Re 2046 10-12 Notes Word
Re 2046 10-12 Notes Word
Re 2046 10-12 Notes Word
In Zambia, there are many birth traditions and customs. A custom is an activity, a rule or
ceremony done by a particular group of people as part of the way of life. Almost all ethnic
groups in Zambia have their unique customs that make them different from others.
There are also some customs which are common and cut across all tribes. These are what
bring us together as Zambians in particular and Africans in general. Traditions on the other
hand are practices, customs, beliefs and opinions that are passed on from one generation to
the next.
There are various traditions and practices on the naming and protection of the baby at birth.
Choosing of a name and Naming can be done before or after birth.
naming of the baby: Choosing of the name may depend on circumstances;
examples: where there is hunger or famine (Nzala in Chi
Tonga), a boy after a chain of girls (Mutinta) and many
The baby is named after the umbilical cord has dropped
Sometimes a child is named after a relative or ancestor.
Protection of the baby: After birth, the mother and child are secluded for a
period of time for protection
Both husband and wife are not allowed to have sexual
relations for a period of time.
Roots, charms and other traditional medicines are used to
protect the baby from disease and witchcraft
Sacrifices of beer or food and prayers are offered to the
ancestral spirits.
Birth is a unifying factor in every home. The birth of a child brings a strong bond between
husband and wife and the two families. Relative and friends usually bring gifts for the baby
or the mother to welcome and appreciate new life. These traditions are important because:
The reasons why the birth of John the Baptist was special and important:
John was to be brought up as a Nazarite; meaning the “separated one”. The customs
No drinking of alcohol
No going near or touching of dead bodies
No cutting of his hair
Bible text
c) SON OF GOD –meaning son of the most high, showing his deity.
d) SON OF DAVID- meaning born in the lineage of David (to be king of people’ lives)
The fact that the Jews were in slavery by the Romans, made them anxious about the birth of
Jesus Christ. They thought he was going to come with mighty army that would drive the
Romans away and set them free. But the purpose of Messianic Kingdom was made clear to
Joseph as:
Circumcision- was done when the child was eight days old or one week.
This was an outward agreement or covenant that Gold had made with the Jews.
Anyone not circumcised could neither share the hopes of the nation nor join in the
b) At three the boy would fringed garments and be taught by the mother. By five years, he
would taught law (Torah) by the father and also attend school at Synagogue (Deut 6:4-9)
It is God’s desire that people should live and do his will. However, God does not force his
will and purpose on us. Humans have freedom of choice. In the case of John the Baptist
and Jesus Christ, what happened to their parents is a way how God directs human lives as
3. He chooses special people for specific purposes (Joseph and Mary, Zachariah and
Why God chose to use Zachariah and Elizabeth; Joseph and Mary
b) He does not force these plans on us. We have the freedom of choice.
a) Christianity
b) Islam
Every thing that happens is the will of Allah and must be accepted.
Allah through Angel Gabriel gave the massage to the prophet Muhammad, the
recorded in the Quran.
The Quran the basis for guidance in every part of a Muslim’s life.
c) Hinduism
One is born in a particular caste and is guided through daily and seasonal rituals.
God directs Hindus through life cycles including birth, marriage, worship and death.
A pilgrimage to one religious Site is important for a Hindu.
Annual festivals of Diwali and Nawaratri remind Hindus of religious values and
bring life.
Strict conduct is expected of every Hindu.
God directs a Hindu through the Vedas while living with the Guru. Religious
Christians: - God’s messages are recorded in the Bible through inspired writers.
Christians: - apart from the Bible, God has other ways of guiding people.
b) Christianity Vs Hinduism
both believe that a strict conduct is expected to live according to God’s plan
both consult the Holy scripture for guidance
Christians: - Are directed through the daily surrounding of all decisions to God.
Hindus: - Are directed through life cycle rite including birth, marriage and death.
(a) Relate the story of the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist to
(b) Explain what the story teaches the Christians about the purpose of the life
of John the Baptist. State three points.
(c) A couple has a new born baby. The relatives want to give the baby the
name of a relative who recently passed on. What one argument could the
relative use to defend their position and what one Christian point the
couple use to defend their Christian view.
(d) State one similarity and one difference between Christianity and Zambia
Traditional Religion on their religious duty and family loyalty.
Sin is defined as failing to reach God’s required standard or rebellion against God. Sin
breaks the relationship between God and other people.
Evil is anything done to a human being which is not acceptable by both God and man.
Therefore, conflict is as a result of both sin and evil.
