulting loss used in
units. It is important to use the same set of units, such subsequent system calculations.
as show on previous page, when calculating Reynolds
F = Force
Fig. 2.2.2a Pressure
1.013 bar a
(14.7 PSIA)
0 bar g 1.013 bar a 0 bar g + =
(0 PSIG) (14.7 PSIA) (0 PSIG)
0.5 bar a
(7.25 PSIA) Differential = 4 + (1.013 - 0.5) = 4.513 bar
0 bar a 0 bar a or
(0 PSIA) (0 PSIA) = 58 + (14.7 -7.25) = 65.45 PSI
Fig. 2.2.2b Differential pressure
35 m (115 ft)
35 m (115 ft)
3.5 bar 4.9 bar 2.5 bar
SG 1.0 (50 PSI) SG 1.4 (70 PSI) SG 0.7 (35 PSI)
Fig. 2.2.2d Relationship of elevation to
A pump capable of delivering 35 m (115 ft) head will The following are terms commonly used to express
produce different pressures for fluids of differing different conditions in a pumping system which can be
specific gravities (Fig. 2.2.2d). expressed as pressure units (bar or PSI) or head units
(m or ft).
A pump capable of delivering 3.5 bar (50 PSI) pressure
will develop different amounts of head for fluids of Flooded Suction
differing specific gravities (Fig. 2.2.2e).
This term is generally used to describe a positive inlet
pressure/head, whereby fluid will readily flow into the
pump inlet at sufficient pressure to avoid cavitation
(see section 2.2.3).
25 m (82 ft)
hft hft
hfs hfs
Fig. 2.2.2f Flooded suction and open discharge Fig. 2.2.2g Flooded suction and closed discharge tanks
hft hft
hfs hfs
Fig. 2.2.2h Suction lift and open discharge tanks Fig. 2.2.2i Suction lift and closed discharge tanks
Example 1 Process:
Pumping milk from tank A to tank G D: Non-return valve type LKC-2, 51 mm (2 in)
Q = 8 m3/h (35 US gal/min) (Fig. 2.2.2j).
E: Unique SSV standard ISO 51 mm
Tubes, valves, and fittings: E-F: 46 m (151 ft) tube dia. 38 mm (1.5 in)
A: Tank outlet dia. 63.5 mm (2.5 in)
E-F: 4 off bend 90° dia. 38 mm (1.5 in)
A-B: 4 m (13 ft) tube dia. 63.5 mm (2.5 in)
F: Seat valve type SRC-W-38-21-100
A-B: 1 off bend 90° dia. 63.5 mm (2.5 in)
The pressure drop through the tubes, valves and
B-C: 20 m (66 ft) tube dia. 51 mm (2 in). fittings is determined as equivalent tube length, so that
the total pressure drop can be calculated.
C: Unique SSV standard ISO 51 mm
C-E: 15 m (49 ft) tube dia. 51 mm (2 in) The conversion into equivalent tube length is carried
out by reference to chapter 14.7. This results in the
B-E: 3 off bend 90° dia. 51 mm (2 in)
following equivalent tube length for the different equip-
ment as shown in the following tables:
As viewed from the prior tables the pressure drop The pressure drop through 100 m of tube for sizes 38
through the different equipment corresponds to the mm, 51 mm and 63.5 mm is determined by means of
following equivalent tube length. the following curve, also shown in 14.5 (Fig. 2.2.2k).
Pressure drop (m) Pressure drop in 100 m ISO/DIN tube (water at 20º C)
~ 13.2 A B K M
~ 3.0
~ 1.1 I
0.1 1 Q = 8 m3/h 10 100 1000
Capacity (m3/h)
A = 25 mm D = DN40 G = 63.5 mm J = DN80 M = DN125
B = DN25 E = 61 mm H = DN65 K = 101.6 mm N = DN150
C = 38 mm F = DN50 I = 76 mm L = DN100
Note: A, C, E, G, I and K refer to ISO Tube - B, D, F, H, J, L, M and N refer to DIN Tube
Fig. 2.2.2k Pressure drop curve
∆H = 7.39 + 2.16 + 0.07 = 9.62 m ≈ 9.6 m (≈ 1 bar) ∆H = 24.0 + 7.2 + 0.2 = 30.7 ft ≈ 31.4 ft (≈ 14 PSI)
The pressure drop through the tubes, valves and Tube dia. 51 mm (2 in): Length = 39 m (128 ft)
fittings is determined as equivalent tube length so that Tube dia. 76 mm (3 in): Length = 4 m (13 ft)
the total pressure drop can be calculated.
Applying the viscosity correction factor from table
For the pipe fittings the conversion into equivalent tube 2.2.2a for 5000 cP the equivalent tube length is now:
length is carried out by reference to tables 14.7. This
results in the following equivalent tube length for the Tube dia. 51 mm (2 in):
different fittings as shown below: Length = 39 m (126 ft) x 0.5 = 19.5 m (64 ft)
fD = 64
2.2.3 Cavitation
Cavitation is an undesirable vacuous space in the inlet
port of the pump normally occupied by fluid. The low-
est pressure point in a pump occurs at the pump inlet The term cavitation is derived from
- due to local pressure reduction part of the fluid may the word cavity, meaning a hollow
evaporate generating small vapour bubbles. These space.
bubbles are carried along by the fluid and implode
instantly when they get into areas of higher pressure.
When sizing pumps on highly viscous fluids care must For satisfactory pump operation:
be taken not to select too higher pump speed so as
to allow sufficient fluid to enter the pump and ensure NPSHa > NPSHr
satisfactory operation.
N.I.P.A. > N.I.P.R.
For all pump application problems, cavitation is the
most commonly encountered. It occurs with all types NPSHa is also referred to as N.I.P.A. (Net Inlet
of pumps, centrifugal, rotary, or reciprocating. When Pressure Available) and NPSHr is also referred to as
found, excessive pump speed and/or adverse suction N.I.P.R. (Net Inlet Pressure Required).
conditions will probably be the cause and reducing
pump speed and/or rectifying the suction condition A simplified way to look at NPSHa or N.I.P.A. is to
will usually eliminate this problem. imagine a balance of factors working for (static pres-
sure and positive head) and against (friction loss and
vapour pressure) the pump.
Cavitation should be avoided
at all costs. Providing the factors acting for the pump outweigh
those factors acting against, there will be a positive
suction pressure.
2.2.4 Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
In addition to the total head, capacity, power and
efficiency requirements, the condition at the inlet of
a pump is critical. The system on the inlet side of the
pump must allow a smooth flow of fluid to enter the
pump at a sufficiently high pressure to avoid cavitation
(Fig. 2.2.4a).
The value of NPSHa or N.I.P.A. in the system is It is important the units used for calculating NPSHa or
dependent upon the characteristic of the fluid being N.I.P.A. are consistent i.e., the total figures should be
pumped, inlet piping, the location of the suction vessel, in m or ft.
and the pressure applied to the fluid in the suction
vessel. This is the actual pressure seen at the pump in- For low temperature applications the vapour pressure
let. It is important to note, it is the inlet system that sets is generally not critical and can be assumed to be
the inlet condition and not the pump. It is calculated as negligible.
shown above in Figure 2.2.4b.
Pa = 0.5 bar
3.5 m
1.5 m
hfs = 1.5 m
Pa = 1 bar
(open tank)
hfs = 1 m
Fig. 2.2.4c Example 1 Fig. 2.2.4d Example 2
Example 1 Process:
Water at 50° C (122° F)
Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level (1 bar = 10 m)
(14.7 PSI = 33.9 ft)
hs = Static Suction Head (3.5 m)
(11.5 ft)
hfs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (1.5 m)
(5 ft)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (0.12 bar a = 1.2 m)
(1.8 PSIA = 4 ft)
As NPSHa is greater than NPSHr, no cavitation will occur under the conditions stated (Fig. 2.2.4c).
Example 2 Process:
Water at 75° C (167° F)
Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level (0.5 bar = 5 m)
(7 PSI = 16 ft)
hs = Static Suction Head (1.5 m)
(5 ft)
hfs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (1.0 m)
(3 ft)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (0.39 bar a = 3.9 m)
(5.7 PSIA = 13 ft)
As NPSHa is less than NPSHr, cavitation will occur under the conditions stated (Fig. 2.2.4d).
Fig. 2.2.4e Example 3
Example 3 Process:
Glucose at 50° C (122° F)
Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level (1 bar = 10 m)
(14.7 PSI = 33.9 ft)
hs = Static Suction Head (1.5 m)
(5 ft)
hfs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (9 m)
(29.5 ft)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (assumed negligible = 0 m)
(0 ft)
As NPSHa is less than NPSHr, cavitation will occur under the conditions stated (Fig. 2.2.4e).
Pa >1
Fig. 2.2.4f Positive effect Fig. 2.2.4g Positive effect
Pa<1 Vacuum
Vapour pressure
(Temperature dependent)
Valve Pressure
Fig. 2.2.4j Negative effect Fig. 2.2.4k Negative effect
The major pressure wave problems in process plants A pressure wave induced as a result of a pump
are usually due to rapidly closed or opened valves. stopping can result in negative pressure values in long
Pumps, which are rapidly/ frequently started or tubes, i.e., values close to the absolute zero point
stopped, can also cause some problems. which can result in cavitation if the absolute pressure
drops to the vapour pressure of the fluid.
When designing pipework systems, it is important
to keep the natural frequency of the system as high Precautions
as possible by using rigid pipework and as many
Pressure waves are caused by changes in the velocity
pipework supports as possible, thereby avoiding the
of the liquid in especially long runs of tube. Rapid
excitation frequency of the pump.
changes in the operating conditions of valves and
pump are the major reasons to the pressure waves
and therefore, it is important to reduce the speed of
these changes.
Fig. 2.2.5a Correct flow direction through seat Fig. 2.2.5b Incorrect flow direction through seat
valve valve
Oil damper
Damping of valves
The pressure wave induced by a seat valve can be
avoided or minimised by damping the movement of
the valve plug. The damping is carried out by means of
a special damper (see Fig. 2.2.5c).
• Pressure towers
• Started at a low speed which is slowly increased
to duty speed • Damped or undamped non-return valves
• Stopped by slowly decreasing from duty speed These however, may not be suitable for hygienic
down to a lower speed or zero processes and further advice may be required before
they are recommended or used in such installations.
The risk of power failure should be taken into
consideration when using speed control against
pressure waves.
Max. pumping 140° C (284° F) 140° C (284° F) 200° C (392° F) 150° C (392° F) 150° C (392° F)
Min. pumping - 10° C (14° F) - 10° C (14° F) - 20° C (-4° F) - 20° C (-4° F) - 20° C (-4° F)
Drive Availability
SolidC i-Series LKH
SRU SX/SX UltraPure
DuraCirc Aseptic
Prepared Foods
Oils / Proteins
LKH Prime +
Centrifugal LKH Prime UP
LKH Evap
LKH-Ultra Pure
Solid C
Rotary Lobe Optilobe
Circumferential Piston
DuraCirc Aseptic
Twin Screw OS
Table 3.2a
Alfa Laval Centrifugal and Positive Displacement During the fermentation process, PD pumps such as
pumps (PD) are used in most process stages of rotary lobe or twin screw, with their gentle pumping
brewing, from wort handling to beer pasteurisation action, are ideally used handling yeast holding delicate
and filling. Generally, PD pumps best perform with cells.
higher fluid viscosity applications, such as liquid
sugar tanker offloading and malt syrups, while low Confectionery
fluid viscosity applications, such as beer and wa-
Alfa Laval is a long-standing supplier of pumping
ter chilling, are mostly carried out using centrifugal
equipment to the confectionery industry, supplying
pumps to all the major companies. Alfa Laval PD
After the pump has been selected, the user will be Flexibility has been built into the software to enable
aided to complete a pump unit design. This will include specific enquiries to be answered without the need
a wide scope of specification options such as connec- to complete a full pump selection. For example,
tion types, heating/cooling devices and ancillaries that recommended service kits can be extracted based
have been included in the program, driven by market on an existing configuration code or direct access
demand. to technical information relating to a specific pump
technology is also possible.
ALiCE offers insight to the noted duty conditions within
the ancillary section, detailing the operating speed, the All information is offered for guidance purposes only.
power absorbed, and torque required for each duty
Attributes include:
• Hygienic and cleanable
• High efficiency
• Easy maintenance
Pump Casing
The pump casing is of rigid steel manufacture, The pump casing is designed for multi position outlet,
complete with male screwed connections and with 360° flexibility (Fig. 4.1.3c).
can be supplied with fittings or clamp liners (Fig.
Back Plate
The back plate is of pressed steel manufacture, which
together with the pump casing form the actual fluid
chamber in which the fluid is transferred by means of
the impeller (Fig. 4.1.3d).
Mechanical Seal
The connection between the motor shaft/pump shaft
and the pump casing is sealed by means of a mechan-
ical seal, which is described in chapter 6.
Fig. 4.1.3e Pump with shroud and legs Fig. 4.1.3f Compression coupling
The connection between the motor and back plate is
made by means of an adaptor, which can be attached
to any standard IEC or NEMA frame electric motor (Fig.
It is ideal for use in evaporation duties for applications, Flow rates for 50 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/
such as liquid concentration and powder processing min) and differential pressures up to 10 bar (145 PSIG)
as well as plant and equipment dewatering. and for 60 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/min) and
differential pressure up to 16 bar (230 PSIG).
Additional port sizing options compared to standard
LKH on some models provide for an improved suction
performance, vital to applications where NPSHa is
LKHex Range
These pumps derived from the standard LKH are Flow rates for 50 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/
designed to meet the requirements of the ATEX min) and differential pressures up to 10 bar (145 PSIG)
directive 2014/34/EU group II, category 2G, temper- and for 60 Hz up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/min) and
ature class T3 and T4 and can be used in potentially differential pressure up to 16 bar (230 PSIG).
explosive environments (Fig. 4.1.4f).
This range is also available in an UltraPure version with
The LKHex pump is available in 10 sizes, LKHex-10, the exception of LKHex-15 and -50.
-15, -20, -25, -35, -40, -45, -50, -60 and -70.
Typically supplied with a 45° casing outlet to ensure it Flow rates up to 280 m3/hr (1233 US gal/min) and
is self-venting and options of improved surface finishes differential pressures for 50 Hz up to 10 bar (145 PSIG)
to prevent biofilm build up. and for 60 Hz, 16 bar (230 PSIG).
LKHI Range
This pump range is similar to the LKH range but is Flow rates for 50 Hz up to 240 m3/hr (1056 US gal/min)
suitable for inlet pressures up to 16 bar (230 PSIG). with differential pressures up to 8 bar (115 PSIG). For
The pump can withstand this high inlet pressure due 60 Hz, flow rates up to 275 m3/hr (1210 US gal/min)
to being fitted with an internal shaft seal (Fig. 4.1.4i with differential pressures up to 11 bar (160 PSIG).
- 4.1.4j).
Fig. 4.1.4m LKHPF-High Pressure Fig. 4.1.4n LKHPF-High Pressure (US version)
SolidC Range
The SolidC is the all-purpose Alfa Laval centrifugal The SolidC range is available in four sizes, SolidC-1, -2,
pump for less demanding applications (Fig. 4.1.4o -3 and -4.
- 4.1.4p).
Suitable for inlet pressures up to 4 bar (58 PSIG) and
Designed for Cleaning-in-Place (CIP), it is ideal for delivering flow rates for 50 Hz up to 75 m3/hr (330 US
basic duties across the dairy, food, beverage and gal/min) with differential pressures up to 8 bar (115
personal care industries in which hygienic treatment PSIG) and for 60 Hz, 11.5 bar (167 PSIG).
is required. Typical applications are pumping of CIP
solutions, utilities, cooling or heating water, and other
simple transport duties.
Fig. 4.1.4q LKH Prime Fig. 4.1.4r LKH Prime (US version)
Fig. 4.1.4t LKH Prime -UltraPure Fig. 4.1.4u LKH Prime-UltraPure (US version)
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure (S or D) Max.
Frame Port Shaft
Model litres/ US gal/ speed
Size Position Material bar PSI
100 rev 100 rev (rpm)
SRU1/005 L or H D 5.3 1.40 8 115 1000
SRU1/008 L or H D 8.5 2.25 5 75 1000
SRU2/013 L or H S or D 12.8 3.38 10/15 145/215 1000
SRU2/018 L or H S or D 18.1 4.78 7/10 100/145 1000
SRU3/027 L or H S or D 26.6 7.03 10/15 145/215 1000
SRU3/038 L or H S or D 38.4 10.2 7/10 100/145 1000
SRU4/055 L or H S or D 55.4 14.6 10/20 145/290 1000
SRU4/079 L or H S or D 79.0 20.9 7/15 145/215 1000
SRU5/116 L or H S or D 116 30.7 10/20 145/290 600
SRU5/168 L or H S or D 168 44.4 7/15 145/215 600
SRU6/260 L or H S or D 260 68.7 10/20 145/290 500
SRU6/353 L or H S or D 353 93.2 7/15 145/215 500
L - Horizontal Porting
H - Vertical Porting
S - Stainless Steel
D - Duplex Stainless Steel
Nomenclature example: SRU4/079/HD is the SRU4/079 with vertical ports and 15 bar (215 PSI) max. pressure.
