Machine Learning For Finance
Machine Learning For Finance
Machine Learning For Finance
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Livery Place
35 Livery Street
ISBN 978-1-78913-636-4
About the author
Jannes Klaas is a quantitative researcher with a background in economics and
finance. He taught machine learning for finance as lead developer for machine
learning at the Turing Society, Rotterdam. He has led machine learning bootcamps
and worked with financial companies on data-driven applications and trading
Aided by the availability of vast amounts of data computing resources, machine
learning (ML) has made big strides. The financial industry, which at its heart is
an information processing enterprise, holds an enormous amount of opportunity for the
deployment of these new technologies.
This book is a practical guide to modern ML applied in the financial industry. Using a code-
first approach, it will teach you how the most useful ML algorithms work, and how to use
them to solve real-world problems
• Data scientists who want to break into finance and would like to know
about the spectrum of possible applications and relevant problems
• Developers in any FinTech business or quantitative finance professionals who
look to upgrade their skill set and want to incorporate advanced ML methods
into their modeling process
• Students who would like to prepare themselves for the labor market and learn
some practical skills valued by employers
This book assumes you have some working knowledge in linear algebra, statistics,
probability theory, and calculus. However, you do not have to be an expert in any
of those topics.
To follow the code examples, you should be comfortable with Python and the most
common data science libraries, such as pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. The book's
example code is presented in Jupyter Notebooks.
Chapter 2, Applying Machine Learning to Structured Data, will deal with data that resides in
a fixed field within, for example, a relational database. We will walk through the process of
model creation: from forming a heuristic, to building a simple model on engineered features,
to a fully learned solution. On the way, we will learn about how to evaluate our models with
scikit-learn, how to train tree-based methods such as random forests, and how to use Keras to
build a neural network for this task.
Chapter 3, Utilizing Computer Vision, describes how computer vision allows us to perceive
and interpret the real world at scale. In this chapter, we will learn the mechanisms with which
computers can learn to identify image content. We will learn about convolutional neural
networks and the Keras building blocks we need to design and train state-of-the-art computer
vision models.
Chapter 4, Understanding Time Series, looks at the large number of tools devoted to the
analysis of temporally related data. In this chapter, we will first discuss the "greatest hits" that
industry professionals have been using to model time series and how to use them efficiently
with Python. We will then discover how modern ML algorithms can find patterns in time
series and how they are complemented by classic methods.
Chapter 5, Parsing Textual Data with Natural Language Processing, uses the spaCy library
and a large corpus of news to discuss how common tasks such as named entity recognition
and sentiment analysis can be performed quickly and efficiently. We will then learn how we
can use Keras to build our own custom language models. The chapter introduces the Keras
functional API, which allows us to build much more complex models that can, for instance,
translate between languages.
Chapter 6, Using Generative Models, explains how generative models generate new data. This
is useful when we either do not have enough data or want to analyze our data by learning
about how the model perceives it. In this chapter, we will learn about (variational)
autoencoders as well as generative adversarial models. We will learn how to make sense of
them using the t-SNE algorithm and how to use them for unconventional purposes, such as
catching credit card fraud. We will learn about how we can supplement human labeling
operations with ML to streamline data collection and labeling. Finally, we will learn how to
use active learning to collect the most useful data and greatly reduce data needs.
Chapter 8, Privacy, Debugging, and Launching Your Products, addresses how there is a lot
that can go wrong when building and shipping complex models. We will discuss how to
debug and test your data, how to keep sensitive data private while training models on it, how
to prepare your data for training, and how to disentangle why your model is making the
predictions it makes. We will then look at how to automatically tune your model's
hyperparameters, how to use the learning rate to reduce overfitting, and how to diagnose and
avoid exploding and vanishing gradients. After that, the chapter explains how to monitor and
understand the right metrics in production. Finally, it discusses how you can improve the
speed of your models.
Chapter 9, Fighting Bias, discusses how ML models can learn unfair policies and even break
anti-discrimination laws. It highlights several approaches to improve model fairness,
including pivot learning and causal learning. It shows how to inspect models and probe for
bias. Finally, we discuss how unfairness can be a failure in the complex system that your
model is embedded in and give a checklist that can help you reduce bias.
Chapter 10, Bayesian Inference and Probabilistic Programming, uses PyMC3 to discuss the
theory and practical advantages of probabilistic programming. We will implement our own
sampler, understand Bayes theorem numerically, and finally learn how we can infer the
distribution of volatility from stock prices.
Chapter 1. Neural Networks and
Gradient-Based Optimization
The financial services industry is fundamentally an information processing industry. An
investment fund processes information in order to evaluate investments, an insurance
company processes information to price their insurances, while a retail bank will process
information in order to decide which products to offer to which customers. It is, therefore, no
accident that the financial industry was an early adopter of computers.
The first stock ticker was the printing telegraph, which was invented back in 1867. The first
mechanical adding machine, which was directly targeted at the finance industry, was patented
in 1885. Then in 1971, the automatic teller banking machine, which allowed customers to
withdraw cash using a plastic card, was patented. That same year, the first electronic stock
exchange, the NASDAQ, opened its doors, and 11 years later, in 1982, the first Bloomberg
Terminal was installed. The reason for the happy marriage between the finance sector and
computers is that success in the industry, especially in investing, is often tied to you having an
information advantage.
In the early days of Wall Street, the legends of the gilded age made brazen use of private
information. Jay Gould, for example, one of the richest men of his time, placed a mole inside
the US government. The mole was to give notice of government gold sales and through that,
tried to influence President Ulysses S. Grant as well as his secretary. Toward the end of the
1930s, the SEC and CFTC stood between investors and such information advantages.
When we look at the financial industry coupled with modern computing, it's clear that the
information advantage is back. This time not in the form of insider information and sleazy
deals, but instead is coming from an automated analysis of the vast amount of public
information that's out there.
Today's fund managers have access to more information than their forbearers could ever
dream of. However, this is not useful on its own. For example, let's look at news reports. You
can get them via the internet and they are easy to access, but to make use of them, a computer
would have to read, understand, and contextualize them. The computer would have to know
which company an article is about, whether it is good news or bad news that's being reported,
and whether we can learn something about the relationship between this company and another
company mentioned in the article. Those are just a couple of examples of contextualizing the
story. Firms that master sourcing such alternative data, as it is often called, will often
have an advantage.
But it does not stop there. Financial professionals are expensive people who frequently make
six- to seven-figure salaries and occupy office space in some of the most expensive real estate
in the world. This is justified as many financial professionals are smart, well-educated, and
hard-working people that are scarce and for which there is a high demand. Because of this, it's
thus in the interest of any company to maximize the productivity of these individuals. By
getting more bang for the buck from the best employees, they will allow companies to offer
their products cheaper or in greater variety.
Passive investing through exchange-traded funds, for instance, requires little management for
large sums of money. Fees for passive investment vehicles, such as funds that just mirror the
S&P 500, are often well below one percent. But with the rise of modern computing
technology, firms are now able to increase the productivity of their money managers and thus
reduce their fees to stay competitive.
Most bank customers are everyday people as well, and increasingly, the main way
people are interacting with their bank, insurer, or pension is through an app on their
mobile phone.
In the decades before today, retail banks relied on the fact that people would have to
come into the branch, face-to-face, in order to withdraw cash or to make
a transaction. While they were in the branch, their advisor could also sell them
another product, such as a mortgage or insurance. Today's customers still want to
buy mortgages and insurance, but they no longer have to do it in person at the
branch. In today's world, banks tend to advise their clients online, whether it's through
the app or their website.
This online aspect only works if the bank can understand its customers' needs
from their data and provide tailor-made experiences online. Equally, from the
customers, perspective, they now expect to be able to submit insurance claims
from their phone and to get an instant response. In today's world, insurers need to be
able to automatically assess claims and make decisions in order to fulfill their
customers' demands.
This book is not about how to write trading algorithms in order to make a quick buck.
It is about leveraging the art and craft of building machine learning-driven systems
that are useful in the financial industry.
Building anything of value requires a lot of time and effort. Right now, the market for
building valuable things, to make an analogy to economics, is highly inefficient.
Applications of machine learning will transform the industry over the next few
decades, and this book will provide you with a toolbox that allows you to be part
of the change.
Many of the examples in this book use data outside the realm of "financial data."
Stock market data is used at no time in this book, and this decision was made
for three specific reasons.
Firstly, the examples that are shown demonstrate techniques that can usually easily
be applied to other datasets. Therefore, datasets were chosen that demonstrate
some common challenges that professionals, like yourselves, will face while also
remaining computationally tractable.
Secondly, financial data is fundamentally time dependent. To make this book useful
over a longer span of time, and to ensure that as machine learning becomes more
prominent, this book remains a vital part of your toolkit, we have used some non-
financial data so that the data discussed here will still be relevant.
Finally, using alternative and non-classical data aims to inspire you to think about
what other data you could use in your processes. Could you use drone footage of
plants to augment your grain price models? Could you use web browsing behavior to
offer different financial products? Thinking outside of the box is a necessary skill to
have if you want to make use of the data that is around you.
What do we mean by machine learning? Most computer programs today are handcrafted by
humans. Software engineers carefully craft every rule that governs how software behaves and
then translate it into computer code.
If you are reading this as an eBook, take a look at your screen right now. Everything that you
see appears there because of some rule that a software engineer somewhere crafted. This
approach has gotten us quite far, but that's not to say there are no limits to it. Sometimes, there
might just be too many rules for humans to write. We might not be able to think of rules since
they are too complex for even the smartest developers to come up with.
As a brief exercise, take a minute to come up with a list of rules that describe all dogs, but
clearly distinguish dogs from all other animals. Fur? Well, cats have fur, too. What about a
dog wearing a jacket? That is still a dog, just in a jacket. Researchers have spent years trying
to craft these rules, but they've had very little success.
Humans don't seem to be able to perfectly tell why something is a dog, but they know a dog
when they see a dog. As a species, we seem to detect specific, hard-to-describe patterns that,
in aggregate, let us classify an animal as a dog. Machine learning attempts to do the same.
Instead of handcrafting rules, we let a computer develop its own rules through pattern
There are different ways this can work, and we're now going to look at three different types of
learning: supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
Supervised learning
Let's go back to our dog classifier. There are in fact many such classifiers currently in use
today. If you use Google images, for example, and search for "dog," it will use an image
classifier to show you pictures of dogs. These classifiers are trained under a paradigm known
as supervised learning.
Supervised learning
If we have a high number of these labeled training examples, we can train a classifier on
detecting the subtle statistical patterns that differentiate dogs from all other animals.
Note: The classifier does not know what a dog fundamentally is. It only knows the
statistical patterns that linked images to dogs in training.
If a supervised learning classifier encounters something that's very different from the training
data, it can often get confused and will just output nonsense.
Unsupervised learning
While supervised learning has made great advances over the last few years, most of this book
will focus on working with labeled examples. However, sometimes we may not have labels.
In this case, we can still use machine learning to find hidden patterns in data.
Imagine a company that has a number of customers for its products. These customers can
probably be grouped into different market segments, but what we don't know is what the
different market segments are. We also cannot ask customers which market segment they
belong to because they probably don't know. Which market segment of the shampoo market
are you? Do you even know how shampoo firms segment their customers?
In this example, we would like an algorithm that looks at a lot of data from customers and
groups them into segments. This is an example of unsupervised learning.
This area of machine learning is far less developed than supervised learning, but it still holds
great potential.
Reinforcement learning
In reinforcement learning, we train agents who take actions in an environment, such as a self-
driving car on the road. While we do not have labels, that is, we cannot tell what
the correct action is in any situation, we can assign rewards or punishments. For example, we
could reward keeping a proper distance from the car in front.
Reinforcement learning
A driving instructor does not tell the student to "push the brake halfway down while moving
the steering wheel two degrees to the right," but rather they tell the student whether they are
doing well or not, while the student figures out the exact amount of brakes to use.
Reinforcement learning has also made some remarkable progress in the past couple of years
and is considered by many to be a promising avenue toward general artificial intelligence, that
being computers that are as smart as humans.
In 2009, three Google engineers published a landmark paper titled The unreasonable
effectiveness of data. In the paper, they described how relatively simple machine
learning systems that had been around for a long time had exhibited much better
performance when fed with the enormous amounts of data Google had on its servers.
In fact, they discovered that when fed with more data, these simple systems could
master tasks that had been thought to be impossible before.
These bigger artificial neural networks were so effective that they got a name: deep
neural networks, or deep learning. Deep neural networks are especially good at
pattern detection. They can find complex patterns, such as the statistical pattern
of light and dark that describes a face in a picture, and they can do so automatically
given enough data.
Machine learning is, therefore, best understood as a paradigm change in how we
program computers. Instead of carefully handcrafting rules, we feed the computer
vast amounts of information and train it to craft the rules by itself.
This approach is superior if there is a very large number of rules, or even if these
rules are difficult to describe. Modern machine learning is, therefore, the ideal tool for
combing through the huge amounts of data the financial industry is confronted with.
There is a saying in statistics that all models are wrong, but some are useful.
Machine learning creates incredibly complex statistical models that are often, for
example, in deep learning, not interpretable to humans. They sure are useful and
have great value, but they are still wrong. This is because they are complex black
boxes, and people tend to not question machine learning models, even though they
should question them precisely because they are black boxes.
There will come a time when even the most sophisticated deep neural network will
make a fundamentally wrong prediction, just as the advanced Collateralized Debt
Obligation (CDO) models did in the financial crises of 2008. Even worse, black box
machine learning models, which will make millions of decisions on loan approval or
insurance, impacting everyday people's lives, will eventually make wrong decisions.
Sometimes they will be biased. Machine learning is ever only as good as the
data that we feed it, data that can often be biased in what it's showing, something
we'll consider later on in this chapter. This is something we must pay a lot of time in
addressing, as if we mindlessly deploy these algorithms, we will automate
discrimination too, which has the possibility of causing another financial crisis.
This is especially true in the financial industry, where algorithms can often have a
severe impact on people's lives while at the same time being kept secret. The
unquestionable, secret black boxes that gain their acceptance through the heavy
use of math pose a much bigger threat to society than the self-aware artificial
intelligence taking over the world that you see in movies.
While this is not an ethics book, it makes sense for any practitioner of the field to get
familiar with the ethical implications of his or her work. In addition to recommending
that you read Cathy O'Neil's Weapons of math destruction, it's also worth asking you
to swear The Modelers Hippocratic Oath. The oath was developed by Emanuel
Derman and Paul Wilmott, two quantitative finance researchers, in 2008 in the wake
of the financial crisis:
"I will remember that I didn't make the world, and it doesn't satisfy my equations.
Though I will use models boldly to estimate value, I will not be overly impressed by
mathematics. I will never sacrifice reality for elegance without explaining why I have
done so. Nor will I give the people who use my model false comfort about its
accuracy. Instead, I will make explicit its assumptions and oversights. I understand
that my work may have enormous effects on society and the economy, many of them
beyond my comprehension."
In recent years, machine learning has made a number of great strides, with
researchers mastering tasks that were previously seen as unsolvable. From
identifying objects in images to transcribing voice and playing complex board
games like Go, modern machine learning has matched, and continues to match
and even beat, human performance at a dazzling range of tasks.
Interestingly, deep learning is the method behind all these advances. In fact, the
bulk of advances come from a subfield of deep learning called deep neural
networks. While many practitioners are familiar with standard econometric models,
such as regression, few are familiar with this new breed of modeling.
The bulk of this book is devoted to deep learning. This is because it is one of the
most promising techniques for machine learning and will give anyone mastering it the
ability to tackle tasks considered impossible before.
In this chapter, we will explore how and why neural networks work in order
to give you a fundamental understanding of the topic.
You can run Jupyter notebooks either on your local machine, on a server in the cloud, or on a
website such as Kaggle.
Deep learning is computer intensive, and the data used in the examples throughout this book
are frequently over a gigabyte in size. It can be accelerated by the use of Graphics
Processing Units (GPUs), which were invented for rendering video and games. If you have a
GPU enabled computer, you can run the examples locally. If you do not have such a machine,
it is recommended to use a service such as Kaggle kernels.
Learning deep learning used to be an expensive endeavor because GPUs are an expensive
piece of hardware. While there are cheaper options available, a powerful GPU can cost up to
$10,000 if you buy it and about $0.80 an hour to rent it in the cloud.
If you have many, long-running training jobs, it might be worth considering building a "deep
learning" box, a desktop computer with a GPU. There are countless tutorials for this online
and a decent box can be assembled for as little as a few hundred dollars all the way to $5,000.
The examples in this book can all be run on Kaggle for free, though. In fact, they have been
developed using this site.
To use Kaggle, you can visit their website at In order to use the
site, you will be required to create an account.
After you've created your account, you can find the Kernels page by clicking
on Kernels located in the main menu, as seen in the following screenshot:
To start a new kernel, click New Kernel. In the dialog that follows, you want to
select Notebook:
You will get to the kernel editor, which looks like the preceding screenshot.
Note that Kaggle is actively iterating on the kernel design, and so a few elements might be in
different positions, but the basic functionality is the same. The most important piece of a
notebook is the code cells. Here you can enter the code and run it by clicking the run button
on the bottom left, or alternatively by pressing Shift + Enter.
The variables you define in one cell become environment variables, so you can access them in
another cell. Markdown cells allow you to write text in markdown format to add a description
to what is going on in your code. You can upload and download notebooks with the little
cloud buttons featured in the top-right corner.
To publish a notebook from the kernel editor, firstly you must click the Commit
& Run button and then set the notebook to Public in the settings. To enable a GPU on your
notebook, make sure to check the Enable GPU button located in the bottom right. It's
important to remember that this will restart your notebook, so your environment variables will
be lost.
Once you run the code, the run button turns into a stop button. If your code ever gets stuck,
you can interrupt it by clicking that stop button. If you want to wipe all environment variables
and begin anew, simply click the restart button located in the bottom-right corner.
With this system, you can connect a kernel to any dataset hosted on Kaggle, or alternatively
you can just upload a new dataset on the fly. The notebooks belonging to this book already
come with the data connection.
Kaggle kernels come with the most frequently used packages preinstalled, so for most of the
time you do not have to worry about installing packages.
Sometimes this book does use custom packages not installed in Kaggle by default. In this
case, you can add custom packages at the bottom of the Settings menu. Instructions for
installing custom packages will be provided when they are used in this book.
Kaggle kernels are free to use and can save you a lot of time and money, so it's recommended
to run the code samples on Kaggle. To copy a notebook, go to the link provided at the
beginning of the code section of each chapter and then click Fork Notebook. Note that
Kaggle kernels can run for up to six hours.
If you have a machine powerful enough to run deep learning operations, you
can run the code samples locally. In that case, it's strongly recommended to
install Jupyter through Anaconda.
After installing Anaconda, you can start a Jupyter server locally by opening your
machine's Terminal and typing in the following code:
$ jupyter notebook
You can then visit the URL displayed in the Terminal. This will take you to your local
notebook server.
All code samples in this book use Python 3, so make sure you are using Python 3 in
your local notebooks. If you are running your notebooks locally, you will also need to
install both TensorFlow and Keras, the two deep learning libraries used throughout
this book.
Installing TensorFlow
Before installing Keras, we need to first install TensorFlow. You can install
TensorFlow by opening a Terminal window and entering the following command:
It's worth noting that you will need a CUDA-enabled GPU in order to run TensorFlow
with CUDA. For instructions on how to install CUDA,
Installing Keras
After you have installed TensorFlow, you can install Keras in the same way,
by running the following command:
Keras will now automatically use the TensorFlow backend. Note that TensorFlow 1.7
will include Keras built in, which we'll cover this later on in this chapter.
To use the data of the book code samples locally, visit the notebooks on Kaggle and
then download the connected datasets from there. Note that the file paths to the data
will change depending on where you save the data, so you will need to replace the
file paths when running notebooks locally.
Kaggle also offers a command-line interface, which allows you to download the
data more easily. Visit for instructions on how to
achieve this.
To run the notebooks for this book on an AMI, first set up the AMI, then download the
notebooks from GitHub, and then upload them to your AMI. You will have to download the
data from Kaggle as well. See the Using data locally section for instructions.
Approximating functions
There are many views on how best to think about neural networks, but perhaps the most
useful is to see them as function approximators. Functions in math relate some input, x, to
some output, y. We can write it as the following formula:
A simple function could be like this:
In this case, we can give the function an input, x, and it would quadruple it:
You might have seen functions like this in school, but functions can do more; as an example,
they can map an element from a set (the collection of values the function accepts) to another
element of a set. These sets can be something other than simple numbers.
A function could, for example, also map an image to an identification of what is in the image:
This function would map an image of a cat to the label "cat," as we can see in the following
Mapping images to labels
We should note that for a computer, images are matrices full of numbers and any description
of an image's content would also be stored as a matrix of numbers.
A neural network, if it is big enough, can approximate any function. It has been
mathematically proven that an indefinitely large network could approximate every function.
While we don't need to use an indefinitely large network, we are certainly using very large
Modern deep learning architectures can have tens or even hundreds of layers and millions of
parameters, so only storing the model already takes up a few gigabytes. This means that a
neural network, if it's big enough, could also approximate our function, f, for mapping images
to their content.
The condition that the neural network has to be "big enough" explains why deep (big) neural
networks have taken off. The fact that "big enough" neural networks can approximate any
function means that they are useful for a large number of tasks.
A forward pass
Over the course of this book, we will build powerful neural networks that are able to
approximate extremely complex functions. We will be mapping text to named entities, images
to their content, and even news articles to their summaries. But for now, we will work with a
simple problem that can be solved with logistic regression, a popular technique used in both
economics and finance.
We will be working with a simple problem. Given an input matrix, X, we want to output the
first column of the matrix, X1. In this example, we will be approaching the problem from a
mathematical perspective in order to gain some intuition for what is going on.
Later on in this chapter, we will implement what we have described in Python. We already
know that we need data to train a neural network, and so the data, seen here, will be our
dataset for the exercise:
X1 X2 X3 y
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0
In the dataset, each row contains an input vector, X, and an output, y.
In this case, writing down the function is relatively straightforward. However, keep in mind
that in most cases it is not possible to write down the function, as functions expressed by deep
neural networks can become very complex.
For this simple function, a shallow neural network with only one layer will be enough. Such
shallow networks are also called logistic regressors.
A logistic regressor
As we just explained, the simplest neural network is a logistic regressor. A logistic regression
takes in values of any range but only outputs values between zero and one.
There is a wide range of applications where logistic regressors are suitable. One such example
is to predict the likelihood of a homeowner defaulting on a mortgage.
We might take all kinds of values into account when trying to predict the likelihood of
someone defaulting on their payment, such as the debtor's salary, whether they have a car, the
security of their job, and so on, but the likelihood will always be a value between zero and
one. Even the worst debtor ever cannot have a default likelihood above 100%, and the best
cannot go below 0%.
The following diagram shows a logistic regressor. X is our input vector; here it's shown as
three components, X1, X2, and X3.
W is a vector of three weights. You can imagine it as the thickness of each of the
three lines. W determines how much each of the values of X goes into the next layer. b is the
bias, and it can move the output of the layer up or down:
Logistic regressor
To compute the output of the regressor, we must first do a linear step. We compute the dot
product of the input, X, and the weights, W. This is the same as multiplying each value
of X with its weight and then taking the sum. To this number, we then add the bias, b.
Afterward, we do a nonlinear step.
In the nonlinear step, we run the linear intermediate product, z, through an activation
function; in this case, the sigmoid function. The sigmoid function squishes the input values to
outputs between zero and one:
The Sigmoid function
If all the preceding math was a bit too theoretical for you, rejoice! We will now
implement the same thing, but this time with Python. In our example, we will be using
a library called NumPy, which enables easy and fast matrix operations within Python.
NumPy comes preinstalled with Anaconda and on Kaggle kernels. To ensure we get
the same result in all of our experiments, we have to set a random seed. We can do
this by running the following code:
import numpy as np
Since our dataset is quite small, we'll define it manually as NumPy matrices, as we
can see here:
X = np.array([[0,1,0],
y = np.array([[0,1,1,0]]).T
We can define the sigmoid, which squishes all the values into values between
0 and 1, through an activation function as a Python function:
def sigmoid(x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
So far, so good. We now need to initialize W. In this case, we actually know already
what values W should have. But we cannot know about other problems where we
do not know the function yet. So, we need to assign weights randomly.
The weights are usually assigned randomly with a mean of zero, and the bias
is usually set to zero by default. NumPy's random function expects to receive the
shape of the random matrix to be passed on as a tuple, so random((3,1)) creates
a 3x1 matrix. By default, the random values generated are between 0 and 1, with
a mean of 0.5 and a standard deviation of 0.5.
W = 2*np.random.random((3,1)) - 1
b = 0
With that done, all the variables are set. We can now move on to do the linear step,
which is achieved with the following:
z = + b
Now we can do the nonlinear step, which is run with the following:
A = sigmoid(z)
[[ 0.60841366]
[ 0.45860596]
[ 0.3262757 ]
[ 0.36375058]]
But wait! This output looks nothing like our desired output, y, at all! Clearly,
our regressor is representing some function, but it's quite far away from the function
we want.
To better approximate our desired function, we have to tweak the weights, W, and
the bias, b. To this end, in the next section, we will optimize the model parameters.
be represented by our model in order to find a function, , that matches our desired
function, f, as closely as possible.
But how would we know how close we are? In fact, since we don't know f, we cannot directly
know how close our hypothesis, , is to f. But what we can do is measure how well 's
outputs match the output of f. The expected outputs of f given X are the labels, y. So, we can
Within this formula, is the space of functions that can be represented by our model, also
called the hypothesis space, while D is the distance function, which we use to evaluate how
Note: This approach makes a crucial assumption that our data, X, and labels, y,
represent our desired function, f. This is not always the case. When our data contains
systematic biases, we might gain a function that fits our data well but is different from
the one we wanted.
With that being said, if we used that training data, our function would also present that bias.
You'd end up with a function mirroring or even amplifying human biases, rather than creating
a function that is good at predicting who is a good debtor.
It is a commonly made mistake to believe that a neural network will find the intuitive function
that we are looking for. It'll actually find the function that best fits the data with no regard for
whether that is the desired function or not.
In this case, our issue is a binary classification problem. Because of that, we will be using the
binary cross-entropy loss, as we can see in the following formula:
• DBCE: This is the distance function for binary cross entropy loss.
• : This part of the loss only comes into play if the true value, yi is 1.