These include;
Discrimination based on race or sex
John the Baptist was an outstanding man who denounced sin and evil in his time. His duty
was to prepare the way for Messiah, to make people ready for the coming salvation through
Jesus Christ.
Religious leaders- he rebuked them by calling them brood of vipers; warned them to
flee the wrath that was coming. He told them the importance of sharing.
Tax collectors- collect no more is appointed for you.
Soldiers- robe none by violence of false accusations and be content with your
Work hard
Be honest to benefit others
Not waist employer’s time Be upright
Live by example
Being upright
Having a good reputation
John baptised with water while Jesus baptised with the spirit. Jesus forgave
people’s sins while John could not.
Religious messages are those messages which bring out values of a given religion.
In Zambia today, religious messages are received with mixed fellings as shown bellow:
Why John the Baptist was imprisoned and killed (Mk 6:17-29)
John challenge Herod’s moral life after he took his brother’s wife Herodias.
Other people who suffered for their faith
a) Martin Luther King- An African American who was shot during a match for equal
b) Mahatma Gandhi- A Hindu who devoted his life to win independence for India through
c) Nelson Mandela- Spent 27 years at Robinson Island prison for political freedom
d) Simon Kapwepwe, Nkumbula Harry and Kenneth Kaunda- suffered for political
freedom in Zambia.
e) William Tyndale- The British reformer who was burnt for translating the Bible into
f) Kizito Charles Lwanga and Mukasa- Ugandan martyrs who were killed for their faith.
c) Christianity Vs Hinduism
Both are tolerant (non violent).
Both regard God as a supreme being.
Both respect prayer.
Christianity- at death, soul goes to live with God.
Hinduism- believes in reincarnation, where one is reborn into another creature.
Christianity- repentance leads to new life.
Hinduism- good Karma leads to good life, performance of good things therefore,
The word Baptism comes from the Greek word “Baptizo” which means to dip, submerge or
plunge in a liquid.
Infant Baptism
Is the baptising of the children into the religious fellowship of their parents.
Reasons for infant Baptism
To wash away the original sin man is born with.
For the child to become the member of the parent’s church.
To impart eternal life to the baby.
As a way of salvation.
So that the child should grow to fear God.
Methods of Baptism
There are three methods of Baptism; namely immersion, pouring and sprinkling.
a) Immersion- Is a method of baptism where a person being baptised is completely
submerged in water. It is the accepted method in the New Testament.
b) Pouring- Is a method of baptism where water from the vessel is dripped on the
head of the person being baptised.
c) Sprinkling- Is the method where water from the vessel is splashed on the face of
the person being baptised.
Importance of the Baptism of Jesus (Mt 3:12-17)
Jesus commanded that all the sinners who repent are baptised (Mt 28:18-20). He was
baptised himself, not because he was a sinner but wanted to set an example.
Set an example for his followers.
To identify himself with the people he came to save (Isaiah 52:13, 53:12).
To show his commitment to carry on God’s purpose to win souls for the kingdom
(Mt 4:21-22)
Christianity- baptism shows repentance and conversion
Z.T.R- initiation shows that one has entered into adult life
Christianity- baptism identifies one with Christ in his death, burial and
Z.T.R- does not express dying with anyone.
Christianity- baptism shows association with the body of Christ (the church).
Z.T.R- initiation shows association with elders.
b) Islam
Belief in other gods is idolatry. It should not even be entertained in one’s mind.
Lust; adultery or immoral relation are resisted by thinking of the day of judgement.
b) Christianity Vs Islam
Both believe in the miracle working God.
Both believe in the existence of miracles.
Christianity- God can use any of the faithful people to perform miracles.
Islam- Only Prophets sent by Allah can perform miracles.
Christianity- Miracles increase people’s faith in God not in a person.
Islam- Miracles increase the influence and reputation of those who perform
them. c) Christianity Vs Hinduism Similarities:
Both believe that God performs miracles.
Both belie that miracles performed by a person is not proof of their divinity.
Both believe that miracles help deepen people’s faith in God.
Christianity- Miracles can also be performed through satanic powers.
Hinduism- Only God can perform miracles.
Is an assessment on a person’s works or actions for a reward or punishment. An example is
what is done in the court of law.
How people will be judged by Jesus
The Bible gives the basis of judgement by Jesus. These are;
a) People’s response to Jesus
It is difficult sometimes to tell the difference between believers and non believers.
At the final judgement, separation will be done.