Table 4.2.3a
SX Range
The SX pump range is designed for gentle transpor- The SX range has been certified by EHEDG (European
tation of process fluids in hygienic and ultra-clean Hygienic Equipment Design Group) as fully CIP
applications (Fig. 4.2.3b). Suited for use in the home cleanable to their protocol. In addition to being EHEDG
and personal care sector, and for demanding food and compliant, the SX pump also conforms to the US 3A
dairy applications. This pump range like the SRU range standard and all media contacting components are
incorporates a universally mounted gearbox which FDA compliant. All media contacting elastomers are
gives the flexibility of mounting pumps with the inlet controlled compression joints to prevent pumped me-
and outlet ports in either a vertical or horizontal plane dia leaking to atmosphere (see section 6.2).
by changing the foot and foot position. This pump
range also incorporates full bore through porting com- The SX range is available with seven gearboxes each
plying with international standards BS4825/ISO2037, having two pump head displacements. Flow rates up
maximising the inlet and outlet efficiency of the pump to 115 m3/hr (506 US gal/min) and pressures up to 15
and the NPSH characteristics. bar (215 PSIG) (Table 4.2.3b).
Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure (S or D)
Max. speed
Frame Size Model US gal/100
litres/100 rev bar PSI (rpm)
SX UltraPure Range
The SX UltraPure pump range is designed for gentle EHEDG compliant all media contacting components
transportation of process fluids in hygienic and high are FDA compliant with USP Class VI elastomers.
purity applications (Fig. 4.2.3c). Suited for use in the All media contacting elastomers are controlled
pharmaceutical, biotechnology and personal care compression joints to prevent pumped media
sector. leaking to atmosphere (see section 6.2).
Designed in accordance with ASME BPE and GMP, All pumps are delivered with a complete Alfa Laval
this pump range complies with the stringent require- Q-doc documentation package including material
ments necessary for validation, qualification and traceability. Q-doc provides easier validation, proof
process control providing consumer safety. of origin and compliance for inspection according to
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and ASME BPE
This pump range also incorporates full bore through requirements.
porting complying with international standards
BS4825/ISO2037, maximising the inlet and outlet The SX UltraPure range is available with seven gear-
efficiency of the pump and the NPSH characteristics. boxes each having two pump head displacements
(Table 4.2.3c).
The SX UltraPure range has been certified by EHEDG
(European Hygienic Equipment Design Group) as fully Flow rates up to 115 m3/hr (506 US gal/min) and
CIP cleanable to their protocol. In addition to being pressures up to 15 bar (215 PSIG).
Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure
Frame Size Model Max. speed (rpm)
litres/100 rev US gal/100 rev bar PSI
OptiLobe Range
The Alfa Laval OptiLobe Rotary Lobe Pump is a The OptiLobe range is available with five gearboxes
cost-effective alternative for general applications that each having two pump head displacements. Flow
require gentle product treatment and easy servicea- rates up to 77 m3/hr (339 US gal/min) and pressures
bility (Fig. 4.2.3d). Suited for use in applications across up to 8 bar (115 PSIG) (Table 4.2.3d).
the dairy, food, beverage, home, and personal care in-
dustries. Easy to adapt to vertical or horizontal porting
by changing the foot position on the gearbox provides
good flexibility for a variety of installations.
Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure (S or D) Max. speed
Frame Size Model
litres/100 rev US gal/100 rev bar PSI (rpm)
Suction Discharge
Fig. 4.3.1a Principle of operation
DuraCirc Range
Designed for Cleaning-in-Place (CIP), the Alfa Laval The DuraCirc range has been certified by EHEDG
DuraCirc is ideal for hygienic applications within the (European Hygienic Equipment Design Group) as fully
dairy, food, beverage, home and personal care CIP cleanable to their protocol. In addition to being
industries (Fig. 4.3.1b). The highly efficient design EHEDG compliant, the DuraCirc pump also conforms
is particularly suited to applications that are low in to the US 3A standard, and all media contacting
viscosity with medium to high discharge pressures components are FDA compliant. All media contact-
and require equipment that can be cleaned in place. ing elastomers are controlled compression joints to
prevent pumped media leaking to atmosphere (see
DuraCirc has a variety of options available to suit may section 6.2).
different processes and is designed to keep processes
running with minimal maintenance requirements. The DuraCirc range is available with five gearboxes
and a total of thirteen pump head volumetric displace-
ments. Flow rates up to 149 m3/hr (650 US gal/min)
and pressures up to 40 bar (580 PSIG) (Table 4.3.3a).
Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure Max. speed
Frame Size Model
litres/100 rev US gal/100 rev bar PSI (rpm)
Pump Nomenclature
Displacement Max. Pressure (S or D) Max. speed
Frame Size Model
litres/100 rev US gal/100 rev bar PSI (rpm)
For Alfa Laval, the pump ranges can be split into two
main construction categories:
1. Casing
2. Adaptor
3. Shroud
Fig. 5.1a LKH Centrifugal pump
1. Casing
2. Shroud
3 3. Legs
Fig. 5.1b SolidC Centrifugal pump
1. Casing
2. Adaptor
3. Backplate
Fig. 5.1c ICP2000 Centrifugal pump
2 5
4 1. Product seal area
3 2. Rotor case
3. Rotor case cover
4. Ports
5. Gearbox
6. Drive shaft
Fig. 5.1d SRU Rotary lobe pump
Main Pump Component Metallic Product Wetted Parts Metallic Non-product Wetted Parts
4 2
Main Pump Component Metallic Product Wetted Parts Metallic Non-product Wetted Parts
Alloy 304 Also known as 18/8 for its com- Excellent in a wide range of Non to low chloride containing
position of 18% chromium and atmospheric environments and water applications, nitric acid,
8% nickel many corrosive media. Subject and oleum
to pitting and crevice corrosion
in warm chloride environments,
and to stress corrosion cracking
approximately above 60° C
Alloy 316 A composition of 18% chromi- The 316 grade is used instead Versatile material that is used in
um and 10% nickel and 2% of of 304 in cases where higher a very wide range of applications
molybdenum resistance to pitting and crevice like; food, dairy, beverage, organ-
corrosion is required, in chloride ic acids and pharmaceutical, to
environments mention a few
Table 5.2a Stainless Steel Alloys
Stainless steel meets all these requirements for pump The biggest difference between the grades is molyb-
designs with the most commonly grades within denum is added to SS 316 to increase corrosion and
hygienic applications being austenitic types; SS pitting resistance.
(Stainless Steel) 304 (1.4301), 316 (1.4401) and 316L
(1.4404) (Table 5.2a). SS 316L is almost identical to SS 316. The only
difference is the lower carbon content with SS 316
Differences between SS 304 and SS 316: having maximum value of 0.08% and SS 316L having
maximum value of 0.03%.
• Both 304 and 316 are easily welded and formed
Pump surfaces Standard surface roughness Optional surface roughness (3A Optional surface roughness (3A fin-
Ra (mm) by Rumbling method finish) Ra (mm) by Mechanical ish) Ra (mm) by shot blasting (Hand
(Hand) method or Electropolished)
Product wetted < 1.6 (64 Ra) < 0.8 (32 Ra) < 0.5 (20 Ra)
External exposed < 1.6 (64 Ra) < 1.6 (64 Ra) < 1.6 (64 Ra)
Cast surfaces < 3.2 (125 Ra) } 3.2 (125 Ra) } 3.2 (125 Ra)
Other surfaces } 6.3 (250 Ra) } 6.3 (250 Ra) } 6.3 (250 Ra)
Table 5.3a
0 X
-y Mean line
Fig. 5.3a Surface roughness
Surface Roughness
The most used surface roughness measurement is Ra Stainless steel passivation unipotentialises the
and is defined as ‘the arithmetic mean of the absolute stainless steel with the oxygen absorbed by the
value of the departure of the profile from the mean metal surface, creating a monomolecular oxide film.
line’ (Fig. 5.3a). Ra is measured in micron (µm). The This process returns the stainless steel back to its
surface roughness can alternatively be specified by a original specifications. When a part is machined,
Grit value. The Grit value specifies the grain size of the various particles can permeate the surface of the
coating of the grinding tool used. base metal, weakening its resistance to corrosion and
making the part more susceptible to environmental
The approximate connection between the Ra value factors. Debris, dirt and other particles and residue
and the Grit value is as follows: such as free iron, grease, and machining oils all affect
the strength of the natural surface and can become
Ra = 0.8 µm (32 Ra) ≈ 150 Grit (3A standard) embedded in the surface during the machining pro-
cess. These often go unseen to the human eye and
Ra = 1.6 µm (64 Ra) ≈ 100 Grit are often the cause of the deterioration. The passiva-
tion process improves and purifies the surface of the
Alfa Laval Centrifugal pumps supplied in the US have part. The restored surface acts as a protective coating
all product wetted surfaces and external exposed to environmental factors such as air, water, and other
surfaces to 0.8 Ra. extreme environments.
For Alfa Laval Rotary Lobe Pumps the surface rough- It is important to mention that passivation does not
ness on product wetted parts such as rotors, rotor change the outward appearance of the base metal.
case, rotor nuts and rotor case covers is as follows:
Advantages of Passivation
‘Standard’ 0.8 Ra • Improved corrosion resistance
Electropolishing 0.8 Ra
Mechanical (Hand) 0.38 Ra • Uniform, smooth appearance & finish
• Cleanliness
• Improved & extended life of product
The passivation of stainless steel is a process per-
formed to make a surface passive, i.e., a surface film
is created that causes the surface to lose its chemical Note: Passivation is also accomplished by
reactivity. electropolishing.
5.4 Elastomers
Alfa Laval pump ranges incorporate elastomers of • Resistant to ozone and radiation
different material and characteristics dependent
• Temperature range - min. -40° C to max. +150° C
upon application within the pump and the fluid being
(min. -40° F to max. +302° F)
• Not resistant to organic & non-organic oils/greases
Various elastomer types are specified below. It is and aliphatic, aromatic, chlorinated hydrocarbons
difficult to predict the lifetime of elastomers as they
will be affected by many factors, e.g., chemical attack,
temperature, mechanical wear etc. FPM/FKM (Fluorinated rubber)
Alternatively known as Viton®. FPM is a fluoro rubber
It is important to note all Alfa Laval pumps are sup- that has excellent chemical resistance to a very wide
plied with FDA, 3A EC1935/2004 and EC2023/2006 array of substances. It has excellent resistance to oils
conforming elastomer grades as standard. including aromatics, acids, oxidization, and heat.
FFPM/FFKM (Perfluoroelastomer)
Perfluoroelastomers contain an even higher amount of
fluorine than FKM and is typically used in applications
where compatibility is limited to standard offerings.
• More elastic than PTFE (Polytetrafluoro Ethylene) • Not resistant to steam, inorganic acids, mineral
oils, or most organic solvents
• Not suitable with molten alkali metals
• Elastic
Shaft sealing devices used in the various pump The majority of proprietary mechanical seals available
technologies in the Alfa Laval pump portfolio include: from seal manufacturers have been designed for single
shaft pump concepts, for example Centrifugal pumps.
Mechanical Seals Such pump types do not impose any radial or axial
constraints on seal design. However, on Rotary Lobe,
• Single externally mounted
Circumferential Piston and Twin Screw pumps the
• Single internally mounted need to minimise the shaft extension beyond the front
bearing places significant axial constraints. If this were
• Single externally mounted for external flush
extended, the shaft diameter would increase introduc-
• Single internally mounted for product recirculation ing a radial constraint - because shafts on the above
or external flush referenced pump technologies are in the same plane,
the maximum diameter of the seal must be less than
• Double ‘back-to-back’ with the inboard seal
the shaft centres. Most designs therefore can only
externally mounted for flush
accommodate ‘bespoke’ or ‘customised’ seal design.
This is not done to take any commercial advantage,
O-ring seals rather it is as a consequence of these pumps design
• Single concept.
Centrifugal pumps only have one shaft seal whereas There is often more than one solution and
Rotary Lobe, Internal Gear, Circumferential Piston sometimes no ideal solution, therefore a
and Twin Screw pumps employ a minimum of two compromise may have to be considered.
shaft seals (one per shaft). Generally, all shaft seals
are under pressure with the pressure gradient across
the seal being from pumped fluid to atmosphere. The
exception to this is with a double seal, where the flush
pressure can be greater than the differential pressure
in the pump chamber. This results in the pressure
gradient being reversed.
• Fluid to be pumped
Temperature - effect on materials?
- can interface film be maintained?
Viscosity - drag on seal faces?
- clogging of seal restricting movement?
- can interface film be established and maintained?
- stiction at seal faces?
Fluid behaviour - does product shear, thin, thicken
or ‘work’ - balling/carbonise?
- can interface film be established and maintained?
Solids - size?
- abrasiveness?
- density?
- clogging of seal restricting movement?
- can interface film be established and maintained?
Thermal stability - what, if any change?
Air reacting - what, if any change?
• Services - flush?
- pressure?
- temperature?
- continuity?
A mechanical seal typically comprises of: For Alfa Laval pump ranges an O-ring or profiled
• A primary seal, comprising of stationary and rotary elastomer is the most commonly type of secondary
seal rings seal used. This is a simple and versatile solution and
(dependent on range) is offered in the following com-
• Two secondary seals, one for each of the station-
prehensive material options:
ary and rotary seal rings
• Silicone
The Primary Seal
Comprises of two flat faces, one rotating and one sta-
tionary, which support a fluid film, thus minimising heat Note:
generation and subsequent mechanical damage. USP class VI compliant variants are an available option
on certain ranges, in certain materials.
Silicon Carbide
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Centrifugal LKH/LKH Evap
LKH Prime
LKH Multistage
LKH UltraPure
SolidC UltraPure
SX UltraPure
DuraCirc Aseptic
Twin Screw OS
Internal Gear M
Note 1: LKH Multistage 120 only has EPDM & NBR elastomer option
Note 2: SX1 pump has tungsten carbide seal faces, not silicon carbide seal faces
Table 6.1a
2 10 9 7
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave Spring
4. Rotary Seal drive ring
5. Stationary Seal drive O-ring
Process media 6. Rotary Seal O-ring
7. Rotor
8. Shaft
Working length 9. Rotorcase
10. Stationary Seal Ring
Anti-rotation pin
11. Grub screw
4 11 3 6 8 1 5
Fig. 6.1a Typical single mechanical seal used in rotary lobe pumps
• Flats • Spring
• Pins • Bellows
• Clamps
4 3 2 9 5
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
1 3. Spring
4. Drive ring
Process media 5. Stationary Seal elastomer
6. Rotary Seal elastomer
7. Impeller
8. Pump shaft
9. Backplate
8 6 7
Fig. 6.1b Typical single mechanical seal used in centrifugal pumps
Working Length
The ideal design should eliminate/minimise possibilities Note:
for error by incorporating (Fig. 6.1a): Some Alfa Laval mechancial seals are self-setting by
design, whereby working length is autoamtically set.
• Physical position i.e., step on shaft
• Grub screws
One of the main causes of seal failure
is for the seal working length not being
correctly maintained.
Approx. 1µm
Fig. 6.1c Principle of mechanical seal operation
4 3 2 9 5
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
1 3. Spring
4. Drive ring
Process media
5. Stationary Seal elastomer
6. Rotary Seal elastomer
7. Impeller
8. Pump shaft
9. Backplate
8 6 7
Fig. 6.1d Typical external shaft seal
External Mounted Mechanical Seals Pumps having externally mounted mechanical seals
In an externally mounted mechanical seal, the seal is include LKH, LKH UltraPure, LKHex, LKH Prime, LKH
designed such that the direction of fluid flow across Prime UltraPure, Solid C, Solid C UltraPure and SRU.
the seal faces is from the internal to external seal
face diameter, i.e., the fluid is sealing inside to out, as
shown in Fig. 6.1d.
5 6 9 4 7
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Spring
4. Rotating seal housing
5. Stationary Seal elastomer
10 Process media 6. Rotary Seal quad ring
7. Impeller
8. Pump shaft
9. Backplate
10. Seal housing quad ring
8 1 2 3
Fig. 6.1e Typical internal shaft seal
• Alcohol
• Animal Fat
• Aviation Fuel
• Beer
• Dairy Creams
• Fish Oil
• Fruit Juice
• Liquid Egg
• Milk
• Shampoo
• Solvents
• Vegetable Oil
• Water
• Yoghurt
4 10 11 9
Flush housing on SX/SX-UP, DuraCirc as well as Twin
Screw are integral to the rotor case/casing).
• Abrasive Slurries
• Chocolate
• Glucose
• Hazardous Chemicals
• PVC Paste
• Photographic Emulsion
• Resin
B A: Pressure gauge
1. Pressure gauge*
B: Control valve 2. Control valve*
A C: Check valve
D: Isolation valve
3. Suggested visible
* Double mechanical seal only
indication of flow
4. Pressure gauge
3 Suggested visible
indication of flow 5. Control valve
6. Check valve
A B C D 7. Isolation valve
Flush Inlet
Fig. 6.1j Typical flushing pipework layout for a rotary lobe pump
Flush Media
Flush Media
• Is fluid hazardous?
• Is fluid abrasive?
• Is fluid viscosity high? Use Double Flushed Seal
• Is temperature high?
• Is aseptic barrier required?
Use Single Seal
• Is fluid abrasive?