If yi is 1, we want to be as close to 1 as possible, so we can achieve a low
• : This part of the loss comes into play if yi, is 0. If so, we
want to be close to 0 as well.
def bce_loss(y,y_hat):
N = y.shape[0]
loss = -1/N * (y*np.log(y_hat) + (1 - y)*np.log(1-y_hat))
return loss
The output, A, of our logistic regressor is equal to , so we can calculate the binary cross-
entropy loss as follows:
loss = bce_loss(y,A)
As we can see, this is quite a high loss, so we should now look at seeing how we can improve
our model. The goal here is to bring this loss to zero, or at least to get closer to zero.
You can think of losses with respect to different function hypotheses as a surface, sometimes
also called the "loss surface." The loss surface is a lot like a mountain range, as we have high
points on the mountain tops and low points in valleys.
Our goal is to find the absolute lowest point in the mountain range: the deepest valley, or the
"global minimum." A global minimum is a point in the function hypothesis space at which the
loss is at the lowest point.
A "local minimum," by contrast, is the point at which the loss is lower than in the
immediately surrounding space. Local minima are problematic because while they might
seem like a good function to use at face value, there are much better functions available. Keep
this in mind as we now walk through gradient descent, a method for finding a minimum in our
function space.
Gradient descent
Now that we know what we judge our candidate models, , by, how do we tweak
the parameters to obtain better models? The most popular optimization algorithm for
neural networks is called gradient descent. Within this method, we slowly move along
the slope, the derivative, of the loss function.
Imagine you are in a mountain forest on a hike, and you're at a point where you've
lost the track and are now in the woods trying to find the bottom of the valley. The
problem here is that because there are so many trees, you cannot see the valley's
bottom, only the ground under your feet.
Now ask yourself this: how would you find your way down? One sensible approach
would be to follow the slope, and where the slope goes downwards, you go. This is
the same approach that is taken by a gradient descent algorithm.
To bring it back to our focus, in this forest situation the loss function is the mountain,
and to get to a low loss, the algorithm follows the slope, that is, the derivative, of the
loss function. When we walk down the mountain, we are updating our location
The algorithm updates the parameters of the neural network, as we are seeing in the
following diagram:
Gradient descent
Gradient descent requires that the loss function has a derivative with respect to the
parameters that we want to optimize. This will work well for most supervised learning
problems, but things become more difficult when we want to tackle problems for
which there is no obvious derivative.
Gradient descent can also only optimize the parameters, weights, and biases of
our model. What it cannot do is optimize how many layers our model has or which
activation functions it should use, since there is no way to compute the gradient with
respect to model topology.
If you imagine the parameters of our models are like the geo-coordinates in our
mountain forest analogy, calculating the loss derivative with respect to a parameter is
like checking the mountain slope in the direction north to see whether you should go
north or south.
The following diagram shows the forward and backward pass through a logistic
Forward and backward pass through a logistic regressor
To keep things simple, we refer to the derivative of the loss function to any variable
as the d variable. For example, we'll write the derivative of the loss function with
respect to the weights as dW.
The chain rule basically says that if you want to take the derivative through a number
of nested functions, you multiply the derivative of the inner function with the derivative
of the outer function.
This is useful because neural networks, and our logistic regressor, are
nested functions. The input goes through the linear step, a function of input, weights,
and biases; and the output of the linear step, z, goes through the activation function.
So, when we compute the loss derivative with respect to weights and biases, we'll
first compute the loss derivative with respect to the output of the linear step, z, and
use it to compute dW. Within the code, it looks like this:
dz = (A - y)
dW = 1/N *,dz)
db = 1/N * np.sum(dz,axis=0,keepdims=True)
Parameter updates
Now we have the gradients, how do we improve our model? Going back to our
mountain analogy, now that we know that the mountain goes up in the north and east
directions, where do we go? To the south and west, of course!
Here p is a model parameter (either in weight or a bias), dp is the loss derivative with
The learning rate is something akin to the gas pedal within a car. It sets by how much
we want to apply the gradient updates. It is one of those hyperparameters that we
have to set manually, and something we will discuss in the next chapter.
alpha = 1
W -= alpha * dW
b -= alpha * db
Putting it all together
Well done! We've now looked at all the parts that are needed in order to train
a neural network. Over the next few steps in this section, we will be training a one-
layer neural network, which is also called a logistic regressor.
Firstly, we'll import numpy before we define the data. We can do this by running the
following code:
import numpy as np
X = np.array([[0,1,0],
y = np.array([[0,1,1,0]]).T
The next step is for us to define the sigmoid activation function and loss function,
which we can do with the following code:
def sigmoid(x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
def bce_loss(y,y_hat):
N = y.shape[0]
loss = -1/N * np.sum((y*np.log(y_hat) + (1 - y)*np.log(1-y_hat)))
return loss
We'll then randomly initialize our model, which we can achieve with the
following code:
W = 2*np.random.random((3,1)) - 1
b = 0
As part of this process, we also need to set some hyperparameters. The first one
is alpha, which we will just set to 1 here. Alpha is best understood as the step size.
A large alpha means that while our model will train quickly, it might also overshoot
the target. A small alpha, in comparison, allows gradient descent to tread more
carefully and find small valleys it would otherwise shoot over.
The second one is the number of times we want to run the training process, also
called the number of epochs we want to run. We can set the parameters with the
following code:
alpha = 1
epochs = 20
Since it is used in the training loop, it's also useful to define the number of samples in
our data. We'll also define an empty array in order to keep track of the model's losses
over time. To achieve this, we simply run the following:
N = y.shape[0]
losses = []
for i in range(epochs):
# Forward pass
z = + b
A = sigmoid(z)
# Calculate loss
loss = bce_loss(y,A)
# Calculate derivatives
dz = (A - y)
dW = 1/N *,dz)
db = 1/N * np.sum(dz,axis=0,keepdims=True)
# Parameter updates
W -= alpha * dW
b -= alpha * db
As a result of running the previous code, we would get the following output:
Epoch: 0 Loss: 0.822322582088
Epoch: 1 Loss: 0.722897448125
Epoch: 2 Loss: 0.646837651208
Epoch: 3 Loss: 0.584116122241
Epoch: 4 Loss: 0.530908161024
Epoch: 5 Loss: 0.48523717872
Epoch: 6 Loss: 0.445747750118
Epoch: 7 Loss: 0.411391164148
Epoch: 8 Loss: 0.381326093762
Epoch: 9 Loss: 0.354869998127
Epoch: 10 Loss: 0.331466036109
Epoch: 11 Loss: 0.310657702141
Epoch: 12 Loss: 0.292068863232
Epoch: 13 Loss: 0.275387990352
Epoch: 14 Loss: 0.260355695915
Epoch: 15 Loss: 0.246754868981
Epoch: 16 Loss: 0.234402844624
Epoch: 17 Loss: 0.22314516463
Epoch: 18 Loss: 0.21285058467
Epoch: 19 Loss: 0.203407060401
You can see that over the course of the output, the loss steadily decreases, starting
at 0.822322582088 and ending at 0.203407060401.
We can plot the loss to a graph in order to give us a better look at it. To do this,
we can simply run the following code:
A deeper network
We established earlier in this chapter that in order to approximate more complex functions,
we need bigger and deeper networks. Creating a deeper network works by stacking layers on
top of each other.
In this section, we will build a two-layer neural network like the one seen in the following
Sketch of a two-layer neural network
The input gets multiplied with the first set of weights, W1, producing an intermediate
product, z1. This is then run through an activation function, which will produce the first layer's
activations, A1.
These activations then get multiplied with the second layer of weights, W2, producing an
intermediate product, z2. This gets run through a second activation function, which produces
the output, A2, of our neural network:
z1 = + b1
a1 = np.tanh(z1)
z2 = + b2
a2 = sigmoid(z2)
Note: The full code for this example can be found in the GitHub repository belonging
to this book.
As you can see, the first activation function is not a sigmoid function but is actually a tanh
function. Tanh is a popular activation function for hidden layers and works a lot like sigmoid,
except that it squishes values in the range between -1 and 1 rather than 0 and 1:
The tanh function
Backpropagation through our deeper network works by the chain rule, too. We go back
through the network and multiply the derivatives:
Note that while the size of the inputs and outputs are determined by your problem, you can
freely choose the size of your hidden layer. The hidden layer is another hyperparameter you
can tweak. The bigger the hidden layer size, the more complex the function you can
approximate. However, the flip side of this is that the model might overfit. That is, it may
develop a complex function that fits the noise but not the true relationship in the data.
Take a look at the following chart. What we see here is the two moons dataset that could be
clearly separated, but right now there is a lot of noise, which makes the separation hard to see
even for humans. You can find the full code for the two-layer neural network as well as for
the generation of these samples in the Chapter 1 GitHub repo:
The following diagram shows a visualization of the decision boundary, that is, the line at
which the model separates the two classes, using a hidden layer size of 1:
Decision boundary for hidden layer size 1
As you can see, the network does not capture the true relationship of the data. This is because
it's too simplistic. In the following diagram, you will see the decision boundary for a network
with a hidden layer size of 500:
Decision boundary for hidden layer size 500
This model clearly fits the noise, but not the moons. In this case, the right hidden layer size is
about 3.
Finding the right size and the right number of hidden layers is a crucial part of designing
effective learning models. Building models with NumPy is a bit clumsy and can be very easy
to get wrong. Luckily, there is a much faster and easier tool for building neural networks,
called Keras.
When importing Keras, we usually just import the modules we will use. In this case,
we need two types of layers:
• The Dense layer is the plain layer that we have gotten to know in this chapter
• The Activation layer allows us to add an activation function
Keras offers two ways to build models, through the sequential and the functional
APIs. Because the sequential API is easier to use and allows more rapid model
building, we will be using it for most of the book. However, in later chapters,
we will take a look at the functional API as well.
Stacking layers
model = Sequential()
Then we can add layers to this model, just like stacking a layer cake,
with model.add().
For the first layer, we have to specify the input dimensions of the layer. In our case,
the data has two features, the coordinates of the point. We can add a hidden layer of
size 3 with the following code:
Note how we nest the functions inside model.add(). We specify the Dense layer, and
the positional argument is the size of the layer. This Dense layer now only does the
linear step.
Then, we add the linear step and the activation function of the output layer in the
same way, by calling up:
Then to get an overview of all the layers we now have in our model, we can use the
following command:
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
dense_3 (Dense) (None, 3) 9
activation_3 (Activation) (None, 3) 0
dense_4 (Dense) (None, 1) 4
activation_4 (Activation) (None, 1) 0
Total params: 13
Trainable params: 13
Non-trainable params: 0
You can see the layers listed nicely, including their output shape and the number of
parameters the layer has. None, located within the output shape, means that the layer
has no fixed input size in that dimension and will accept whatever we feed it. In our
case, it means the layer will accept any number of samples.
In pretty much every network, you will see that the input dimension on the first
dimension is variable like this in order to accommodate the different amounts
of samples.
Before we can start training the model, we have to specify how exactly we want
to train the model; and, more importantly, we need to specify which optimizer
and which loss function we want to use.
The simple optimizer we have used so far is called the Stochastic Gradient
Descent, or SGD. To look at more optimizers, see Chapter 2, Applying Machine
Learning to Structured Data.
The loss function we use for this binary classification problem is called binary cross-
entropy. We can also specify what metrics we want to track during training.
In our case, accuracy, or just acc to keep it short, would be interesting to track:
Training the model
Now we are ready to run the training process, which we can do with the following
history =,y,epochs=900)
This will train the model for 900 iterations, which are also referred to as epochs.
The output should look similar to this:
Epoch 1/900
200/200 [==============================] - 0s 543us/step -
loss: 0.6840 - acc: 0.5900
Epoch 2/900
200/200 [==============================] - 0s 60us/step -
loss: 0.6757 - acc: 0.5950
Epoch 899/900
200/200 [==============================] - 0s 90us/step -
loss: 0.2900 - acc: 0.8800
Epoch 900/900
200/200 [==============================] - 0s 87us/step -
loss: 0.2901 - acc: 0.8800
The full output of the training process has been truncated in the middle, this is to
save space in the book, but you can see that the loss goes continuously down while
accuracy goes up. In other words, success!
Over the course of this book, we will be adding more bells and whistles to these
methods. But at this moment, we have a pretty solid understanding of the theory of
deep learning. We are just missing one building block: how does Keras actually work
under the hood? What is TensorFlow? And why does deep learning work faster on
a GPU?
We will be answering these questions in the next, and final, section of this chapter.
TensorFlow is a software library developed by Google and is very popular for deep
learning. In this book, we usually try to work with TensorFlow only through Keras,
since that is easier than working with TensorFlow directly. However, sometimes we
might want to write a bit of TensorFlow code in order to build more advanced models.
The goal of TensorFlow is to run the computations needed for deep learning as
quickly as possible. It does so, as the name gives away, by working with tensors in a
data flow graph. Starting in version 1.7, Keras is now also a core part of TensorFlow.
So, we could import the Keras layers by running the following:
This book will treat Keras as a standalone library. However, you might want to use a
different backend for Keras one day, as it keeps the code cleaner if we have
shorter import statements.
The next tensor is a vector, also known as a rank-one tensor. The next The next ones up the
order are matrices, called rank-two tensors; cube matrices, called rank-three tensors; and so
on. You can see the rankings in the following table:
0 Scalar Magnitude
This book mostly uses the word tensor for rank-three or higher tensors.
TensorFlow and every other deep learning library perform calculations along a computational
graph. In a computational graph, operations, such as matrix multiplication or an activation
function, are nodes in a network. Tensors get passed along the edges of the graph between the
different operations.
A forward pass through our simple neural network has the following graph:
A simple computational graph
The advantage of structuring computations as a graph is that it's easier to run nodes in
parallel. Through parallel computation, we do not need one very fast machine; we can also
achieve fast computation with many slow computers that split up the tasks.
This is the reason why GPUs are so useful for deep learning. GPUs have many small cores, as
opposed to CPUs, which only have a few fast cores. A modern CPU might only have four
cores, whereas a modern GPU can have hundreds or even thousands of cores.
The entire graph of just a very simple model can look quite complex, but you can see the
components of the dense layer. There is a matrix multiplication (matmul), adding bias and a
ReLU activation function:
The computational graph of a single layer in TensorFlow. Screenshot from TensorBoard.
Another advantage of using computational graphs such as this is that TensorFlow and other
libraries can quickly and automatically calculate derivatives along this graph. As we have
explored throughout this chapter, calculating derivatives is key for training neural networks.
Now that we have finished the first chapter in this exciting journey, I've got a challenge for
you! You'll find some exercises that you can do that are all themed around what we've
covered in this chapter!
And that's it! We've learned how neural networks work. Throughout the rest of this book,
we'll look at how to build more complex neural networks that can approximate more complex
As it turns out, there are a few tweaks to make to the basic structure for it to work well on
specific tasks, such as image recognition. The basic ideas introduced in this chapter, however,
stay the same:
The key takeaway from this chapter is that while we are looking for function f, we can try and
find it by optimizing a function to perform like f on a dataset. A subtle but important
distinction is that we do not know whether works like f at all. An often-cited example is a
military project that tried to use deep learning to spot tanks within images. The model trained
well on the dataset, but once the Pentagon wanted to try out their new tank spotting device, it
failed miserably.
In the tank example, it took the Pentagon a while to figure out that in the dataset they used to
develop the model, all the pictures of the tanks were taken on a cloudy day and pictures
without a tank where taken on a sunny day. Instead of learning to spot tanks, the model had
learned to spot grey skies instead.
This is just one example of how your model might work very differently to how you think, or
even plan for it to do. Flawed data might seriously throw your model off track, sometimes
without you even noticing. However, for every failure, there are plenty of success stories in
deep learning. It is one of the high-impact technologies that will reshape the face of finance.
In the next chapter, we will get our hands dirty by jumping in and working with a common
type of data in finance, structured tabular data. More specifically, we will tackle the problem
of fraud, a problem that many financial institutions sadly have to deal with and for which
modern machine learning is a handy tool. We will learn about preparing data and making
predictions using Keras, scikit-learn, and XGBoost.
Chapter 2. Applying Machine Learning
to Structured Data
Structured data is a term used for any data that resides in a fixed field within a record or file,
two such examples being relational databases and spreadsheets. Usually, structured data is
presented in a table in which each column presents a type of value, and each row represents a
new entry. Its structured format means that this type of data lends itself to classical statistical
analysis, which is also why most data science and analysis work is done on structured data.
In day-to-day life, structured data is also the most common type of data available to
businesses, and most machine learning problems that need to be solved in finance deal with
structured data in one way or another. The fundamentals of any modern company's day-to-day
running is built around structured data, including, transactions, order books, option prices, and
suppliers, which are all examples of information usually collected in spreadsheets or
This chapter will walk you through a structured data problem involving credit card fraud,
where we will use feature engineering to identify the fraudulent transaction from a dataset
successfully. We'll also introduce the basics of an end-to-end (E2E) approach so that we can
solve common financial problems.
Fraud is an unfortunate reality that all financial institutions have to deal with. It's a constant
race between companies trying to protect their systems and fraudsters who are trying to defeat
the protection in place. For a long time, fraud detection has relied on simple heuristics. For
example, a large transaction made while you're in a country you usually don't live in will
likely result in that transaction being flagged.
Yet, as fraudsters continue to understand and circumvent the rules, credit card providers are
deploying increasingly sophisticated machine learning systems to counter this.
In this chapter, we'll look at how a real bank might tackle the problem of fraud. It's a real-
world exploration of how a team of data scientists starts with a heuristic baseline, then
develops an understanding of its features, and from that, builds increasingly sophisticated
machine learning models that can detect fraud. While the data we will use is synthetic, the
process of development and tools that we'll use to tackle fraud are similar to the tools and
processes that are used every day by international retail banks.
So where do you start? To put it in the words of one anonymous fraud detection expert that I
spoke to, "I keep thinking about how I would steal from my employer, and then I create some
features that would catch my heist. To catch a fraudster, think like a fraudster." Yet, even the
most ingenious feature engineers are not able to pick up on all the subtle and sometimes
counterintuitive signs of fraud, which is why the industry is slowly shifting toward entirely
E2E-trained systems. These systems, in addition to machine learning, are both focuses of this
chapter where we will explore several commonly used approaches to flag fraud.
This chapter will act as an important baseline to Chapter 6, Using Generative Models, where
we will again be revisiting the credit card fraud problem for a full E2E model using auto-
The data
The dataset we will work with is a synthetic dataset of transactions generated by
a payment simulator. The goal of this case study and the focus of this chapter is to
find fraudulent transactions within a dataset, a classic machine learning problem
many financial institutions deal with.
The dataset we're using stems from the paper PaySim: A financial mobile money
simulator for fraud detection, by E. A. Lopez-Rojas, A. Elmir, and S. Axelsson. The
dataset can be found on Kaggle under this URL:
Before we break it down on the next page, let's take a minute to look at the dataset
that we'll be using in this chapter. Remember, you can download the data with the
preceding link.
old old
s Bal new Bal new is
am agg
t name anc Bala name anc Bala Fr
type ou ed
e Orig e nce Dest e nce au
nt Fra
p Ori Orig Des Dest d
g t
As seen in the first row, the dataset has 11 columns. Let's explain what each one
represents before we move on:
In the preceding table, we can see 10 rows of data. It's worth noting that there
are about 6.3 million transactions in our total dataset, so what we've seen is a small
fraction of the total amount. As the fraud we're looking at only occurs in transactions
marked as either TRANSFER or CASH_OUT, all other transactions can be dropped,
leaving us with around 2.8 million examples to work with.
In our case, a heuristic-based model could be created to mark all transactions with the
TRANSFER transaction type and an amount over $200,000 as fraudulent. Heuristic-based
models have the advantage that they are both fast to develop and easy to implement; however,
this comes with a pay-off, their performance is often poor, and fraudsters can easily play the
system. Let's imagine that we went with the preceding heuristic-based model, fraudsters
transferring only $199,999, under the fraudulent limit, would evade detection.
An important heuristic in the field of trading is the momentum strategy. Momentum strategies
involve betting that a stock that's on the rise will continue to rise, with people then buying that
stock. While this strategy sounds too simple to be any good, it is in fact, a reasonably
successful strategy that many high-frequency trading and quantitative outlets are using today.
To create features, experts craft indicators that can distinguish fraudulent transactions from
those that are genuine. This is often done using statistical data analysis, and when compared
to the heuristic-based model that we proposed early on, it will take longer, but with the benefit
of better results.
Feature engineering-based models are a midway between data and humans shaping rules,
where human knowledge and creativity are exploited to craft good features, and data and
machine learning are used to create a model from those features.
E2E models learn purely from collected data without using expert knowledge. As discussed
before, this often yields much better results, but at the cost of taking a lot of time to complete.
This method also has some additional elements worth considering. For instance, collecting the
large amount of data that will be needed is an expensive task, as humans have to label
millions of records.
Though for many people in the industry right now, they take the view that shipping a poor
model is often better than not shipping anything at all. After all, having some protection
against fraud is better than simply having none.
Using a heuristic approach that lets through half of all fraudulent transactions is better than
having no fraud detection at all. The graph shows us the performance of the three models we
introduced earlier on, against the time taken to implement them.
The methods used and the performance of the system during development
The best method is to use a combination of all three. If we deploy a heuristic model that meets
the basic requirements of the task that it set out to achieve, then it can be shipped. By
employing this method, the heuristic then becomes the baseline that any other approach has to
beat. Once your heuristic model is deployed, then all your efforts should then be directed
toward building a feature-based model, which as soon as it beats the initially deployed
heuristic model, can then be deployed while you continue to refine the model.
As we've discussed before, feature-based models often deliver pretty decent performance on
structured data tasks; this gives companies the time to undertake the lengthy and expensive
task of building an E2E model, which can be shipped once it beats the feature-based model.
Now that we understand the type of models we're going to build, let's look at the software we
need to build them.
The majority of this book is dedicated to working with the Keras library, while this chapter
makes extensive use of the other libraries mentioned. The goal here is less about teaching you
all the tips and tricks of all the different libraries, but more about showing you how they are
integrated into the process of creating a predictive model.
Note: All of the libraries needed for this chapter are installed on Kaggle kernels by
default. If you are running this code locally, please refer to the setup instructions
in Chapter 1, Neural Networks and Gradient-Based Optimization, and install all of the
libraries needed.
Let's start by defining a simple heuristic model and measuring how well it does at measuring
fraud rates.
Making predictions using the heuristic model
We will be making our predictions using the heuristic approach over the entire
training data set in order to get an idea of how well this heuristic model does at
predicting fraudulent transactions.
The following code will create a new column, Fraud_Heuristic, and in turn assigns a
value of 1 in rows where the type is TRANSFER, and the amount is more than $200,000:
With just two lines of code, it's easy to see how such a simple metric can be easy to
write, and quick to deploy.
The F1 score
One important thing we must consider is the need for a common metric on which we
can evaluate all of our models on. In Chapter 1, Neural Networks and Gradient-
Based Optimization, we used accuracy as our emulation tool. However, as we've
seen, there are far fewer fraudulent transactions than there are genuine ones.
Therefore a model that classifies all the transactions as genuine can have a very high
level of accuracy.
One such metric that is designed to deal with such a skewed distribution is the F1
score, which considers true and false positives and negatives, as you can see in this
We can first compute the precision of our model, which specifies the share of
predicted positives that were positives, using the following formula:
Recall measures the share of predicted positives over the actual number of positives,
as seen in this formula:
The F1 score is then calculated from the harmonic mean, an average, of the two
measures, which can be seen in the following formula:
To compute this metric in Python, we can use the metrics module of scikit-learn,
or sklearn for short:
Given the predictions we've made, we can now easily compute the F1 score using
the following command:
f1_score(y_pred=df['Fraud_Heuristic '],y_true=df['isFraud'])
out: 0.013131315551742895
Firstly, let's study the code appendix for the plot_confusion_matrix function:
So, just how accurate was that model? As you can see in our confusion matrix, from
our dataset of 2,770,409 examples, 2,355,826 were correctly classified as genuine,
while 406,370 were falsely classified as fraud. In fact, only 2,740 examples were
correctly classified as fraud.
To put it frankly, our heuristic model has performed quite poorly, detecting only
34.2% of fraud, which is not good enough. So, using the other two methods in the
following sections, we're going to see whether we can do better.
As an example, in our fraud case, it seems intuitive that fraudsters will create new accounts
for their fraudulent schemes and won't be using the same bank account that they pay for their
groceries with.
Domain experts are able to use their extensive knowledge of a problem in order to come up
with other such examples of intuition. They'll know more about how fraudsters behave and
can craft features that indicate such behavior. All of these intuitions are then usually
confirmed by statistical analysis, something that can even be used to open the possibilities of
discovering new features.
Statistical analysis can sometimes turn up quirks that can be turned into predictive features.
However, with this method, engineers must beware of the data trap. Predictive features
found in the data might only exist in that data because any dataset will spit out a predictive
feature if it's wrangled with for long enough.
A data trap refers to engineers digging within the data for features forever, and never
questioning whether those features they are searching for are relevant.
Data scientists stuck in to the data trap keep euphorically finding features, only to realize later
that their model, with all those features, does not work well. Finding strong predictive features
in the training set is like a drug for data science teams. Yes, there's an immediate reward, a
quick win that feels like a validation of one's skills. However, as with many drugs, the data
trap can lead to an after-effect in which teams find that weeks' or months' worth of work in
finding those features was actually, useless.
Take a minute to ask yourself, are you in that position? If you ever find yourself applying
analysis after analysis, transforming data in every possible way, chasing correlation values,
you might very well be stuck in a data trap.
To avoid the data trap, it is important to establish a qualitative rationale as to why this
statistical predictive feature exists and should exist outside of the dataset as well. By
establishing this rationale, you will keep both yourself and your team alert to avoiding
crafting features that represent noise. The data trap is the human form of overfitting and
finding patterns in noise, which is a problem for models as well.
Humans can use their qualitative reasoning skills to avoid fitting noise, which is a big
advantage humans have over machines. If you're a data scientist, you should use this skill to
create more generalizable models.
The goal of this section was not to showcase all the features that feature engineering could
perform on this dataset, but just to highlight the three approaches and how they can be turned
into features.
A feature from intuition – fraudsters don't sleep
Without knowing much about fraud, we can intuitively describe fraudsters as shady
people that operate in the dark. In most cases, genuine transactions happen during
the day, as people sleep at night.