The son of man knows those who belong to him.
b) People’s behaviour towards others
The following two parables show how people will be judged according to behaviour
towards others:
The parable of the final judgement (Mt 25:31-46)
John the Baptist’s warning about the coming judgement (Lk 3:1-17) - Jesus
will separate believers from non believers.
- Christians should make themselves ready for the Master. They should not live to
please themselves.
Bible Text:
The Lord’s pattern of prayer (Lk 11:1-4)
The friend at midnight (Lk 11:5-13)
The widow and the judge (Lk 18:1-8)
The Pharisee and the tax collector (Lk 18:6-14)
Prayer is talking and listening to God. God wants us to communicate with him in this way.
When should we pray?
Anytime, anywhere.
The good time to pray privately is when reading the Bible each day.
Christians should also come together for prayer (Mt 18:19-20).
c) Action prayer: This involves reaching out to others; example helping those in need.
Methods of prayer
a) Worship and Thanksgiving: This involves thanking the God that he is Great and Holy.
b) Confession: Is telling God about the wrong things one has done and if one has failed
God in any way.
c) Intercession: Is praying on behalf of others; like the sick, poor, widows, orphans
d) Personal: This is when an individual prays to God about any problems or needs they
may have.
e) Thanksgiving: Thanking God for hearing and answering our prayers.
During prayer, he Hindu may chant his own verse (Mantra) from the Holy books.
He may just sit quietly in a quiet spot and try to be one with nature.
Congregational prayer is not common among the Hindus.
b) Christianity Vs Islam
In both, prayer is an essential part of religious practice.
In both, there is congregational prayer.
Christianity- There is no fixed number a person can pray in a day.
Islam- A Muslim prays five times a day.
Christianity- One does not need to face in any special place when praying.
Islam- A Muslim prays while facing Mecca.
c) Christianity Vs Hinduism
Both attach great importance to prayer.
Both pray to God.
Christianity- Are not encouraged seeing God in various forms gods and goddesses.
Hinduism- Are encouraged seeing God in various forms of gods and goddesses.
Christianity- All prayers are important.
Hinduism- Some prayers are more important than others.
b) Tax collectors
This was another group of people who where despised at the time of Jesus. They were
treated as outcasts in the society because they were traitors to the nation because they
worked for the Romans.
They were hated for being known as cheaters because they overcharged.
Jesus told the Pharisees that, if tax collectors were bad, they were the ones who
needed his help most e.g. Levi and Zaccheaus.
To become a friend of God, instead of an enemy, one had to make friends with
fellow men e.g. Zaccheaus gave out he had stolen.
Jesus was able to see beyond the selfishness And cheating and saw a man who was
“lost” and needed to be put right with God.
c) Sinners
According to the Jewish thought; sinners were groups of people who did not keep the Law
of Moses in its totality. Those who mixed with gentiles and tax collectors made themselves
Strict Jews believed that salvation was in the keeping of the Law strictly.
Jesus was not concerned with such social evils, but a person who was a victim of
such social evils e.g. The adulterous woman, The parable of the money lender- Luke
In the story of the adulterous woman, Simon is surprised that Jesus could allow such
show of emotions from a sinful woman. In answer to his criticism, Jesus tells him a
story of two people who owed money to the money lender. Jesus shows Simon three
a) Simon was wrong in condemning Christ’s attitude to this woman, who had already
b) A repentant sinner is much better than a proud person who is not aware of sin.
c) Jesus reinstates the woman in society admits are sinful past, but publicly announces that
her sins have been forgiven. d) Gentiles
Gentiles were non- Jews and as such Jesus was not supposed to interact with them.
Jesus’ attitude to the gentiles showed that he was following the Law by treating
them with respect and helping them (Lk 7:1-10)
The Pharisees kept their tradition which kept them far away from gentiles.
b) The Parable of the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep and Son (Lk 15:1-30)
The parables were told in criticism of Jesus by the Pharisees and Scribes, who
believed that tax collectors and sinners were beyond the hope of God’s forgiveness.
Jews were aware of the mercy of God for the nation and not for an individual.
Jesus emphasised God’s interest in each person.
Suffering in Zambia
Suffering is experienced by all creatures. Human beings go through a lot of suffering
throughout their lives. These are spiritual, mental, emotional and psychological.
Avoidable Suffering
Diseases which kill like HIV/AIDS, Cholera, Dysentery and many others are preventable,
because they are passed on.
Other sufferings can not be avoided like death.
Effects of AIDS on the family
Disintegration of families as children have to shared.
Loss of breadwinners.
Stress on extended family, as the family will have to take care of the sick.