• Check chemical compatibility
Fig. 6.1l Seal selection process
2 10 9 7
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave Spring
4. Rotary Seal drive ring
5. Stationary Seal drive O-ring
Process media 6. Rotary Seal O-ring
7. Rotor
8. Shaft
Working length 9. Rotorcase
10. Stationary Seal Ring
Anti-rotation pin
11. Grub screw
4 11 3 6 8 1 5
Fig. 6.2a R90 single mechanical seal
2 9 7
8 4 6 1 3 5 10
Fig. 6.2b Hyclean single mechanical seal
4 3
Fig. 6.2c SX pump head sealing
9 4 1 5 2 6 3
Fig. 6.2d R00 single mechanical seal
10 9 5 2 6 4 3 7
1. Stationary Seal ring
2. Rotary Seal ring
3. Wave spring
4. Rotary Seal drive ring
5. Stationary L-cup seal
Process media
6. Rotary Seal O-ring
1 7. Rotor
8. Shaft
9. Rotor case
10. Stationary seal drive ring
Fig. 6.2e OptiLobe Easyfit single mechanical seal in situ
11 8 4 3 1 10
Fig. 6.2g DuraCirc single flushed mechanical seal
9 7 1 6 5 2
9 7 1 6 5 2
The O-ring seal option also has the same advantages O-ring seal material options in FDA conforming EPDM
as with the mechanical seal equivalent, in that the and FPM.
single O-ring seal variant is fully front loading, there is
easy conversion from single to flushed O-ring by the The O-ring in an O-ring seal is typically designed for
simple addition of a lip seal, without the need for hous- more frequent change than pumps fitted with me-
ing or component modification (Fig. 6.2j). Additionally, chanical seals, however wear is typically limited to the
the O-ring is positioned directly in the fluid flow path, O-ring itself. As it is an O-ring elastomer which is doing
thereby seeing full liquid velocity, ensuring optimal the actual sealing, as opposed to a set of mechani-
cleaning during CIP cycle. cal seal faces, the recommended maximum running
speed is 300 rpm and operating pressure is 7 bar (102
4 9 7 6 11 3
Fig. 6.2k Twin Screw Single Mechanical Seal
1 8 10 5 2
1. Seal housing
2. Pump casing
3. Screw
4. Shaft
5. Sleeve
6. Rotary Seal face
Process media
7. Static Seal face
8. Seal housing (incl. coil springs)
9. Circlip
10. P-ring
11. Washer
12. Flush lip seal
4 12 9 7 6 11 3
Fig. 6.2l Twin Screw Flushed Mechanical Seal
1 8 10 5 2 1. Seal housing
2. Pump casing
3. Screw
4. Shaft
5. Rotary holder
13 6. Rotary Seal face inboard
7. Static Seal face inboard
Process media
8. Housing
14 9. Drive ring
10. P-ring
15 11. Washer
12. Static Seal face onboard
13. Rotary Seal face onboard
4 16 12 9 7 6 11 10 3 14. Drive ring (incl. coil springs)
Fig. 6.2m Twin Screw Double Mechanical Seal
15. Circlip
16. O-ring
• SG/Density • Traceability
– Use of frequency drive/VFD
• Pumping temperature
In an ideal situation all the above criteria should be
• Vapor pressure
known before sizing a pump – however, in many
• Solids content (max. size and concentration) instances not all this information is known and made
available. In such cases to complete the sizing pro-
• Fluid behavior (i.e., Newtonian or Pseudoplastic
cess, some assumptions may need to be made based
upon application knowledge, experience etc. These
• Is product hazardous or toxic? should be subsequently confirmed, as they could be
critical to satisfactory installation and operation.
• Does fluid crystallize in contact with atmosphere?
• Is CIP required and if so what temperature and If you have access to our Online ALiCE selection
performance data if needs to be carried out with system (other systems as PUMP-FLO® can also be
our pump? used) the acquired data together with assumptions
can be
Performance Data entered and the system will advise which pumps can
• Capacity (flow rate) be used for the specific duty and gives the option to
sort by the most important factors for the customer
• Discharge head/pressure
whether this is efficiency, purchase price or other
• Suction condition (flooded or suction lift) NPSHa factors.
Site Services Data If you have access to ALiCE and want to select from
• Power source (electric, air, diesel, petrol there then please go through our Webinars on sizing
or hydraulic). If electric – motor enclosure and configuration in our learning portal.
and electrical supply
For calculating the correct size pump and to make
• Seal flushing fluid
qualified assumptions the following will assist in
optimal sizing.
Q = Capacity (m3/s)
H = Total Head/Pressure (m)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2)
Other forms of this equation can be as follows:
Hydraulic Power (kW) = QxH Where:
Q = Capacity
H = Total Head/Pressure
k = Constant (dependent upon units used)
r = Radius
V = Velocity
7.2.4 Efficiency
Total Efficiency Volumetric Efficiency
Total efficiency is typically used on centrifugal pump This term is used on all centrifugal and positive dis-
to describe the relationship between input power at placement pump types. It is most commonly used to
the pump shaft and output power in the form of water compare the performance of a number of pump types,
horsepower. The term ‘mechanical efficiency’ can where accurate geometric data is available.
also be used to describe this ratio. Total efficiency,
designated by symbol η comprises of three elements, For centrifugal pumps,
Hydraulic Efficiency (ηh), Mechanical Efficiency (ηm) and Volumetric Efficiency (ηv) = Q x 100%
Volumetric Efficiency (ηv) which are described below: Q + QL
Mechanical Efficiency (ηm ) =
1 - Pump mechanical losses x 100%
Required power
Q = q x ηv x 60 x n Where:
n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
q = Pump Displacement (m3/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
n = Q x 100 Where:
q x ηv x 60
n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
q = Pump Displacement (m3/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
Q = q x ηv x n Where:
n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
q = Pump Displacement (US gal/100 rev)
ηV = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
Pump Efficiency
The term pump efficiency is used on all types of
pumps to describe the ratio of power supply to the
drive shaft against water horsepower (the power
available to move the liquid without losses).
Overall Efficiency
Overall efficiency is a term used to describe and
compare the performance of all types of pumps.
Overall efficiency considers the efficiency of both the
prime mover and the pump, and is sometimes known
as the wire to water/liquid efficiency where the prime
mover is an electric motor.
Hydraulic Losses
Actual Head
Fig. 7.3.1a Hydraulic losses
Fig. 7.3.1b Curves for Q and H
Fig. 7.3.1c Curves for Q, H, P and ρι Fig. 7.3.1d NPSHr curve
Fig. 7.3.1e Effects on Q, H and η Fig. 7.3.1f Effects on Q, H and η
5 5
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Q (m3/h)
A = 110 D = 140 G = 163
B = 120 E = 150
C = 130 F = 160
P (kW)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Q (m3/h)
A = 110 D = 140 G = 163
B = 120 E = 150
C = 130 F = 160
Fig. 7.3.1g Example
3 4
Fig. 7.3.2a Process curve
2 2
1 1
Fig. 7.3.2b Changes in pressure drop Fig. 7.3.2c Changes in required head
The duty point of a pump can change due to chang- It is possible to compensate for the change of duty
es in the conditions of the process plant (changes in point by means of flow control that can be achieved as
head, pressure drops etc.). The pump will automati- follows:
cally regulate the capacity to meet the new conditions
(see Fig. 7.3.2b and 7.3.2c). • Reducing the impeller diameter
(not for Multistage pumps)
Q2 Q1 Q
Fig. 7.3.2d Reducing impeller diameter
Centrifugal Pump
D2 = D1 x
√ c-b [mm]
The connection between Impeller Diameter (D),
Capacity (Q) and Head (H) is shown in Fig. 7.3.2d:
D1 = Standard Diameter before Reducing
a = Maximum Duty Point
1. Before reducing
b = Minimum Duty Point
c = Required Duty Point
2. After reducing – the duty point moves towards point
2 when reducing the impeller diameter
Speed/Power P1 = n13
P2 n23
⇒n =n x
√ 1 3 P2
H H1
H1 2
Q2 Q1 Q Q2 Q1 Q
Fig. 7.3.2e Throttling discharge line Fig. 7.3.2f Controlling pump speed
The connection between Capacity (Q) and Head (H) The connection between Capacity (Q) and Head (H)
when throttling is shown in Fig. 7.3.2e. when changing the impeller speed is shown in Fig.
1. Before throttling
2. After throttling, the duty point moves towards 1. Before reducing impeller speed
point 2
2. After reducing impeller speed. The working point
Throttling should not be carried out in the suction line moves towards point 2 when reducing the impeller
as cavitation can occur. speed
As shown from the above formulas the impeller speed Pump 2 must be able to withstand the outlet head
affects capacity, head and required power as follows: from pump 1.
H2 1 Q1
Q Q3
H1 Q2
Q Q Q3 = Q1 + Q2 H = Constant
Fig. 7.3.3b Head of pumps in series Fig. 7.3.3c Principle of connection
If two different pumps are connected in series, the A multi-stage centrifugal pump is in principle several
pump with the lowest NPSH value should be installed pumps that are coupled in series but built together as
as the first pump (for critical suction conditions). one pump unit.
H H Q1 < Q2
Q1 = Q2
1.2 1 1+2
Fig. 7.3.3d Connection of two similar pumps Fig. 7.3.3e Connection of two different pumps
Fig. 7.3.3f Connection of two different pump sizes
The pumps receive the fluid from the same source and For two different pumps, If the capacity Q1 is smaller
have a common discharge line. than the capacity Q2, it is possible to install a non-
return valve in the discharge line of pump 1 to avoid
When the capacity is increased by means of pumps pump 2 pumping fluid back through pump 1 (see Fig.
coupled in parallel, the equipment and pressure drop 7.3.3e).
in the installation must be determined according to the
total capacity of the pumps (see Fig. 7.3.3f). Equally it is important to install the pumps with same
pipe size etc. so one pump does not take all the flow
and “starve” the other which could result in cavitation.
0.6 bar
(pressure vessel)
21 m
Wort pump
Yeast pitching
80 m
Fig. 7.4.1a Example 1
Product/Fluid data:
Fluid to be pumped - Wort
Viscosity - 1 cP All the data has been given
Pumping temperature - 90° C by the customer.
Performance data:
Capacity - 40 m3/h
Discharge - via 80 m of 101.6 mm dia.
tube, plus a given number
of bends, valves and a
plate heat exchanger with
∆pPHE 1.6 bar.
Static head in Fermenting
vessel = 21 m.
Pressure in Fermenting
vessel = 0.6 bar
Suction - 0.4 m head, plus a given
number of bends and
hfs hft
Fig. 7.4.1b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up
Total head
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:
ht = 21 m
hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
+ Pressure Drop in Plate Heat Exchanger ∆pPHE
∆ptube (from curve shown in 14.5) = 1.5 m
(1.8 m loss per 100 m)
∆p is calculated to be 5 m
∆pPHE is given as 1.6 bar = 16 m
hft = 1.5 + 5 + 16 m = 22.5 m
pt = 0.6 bar = 6 m
hs = 0.4 m
hfs = Calculated to be 1 m
ps = 0 (open tank)
Actual pump sizing can be made using pump perfor- Cavitation check
mance curves or a pump selection program. The per- NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 2.4 m > 1.4
formance curves are, however, not suitable if the fluid m, i.e., no cavitation will occur.
to be pumped has physical properties (i.e., viscosity)
different from water. In this particular example both the The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
pump performance curves and pump selection pro- Laval application experience and guidelines would be
gram can be used. The performance curve selection a double mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
procedure is more specifically described in section faces and EPDM elastomers.
1: Full vessel
ht1 2: Empty vessel
ht2 2
Q1 Q2 Q
Fig. 7.4.1c Q - H charateristic when changing valves
7.4.2 Example 2
The following example in Fig. 7.4.2a shows a
centrifugal pump to be sized for a typical dairy
Milk out
Pump ‘A’
Standardised Milk
Balance Tank
P = 1.5 bar
Fig. 7.4.2a Example 2
Product/Fluid data:
Fluid to be pumped - Raw Milk
Viscosity - 5 cP
All the data has been given
Pumping temperature - 5° C
by the customer.
Performance data:
Capacity - 30 m3/h
Discharge - via 5 m of horizontal 76
mm dia. tube, plus a given
number of bends, valves
and a plate heat exchang-
er with ∆pPHE 1 bar.
Inlet pressure for the sep-
arator = 1.5 bar
Suction - 0.1 m head, plus a given
number of bends and
hfs hft
Fig. 7.4.2b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up
Total head
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:
hs = 0.1 m
hfs = Calculated to be 0.4 m
ps = 0 (open tank)
Cavitation check
As the fluid to be pumped has physical properties (i.e., NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 9.7 m > 1.4
viscosity) different from water, the pump performance m, i.e., no cavitation will occur.
curves should not be used, and actual pump sizing
should be made using the pump selection program. The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
For this particular example, pump sized would be as a single mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
follows: faces and EPDM elastomers.
Pump Model - LKH-20
Impeller size - 144 mm
Speed - 2883 rev/min
Capacity - 30 m3/h
Head - 25.6m (2.56 bar)
Efficiency - 62.7%
NPSHr - 1.4 m
Motor size - 4 kW
7.4.3 Example 3
A CIP return pump is to be sized for an application for Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine
the following details given by the customer: the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
Product/Fluid data: specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.
Fluid to be pumped - CIP return
Viscosity - 1 cP
Pumping temperature - 5° C – 90° C
Performance data:
Capacity - 30 m3/h
Discharge - via 5 m of horizontal 76
mm dia. tube, plus a given
number of bends, valves
and a plate heat exchang-
er with ∆pPHE 1 bar as well
as 1.5 bar over a separator
Suction - 0.5 m static head, plus a
given number of bends
and valves all together
with a friction loss of 0.5 m
hs = 0.5 m
hfs = Calculated to be 0.5 m
ps = 0 (open tank)
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:
Using a sizing program we get the option of a LKH Checking another size pump, LKH-40, the option is
Prime-20: the below:
(pressure vessel)
69 ft
Wort pump
Yeast pitching
262 ft
Fig. 7.5.1a Example 1
Product/Fluid data:
Fluid to be pumped - Wort
Viscosity - 1 cP
Pumping temperature - 194° F
hfs hft
Fig. 7.5.1b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up
Total head
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:
ht = 69 ft
hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
+ Pressure Drop in Plate Heat Exchanger ∆pPHE
∆ptube (from curve shown in 14.5) = 4.7 ft
(5.9 ft loss per 328 ft) = for 262 ft tube
- loss 4.7 ft
∆p is calculated to be 16 ft
∆pPHE is given as 23 PSI = 53 ft
hft = 4.7 + 16 + 53 ft = 73.7 ft
pt = 9 PSI = 20 ft
hs = 1.5 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 3 ft
ps = 0 (open tank)
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:
Cavitation check
Actual pump sizing can be made using pump perfor-
NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e. 9.4 ft > 7.5
mance curves or a pump selection program. The per-
ft, i.e., no cavitation will occur.
formance curves are, however, not suitable if the fluid
to be pumped has physical properties (i.e., viscosity)
The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
different from water. In this particular example both the
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
pump performance curves and pump selection pro-
a double mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
gram can be used. The performance curve selection
faces and EPDM elastomers.
procedure is more specifically described in section
For this particular example, pump sized would be as
Pump Model - LKH-20
Impeller size - 6.50 in
Speed - 3500 rev/min
Capacity - 176 US gal/min
Head - 164.2 ft (71.2 PSI)
Efficiency - 67.25%
NPSHr - 7.5 ft
Motor size - 15 hp
ht2 2
Q1 Q2 Q
Fig. 7.5.1c Q - H charateristic when changing valves
7.5.2 Example 2
The following example in Fig. 7.5.2a shows a centrifu-
gal pump to be sized for a typical dairy process.
Milk out
Pump ‘A’
Standardised Milk
Balance Tank
P = 22 PSI
Fig. 7.5.2a Example 2
Product/Fluid data:
Fluid to be pumped - Raw Milk
Viscosity - 5 cP
Pumping temperature - 41° F
Performance data:
Capacity - 132 US gal/min
Discharge - via 16 ft of horizontal 3
in dia. tube, plus a given All the data has been given
number of bends, valves,
by the customer.
and a plate heat exchang-
er with ∆pPHE 15 PSI.
Inlet pressure for the sep-
arator = 22 PSI
Suction - 0.3 ft head, plus a given
number of bends, and
hfs hft
Fig. 7.5.2b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up
Total head
Total Discharge Head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:
hs = 0.3 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 1.3 ft
ps = 0 (open tank)
Cavitation check
As the fluid to be pumped has physical properties (i.e., NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 32.9 ft > 4.6
viscosity) different from water, the pump performance ft, i.e., no cavitation will occur.
curves should not be used, and actual pump sizing
should be made using the pump selection program. The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
For this particular example, pump sized would be as a single mechanical seal with carbon/silicon carbide
follows: faces and EPDM elastomers.
Pump Model - LKH-10
Impeller size - 5.51 in
Speed - 3450 rev/min
Capacity - 132 US gal/min
Head - 84.9 ft (36.8 PSI)
Efficiency - 65.4%
NPSHr - 4.6 ft
Motor size - 5.0 hp
7.5.3 Example 3
A CIP return pump is to be sized for an application for Before sizing a pump, it will be necessary to determine
the following details given by the customer. the total head and NPSHa. The theory, including the
different formulae regarding these parameters is more
Product/Fluid data: specifically described in section 2.2.2 and 2.2.4.