The time steps in our dataset represent one hour. Therefore, we can generate the
time of the day by simply taking the remainder of a division by 24, as seen in this
df['hour'] = df['step'] % 24
From there, we can then count the number of fraudulent and genuine transactions
at different times. To calculate this, we must run the following code:
frauds = []
genuine = []
for i in range(24):
f = len(df[(df['hour'] == i) & (df['isFraud'] == 1)])
g = len(df[(df['hour'] == i) & (df['isFraud'] == 0)])
Then finally, we can plot the share of genuine and fraudulent transactions over the
course of the day into a chart. To do this, we must run the following code:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
ax.plot(genuine/np.sum(genuine), label='Genuine')
ax.plot(frauds/np.sum(frauds),dashes=[5, 2], label='Fraud')
legend = ax.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True)
The share of fraudulent and genuine transactions conducted throughout each hour of the day
As we can see in the preceding chart, there are much fewer genuine transactions at
night, while fraudulent behavior continues over the day. To be sure that night is a
time when we can hope to catch fraud, we can also plot the number of fraudulent
transactions as a share of all transactions. To do this, we must run the following
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
ax.plot(np.divide(frauds,np.add(genuine,frauds)), label='Share of fraud')
legend = ax.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True)
The share of transactions that are fraudulent per hour of the day
Once we run that code, we can see that at around 5 AM, over 60% of all
transactions seem to be fraudulent, which appears to make this a great time
of the day to catch fraud.
The description of the dataset came with another description that explained the
expected behavior of fraudsters. First, they transfer money to a bank account they
control. Then, they cash out that money from an ATM.
We can check whether there are fraudulent transfer destination accounts that are
the origin of the fraudulent cash outs by running the following code:
out: False
According to the output, there seems to be no fraudulent transfers that are the origin
of fraudulent cash outs. The behavior expected by the experts is not visible in our
data. This could mean two things: firstly, it could mean that the fraudsters behave
differently now, or secondly that our data does not capture their behavior. Either way,
we cannot use this insight for predictive modeling here.
A closer examination of the data shows that there are some transactions where the
old and new balances of the destination account is zero, although the transaction
amount is not zero. This is odd, or more so a quirk, and so we want to investigate
whether this type of oddity yields predictive power.
To begin with, we can calculate the share of fraudulent transactions with this property
by running the following code:
out: 0.7046398891966759
As you can see, the share of fraudulent transactions stands at 70%, so this quirk
seems to be a good feature at detecting fraud in transactions. However, it is
important to ask ourselves how this quirk got into our data in the first place.
One possibility could be that the transactions never come through.
This could happen for a number of reasons including that there might be another
fraud prevention system in place that blocks the transactions, or that the origin
account for the transaction has insufficient funds.
While we have no way of verifying if there's another fraud prevention system in place,
we can check to see if the origin accounts have insufficient funds. To do this, we
have to run the following code:
out: 0.8966412742382271
As we can see in the output, close to 90% of the odd transactions have insufficient
funds in their origin accounts. From this, we can now construct a rationale in which
fraudsters try to drain a bank account of all its funds more often than regular people
We need this rationale to avoid the data trap. Once established, the rationale must
be constantly scrutinized. In our case, it has failed to explain 10% of the odd
transactions, and if this number rises, it could end up hurting the performance of our
model in production.
Therefore, in this section, we're going to work on preparing the data for Keras so that we can
meaningfully work with it.
Before we start, let's look at the three types of data, Nominal, Ordinal, and Numerical:
Both nominal and ordinal data are categorical data, as they describe discrete categories.
While numerical data works fine with neural networks, only out of the box, categorical data
needs special treatment.
One-hot encoding
The most commonly used method to encode categorical data is called one-hot
encoding. In one-hot encoding, we create a new variable, a so-called dummy
variable for each category. We then set the dummy variable to 1 if the transaction
is a member of a certain category and to zero otherwise.
An example of how we could apply this to our data set can be seen as follows:
So, this is what the categorical data would look like before one-hot encoding:
Transaction Type
This is what the data would look like after one-hot encoding:
Transaction Type_TRANSFER Type_CASH_OUT
1 1 0
2 0 1
3 1 0
The Pandas software library offers a function that allows us to create dummy
variables out of the box. Before doing so, however, it makes sense to
add Type_ in front of all actual transaction types. The dummy variables will be named
after the category. By adding Type_ to the beginning, we know that these dummy
variables indicate the type.
The following line of code does three things. Firstly, df['type'].astype(str) converts
all the entries in the Type column to strings. Secondly, the Type_ prefix is added as a
result of combining the strings. Thirdly, the new column of combined strings then
replaces the original Type column:
We can now get the dummy variables by running the following code:
dummies = pd.get_dummies(df['type'])
We should note that the get_dummies() function creates a new data frame. Next
we attach this data frame to the main data frame, which can be done by running:
df = pd.concat([df,dummies],axis=1)
The concat() method, as seen in the preceding code, concatenates two data frames.
We concatenate along axis 1 to add the data frame as new columns. Now that the
dummy variables are in our main data frame, we can remove the original column
by running this:
del df['type']
And, voilà! We have turned our categorical variable into something a neural network
will be able to work with.
Entity embeddings
In this section, we're going to walk through making use of both embeddings and the
Keras functional API, showing you the general workflow. Both of these topics get
introduced and explored fully in Chapter 5, Parsing Textual Data with Natural
Language Processing, where we will go beyond the general ideas presented here
and where we'll begin discussing topics like implementation.
It's fine if you do not understand everything that is going on just now; this is an
advanced section after all. If you want to use both of these techniques, you will be
well prepared after reading this book, as we explain different elements of both
methods throughout the book.
In this section, we will be creating embedding vectors for categorical data. Before we
start, we need to understand that embedding vectors are vectors representing
categorical values. We use embedding vectors as inputs for neural networks. We
train embeddings together with a neural network, so that we can, over time, obtain
more useful embeddings. Embeddings are an extremely useful tool to have at our
Why are embeddings so useful? Not only do embeddings reduce the number of
dimensions needed for encoding over one-hot encoding and thus decrease memory
usage, but they also reduce sparsity in input activations, which helps reduce
overfitting, and they can encode semantic meanings as vectors. The same
advantages that made embeddings useful for text, Chapter 5, Parsing Textual Data
with Natural Language Processing, also make them useful for categorical data.
Tokenizing categories
Just as with text, we have to tokenize the inputs before feeding them into the
embeddings layer. To do this, we have to create a mapping dictionary that maps
categories to a token. We can achieve this by running:
map_dict = {}
for token, value in enumerate(df['type'].unique()):
map_dict[value] = token
This code loops over all the unique type categories while counting upward. The
first category gets token 0, the second 1, and so on. Our map_dict looks like this:
df["type"].replace(map_dict, inplace=True)
We have to deal with the non-categorical values in our data frame separately. We
can create a list of columns that are not the type and not the target like this:
The model we are creating will have two inputs: one for the types with an embedding
layer, and one for all other, non-categorical variables. To combine them with more
ease at a later point, we're going to keep track of their inputs and outputs with two
inputs = []
outputs = []
The model that acts as an input for the type receives a one-dimensional input and
parses it through an embedding layer. The outputs of the embedding layer are then
reshaped into flat arrays, as we can see in this code:
num_types = len(df['type'].unique())
type_embedding_dim = 3
type_in = Input(shape=(1,))
type_embedding = Embedding(num_types,type_embedding_dim,input_
type_out = Reshape(target_shape=(type_embedding_dim,))(type_embedding)
type_model = Model(type_in,type_out)
The type embeddings have three layers here. This is an arbitrary choice, and
experimentation with different numbers of dimensions could improve the results.
For all the other inputs, we create another input that has as many dimensions as
there are non-categorical variables and consists of a single dense layer with no
activation function. The dense layer is optional; the inputs could also be directly
passed into the head model. More layers could also be added, including these:
num_rest = len(other_cols)
rest_model = Model(rest_in,rest_out)
Now that we have created the two input models, we can concatenate them. On top of
the two concatenated inputs, we will also build our head model. To begin this
process, we must first run the following:
concatenated = Concatenate()(outputs)
Then, by running the following code, we can build and compile the overall model:
x = Dense(16)(concatenated)
x = Activation('sigmoid')(x)
x = Dense(1)(concatenated)
model_out = Activation('sigmoid')(x)
In this section we're going to train a model with multiple inputs. To do this, we need to
provide a list of X values for each input. So, firstly we must split up our data frame.
We can do this by running the following code:
types = df['type']
rest = df[other_cols]
target = df['isFraud']
Then, we can train the model by providing a list of the two inputs and the target,
as we can see in the following code:
Epoch 1/1
6362620/6362620 [==============================] - 78s 12us/step - l
type_TRANSFER, isNight
Now that we've got the columns, our data is prepared, and we can use it to create a model.
To train the model, a neural network needs a target. In our case, isFraud is the target,
so we have to separate it from the rest of the data. We can do this by running:
y_df = df['isFraud']
x_df = df.drop('isFraud',axis=1)
The first step only returns the isFraud column and assigns it to y_df.
The second step returns all columns except isFraud and assigns them to x_df.
We also need to convert our data from a pandas DataFrame to NumPy arrays. The
pandas DataFrame is built on top of NumPy arrays but comes with lots of extra bells
and whistles that make all the preprocessing we did earlier possible. To train a neural
network, however, we just need the underlying data, which we can get by simply
running the following:
y = y_df.values
X = x_df.values
Creating a test set
When we train our model, we run the risk of overfitting. Overfitting means that our
model memorizes the x and y mapping in our training dataset but does not find the
function that describes the true relationship between x and y. This is problematic
because once we run our model out of sample – that is, on data not in our training
set, it might do very poorly. To prevent this, we're going to create a so-called test
A test set is a holdout dataset, which we only use to evaluate our model once we
think it is doing fairly well in order to see how well it performs on data it has not seen
yet. A test set is usually randomly sampled from the complete data. Scikit-learn offers
a convenient function to do this, as we can see in the following code:
The element, train_test_split will randomly assign rows to either the train or test set.
You can specify test_size, the share of data that goes into the test set (which in our
case is 33%), as well as a random state. Assigning random_state makes sure that
although the process is pseudo-random, it will always return the same split, which
makes our work more reproducible. Note that the actual choice of number
(for example, 42) does not really matter. What matters is that the same number is
used in all experiments.
Now you might be tempted to just try out a lot of different models until you get a really
high performance on the test set. However, ask yourself this: how would you know
that you have not selected a model that by chance works well on the test set but
does not work in real life?
The answer is that every time you evaluate on the test set, you incur a bit of
"information leakage," that is, information from the test set leaks into your model by
influencing your choice of model. Gradually, the test set becomes less valuable. The
validation set is a sort of a "dirty test set" that you can use to frequently test your
models out of sample performance without worrying. Though it's key to note that we
don't want to use the test set too often, but it is still used to measure out-of-sample
performance frequently.
To this end, we'll create a "validation set," also known as a development set.
We can do this the same way we created the test set, by just splitting the training
data again, as we can see in the following code:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_train, y_train,
test_size=0.1, random_state=42)
Oversampling the training data
Remember that in our dataset, only a tiny fraction of transactions were fraudulent,
and that a model that is always classifying transactions as genuine would have a very
high level of accuracy. To make sure we train our model on true relationships, we
can oversample the training data.
This means that we would add data that would be fraudulent to our dataset until
we have the same amount of fraudulent transactions as genuine transactions.
Note: A useful library for this kind of task is imblearn, which includes a SMOTE
function. See,
We've successfully addressed several key learning points, and so it's now finally time
to build a neural network! As in Chapter 1, Neural Networks and Gradient-Based
Optimization, we need to import the required Keras modules using the following
In practice, many structured data problems require very low learning rates. To set the
learning rate for the gradient descent optimizer, we also need to import the optimizer.
We can do this by running:
Before we dive into more advanced models, it is wise to start with a simple logistic
regression baseline. This is to make sure that our model can actually
train successfully.
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1, input_dim=9))
You can see here a logistic regressor, which is the same as a one-layer neural
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=SGD(lr=1e-5),
Here, we will compile the model. Instead of just passing SGD to specify the optimizer
for Stochastic Gradient Descent, we'll create a custom instance of SGD in which we
set the learning rate to 0.00001. In this example, tracking accuracy is not needed
since we evaluate our models using the F1 score. Still, it still reveals some interesting
behavior, as you can see in the following code:
Notice how we have passed the validation data into Keras by creating a tuple in
which we store data and labels. We will train this model for 5 epochs:
Notice a few things here: first, we have trained on about 3.3 million samples, which is
more data than we initially had. The sudden increase comes from the oversampling
that we did earlier on in this chapter. Secondly, the training set's accuracy
is significantly lower than the validation set's accuracy. This is because the training
set is balanced, while the validation set is not.
We oversampled the data by adding more fraud cases to the training set than there
are in real life, which as we discussed, helped our model detect fraud better. If we
did not oversample, our model would be inclined to classify all transactions as
genuine since the vast majority of samples in the training set are genuine.
By adding fraud cases, we are forcing the model to learn what distinguishes a fraud
case. Yet, we want to validate our model on realistic data. Therefore, our validation
set does not artificially contain many fraud cases.
A model classifying everything as genuine would have over 99% accuracy on the
validation set, but just 50% accuracy on the training set. Accuracy is a flawed metric
for such imbalanced datasets. It is a half-decent proxy and more interpretable than
just a loss, which is why we keep track of it in Keras.
To evaluate our model, we should use the F1 score that we discussed at the
beginning of this chapter. However, Keras is unable to directly track the F1 score
in training since the calculation of an F1 score is somewhat slow and would end up
slowing down the training of our model.
Note: Remember that accuracy on an imbalanced dataset can be very high, even if
the model is performing poorly.
Compare the training set's performance against the previous training set's
performance, and likewise the validation set's performance against the previous
validation set's performance. However, be careful when comparing the training set's
performance to that of the validation set's performance on highly imbalanced data.
However, if your data is equally balanced, then comparing the validation set and the
training set is a good way to gauge overfitting.
We are now in a position where we can make predictions on our test set in order to
evaluate the baseline. We start by using model.predict to make predictions on the
test set:
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
Before evaluating our baseline, we need to turn the probabilities given by our model
into absolute predictions. In our example, we'll classify everything that has a fraud
probability above 50% as fraud. To do this, we need to run the following code:
Our F1 score is already significantly better than it was for the heuristic model, which if
you go back, you'll see that it only achieved a rate of 0.013131315551742895:
out: 0.054384286716408395
By plotting the confusion matrix, we're able to see that our feature-based model has
indeed improved on the heuristic model:
cm = confusion_matrix(y_pred=y_pred,y_true=y_test)
plot_confusion_matrix(cm,['Genuine','Fraud'], normalize=False)
But what if we wanted to build more complex models that can express more subtle
relationships, than the one that we've just built? Let's now do that!
model = Sequential()
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
y_pred[y_pred > 0.5] = 1
y_pred[y_pred < 0.5] = 0
After running that code, we'll then again benchmark with the F1 score:
out: 0.087220701988752675
In this case, the more complex model does better than the simple baseline created
earlier. It seems as though the function mapping transaction data to fraud is complex
and can be approximated better by a deeper network.
In this section we have built and evaluated both simple and complex neural network
models for fraud detection. We have been careful to use the validation set to gauge
the initial out-of-sample performance.
With all of that, we can build much more complex neural networks (and we will). But
first we will have a look at the workhorse of modern enterprise-ready machine
learning: tree-based methods.
It is worth knowing about them because, in the realm of predictive modeling for structured
data, tree-based methods are very successful. However, they do not perform as well on more
advanced tasks, such as image recognition or sequence-to-sequence modeling. This is the
reason why the rest of the book does not deal with tree-based methods.
Note: For a deeper dive into XGBoost, check out the tutorials on the XGBoost
documentation page: There is a nice explanation of
how tree-based methods and gradient boosting work in theory and practice under
the Tutorials section of the website.
The basic idea behind tree-based methods is the decision tree. A decision tree splits
up data to create the maximum difference in outcomes.
Let's assume for a second that our isNight feature is the greatest predictor of fraud.
A decision tree would split our dataset according to whether the transactions
happened at night or not. It would look at all the night-time transactions, looking for
the next best predictor of fraud, and it would do the same for all day-time
Scikit-learn has a handy decision tree module. We can create one for our data by
simply running the following code:
Simple decision trees, like the one we've produced, can give a lot of insight into data.
For example, in our decision tree, the most important feature seems to be the old
balance of the origin account, given that it is the first node in the tree.
A random forest
Often, those subsets do not include every feature of the training data. By doing it this
way, the different decision trees can fit different aspects of the data and capture more
information on aggregate. After a number of trees have been created, their
predictions are averaged to create the final prediction.
The idea is that the errors presented by the trees are not correlated, and so by using
multiple trees you cancel out the error. You can create and train a random forest
classifier like this:
You'll notice that with the code we've just generated, random forests have far fewer
knobs to tune than neural networks. In this case, we just specify the number of
estimators, that is, the number of trees we would like our forest to have.
The n_jobs argument tells the random forest how many trees we would like to train
in parallel. Note that -1 stands for "as many as there are CPU cores":
y_pred = rf.predict(X_test)
out: 0.8749502190362406
The random forest does an order of magnitude better than the neural network as its
F1 score is close to 1, which is the maximum score. Its confusion plot, seen as
follows, shows that the random forest significantly reduced the number of false
A shallow learning approach, such as a random forest, often does better than deep
learning on relatively simple problems. The reason for this is that simple relationships
with low-dimensional data can be hard to learn for a deep learning model, which has
to fit multiple parameters exactly in order to match the simple function.
As we will see in later chapters of this book, as soon as relationships do get more
complex, deep learning gets to shine.
XGBoost stands for eXtreme Gradient Boosting. The idea behind gradient
boosting is to train a decision tree, and then to train a second decision tree on the
errors that the first decision tree made.
Through this method, multiple layers of decision trees can be added, which slowly
reduces the total number of model errors. XGBoost is a popular library
that implements gradient boosting very efficiently.
Note: XGBoost is installed on Kaggle kernels by default. If you are running these
examples locally, see the XGBoost manual for installation instructions and more
Gradient boosting classifiers can be created and trained just like random forests
from sklearn, as can be seen in the following code:
out: 0.85572959604286891
The gradient booster performs at almost the same level as a random forest on this
task. A common approach that is used is to take both a random forest and a gradient
booster and to average the predictions in order to get an even better model.
The bulk of machine learning jobs in business today are done on relatively
simple structured data. The methods we have learned today, random forests and
gradient boosting, are therefore the standard tools that most practitioners use in the
real world.
In most enterprise machine learning applications, value creation does not come from
carefully tweaking a model or coming up with cool architectures, but from massaging
data and creating good features. However, as tasks get more complex and more
semantic understanding of unstructured data is needed, these tools begin to fail.
E2E modeling
Our current approach relies on engineered features. As we discussed at the start of this
chapter, an alternative method is E2E modeling. In E2E modeling, both raw and unstructured
data about a transaction is used. This could include the description text of a transfer, video
feeds from cameras monitoring a cash machine, or other sources of data. E2E is often more
successful than feature engineering, provided that you have enough data available.
To get valid results, and to successfully train the data with an E2E model it can take millions
of examples. Yet, often this is the only way to gain an acceptable result, especially when it
is hard to codify the rules for something. Humans can recognize things in images well, but it
is hard to come up with exact rules that distinguish things, which is where E2E shines.
In the dataset used for this chapter, we do not have access to more data, but the rest of the
chapters of this book demonstrate various E2E models.
If you visit, search for a competition that has structured data. One example
is the Titanic competition. Here you can create a new kernel, do some feature engineering,
and try to build a predictive model.
How much can you improve it by investing time in feature engineering versus model
tweaking? Is there an E2E approach to the problem?
In this chapter, we have taken a structured data problem from raw data to strong and reliable
predictive models. We have learned about heuristic, feature engineering, and E2E modeling.
We have also seen the value of clear evaluation metrics and baselines.
In the next chapter, we will look into a field where deep learning truly shines, computer
vision. Here, we will discover the computer vision pipeline, from working with simple models
to very deep networks augmented with powerful preprocessing software. The ability to "see"
empowers computers to enter completely new domains.
Chapter 3. Utilizing Computer Vision
When Snapchat first introduced a filter featuring a breakdancing hotdog, the stock price of the
company surged. However, investors were less interested in the hotdog's handstand; what
actually fascinated them was that Snapchat had successfully built a powerful form of
computer vision technology.
The Snapchat app was now not only able to take pictures, but it was also able to find the
surfaces within those pictures that a hotdog could breakdance on. Their app would then stick
the hotdog there, something that could still be done when the user moved their phone,
allowing the hotdog to keep dancing in the same spot.
While the dancing hotdog may be one of the sillier applications of computer vision, it
successfully showed the world the potential of the technology. In a world full of cameras,
from the billions of smartphones, security cameras, and satellites in use every day, to Internet
of Things (IoT) devices, being able to interpret images yields great benefits for both
consumers and producers.
Computer vision allows us to both perceive and interpret the real world at scale. You can
think of it like this: no analyst could ever look at millions of satellite images to mark mining
sites and track their activity over time; it's just not possible. Yet for computers, it's not just a
possibility; it's something that's a reality here and now.
In fact, something that’s being used in the real world now, by several firms, is retailers
counting the number of cars in their parking lot in order to estimate what the sales of goods
will be in a given period.
Another important application of computer vision can be seen in finance, specifically in the
area of insurance. For instance, insurers might use drones to fly over roofs in order to spot
issues before they become an expensive problem. This could extend to them using computer
vision to inspect factories and equipment they insure.
Looking at another case in the finance sector, banks needing to comply with Know-Your-
Customer (KYC) rules are automating back-office processes and identity verification. In
financial trading, computer vision can be applied to candlestick charts in order to find new
patterns for technical analysis. We could dedicate a whole book to the practical applications
of computer vision.
In this chapter, we will be covering the building blocks of computer vision models. This will
include a focus on the following topics:
• Convolutional layers.
• Padding.
• Pooling.
• Regularization to prevent overfitting.
• Momentum-based optimization.
• Batch normalization.
• Advanced architectures for computer vision beyond classification.
• A note on libraries.
Before we start, let's have a look at all the different libraries we will be using in this chapter:
It's worth taking a minute to note that all of these libraries, except for OpenCV, can be
installed via pip; for example, pip install keras.
OpenCV, however, will require a slightly more complex installation procedure. This is
beyond the scope of this book, but the information is well documented online via OpenCV
documentation, which you can view at the following
Alternately, it's worth noting that both Kaggle and Google Colab come with OpenCV
preinstalled. To run the examples in this chapter, make sure you have OpenCV installed and
can import with import cv2.
The name Convolutional Neural Network comes from the mathematical operation that
differentiates them from regular neural networks. Convolution is the mathematically
correct term for sliding one matrix over another matrix. We'll explore in the next
section, Filters on MNIST, why this is important for ConvNets, but also why this is not
the best name in the world for them, and why ConvNets should, in reality, be
called filter nets.
You may be asking, "but why filter nets?" The answer is simply because what makes
them work is the fact that they use filters.
In the next section, we will be working with the MNIST dataset, which is a collection
of handwritten digits that has become a standard "Hello, World!" application for
computer vision.
Filters on MNIST
What does a computer actually see when it sees an image? Well, the values of the
pixels are stored as numbers in the computer. So, when the computer sees a black-
and-white image of a seven, it actually sees something similar to the following:
The preceding is an example from the MNIST dataset. The handwritten number in
the image has been highlighted to make the figure seven visible for humans, but for
the computer, the image is really just a collection of numbers. This means we can
perform all kinds of mathematical operations on the image.
When detecting numbers, there are a few lower-level features that make a number.
For example, in this handwritten figure 7, there's a combination of one vertical
straight line, one horizontal line on the top, and one horizontal line through the
middle. In contrast, a 9 is made up of four rounded lines that form a circle at the
top and a straight, vertical line.
We're now able to present the central idea behind ConvNets. We can use small filters
that can detect a certain kind of low-level feature, such as a vertical line, and then
slide it over the entire image to detect all the vertical lines in the image.
The following screenshot shows a vertical line filter. To detect vertical lines in our
image, we need to slide this 3x3 matrix filter over the image.
Using the MNIST dataset on the following page, we start in the top-left corner and
slice out the top-left 3x3 grid of pixels, which in this case is all zeros.
We then perform an element-wise multiplication of all the elements in the filter with all
elements in the slice of the image. The nine products then get summed up, and bias
is added. This value then forms the output of the filter and gets passed on as a new
pixel to the next layer:
As a result, the output of our vertical line filter will look like this:
The output of a vertical line filter
Take a minute to notice that the vertical lines are visible while the horizontal lines are
gone. Only a few artifacts remain. Also, notice how the filter captures the vertical line
from one side.
Since it responds to high pixel values on the left and low pixel values on the right,
only the right side of the output shows strong positive values. Meanwhile, the left side
of the line actually shows negative values. This is not a big problem in practice as
there are usually different filters for different kinds of lines and directions.
Our vertical filter is working, but we've already noticed that we also need to filter our
image for horizontal lines in order to detect a seven.
Using that example, we can now slide this filter over our image in the exact same
way we did with the vertical filter, resulting in the following output:
The output of the vertical line filter
See how this filter removes the vertical lines and pretty much only leaves
the horizontal lines? The question now is what do we now pass onto the next
layer? Well, we stack the outputs of both filters on top of each other, creating a three-
dimensional cube:
The MNIST convolution
By adding multiple convolutional layers, our ConvNet is able to extract ever more
complex and semantic features.
The majority of color images consist of three layers or channels, and this is commonly
referred to as RGB, the initialism for the three layers. They are made up of one red channel,
one blue channel, and one green channel. When these three channels are laid on top of each
other, they add up to create the traditional color image that we know.
Taking that concept, an image is therefore not flat, but actually a cube, a three-dimensional
matrix. Combining this idea with our objective, we want to apply a filter to the image, and
apply it to all three channels at once. We will, therefore, perform an element-wise
multiplication between two three-dimensional cubes.
Our 3x3 filter now has a depth of three and thus nine parameters, plus the bias:
An example of a filter cube or convolutional kernel
This cube, which is referred to as a convolutional kernel, gets slid over the image just like the
two-dimensional matrix did before. The element-wise products then again get summed up, the
bias is added, and the outcome represents a pixel in the next layer.
Filters always capture the whole depth of the previous layer. The filters are moved over the
width and height of the image. Likewise, filters are not moved across the depth, that is, the
different channels, of an image. In technical terms, weights, the numbers that make up the
filters, are shared over width and height, but not over different channels.
We can directly import the MNIST dataset from Keras by running the following code:
Our dataset contains 60,000 28x28-pixel images. MNIST characters are black and white, so
the data shape usually does not include channels:
We will take a closer look at color channels later, but for now, let's expand our data
dimensions to show that we only have a one-color channel. We can achieve this by running
the following:
import numpy as np
x_train = np.expand_dims(x_train,-1)
x_test = np.expand_dims(x_test,-1)
With the code being run, you can see that we now have a single color channel added.