Some family members will abandon their jobs to take care of the sick.
Funerals and mourning costs leave families with financial burdens.
Many orphans without adequate health care and education.
Effects of AIDS on the Nation
Treatment of opportunistic infections is expensive and causes a lot of strain on
national budget.
Increases the number of orphans making it difficult for government to provide
adequate health care and educational services.
The number of street kids rises and there is increase in child labour as orphan look
for ways to survive.
Why Jews failed to understand Jesus as suffering servant and ruling King
They expected the Messiah to chase the Romans away.
They expected Messiah to be the King and live in luxury.
They expected the Messiah to be a powerful political leader.
The Suffering and Death of John the Baptist (Mk 6:17-29; Lk 7:8-28)
Fro this story, we learn that:
The way of God is not in special sign and great show. It grows gradually, slowly,
often through suffering and persecution.
John’s obedience to God through the preaching of the word of God, the testing of
his faith led him to glory and acceptance in the Kingdom of God.
The humblest believer today, is greater than John the Baptist.
Greater blessings re available to us through the Jesus Christ.
If John and Jesus suffered for the Kingdom, we also must be willing to suffer.
c) Hinduism
Hindus believe that suffering is part of our life and we cannot avoid it.
Suffering is the gift of God and we have to bear it.
Suffering is the way to measure one’s strength of mind and soul.
A true Hindu believes that; the more holy a person is, the greater his power to bear
According to the Hindus; the more you suffer, the more you are purified.
Suffering may bring to physical death, and not spiritual death.
Strong resentments
They blame other people
They blame God
They blame themselves
Accept criticisms and change for the better.
The Sadducees believed only in the first five books of the Bible of Moses.
Since resurrection is not mentioned in the five books of the Bible, they did not
believe in it. Hence this tricky question to Jesus.
Jesus showed the Sadducees that Moses’ law about marriage only applied to the
physical world and not in spiritual.
As the opposition to Jesus was building up, some people informed the Pharisees of
what Jesus had done.
He had raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11: 45-53)
Because of the miraculous things did the Pharisees would become unpopular.
The Sanhedrin feared to lose their power and privileges from the Romans.
A charge of treason against Jesus was suggested.
The prophecy to save the nation was fulfilled in this way.
The Chief priests decided to arrest Jesus quietly after the feast of the Passover.
Judas offer made their plan easier.
Judas led his group of people (Chief Priests, Temple guards and Roman soldiers) to
capture Jesus.
A kiss was the arranged signal.
When Judas kissed Jesus, they came and arrested Him.
They wanted a statement from Jesus, which they could use to accuse Him of
blasphemy Him of blasphemy and condemn Him to death.
One witness said that Jesus had said that he would destroy the Temple and build it
in three days, ( Matt26:60)
Jesus admitted that He was the son of God on his way to glory.(MATT 26: 27-63)
The Jews were satisfied that he was guilty of blasphemy.
Christianity Vs Islam
b) Christianity Vs Hinduism
EXODUS 24:3-8
Jesus last supper is the fulfilment of the old covenant(Jer31:31-34) It is the
fulfilment of the New Testament (beginning).
Jesus is the sacrificial lamb whose sacrifice brings salvation to all.
The burial of Jesus-Luke 231-6, John19:38
The significance of the death of Jesus (Romans 5:6-10)
Christ died for our sins.
This shows God’s attitude of love towards sinners.
Sinners are changed from God’s enemies into God’s friends.
Man is justified as a sinner and saved from sin.
Because of Christ’s death (or’ blood’’) sins can be forgiven.( Eph 2: 12-18).
It broke barriers between people e.g. Jews and Gentiles.
It brought reconciliation between man and God.(Romans 5 6-10)
It has brought to an end animal sacrifice and the inauguration of the covenant.
Christ’s sacrifice has brought about redemption.
Because of the death of Jesus we have’’ died to sin’’ and sin no longer has power
over our lives.
Baptism is a picture of new life we live in Him, therefore behave as those who are
dead to sin, self and world, but alive to God through the death of Christ.
Both believe that physical death must come and physical life must end.
Both believe in life after death.
Islam- For forty days, all males of immediate family visit the grave.
Islam- Muslims continue to pray for forgiveness of the deceased to Allah to reward the
During the time of Jesus, many people faced death. Jesus was concern about the
people’s welfare both physically and spiritually.
Jesus appeared to the two on the road to Emmaus to show them that He had risen.
Jesus reminded the two about the Old Testament prophesy of suffering Messiah.