Fluid to be pumped - CIP return
Viscosity - 1 cP
Pumping temperature - 41° F - 194° F
Performance data:
Capacity - 132 GPM
Discharge - via 16 ft of horizontal 3
in dia. tube, plus a given
number of bends, valves,
and a plate heat exchang-
er with ∆pPHE 15 PSI and
22 PSI over a separator
Suction - 1.6 ft static head, plus a
given number of bends
and valves all together
with a friction loss of 1.6 ft
hs = 1.6 ft
hfs = Calculated to be 1.6 ft
ps = 0 (open tank)
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:
Using a sizing program we get the option of a LKH Checking another size pump it will be necessary to
Prime-20: use a variable frequency drive if we would still want to
have a LKH-Prime pump. Using a sizing program we
can get the below:
Pump Model - LKH Prime-20
Impeller size - 5.31 in Checking another size pump, LKH-40 the option is
Speed - 3520 rev/min the below:
Capacity - 132 GPM
Head - 85.9 ft (37.2 PSI) - it is Pump Model - LKH Prime-40
important not to oversize Impeller size - 6.3 in
as air evacuation capability
Speed - 2950 rev/min
diminish below 2800 rpm
Capacity - 132 GPM
Efficiency - 44.91%
Head - 85.9 ft (37.2 PSI) - it is
NPSHr - 13.6 ft
important not to oversize
Power absorbed - 6.3 hp as air evacuation capability
Motor size - 7.5 hp diminish below 2800 rpm
Efficiency - 36.15%
Cavitation check
NPSHr - 7.9 ft
NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 10.5 ft >
Power absorbed - 7.8 hp
13.6 ft.
Motor size - 10 hp
This means that the pump would cavitate at the
194° F so we should look for a larger pump or
Cavitation check
maybe decrease the temperature. NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e., 10.5 ft > 7.9
This would work. However, the efficiency goes down
and higher power consumption so it is worth checking
if temperature could be reduced to 176 – 185° F.
Inlet Outlet
Capacity Capacity
Pressure effect
The amount of slip will increase as pressure increases
which is shown above. In Fig 7.6.1b for a given pump
speed the amount of slip can be seen as the capacity
at ‘zero’ bar less the capacity at ‘X’ bar. To overcome
this amount of slip it will be necessary to increase
the pump speed to maintain the capacity required as
shown in Fig 7.6.1c.
Viscosity = 1 cP Viscosity = 10 cP Viscosity = 50 cP
Viscosity effect
The amount of slip will decrease as fluid viscosity
increases. The effect of viscosity on slip is shown in
Fig. 7.6.1d, 7.6.1e and 7.6.1f above. The pressure lines
will continue to move towards the ‘zero’ pressure line
as the viscosity increases.
Speed rev/min
A = 0 bar C = Dead head speed
B = 7 bar
Fig. 7.6.1g Dead head speed
It is worth noticing that the clearances in a circumfer- The Twin Screw pump such as the Alfa Laval OS will
ential piston pump like the Alfa Laval DuraCirc pump have relatively larger clearances due to screw length
is smaller than in a rotary lobe pump making the and overhang. As such this means greater slip but this
DuraCirc a lot less sensitive to slip. can be compensated with increased speed where the
product allows for this.
7.6.2 Initial Suction Line Sizing How to use the Performance Curve
In general terms it is common to find the recommen- There are two kinds of performance curves.
dation for the inlet pipe size to be the same diameter
as the pump inlet connection. For the first Fig. 7.6.3a.
For guidance purposes only on high viscosity duties, The performance curve consists of
the suction line can be initially sized using the initial four different curves:
suction line sizing curve (see section 14.9) where the
• Capacity as a function of speed, related to pres-
relationship between viscosity and flow rate provides
sure and viscosity
an indication of pipe sizing.
• Power as a function of speed, related to pressure
For example, for a flow rate of 10 m3/h on a fluid with and viscosity of 1 cSt
viscosity 900 cSt, a pump with 40 mm (1.5 in) diameter (see table 14.3.10 for viscosity conversion)
suction line would be initially selected.
• Power as a function of viscosity greater than 1 cSt
It is important to note this is only an approximate guide • Speed as a function of viscosity
and care should be taken not to exceed the pump’s
The curves are based on water at 20° C (68° F) but
viscosity/speed limit.
are shown with calculated viscosity correction data.
Example shown refers to the SRU pump range, but the
7.6.3 Performance Curve same sizing procedure is also used for the SX pump
Alfa Laval positive displacement pumps can be sized range.
from published performance curves or a pump selec-
tion program. Due to pump head clearances described Example
in section 8.2.2, different performance curves are used
for SRU pumps for the various temperature ratings for Product/Fluid data:
rotors i.e., 70° C (158° F), 130° C (266° F) and 200° C Fluid to be pumped - Vegetable Oil
(392° F). The SX pump range has only 150° C (302° F) Viscosity - 100 cSt
and the Optilobe pump range has only 130° C (266° F)
Pumping temperature - 30° C (86° F)
temperature ratings. The Circumferential Piston Pump,
DuraCirc, has 150° C (302° F) temperature rating.
Performance data:
For the Alfa Laval OS Twin Screw pump curves has not Capacity - 3.6 m3/h (15.8 US gal/min)
been published and should therefore always be select- Total Pressure - 8 bar (116 PSIG)
ed using a pump selection program. This is to avoid
any issues when several duties have to be considered. The optimum is to size the smallest pump
possible as hydraulic conditions dictate.
If access to Anytime a selection guideline is avaiable However other factors such as fluid behaviour,
here for the OS pump. solids etc. should be considered.
10 15
PV Factor
100 5
5 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
1,000 (cSt) Viscosity (cSt)
Flow m3/hr
2 E
2 D
Power kW C
1 A
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Speed rpm Speed rpm
A = 0.5 bar C = 2 bar E = 6 bar G = 10 bar A = 0.5 bar C = 2 bar E = 6 bar G = 10 bar
B = 1 bar D = 4 bar F = 8 bar B = 1 bar D = 4 bar F = 8 bar
From the initial suction line sizing curve (see section It should be noted, this is the power needed at the
14.9), a pump with a size 25 mm (1 in) inlet connection pump shaft and the appropriate motor power must be
would be required. Although the smallest pump selected, which in this instance would be 1.5 kW being
models SRU1/005 and SRU1/008 have 25 mm (1 in) the nearest motor output power above the required
pump inlet connections, the flow rate required would power.
exceed the pumps speed limit on the performance
curve. For this particular example, we therefore need Typically curves are used in conjunction with equation as
to select a performance curve for the pump model follows:
SRU2/013/LS with 70° C (158° F) rotor clearances, as
shown in Fig. 7.6.3a, being the next appropriate pump Total Required Power (kW) =
size. Pv x Pump speed (rev/min) + Hydraulic power at 1 cSt (kW)
Step 2 – Find Viscosity and Pressure
Begin with viscosity and find the intersection point Where: Pv = Power/Viscosity Factor
with duty pressure.
From example – 100 cSt and 8 bar (115 PSIG).
From example
• At speed 600 rev/min and 8 bar the hydraulic power at
Step 3 – Find Flow Rate
1 cSt is 1.3 kW
Move diagonally downward and find intersection
with required flow rate. • At viscosity 100 cSt the Pv factor is 1.0
From example – 3.6 m3/h (15.8 US gal/min).
Total Required Power (kW) =
Step 4 – Find Speed Pv x Pump speed (rev/min) + Hydraulic power at 1 cSt (kW)
Move vertically downward to determine necessary 10000
pump speed. = 1.0 x 600 + 1.3 = 1.36 kW (1.82 hp)
From example – 600 rev/min. 10000
30 9
Metres Water
Feet Water
25 I
20 6
14.4 4.4
10 3
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Speed rev/min
For the newer curves used for Optilobe and DuraCirc The curves are based on water at 20° C (68° F) but
(Fig. 7.6.3c). are shown with calculated viscosity correction data.
Different curves exists for SI units and American units.
The performance curve consists of five Examples shown refers to the DuraCirc pump range,
different curves but the same sizing procedure is also used for the
Optilobe pump range.
• Capacity as a function of speed, related to pres-
sure at 1 cPs
Power at 1 cPs
Flow at 1 cPs 16
14 A
Curves are representative.
Viscosity Corrected Power = (PV x rpm)/10,000 + kW (1 cPs) B
Specific pumps may vary
in performance due to C
manufacture, pumped fluids. 10
50 D
8 E
Power kW
D 4 H
40 E I
F 2
Flow m3/hr
A = 8 bar C = 6 bar E = 4 bar G = 2 bar I = 0.5 bar
B = 7 bar D = 5 bar F = 3 bar H = 1 bar
Fig. 7.6.3c OptiLobe 43 Typical performance curve based on water, with viscosity correction curves
C 70
10 D 60
200 F 50
PV Factor
G 40
0 100 H
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 I 20
Speed rpm
5871 2904 1912 1406 1092 879 719 597 498 415 A = 8 bar D = 5 bar G = 2 bar
Port Diameter B = 7 bar E = 4 bar H = 1 bar
80 mm 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 C = 6 bar F = 3 bar I = 0.5 bar
Max. Viscosity (cPs) x 100 at 0 bar
Example SI units
Duty: Step 1 – to calculate speed:
Viscosity: 10 cPs • Using the Flow Viscosity Correction curve (Fig.
Pressure: 10 bar 7.6.3d), draw a straight line up from the 10 cps
Flow rate: 4 m3/hr viscosity point on the x-axis until it intersects the
(10 bar) pressure line
Viscosity Correction DHS rmp
300 E
200 F
1 10 100 1000
Viscosity cPs
A = 20 bar D = 12 bar G = 3 bar
B = 17 bar E = 10 bar H = 1 bar
C = 15 bar F = 5 bar I = 0.5 bar
Fig. 7.6.3d
Flow at 1 cPs
Curves are representative.
Specific pumps may vary
in perdoemance due to
manufacture, pumped fluids A
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
165 460
Speed rpm
Power at 1 cPs
Viscosity Corrected Power = (PV x rmp)/10,000 + Power (1 cPs) A
5 C
0 100 200 300 400 460 500 600 700 800
Speed rpm
A = 20 bar D = 12 bar G = 3 bar
B = 17 bar E = 10 bar H = 1 bar
C = 15 bar F = 5 bar I = 0.5 bar
Fig. 7.6.3f
PV Factor
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Viscosity cPs
Fig. 7.6.3g
Example US units
Duty: Step 1 – to calculate speed:
Viscosity: 10 cPs • Using the Flow-Viscosity Correction curve
Pressure: 130 PSI (Fig. 7.6.3h), draw a straight line up from the 10 cPs
Flow rate: 60 US GPM viscosity point on the x-axis until it intersects the
(130 PSI) pressure line
Viscosity Correction DHS rmp
1 10 100 1000
Viscosity cPs
A = 232.1 PSI D = 130.5 PSI G = 43.5 PSI
B = 188.5 PSI E = 101.5 PSI H = 14.5 PSI
C = 159.5 PSI F = 72.5 PSI I = 7.3 PSI
Fig. 7.6.3h
• At the desired flow rate of 60 US GPM, draw a • This speed (of 355 rpm) is the resulting duty speed
line parallel to the x-axis, until it intersects the line
drawn described above
Flow at 1 cPs
Curves are representative. A
Specific pumps may vary B
in perdoemance due to C
manufacture, pumped fluids D
140 H
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
115 355
Speed rpm
Power at 1 cPs
Viscosity Corrected Power = (PV x rmp)/10,000 + Power (1 cPs)
0 100 200 300 355 400 460 500 600 700 800
Speed rpm
A = 232.1 PSI D = 130.5 PSI G = 43.5 PSI
B = 188.5 PSI E = 101.5 PSI H = 14.5 PSI
C = 159.5 PSI F = 72.5 PSI I = 7.3 PSI
Fig. 7.6.3j
PV Factor
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Viscosity cPs
Fig. 7.6.3k
7.6.4 Pumps fitted with Bi-lobe Rotors 7.6.5 Pumps fitted with Bi-lobe Rotors
(Stainless Steel) (Non Galling Alloy)
These rotors, described in section 8.2.1, are available These rotors, described in section 8.2.1, have very
for SRU pumps and mainly used on high viscosity small clearances resulting in increased volumetric
products containing solids where the pumps volumet- efficiency over non Galling rotors when used on fluids
ric efficiency is high. When pumping such products with viscosities up to 50 cP. Pump sizing is achieved
optimum performance is obtained by using large slow by referring to published performance curves or a
running pumps. pump selection program. Due to pump head clearanc-
es described in 8.2.2, different performance curves
Applications on water like viscosity fluids would result are used for the various temperature ratings of rotors
in slightly decreased efficiency over stainless steel i.e., 70° C (158° F), 130° C (266° F) and 200° C (392°
Tri-lobe rotors. For this reason specific performance F). The use of performance curves is as described in
curves are available for Bi-lobe SS rotors where dead section 7.6.3.
head speed is slightly higher than for Tri-lobes. Due
to pump head clearances described in 8.2.2, different
performance curves are used for the various temper-
ature ratings of rotors i.e., 70° C (158° F), 130° C (266°
F) and 200° C (392° F). The use of performance curves
is as described in section 7.6.3.
Table 7.6.6b
- Optimum Conditions
Solids form Spherical
OptiLobe Model Tri-lobe Rotors SRU Model Bi-lobe Rotors Tri-lobe Rotors
mm in mm in mm in
12 6 0.24" SRU1/005 8 0.31" 6 0.24"
13 6 0.24" SRU1/008 8 0.31" 6 0.24"
22 8 0.31" SRU2/013 8 0.31" 6 0.24"
23 8 0.31" SRU2/018 13 0.51" 9 0.34"
32 10 0.39" SRU3/027 13 0.51" 9 0.34"
33 10 0.39" SRU3/038 16 0.63" 11 0.44"
42 12 0.47" SRU4/055 16 0.63" 11 0.44"
43 12 0.47" SRU4/079 22 0.88" 15 0.59"
52 16 0.63" SRU5/116 22 0.88" 15 0.59"
53 16 0.63" SRU5/168 27 1.06" 18 0.72"
SRU6/260 27 1.06" 18 0.72"
SRU6/353 37 1.47" 24 0.94"
Pump 1
A low viscosity example handling sugar syrup
Pump 2
A high viscosity example handling massecuite x
Pump 3
A double duty example handling juice concentrate
and CIP
1 bar
Feed Tank
1m 3m
hfs hft
Fig. 7.7b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up
Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:
Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = DxVxp Where:
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
p = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
Therefore Re = DxVxp
= 51 x 1.22 x 1290
= 1003
As Re is less than 2300, flow will be laminar so our calculations can continue for laminar flow.
= 0.2 bar = 2 m
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:
20 m
hfs hft
Fig. 7.7d
Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:
ht = 20 m x (SG = 1.35) = 27 m
hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
(calculated below)
pt = 0 bar (open tank) = 0 m
To ascertain hft the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:
Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = DxVxp Where:
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
p = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
Therefore Re = DxVxp
= 76 x 0.61 x 1350
= 2.5
Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = DxVxp Where:
D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
p = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
Therefore Re = DxVxp
= 101.6 x 0.34 x 1350
= 1.9
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:
Cavitation check
With the new head an SRU pump or a smaller NPSHa should be greater than NPSHr i.e.,
DuraCirc circumferential piston pump could be an 4.9 m > 2.3 m/1.1 m
option and using a pump selection program using
stainless steel Tri-lobe rotors with 130° C rotor Viscosity/Port Size check
clearances would be as follows:
The viscosity of 25000 cP at speed 100 rev/min is well
within the pump’s maximum rated figures.
Pump Model - SRU5/168/LD
Connection size - 100 mm (enlarged port) It should be noted that this is the power needed at the
Speed - 100 rev/min pump shaft, and for a fixed speed drive the appro-
NPSHr - 2.3 m priate motor power must be selected, which in this
Absorbed power - 5.1 kW instance would be 5.5 kW being the nearest motor
output power above the required power.
Pump Model - DuraCirc 62 As the SRU will be the least expensive technology and
Connection size - 80 mm has the 100 mm inlet port option this would be best to
Speed - 116 rev/min go with.
NPSHr - 1.1 m
The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
Absorbed power - 5.2 kW
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
Note that by increasing the pipe size the energy a single flushed seal with SiC/SiC seal faces and FPM
consumption is reduced from 12.2 to 5.2 kW. or EPDM elastomers.
= 10 x 100
0.168 x 0.99 x 60
= 100 rev/min
Total Head H = Ht - Hs
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:
Pump 1
A low viscosity example handling sugar syrup
Pump 2
A high viscosity example handling massecuite x
Pump 3
A double duty example handling juice concentrate
and CIP
15 PSI
3 ft
Feed Tank
26 ft
20 ft
3 ft
6 ft
3 ft
3 ft 10 ft
hfs hft
Fig. 7.8b Typical suction / Discharge Head set-up
Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:
To ascertain hft the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:
Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = 3162 x Q Where:
D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)
= 3162 x 40
2 x 62
= 1020
= 40 x 0.409
= 4.1 ft/s
= 2.2 PSI = 5 ft
= 40 x 0.409
= 4.1 ft/s
= 3 PSI = 7 ft
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:
Actual pump sizing can be made using pump Total Required Power (kW) =
performance curves or a pump selection program. Pv x Pump speed (rev/min) + Power at 1 cSt (kW)
The performance curve selection procedure is more 10000
specifically described in section 7.6.3.