Now we come to the meat and potatoes of ConvNets: using a convolutional layer in
Keras. Conv2D is the actual convolutional layer, with one Conv2D layer housing
several filters, as can be seen in the following code:
model = Sequential()
img_shape = (28,28,1)
When creating a new Conv2D layer, we must specify the number of filters we want to
use, and the size of each filter.
Kernel size
The size of the filter is also called kernel_size, as the individual filters are
sometimes called kernels. If we only specify a single number as the kernel size,
Keras will assume that our filters are squares. In this case, for example, our filter
would be 3x3 pixels.
Stride size
The strides parameter specifies the step size, also called the stride size, with which
the convolutional filter slides over the image, usually referred to as the feature map.
In the vast majority of cases, filters move pixel by pixel, so their stride size is set to 1.
However, there are researchers that make more extensive use of larger stride sizes
in order to reduce the spatial size of the feature map.
Like with kernel_size, Keras assumes that we use the same stride size horizontally
and vertically if we specify only one value, and in the vast majority of cases that is
correct. However, if we want to use a stride size of one horizontally, but two vertically,
we can pass a tuple to the parameter as follows: strides=(1,2). As in the case of
the filter size, this is rarely done.
Finally, we have to add padding to our convolutional layer. Padding adds zeros
around our image. This can be done if we want to prevent our feature map from
Let's consider a 5x5-pixel feature map and a 3x3 filter. The filter only fits on the
feature map nine times, so we'll end up with a 3x3 output. This both reduces the
amount of information that we can capture in the next feature map, and how much
the outer pixels of the input feature map can contribute to the task. The filter never
centers on them; it only goes over them once.
There are three options for padding: not using padding, known as "No" padding,
"Same" padding and "Valid" padding.
To ensure the output has the same size as the input, we can use same padding.
Keras will then add enough zeros around the input feature map so that we
can preserve the size. The default padding setting, however, is valid. This padding
does not preserve the feature map size, but only makes sure that the filter and
stride size actually fit on the input feature map:
Keras requires us to specify the input shape. However, this is only required for the
first layer. For all the following layers, Keras will infer the input shape from the
previous layer's output shape.
The preceding layer takes a 28x28x1 input and slides six filters with a 2x2 filter size
over it, going pixel by pixel. A more common way to specify the same layer would be
by using the following code:
The number of filters (here 6) and the filter size (here 3) are set as positional
arguments, while strides and padding default to 1 and valid respectively. If this
was a layer deeper in the network, we wouldn't even have to specify the input shape.
ReLU activation
Convolutional layers only perform a linear step. The numbers that make up the image
get multiplied with the filter, which is a linear operation.
ReLU(x) = max(x, 0)
In other words, the ReLU function returns the input if the input is positive. If it's not,
then it returns zero. This very simple function has been shown to be quite useful,
making gradient descent converge faster.
It is often argued that ReLU is faster because the derivative for all values above
zero is just one, and it does not become very small as the derivative for some
extreme values does, for example, with sigmoid or tanh.
ReLU is also less computationally expensive than both sigmoid and tanh. It does not
require any computationally expensive calculations, input values below zero are just
set to zero, and the rest is outputted. Unfortunately, though, ReLU activations are
a bit fragile and can "die."
When the gradient is very large and moves multiple weights towards a negative
direction, then the derivative of ReLU will also always be zero, so the weights never
get updated again. This might mean that a neuron never fires again. However,
this can be mitigated through a smaller learning rate.
Because ReLU is fast and computationally cheap, it has become the default
activation function for many practitioners. To use the ReLU function in Keras, we can
just name it as the desired activation function in the activation layer, by running this
It's common practice to use a pooling layer after a number of convolutional layers.
Pooling decreases the spatial size of the feature map, which in turn reduces the
number of parameters needed in a neural network and thus reduces overfitting.
Max pooling returns the maximum element out of a pool. This is in contrast to the
example average of AveragePooling2D, which returns the average of a pool. Max
pooling often delivers superior results to average pooling, so it is the standard most
practitioners use.
When using a max pooling layer in Keras, we have to specify the desired pool size.
The most common value is a 2x2 pool. Just as with the Conv2D layer, we can also
specify a stride size.
For pooling layers, the default stride size is None, in which case Keras sets the stride
size to be the same as the pool size. In other words, pools are next to each other and
don't overlap.
We can also specify padding, with valid being the default choice. However,
specifying same padding for pooling layers is extremely rare since the point
of a pooling layer is to reduce the spatial size of the feature map.
Our MaxPooling2D layer here takes 2x2-pixel pools next to each other with no
overlap and returns the maximum element. A more common way of specifying
the same layer is through the execution of the following:
You might have noticed that our feature maps are three dimensional while our
desired output is a one-dimensional vector, containing the probability of each of the
10 classes. So, how do we get from 3D to 1D? Well, we Flatten our feature maps.
ConvNets usually consist of a feature extraction part, the convolutional layers, as well
as a classification part. The classification part is made up out of the simple fully
connected layers that we’ve already explored in Chapter 1, Neural Networks and
Gradient-Based Optimization, and Chapter 2, Applying Machine Learning to
Structured Data.
To distinguish the plain layers from all other types of layers, we refer to them
as Dense layers. In a dense layer, each input neuron is connected to an output
neuron. We only have to specify the number of output neurons we would like, in this
case, 10.
After the linear step of the dense layer, we can add a softmax activation for multi-
class regression, just as we did in the first two chapters, by running the following
Training MNIST
Let's now put all of these elements together so we can train a ConvNet on the MNIST
The model
First, we must specify the model, which we can do with the following code:
img_shape = (28,28,1)
model = Sequential()
In the following code, you can see the general structure of a typical ConvNet:
The convolution and pooling layers are often used together in these blocks; you can
find neural networks that repeat the Conv2D, MaxPool2D combination tens of times.
In this summary, you can clearly see how the pooling layers reduce the size of the
feature map. It's a little bit less obvious from the summary alone, but you can see
how the output of the first Conv2D layer is 26x26 pixels, while the input images are
28x28 pixels.
By using valid padding, Conv2D also reduces the size of the feature map, although
only by a small amount. The same happens for the second Conv2D layer, which
shrinks the feature map from 13x13 pixels to 11x11 pixels.
You can also see how the first convolutional layer only has 60 parameters, while
the Dense layer has 3,010, over 50 times as many parameters. Convolutional layers
usually achieve surprising feats with very few parameters, which is why they are so
popular. The total number of parameters in a network can often be significantly
reduced by convolutional and pooling layers.
The MNIST dataset we are using comes preinstalled with Keras. When loading the
data, make sure you have an internet connection if you want to use the dataset
directly via Keras, as Keras has to download it first.
(60000, 28, 28)
So, we add a channel dimension with NumPy, with the following code:
import numpy as np
x_train = np.expand_dims(x_train,-1)
x_test = np.expand_dims(x_test,-1)
(60000, 28, 28,1)
Compiling and training
In the previous chapters, we have used one-hot encoded targets for multiclass
regression. While we have reshaped the data, the targets are still in their original
form. They are a flat vector containing the numerical data representation for each
handwritten figure. Remember that we have 60,000 of these in the MNIST dataset:
It's the same as the categorical cross-entropy loss used in earlier chapters, the only
difference is that this uses sparse, that is, not one-hot encoded, targets.
Just as before, you still need to make sure that your network output has as many
dimensions as there are classes.
We're now at a point where we can compile the model, which we can do with
the following code:
As you can see, we are using an Adam optimizer. The exact workings of Adam are
explained in the next section, More bells and whistles for our neural network, but for
now, you can just think of it as a more sophisticated version of stochastic gradient
When training, we can directly specify a validation set in Keras by running the
following code:
history =,y_train,batch_size=32,epochs=5,validation_data=(x_test,y_
Once we have successfully run that code, we'll get the following output:
To better see what is going on, we can plot the progress of training with the following
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
gen = ax.plot(history.history['val_acc'], label='Validation Accuracy')
fr = ax.plot(history.history['acc'],dashes=[5, 2], label='Training
As you can see in the preceding chart, the model achieves about 98% validation
accuracy, which is pretty nice!
Instead of directly updating the model parameters with their gradient, we update them
with the exponentially weighted moving average. We update our parameter with an
outlier gradient, then we take the moving average, which will smoothen out outliers
and capture the general direction of the gradient, as we can see in the following
How momentum smoothens gradient updates
A beta value of 0.9 would mean that 90% of the mean would come from the previous
moving average, , and 10% would come from the new value, .
Using momentum makes learning more robust against gradient descent pitfalls such
as outlier gradients, local minima, and saddle points.
We can augment the standard stochastic gradient descent optimizer in Keras with
momentum by setting a value for beta, which we do in the following code:
This little code snippet creates a stochastic gradient descent optimizer with a learning
rate of 0.01 and a beta value of 0.9. We can use it when we compile our model, as
we'll now do with this:
The Adam optimizer
Back in 2015, Diederik P. Kingma and Jimmy Ba created the Adam (Adaptive
Momentum Estimation) optimizer. This is another way to make gradient
descent work more efficiently. Over the past few years, this method has shown very
good results and has, therefore, become a standard choice for many practitioners.
For example, we've used it with the MNIST dataset.
First, the Adam optimizer computes the exponentially weighted average of the
gradients, just like a momentum optimizer does. It achieves this with the following
It then also computes the exponentially weighted average of the squared gradients:
This division by the root of squared gradients reduces the update speed when
gradients are very large. It also stabilizes learning as the learning algorithm does
not get thrown off track by outliers as much.
Using Adam, we have a new hyperparameter. Instead of having just one momentum
As you have seen earlier in this chapter, we can also compile the model just by
passing the adam string as an optimizer. In this case, Keras will create an Adam
optimizer for us and choose the recommended values.
L2 regularization
Adding this regularization to the loss function means that high weights increase
losses and the algorithm is incentivized to reduce the weights. Small weights,
those around zero, mean that the neural network will rely less on them.
Therefore, a regularized algorithm will rely less on every single feature and every
single node activation, and instead will have a more holistic view, taking into account
many features and activations. This will prevent the algorithm from overfitting.
L1 regularization
In practice, it is often a bit uncertain as to which of the two will work best, but the
difference between the two is not very large.
Regularization in Keras
In Keras, regularizers that are applied to the weights are called kernel_regularizer,
and regularizers that are applied to the bias are called bias_regularizer. You can
also apply regularization directly to the activation of the nodes to prevent them
from being activated very strongly with activity_regularizer.
For now, let's add some L2 regularization to our network. To do this, we need to run
the following code:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(6,3,input_shape=img_shape, kernel_regularizer=l2(0.01)))
In this following example, the regularizers are set to be shown off, but here they
actually harm the performance to our network. As you can see from the preceding
training results, our network is not actually overfitting, so setting regularizers harms
performance here, and as a result, the model underfits.
As we can see in the following output, in this case, the model reaches about 87%
validation accuracy:
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy',optimizer =
history =,y_train,batch_size=32,epochs=10,validation_data=(x_test,y
You'll notice that the model achieves a higher accuracy on the validation than on the
training set; this is a clear sign of underfitting.
As the title of the 2014 paper by Srivastava et al gives away, Dropout is A Simple
Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting. It achieves this by randomly
removing nodes from the neural network:
Schematic of the dropout method. From Srivastava et al, "Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural
Networks from Overfitting," 2014
With dropout, each node has a small probability of having its activation set to zero.
This means that the learning algorithm can no longer rely heavily on single nodes,
much like in L2 and L1 regularization. Dropout therefore also has a regularizing
In Keras, dropout is a new type of layer. It's put after the activations you want
to apply dropout to. It passes on activations, but sometimes it sets them to zero,
achieving the same effect as a dropout in the cells directly. We can see this in the
following code:
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy',optimizer =
history =,y_train,batch_size=32,epochs=10,validation_data=(x_test,y
The low dropout value creates nice results for us, but again, the network does better
on the validation set rather than the training set, a clear sign of underfitting taking
place. Note that dropout is only applied at training time. When the model is used
for predictions, dropout doesn't do anything.
This makes training easier because the loss surface becomes more "round."
Different means and standard deviations along different input dimensions
would mean that the network would have to learn a more complicated function.
In Keras, batchnorm is a new layer as well, as you can see in the following code:
model = Sequential()
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy',optimizer =
history =,y_train,batch_size=32,epochs=10,validation_data=(x_test,y
Batchnorm often accelerates training by making it easier. You can see how the
accuracy rate jumps up in the first epoch here:
Training and validation accuracy of our MNIST classifier with batchnorm
Batchnorm also has a mildly regularizing effect. Extreme values are often overfitted
to, and batchnorm reduces extreme values, similar to activity regularization. All this
makes batchnorm an extremely popular tool in computer vision.
Therefore, we need to load the images from disk "just in time" rather than loading them all in
advance. In this section, we will be setting up an image data generator that loads images on
the fly.
We'll be using a dataset of plant seedlings in this case. This was provided by Thomas
Giselsson and others, 2017, via their publication, A Public Image Database for Benchmark of
Plant Seedling Classification Algorithms.
You may be wondering why we're looking at plants; after all, plant classifications are not a
common problem that is faced in the finance sector. The simple answer is that this dataset
lends itself to demonstrating many common computer vision techniques and is available
under an open domain license; it's therefore a great training dataset for us to use.
Readers who wish to test their knowledge on a more relevant dataset should take a look at
the State Farm Distracted Driver dataset as well as the Planet: Understanding the Amazon
from Space dataset.
The code and data for this section and the section on stacking pretrained models can
be found and run here:
Keras comes with an image data generator that can load files from disk out of the box. To do
this, you simply need to run:
To obtain a generator reading from the files, we first have to specify the generator. In
Keras, ImageDataGenerator offers a range of image augmentation tools, but
in our example, we will only be making use of the rescaling function.
Rescaling multiplies all values in an image with a constant. For most common image formats,
the color values range from 0 to 255, so we want to rescale by 1/255. We can achieve this by
running the following:
imgen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1/255)
This, however, is not yet the generator that loads the images for us.
The ImageDataGenerator class offers a range of generators that can be created
by calling functions on it.
We then have to specify the directory Keras should use, the batch size we would like, in this
case 32, as well as the target size the images should be resized to, in this case 150x150 pixels.
To do this, we can simply run the following code:
train_generator = imgen.flow_from_directory('train',batch_size=32,
validation_generator =
imgen.flow_from_directory('validation',batch_size=32, tar
How did Keras find the images and how does it know which classes the images belong to?
The Keras generator expects the following folder structure:
• Root:
• Class 0
• img
• img
• …
• Class 1
• img
• img
• …
• Class 1
• img
Our dataset is already set up that way, and it's usually not hard to sort images to match the
generator's expectations.
Transfer learning aims to transfer the learning from one task to another task. As humans, we
are very good at transferring what we have learned. When you see a dog that you have not
seen before, you don't need to relearn everything about dogs for this particular dog; instead,
you just transfer new learning to what you already knew about dogs. It's not economical to
retrain a big network every time, as you'll often find that there are parts of the model that we
can reuse.
In this section, we will fine-tune VGG-16, originally trained on the ImageNet dataset. The
ImageNet competition is an annual computer vision competition, and the ImageNet dataset
consists of millions of images of real-world objects, from dogs to planes.
In the ImageNet competition, researchers compete to build the most accurate models. In fact,
ImageNet has driven much of the progress in computer vision over the recent years, and the
models built for ImageNet competitions are a popular basis to fine-tune models from.
Downloading data from
58892288/58889256 [==============================] - 5s 0us/step
When downloading the data, we want to let Keras know that we don't want to include the top
part (the classification part); we also want to let Keras know the desired input shape. If we do
not specify the input shape, the model will accept any image size, and it will not be possible
to add Dense layers on top:
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_1 (InputLayer) (None, 150, 150, 3) 0
block1_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, 150, 150, 64) 1792
block1_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, 150, 150, 64) 36928
block1_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, 75, 75, 64) 0
block2_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, 75, 75, 128) 73856
block2_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, 75, 75, 128) 147584
block2_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, 37, 37, 128) 0
block3_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, 37, 37, 256) 295168
block3_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, 37, 37, 256) 590080
block3_conv3 (Conv2D) (None, 37, 37, 256) 590080
block3_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, 18, 18, 256) 0
block4_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, 18, 18, 512) 1180160
block4_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, 18, 18, 512) 2359808
block4_conv3 (Conv2D) (None, 18, 18, 512) 2359808
block4_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, 9, 9, 512) 0
block5_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, 9, 9, 512) 2359808
block5_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, 9, 9, 512) 2359808
block5_conv3 (Conv2D) (None, 9, 9, 512) 2359808
block5_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, 4, 4, 512) 0
Total params: 14,714,688
Trainable params: 14,714,688
Non-trainable params: 0
As you can see, the VGG model is very large, with over 14.7 million trainable parameters. It
also consists of both Conv2D and MaxPooling2D layers, both of which we've already
learned about when working on the MNIST dataset.
From this point, there are two different ways we can proceed:
Modifying VGG-16
In this section, we will be adding layers on top of the VGG-16 model, and then from
there, we will train the new, big model.
We do not want to retrain all those convolutional layers that have been trained
already, however. So, we must first "freeze" all the layers in VGG-16, which we can
do by running the following:
Keras downloads VGG as a functional API model. We will learn more about the
functional API in Chapter 6, Using Generative Models, but for now, we just want
to use the Sequential API, which allows us to stack layers through model.add().
We can convert a model with the functional API with the following code:
As a result of everything we've just done, adding layers to our model is now simple:
The newly added layers are by default trainable, while the reused model socket
is not. We can train this stacked model just as we would train any other model, on the
data generator we defined in the previous section. This can be executed by running
the following code:
finetune.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy',optimizer='adam',metrics =
finetune.fit_generator(train_generator,epochs=8,steps_per_epoch= 4606 //
32, validation_data=validation_generator, validation_steps= 144//32)
After running this, the model manages to achieve a rate of about 75% validation
A general problem in machine learning is that no matter how much data we have,
having more data will always be better, as it would increase the quality of our output
while also preventing overfitting and allowing our model to deal with a larger variety
of inputs. It's therefore common to apply random augmentation to images, for
example, a rotation or a random crop.
The idea is to get a large number of different images out of one image, therefore
reducing the chance that the model will overfit. For most image augmentation
purposes, we can just use Keras' ImageDataGenerator.
More advanced augmentations can be done with the OpenCV library. However,
focusing on this is outside the scope of this chapter.
When using an augmenting data generator, we only usually use it for training.
The validation generator should not use the augmentation features because when we
validate our model, we want to estimate how well it is doing on unseen, actual data,
and not augmented data.
This is different from rule-based augmentation, where we try to create images that
are easier to classify. For this reason, we need to create
two ImageDataGenerator instances, one for training and one for validation. This can
be done by running the following code:
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
rescale = 1/255,
This training data generator makes use of a few built-in augmentation techniques.
Note: There are more commands available in Keras. For a full list, you should refer to
the Keras documentation at
• rescale scales the values in the image. We used it before and will also use
it for validation.
• rotation_range is a range (0 to 180 degrees) in which to randomly rotate the
• width_shift_range and height_shift_range are ranges (relative to the image
size, so here 20%) in which to randomly stretch images horizontally
or vertically.
• shear_range is a range (again, relative to the image) in which to randomly apply
• zoom_range is the range in which to randomly zoom into a picture.
• horizontal_flip specifies whether to randomly flip the image.
• fill_mode specifies how to fill empty spaces created by, for example, rotation.
We can check out what the generator does by running one image through it multiple
First, we need to import the Keras image tools and specify an image path (this one
was chosen at random). This can be done by running the following:
from keras.preprocessing import image
fname = 'train/Charlock/270209308.png'
We then need to load the image and convert it to a NumPy array, which is achieved
with the following code:
img = np.expand_dims(img,axis=0)
for i in range(4):
batch = next(gen)
imgplot = plt.imshow(image.array_to_img(batch[0]))
While we could have built a model to locate and classify the plants for us, in addition to
classifying it, we could have also built a system that would output the treatment a plant should
directly receive. This begs the question of how modular we should make our systems.
End-to-end deep learning was all the rage for several years. If given a huge amount of data, a
deep learning model can learn what would otherwise have taken a system with many
components much longer to learn. However, end-to-end deep learning does have several
• End-to-end deep learning needs huge amounts of data. Because models have
so many parameters, a large amount of data is needed in order to avoid
• End-to-end deep learning is hard to debug. If you replace your entire system
with one black box model, you have little hope of finding out why certain things
• Some things are hard to learn but easy to write down as a code, especially
sanity-check rules.
Recently, researchers have begun to make their models more modular. A great example is Ha
and Schmidthuber's World Models, which can be read here: In
this, they've encoded visual information, made predictions about the future, and chosen
actions with three different models.
On the practical side, we can take a look at Airbnb, who combine structural modeling with
machine learning for their pricing engine. You can read more about it
97cffbcc53e3. Modelers knew that bookings roughly follow a Poisson Distribution and that
there are also seasonal effects. So, Airbnb built a model to predict the parameters of the
distribution and seasonality directly, rather than letting the model predict bookings directly.
If you have a small amount of data, then your algorithm's performance needs to come from
human insight. If some subtasks can be easily expressed in code, then it's usually better to
express them in code. If you need explainability and want to see why certain choices were
made, a modular setup with clearly interpretable intermediate outputs is a good choice.
However, if a task is hard and you don't know exactly what subtasks it entails, and you have
lots of data, then it's often better to use an end-to-end approach.
It's very rare to use a pure end-to-end approach. Images, for example, are always
preprocessed from the camera chip, you never really work with raw data.
Being smart about dividing a task can boost performance and reduce risk.
In this final section of the chapter, we will discuss some approaches that go beyond
classifying images. These tasks often require more creative use of neural networks than what
we've discussed throughout this chapter.
To get the most out of this section, you don't need to worry too much about the details of the
techniques presented, but instead look at how researchers were creative about using neural
networks. We're taking this approach because you will often find that the tasks you are
looking to solve require similar creativity.
Facial recognition
Facial recognition has many applications for retail institutions. For instance, if you're
in the front office, you might want to automatically recognize your customer at an
ATM, or alternatively, you might want to offer face-based security features, such as
the iPhone offers. In the back office, however, you need to comply with
KYC regulations, which require you to identify which customer you are working with.
On the surface, facial recognition looks like a classification task. You give an image
of a face to the machine, and it will predict which person it is. The trouble is that
you might have millions of customers, but only one or two pictures per customer.
On top of that, you'll likely be continuously getting new customers. You can't
change your model every time you get a new customer, and a simple classification
approach will fail if it has to choose between millions of classes with only one
example for each class.
The creative insight here is that instead of classifying the customer's face, you can
see whether two images show the same face. You can see a visual representation of
this idea in the following diagram:
To this end, you'll have to run the two images through first. A Siamese network is a
class of neural network architecture that contains two or more identical subnetworks,
both of which are identical and contain the same weights. In Keras, you can achieve
such a setup by defining the layers first and then using them in both networks. The
two networks then feed into a single classification layer, which determines whether
the two images show the same face.
To avoid running all of the customer images in our database through the entire
Siamese network every time we want to recognize a face, it's common to save the
final output of the Siamese network. The final output of the Siamese network for an
image is called the face embedding. When we want to recognize a customer,
we compare the embedding of the image of the customer's face with the embeddings
stored in our database. We can do this with a single classification layer.
There are two ways to train Siamese networks. We can train them together with the
classifier by creating pairs of matching and non-matching images and then using
binary cross-entropy classification loss to train the entire model. However, another,
and in many respects better, option is to train the model to generate face
embeddings directly. This approach is described in Schroff, Kalenichenko,
and Philbin's 2015 paper, FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and
Clustering, which you can read here:
The idea is to create triplets of images: one anchor image, one positive image
showing the same face as the anchor image, and one negative image showing
a different face than the anchor image. A triplet loss is used to make the distance
between the anchor's embedding and the positive's embedding smaller, and the
distance between the anchor and the negative larger.
Here is an anchor image, and is the output of the Siamese network, the
anchor image's embedding. The triplet loss is the Euclidean distance between the
anchor and the positive minus the Euclidean distance between the anchor and the
You should be able to understand that you can use a neural network to predict
whether two items are semantically the same in order to get around large
classification problems. You can train the Siamese model through some binary
classification tasks but also by treating the outputs as embeddings and using a triplet
loss. This insight extends to more than faces. If you wanted to compare time series to
classify events, then you could use the exact same approach.
The likelihood is that at some point, you'll be interested in locating objects within
images. For instance, say you are an insurance company that needs to inspect the
roofs it insures. Getting people to climb on roofs to check them is expensive, so an
alternative is to use satellite imagery. Having acquired the images, you now need to
find the roofs in them, as we can see in the following screenshot. You can then crop
out the roofs and send the roof images to your experts, who will check them:
California homes with bounding boxes around their roofs
What you need are bounding box predictions. A bounding box predictor outputs the
coordinates of several bounding boxes together with predictions for what object is
shown in the box.
The approach has been refined, culminating in Ren and others' 2016 paper, Faster
R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks, which
is available at, but the basic concept of sliding
a classifier over an image has remained the same.
You Only Look Once (YOLO), on the other hand, uses a single model consisting of
only convolutional layers. It divides an image into a grid and predicts an object class
for each grid cell. It then predicts several possible bounding boxes containing objects
for each grid cell.
For each bounding box, it regresses coordinates and both width and height values,
as well as a confidence score that this bounding box actually contains an object. It
then eliminates all bounding boxes with a too low confidence score or with a too large
overlap with another, a more confident bounding box.
Both are well-written, tongue-in-cheek papers, that explain the YOLO concept in
more detail.
The main advantage of YOLO over an R-CNN is that it's much faster. Not having to
slide a large classification model is much more efficient. However, an R-CNN's main
advantage is that it is somewhat more accurate than a YOLO model. If your task
requires real-time analysis, you should use YOLO; however, if you do not need real-
time speed but just want the best accuracy, then using an R-CNN is the way to go.
Bounding box detection is often used as one of many processing steps. In the
insurance case, the bounding box detector would crop out all roofs. The roof images
can then be judged by a human expert, or by a separate deep learning model that
classifies damaged roofs. Of course, you could train an object locator to distinguish
between damaged and intact roofs directly, but in practice, this is usually not
a good idea.