Z.T.R- Some spirits return to work as wondering spirits and may cause.
b) Christianity Vs Hinduism
Christianity- They know whether they belong to the devil or God before
Hinduism- In life to come, people will be judged on their deeds.
Communication barriers existed between Jews, Samaritans, and Gentiles. All three groups
were segregated. Jews were prejudiced against Tax collectors and Samaritans. There was
also segregation between women and men, lepers and ordinary people.
These differences became immaterial as the people were united in Christ. For instance,
whether Jew or Gentile, they all received the Holy Spirit. Samaritans and Tax Collectors
were accepted on account of faith.
Language barriers
Language is crucial for all forms of communication. Whenever there are different groups of
people, it is essential to have a common language for communication. The language
barriers were overcome on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2: 1 – 13)
Saul increased his persecution of the church, imprisoning many and executing others.
Instead of stamping out the “Seat,” the increased persecution caused the believers to
scatter, preaching as they went. The Gospel spread to new areas.
Saul heard that the movement was strong in Damascus in Syria and so he asked the high
priest for letters of introduction to the synagogues in that area. These letters would give
Saul the authority to search out these people of “the way”.
On the road to Damascus, this hard – hearted Pharisee met God’s challenge.
Suddenly there was a blinding light and was struck to the ground. Then a voice asked,
“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? Why are you kicking against your conscience
and the working of the Holy Spirit?
Saul thought this must be God’s voice and the reply came, “I am Jesus ……………”
Saul had to identify the “Lord ‘(Jehovah of the Old Testament) with Jesus of Nazareth
whom he had persecuted through his followers. He realised that the crucified Jesus was
indeed alive and able to communicate with people.
The tremendous shock of this revelation, together with the bright light, blinded Saul. He
realised he had to change loyalty to be on the side of Jesus.
Three days of darkness followed. Ananias of Damascus was sent to help him physically
and spiritually. Saul’s’ future work is then revealed to Ananias.
Ananias obeyed and went to Saul and called him, “brother” showing him that he now
belonged to the people he had been persecuting.
As Saul’s’ physical sight returned, so his spiritual “eyes” were opened. He began to
“understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was baptised.
Islam in Zambia
Islam is not based on the customs or traditions of any one particular tribe.
Islam declares itself to be a universal ideology and makes no discrimination on the basis
of race, Colour or language.
(a) Relate the story of Paul and Silas casting the demon from the slave
(b) Why were Paul and Silas persecuted after this incidence? State two
(c) A local authority tires to ban the church accusing the members of
being partisan. What Christian advice would you give to the Church.
State three points.
(d) State one similarity and one difference between Christianity and
Islam with regard to their teaching on persecution.
Reasons for persecution of the apostles Peter and John (Acts 3: 1-26)
The reactions
The apostles showed respect to the Jewish leaders and recognized that these leaders
had been given the job of judging in religious matters.
They were unafraid and boldly preached the gospel to the leaders. They
committed the whole problem to God in prayer.
Stephen was persecuted because the Jews could not with stand the wisdom which
the Holy Spirit gave him in his answers when they tried to argue publicly with him.
Stephen used Jewish history to show how the Jewish how the Jews had been
rebelling against God in the past, just as they were now.
Stephen however showed an attitude of love and forgiveness towards his persecutors
in spite of what they were doing to him.
After becoming a Christian himself, Saul or Paul as he was later known, was
He never allowed himself to be discouraged by persecution.
When first opposed by the demon possessed woman, they just ignored.
Paul never went out looking for people with demons in order to cast them.
In prison, the apostles prayed and rejoiced, and sang songs of praise.
The earthquake which followed, and the conversion of the jailer, brings out the truth
that God was with them.
The people of Lystra misunderstood the Gospel and mistook Paul and Barnabas for
heathen gods.
The Jews influenced the Gentiles in Lystra until in their fury, they stoned Paul.
Paul and Barnabas left the city the next day, not wanting to force people to receive
the Gospel
The Jews hated Herod appointed by the Romans. He was always looking for ways
and means to please them so that he could rule the Jews easily.
When he realized that the Jews also hated Christians, he arrested James and had him
The Christian reaction to this persecution was to use was to use the greatest weapon
of all – prayer.
God struck Herod down in public and he died an agonizing death.
Elymas was a Jewish magician and a force prophet who pretended to lead people in
God’s ways.
Because Satan controlled him, and possibly because he thought he might lose his
position and influence if the proconsul became a Christian, he opposed Paul and
• Paul rebuked him publicly and exposed him of what he really was-not a ‘’son of
Jesus’’ but a ‘’son of the devil.’’