= 3 x 412 + 1.1
From the initial suction line sizing curve (see section
14.9), a pump with a size 1.5 in inlet connection would
= 1.22 hp
be required. As the duty is below 8 bar, and no special
seals or other options are needed – the Optilobe would
It should be noted that this is the power needed at the
be the first pump to check. As the sugar syrup can be
pump shaft, and the appropriate motor power must be
quite abrasive with the pump we would not run much
selected, which in this instance would be 1.5 hp being
faster than 450 rpm. Using a sizing program this gives
the nearest motor output power above the required
the pump sized as follows:
Pump Model - OptiLobe 33
Since the viscosity is relatively low an alternative to
Connection size - 2 in
this could be the DuraCirc pump, which is effecient at
Speed - 412 rev/min lower viscosity. Using the same data as above this can
NPSHr - 6.8 ft be selected either in a selection program or by means
Absorbed power - 1.2 hp – 1.5 hp drive of the curves. Using a selection program the following
pump is selected.
• At speed 412 rev/min and total head 28 PSI, the • EPDM or FPM elastomers for compatibility of both
power at 1 cSt is 1.2 hp sugar syrup and IP media
65 ft
6 ft
3 ft
hfs hft
Fig. 7.8d
Total head
Total Discharge head Ht = ht + hft + pt Where:
ht = 65 ft x (SG = 1.35) = 88 ft
hft = Pressure Drop in Tube ∆ptube
+ Pressure Drop in Bends and Valves ∆p
(calculated below)
pt = 0 PSI = 0 ft
To ascertain hft the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:
Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = 3162 x Q Where:
D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)
= 3162 x 44
3 x 18519
= 2.5
= 40 x 0.409
= 2 ft/s
hs = 6 ft x (SG = 1.35) = 8 ft
hfs = Calculated below
Ps = 0 (open tank)
To ascertain hfs the flow characteristic and equivalent line length must be determined as follows:
Flow Characteristic
Reynolds number Re = 3162 x Q Where:
D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)
= 3162 x 44
4 x 18519
= 1.9
= 44 x 0.409
= 1.1 ft/s
= 7.4 PSI = 17 ft
Hs = hs + hfs + ps = 8 + 17 + 0 ft = -9 ft
It could however be an idea to consider reducing the Assuming the capacity is a definite requirement and
head so a smaller pump can be suitably sized, consid- the pumping temperature cannot be increased the
eration could be given to any or a combination of the customer could increase the discharge tube diameter
following parameters: i.e. from 3 inch to 4 inch.
1. Reduce capacity The total head calculations are reworked, and for this
2. Increase tube diameter particular example the fluid velocity (V) and friction
3. Increase pumping temperature to reduce viscosity factor (fD) have already been established for 4 in
diameter tube. Also note, by referring to the equivalent
tube length table 14.7.2a the values for bends 450 and
butterfly valves remain unchanged.
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:
Viscosity/Port Size check The recommended shaft seal type based upon Alfa
Laval application experience and guidelines would be
The viscosity of 18519 cSt at speed 100 rev/min is well
a single flushed seal with SiC/SiC seal faces and FPM
within the pump’s maximum rated figures.
or EPDM elastomers.
It should be noted that this is the power needed at
It is important to notice that in the above we have had
the pump shaft, and for a fixed speed drive the
information about the in-pump viscosity. There can
appropriate motor power must be selected, which in
be a large difference between the viscosity at rest
this instance would be 7.5 hp being the nearest motor
and the in-pump viscosity. In our selection system we
output power above the required power.
have information about the typical in-pump viscosity
for a variety of products. If in doubt about a product,
it could be worth getting it tested in order to get the
correct viscosity.
= 44 x 100
44.39 x 0.99
= 100 rev/min
Total Head H = Ht - Hs
NPSHa = Pa + hs - hfs - Pvp Where:
Pump casing
90° 270°
Fig. 8.1.2a Heating/Cooling jacket on the LKH pump Fig. 8.1.3a Turned pump casing
The operating time of the pump can be increased by Alfa Laval’s LKH pump ranges are acknowledged as
applying a clear flow impeller (Fig. 8.1.4a). The clear having one of the best NPSHr characteristics on the
flow impeller is a special scraper impeller that solves market without the requirement of an inducer to the
the product build-up problem by increasing the stand- impeller; a more likely utilisation would be handling
ard gap width between the back of the impeller and those higher viscosity applications where transition
the back plate. By introducing scrapers on the back of from inlet to impeller eye requires assistance.
the impeller the hard layer is constantly removed.
8.1.6 Motor
When sizing pumps with clear flow impeller it must be
Centrifugal pumps are generally available with 2 pole
taken into account that the head will be reduced by
and 4 pole motors with synchronous speeds of 3000
up to 10%. Furthermore, for this type of application, it
and 1500 rev/min for 50 Hz and 3600 and 1800 rev/
is recommended to select a motor size with an output
min for 60 Hz, respectively.
power one rating higher than the standard selection to
avoid the motor thermal relay being constantly tripped.
A stainless-steel protective shroud is standard with IEC
motors. Electric motors are described in more detail in
chapter 9.
8.1.7 Legs
As standard centrifugal pumps are supplied with LKH pumps are also optionally available with adjust-
adjustable feet and legs to enable easy installation able pads with covered threads surfaces and sealing
and commissioning (Fig. 8.1.7a). between all moveable parts of the legs and thereby
reduce the cleaning effort to a minimum (Fig. 8.1.7b).
• Up to 200° C (392° F)
• Up to 200° C (392° F)
• Up to 200° C (392° F)
Fig. Screw pitch (A) and chambers (B)
Clearances are necessary to
avoid rotor to rotor, rotor to cas-
ing and rotor to casing cover
contact (likewise for screws).
The size of these clearances
is related to the pressure and
temperature of pump operation
and rotor material.
Fig. 8.2.2a Clearances in a rotary lobe pump
8.2.2 Clearances
Within the pump head are clearances, which are the
spaces between rotating components and between
rotating and stationary components (Fig. 8.2.2a).
The key clearances are as follows:
Support Bearing
Flanges for vertically ported circumferential piston and Due to the wide performance envelope with twin screw
rotary lobe pumps are not fitted directly to the dis- pumps there are multiple inlet/outlet combinations
charge port. In this instance an elbow bend is required available. As with centrifugal pumps the basic recom-
to which the flange is fitted. mendation is that the port size on the outlet should
max. be the size of the inlet port.
Pump Model Sanitary Port Rectangular Inlet % Area Increase above Sanitary
Area (mm2) Area (mm2) Port Diameter
SRU1/005 387 660 +71
SRU1/008 387 1260 +226
SRU2/013 387 1216 +214
SRU2/018 957 1976 +106
SRU3/027 957 2112 +121
SRU3/038 1780 3360 +89
SRU4/055 1780 2688 +51
SRU4/079 2856 4320 +51
SRU5/116 2856 5032 +76
SRU5/168 4185 8160 +95
SRU6/260 7482 13888 +86
SRU6/353 7482 18240 +144
Table 8.2.4a Port size impact on SRU rotary lobe pumps with rectangular inlet
Pump Model Default Port Size Area of Default Dimensions Area of Rectangle % Area Increase
(cover) Port (mm2) Rectangle (mm) (mm2)
OS10 DN65 3421.19 65 x 48 3120 -8.8
OS20 DN80 5153.00 90 x 50 4500 -12.67
OS30 DN100 7853.98 110 x 65 7150 -8.96
OS40 DN150 17671.49 150 x 80 12000 -32.09
Table 8.2.4c Port size impact on OS twin screw pumps with rectangular inlet
• Chocolate
• Gelatine
• Jam
• Resin
Connections for steam,
hot/cold fluid
Fig. SRU rotary lobe pump with heating/cooling jacket and saddle Fig. OptiLobe rotary lobe pump with heating/cooling cover
Relief Valve
Fig. 8.2.6b SRU rotary lobe pump with pressure relief valve
As it is a mechanical device the relief valve does not Pressure relief valves are only available for SRU pumps
operate instantaneously due to mechanical response fitted with metal rotors. They can be retrofitted to
time. The valve will begin to relieve at a pressure less installed pumps and pumps will still be suitable for
than the fully open pressure (Fig. 8.2.6c). This ‘accu- bi-direction operation.
mulation’ will vary depending upon the duty pressure,
viscosity and pump speed. The accumulation tends
to increase as pressure or pump speed decrease,
and as viscosity increases. The valve is set to relieve
at the required pressure by the correct choice of
springs and can be adjusted on site to suit actual duty
The Alfa Laval ‘standard’ is a folded stainless-steel In some application areas, such as dairy or brewing, it
design (Fig. 8.2.8a) which is required to be bolted to is normal practice to hose down pump units and floor-
the floor (see chapter 12). ings – in these circumstances ball feet can be fitted
to baseplates, which can be a fixed or variable height
and conform to 3A standard (see chapter 12), to raise
baseplate above floor level (Fig. 8.2.8b). Baseplates
can also be designed to meet specific customer
standards when required.
Guards Shrouds
All rotating machinery should be adequately guarded As an alternative to the guard a stainless-steel shroud
and when pumps are supplied complete with a drive, covering both flexible coupling and complete electric
a guard is fitted over the flexible coupling which links motor is available. The purpose of the shroud is to pro-
the pump drive shaft to the output shaft of the electric tect the motor during washdown of the process area.
8.3 Q-doc
Alfa Laval Q-Doc is a complete documentation pack- Availability of the Alfa Laval Q-doc is situated within
age, meeting the needs and demands of customers the Alfa Laval UltraPure pump range:
within the BioPharmaceutical industry (Fig. 8.3a).
Centrifugal pumps: LKH UltraPure, LKH Prime
Based on Good Documentation Practice (GDP), Q-doc UltraPure
documents every aspect from raw material to delivered
equipment. With full transparency of sourcing, produc- Positive Displacement pumps: SX UltraPure
tion, and supply chains it is a simple matter to trace
even the slightest change in material or manufacturing The complete Q-doc documentation pack for each
procedures – even when it comes to spare parts. pump and/or service kit can be downloaded by the
user from Alfa Laval’s website, simply by typing in
Alfa Laval Q-doc comprises conformity declaration on pump serial number or service kit lot number.
EU food trace, elastomers and surface finish, material
certificates, relevant test certificates and informa- To download a Q-doc go to Alfa Laval FindMyCert.
tion about necessary Alfa Laval spare parts kits for
standard components. The documentation package
supports a smooth qualification and validation process
and safeguards long-term peace of mind.
Q-doc declarations
• Compliance with Regulation (EC) No.: 1935/2004
Fig.8.4.c Condition Monitor on LKH centrifugal pump Fig. 8.4.d Condition Monitor on positive displacement pump
All Alfa Laval pump ranges can be fitted with AC type Electric motors supplied in the US are generally to
Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) squirrel cage, NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
three phase electric motors complying with various standard.
international standards and regulations such as IEC,
2 Terminal box
adaptor device
T Terminal box
Terminal box cover
e Nameplate
- Non-drive
Internal drive
end bearing cap Grease nipple
h endshield
Cód: 50036027 | Rev: 01 | Data (m/a): 03/2021 - The values shown are subject to change without prior notice.
Drive end
Shaft bearing
External drive end
s bearing cap
M External
o non-drive end
bearing cap
non-drive end
t bearing cap
Frame Wound Stator
However, in practical situations, the power factor (PF) Therefore, the output power of an AC motor is directly
of an AC motor is often less than 1 due to the pres- dependent on the active power consumed by the
ence of reactive power. Reactive power arises from motor, which, in turn, is influenced by the power factor.
the inductive or capacitive components of the motor’s By optimizing the power factor of the motor, you can
circuit, which can cause the current to lead or lag maximize its efficiency and ensure that the motor oper-
behind the voltage. ates closer to its rated output power.
The power factor (PF) is defined as the ratio of active The table below shows output power that is specified
power (P) to apparent power (S): in standard ratings.
PF = P/S
Asynchronous (Induction) Motors Typically, the slip at the rated load is small, resulting
in a rated speed close to the synchronous speed.
Asynchronous motors are the most commonly used
However, the actual speed of an asynchronous motor
type of AC motors. They operate based on the princi-
varies with the load and may be lower than the rated
ple of electromagnetic induction. In an asynchronous
speed under heavy loads.
motor, the rotor rotates at a speed slightly lower than
the synchronous speed, which is determined by the
To calculate the slip factor (s) we can use the following
frequency of the power supply and the number of
poles in the motor.
s = (Ns – N) / Ns
The rated speed of an asynchronous motor is specified
as the synchronous speed (Ns) divided by a slip factor
s - slip factor
(s). The slip is the difference between the synchronous
Ns - synchronous speed
speed and the actual rotor speed, expressed as a
N – rotor speed
percentage or a decimal. The rated speed (N_rated)
can be calculated using the formula:
Synchronous Motors
Synchronous motors are designed to operate at a In summary, the rated speed of an asynchronous
speed that is perfectly synchronized with the frequen- motor is specified as the synchronous speed divided
cy of the power supply. The rotor of a synchronous by a slip factor, while the rated speed of a synchronous
motor rotates at the same speed as the rotating motor is equal to the synchronous speed itself. The
magnetic field generated by the stator. This synchro- rated speed is an important parameter that helps
nous speed (Ns) is determined by the frequency of the determine the motor’s performance characteristics
power supply and the number of poles in the motor. and suitability for a particular application.
The rated speed of a synchronous motor is equal to An example between synchronous speed, rated
the synchronous speed (Ns) since the rotor always speed, frequency and poles is shown in the table
moves at this speed. In other words, the rated speed below.
is the actual speed of the motor at its rated output
power. Synchronous motors are often used in applica-
tions that require precise speed control or applications
where a constant speed is essential.
No. poles 2 4 6 8 12
No. pairs of poles 1 2 3 4 6
Synchronous speed at 50 Hz - rev/min 3000 1500 1000 750 500
Rated speed at 50 Hz - rev/min 2880 1440 960 720 480
Synchronous speed at 60 Hz - rev/min 3600 1800 1200 900 720
Rated speed at 60 Hz - rev/min 3460 1720 1150 860 690
Table 9.2a
208 V 400 V
This voltage rating is commonly used in North This voltage rating is widely used in Europe, Asia, and
America, particularly in commercial and residential other regions as a standard for industrial applications.
It is common for motors, with up to several hundred
It is suitable for smaller motors with power ratings kilowatts in power.
typically ranging from a few hundred watts to several
kilowatts. The voltage is distributed across the three phases,
resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 400 V and a line-to-
The voltage is distributed across the three phases, neutral voltage of approximately 230 V.
resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 208 V and a line-to-
neutral voltage of approximately 120 V. 460 V
This voltage rating is predominantly used in North
230 V America for industrial applications.
This voltage rating is prevalent in various regions,
including parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. The voltage is distributed across the three phases,
resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 460 V and a line-to-
It is commonly used for smaller motors in residential, neutral voltage of approximately 266 V.
commercial, and light industrial applications.
575 V
The voltage is distributed across the three phases,
This voltage rating is primarily used in North America,
resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 230 V and a line-to-
particularly in industrial settings.
neutral voltage of approximately 132 V.
The voltage is distributed across the three phases,
380 V resulting in a line-to-line voltage of 575 V and a line-to-
The voltage rating of 380 V is commonly used in sever- neutral voltage of approximately 332 V.
al regions, including parts of Asia (China), Europe, and
Africa. Alfa Laval supplied motors at 400 or 460 V will gener-
ally operate satisfactorily with voltage variations of ±
It is often employed in industrial and commercial 10% from the rated voltage as per IEC 60038.
9.4 Cooling
Motor cooling
Motor cooling is specified by means of the letters IC Some common methods of cooling for motors are
(International Cooling) in accordance with standards. shown below:
The most common is IC411 (Totally Enclosed Fan
Cooled - TEFC) where an externally mounted fan cools
the motor.
Code Arrangement
IC411 Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) – motor cooled by an externally mounted fan
IC410 Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated (TENV) – self cooling, no externally mounted fan
IC418 Totally Enclosed Air Over Motor (TEAOM) – motor cooled by airstream
IC416 Totally Enclosed Blower Cooled (TEBC) – motor cooled by an independent fan
Table 9.4a
9.6 Protection
The degree of motor protection is specified by means which specifies the protection against contact and in-
of the letters IP (International Protection) in accordance gress of foreign bodies and the second digit specifies
with standards. These state the method of determining the protection against water.
degrees of ingress protection for both dust and water.
The letters IP are followed by two digits, the first of Table showing degrees of protection is shown below:
Type 3S
Alfa Laval offers protection levels of IP55 as standard An enclosure which is intended for outdoor use
within the hygienic industries with an option for the primarily to provide a degree of protection against rain,
improved IP66 when requested/conditions demand sleet, windblown dust, and to provide for operation of
– Please contact Alfa Laval for more information. external mechanisms when ice laden.