Fashion MNIST is a drop-in replacement for MNIST, but instead of handwritten digits, it is
about classifying clothes. Try out the techniques we have used in this chapter on Fashion
MNIST. How do they work together? What gives good results? You can find the dataset on
Kaggle at
Take on the whale recognition challenge and read the top kernels and discussion posts. The
link can be found here: The task
of recognizing whales by their fluke is similar to recognizing humans by their face. There are
good kernels showing off bounding boxes as well as Siamese networks. We have not covered
all the technical tools needed to solve the task yet, so do not worry about the code in detail but
instead focus on the concepts shown.
In this chapter, you have seen the building blocks of computer vision models. We've learned
about convolutional layers, and both the ReLU activation and regularization methods. You
have also seen a number of ways to use neural networks creatively, such as with Siamese
networks and bounding box predictors.
You have also successfully implemented and tested all these approaches on a simple
benchmark task, the MNIST dataset. We scaled up our training and used a pretrained VGG
model to classify thousands of plant images, before then using a Keras generator to load
images from disk on the fly and customizing the VGG model to fit our new task.
We also learned about the importance of image augmentation and the modularity tradeoff in
building computer vision models. Many of these building blocks, such as convolutions,
batchnorm, and dropout, are used in other areas beyond computer vision. They are
fundamental tools that you will see outside of computer vision applications as well. By
learning about them here, you have set yourself up to discover a wide range of possibilities in,
for example, time series or generative models.
Computer vision has many applications in the financial industry, especially in back-office
functions as well as alternative alpha generation. It is one application of modern machine
learning that can translate into real value for many corporations today. An increasing number
of firms incorporate image-based data sources in their decision making; you are now prepared
to tackle such problems head-on.
Over the course of this chapter, we've seen that an entire pipeline is involved in a successful
computer vision project, and working on the pipeline often has a similar or greater benefit as
compared to working on the model.
In the next chapter, we will look at the most iconic and common form of financial data: time
series. We will tackle the task of forecasting web traffic using more traditional statistical
methods, such as ARIMA (short for AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average), as well
as modern neural network-based approaches. You will also learn about feature engineering
with autocorrelation and Fourier transformations. Finally, you will learn how to compare and
contrast different forecasting methods and build a high-quality forecasting system.
Chapter 4. Understanding Time Series
A time series is a form of data that has a temporal dimension and is easily the most iconic
form of financial data out there. While a single stock quote is not a time series, take the quotes
you get every day and line them up, and you get a much more interesting time series.
Virtually all media materials related to finance sooner or later show a stock price gap; not a
list of prices at a given moment, but a development of prices over time.
You'll often hear financial commenters discussing the movement of prices: "Apple Inc. is up
5%." But what does that mean? You'll hear absolute values a lot less, such as, "A share of
Apple Inc. is $137.74." Again, what does that mean? This occurs because market participants
are interested in how things will develop in the future and they try to extrapolate these
forecasts from how things developed in the past:
Most forecasting that is done involves looking at past developments over a period of time.
The concept of a time series set of data is an important element related to forecasting; for
example, farmers will look at a time series dataset when forecasting crop yields. Because of
this, a vast body of knowledge and tools for working with time series has developed within
the fields of statistics, econometrics, and engineering.
In this chapter, we will be looking at a few classic tools that are still very much relevant
today. We will then learn how neural networks can deal with time series, and how deep
learning models can express uncertainty.
Before we jump into looking at time series, I need to set your expectations for this chapter.
Many of you might have come to this chapter to read about stock market forecasting, but I
need to warn you that this chapter is not about stock market forecasting, neither is any other
chapter in this book.
Economic theory shows that markets are somewhat efficient. The efficient market hypothesis
states that all publicly available information is included in stock prices. This extends to
information on how to process information, such as forecasting algorithms.
If this book were to present an algorithm that could predict prices on the stock market and
deliver superior returns, many investors would simply implement this algorithm. Since those
algorithms would all buy or sell in anticipation of price changes, they would change the prices
in the present, thus destroying the advantage that you would gain by using the algorithm.
Therefore, the algorithm presented would not work for future readers.
Instead, this chapter will use traffic data from Wikipedia. Our goal is to forecast traffic for a
specific Wikipedia page. We can obtain the Wikipedia traffic data via
the wikipediatrend CRAN package.
The dataset that we are going to use here is the traffic data of around 145,000 Wikipedia
pages that has been provided by Google. The data can be obtained from Kaggle.
train = pd.read_csv('../input/train_1.csv').fillna(0)
So, in the preceding table, the first row contains the page of 2NE1, a Korean pop
band, on the Chinese version of Wikipedia, by all methods of access, but only for
agents classified as spider traffic; that is, traffic not coming from humans. While
most time series work is focused on local, time-dependent features, we can enrich
all of our models by providing access to global features.
Therefore, we want to split up the page string into smaller, more useful features.
We can achieve this by running the following code:
def parse_page(page):
x = page.split('_')
return ' '.join(x[:-3]), x[-3], x[-2], x[-1]
We split the string by underscores. The name of a page could also include an
underscore, so we separate off the last three fields and then join the rest to get
the subject of the article.
As we can see in the following code, the third-from-last element is the sub URL, for
example, The second-from-last element is the access, and the last
element the agent:
('2NE1', '', 'all-access', 'spider')
When we apply this function to every page entry in the training set, we obtain a list of
tuples that we can then join together into a new DataFrame, as we can see in the
following code:
l = list(train.Page.apply(parse_page))
df = pd.DataFrame(l)
df.columns = ['Subject','Sub_Page','Access','Agent']
Finally, we must add this new DataFrame back to our original DataFrame before
removing the original page column, which we can do by running the following:
train = pd.concat([train,df],axis=1)
del train['Page']
As a result of running this code, we have successfully finished loading the dataset.
This means we can now move on to exploring it.
After all of this hard work, we can now create some aggregate statistics on
global features.
The pandas value_counts() function allows us to plot the distribution of global
features easily. By running the following code, we will get a bar chart output of our
Wikipedia dataset:
As a result of running the previous code, we will output a bar chat that ranks the
distributions of records within our dataset:
The preceding plot shows the number of time series available for each subpage.
Wikipedia has subpages for different languages, and we can see that our dataset
contains pages from the English (en), Japanese (ja), German (de), French (fr),
Chinese (zh), Russian (ru), and Spanish (es) Wikipedia sites.
In the bar chart we produced you may have also noted two non-country based
Wikipedia sites. Both and are used
to host media files such as images.
Let's run that command again, this time focusing on the type of access:
After running this code, we'll then see the following bar chart as the output:
There are two possible access methods: mobile and desktop. There's also a third
option all-access, which combines the statistics for mobile and desktop access.
We can then plot the distribution of records by agent by running the following code:
There are time series available not only for spider agents, but also for all other types
of access. In classic statistical modeling, the next step would be to analyze the effect
of each of these global features and build models around them. However, this is
not necessary if there's enough data and computing power available.
If that's the case then a neural network is able to discover the effects of the global
features itself and create new features based on their interactions. There are only
two real considerations that need to be addressed for global features:
To examine the global features, of our dataset, we have to look at a few sample time
series in order to get an understanding of the challenges that we may face. In this
section, we will plot the views for the English language page of Twenty One Pilots,
a musical duo from the USA.
To plot the actual page views together with a 10-day rolling mean. We can do this
by running the following code:
idx = 39457
window = 10
data = train.iloc[idx,0:-4]
name = train.iloc[idx,-4]
days = [r for r in range(data.shape[0] )]
There is a lot going on in this code snippet, and it is worth going through it step by
step. Firstly, we define which row we want to plot. The Twenty One Pilots article is
row 39,457 in the training dataset. From there, we then define the window size for the
rolling mean.
We separate the page view data and the name from the overall dataset by using the
pandas iloc tool. This allows us to index the data by row and column coordinates.
Counting the days rather than displaying all the dates of the measurements makes
the plot easier to read, therefore we are going to create a day counter for the X-axis.
Next, we set up the plot and make sure it has the desired size by setting figsize.
We also define the axis labels and the title. Next, we plot the actual page views.
Our X coordinates are the days, and the Y coordinates are the page views.
To compute the mean, we are going to use a convolve operation, which you might
be familiar with as we explored convolutions in Chapter 3, Utilizing Computer Vision.
This convolve operation creates a vector of ones divided by the window size, in this
case 10. The convolve operation slides the vector over the page view, multiplies 10-
page views with 1/10, and then sums the resulting vector up. This creates a
rolling mean with a window size 10. We plot this mean in black. Finally, we specify
that we want to use a log scale for the Y axis:
Access statistics for the Twenty One Pilots Wikipedia page with a rolling mean
You can see there are some pretty large spikes in the Twenty One Pilots graph we
just generated, even though we used a logarithmic axis. On some days, views
skyrocket to 10 times what they were just days before. Because of that, it quickly
becomes clear that a good model will have to be able to deal with
such extreme spikes.
Before we move on, it's worth pointing out that it's also clearly visible that there
are global trends, as the page views generally increase over time.
For good measure, let's plot the interest in Twenty One Pilots for all languages.
We can do this by running the following code:
data = train.iloc[idx,0:-4]
handle = ax.plot(days,data.values,label=country)
In this snippet, we first set up the graph, as before. We then loop over the language
codes and find the index of Twenty One Pilots. The index is an array wrapped in a
tuple, so we have to extract the integer specifying the actual index. We then extract
the page view data from the training dataset and plot the page views.
In the following chart, we can view the output of the code that we've just produced:
There is clearly some correlation between the time series. The English language
version of Wikipedia (the top line) is, not surprisingly, by far the most popular. We can
also see that the time series in our datasets are clearly not stationary; they change
means and standard deviations over time.
However, as you can see, between days 200-250 in the preceding graph, the
mean views on the page changes dramatically. This result undermines some
of the assumptions many classic modeling approaches make. Yet, financial time
series are hardly ever stationary, so it is worthwhile dealing with these problems. By
addressing these problems, we become familiar with several useful tools that
can help us handle nonstationarity.
Stationarity can mean different things, and it is crucial to understand which kind of
stationarity is required for the task at hand. For simplicity, we will just look at two
kinds of stationarity here: mean stationarity and variance stationarity. The following
image shows four time series with different degrees of (non-)stationarity:
Mean stationarity refers to the level of a series being constant. Here, individual data
points can deviate, of course, but the long-run mean should be stable. Variance
stationarity refers to the variance from the mean being constant. Again, there may be
outliers and short sequences whose variance seems higher, but the overall variance
should be at the same level. A third kind of stationarity, which is difficult to visualize
and is not shown here, is covariance stationarity. This refers to the covariance
between different lags being constant. When people refer to covariance stationarity,
they usually mean the special condition in which mean, variance, and covariances
are stationary. Many econometric models, especially in risk management, operate
under this covariance stationarity assumption.
Why stationarity matters
Many classic econometric methods assume some form of stationarity. A key reason
for this is that inference and hypothesis testing work better when time series are
stationary. However, even from a pure forecasting point of view, stationarity
helps because it takes some work away from our model. Take a look at the Not
Mean Stationary series in the preceding charts. You can see that a major part of
forecasting the series is to recognize the fact that the series moves upward. If we can
capture this fact outside of the model, the model has to learn less and can use its
capacity for other purposes. Another reason is that it keeps the values we feed into
the model in the same range. Remember that we need to standardize data before
using a neural network. If a stock price grows from $1 to $1,000, we end up with non-
standardized data, which will in turn make training difficult.
The standard method to achieve mean stationarity in financial data (especially prices)
is called differencing. It refers to computing the returns from prices. In the following
image, you can see the raw and differenced versions of S&P 500. The raw version is
not mean stationary as the value grows, but the differenced version is roughly
time = np.linspace(0,10,1000)
series = time
series = series + np.random.randn(1000) *0.2
There are times when you should not worry about stationarity. When forecasting a
sudden change, a so-called structural break, for instance. In the Wikipedia example,
we are interested in knowing when the sites begin to be visited much more frequently
than they were before. In this case, removing differences in level would stop our
model from learning to predict such changes. Equally, we might be able to easily
incorporate the non-stationarity into our model, or it can be ensured at a later stage in
the pipeline. We usually only train a neural network on a small subsequence of the
entire dataset. If we standardize each subsequence, the shift of mean within the
subsequence might be negligible and we would not have to worry about it.
Forecasting is a much more forgiving task than inference and hypothesis testing,
so we might get away with a few non-stationarities if our model can pick up on them.
You can imagine this like the tuner on an old FM radio. As you turn the tuner, you search
through different frequencies. Every once in a while, you find a frequency that gives you a
clear signal of a particular radio station. A Fourier transformation basically scans through the
entire frequency spectrum and records at what frequencies there is a strong signal. In terms of
a time series, this is useful when trying to find periodic patterns in the data.
Imagine that we found out that a frequency of one per week gave us a strong pattern.
This would mean that knowledge about what the traffic was ton the same day one week
ago would help our model.
When both the function and the Fourier transform are discrete, which is the case in a series of
daily measurements, it is called the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). A very fast algorithm
that is used for computing the DFT is known as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which
today has become an important algorithm in scientific computing. This theory was known to
the mathematician Carl Gauss in 1805 but was brought to light more recently by American
mathematicians James W. Cooley and John Tukey in 1965.
It's beyond the scope of this chapter to go into how and why the Fourier transformations
work, so in this section we will only be giving a brief introduction. Imagine our function
as a piece of wire. We take this wire and wrap it around a point, and if you wrap the wire so
that the number of revolutions around the point matches the frequency of a signal, all of the
signal peaks will be on one side of the pole. This means that the center of mass of the wire
will move away from the point we wrapped the wire around.
In math, wrapping a function around a point can be achieved by multiplying the function g(n)
with , where f is the frequency of wrapping, n is the number of the item from the
series, and i is the imaginary square root of -1. Readers that are not familiar with imaginary
numbers can think of them as coordinates in which each number has a two-dimensional
coordinate consisting of both a real and an imaginary number.
To compute the center of mass, we average the coordinates of the points in our discrete
function. The DFT formula is, therefore, as follows:
Here y[f] is the fth element in the transformed series, and x[n] is the nth element of the input
series, x. N is the total number of points in the input series. Note that y[f] will be a number
with a real and a discrete element.
To detect frequencies, we are only really interested in the overall magnitude of y[f]. To get
this magnitude we need to so we compute the root of the sum of the squares of the imaginary
and real parts. In Python, we do not have to worry about all the math as we can use scikit-
learn's fftpack, which has an FFT function built in.
data = train.iloc[:,0:-4]
fft_complex = fft(data)
fft_mag = [np.sqrt(np.real(x)*np.real(x)+np.imag(x)*np.imag(x)) for x in
Here, we first extract the time series measurements without the global features from our
training set. Then we run the FFT algorithm, before finally computing the magnitudes of the
After running that code, we now have the Fourier transformations for all the time series
datasets. In order to allow us to get a better insight into the general behavior of the Fourier
transformations we can average them by simply running:
arr = np.array(fft_mag)
fft_mean = np.mean(arr,axis=0)
This first turns the magnitudes into a NumPy array before then computing the mean. We want
to compute the mean per frequency, not just the mean value of all the magnitudes, therefore
we need to specify the axis along which to take the mean value.
In this case, the series are stacked in rows, so taking the mean column-wise (axis zero) will
result in frequency-wise means. To better plot the transformation, we need to create a list of
frequencies tested. The frequencies are in the form: day/all days in the dataset for each day, so
1/550, 2/550, 3/550, and so on. To create the list we need to run:
In this visualization, we only care about the range of frequencies in a weekly range, so we will
remove the second half of the transformation, which we can do by running:
npts = len(fft_xvals) // 2 + 1
fft_mean = fft_mean[:npts]
fft_xvals = fft_xvals[:npts]
Upon plotting the transformation, we will have successfully produced a chart similar to the
one you see here:
Fourier transformation of Wikipedia access statistics. Spikes marked by vertical lines
As you can see in the chart we produced, there are spikes at roughly 1/7 (0.14), 2/7 (0.28), and
3/7 (0.42). As a week has seven days, that is a frequency of one time per week, two times per
week, and three times per week. In other words, page statistics repeat themselves
(approximately) every week, so that, for example, access on one Saturday correlates
with access on the previous Saturday.
Autocorrelation is the correlation between two elements of a series separated by a given
interval. Intuitively, we would, for example, assume that knowledge about the last time step
helps us in forecasting the next step. But how about knowledge from 2 time steps ago or from
100 time steps ago?
Running autocorrelation_plot will plot the correlation between elements with different lag
times and can help us answer these questions. As a matter of fact, pandas comes with a handy
autocorrelation plotting tool. To use it, we have to pass a series of data. In our case, we pass
the page views of a page, selected at random.
plt.title(' '.join(train.loc[110,['Subject', 'Sub_Page']]))
This will present us with the following diagram:
The plot in the preceding chart shows the correlation of page views for the Wikipedia page
of Oh My Girl, a South Korean girl group, within the Chinese Wikipedia.
You can see that shorter time intervals between 1 and 20 days show a higher autocorrelation
than longer intervals. Likewise there are also curious spikes, such as around 120 days and 280
days. It's possible that annual, quarterly, or monthly events could lead to an increase in the
frequency of visits to the Oh My Girl Wikipedia page.
We can examine the general pattern of these frequencies by drawing 1,000 of these
autocorrelation plots. To do this we run the following code:
a = np.random.choice(data.shape[0],1000)
for i in a:
plt.title('1K Autocorrelations')
This code snippet first samples 1,000 random numbers between 0 and the number of series in
our dataset, which in our case is around 145,000. We use these as indices to randomly sample
rows from our dataset for which we then draw the autocorrelation plot, which we can see in
the following graphic:
Autocorrelations for 1,000 Wikipedia pages
As you can see, autocorrelations can be quite different for different series and there is a lot of
noise within the chart. There also seems to be a general trend toward higher correlations at
around the 350-day mark.
Time series analysis, such as in the examples shown previously, can help us engineer features
for our model. Complex neural networks could, in theory, discover all of these features by
themselves. However, it is often much easier to help them a bit, especially with information
about long periods of time.
In a walk-forward split, we train on all 145,000 series. To validate, we are going to use more
recent data from all the series. In a side-by-side split, we sample a number of series for
training and use the rest for validation.
Both have advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage of walk-forward splitting is that
we cannot use all of the observations of the series for our predictions. The disadvantage of
side-by-side splitting is that we cannot use all series for training.
If we have few series, but multiple data observations per series, a walk-forward split is
preferable. However, if we have a lot of series, but few observations per series, then a side-
by-side split is preferable.
Establishing a training and testing regime also aligns more nicely with the forecasting
problem at hand. In side-by-side splitting, the model might overfit to global events in the
prediction period. Imagine that Wikipedia was down for a week in the prediction period used
in side-by-side splitting. This event would reduce the number of views for all the pages, and
as a result the model would overfit to this global event.
We would not catch the overfitting in our validation set because the prediction period would
also be affected by the global event. However, in our case, we have multiple time series, but
only about 550 observations per series. Therefore there seems to be no global events that
would have significantly impacted all the Wikipedia pages in that time period.
However, there are some global events that impacted views for some pages, such as the
Winter Olympics. Yet, this is a reasonable risk in this case, as the number of pages affected
by such global events is still small. Since we have an abundance of series and only a few
observations per series, a side-by-side split is more feasible in our case.
In this chapter, we're focusing on forecasting traffic for 50 days. So, we must first split the last
50 days of each series from the rest, as seen in the following code, before splitting the training
and validation set:
X = data.iloc[:,:500]
y = data.iloc[:,500:]
In this example, we are going to use the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) as a loss
and evaluation metric. MAPE can cause division-by-zero errors if the true value of y is zero.
Thus, to prevent division by zero occurring, we'll use a small-value epsilon:
def mape(y_true,y_pred):
eps = 1
err = np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / (y_true + eps))) * 100
return err
A note on backtesting
The peculiarities of choosing training and testing sets are especially important in both
systematic investing and algorithmic trading. The main way to test trading algorithms is a
process called backtesting.
Backtesting means we train the algorithm on data from a certain time period and then test its
performance on older data. For example, we could train on data from a date range of 2015 to
2018 and then test on data from 1990 to 2015. By doing this, not only is the model's accuracy
tested, but the backtested algorithm executes virtual trades so its profitability can be
evaluated. Backtesting is done because there is plenty of past data available.
With all that being said, backtesting does suffer from several biases. Let's take a look at four
of the most important biases that we need to be aware of:
Building good testing regimes is a core activity of any quantitative investment firm or anyone
working intensively with forecasting. One popular strategy for testing algorithms, other than
backtesting, testing models on data that is statistically similar to stock data but differs because
it's generated. We might build a generator for data that looks like real stock data but is not
real, thus avoiding knowledge about real market events creeping into our models.
Another option is to deploy models silently and test them in the future. The algorithm runs but
executes only virtual trades so that if things go wrong, no money will be lost. This approach
makes use of future data instead of past data. However, the downside to this method is that we
have to wait for quite a while before the algorithm can be used.
In practice, a combination regime is used. Statisticians carefully design regimes to see how an
algorithm responds to different simulations. In our web traffic forecasting model, we will
simply validate on different pages and then test on future data in the end.
Median forecasting
A good sanity check and an often underrated forecasting tool is medians. A median is a value
separating the higher half of a distribution from the lower half; it sits exactly in the middle of
the distribution. Medians have the advantage of removing noise, coupled with the fact that
they are less susceptible to outliers than means, and the way they capture the midpoint of
distribution means that they are also easy to compute.
To make a forecast, we compute the median over a look-back window in our training data. In
this case, we use a window size of 50, but you could experiment with other values. The next
step is to select the last 50 values from our X values and compute the median.
Take a minute to note that in the NumPy median function, we have to set keepdims=True. This
ensures that we keep a two-dimensional matrix rather than a flat array, which is important
when computing the error. So, to make a forecast, we need to run the following code:
lookback = 50
lb_data = X_train[:,-lookback:]
med = np.median(lb_data,axis=1,keepdims=True)
err = mape(y_train,med)
The output returned shows we obtain an error of about 68.1%; not bad given the simplicity of
our method. To see how the medians work, let's plot the X values, the true y values, and
predictions for a random page:
idx = 15000
As you can see, our plotting consists of drawing three plots. For each plot, we must specify
the X and Y values for the plot. For X_train, the X values range from 0 to 500, and
for y_train and the forecast they range from 500 to 550. We then select the series we want to
plot from our training data. Since we have only one median value, we repeat the median
forecast of the desired series 50 times in order to draw our forecast.
Median forecast and actual values for access of an image file. The True values are to the right-hand
side of the plot, and the median forecast is the horizontal line in the center of them.
As you can see in the preceding output median forecast, the data for this page, in this case, an
image of American actor Eric Stoltz, is very noisy, and the median cuts through all the noise.
The median is especially useful here for pages that are visited infrequently and where there is
no clear trend or pattern.
This is not all you can do with medians. Beyond what we've just covered, you could, for
example, use different medians for weekends or use a median of medians from multiple look-
back periods. A simple tool, such as median forecasting, is able to deliver good results with
smart feature engineering. Therefore, it makes sense to spend a bit of time on implementing
median forecasting as a baseline and performing a sanity check before using more advanced
Earlier, in the section on exploratory data analysis, we talked about how seasonality and
stationarity are important elements when it comes to forecasting time series. In fact, median
forecasting has trouble with both. If the mean of a time series continuously shifts, then median
forecasting will not continue the trend, and if a time series shows cyclical behavior, then the
median will not continue with the cycle.
ARIMA which stands for Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average, is made up of three
core components:
We have to manually specify how many lagged observations we want to include, p, how often
we want to differentiate the series, d, and how large the moving average window should be, q.
ARIMA then performs a linear regression against all the included lagged observations and
moving average residuals on the differentiated series.
We can use ARIMA in Python with statsmodels, a library with many helpful statistical tools.
To do this, we simply run this:
Then, to create a new ARIMA model, we pass the data we want to fit, in this case from our
earlier example of views for 2NE1 from the Chinese Wikipedia, as well as the desired values
for p, d, and q, in that order. In this case, we want to include five lagged observations,
differentiate once, and take a moving average window of five. In code, this works out as
model =
Running model.summary() at this point would output all the coefficients as well as
significance values for statistical analysis. We, however, are more interested in how well our
model does in forecasting. So, to complete this, and see the output, we simply run:
residuals = pd.DataFrame(model.resid)
After running the previous code, we'll be able to output the results for 2NE1 page views, as
we can see in this graph:
In the preceding chart, we can see that the model does very well in the beginning but really
begins to struggle at around the 300-day mark. This could be because page views are harder to
predict or because there is more volatility in this period.
In order for us to ensure that our model is not skewed, we need to examine the distribution of
the residuals. We can do this by plotting a kernel density estimator, which is a mathematical
method designed to estimate distributions without needing to model them.
As you can see, our model roughly represents a Gaussian distribution with a mean of zero. So,
it's all good on that front, but then the question arises, "how do we make forecasts?"
To use this model for forecasting, all we have to do is to specify the number of days we want
to forecast, which we can do with the following code:
This forecast not only gives us predictions but also the standard error and confidence interval,
which is 95% by default.
Let's plot the projected views against the real views to see how we are doing. This graph
shows the last 20 days for our prediction basis as well as the forecast to keep things readable.
To produce this, we must execute the following code:
ax.plot(np.arange(480,500),basis[480:], label='X')
ax.plot(np.arange(500,550),y_train[0], label='True')
ax.plot(np.arange(500,550),predictions, label='Forecast')
You can see that ARIMA captures the periodicity of the series very well. Its forecast does
steer off a bit toward the end, but in the beginning, it does a remarkable job.
Kalman filters
Kalman filters are a method of extracting a signal from either noisy or incomplete
measurements. They were invented by Hungarian-born, American engineer, Rudolf Emil
Kalman, for the purpose of electrical engineering, and were first used in the Apollo Space
program in the 1960s.
The basic idea behind the Kalman filter is that there is some hidden state of a system that we
cannot observe directly but for which we can obtain noisy measurements. Imagine you want
to measure the temperature inside a rocket engine. You cannot put a measurement device
directly into the engine, because it's too hot, but you can have a device on the outside of the
Naturally, this measurement is not going to be perfect, as there are a lot of external factors
occurring outside of the engine that make the measurement noisy. Therefore, to estimate the
temperature inside the rocket, you need a method that can deal with the noise. We can think of
the internal state in the page forecasting as the actual interest in a certain page, of which the
page views represent only a noisy measurement.