• Publicly exposing a person for what he really is was a commonly used in Acts to
fight opposition. ( Acts 8 22, 5: 4)
• Ignore the persecutors
• Pray for the persecutors
• Pray for guidance and strength from God
• Rejoice
• Calmly explain the situation.
Hinduism is based on love, tolerance and forgiveness. To a true Hindu
persecution is not a real defeat.
a) Christianity Vs Islam
Christianity-Pray for guidance and strength from God rejoice and calmly explain the
Christianity- There is always Scriptural counselling to help people in conflict to find the
spiritual solution to the problem.
Z.T.R- Those found guilty are made to apologize or pay damages to the other party with
whom they were in conflict.
Christianity Vs Z.T.R
Z.T.R: Everyone was expected to work from childhood to adulthood with supervision and
Christianity Vs Hinduism
Christianity- The day is observed as a day of rest and relaxation, and has a religious
New converts were willing to learn the teachings of Christ through the Apostles.
Spent much of their time together and their fellowship were warm without discord
or strife.
Prayer was another characteristic.
The Church had a holy reverence for God as they saw miracles being performed in
the name of Jesus Christ, through the apostles who were with him.
They generously shared their possessions so that no one lacked material needs.
They continually worshipped God in the Temple with praise and thanks giving for
his might works.
The warmth of their daily fellowship in their homes extended to the community
outside and others joined them.
Resolving problems
a) Zambian Tradition
Christianity- They refer to Scripture for the teaching concerning the situation.
Christianity- There is always Scriptural counselling to help people in conflict to find the
spiritual solution to the problem.
Z.T.R- Those found guilty are made to apologize or pay damages to the other party with
whom they were in conflict.
(a) Give an account of how the apostles received the Holy Spirit on the of
(b) Before the early church had a number of factors on which there segregation was based.
State three of them.
(c) Circumcision was one important factor that made people to be closer to the religion
of the Jews. What two things meant that all the people who came from the
surrounding areas where accepted in the church?
(d) State two difficulties likely to happen in relationships of people of different languages
and culture.
God has created us (Christians) to live a life which pleases Him .He has already
prepared good deeds for us to do. (Eph 2:10) We must work for our food.
Each one is given a talent (natural ability) by God.
Work was part of God’s original purpose of man( Gen 1: 28-28, 2: 15)
If most people can find employment, it is often a sign of God’s blessing and
Unemployment in a nation may be a sign of God’s Judgment Zech 8:9-12
Bible teachings
Bible teachings
The Bible teaches that all workers contribute to the welfare of society and therefore
deserve respect.
Manual work is usually despised, but the bible commands us to work with our
We must make use of our talents large or small.
Even in such jobs (manual work) Christian commitment increases one’s abilities and
may well lead to increased respect from others, and to promotion.
The Bible clearly says that a worker deserves his pay and must be give it, Luke 10:
Exploitation of workers is wrong.
Having agreed to a wage, the employee should not afterwards argue with his
The employee should be obedient and give the best service he or she can offer.
Most employments in Zambia have fixed wage scale, set by the Government and
agreed upon by trade Unions.
Any changes of wages are done by the Public Service Commission appointed and
supported by the Government.
The Christian stand on salaries and wages must be just and fair.
Where there are conflicts over work values or wages , a Christian should react in a
Christian way, that is with patience , humility, love, in quite dialogue , not being
selfish or greed, 1Peter 2:18.
John the Baptist told the soldiers to be content with their pay, Luke 3: 14.
a) Zambian Tradition
Everyone was expected to work from childhood to adulthood with supervision and
Neglect in working resulted in lack of food and shelter.
There are many proverbs, which illustrate the need to work e.g. ‘’if you don’t want
to work you cannot eat.’’
b) Hindu
c) Muslim
The Quran commands people to work. There is no disrespect for manual workers.
Laziness is not encouraged at all.
d) Christianity
Christianity Vs Z.T.R
Christianity- This should be of integrity, diligence, co- operation, punctuality, reliability
and honest.
Z.T.R- Everyone was expected to work from childhood to adulthood with supervision and
(c) During a Christian Religious lesson, your teacher asks your desk mate What type of
job he would want to do after school and he says; driving. This sends the whole class
into laughter. Encourage the friend who has been laughed at that all jobs are
important. State three points.
(d) State one similarity and one difference between Christianity and Zambia Traditional
Religion on their attitude to work.