W2 U2 V2
W2 U1
W1 U2
U1 V1 W1
L3 L2
V2 V1 L1 L2 L3
Fig. 9.7a Connection of three-phase single speed motor
W2 U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1
L3 W1 V1 L2
L1 L2 L3
Fig. 9.7a Connection of three-phase single speed motor
Soft Starting These are the main methods used for starting induc-
tion motors. The choice of method depends on factors
Soft starting methods are designed to gradually
such as motor size, application requirements, energy
increase the voltage supplied to the motor during start-
efficiency considerations, and cost constraints.
up, thus reducing the starting current and mechanical
stress. This can be achieved using devices such as
Alfa Laval recommends the use of a qualified electri-
auto-transformers, solid-state soft starters, or varia-
cian to best assess the optimal starting method and to
ble frequency drives (VFDs). Soft starting minimizes
carry out the required installation/set-up.
voltage dips in the power supply and enables con-
trolled acceleration of the motor. In many cases the
soft starter saves energy by automatically adapting the
motor voltage continually to the actual requirement.
This is particularly important when the motor runs with
a light load.
Temperature class Ignition temperature for gas/vapour Max. permitted temperature of electrical equipment
T1 up to 450° C (842° F) 450° C (842° F)
T2 300 to 450° C (572 to 842° F) 300° C (572° F)
T3 200 to 300° C (410 to 572° F) 200° C (410° F)
T4 135 to 200° C (275 to 410° F) 135° C (275° F)
T5 100 to 135° C (212 to 275° F) 100° C (212° F)
T6 85 to 100° C (185 to 212° F) 85° C (185° F)
Table 9.8a
Group I Equipment for coal mines susceptible to methane gas – Alfa Laval does not cover this group
Group II Equipment for explosive atmospheres other than mines i.e., surface industries
Group II is subdivided according to the severity of the environment. IIC is the highest rating.
A motor from one of the higher categories can also be used in a lower category
Table 9.8b
In North America, hazardous motors are classified Class II: Locations where combustible dust is or may
and regulated by the National Electrical Code (NEC) be present in sufficient quantities to cause a fire or
and the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). These codes explosion. Class II is further divided into Divisions 1
provide guidelines for the safe installation and use of and 2, similar to Class I.
electrical equipment, including motors, in hazardous
locations. The classifications and standards in North Class III: Locations where easily ignitable fibers or
America differ from the ATEX system used in Europe. flyings are or may be present in sufficient quantities to
cause a fire or explosion. Class III is not divided into
Here is an overview of the North American standards divisions.
and classifications:
Group Classification (NEC)
Class and Division System (NEC) Within each class, hazardous substances are further
The NEC makes use of a Class and Division system to classified into groups based on their properties. The
classify hazardous locations based on the type of haz- group classification specifies the type of substance
ardous substance present. It categorizes hazardous and its level of hazard. For example:
locations into three classes and two divisions:
Group A: Acetylene
Class I: Locations where flammable gases, vapours or Group B: Hydrogen, butadiene, ethylene oxide
liquids are, or may be, present in sufficient quantities to Group C: Ethylene, propylene, acrolein
cause a fire or explosion. Group D: Propane, gasoline, acetone
Class I is further divided into Divisions 1 and 2. When requiring use of an NEC explosion proof ap-
proved motor drive, Alfa Laval offers Class 1, Div 1,
• Division 1: Hazardous substances are present and Group D as standard.
under normal operating conditions or during abnor-
mal situations, such as leaks or equipment failure Zone System (CEC)
• Division 2: Hazardous substances are handled, The Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) also provides a
processed, or stored, but are not present under classification system for hazardous locations, known
normal operating conditions or during abnormal as the Zone System. The CEC divides hazardous
situations locations into zones based on the likelihood and du-
ration of the presence of flammable substances. The
zones are categorized as Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2, and
Zone 20, Zone 21, and Zone 22 for gases and dust,
IE2 (High Efficiency Standard) Please contact Alfa laval on alternative requests for
IE2 is an intermediate energy efficiency standard, also higher efficiency levels such as IE4 or IE5.
defined by the IEC under IEC 60034-30-1. Motors
that comply with the IE2 standard offer higher energy 9.9.1 Minimum Energy Efficiency Regulations
efficiency compared to IE1 motors. These motors are (MEPs)
designed to reduce energy losses and are considered
To promote the adoption of energy-efficient motors
an improvement over IE1 motors.
and reduce overall energy consumption, many coun-
tries have implemented minimum energy efficiency
IE3 (Premium Efficiency Standard) regulations. These regulations typically specify the
IE3 is an international standard for energy-efficient minimum efficiency levels that motors must meet to
motors, defined by the IEC under IEC 60034-30-1.
According to this standard, motors must meet specific
be legally sold and operated in those regions. The Motor energy efficiency and minimum energy regula-
IE1, IE2, IE3, and IE4 standards are commonly used tions such as IE1, IE2, IE3, and IE4 have transformed
as benchmarks in these regulations and are under the motor industry by promoting the development and
constant review and change to further push the most adoption of more energy-efficient technologies. These
sustainable offerings in motor energy efficiency. standards have played a vital role in reducing energy
consumption, lowering operating costs, and mitigating
Benefits of High-Efficiency Motors the environmental impact of motor-driven systems. By
adhering to these regulations, industries can contribute
Energy Savings: High-efficiency motors significantly
to a more sustainable future while reaping the benefits
reduce energy consumption, leading to lower operat-
of energy and cost savings.
ing costs and decreased carbon emissions.
Metric units
Power, speed and torque: Re-arrange for torque:
M = P * 9550 / n M = P * 9550 / n
Where: This arrangement shows how speed and power impacts on torque:
P = Power (kW) M = Torque P = Power (kW) M = Torque (Nm) n = Speed (rpm)
Imperial US units
Power, speed and torque Re-arrange for torque
M = P * 5252 / n M = P * 5252 / n
Where: This arrangement shows how speed and power impacts on torque:
P = Power (hp) M = Torque (lb ft) n = Speed (rpm) P = Power (hp) M = Torque (lb ft) n = Speed (rpm)
9.11.1 Torque
The main consideration for selecting an electric motor points. Centrifugal pumps have a torque characteristic
is torque - not power. curve which increases in a quadratic function, which
favours operation at low speeds as per the affinity laws
Running a motor over the rated torque output will but dramatically increases when increasing operation
cause increased current flow which in most cases will past the original selection point (see chapter 7 for more
cause the inverter safety features to stop the motor but details).
could lead to permanent damage to the motor wind-
ings due to over-heating. Alfa Laval pumps can operate over speed ranges;
therefore, consideration needs to be made to the
When it comes to the type of pump technology, a impact the variable speeds have on the torque output
positive displacement pump is considered a constant of the motor and the varying power requirements of
torque application where a change in duty does not the pump at the different duty point to ensure sufficient
automatically correlate to a reduced torque require- motor power and torque is available over the full speed
ment, therefore it is imperative the motor torque output range.
covers the complete adjustment range of required duty
9.11.2 Speed/Frequency
Frequency correlates directly to the motor speed and • All motors supplied with Alfa Laval pumps are suit-
normally using a variable frequency drive or inverter. able for frequency inverter use
400 V
230 V
0 50 Hz
Fig. 9.11.3a Voltage to frequency for constant torque
9.11.3 Torque/Frequency
An electric motor in theory, will generate constant The condition V/F = constant can maximally only be
torque when frequency is reduced below rated value realised by the frequency inverter up to the nominal
(50/60 Hz); This is handled by a Variable Frequency operating point. A further voltage increase above that
Drive (VFD) also known as an Inverter (see Fig. 9.11.3a). of the mains voltage is technically impossible.
A reduction of speed <50 Hz does not result in an Physical factors can impact the torque output of the
increased torque, as is the case with adjustable gear motor when speed is decreased, preventing constant
units, but rather to a reduction in power. In this case, torque.
the current remains constant for a constant torque and
the voltage reduces with the frequency. For example, in self-cooled motors the torque output
decreases as the motor speed reduces. This is caused
Physical conditions for constant torque: by the reduced fan speed leading to reduced motor
M = constant → Φ = constant → U/f = constant cooling causing an increase in motor temperature and
Torque Magnetic flux Voltage/Frequency therefore reduced power/torque rated output.
[TR] — Torque derating factor (p.u.)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
[f/fn] - Operating frequency (p.u.)
To counter torque derating at reduced speeds, the This results in 100% torque decreasing to 5 Hz (See
following two options can be considered: Fig. 9.11.3c).
1. Forced blower cooled motors (TEBC) are equipped TEBC units can also be used to help optimise motor
with a separate fan driven by a separate motor selections where duty points are below the 2:1 motor
thereby ensuring 100% airflow regardless of motor turn-down and require a larger motor to meet torque
running speed and no derating is required due to requirements after derating.
increase motor temperature.
[T/Tn] - Torque derating factor (p.u.)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
[f/fn] - Operating frequency (p.u.)
2. Increased motor size (see Fig. 9.11.3d). Increasing Above the nominal frequency the available torque re-
motor size is the alternative solution. With this, duces, as the voltage is no longer increasing at higher
the motor is operated at a reduced load. Therefore, frequencies (see Fig. 9.11.3a) the magnetic flux reduc-
there is less power loss and an additional increased es. This range is known as the field weakening range.
thermal reserve due to increased size of the motor. A further increase in frequency in the field weakening
range therefore results in a torque reduction (See Fig.
[TR] - Torque derating factor (p.u.)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
[f/fn] - Operating frequency (p.u.)
M = Torque
F = Frequency
The perception of the word ‘Clean’ will vary from Positive displacement pumps such as RLP or CPP
customer to customer and process to process. The are rarely used as the supply pump for CIP fluids.
four most common interpretations of ‘Clean’ are given Centrifugal pumps are generally used during CIP for
below: each phase of the cleaning cycle. In addition, the intro-
duction of the Twin Screw (TS) pump, within hygienic
1. Physical Cleanliness industries, has increased flexibility in providing one
pump for process media plus the use as a CIP liquid
This is the removal of all visible dirt or contamination
supply pump and possibility of performing CIP liquid
from a surface. This level of cleanliness is usually veri-
return cycles.
fied by a visual test only.
Cautionary Notes:
1. Pumps and other equipment installed in CIP sys‑ It is common practice for pumps to remain stationary
tems have components within them that will expand when live steam is present during SIP to ensure no
and contract at different rates. Care should be distortion within seals due to the gaseous state of the
taken not to subject them to rapid temperature steam and the steam flow distribution. The temper-
cycling. ature rise of the seal parts would not be even and
therefore needs to be suitably cooled before pump can
2. Products containing particulate such as fibre and be restarted at low speeds (<100 rpm) to remove any
seeds have to be evaluated carefully and on an trapped condensate build-up after SIP cycle.
individual basis, as the nature of these will provide
an increased cleaning challenge. These types of Operation of pump is possible during steam cycles
products may typically require increased cleaning at low speeds (<100 rpm) if there is a quench/barrier/
cycle times and/or increased velocities and pres‑ buffer present within seal housing to provide a lubricat-
sures during the cleaning cycle. ing fluid film.
3. CIP detergent liquids and the elevated temperatures Please note, a small volume of seal leakage is typical-
typically used for CIP processes can cause a ly present on initial start-up as the pump seal faces
potential health risk. Always adhere to site Health rotate to realign back into place. This is temporary
and Safety regulations. and not a cause of concern as long as pump was not
in operation during any phase where liquid was not
4. Always store and dispose of cleaning agents in present to lubricate seal face.
accordance with site Health and Safety regulations.
If seal leakage remains after an intermediate period of
After CIP cleaning an additional Sterilisation-In-Place operation, please contact Alfa Laval for guidance.
process (SIP) may be required when highly sensitive
products are handled, inactivating any micro-organ-
isms which might be still present in the pump after CIP
Authorized to carry
the 3A symbol
Please find below some examples of regulations, CE marking is a mandatory conformity mark for
standards, and guidelines applicable to our products products placed on the market in the European
used in hygienic applications. Economic Area (EEA). With the CE marking on a
product the manufacturer ensures that the prod-
More information can be found in Instruction Manuals uct conforms with the essential requirements of the
at alfalaval.com. applicable EC directives. The letters “CE” stand for
“Conformité Européenne” (“European Conformity”).
For special requests please contact your local Alfa
Laval organization. UKCA marking is a mandatory conformity mark
for products placed on the market in Great Britain
The mission of 3-A SSI is to enhance product safety (England, Scotland, and Wales). With the UKCA
for consumers of food, beverages, and pharmaceuti- marking the manufacturer ensures that the product
cal products through the development and use of 3-A conforms with the relevant requirements of the
Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices. The applicable legislations.
3-A symbol is a registered mark used to identify equip-
ment that meets 3-A Sanitary Standards for design Within United States, requirements for food contact
and fabrication. materials and articles are specified by the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) and are regulated under
ATEX-directive is the popular name for the European the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 “Food and
Directive 2014/34/EU setting the rules for equipment drugs”, Parts 170-199 “Food for human consumption”.
and protective systems intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres. The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) standards,
chapter 87 and 88, and International Organization
Compliance to the Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004. for Standardization (ISO) standard 10993, sections 5,
6, 10 and 11, specifies requirements to ensure biocom-
The framework regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 regu- patibility of product contact parts intended to be used
lates food contact materials and articles within EU. It in pharma applications.
includes several requirements for materials and articles
intended to come into contact with food to ensure ma- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
terial safety. The glass and fork symbol may be used Bioprocessing Equipment (ASME BPE) is the
to indicate that the relevant requirements stated in (EC) Bioprocess Equipment group of the ASME that
No. 1935/2004 are met. provides engineers and quality control professionals
a measurable way to specify and purchase equipment
for the Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical and Personal
Care Products industries.
CE 3-A
The CE marking is to demonstrate to interested parties This standard has the purpose of establishing and
that goods or equipment with this mark comply with documenting the material, fabrication, and installation
the appropriate directives of the European Community (where appropriate) requirements for the engineering
(Fig. 11a). The appropriate directives are those that design and technical construction files for all prod-
are concerned with the design and manufacture ucts, assemblies, and sub-assemblies supplied by the
of goods or equipment. Directives are intended to manufacturer (Fig. 11b). The manufacturer has to be
facilitate a Single Market in the European Union. With in compliance with the sanitary criteria found in 3-A
emerging European standardisation, conflicting nation- Sanitary Standards or 3-A Accepted Practices. The
al standards will eventually tend to disappear, as all EU 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices
member states will work to the same standard, with a are applied as suitable sanitary criteria for dairy and
few exceptions. Some national differences cannot be food processing equipment. 3A is subject to 3rd party
harmonised. In Europe many different languages are validation according to 3A 02/10 guidelines.
spoken, and some parts are prone to earthquakes,
high winds, heavy snow and extremes of cold and The Alfa Laval pump ranges conform to this 3-A stand-
heat. It is often uneconomic to design equipment ard for certain configurations this can be selected and
that will withstand all these conditions. determined in the AnyTime Configurator.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) independently, they have a close working relationship.
is one of three Federal Agencies, along with the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. • USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), primarily respon- (APHIS) is responsible for protecting American
sible for regulating biotechnology in the United States agriculture against pests and diseases. The agency
(Fig. 11d). regulates the field testing of genetically engineered
plants and certain micro-organisms. APHIS also
Products are regulated according to their intended approves and licenses veterinary biological sub-
use, with some products being regulated under more stances, including animal vaccines that may be the
than one agency. product of biotechnology
EHEDG stands for European Hygienic Engineering Some key principles emphasized by EHEDG include:
and Design Group (Fig. 11e). It is a consortium of
equipment manufacturers, food industries, research • Cleanability: Equipment should be designed in a
institutions, and public health authorities that promotes way that allows effective and efficient cleaning.
hygienic engineering and design principles in the food Smooth surfaces, minimal joints and crevices, and
and beverage industry. the use of appropriate materials are crucial for easy
cleaning and prevention of bacterial growth
The primary goal of EHEDG is to provide guidelines
• Hygienic design: Equipment should be designed
and standards for the design, construction, and
to minimize the risk of product contamination. This
installation of food processing equipment and facilities
involves considerations such as preventing the
to ensure hygienic production processes. By promot-
accumulation of product residues, avoiding dead
ing hygienic engineering practices, EHEDG aims to
spaces where bacteria can proliferate, and ensur-
improve food safety, minimize contamination risks, and
ing proper drainage of liquids
enhance the overall quality of food products.