The idea here is that the internal state, , at time k is a state transition matrix, A, multiplied
with the previous internal state, , plus some process noise, . How interest in the
Wikipedia page of 2NE1 develops is to some degree random. The randomness is assumed to
follow a Gaussian normal distribution with mean zero and variance Q:
translate to measurements times the state, , plus some observation noise, . The
observation noise is assumed to follow a Gaussian normal distribution with mean zero and
variance R:
Roughly speaking, Kalman filters fit a function by estimating A, H, Q, and R. The process of
going over a time series and updating the parameters is called smoothing. The exact
mathematics of the estimation process is complicated and not very relevant if all we want to
do is forecasting. Yet, what is relevant is that we need to provide priors to these values.
We should note that our state does not have to be only one number. In this case, our state is an
eight-dimensional vector, with one hidden level as well as seven levels to capture weekly
seasonality, as we can see in this code:
n_seasons = 7
state_transition[0,0] = 1
The transition matrix, A, looks like the following table, describing one hidden level, which we
might interpret as the real interest as well as a seasonality model:
The observation model, H, maps the general interest plus seasonality to a single measurement:
[[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
The noise priors are just estimates scaled by a "smoothing factor," which allows us to control
the update process:
smoothing_factor = 5.0
Otto Seiskari, a mathematician and 8th place winner in the original Wikipedia traffic
forecasting competition, wrote a very fast Kalman filtering library, which we will be using
here. His library allows for the vectorized processing of multiple independent time series,
which is very handy if you have 145,000 time series to process.
import simdkalman
Although simdkalman is very sophisticated, it is quite simple to use. Firstly, we are going to
specify a Kalman filter using the priors we just defined:
kf = simdkalman.KalmanFilter(state_transition =
state_transition,process_noise = process_noise_cov,observation_model =
observation_model,observation_noise = observation_noise_cov)
From there we can then estimate the parameters and compute a forecast in one step:
Once again, we make forecasts for 2NE1's Chinese page and create a forecast for 50 days.
Take a minute to note that we could also pass multiple series, for example, the first 10
with X_train[:10], and compute separate filters for all of them at once.
The result of the compute function contains the state and observation estimates from the
smoothing process as well as predicted internal states and observations. States and
observations are Gaussian distributions, so to get a plottable value, we need to access their
Our states are eight-dimensional, but we only care about the non-seasonal state value, so we
need to index the mean, which we can achieve by running the following:
label='Predicted observations')
label='predicted states')
label='Expected Observations')
We can clearly see in the preceding graph the effects of our prior modeling on the predictions.
We can see the model predicts strong weekly oscillation, stronger than actually observed.
Likewise, we can also see that the model does not anticipate any trends since we did not see
model trends in our prior model.
Kalman filters are a useful tool and are used in many applications, from electrical engineering
to finance. In fact, until relatively recently, they were the go-to tool for time series modeling.
Smart modelers were able to create smart systems that described the time series very well.
However, one weakness of Kalman filters is that they cannot discover patterns by themselves
and need carefully engineered priors in order to work.
In the second half of this chapter, we will be looking at neural network-based approaches that
can automatically model time series, and often with higher accuracy.
Before we can dive in and start building forecast models, we need to do some preprocessing
and feature engineering. The advantage of neural networks is that they can take in both a high
number of features in addition to very high-dimensional data. The disadvantage is that we
have to be careful about what features we input. Remember how we discussed look-ahead
bias earlier in the chapter, including future data that would not have been available at the time
of forecasting, which is a problem in backtesting.
Data preparation
• log_view: The natural logarithm of page views. Since the logarithm of zero
is undefined, we will use log1p, which is the natural logarithm of page views
plus one.
• days: One-hot encoded weekdays.
• year_lag: The value of log_view from 365 days ago. -1 if there is no value
• halfyear_lag: The value of log_view from 182 days ago. -1 if there is no value
• quarter_lag: The value of log_view from 91 days ago. -1 if there is no
value available.
• page_enc: The one-hot encoded subpage.
• agent_enc: The one-hot encoded agent.
• acc_enc: The one-hot encoded access method.
• year_autocorr: The autocorrelation of the series of 365 days.
• halfyr_autocorr: The autocorrelation of the series of 182 days.
• quarter_autocorr: The autocorrelation of the series of 91 days.
• medians: The median of page views over the lookback period.
These features are assembled for each time series, giving our input data the shape
(batch size, look back window size, 29).
The day of the week matters. Sundays may show different access behavior, when
people are browsing from their couch, compared to Mondays, when people may be
looking up things for work. So, we need to encode the weekday. A simple one-hot
encoding will do the job:
import datetime
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
Firstly, we turn the date strings (such as 2017-03-02) into their weekday (Thursday).
This is very simple to do, and can be done with the following code:
day_one_hot = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(weekdays)
day_one_hot = day_one_hot.reshape(-1, 1)
We then encode the weekdays into integers, so that "Monday" becomes 1, "Tuesday"
becomes 2, and so on. We reshape the resulting array into a rank-2 tensor with
shape (array length, 1) so that the one-hot encoder knows that we have many
observations, but only one feature, and not the other way around:
day_one_hot = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False).fit_transform(day_one_hot)
day_one_hot = np.expand_dims(day_one_hot,0)
Finally, we one-hot encode the days. We then add a new dimension to the tensor
showing that we only have one "row" of dates. We will later repeat the array along
this axis:
agent_int = LabelEncoder().fit(train['Agent'])
agent_enc = agent_int.transform(train['Agent'])
agent_enc = agent_enc.reshape(-1, 1)
agent_one_hot = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False).fit(agent_enc)
del agent_enc
We will need the encoders for the agents later when we encode the agent of
each series.
Here, we first create a LabelEncoder instance that can transform the agent name
strings into integers. We then transform all of the agents into such an integer string in
order to set up a OneHotEncoder instance that can one-hot encode the agents. To save
memory, we will then delete the already-encoded agents.
We do the same for subpages and access methods by running the following:
page_int = LabelEncoder().fit(train['Sub_Page'])
page_enc = page_int.transform(train['Sub_Page'])
page_enc = page_enc.reshape(-1, 1)
page_one_hot = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False).fit(page_enc)
del page_enc
acc_int = LabelEncoder().fit(train['Access'])
acc_enc = acc_int.transform(train['Access'])
acc_enc = acc_enc.reshape(-1, 1)
acc_one_hot = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False).fit(acc_enc)
del acc_enc
Now we come to the lagged features. Technically, neural networks could discover
what past events are relevant for forecasting themselves. However, this is pretty
difficult because of the vanishing gradient problem, something that is covered in more
detail later, in the LSTM section of this chapter. For now, let's just set up a little
function that creates an array lagged by a number of days:
In this formula is the lag indicator. We do not just use a NumPy function since
there is a real possibility that the divider is zero. In this case, our function will just
return 0:
We can use this function, which we wrote for a single series, to create a batch
of autocorrelation features, as seen here:
def batc_autocorr(data,lag,series_length):
corrs = []
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
c = single_autocorr(data, lag)
corr = np.array(corrs)
corr = np.expand_dims(corr,-1)
corr = np.expand_dims(corr,-1)
corr = np.repeat(corr,series_length,axis=1)
return corr
Firstly, we calculate the autocorrelations for each series in the batch. Then we fuse
the correlations together into one NumPy array. Since autocorrelations are a global
feature, we need to create a new dimension for the length of the series and another
new dimension to show that this is only one feature. We then repeat the
autocorrelations over the entire length of the series.
The get_batch function utilizes all of these tools in order to provide us with one batch
of data, as can be seen with the following code:
That was a lot of code, so let's take a minute to walk through the preceding code step
by step in order to fully understand it:
1. Ensures there is enough data to create a lookback window and a target from
the given starting point.
2. Separates the lookback window from the training data.
3. Separates the target and then takes the one plus logarithm of it.
4. Takes the one plus logarithm of the lookback window and adds a feature
5. Gets the days from the precomputed one-hot encoding of days and repeats
it for each time series in the batch.
6. Computes the lag features for year lag, half-year lag, and quarterly lag.
7. This step will encode the global features using the preceding defined
encoders. The next two steps, 8 and 9, will echo the same role.
8. This step repeats step 7.
9. This step repeats step 7 and 8.
10. Calculates the year, half-year, and quarterly autocorrelation.
11. Calculates the median for the lookback data.
12. Fuses all these features into one batch.
Finally, we can use our get_batch function to write a generator, just like we did
in Chapter 3, Utilizing Computer Vision. This generator loops over the original training
set and passes a subset into the get_batch function. It then yields the batch obtained.
Note that we choose random starting points to make the most out of our data:
You might remember Convolution Neural Networks (ConvNets, or CNNs) from Chapter
3, Utilizing Computer Vision, where we looked briefly at roofs and insurance. In computer
vision, convolutional filters slide over the image two-dimensionally. There is also a version of
convolutional filters that can slide over a sequence one-dimensionally. The output is
another sequence, much like the output of a two-dimensional convolution was another image.
Everything else about one-dimensional convolutions is exactly the same as two-dimensional
In this section, we're going to start by building a ConvNet that expects a fixed input length:
n_features = 29
max_len = 100
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv1D(16,5, input_shape=(100,29)))
Notice that next to Conv1D and Activation, there are two more layers in this
network. MaxPool1D works exactly like MaxPooling2D, which we used earlier in the book.
It takes a piece of the sequence with a specified length and returns the maximum element in
the sequence. This is similar to how it returned the maximum element of a small window in
two-dimensional convolutional networks.
Take note that max pooling always returns the maximum element for each
channel. Flatten transforms the two-dimensional sequence tensor into a one-dimensional
flat tensor. To use Flatten in combination with Dense, we need to specify the sequence
length in the input shape. Here, we set it with the max_len variable. We do this
because Dense expects a fixed input shape and Flatten will return a tensor based on the
size of its input.
We then train it on the generator that we wrote earlier. To obtain separate train and validation
sets, we must first split the overall dataset and then create two generators based on the two
datasets. To do this, run the following code:
batch_size = 128
train_df, val_df = train_test_split(train, test_size=0.1)
train_gen = generate_batches(train_df,batch_size=batch_size)
val_gen = generate_batches(val_df, batch_size=batch_size)
n_train_samples = train_df.shape[0]
n_val_samples = val_df.shape[0]
Finally, we can train our model on a generator, just like we did in computer vision:
model.fit_generator(train_gen, epochs=20,steps_per_epoch=n_train_samples //
batch_size, validation_data= val_gen, validation_steps=n_val_samples //
Your validation loss will still be quite high, around 12,798,928. The absolute loss value is
never a good guide for how well your model is doing. You'll find that it's better to use other
metrics in order to see whether your forecasts are useful. However, please note that we will
reduce the loss significantly later in this chapter.
Standard convolution does not take the direction of convolution into account
As the convolutional filter slides over the data, it looks into the future as well as the past.
Causal convolution ensures that the output at time t derives only from inputs from time t - 1:
In Keras, all we have to do is set the padding parameter to causal. We can do this by
executing the following code:
model.add(Conv1D(16,5, padding='causal'))
Another useful trick is dilated convolutional networks. Dilation means that the filter only
accesses every nth element, as we can see in the image below.
In the preceding diagram, the upper convolutional layer has a dilation rate of 4 and the lower
layer a dilation rate of 1. We can set the dilation rate in Keras by running the following:
Simple RNN
Another method to make order matter within neural networks is to give the network some
kind of memory. So far, all of our networks have done a forward pass without any memory of
what happened before or after the pass. It's time to change that with a recurrent neural
network (RNN):
A recurrent layer takes a sequence as an input. For each element, it then computes a matrix
multiplication (W * in), just like a Dense layer, and runs the result through an activation
function, such as relu. It then retains its own activation. When the next item of the sequence
arrives, it performs the matrix multiplication as before, but this time it also multiplies its
previous activation with a second matrix ( ). The recurrent layer adds the result of
both operations together and passes it through the activation function again.
model = Sequential()
The only parameter we need to specify is the size of the recurrent layer. This is basically the
same as setting the size of a Dense layer, as SimpleRNN layers are very similar
to Dense layers except that they feed their output back in as input. RNNs, by default, only
return the last output of the sequence.
model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(32, return_sequences = True))
model.fit_generator(train_gen,epochs=20,steps_per_epoch=n_train_samples //
batch_size, validation_data= val_gen, validation_steps=n_val_samples //
As a result of this code, we'll be able to see that a simple RNN does much better than the
convolutional model, with a loss of around 1,548,653. You'll remember that previously our
loss was at 12,793,928. However, we can do much better using a more sophisticated version
of the RNN.
In the last section, we learned about basic RNNs. In theory, simple RNNs should be able to
retain even long-term memories. However, in practice, this approach often falls short because
of the vanishing gradients problem.
Over the course of many timesteps, the network has a hard time keeping up meaningful
gradients. While this is not the focus of this chapter, a more detailed exploration of why this
happens can be read in the 1994 paper, Learning long-term dependencies with gradient
descent is difficult, available at - - by Yoshua
Bengio, Patrice Simard, and Paolo Frasconi.
In direct response to the vanishing gradients problem of simple RNNs, the Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) layer was invented. This layer performs much better at longer time series.
Yet, if relevant observations are a few hundred steps behind in the series, then even LSTM
will struggle. This is why we manually included some lagged observations.
Before we dive into details, let's look at a simple RNN that has been unrolled over time:
As you can see, this is the same as the RNN that we saw in Chapter 2, Applying Machine
Learning to Structured Data, except that this has been unrolled over time.
The carry
The central addition of an LSTM over an RNN is the carry. The carry is like
a conveyor belt that runs along the RNN layer. At each time step, the carry is fed
into the RNN layer. The new carry gets computed from the input, RNN output, and
old carry, in a separate operation from the RNN layer itself::
The LSTM schematic
To understand what the Compute Carry is, we should determine what should be
added from the input and state:
In these formulas is the state at time t (output of the simple RNN layer), is
the input at time t, and Ui, Wi, Uk, and Wk are the model parameters (matrices) that
will be learned. a() is an activation function.
To determine what should be forgotten from the state and input, we need to use the
following formula:
Take this time to note that LSTM layers do not need an extra activation function as
they already come with a tanh activation function out of the box.
model = Sequential()
To stack layers, you also need to set return_sequences to True. Note that you can
easily combine LSTM and SimpleRNN using the following code:
model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(16, return_sequences = True))
Note: If you are using a GPU and TensorFlow backend with Keras,
use CuDNNLSTM instead of LSTM. It's significantly faster while working in exactly the
same way.
We'll now compile and run the model just as we did before:
model.fit_generator(train_gen, epochs=20,steps_per_epoch=n_train_samples //
batch_size, validation_data= val_gen, validation_steps=n_val_samples //
This time, the loss went as low as 88,735, which is several orders of magnitude
better than our initial model.
Recurrent dropout
Having read this far into the book, you've already encountered the concept of dropout.
Dropout removes some elements of one layer of input at random. A common and important
tool in RNNs is a recurrent dropout, which does not remove any inputs between layers but
inputs between time steps:
Recurrent dropout scheme
Just as with regular dropout, recurrent dropout has a regularizing effect and can prevent
overfitting. It's used in Keras by simply passing an argument to the LSTM or RNN layer.
As we can see in the following code, recurrent dropout, unlike regular dropout, does not have
its own layer:
model = Sequential()
The key idea in Bayesian deep learning is that there is inherent uncertainty in the model.
Sometimes this is done by learning a mean and standard deviation for weights instead of just a
single weight value. However, this approach increases the number of parameters required, so
it did not catch on. A simpler hack that allows us to turn regular deep networks into Bayesian
deep networks is to activate dropout during prediction time and then make multiple
In this section, we will be using a simpler dataset than before. Our X values are 20 random
values between -5 and 5, and our y values are just the sine function applied to these values.
X = np.random.rand(20,1) * 10-5
y = np.sin(X)
Our neural network is relatively straightforward, too. Note that Keras does not allow us to
make a dropout layer the first layer, therefore we need to add a Dense layer that just passes
through the input value. We can achieve this with the following code:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1,input_dim = 1))
To fit this function, we need a relatively low learning rate, so we import the Keras vanilla
stochastic gradient descent optimizer in order to set the learning rate there. We then train the
model for 10,000 epochs. Since we are not interested in the training logs, we set verbose to 0,
which makes the model train "quietly."
We want to test our model over a larger range of values, so we create a test dataset with 200
values ranging from -10 to 10 in 0.1 intervals. We can imitate the test by running
the following code:
X_test = np.arange(-10,10,0.1)
X_test = np.expand_dims(X_test,-1)
And now comes the magic trick! Using keras.backend, we can pass settings to TensorFlow,
which runs the operations in the background. We use the backend to set the learning phase
parameter to 1. This makes TensorFlow believe that we are training, and so it will apply
dropout. We then make 100 predictions for our test data. The result of these 100 predictions is
a probability distribution for the y value at every instance of X.
Note: For this example to work, you have to load the backend, clear the session, and
set the learning phase before defining and training the model, as the training process
will leave the setting in the TensorFlow graph. You can also save the trained model,
clear the session, and reload the model. See the code for this section for a working
import keras.backend as K
And now we can obtain our distributions with the following code:
probs = []
for i in range(100):
out = model.predict(X_test)
Next we can calculate the mean and standard deviation for our distributions:
p = np.array(probs)
mean = p.mean(axis=0)
std = p.std(axis=0)
Finally, we plot the model's predictions with one, two, and four standard deviations
(corresponding to different shades of blue):
As you can see, the model is relatively confident around areas where it had data and becomes
less and less confident the further away it gets from the data points.
Getting uncertainty estimates from our model increases the value we can get from it. It also
helps in improving the model if we can detect where the model is over or under confident.
Right now, Bayesian deep learning is only in its infancy, and we will certainly see many
advances in the next few years.
Now we're at the end of the chapter, why not try some of the following exercises? You'll find
guides on how to complete them all throughout this chapter:
In this chapter, you learned about a wide range of conventional tools for dealing with time
series data. You also learned about one-dimensional convolution and recurrent architectures,
and finally, you learned a simple way to get your models to express uncertainty.
Time series are the most iconic form of financial data. This chapter has given you a rich
toolbox for dealing with time series. Let's recap all of the things that we've covered on the
example of forecasting web traffic for Wikipedia:
This rich toolbox of time series techniques comes in especially handy in the next chapter,
where we will cover natural language processing. Language is basically a sequence, or time
series, of words. This means we can reuse many tools from time series modeling for natural
language processing.
In the next chapter, you will learn how to find company names in text, how to group text by
topic, and even how to translate text using neural networks.
Chapter 5. Parsing Textual Data with
Natural Language Processing
It's no accident that Peter Brown, Co-CEO of Renaissance Technologies, one of the most
successful quantitative hedge funds of all time, had previously worked at IBM, where he
applied machine learning to natural language problems.
As we've explored in earlier chapters, in today's world, information drives finance, and the
most important source of information is written and spoken language. Ask any finance
professional what they are actually spending time on, and you will find that a significant part
of their time is spent on reading. This can cover everything from reading headlines on tickers,
to reading a Form 10K, the financial press, or various analyst reports; the list goes on and on.
Automatically processing this information can increase the speed of trades occurring and
widen the breadth of information considered for trades while at the same time reducing
overall costs.
Natural language processing (NLP) is making inroads into the finance sector. As an
example, insurance companies are increasingly looking to process claims automatically, while
retail banks try to streamline their customer service and offer better products to their clients.
The understanding of text is increasingly becoming the go-to application of machine learning
within the finance sector.
Historically, NLP has relied on hand-crafted rules that were created by linguists. Today, the
linguists are being replaced by neural networks that are able to learn the complex, and often
hard to codify, rules of language.
In this chapter, you will learn how to build powerful natural language models with Keras, as
well as how to use the spaCy NLP library.
Note: This chapter makes use of the English language models, but more are
available. Most features are available in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese,
French, Italian, and Dutch. Entity recognition is available for many more languages
through the multi-language model.
The core of spaCy is made up of the Doc and Vocab classes. A Doc instance
contains one document, including its text, tokenized version, and recognized entities.
The Vocab class, meanwhile, keeps track of all the common information found across
spaCy is useful for its pipeline features, which contain many of the parts needed for
NLP. If this all seems a bit abstract right now, don't worry, as this section will show
you how to use spaCy for a wide range of practical tasks.
You can find the data and code for this section on Kaggle
The data that we'll use for this first section is from a collection of 143,000 articles
taken from 15 American publications. The data is spread out over three files. We are
going to load them separately, merge them into one large DataFrame, and then
delete the individual DataFrames in order to save memory.
a1 = pd.read_csv('../input/articles1.csv',index_col=0)
a2 = pd.read_csv('../input/articles2.csv',index_col=0)
a3 = pd.read_csv('../input/articles3.csv',index_col=0)
df = pd.concat([a1,a2,a3])
As a result of running the preceding code, the data will end up looking like this:
publica auth dat mon
id title year url content
tion or e th
After getting our data to this state, we can then plot the distribution of publishers to
get an idea of what kind of news we are dealing with.
After successfully running this code, we'll see this chart showing the distribution of
news sources from our dataset:
News page distribution
As you can see in the preceding graph the dataset that we extracted contains no
articles from classical financial news media, instead it mostly contains articles from
mainstream and politically oriented publications.
The first thing we need to do is load spaCy, in addition to the model for English language
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
Next, we must select the text of the article from our data:
text = df.loc[0,'content']
Finally, we'll run this piece of text through the English language model pipeline. This will
create a Doc instance, something we explained earlier on in this chapter. The file will hold a
lot of information, including the named entities:
doc = nlp(text)
One of the best features of spaCy is that it comes with a handy visualizer called displacy,
which we can use to show the named entities in text. To get the visualizer to generate the
display, based on the text from our article, we must run this code:
With that command now executed, we've done three important things, which are:
And voilà! As you can see, there are a few mishaps, such as blank spaces being classified as
organizations, and "Obama" being classified as a place.
So, why has this happened? It's because the tagging has been done by a neural network and
neural networks are strongly dependent on the data that they were trained on. So, because of
these imperfections, we might find that we need to fine-tune the tagging model for our own
purposes, and in a minute, we will see how that works.
You can also see in our output that NER offers a wide range of tags, some of which come
with strange abbreviations. For now, don't worry as we will examine a full list of tags later on
in this chapter.
Right now, let's answer a different question: what organizations does the news in our dataset
write about? To make this exercise run faster, we will create a new pipeline in which we will
disable everything but NER.
To find out the answer to this question, we must first run the following code:
nlp = spacy.load('en',disable=['parser','tagger','textcat'])
In the next step, we'll loop over the first 1,000 articles from our dataset, which can be done
with the following code:
frames = []
for i in tqdm_notebook(range(1000)):
doc = df.loc[i,'content'] #1
text_id = df.loc[i,'id'] #2
doc = nlp(doc) #3
ents = [(e.text, e.start_char, e.end_char, e.label_) #4
for e in doc.ents
if len(e.text.strip(' -—')) > 0]
frame = pd.DataFrame(ents) #5
frame['id'] = text_id #6
frames.append(frame) #7
npf = pd.concat(frames) #8
npf.columns = ['Text','Start','Stop','Type','id'] #9
The code we've just created has nine key points. Let's take a minute to break it down, so we
are confident in understanding what we've just written. Note that in the preceding code, the
hashtag, #, refers to the number it relates to in this following list:
Now that we've done that, the next step is to plot the distribution of the types of entities that
we found. This code will produce a chart which can be created with the following code:
The output of the code being this graph:
After seeing the preceding graph, it is a fair question to ask which categories spaCy can
identify and where they come from. The English language NER that comes with spaCy is a
neural network trained on the OntoNotes 5.0 corpus, meaning it can recognize the following
Using this list, we will now look at the 15 most frequently named organizations, categorized
as ORG. As part of this, we will produce a similar graph showing us that information.
As you can see, political institutions such as the senate are most frequently named in our news
dataset. Likewise, some companies, such as Volkswagen, that were in the center of media
attention can also be found in the chart. Take a minute to also notice how the White
House and White House are listed as two separate organizations, despite us knowing they are
the same entity.
Depending on your needs, you might want to do some post-processing, such as removing
"the" from organization names. Python comes with a built-in string replacement method that
you can use with pandas. This would allow you to achieve post-processing. However, this is
not something we will cover in depth here.
Should you want to look at it in more detail, you can get the documentation and example from
the following link:
Also, note how Trump is shown here as an organization. However, if you look at the tagged
text, you will also see that "Trump" is tagged several times as an NORP, a political
organization. This has happened because the NER infers the type of tag from the context.
Since Trump is the U.S. president, his name often gets used in the same context as (political)
This pretrained NER gives you a powerful tool that can solve many common NLP tasks. So,
in reality, from here you could conduct all kinds of other investigations. For example, we
could fork the notebook to see whether The New York Times is mentioned as different
entities more often than the Washington Post or Breitbart.
A common issue you may find is that the pretrained NER does not perform
well enough on the specific types of text that you want it to work with. To solve this
problem, you will need to fine-tune the NER model by training it with custom data.
Achieving this will be the focus of this section.
('Who is Shaka Khan?', {
'entities': [(7, 17, 'PERSON')]
('I like London and Berlin.', {
'entities': [(7, 13, 'LOC'), (18, 24, 'LOC')]
As you can see, you provide a list of tuples of the string, together with the start and
end points, as well as the types of entities you want to tag. Data such as this
is usually collected through manual tagging, often on platforms such as
Amazon's Mechanical Turk (MTurk).
The company behind spaCy, Explosion AI, also make a (paid) data tagging system
called Prodigy, which enables efficient data collection. Once you have collected
enough data, you can either fine-tune a pretrained model or initialize a completely
new model.
nlp = spacy.load('en')
Alternatively, to create a new and empty model from scratch that is ready for the
English language, use the blank function:
nlp = spacy.blank('en')
Either way, we need to get access to the NER component. If you have created a
blank model, you'll need to create an NER pipeline component and add it to the
If you have loaded an existing model, you can just access its existing NER by running
the following code:
The next step is to ensure that our NER can recognize the labels we have. Imagine
our data contained a new type of named entity such as ANIMAL. With
the add_label function, we can add a label type to an NER.
The code to achieve this can be seen below, but don't worry if it doesn't make sense
right now, we'll break it down on the next page:
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe != 'ner']
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes):
optimizer = nlp._optimizer #2
if not nlp._optimizer:
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for itn in range(5): #3
random.shuffle(TRAIN_DATA) #4
losses = {} #5
for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA: #6
nlp.update( #7
drop=0.5, #8
sgd=optimizer, #9
losses=losses) #10
1. We disable all pipeline components that are not the NER by first getting a list
of all the components that are not the NER and then disabling them for
2. Pretrained models come with an optimizer. If you have a blank model, you will
need to create a new optimizer. Note that this also resets the model weights.