God’s purpose for man from the beginning was to have one day of rest out of seven.
Leisure gives an opportunity for man to worship God.
Christians must avoid things which are not good for them.
Christians must avoid certain things which may lead a weaker brother or sister into
sin, 1 Corinth 8: 9-12
Christians must consider how to use leisure time wisely-in ways which will honour
a) Zambian Traditions
b) Hindu
Opportunities for leisure came outside working hours and at weekends, especially
on Saturdays.
Leisure activities include; spending time with the family, visiting friends, or other
places and relaxing at the picnic.
c) Islam
Christianity- The day is observed as a day of rest and relaxation, and has a religious
Means of prestige.
Means of showing off.
Personal development.
Promoting God’s work.
James gives the warning to the rich that they will lose everything if they have
exploited their employees.
God will not forget their evil deeds, but will punish them. Amos 8;7.
God may require them to give up their lives. God may bring to them ruin and
destruction. Christian behaviour in situations concerning money Christians that
are wealth are expected to:
Why is it hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God? (MARK 10: 17-31).
Pride ( Hosea 12:8)
Forgetting God. Deut 8:13-14.
Denying God and bringing disgrace on Him. Rejecting Christ.
The love of riches may choke the message of God’s word in our hearts it does not
have much effect on us.
The love of riches may be the beginning of evil in a person’s life, leading to lack of
faith and many sorrows 1Tim 6:10.
Cannot co you any good when you face death ,Job 1:21
We cannot pay the God the price for our lives or someone else’s life. Ps 49: 6-9
a) Zambian Tradition
b) Hinduism
It is not a sin to be rich, as long as the wealth has been obtained honestly and
through hard work.
Exploitation of one’s fellow man in obtaining wealth is forbidden. Money must be
used wisely.
Saving money is encouraged, especially with regard to future needs. Lending
money is permitted, but taking interest is forbidden.
Exploitation is forbidden.
Cheating, bribery, corruption and any form of dishonesty is forbidden Generosity
and sharing are encouraged.
Putting God’s kingdom first is the right priority. Religious Comparison on
Both believe that work is necessary in order to get wealth. Both believe that
wealth should be shared with the poor.
b) Christianity Vs Hinduism
Islam- Recommend that money should first be used to support one’s family.
A multi- party system is where the laws of a particular country allow the formation
of many political parties.
To ‘govern’ means to rule.
God had promised Israel to be their God and leader as long as they obeyed His
commandments (Deut 6: 1-3).
He appointed Moses and Joshua as leader of Israel to lead the Israelites out of
Egypt and into the land of Canaan.
God raised Judges as leaders to save the people from their enemies and to help them
solve their problems.
Political instability led the people to demand a king, who would provide a royal
family and continuity of leadership.
God told Samuel who was their Judge at that time, that their decision to choose a
human King was not only a rejection of Samuel, God’s appointed leader, it was also
a rejection of God as their King and Ruler.
In the time of Judges, Gideon’s son, Abimelech wanted to set himself up as King.
He murdered his brothers to eliminate opposition.
Choosing a bad man to rule is dangerous both to the ruler and to the people he
Ahab sinned against God more than any of his ancestor.
God condemns the leaders of Israel for not doing their duty to the people of God.
They were greed and selfish.
Humility. This means to be like a servant. It means putting the interests of others
before oneself.
One who listens and pays attention to the needs of the people he leads.
One who is able to explain the reasons for decisions and actions taken without being
a dictator.
James and John asked Jesus to be seated one on either side of Jesus.
Jesus implied that this would depend, in part on their willingness to suffer for his
sake. But it did not come with his right to grant it.
James and John had been quick to make their request first and this annoyed the
other disciples. Jesus had told them that true greatness lay in serving others.
Jesus was having a meal at the house of a Pharisees and he noticed how people were
choosing the best places as a way of honouring themselves .This was bad manners
and could cause embarrassment. Jesus warned them that they would be fortunate to
have even the lowest in the Kingdom of God.
‘’It is better to be asked to take a higher position than to be told to give your place to
someone more important.
All rulers, even bad ones, receive their authority from God. Therefore we must be
subject to our rulers since they have been put their by God.(Romans 13:1-7)
Leaders should be obeyed and respected. However, the first loyalty of Christians is
to God, rather than to human rulers.
a) Christianity
b) Zambian Tradition
A leader looks after the interest of the community. He has a subordinate who works
with him.
A leader demands special treatment because of his position.
Leaders get into power through inheritance and consensus.