• Material selection: EHEDG provides guidance
EHEDG develops and publishes guidelines, recom- on suitable materials for food contact surfaces,
mendations, and best practices for various aspects of taking into account factors such as resistance to
food processing, including equipment design, mate- corrosion, ease of cleaning, and compatibility with
rials selection, cleaning and disinfection procedures, different food products
and facility layout. These guidelines are based on
• Validation and verification: EHEDG emphasizes the
scientific principles and are continuously updated to
importance of validating and verifying the hygienic
incorporate the latest advancements in food safety and
performance of equipment and processes. This
involves conducting tests and assessments to
ensure that the equipment meets the desired hy-
giene standards and that cleaning and disinfection
procedures are effective
Declaration of Compliance Product wetted metallic parts, 3.1 according to EN 10204 (MTR) traceability Product wetted non metallic parts
AL Article No AL Article No Lot Number Batch No
Item Description Qty Material Lot Number Heat No Item Description Qty Material
Alfa Laval Eastbourne Ltd Item No Item No Cure Date Compound ID
Birch Road, Eastbourne, BN23 6PQ, UK 9630070403 9630069421 230307005 88338
COVER ROTORCASE 3.1 SX4 1 1.4404/316L 280682 567383 CUP SEAL EPDM USP VI SX3-4 2 EPDM USP VI
5130.434 5382.305 24 Nov 2022 R43
Alfa Laval SX UltraPure Phone: +44 (0) 1323 412555
E-mail: info@alfalaval.com 9630069835
ROTARY RING R00 C DBL OUT SX4 2 1.4462 220222009 433620
230307010 86720B
R5610.134 5382.405 20 Jul 2022 R43
Compliance with Regulation (EC) No: 1935/2004 9630110663 9630070401 220208010 2201130008
ROTOR 4L SS 10 BAR 3.1 SX4/063 2 1.4404/316L 282383 565670 JOINT RING EPDM USP VI SX4 1 EPDM USP VI
We declare that the above mentioned equipment complies with Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 regarding 5780.063K.A 5381.405 13 Jan 2022 E70Q
Equipment documentation
“Materials and articles intended to come into contact with food”. 9630070339 9630854854 220718001 2206280056
ROTOR RETAINER 3.1 SX4/063 2 1.4404/316L 230220002 174040 O RING EPDM USP VI 2 EPDM USP VI
Doc. ID No.: Alfa Laval Q Doc SX UltraPure Rev. 3.4 Page 1 of 5 5900.214 1556.027 28 Jun 2022 E70Q
Compliance to EN 10204 type 3.1 (MTR) * 9630110664
ROTORCASE 3.1 SX4/063 1 1.4404/316L 279839 59391
211110005 2110170065
Order information 5804.010.A 1555.830 17 Oct 2021 E70Q
We declare that in the above equipment the product wetted steel parts comply with the requirements of the order as
Serial No.: P&ID reference: specified in our EN 10204:2004 Inspection certificate type 3.1. 9630074472
SEAL DRIVE INSERT 3.1 SX4 2 1.4404/316L 220730001 1MDJ
220203012 106540
5670.174 1556.144 05 Jan 2022 2107
Item No.: Item Description: Compliance to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration CFR 21 §177.2600 9630069823 9630929689 211215026 083802
SX UP4/063 PUMP 65mm TRICLAMP STATIC SEAT R00 SC/SC 3.1 SX4 2 1.4460/1.4462 220310003 277396 O RING EPDM USP VI 2 EPDM USP VI
Order No.: We declare that the product wetted elastomers are in compliance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) R5630.134 1556.330 01 Jan 2021 2107
section 21 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Part 177 (Indirect Food Additives: Polymers), Section 2600 9630103857 9630069835 220222009 384269
WOC TRICLAMP 65mm 3.1 2 1.4404/316L 230515006 YX22072108 ROTARY RING R00 C DBL OUT SX4 2 CARBON
(Rubber Articles Intended for Repeated Use). FDA Declarations from our suppliers can be forwarded upon request. 5002.650.A R5610.134 R60
9630069798 230329006 400261
ROTARY RING R00 SC SX4 2 Silicon carbide
Compliance to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (considering mechanical seal faces) R5610.124 R36
We hereby certify that on pumps of our manufacture, the materials from which the mechanical seal faces are 9630069823 220310003 384036
STATIC SEAT R00 SC/SC 3.1 SX4 2 Silicon carbide
produced are accepted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s regulations (FDA) to be used within food R5630.134 R36
li ti
Compliance to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
If specified as USP Class VI the product wetted elastomer compounds have been tested and certified by an
independent laboratory to be in compliance with the criteria of the U.S. Pharmacopeia 88, Class VI extraction tests.
R36 Silicon carbide seal face material has been tested and certified by an independent laboratory to meet the
requirements of the U.S. Pharmacopeia Chapter <87>.
TSE (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy) Declaration This Q Doc contains the following
We declare that the above equipment has never been in contact with any compound derived from animal sources. Pump Test Certificate
Consequently this equipment does not contain Specific Risk Materials (SRM`s) associated with risk of TSE. TSE Surface Finish Certificate
Declarations from our suppliers can be forwarded upon request. Hydrostatic Pressure Test Certificate
Delta Ferrite Conformance
Surface Finish Declaration Supplier Heat Certificates
In accordance with Alfa Laval quality procedures we declare that in the above equipment the surface finish of the
product wetted metallic parts complies with the requirements of the order and unless requested otherwise is no
greater than 0.8 Microns Ra. Responsibilities
Where an improved surface finish or electro polishing has been specified we declare the surface finish of the
Please note that the table above is a Lot Tracing Report showing the components issued to the Shop Orders. It is not a Bill of Materials and should not be used to
product wetted metallic parts complies with the requirements of the order as recorded in the attached certificate. The responsible person from each department who have performed test or entered data to this document must
order spares. For Spares enquiries please contact Eastbourne Customer Support.
approve and sign. By signing this document the responsible person hereby declares that the instructions are
* 3.1 certificates (MTR’s) are attached to this document followed and the requirements met in the appropriate procedures or Technical Specification of this document.
# # #
Pharma documentation:
Alfa Laval Q-doc is our comprehensive documenta-
tion package for our UltraPure equipment (Fig. 11g).
Based on Good Documentation Practice (GDP), Q-doc
documents every aspect from raw material to delivered
equipment. With full transparency of sourcing, produc-
tion and supply chains it is a simple matter to trace
even the slightest change in material or manufacturing
procedures – even when it comes to spare parts.
12.1 General
To ensure optimum pump operation it is important
that any pump unit to be used is installed to the best
engineering practice.
Discharge line
Plan view
Suction line
Fig. 12.1.1a Avoid common suction lines
• Confirm the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) • Fit suction and discharge pressure monitor points
available from the system exceeds the NPSH for diagnostic purposes
required by the pump, as this is crucial for ensuring
• Fit valves, if two pumps are to be used on mani-
the smooth operation of the pump and preventing
fold/common discharge lines
• Make the necessary piping arrangements as per
• Take care with designing suction lifts and manifold/
individual requirements of the pump specification
common suction lines for two positive displace-
as detailed in the operating manual for flushing
ment pumps running in parallel, as this may cause
vibration or cavitation (see Fig. 12.1.1a). It is impor- • Allow at least 1 m for pump access/maintenance
tant to note that each pump have their own all around the unit
NPSH required value so NPSH available on a
• Do not subject pumps to rapid temperature chang-
shared suction line requires sufficient availability
es, as pump seizure can result from thermal shock
on both pumps. Recommendation is to take both
NPSHr values for a total and add an additional
1 m lc margin to NPSHa for suitable operation
Fig. 12.2.1a Correct direction of flow Fig. 12.2.1b Pump with impeller screw fitted
Stub shaft
Fig. 12.2.1c Pump without impeller screw fitted Fig. 12.2.1d Pump without impeller
Outlet Inlet
Fig. 12.2.2a Flow direction
A: Suction A: Suction
B: Discharge B: Discharge
Fig: 12.2.3a 1) Standard flow direction - Front: Inlet/Top: Outlet 2) Reversed flow direction – Top: Inlet/Front: Outlet
Optimal foundations should be approximately 150 mm The drawing (Fig. 12.3b) above shows two typical
longer and wider than the provided baseplate. In ad- methods for foundation bolt retaining. The sleeve
dition, the depth of the foundation should be propor- allows for ‘slight’ lateral movement of the bolts after
tional to the size of the complete pump unit with typical the foundation is poured. Rag or wastepaper can be
standard value being at a depth of x10 the foundation used to prevent the concrete from entering the sleeve
bolt diameter. while the foundation is poured. A minimum of 14 days
is normally required to allow the curing of the concrete
prior to pump unit installation.
These two points on suitable foundation are also appli-
cable to centrifugal pumps when installed.
Angular misalignment
Once the baseplate has been secured, the pump shaft • Improper mounting/shimming of the equipment
to motor shaft coupling alignment should be checked when fitting/installing
and adjusted where necessary as it is possible for
• Pipe strain caused by improper alignment to the
assembled units to shift out of tolerance during transit.
pump’s fluid connections
Coupling alignment is achieved by checking the maxi- • Pipe strain caused by improper support of the pipe
mum angular and parallel allowable misalignments for
the couplings as stated by the coupling manufacturers
Max running time when releasing air should not
exceed 15 min.
LKH Prime 40 200 mm 1.5 m
3" pipe or
2" pipe
Fig. 12.5c Recommended start-up outlay Table 12.5.a
Installation guidelines
1. Suction considerations
• Ensure the suction line is designed so the pump is • Controlled start/stop of pump e.g. Level Switch
liquid filled at start up, e.g. swan neck (Fig. 12.5c) (LS)
• Design suction line with slope down toward the • Do not start the LKH Prime before tank bottom is
pump to avoid air entrapments liquid filled
• Ensure NPSHa > NPSHr under all duty conditions • Stop the LKH Prime during phase changes
including all temperatures
1. Suction line
1 2. LKH Prime Pump
3. Discharge line
4. Check valve
2 5. Level switch
Fig 12.5d Installation example
• Air evacuation ability improves with higher speed • Replace check valve with automated valve, if
(Maximum speed 3600 RPM) possible
• The LKH Prime must be sized for the specific duty Note:
point The LKH Prime is NOT a one-to-one replacement of
the MR liquid-ring pump.
Where available, commissioning plugs should be used
to reduce risk of any component damage because of
debris becoming trapped between rotating element
and casing.
12.6.1 Fastenings
If pump is to be disassembled for any reason it is
imperative that upon assembly all fastenings are tight-
ened to the recommended torque values as shown in
the instruction manual.
13.1 General
Pumps are critical components in many industrial
processes and applications. They are used to transfer
fluids, gases, or other substances from one location to
another. Problems with pumping equipment cause not
only inconvenience, but also contribute to loss of pro-
duction. An efficient operation depends on trouble-free
pumping. Effective troubleshooting of pumps is crucial
for minimising downtime and preventing further dam-
age to equipment, ultimately saving time and money.
Before starting to correctly identify the problem it is The most common problems found are generally as
important to gather as much information relating to the follows and explained in section 13.2:
process as follows:
• Loss of flow
• Reconfirm original duty conditions pump was sized
• Loss of suction
• Low discharge pressure
• What has changed in the process since operation
was last satisfactory i.e., pressure, temperature, • Excessive noise or vibration
fluid viscosity etc.
• Excessive power usage
• Was the system undergoing routine maintenance
• Rapid pump wear
• Were any new or repaired components omitted to
• Seal leakage
be fitted
• For a centrifugal pump if the viscosity is increased, Gas in the inlet pipework has the same impact on
the pump’s rated flow will be decreased pump operation and creates the same symptoms as
cavitation. This can occur under other circumstances
such as a pump operating at an inlet pressure below
13.2.2 Loss of Suction local atmospheric pressure. In this instance it is quite
Loss of suction can be minor, causing little, short-term likely that air is being drawn into the pipework through
damage or sufficiently major to catastrophic damage. a loose pipe connection or pump casing joint, leak-
Loss of suction means fluid is not reaching the pump- ing inlet valve stem, defective or otherwise damaged
ing elements or not reaching them at a sufficiently joint gasket in the pipework system. In recirculating
high pressure to keep the fluid being pumped in a fluid systems, such as a lubrication system where the fluid
state. Loss of suction can be interpreted as the inability pumped is continuously returned to a supply source
to prime, cavitation or a gas content problem. or tank, if the tank and return lines are not adequately
designed, located and sized, air is easily entrained in
Positive displacement pumps can be classed as the oil and immediately picked up by the pump inlet
‘self-priming’. This means that within limits, unique system. Be sure fluid level at its source is at or above
to each technology, they are capable of evacuating minimum operating levels. Lines returning flow to a
(pumping) a modest amount of air from the suction supply tank should terminate below minimum fluid
side of the pump to the discharge side of the pump. level.
Filling the inlet system with fluid or at least filling the
pump (wetted pumping elements) will make a consid-
erable improvement in the pump’s priming capability.
• ce = Centrifugal Pump
Pump overheats
Motor overheats
Under capacity
No flow
Pump not primed Expel gas from suction line and pumping chamber
and introduce fluid (ce, pd)
Fluid vaporising in suction line Increase suction line diameter (ce, pd)
Increase suction head (ce, pd)
Simplify suction line configuration and reduce length
(ce, pd)
Reduce pump speed (pd)
Decrease fluid temperature (ce)
- check effect of increased viscosity
Fluid viscosity below rated figure Decrease fluid temperature (ce, liq, rlp)
Increase pump speed (pd)
Fluid temperature above rated Cool the pump casing (ce, pd)
figure Reduce fluid temperature (ce, pd)
Check seal face and elastomer temperature
limitations (ce, pd)
Fluid temperature below rated Heat the pump casing (ce, pd)
figure Increase fluid temperature (ce, pd)
Discharge pressure above rated Check for obstructions i.e. closed valve (ce, pd)
figure Service system and change to prevent problem
recurring (ce, pd)
Simplify discharge line to decrease pressure (ce, pd)
Pump overheats
Motor overheats
Under capacity
No flow
Seal flushing inadequate Increase flush flow rate (ce, pd)
Check that flush fluid flows freely into seal
area (ce, pd)
Insecure pump driver mountings Fit lock washers to slack fasteners and
re-tighten (pd)
Shaft bearing wear or failure Refer to pump maker for advice and replace-
ment parts (pd)
Metal to metal contact of pumping Check rated and duty pressures (ce, pd)
element Refer to pump maker (ce, pd)
Rotor case cover relief valve Check pressure setting and re-adjust if
leakage necessary (SRU only)
Examine and clean seating surfaces (SRU
Replace worn parts (SRU only)
Rotor case cover relief valve Check for wear on sealing surfaces, guides
chatter etc - replace as necessary (SRU only)
Rotor case cover relief valve incor- Re-adjust spring compression - valve should
rectly set lift approx. 10% above duty pressure (SRU
Suction lift too high Lower pump or raise fluid level (ce, pd)
Pump allowed to run dry Ensure system operation prevents this (ce,
Fit single or double flushed mechanical seals
(ce, pd)
Too small impeller diameter Fit larger size impeller - check motor size (ce)
14.1 Nomenclature
Symbol Description Symbol Description
A Area QL Fluid Losses through Impeller
Casing Clearances
D Tube Diameter q Pump Displacement
F Force r Radius
fD Darcy Friction Factor Ra Surface Roughness
g Gravity Re Reynolds Number
H Total Head SG Specific Gravity
Hs Total Suction Head T Shaft Torque
Ht Total Discharge Head V Fluid Velocity
h fs Pressure Drop in ALiCE γ (greek letter ‘gamma’) Specific Weight
h ft Pressure Drop in Discharge Line δ (greek letter ‘delta’) Total
hs Static Suction Head ε (greek letter ‘epsilon’) Relative Roughness
ht Static Discharge Head η (greek letter ‘eta’) Total Efficiency
L Tube Length ηh Hydraulic Efficiency
n Pump Speed ηm Mechanical Efficiency
Pa Pressure Absolute above ηoa Overall Efficiency
Fluid Level
Pf Pressure Loss due to Friction ηv Volumetric Efficiency
Ps Vacuum or Pressure in a Tank on μ (greek letter ‘mu’) Absolute Viscosity
Suction Side
Pt Pressure in a Tank on Discharge ν (greek letter ‘nu’) Kinematic Viscosity
Pv Power/Viscosity Factor ρ (greek letter ‘rho’) Fluid Density
Pvp Vapour Pressure ω (greek letter ‘omega’) Shaft Angular Velocity
Q Capacity
Table 14.1a
Designation Formula Comments
to find
Reynolds Number Re = D x V x ρ Where: 2.1.7