3. We now train for a number of epochs, in this case, 5.
4. At the beginning of each epoch, we shuffle the training data using Python's
built-in random module.
5. We create an empty dictionary to keep track of the losses.
6. We then loop over the text and annotations in the training data.
7. nlp.update performs one forward and backward pass, and updates the neural
network weights. We need to supply text and annotations, so that the function
can figure out how to train a network from it.
8. We can manually specify the dropout rate we want to use while training.
9. We pass a stochastic gradient descent optimizer that performs the model
updates. Note that you cannot just pass a Keras or TensorFlow optimizer
here, as spaCy has its own optimizers.
10. We can also pass a dictionary to write losses that we can later print to monitor
Once you've run the code, the output should look something like this:
{'ner': 5.0091189558407585}
{'ner': 3.9693684224622108}
{'ner': 3.984836024903589}
{'ner': 3.457960373417813}
{'ner': 2.570318400714134}
What you are seeing is the loss value of a part of the spaCy pipeline, in this case,
the named entity recognition (NER) engine. Similar to the cross-entropy loss we
discussed in previous chapters, the actual value is hard to interpret and does not tell
you very much. What matters here is that the loss is decreasing over time and that
it reaches a value much lower than the initial loss.
The algorithmic trading systems obviously failed here to understand that such an acquisition
would be impossible as Apple had a market capitalization of $800 billion at the time, coupled
with the fact that the move would likely not find regulatory approval.
So, the question arises, why did the trading algorithms choose to buy stock based on these
four words? The answer is through part-of-speech (POS) tagging. POS tagging allows an
understanding of which words take which function in a sentence and how the words relate to
each other.
spaCy comes with a handy, pretrained POS tagger. In this section we're going to apply this to
the Google/Apple news story. To start the POS tagger, we need to run the following code:
import spacy
from spacy import displacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
Again, we will load the pretrained English model and run our sentence through it. Then we'll
use displacy just as we did for NER.
To make the graphics fit better in this book, we will set the distance option to something
shorter than the default, in this case, 1,120, so that words get displayed closer together, as we
can see in the following diagram:
As you can see, the POS tagger identified buy as a verb and Google and Apple as the nouns
in the sentence. It also identified that Apple is the object the action is applied to and
that Google is applying the action.
nlp = spacy.load('en')
doc = 'Google to buy Apple'
doc = nlp(doc)
After running the preceding code, we get the following table featured as the result:
Text Root Text Root dep Root Head Text
In our example, Google is the root of the sentence, while Apple is the object of the sentence.
The verb applied to Apple is "buy."
Rule-based matching
Before deep learning and statistical modeling took over, NLP was all about rules. That's not to
say that rule-based systems are dead! They are often easy to set up and perform very well
when it comes to doing simple tasks.
Imagine you wanted to find all mentions of Google in a text. Would you really train a neural
network-based named entity recognizer? If you did, you would have to run all of the text
through the neural network and then look for Google in the entity texts. Alternatively, would
you rather just search for text that exactly matches Google with a classic search algorithm?
Well, we're in luck, as spaCy comes with an easy-to-use, rule-based matcher that allows us
to do just that.
Before we start this section, we first must make sure that we reload the English language
model and import the matcher. This is a very simple task that can be done by running the
following code:
import spacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
nlp = spacy.load('en')
The matcher searches for patterns, which we encode as a list of dictionaries. It operates token
by token, that is, word for word, except for punctuation and numbers, where a single symbol
can be a token.
As a starting example, let's search for the phrase "hello, world." To do this, we would define
a pattern as follows:
This pattern is fulfilled if the lower case first token is hello. The LOWER attribute checks if
both words would match if they were both converted to lowercase. That means if the actual
token text is "Hello" or "HELLO," then it would also fulfill the requirement. The second
token has to be punctuation to pick up the comma, so the phrases "hello. world" or "hello!
world" would both work, but not "hello world."
The lower case of the third token has to be "world," so "WoRlD" would also be fine.
spaCy's lemmatization is extremely useful. A lemma is the base version of a word. For
example, "was" is a version of "be," so "be" is the lemma for "was" but also for "is." spaCy
can lemmatize words in context, meaning it uses the surrounding words to determine what the
actual base version of a word is.
To create a matcher, we have to pass on the vocabulary the matcher works on. In this case, we
can just pass the vocabulary of our English language model by running the following:
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
In order to add the required attributes to our matcher, we must call the following:
The add function expects three arguments. The first is a name of the pattern, in
this case, HelloWorld, so that we can keep track of the patterns we added. The second is a
function that can process matches once found. Here we pass None, meaning no function will
be applied, though we will use this tool later. Finally, we need to pass the list of token
attributes we want to search for.
To use our matcher, we can simply call matcher(doc). This will give us back all the matches
that the matcher found. We can call this by running the following:
The first thing in a match is the hash of the string found. This is just to identify what was
found internally; we won't use it here. The next two numbers indicate the range in which the
matcher found something, here tokens 0 to 3.
Hello, wor
In the next section we will look at how we can add custom functions to matchers.
Let's move on to a more complex case. We know that the iPhone is a product.
However, the neural network-based matcher often classifies it as an organization.
This happens because the word "iPhone" gets used a lot in a similar context
as organizations, as in "The iPhone offers..." or "The iPhone sold...."
Let's build a rule-based matcher that always classifies the word "iPhone"
as a product entity.
First, we have to get the hash of the word PRODUCT. Words in spaCy can be
uniquely identified by their hash. Entity types also get identified by their hash.
To set an entity of the product type, we have to be able to provide the hash for
the entity name.
We can get the name from the language model's vocabulary by running the following:
PRODUCT = nlp.vocab.strings['PRODUCT']
Next, we need to define an on_match rule. This function will be called every time
the matcher finds a match. on_match rules have four arguments:
We should note that matchers allow us to add multiple patterns, so we can add
a matcher for just the word "iPhone" and another pattern for the word "iPhone"
together with a version number, as in "iPhone 5":
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab) #3
matcher.add('iPhone', add_product_ent,pattern1, pattern2) #4
We will now pass one of the news articles through the matcher:
doc = nlp(df.content.iloc[14]) #1
matches = matcher(doc) #2
Now that the matcher is set up, we need to add it to the pipeline so that spaCy can
use it automatically. This will be the focus in the next section.
def matcher_component(doc):
matches = matcher(doc)
return doc
The spaCy pipeline calls the components of the pipeline as functions and always
expects the annotated document to be returned. Returning anything else could
break the pipeline.
We can then add the matcher to the main pipeline, as can be seen in the
following code:
The matcher is now the last piece of the pipeline. From this point onward iPhones will
now get tagged based on the matcher's rules.
And boom! All mentions of the word "iPhone" (case independent) are now tagged
as named entities of the product type. You can validate this by displaying the entities
with displacy as we have done in the following code:
Executive compensation is often reported in the press but hard to find in aggregate.
One possible rule-based matching pattern for executive compensation could look
like this:
pattern = [{'ENT_TYPE':'PERSON'},{'LEMMA':'receive'},{'ENT_TYPE':'MONEY'}]
A matcher looking for this pattern would pick up any combination of a person's name,
for example, John Appleseed, or Daniel; any version of the word receive,
for example, received, receives, and so on; followed by an expression of money,
for example, $4 million.
This matcher could be run over a large text corpus with the on_match rule handily
saving the found snippets into a database. The machine learning approach for
naming entities and the rule-based approach go hand in hand seamlessly.
Since there is much more training data available with annotations for names
and money, rather than statements about executive education, it is much easier
to combine the NER with a rule-based method rather than training a new NER.
Regular expressions
Regular expressions, or regexes, are a powerful form of rule-based matching. Invented back
in the 1950s, they were, for a very long time, the most useful way to find things in text and
proponents argue that they still are.
No chapter on NLP would be complete without mentioning regexes. With that being said, this
section is by no means a complete regex tutorial. It's intended to introduce the general idea
and show how regexes can be used in Python, pandas, and spaCy.
A very simple regex pattern could be "a." This would only find instances of the lower-case
letter a followed by a dot. However, regexes also allow you to add ranges of patterns; for
example, "[a-z]." would find any lower-case letter followed by a dot, and "xy." would find
only the letters "x" or "y" followed by a dot.
Regex patterns are case sensitive, so "A-Z" would only capture upper-case letters.
This is useful if we are searching for expressions in which the spelling is frequently different;
for example, the pattern "seriali[sz]e" would catch the British as well as the American English
version of the word.
The same goes for numbers. "0-9" captures all numbers from 0 to 9. To find repetitions, you
can use "*," which captures zero or more occurrences, or "+," which captures one or more
occurrences. For example, "[0-9]+" would capture any series of numbers, which might be
useful when looking for years. While "[A-Z][a-z] + [0-9] +," for example, would find all
words starting with a capital letter followed by one or more digit, such as "March 2018" but
also "Jaws 2."
Curly brackets can be used to define the number of repetitions. For instance, "[0-9]{4}"
would find number sequences with exactly four digits. As you can see, a regex does not make
any attempt to understand what is in the text, but rather offers a clever method of finding text
that matches patterns.
A practical use case in the financial industry is finding the VAT number of companies in
invoices. These follow a pretty strict pattern in most countries that can easily be encoded.
VAT numbers in the Netherlands, for example, follow this regex pattern: "NL[0-9]{9}B[0-
Python has a built-in tool for regexes called re. While it does not need to be installed
because it is part of Python itself, we can import it with the following code:
import re
Imagine we are working on an automatic invoice processor, and we want to find
the VAT number of the company that sent us the invoice. For simplicity's sake,
we're going to only deal with Dutch VAT numbers (the Dutch for "VAT" is "BTW"). As
mentioned before, we know the pattern for a Dutch VAT number is as follows:
pattern = 'NL[0-9]{9}B[0-9]{2}'
So, to find all the occurrences of a BTW number in the string, we can call re.findall,
which will return a list of all strings matching the pattern found. To call this, we simply
realso allows the passing of flags to make the development of regex patterns a bit
easier. For example, to ignore the case of letters when matching a regular
expression, we can add a re.IGNORECASE flag, like we've done here:
re.findall(pattern,my_string, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
Often, we are interested in a bit more information about our matches. To this end,
there is a match object. yields a match object for the first match found:
match =,my_string)
We can get more information out of this object, such as the location of our match,
simply by running:
(18, 32)
The span, the start and the end of our match, is the characters 18 to 32.
Regex in pandas
The data for NLP problems often comes in pandas DataFrames. Luckily for us,
pandas natively supports regex. If, for example, we want to find out whether any of
the articles in our news dataset contain a Dutch BTW number, then we can pass the
following code:
This would yield all the articles that include a Dutch BTW number, but unsurprisingly
no articles in our dataset do.
When to use regexes and when not to
A regex is a powerful tool, and this very short introduction does not do it justice. In
fact, there are several books longer than this one written purely on the topic of
regexes. However, for the purpose of this book, we're only going to briefly introduce
you to the topic.
So, the next time you are looking to find something that is easy to spot for
a human but hard to describe in rules, use a machine learning-based solution.
Likewise, the next time you are looking for something clearly encoded, such as
a VAT number, use regexes.
Today, investors have developed a number of ways to gain information from tweets. Twitter
users are often faster than news outlets to report disasters, such as a fire or a flood. In the case
of finance, this speed advantage can be used and translated to event-driven trading strategies.
However, not all tweets that contain words associated with disasters are actually about
disasters. A tweet such as, "California forests on fire near San Francisco" is a tweet that
should be taken into consideration, whereas "California this weekend was on fire, good times
in San Francisco" can safely be ignored.
The goal of the task here is to build a classifier that separates the tweets that relate to real
disasters from irrelevant tweets. The dataset that we are using consists of hand-labeled tweets
that were obtained by searching Twitter for words common to disaster tweets such as "ablaze"
or "fire."
Note: In preparation for this section, the code and data can be found on Kaggle
Sanitizing characters
To store text, computers need to encode the characters into bits. There are several
different ways to do this, and not all of them can deal with all the characters out there.
It is good practice to keep all the text files in one encoding scheme, usually UTF-8,
but of course, that does not always happen. Files might also be corrupted, meaning
that a few bits are off, therefore rendering some characters unreadable. Therefore,
before we do anything else, we need to sanitize our inputs.
Python offers a helpful codecs library, which allows us to deal with different
encodings. Our data is UTF-8 encoded, but there are a few special characters in
there that cannot be read easily. Therefore, we have to sanitize our text of these
special characters, which we can do by running the following:
import codecs
input_file ='../input/socialmedia-disaster-tweets-
DFE.csv','r',',encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
To write to the output file, we can just use Python's standard open() function.
This function will create a file at the specified file path we can write to:
Now that's done, all we have to do is loop over the lines in our input file that we read
with our codecs reader and save it as a regular CSV file again. We can achieve this
by running the following:
Likewise, it's good practice to close the file objects afterward, which we can do by
df = pd.read_csv('clean_socialmedia-disaster.csv')
Lemmas have already made several appearances throughout this chapter. A lemma
in the field of linguistics, also called a headword, is the word under which the set of
related words or forms appears in a dictionary. For example, "was" and "is" appear
under "be," "mice" appears under "mouse," and so on. Quite often, the specific form
of a word does not matter very much, so it can be a good idea to convert all your text
into its lemma form.
spaCy offers a handy way to lemmatize text, so once again, we're going to load
a spaCy pipeline. Only that in this case, we don't need any pipeline module aside
from the tokenizer. The tokenizer splits the text into separate words, usually by
spaces. These individual words, or tokens, can then be used to look up their lemma.
In our case, it looks like this:
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en',disable=['tagger','parser','ner'])
Lemmatization can be slow, especially for big files, so it makes sense to track our
progress. tqdm allows us to show progress bars on the pandas apply function. All we
have to do is import tqdm as well as the notebook component for pretty rendering in
our work environment. We then have to tell tqdm that we would like to use it with
pandas. We can do this by running the following:
For each row, we loop over the words in the text column and save the lemma of the
word in a new lemmas column:
Our lemmas column is now full of lists, so to turn the lists back into text, we will join all
of the elements of the lists with a space as a separator, as we can see in the
following code:
There are several possible prediction targets in this dataset. In our case, humans
were asked to rate a tweet, and, they were given three options, Relevant, Not
Relevant, and Can't Decide, as the lemmatized text shows:
array(['Relevant', 'Not Relevant', "Can't Decide"], dtype=object)
The tweets where humans cannot decide whether it is about a real disaster are not
interesting to us. Therefore, we will just remove the category, Can't Decide, which we
can do in the following code:
We are also only interested in mapping text to relevance, therefore we can drop all
the other metadata and just keep these two columns, which we do here:
df = df[['text','choose_one']]
Finally, we're going to convert the target into numbers. This is a binary classification
task, as there are only two categories. So, we map Relevant to 1 and Not
Relevant to 0:
Before we start building models, we're going to split our data into two sets, the
training dataset and the test dataset. To do this we simply need to run the following
A simple yet effective way of classifying text is to see the text as a bag-of-words. This means
that we do not care for the order in which words appear in the text, instead we only care about
which words appear in the text.
One of the ways of doing a bag-of-words classification is by simply counting the occurrences
of different words from within a text. This is done with a so-called count vector. Each
word has an index, and for each text, the value of the count vector at that index is the number
of occurrences of the word that belong to the index.
Picture this as an example: the count vector for the text "I see cats and dogs and elephants"
could look like this:
i see cats and dogs elephants
1 1 1 2 1 1
In reality, count vectors are pretty sparse. There are about 23,000 different words in our text
corpus, so it makes sense to limit the number of words we want to include in our count
vectors. This could mean excluding words that are often just gibberish or typos with no
meaning. As a side note, if we kept all the rare words, this could be a source of overfitting.
We are using sklearn's built-in count vectorizer. By setting max_features, we can control
how many words we want to consider in our count vector. In this case, we will only consider
the 10,000 most frequent words:
Our count vectorizer can now transform texts into count vectors. Each count vector will have
10,000 dimensions:
X_train_counts = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test_counts = count_vectorizer.transform(X_test)
Once we have obtained our count vectors, we can then perform a simple logistic regression on
them. While we could use Keras for logistic regression, as we did in the first chapter of this
book, it is often easier to just use the logistic regression class from scikit-learn:, y_train)
y_predicted = clf.predict(X_test_counts)
Now that we have predictions from our logistic regressor, we can measure the accuracy of it
with sklearn:
As you can see, we've got 80% accuracy, which is pretty decent for such a simple method. A
simple count vector-based classification is useful as a baseline for more advanced methods,
which we will be discussing later.
TF-IDF is the product of these two measurements. TF-IDF vectors are like count
vectors, except they contain the TF-IDF scores instead of the counts. Rare words
will gain a high score in the TF-IDF vector.
X_train_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform(X_test)
Once we have the TF-IDF vectors, we can train a logistic regressor on them just like
we did for count vectors:
clf_tfidf = LogisticRegression(), y_train)
y_predicted = clf_tfidf.predict(X_test_tfidf)
In this case, TF-IDF does slightly worse than count vectors. However, because the
performance difference is very small, this poorer performance might be attributable to
chance in this case:
accuracy_score(y_pred=y_predicted, y_true=y_test)
Topic modeling
A final, very useful application of word counting is topic modeling. Given a set of texts, are
we able to find clusters of topics? The method to do this is called Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA).
Note: The code and data for this section can be found on Kaggle
While the name is quite a mouth full, the algorithm is a very useful one, so we will look at it
step by step. LDA makes the following assumption about how texts are written:
1. First, a topic distribution is chosen, say 70% machine learning and 30%
2. Second, the distribution of words for each topic is chosen. For example,
the topic "machine learning" might be made up of 20% the word "tensor," 10%
the word "gradient," and so on. This means that our topic distribution
is a distribution of distributions, also called a Dirichlet distribution.
3. Once the text gets written, two probabilistic decisions are made for each word:
first, a topic is chosen from the distribution of topics in the document. Then, a
word is chosen for the distribution of words in that document.
Note that not all documents in a corpus have the same distribution of topics. We need to
specify a fixed number of topics. In the learning process, we start out by assigning each word
in the corpus randomly to one topic. For each document, we then calculate the following:
The preceding formula is the probability of each topic, t, to be included in document d. For
each word, we then calculate:
That is the probability of a word, w, to belong to a topic, t. We then assign the word to a new
topic, t, with the following probability:
In other words, we assume that all of the words are already correctly assigned to a topic
except for the word currently under consideration. We then try to assign words to topics to
make documents more homogenous in their topic distribution. This way, words that actually
belong to a topic cluster together.
Scikit-learn offers an easy-to-use LDA tool that will help us achieve this. To use this, we
must first create a new LDA analyzer and specify the number of topics, called components
that we expect.
We then create count vectors, just as we did for the bag-of-words analysis. For LDA, it is
important to remove frequent words that don't mean anything, such as "an" or "the," so-called
stop words. CountVectorizer comes with a built-in stopword dictionary that removes these
words automatically. To use this, we'll need to run the following code:
To inspect our results, we can print out the most frequent words for each topic. To this end,
we first need to specify the number of words per topic we want to print, in this case 5. We
also need to extract the mapping word count vector indices to words:
n_top_words = 5
tf_feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
Now we can loop over the topics of the LDA, in order to print the most frequent words:
As you can see, the LDA seems to have discovered the grouping into serious tweets and non-
serious ones by itself without being given the targets.
This method is very useful for classifying news articles, too. Back in the world of finance,
investors might want to know if there is a news article mentioning a risk factor they are
exposed to. The same goes for support requests for consumer-facing organizations, which can
be clustered this way.
Word embeddings
The order of words in a text matters. Therefore, we can expect higher performance if we do
not just look at texts in aggregate but see them as a sequence. This section makes use of a lot
of the techniques discussed in the previous chapter; however, here we're going to add a
critical ingredient, word vectors.
Words and word tokens are categorical features. As such, we cannot directly feed them into a
neural network. Previously, we have dealt with categorical data by turning it into one-hot
encoded vectors. Yet for words, this is impractical. Since our vocabulary is 10,000 words,
each vector would contain 10,000 numbers that are all zeros except for one. This is highly
inefficient, so instead, we will use an embedding.
In practice, embeddings work like a lookup table. For each token, they store a vector. When
the token is given to the embedding layer, it returns the vector for that token and passes it
through the neural network. As the network trains, the embeddings get optimized as well.
Remember that neural networks work by calculating the derivative of the loss function
with respect to the parameters (weights) of the model. Through backpropagation, we can also
calculate the derivative of the loss function with respect to the input of the model. Thus we
can optimize the embeddings to deliver ideal inputs that help our model.
Assigning numbers to tokens makes the training process smoother and decouples
the tokenization process from the word vectors. Keras has a Tokenizer class, which
can create numeric tokens for words. By default, this tokenizer splits text by spaces.
While this works mostly fine in English, it can be problematic and cause issues in
other languages. A key learning point to take away is that it's better to tokenize the
text with spaCy first, as we already did for our two previous methods, and then assign
numeric tokens with Keras.
The Tokenizer class also allows us to specify how many words we want to consider,
so once again we will only use the 10,000 most used words, which we can specify
by running:
max_words = 10000
The tokenizer works a lot like CountVectorizer from sklearn. First, we create
a new tokenizer object. Then we fit the tokenizer, and finally, we can transform the
text into tokenized sequences:
tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=max_words)
sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(df['joint_lemmas'])
The sequences variable now holds all of our texts as numeric tokens. We can look up
the mapping of words to numbers from the tokenizer's word index with the following
word_index = tokenizer.word_index
print('Token for "the"',word_index['the'])
print('Token for "Movie"',word_index['movie'])
Token for "the" 4
Token for "Movie" 333
As you can see, frequently used words such as "the" have lower token numbers than
less frequent words such as "movie." You can also see that word_index is a dictionary.
If you are using your model in production, you can save this dictionary to disk in order
to convert words into tokens at a later time.
Finally, we need to turn our sequences into sequences of equal length. This is not
always necessary, as some model types can deal with sequences of different
lengths, but it usually makes sense and is often required. We will examine which
models need equal length sequences in the next section on building custom NLP
Keras' pad_sequences function allows us to easily bring all of the sequences to the
same length by either cutting off sequences or adding zeros at the end. We will bring
all the tweets to a length of 140 characters, which for a long time was the maximum
length tweets could have:
maxlen = 140
Embeddings are their own layer type in Keras. To use them, we have to specify
how large we want the word vectors to be. The 50-dimensional vector that we have
chosen to use is able to capture good embeddings even for quite large vocabularies.
Additionally, we also have to specify how many words we want embeddings for and
how long our sequences are. Our model is now a simple logistic regressor that trains
its own embeddings:
embedding_dim = 50
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(max_words, embedding_dim, input_length=maxlen))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
Notice how we do not have to specify an input shape. Even specifying the input
length is only necessary if the following layers require knowledge of the input
length. Dense layers require knowledge about the input size, but since we are
using dense layers directly, we need to specify the input length here.
Word embeddings have many parameters. This is something you can see if you are
printing out the models summary:
(type) Output Shape Param #
2 (Embedding) (None, 140, 50) 500000
(Flatten) (None, 7000) 0
(Dense) (None, 1) 7001
params: 507,001Trainable params: 507,001Non-trainable params: 0
As you can see, the embedding layer has 50 parameters for 10,000 words equaling
500,000 parameters in total. This makes training slower and can increase the chance
of overfitting.
The next step is for us to compile and train our model as usual:
history =,
y_train,epochs=10,batch_size=32,validation_data=(X_test, y_test))
This model achieves about 76% accuracy on the test set but over 90% accuracy on
the training set. However, the large number of parameters in the custom embeddings
has led us to overfitting. To avoid overfitting and reduce training time, it's often better
to use pretrained word embeddings.
Like in computer vision, NLP models can benefit from using pretrained pieces of
other models. In this case, we will use the pretrained GloVe vectors. GloVe stands
for Global Vectors for Word 8 and is a project of the Stanford NLP group. GloVe
provides different sets of vectors trained in different texts.
In this section, we will be using word embeddings trained on Wikipedia texts as well
as the Gigaword dataset. In total, the vectors were trained on a text of 6 billion
With all that being said, there are alternatives to GloVe, such as Word2Vec. Both
GloVe and Word2Vec are relatively similar, although the training method for them is
different. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, and in practice it is often
worth trying out both.
A nice feature of GloVe vectors is that they encode word meanings in vector space
so that "word algebra" becomes possible. The vector for "king" minus the vector for
"man" plus the vector for "woman," for example, results in a vector pretty close to
"queen." This means the differences between the vectors for "man" and "woman"
are the same as the differences for the vectors of "king" and "queen," as the
differentiating features for both are nearly the same.
Equally, words describing similar things such as "frog" and "toad" are very close
to each other in the GloVe vector space. Encoding semantic meanings in vectors
offer a range of other exciting opportunities for document similarity and topic
modeling, as we will see later in this chapter. Semantic vectors are also pretty useful
for a wide range of NLP tasks, such as our text classification problem.
The actual GloVe vectors are in a text file. We will use the 50-dimensional
embeddings trained on 6 billion tokens. To do this, we need to open the file:
import os
glove_dir = '../input/glove6b50d'
f = open(os.path.join(glove_dir, 'glove.6B.50d.txt'))
Then we create an empty dictionary that will later map words to embeddings:
embeddings_index = {}
In the dataset, each line represents a new word embedding. The line starts with the
word, and the embedding values follow. We can read out the embeddings like this:
for line in f: #1
values = line.split() #2
word = values[0] #3
embedding = np.asarray(values[1:], dtype='float32') #4
embeddings_index[word] = embedding dictionary #5
f.close() #6
But what does that mean? Let's take a minute to break down the meaning behind the
code, which has six key elements:
1. We loop over all lines in the file. Each line contains a word and embedding.
2. We split the line by whitespace.
3. The first thing in the line is always the word.
4. Then come the embedding values. We immediately transform them into
a NumPy array and make sure that they are all floating-point numbers,
that is, decimals.