Leaders are a fountain of knowledge and wisdom.
Medicine men, Witch finders, diviners, rain markers and priest were specialists in
the community and played a special role in the Traditional religion. c) Islam
d) Hinduism
Traditional Hindu leaders were high Priests and were religious leaders.
The great Kings of ancient India used to take advice from the Great Sages or Wise
According to ancient Hindu legends and Hindu history, all great Kings had great
‘Gurus’. These Gurus guided the rulers.
In modern India, Mahatma Gandhi could be considered such a leader. He took the
traditional ideas of leadership and adjusted them to contemporary conditions of
Indian Society.
Christianity Vs Islam
Christianity- A leader does not demand special treatment because of his position.
Islam- A leader is criticized and he has to lose position if he loses the citizens confidence.
b) There are elements that a good leader should possess. Mention any three
qualities of a good leader.
c) Charity is a personal friend and class mate. She has been assigned by your
class teacher to monitor those applying floor polish in class and she has
refused. How can you advise her on qualities of a good citizen on
responsibilities of a good citizen towards authority? State three points.
To have children.
For companionship.
Because of love for each other For prestige.
For status in society.
Insufficient food
Inability to educate children.
Inadequate clothing and other basic needs.
Adequate resources.
Good education affordable.
Quality standard of Education.
Mutual help
Mutual love
Permanent union
Reproduction of life
Fulfilment of desire
a) Islam
b) Hinduism
For procreation.
To create a family unit through a man and wife partnership.
For reproduction
To strengthen ties with other people and between the couple.
Marriage was viewed as a community matter and had to be for the good of the
Guiding Principles:
A man should not marry until he can leave the support of his parents and be able to
support himself. Genesis 2: 24, 24:1-32
a) Christianity
A man should be able to marry if he is able to support himself and his wife.
The man must leave his parents and cleave to his wife.
Both husband and wife must be Christians. Both must be compatible.
b) Islam
c) Hinduism
a) Christianity
It is more common to find unmarried adults in the Christian religion than in any
other way.
The demands of Christ are stronger than those of traditions in other religions and
b) Islam
c) Hinduism
Zambian Tradition
Must leave his parents and cleave to his wife Must love his wife and show
Must understand, respect and protect the wife. Must help and train his
She should care for her family and home, be loyal to her husband. Husband
b) Hinduism
The Hindu husband loves his wife and cares for her needs of the family.
The wife submits to and honours her husband, she respects and obeys him.
c) Islam
The husband loves his wife because she is one with him.
The wife submits to her husband, but there is no sense of being a slave. d)
a) Adultery
b) Fornication
b) Hinduism
c) Islam
d) Christianity
Both fornication and adultery are sinful acts, forbidden and punishable by God.
Offenders are excommunicated from the fellowship of the local Church. Polygamy
and Divorce in the Bible
a) Polygamy
b) Hinduism
c) Islam
Polygamy is practiced.
To increase the spread of Islam by producing more followers.
Divorce is allowed in case of adultery and also incompatibility.
a) Marital disputes
The first important point is –no sex before marriage. Purity of life is commanded. 2
Secondary there must no unfaithfulness after marriage. Faithfulness is commanded.
Self control is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Immorality is a sin.
Homosexuality is also sin. 1cor6:9.
Christians should be cautious when they talk about sexual evils and morals.
c) Modern Zambia
Life without any control leads very quickly to sin and lawlessness.
a) Traditional Zambia
Children are the glory of the family, an economic asset and labour force.
After a certain age, Children are segregated according to their sex.
The children learnt by imitation.
The child’s own parents taught him or her duties and skills of their sex.
b) Modern Zambia
A Christian home starts with a Christian marriage of two people who belong to
Jesus Christ and have committed their life to Jesus.
Children have a duty to take care of their parents in old age.1 Tim 5: 4, Mark 7:-13
Children must learn to respect elders.
When Jesus’ parents lost him and later found him, in the Temple, Mary rebuked him
causing anxiety. Jesus reply showed that loyalty to his heavenly father came first
Jesus said that faith in Him would divide families for and against Him, and against
each other.
a) Islam
Muslim parents see children as a gift from God, so that it is their responsibility to
provide for their needs
Parents must train and discipline their children and teach them the beliefs and duties
of Islam.
Children are expected to respect and obey their parents.
They have a responsibility to care for aged parents especially their mothers. b)
Children are a gift from God and are loved and cared for.
Parents are responsible for their children’s training, discipline, spiritual, moral
education and guidance.
Children are taught to respect their elders.