(ratio of inertia forces µ D = Tube Diameter (m)
to viscous forces) V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
ρ = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (Pa.s)
Re = D x V x ρ Where:
µ D = Tube Diameter (mm)
V = Fluid Velocity (m/s)
ρ = Density (kg/m3)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
Re = 21230 x Q Where:
Dxµ D = Tube Diameter (mm)
Q = Capacity (l/min)
µ = Absolute Viscosity (cP)
Re = 3162 x Q Where:
Dxν D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)
Re = 3800 x Q Where:
Dxν D = Tube Diameter (in)
Q = Capacity (UK gal/min)
ν = Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)
Pressure P=F Where: 2.2.2
(total force per unit A F = Force
area exerted by a fluid) A = Area
Static Pressure/Head P=ρxgxh Where: 2.2.2
(relationship between P = Pressure/Head (Pa)
pressure and elevation) ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2)
h = Height of Fluid (m)
P = h x SG Where:
10 P = Pressure/Head (bar)
h = Height of Fluid (m)
P = h x SG Where:
2.31 P = Pressure/Head (PSI)
h = Height of Fluid (ft)
Total Head H = H t – (± H s) Where: 2.2.2
H t = Total Discharge Head
H s = Total Suction Head
Table 14.2a - continues next page
Designation Formula Comments
to find
NPSHa NPSHa = Pa ± h s – h fs – Pvp Where: 2.2.4
(Net Positive Suction (+h s for flooded suction) Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level
Head available) (– h s for suction lift) (bar)
h s = Static Suction Head (m)
h fs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (m)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (bar a)
Pa = Pressure Absolute above Fluid Level
h s = Static Suction Head (ft)
h fs = Pressure Drop in Suction Line (ft)
Pvp = Vapour Pressure (PSIA)
Hydraulic Power Power (W) = Q x H x ρ x g Where: 7.2.1
(theoretical energy Q = Capacity (m3/s)
required) H = Total Head (m)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2)
Power (kW) = Q x H Where:
k Q = Capacity (l/min)
H = Total Head (bar)
k = 600
Power (hp) = Q x H Where:
k Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
H = Total Head (PSI)
k = 1715
Power (hp) = Q x H Where:
k Q = Capacity (UK gal/min)
H = Total Head (PSI)
k = 1428
Required Power Hydraulic Power 7.2.2
(power needed at the Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
pump shaft)
Torque Torque (Nm) = 7.2.3
Required Power (kW) x 9550
Pump Speed (rev/min)
Torque (kgf m) =
Required Power (kW) x 974
Pump Speed (rev/min)
Torque (ft lb) =
Required Power (hp) x 5250
Pump Speed (rev/min)
Table 14.2a - continues next page
Q = Pump Capacity
q = Pump Displacement
Pump Efficiency (ηp) Water Horse Power x 100%
Required Power
ηp = Q x H x ρ x g Where: 7.2.4
wxT ηp = Pump Efficiency
Q = Capacity (m3/s)
H = Total Head/Pressure (m)
ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m3)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2)
w = Shaft Angular Velocity (rad/s)
T = Shaft Torque (Nm)
Overall Efficiency (ηoa) Water Horse Power x 100% 7.2.4
Drive Power
Pump Speed - Rotary Lobe Pump
Pump Speed n = Q x 100 Where: 7.2.4
q x ηv x 60 n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
q = Pump Displacement (m3/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
n = Q x 100 Where:
q x ηv n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (US gal/min)
q = Pump Displacement (US gal/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
n = Q x 100 Where:
q x ηv n = Pump Speed (rev/min)
Q = Capacity (UK gal/min)
q = Pump Displacement (UK gal/100 rev)
ηv = Volumetric Efficiency (100% = 1.0)
Table 14.2a - continues next page
Designation Formula Comments
to find
Flow Control - Centrifugal Pump
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Diameter and
D 2 = D1 x √
3 Q2
Q1 D = Impeller Diameter (mm)
Q = Capacity (m3/h)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Diameter and
D 2 = D1 x √ H2
H1 D = Impeller Diameter (mm)
H = Head (m)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Diameter and
D 2 = D1 x √
5 P2
P1 D = Impeller Diameter (mm)
P = Power (kW)
Reduction of Multi- Where: 7.3.2
stage Impeller
√ c-b D1 = Standard Diameter (mm)
Diameter D 2 = D1 x a = Maximum Working Point (m)
b = Minimum Working Point (m)
c = Required Working Point (m)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Speed and n 2 = n1 x n = Impeller Speed (rev/min)
Capacity Q = Capacity (m3/h)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Speed and n 2 = n1 x √ H2
H1 n = Impeller Speed (rev/min)
Head H = Head (m)
Connection between Where: 7.3.2
Impeller Speed and n 2 = n1 x √
3 P2
P1 n = Impeller Speed (rev/min)
Power P = Power (kW)
Table 14.2a
mm m cm in ft yd
1 0.001 0.10 0.0394 0.0033 0.0011
1000 1 100 39.370 3.2808 1.0936
10 0.01 1 0.3937 0.0328 0.1094
25.4 0.0254 2.540 1 0.0833 0.0278
304.8 0.3048 30.48 12 1 0.3333
914.4 0.9144 91.441 36 3 1
Table 14.3.1a
14.3.2 Volume
t/d t/h
kg/s kg/h lb/h UK ton/h lb/s
(tonne/day) (tonne/hour)
1 3600 7936.6 3.5431 86.40 3.6 2.2046
2.78 x 10 -4 1 2.2046 98.4 x 10 -5 0.024 0.001 6.12 x 10 -4
1.26 x 10 -4 0.4536 1 44.6 x 10 -5 0.0109 4.54 x 10 -4 2.78 x 10 -4
0.2822 1016.1 2240 1 24.385 1.0160 0.6222
11.57 x 10 -3 41.667 91.859 0.0410 1 0.0417 0.0255
0.2778 1000 2201.8 0.9842 24 1 0.6116
0.4536 1632.9 3600 1.6071 39.190 1.6350 1
Table 14.3.4a
14.3.5 Pressure/Head
14.3.9 Density
0.1 1 10 100 1000
Capacity (m3/h)
A: 25 mm E: 51 mm I: 76 mm M: DN125
B: DN25 F: DN50 J: DN80 N: DN150
C: 38 mm G: 63.5 mm K: 101.6 mm
D: DN40 H: DN65 L: DN100 1 bar ≈ 10 m (metre liquid column)
Note: A, C, E, G, I and K refer to ISO Tube - B, D, F, H, J, L, M and N refer to DIN Tube
14.6 Velocity
(m/s) in ISO and DIN Tubes at various Capacities
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000
A: 1" E: 2" I: 3" M: DN125
B: DN25 F: DN50 J: DN80 N: DN150
C: 1½" G: 2½" K: 4"
D: DN40 H: DN65 L: DN100 1 m3/h = 1000 l/h
Note: A, C, E, G, I and K refer to ISO Tube - B, D, F, H, J, L, M and N refer to DIN Tube
Fig. 14.6a Connection between velocity and capacity at different tube dimensions
Shut-off 2 3 5 5 4 18
Change-over 2 4 7 5 4 22
Change-over 2 6 9 8 5 20
Change-over 3 7 11 10 8 33
Change-over 4 7 11 15 12 31
RA 3 7 11 10 8 33
RA 4 7 11 15 12 31
Shut-off 1 2 3 3 4
Change-over 1 2 2 3 4
Change-over 1 2 2 2 4
Change-over 2 3 4 4 7
Change-over 1 5 7 7 6
Shut-off 5 5 4 17
Change-over 7 5 5 22
Change-over 9 8 5 20
Change-over 11 10 8 33
Change-over 11 15 12 31
Shut-off 3 4 5 4 17
Change-over 3 7 5 4 22
Change-over 6 9 9 5 20
Change-over 7 11 10 8 33
Change-over 7 11 15 12 31
Shut-off 2 4 6 8 9 41
Change-over 3 6 10 16 10 63
Change-over 3 8 13 15 9 43
Change-over 5 9 16 18 11 62
Change-over 4 8 23 19 13 69
6 6 4 17
11 10 8 33
11 14 12 31
Other valves
Non-return valve LKC-2
7 10 12 21 20 26
Butterfly valve LKB
1 1 1 1 2 2
Koltek MH
1 2 3 5 6 7
1 2 4 6 9 10
Mixproof valves
14 14 27 25 26
14 14 27 25 26
5 4 6 5 4
6 5 7 7 5
*Pressure drop/equivalent tube length is for unbalanced upper plug and balanced lower plug.
For other combinations use the Anytime Unique configuration tool.
Table 14.7.1a - continues next page
3 6 11 8 18
3 5 7 7 11
7 11 13 15 32
6 10 13 14 31
9 12 34 25 101
6 12 34 23 101
5 10 18 29 84
3 9 16 29 81
6 18 30 41 104
5 12 20 27 75
5 14 41 41 152
6 14 34 38 146
12 21 15 35
19 18 14 43
Shut-off 7 10 16 16 13 59
Change-over 7 13 23 16 13 72
Change-over 7 20 30 26 16 66
Change-over 10 23 36 33 26 108
Change-over 13 23 36 49 39 102
RA 10 23 36 33 26 108
RA 13 23 36 49 39 102
Shut-off 3 7 10 10 13
Change-over 3 7 7 10 13
Change-over 3 7 7 7 13
Change-over 7 10 13 13 23
Change-over 3 16 23 23 20
Shut-off 16 16 13 56
Change-over 23 16 16 72
Change-over 30 26 16 66
Change-over 36 33 26 108
Change-over 36 49 39 102
Shut-off 10 13 16 13 56
Change-over 10 23 16 13 72
Change-over 20 30 30 16 66
Change-over 23 36 33 26 108
Change-over 23 36 49 39 102
Shut-off 7 13 20 26 30 135
Change-over 10 20 33 52 33 207
Change-over 10 26 43 49 30 141
Change-over 16 30 52 59 36 203
Change-over 13 26 75 62 43 226
20 20 13 56
36 33 26 108
36 46 39 102
Other valves
Non-return valve LKC-2
23 33 39 69 66 85
Butterfly valve LKB
3 3 3 3 7 7
Koltek MH
3 7 10 16 20 23
3 7 13 20 30 33
Mixproof valves
46 46 89 82 85
46 46 89 82 85
16 13 20 16 13
20 16 23 23 16
*Pressure drop/equivalent tube length is for unbalanced upper plug and balanced lower plug.
For other combinations use the Anytime Unique configuration tool.
Table 14.7.2a - continues next page
10 20 36 26 59
10 16 23 23 36
23 36 43 49 105
20 33 43 46 102
30 39 112 82 331
20 39 112 75 331
16 33 59 95 276
10 30 52 95 266
20 59 98 135 341
16 39 66 89 246
39 69 49 115
62 59 46 141
Shut-off 3 4 5 6 8 16 25 70
Change-over 3 5 7 7 9 21 30 65
Change-over 3 7 9 12 10 19 45 75
Change-over 4 8 12 14 17 31 60 150
Change-over 5 8 11 20 25 29 40 75
RA 5 8 11 20 25 29
RA 4 8 12 14 17 31
Shut-off 1 2 3 5 5
Change-over 1 2 3 5 5
Change-over 1 2 3 4 5
Change-over 2 4 4 7 9
Change-over 1 6 8 12 8
Shut-off 5 6 8 16
Change-over 7 6 9 21
Change-over 9 12 10 19
Change-over 12 14 17 31
Change-over 11 20 25 29
Shut-off 4 5 6 8 16
Change-over 4 7 6 9 21
Change-over 7 9 12 10 19
Change-over 8 12 14 17 31
Change-over 8 11 20 25 29
Shut-off 2 4 6 11 18 38
Change-over 3 7 11 22 20 59
Change-over 3 10 14 20 18 40
Change-over 7 11 17 25 23 59
Change-over 6 10 25 26 26 65
6 8 9 16
12 14 17 31
11 20 25 29
Other valves
Non-return valve LKC-2
14 14 15 32 36 30
Butterfly valve LKB
2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1
Koltek MH
2 2 5 9 10 8
2 2 5 9 14 13
Mixproof valves
14 14 27 25 26 40 85
14 14 27 25 26 40 85
5 4 6 5 4 8 16
6 5 7 7 5 10 20
*Pressure drop/equivalent tube length is for unbalanced upper plug and balanced lower plug.
For other combinations use the Anytime Unique configuration tool.
Table 14.7.3a - continues next page
358 Alfa Laval Pump Handbook
14 Technical Data
Mixproof valves Equivalent tube length in metres per unit
SMP-BC DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN125 DN150
3 4 5 5 7 4 8
4 7 13 15 21 38 78
4 6 11 12 20 31 61
9 17 22 24 40
7 13 22 23 37
10 15 52 44 114
9 15 52 44 114
6 13 32 51 97
3 12 25 49 94
9 24 46 72 124
6 15 30 46 84
8 20 62 67 174
9 21 54 54 167
13 37 45 34 38 79
8 15 21 28 40 85
13 29 31 33
20 24 28 41
Relative Roughness
Friction Factor
0.02 K
K (mm)
Riveted steel 1 - 10
Concrete 0.3 - 3 M
14.8 Moody Diagram
Flow rate - m3/h
100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Viscosity - cSt
Absolute Pressure Total pressure exerted by a fluid i.e., atmospheric pressure plus gauge pressure
Absolute Viscosity Measure of how resistive the flow of a fluid is between two layers of fluid in motion
Adaptor Connection piece between the motor and back plate on a centrifugal and liquid ring pump
Anti-thixotropic Fluid viscosity increases with time under shear conditions
Air-screw A screw type Impeller fitted in the offset priming chamber to assist in evacuating air or gas
Part of a centrifugal and liquid ring pump, which together with the pump casing forms the
Back Plate
fluid chamber
Cartridge seal NO EXPLANATION in Word
Cavitation Vacuous space in the inlet port of a pump normally occupied by fluid
Circumferential Piston Pump (CPP) has a pair of rotating winged rotors (pistons) moving liquid
around the circumference of the casing channel
Centrifugal Tending to move out from the center
For Twin Screw pumps: The chamber is the free distance between the rear of the helix and the
Chamber front of the next helix in which product is moved, to this extent the chamber size determines
the maximum particle size for solids handling
CIP Cleaning In Place - ability to clean pump system without dismantling pump and system
Special Impeller design on LKH Evap pumps to prevent crystalline build up on pump
CM Condition Monitor – measures vibrations and temperature
Gateway for sending data from up to 10 CM, condition monitors, to the GSM, Gateway for
CM Connect
sending data to the Cloud, from network on CM’s
Dead Head Speed Pump speed required to overcome slip for a rotary lobe pump
Density Fluids mass per unit of volume
Total absolute pressure differences across the pump during operation i.e., discharge pressure
Differential Pressure
minus suction pressure
A process used in manufacturing that increases the hardness of steels. Diffusion only hap-
Diffusion Hardening pens through a small thickness of a piece of steel, so only the surface is hardened while the
core maintains its original mechanical properties
Dilatant Fluid viscosity increases as shear rate increases
Discharge Pressure Pressure at which fluid is leaving the pump
Duty Point Intersection point between the pump curve and the process curve
Dynamic Head Energy required to set fluid in motion and to overcome any resistance to that motion
Feed Screw Helical Screw rotor for the Twin Screw pump
Flooded Suction Positive inlet pressure/head
Pressure drop on both inlet and discharge sides of the pump due to frictional losses in fluid
Friction Head
Pressure within a gauge that exceeds the surrounding atmospheric pressure, using atmos-
Gauge Pressure
pheric pressure as a zero reference
Hydraulic Power Theoretical energy required to pump a given quantity of fluid against a given total head
Impeller Pumping element of a centrifugal and liquid ring pump
Inlet Pressure Pressure at which fluid is entering the pump
Kinematic Viscosity Measure of how resistive the flow of a fluid is under the influence of gravity
Flow characteristic whereby the fluid moves through the pipe in concentric layers with its max-
Laminar Flow
imum velocity in the center of the pipe, decreasing to zero at the pipe wall
A pump with more than one impeller mounted on the same shaft and connected so as to act
in series
Newtonian Fluid viscosity is constant with change in shear rate or agitation
NPSH Net Positive Suction Head describing the inlet condition of a pump and system
NPSHa Net Positive Suction Head available in a system
NPSHr Net Positive Suction Head required from a pump
NIPA Net Inlet Pressure Available in a system
NIPR Net Inlet Pressure Required from a pump
Non-Product Wetted Metallic and elastomeric components not in contact with the fluid being pumped
Outlet Pressure Pressure at which fluid is leaving the pump
The pitch length which is basically the dimension from the rear face of the of the helix to the
front of the next helix
Positive Displacement Pump type whereby the fluid pumped is directly displaced
Pressure Drop Result of frictional losses in pipework, fittings, and other process equipment
Pressure Shock Result of change in fluid velocity
Product Wetted Metallic and elastomeric components in contact with the fluid being pumped
Profiled Seal Ring Seal ring with optimized hygienic design minimizing crevasses for easy CIP cleaning
Pseudoplastic Fluid viscosity decreases as shear rate increases
Part of a centrifugal and liquid ring pump, which together with the back plate forms the fluid
Pump Casing
Required Power Power needed at the pump shaft
Reynolds Number (Re) Ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces giving a value to determine type of flow characteristic
Rheology Science of fluid flow
Rheomalactic Fluid viscosity decreases with time under shear conditions but does not recover
A machine to transfer rotating mechanical energy into kinetic energy in the form of fluid veloc-
ity and pressure
Rotor Pumping element of a rotary lobe pump
Rotor Case Part of a rotary lobe pump, which together with the rotor case cover forms the pump chamber
Rotor Case Cover Part of a rotary lobe pump, which together with the rotor case forms the pump chamber
Rumbling Method of surface finishing achieved by vibrating components with abrasive particulate
Method of surface finishing achieved by blasting finished components with small metallic
particles at great force
Steam or Sterilisation In Place - ability to steam clean or sterilise pump system without dis-
mantling pump and system
Slip Fluid lost by leakage through the pump clearances of a rotary lobe pump
Specific Gravity Ratio of a fluid’s density to the density of water
Specific Weight Fluid’s weight per unit volume
Thermal Shock Rapid temperature change of pump head components
Thixotropic Fluid viscosity decreases with time under shear conditions
Timing Gear Setting the timing between the Rotors or the Feed Screws in the gearbox
Timing gear location via Torque Locking Assembly (TLA) providing full 360° uniform loading
and easy time setting
Torque Moment of force required to produce rotation
Total Discharge Head Sum of the static discharge and dynamic heads
Relationship between the input power at the pump shaft and output power in the form of
Total Efficiency
water horsepower
Total pressure difference between the total discharge head and the total suction head of the
Total Head
Total Static Head Difference in height between the static discharge head and the static suction head
Total Suction Head Static suction head less the dynamic head
Transitional Flow Flow characteristic combining both laminar and turbulent flow tendencies
TS Pump Twin Screw Pump
Flow characteristic whereby considerable mixing of the fluid takes place across a pipe section
Turbulent Flow
with velocity remaining fairly constant
Vacuum Pressure in a pumping system below normal atmospheric pressure
Vapour Pressure Pressure at which a fluid will change to a vapour, at a given temperature
Velocity Distance a fluid moves per unit of time
Viscosity Measure of how resistive a fluid is to flow
Viscous Power Power loss due to viscous fluid friction within the pump
Volumetric Efficiency Ratio of actual capacity against theoretical capacity
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