5. We then save the embedding vector in our embedding dictionary.
6. Once we are done with it, we close the file.
As a result of running this code, we now have a dictionary mapping words to their
This version of GloVe has vectors for 400,000 words, which should be enough to
cover most of the words that we will encounter. However, there might be some words
where we still do not have a vector. For these words, we will just create random
vectors. To make sure these vectors are not too far off, it is a good idea to use the
same mean and standard deviation for the random vectors as from the trained
To this end, we need to calculate the mean and standard deviation for the GloVe
all_embs = np.stack(embeddings_index.values())
emb_mean = all_embs.mean()
emb_std = all_embs.std()
Our embedding layer will be a matrix with a row for each word and a column for each
element of the embedding. Therefore, we need to specify how many dimensions one
embedding has. The version of GloVe we loaded earlier has 50-dimensional vectors:
embedding_dim = 50
Next, we need to find out how many words we actually have. Although we have
set the maximum to 10,000, there might be fewer words in our corpus. At this point,
we also retrieve the word index from the tokenizer, which we will use later:
word_index = tokenizer.word_index
nb_words = min(max_words, len(word_index))
To create our embedding matrix, we first create a random matrix with the
same mean and std as the embeddings:
Embedding vectors need to be in the same position as their token number. A word
with token 1 needs to be in row 1 (rows start with zero), and so on. We can now
replace the random embeddings for the words for which we have trained
This command has four key elements that we should explore in more detail before
we move on:
To use the pretrained embeddings, we just have to set the weights in the embedding
layer to the embedding matrix that we just created. To make sure the carefully
created weights are not destroyed, we are going to set the layer to be non-trainable,
which we can achieve by running the following:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(max_words, embedding_dim, input_length=maxlen, weights
= [embedding_matrix], trainable = False))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
This model can be compiled and trained just like any other Keras model. You will
notice that it trains much faster than the model in which we trained our own
embeddings and suffers less from overfitting. However, the overall performance
on the test set is roughly the same.
Word embeddings are pretty cool in reducing training time and helping to build
accurate models. However, semantic embeddings go further. They can, for example,
be used to measure how similar two texts are on a semantical level, even if they
include different words.
Text is a time series. Different words follow each other and the order in which they do
matters. Therefore, every neural network-based technique from the previous chapter
can also be used for NLP. In addition, there are some building blocks that were not
introduced in Chapter 4, Understanding Time Series that are useful for NLP.
Let's start with an LSTM, otherwise known as long short-term memory. All you have
to change from the implementation in the last chapter is that the first layer of the
network should be an embedding layer. This example below uses
a CuDNNLSTM layer, which trains much faster than a regular LSTM layer.
Other than this, the layer remains the same. If you do not have a GPU,
replace CuDNNLSTM with LSTM:
One technique used frequently in NLP but less frequently in time series forecasting is
a bidirectional recurrent neural network (RNN). A bidirectional RNN is effectively
just two RNNs where one gets fed the sequence forward, while the other one gets
fed the sequence backward:
A bidirectional RNN
In Keras, there is a Bidirectional layer that we can wrap any RNN layer around,
such as an LSTM. We achieve this in the following code:
Word embeddings are great because they enrich neural networks. They are a space-
efficient and powerful method that allows us to transform words into numbers that
a neural network can work with. With that being said, there are more advantages to
encoding semantics as vectors, such as how we can perform vector math on them!
This is useful if we want to measure the similarity between two texts, for instance.
Similarity vectors
We can see the similarity between two phrases by running the following command:
As you can see, these requests are pretty similar, achieving a rate of 70%:
As you can see, their similarity score is quite high. This simple averaging method works
pretty decently. It is not, however, able to capture things such as negations or a single
deviating vector, which might not influence the average too much.
For example, "I would like to close a checking account" has a semantically different meaning
than, "I would like to open a checking account." However, the model sees them as being
pretty similar. Yet, this approach is still useful and a good illustration of the advantages of
representing semantics as vectors.
GoogLeNet Architecture from Szegedy and others' "Going Deeper with Convolutions"
Take a look at the preceding GoogLeNet architecture. While the graph is very detailed, what
we need to take away is the fact that the model is not just a number of layers stacked on top of
each other. Instead, there are multiple layers in parallel; in this case, the model has three
outputs. However, the question remains, how did the authors build this complicated model?
The sequential API wouldn't have allowed them to, but the functional API makes it easy to
string up layers like a pearl string and create architectures such as the preceding one.
For many NLP applications, we need more complex models in which, for example, two
separate layers run in parallel. In the Keras functional API, we have more control and can
specify how layers should be connected. We can use this to create much more advanced and
complex models.
We will use the functional API a lot more from now on. This section of the chapter aims to
provide a brief overview of the Keras functional API, as we will be going into much more
depth in later chapters. Firstly, let's look at a simple two-layer network in both the sequential
and functional way:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(64, input_dim=64))
The preceding model is a simple model implemented in the sequential API. Take note that
this is how we have done it throughout this book so far. We will now implement the same
model in the functional API:
model_input = Input(shape=(64,)) #2
x = Dense(64)(model_input) #3
x = Activation('relu')(x) #4
x = Dense(4)(x)
model_output = Activation('softmax')(x)
1. Instead of defining the model first with model = Sequential(), you now define
the computational graph first and then turn it into a model using
the Model class.
2. Inputs are now their own layer.
3. Instead of using model.add(), you define the layer and then pass on an input
layer or the output tensor of the previous layer.
4. You create models by stringing layers on a chain. Dense(64)(model_input), for
instance, returns a tensor. You pass on this tensor to the next layer, like
in Activation('relu')(x). This function will return a new output tensor, which
you can pass to the next layer, and so on. This way, you create
a computational graph like a chain.
5. To create a model, you pass the model input layer as well as the final output
tensor of your graph into the Model class.
Functional API models can be used just like sequential API models. In fact, from the output
of this model's summary, you can see it is pretty much the same as the model we just created
with the sequential API:
You can see that the functional API can connect layers in more advanced ways than the
sequential API. We can also separate the layer creation and connection step. This keeps the
code clean and allows us to use the same layer for different purposes.
The following code segment will create the exact same model as the preceding segment, but
with separate layer creation and connection steps:
model_input = Input(shape=(64,))
dense = Dense(64)
x = dense(model_input)
activation = Activation('relu')
x = activation(x)
dense_2 = Dense(4)
x = dense_2(x)
model_output = Activation('softmax')(x)
Layers can be reused. For example, we could train some layers in one computational graph
and then use them for another, as we will do in the section on seq2seq models later in the
One more caveat before we move on to use the functional API to build advanced models. We
should note that the activation function of any layer can also be specified directly in the layer.
So far, we have used a separate activation layer, which increases clarity but is not strictly
required. A Dense layer with a relu activation function can also be specified as:
Dense(24, activation='relu')
When using the functional API, this can be easier than adding an activation function.
Are you paying attention? If so, certainly not to everyone equally. In any text, some words
matter more than others. An attention mechanism is a way for a neural network to focus on a
certain element in a sequence. Focusing, for neural networks, means amplifying what is
An example of an attention mechanism
Attention layers are fully connected layers that take in a sequence and output the weighting
for a sequence. The sequence is then multiplied with the weightings:
Let's break down the sequence we've just created. As you can see, it's made up of nine key
Attention block
Notice how the preceding function defines takes a tensor as an input, defines a graph, and
returns a tensor. We can now call this function as part of our model building process:
input_tokens = Input(shape=(maxlen,),name='input')
attention_mul = Flatten(name='flatten')(attention_mul)
output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid',name='output')(attention_mul)
model = Model(input_tokens, output)
In this case, we are using the attention block right after the embeddings. This means that we
can amplify or suppress certain word embeddings. Equally, we could use the attention block
after the LSTM. In many cases, you will find attention blocks to be powerful tools in your
arsenal when it comes to building models that deal with any kind of sequence, especially in
To become more comfortable with how the functional API strings up layers and how the
attention block reshapes tensors, take a look at this model summary:
_______________________Layer (type) Output Shape
Param # Connected to
=======================input (InputLayer) (None, 140)
_______________________embedding (Embedding) (None, 140, 50)
500000 input[0][0]
_______________________Attent_Permute (Permute) (None, 50, 140)
0 embedding[0][0]
_______________________Reshape (Reshape) (None, 50, 140)
0 Attent_Permute[0][0]
_______________________Attent_Dense (Dense) (None, 50, 140)
19740 Reshape[0][0]
_______________________Dim_reduction (Lambda) (None, 140)
0 Attent_Dense[0][0]
_______________________Repeat (RepeatVector) (None, 50, 140)
0 Dim_reduction[0][0]
_______________________Attention_vec (Permute) (None, 140, 50)
0 Repeat[0][0]
_______________________Attention_mul (Multiply) (None, 140, 50)
0 embedding[0][0] Attention_vec[0][0]
_______________________flatten (Flatten) (None, 7000)
0 Attention_mul[0][0]
_______________________output (Dense) (None, 1)
7001 flatten[0][0]
=======================Total params: 526,741Trainable params: 26,741Non-
trainable params: 500,000
This model can be trained, just as any Keras model can be, and achieves around
80% accuracy on the validation set.
Seq2seq models
In 2016, Google announced that it had replaced the entire Google Translate algorithm with a
single neural network. The special thing about the Google Neural Machine Translation system
is that it translates mutliple languages "end-to-end" using only a single model. It works by
encoding the semantics of a sentence and then decoding the semantics into the desired output
The fact that such a system is possible at all baffled many linguists and other researchers, as it
shows that machine learning can create systems that accurately capture high-level meanings
and semantics without being given any explicit rules.
These semantic meanings are represented as an encoding vector, and while we don't quite yet
know how to interpret these vectors, there are a lot of useful applications for them.
Translating from one language to another is one such popular method, but we could use a
similar approach to "translate" a report into a summary. Text summarization has made great
strides, but the downside is that it requires a lot of computing power to deliver meaningful
results, so we will be focusing on language translation.
If all phrases had the exact same length, we could simply use an LSTM (or multiple
LSTMs). Remember that an LSTM can also return a full sequence of the same length
as the input sequence. However, in many cases, sequences will not have the same
To deal with different lengths of phrases, we'll need to create an encoder that aims to
capture the sentence's semantic meaning. We then create a decoder that has two
inputs: the encoded semantics and the sequence that was already produced. The
decoder then predicts the next item in the sequence. For our character-level
translator, it looks like this:
Note: The data and code for this section can be found on Kaggle
The data
We use a dataset of English phrases and their translation. This dataset was obtained
from the Tabotea project, a translation database, and you can find the file attached to
the code on Kaggle. We implement this model on a character level, which means that
unlike previous models, we won't tokenize words, but characters. This makes the
task harder for our network because it now has to also learn how to spell words!
However, on the other hand, there are a lot fewer characters than words, therefore
we can just one-hot encode characters instead of having to work with embeddings.
This makes our model a bit simpler.
batch_size = 64 #1
epochs = 100 #2
latent_dim = 256 #3
num_samples = 10000 #4
data_path = 'fra-eng/fra.txt' #5
Input (English) and target (French) is tab delimited in the data file. Each row
represents a new phrase. The translations are separated by a tab (escaped
character: \t). So, we loop over the lines and read out inputs and targets by splitting
the lines at the tab symbol.
To build up our tokenizer, we also need to know which characters are present in our
dataset. So, for all of the characters, we need to check whether they are already in
our set of seen characters, and if not, add them to it.
To do this, we must first set up the holding variables for texts and characters:
input_texts = []
target_texts = []
input_characters = set()
target_characters = set()
Then we loop over as many lines as we want samples and extract the texts and
lines = open(data_path).read().split('\n')
for line in lines[: min(num_samples, len(lines) - 1)]:
Let's break this code down so that we can understand it in more detail:
1. Input and target are split by tabs, English TAB French, so we split the lines by
tabs to obtain input and target texts.
2. We use \t as the "start sequence" character for the targets, and \n as
"end sequence" character. This way, we know when to stop decoding.
3. We loop over the characters in the input text, adding all characters that
we have not seen yet to our set of input characters.
4. We loop over the characters in the output text, adding all characters that
we have not seen yet to our set of output characters.
Encoding characters
We now need to create lists of alphabetically sorted input and output characters,
which we can do by running:
input_characters = sorted(list(input_characters))
target_characters = sorted(list(target_characters))
We're also going to count how many input and output characters we have. This is
important since we need to know how many dimensions our one-hot encodings
should have. We can find this by writing the following:
num_encoder_tokens = len(input_characters)
num_decoder_tokens = len(target_characters)
Instead of using the Keras tokenizer, we will build our own dictionary mapping
characters to token numbers. We can do this by running the following:
63 51 48 0 46 44 63 0 62 52 63 62 0 58 57 0 63 51 48 0 56 44 63
Next, we build up our model training data. Remember that our model has two inputs
but only one output. While our model can handle sequences of any length, it is handy
to prepare the data in NumPy and thus to know how long our longest sequence is:
Now we prepare input and output data for our model. encoder_input_data is a 3D
array of shape (num_pairs, max_english_sentence_length,
num_english_characters) containing a one-hot vectorization of the English sentences:
You can see that the input and output of the decoder are the same except that the
output is one timestep ahead. This makes sense when you consider that we feed an
unfinished sequence into the decoder and want it to predict the next character. We
will use the functional API to create a model with two inputs.
You can see that the decoder also has two inputs: the decoder inputs and
the encoded semantics. The encoded semantics, however, are not directly the
outputs of the encoder LSTM but its states. In an LSTM, states are the hidden
memory of the cells. What happens is that the first "memory" of our decoder is the
encoded semantics. To give the decoder this first memory, we can initialize its states
with the states of the decoder LSTM.
To return states, we have to set the return_state argument, configuring an RNN layer
to return a list where the first entry is the outputs and the next entries are the internal
RNN states. Once again, we are using CuDNNLSTM. If you do not have a GPU, replace
it with LSTM, but note that training this model without a GPU can take a very long time
to complete:
Now we define the decoder. The decoder uses the states of the encoder as initial
states for its decoding LSTM.
You can think of it like this: imagine you were a translator translating English to
French. When tasked with translating, you would first listen to the English speaker
and form ideas about what the speaker wants to say in your head. You would then
use these ideas to form a French sentence expressing the same idea.
It is important to understand that we are not just passing a variable, but a piece
of the computational graph. This means that we can later backpropagate from the
decoder to the encoder. In the case of our previous analogy, you might think that
your French translation suffered from a poor understanding of the English sentence,
so you might start changing your English comprehension based on the outcomes of
your French translation, for example:
decoder_outputs, _, _ =
decoder_lstm(decoder_inputs,initial_state=encoder_states) #3
We now have the pieces we need to define our model with two inputs and one
If you have the graphviz library installed, you can visualize the model very nicely
using the following code lines. Unfortunately, however, this code snippet won't work
on Kaggle:
SVG(model_to_dot(model).create(prog='dot', format='svg'))
You can now compile and train the model. Since we have to choose between a
number of possible characters to output next, this is basically a multi-class
classification task. Therefore, we'll use a categorical cross-entropy loss:
model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='categorical_crossentropy')
history =[encoder_input_data, decoder_input_data],
The training process takes about 7 minutes on a GPU. However, if we were to plot
the model's progress, you can see that it's overfitting:
Seq2seq overfitting
The reason it's overfitting is largely because we used only 10,000 sentence pairs of
only relatively short sentences. To get a bigger model, a real translation or
summarization system would have to be trained on many more examples. To allow
you to follow the examples without owning a massive datacenter, we are just using
a smaller model to give an example of what a seq2seq architecture can do.
Overfitting or not, we would like to use our model now. Using a seq2seq model for
inference, in this case for doing translations, requires us to build a separate inference
model that uses the weights trained in the training model, but does the routing a bit
differently. More specifically, we will separate the encoder and decoder. This way, we
can first create the encoding once and then use it for decoding instead of creating it
again and again.
The encoder model maps from the encoder inputs to the encoder states:
The decoder model then takes in the encoder memory plus its own memory from the
last character as an input. It then spits out a prediction plus its own memory to be
used for the next character:
decoder_outputs, state_h, state_c = decoder_lstm(decoder_inputs,
initial_state=decoder_states_inputs) #3
decoder_model = Model([decoder_inputs] +
decoder_states_inputs,[decoder_outputs] + decoder_states) #6
1. The encoder memory consists of two states. We need to create two inputs
for both of them.
2. We then combine the two states into one memory representation.
3. We then connect the decoder LSTM we trained earlier to the decoder inputs
and the encoder memory.
4. We combine the two states of the decoder LSTM into one memory
5. We reuse the dense layer of the decoder to predict the next character.
6. Finally, we set up the decoder model to take in the character input as well as
the state input and map it to the character output as well as the state output.
Making translations
We can now start to use our model. To do this, we must first create an index that
maps tokens to characters again:
When we translate a phrase, we must first encode the input. We'll then loop, feeding
the decoder states back into the decoder until we receive a STOP; in our case, we
use the tab character to signal STOP.
def decode_sequence(input_seq):
states_value = encoder_model.predict(input_seq) #1
target_seq[0, 0, target_token_index['\t']] = 1. #3
stop_condition = False #4
decoded_sentence = ''
output_tokens, h, c = decoder_model.predict(
[target_seq] + states_value) #6
sampled_char = reverse_target_char_index[sampled_token_index]
decoded_sentence += sampled_char #9
return decoded_sentence
For the final time in this chapter, let's break down the code:
Now we can translate English into French! At least for some phrases, it works quite
well. Given that we did not supply our model with any rules about French words or
grammar, this is quite impressive. Translation systems such as Google Translate,
of course, use much bigger datasets and models, but the underlying principles are
the same.
my_text = 'Thanks!'
placeholder = np.zeros((1,len(my_text)+10,num_encoder_tokens))
We then one-hot encode all characters in the text by setting the element at the index
of the characters' token numbers to 1:
This will print out the characters' token numbers alongside the character and its
position in the text:
0 T 38
1 h 51
2 a 44
3 n 57
4 k 54
5 s 62
6 ! 1
'Merci !\n'
Seq2seq models are useful not only for translating between languages. They can be
trained on just about anything that takes a sequence as an input and also outputs
a sequence.
Remember our forecasting task from the last chapter? The winning solution to the
forecasting problem was a seq2seq model. Text summarization is another useful
application. Seq2seq models can also be trained to output a series of actions,
such as a sequence of trades that would minimize the impact of a large order.
Now that we're at the end of the chapter, let's see what we've learned. To finish this chapter,
I've included three exercises that will challenge you based on what we've covered in this
1. Add an extra layer to the encoder of the translation model. The translation
model might work better if it had a bit more capacity to learn the structure of
French sentences. Adding one more LSTM layer will be a good exercise
to learn about the functional API.
2. Add attention to the encoder of the translation model. Attention will allow the
model to focus on the (English) words that really matter for translation. It is
best to use attention as the last layer. This task is a bit harder than the
previous one, but you will understand the inner workings of attention much
3. Visit Daily News for Stock Market
Prediction at The task is to use
the daily news as an input to predict stock prices. There are a number of
kernels already that can help you with this. Use what you have learned in this
chapter to predict some stock prices!
In this chapter, you have learned the most important NLP techniques. There was a lot that
we've learned, and here's a big list of things we covered in this chapter and everything you
should now feel confident about understanding:
You now have a big set of tools in your toolbox that will allow you to tackle NLP problems.
Throughout the rest of this book, you will see some of these techniques again, being used in
different contexts to solve hard problems. These techniques are useful across the industry,
from retail banking to hedge fund investing. While the problem your institution is trying to
solve might require a bit of tweaking, the general approaches are quite transferable.
In the next chapter, we will look at a technique that has gained a lot of attention since
DeepMind beat a human Go champion: reinforcement learning. This technique is especially
useful when working in financial markets and is in many ways a natural extension of what
many quantitative investment firms are already doing. So, stay tuned, and I'll see you on the
other side.
Chapter 6. Using Generative Models
Generative models generate new data. In a way, they are the exact opposite of the models that
we've dealt with in prior chapters. While an image classifier takes in a high-dimensional
input, the image, and outputs a low-dimensional output such as the content of the image, a
generative model goes about things in exactly the opposite way around. It might, for example,
draw images from the description of what's in them.
Generative models are still in the experimental phase of their development, and are currently
used mostly in image applications. However, they are an important model as shown by the
fact that there have already been several applications that have used generative models that
have caused an uproar within the industry.
This technology is not completely negative, there are positive applications as well, especially
if the generative model's data is sparse. If this is the case, generative models can generate
realistic data that other models can then train on. Generative models are able to "translate"
images, a prime example being taking satellite images and turning them into street maps.
Another example is that generative models can generate code from website screenshots. They
can even be used to combat unfairness and discrimination in machine learning models,
as we will see in Chapter 9, Fighting Bias.
In the field of finance, data is frequently sparse. Think back to the fraud case from Chapter
2, Applying Machine Learning to Structured Data, in which we were classifying fraudulent
transactions from transaction metadata. We found that there was not much fraud taking place
in the dataset that we used, so the model had a hard time detecting when fraud was taking
place. Usually, when this occurs, engineers make assumptions and create synthetic data.
Machine learning models, however, can do this themselves, and in the process, they might
even discover some useful features that can help with fraud detection.
In algorithmic trading, data is frequently generated in simulators. Want to know how your
algorithm would do in a global selloff? Luckily, there are not that many global selloffs, so
engineers at quantitative analysis firms spend a lot of their time creating simulations of
selloffs. These simulators are often biased by the engineer's experience and their feelings
about what a selloff should look like. However, what if the models could learn what a selloff
fundamentally looks like, and then create data describing an infinite number of selloffs?
In this chapter, we'll be focusing on two families of generative models: autoencoders and
GANs. Firstly there is the family of autoencoders, which aim to compress data into a lower
dimensional representation and then reconstruct the data faithfully. The second family is that
of the GANs, which aim to train a generator so that a separate discriminator cannot tell fake
images from true images.
Understanding autoencoders
Technically, autoencoders are not generative models since they cannot create
completely new kinds of data. Yet, variational autoencoders, a minor tweak to vanilla
autoencoders, can. So, it makes sense to first understand autoencoders
by themselves, before adding the generative element.
This might sound trivial at first, but the trick here is that autoencoders have
a bottleneck. The middle hidden layer's size is smaller than the size of the
input, x. Therefore, the model has to learn a compressed representation that
captures all of the important elements of x in a smaller vector.
This can best be shown in the following diagram, where we can see a compressed
representation of the Autoencoder scheme:
Autoencoder scheme
In this section, we will build two autoencoders. The first will be used for handwritten
digits from the MNIST dataset. Generative models are easier to debug and
understand for visual data due to the fact that humans are intuitively good at judging
whether two pictures show something similar, but are less good at judging abstract
data. The second autoencoder is for a fraud detection task, using similar methods
as the MNIST dataset.
Let's start with a simple autoencoder for the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits. An
MNIST image is 28x28 pixels and can be flattened into a vector of 784 elements,
which equals 28x28. We will compress this data into a vector with only 32 elements
by using an autoencoder.
Before diving into the code described here, make sure you have saved the MNIST
dataset on the right path, successfully imported both the NumPy and Matplotlib
libraries, and set a random seed to ensure that your experiments are reproducible.
Note: You can find the code for the MNIST autoencoder and variational autoencoder
under the following URL
We're going to set the encoding dimensionality hyperparameter now so that we can
use it later:
encoding_dim = 32
Then, we construct the autoencoder using the Keras functional API. While a simple
autoencoder could be constructed using the sequential API, this is a good refresher
for us on how the functional API works.
First, we import the Model class, which allows us to create functional API models.
We also need to import both the Input and Dense layers. You'll remember from
previous chapters how the functional API needs a separate input layer, while the
sequential API does not need one. To import both layers, we need to run
the following:
input_img = Input(shape=(784,))
After we have created and chained up the layers, we are then able to create a model
that maps from the input to the decoded image:
To get a better idea of what is going on, we can plot a visualization of the resulting
autoencoder model with the following code:
Autoencoder model
Which we can compile with:
autoencoder.compile(optimizer='adadelta', loss='binary_crossentropy')
To train this autoencoder, we use the X values as both the input and output:,
flat, X_test_flat))
After we train this autoencoder, which will take between one and two minutes, we can
visually inspect how well it is doing. To do this, we first extract a single image
from the test set, before adding a batch dimension to the image in order to
run it through the model, which is what we use np.expand_dims for:
original = np.expand_dims(X_test_flat[0],0)
Now we're going to run the original image through the autoencoder. You'll remember
that the original MNIST image showed us a number seven, so we're hoping that the
output of our autoencoder shows a seven as well:
seven = autoencoder.predict(original)
Next, we're going to reshape both the autoencoder output as well as the original
image back into 28x28-pixel images:
seven = seven.reshape(1,28,28)
original = original.reshape(1,28,28)
imgplot = plt.imshow(seven[0,:,:])
After running that code, you'll see that our hopes have been achieved! Compared
to the original image (left), our autoencoder image (right) is also showing a seven!:
Autoencoder result
As you can see in the preceding screenshot, the reconstructed seven is still a seven,
so the autoencoder was able to capture the general idea of what a seven is. It's not
perfect though, as you can see it's a bit blurry around the edges, especially in the top
left. It seems that while the autoencoder is unsure about the length of the lines, it
does have a good idea that there are two lines in a seven and it is aware of the
general direction they follow.
In the next section, we will apply an autoencoder to the credit card fraud problem.
Throughout this section, we will once again be dealing with the problem of credit card
fraud. This time, we will be using a slightly different dataset from that in Chapter
2, Applying Machine Learning to Structured Data.
This new dataset contains records of actual credit card transactions with anonymized
features; however, it does not lend itself much to feature engineering. Therefore, we
will have to rely on end-to-end learning methods in order to build a good fraud
As usual, we first load the data. The Time feature shows the absolute time of the
transaction, which makes the data a bit hard to deal with here. Therefore, we will
just drop it, which we can do by running:
df = pd.read_csv('../input/creditcard.csv')
df = df.drop('Time',axis=1)
We then separate the X data on the transaction from the classification of the
transaction and extract the NumPy array that underlies the pandas DataFrame:
X = df.drop('Class',axis=1).values
y = df['Class'].values
Now we need to scale the features. Feature scaling makes it easier for our model to
learn a good representation of the data. This time around, we're going employ a
slightly different method of feature scaling than what we did before. We'll scale all
features to be between zero and one, as opposed to having a mean of zero and
a standard deviation of one. By doing this, we ensure that there are neither any
very high nor very low values in the dataset.
We must be aware that this method is susceptible to outliers influencing the result.
For each column, we first subtract the minimum value, so that the new minimum
value becomes zero. Next, we divide by the maximum value so that the new
maximum value becomes one.
X -= X.min(axis=0)
X /= X.max(axis=0)
We then create the exact same autoencoder as we did before; however, this time, we
do it with different dimensions. Our input now has 29 dimensions, which we
compress down to 12 dimensions before aiming to restore the original 29-
dimensional output.
If you are working with images or deeper networks, a ReLU activation is usually
a good choice. However, if you are working with a shallower network, as we are
doing here, then a tanh activation often works well:
data_in = Input(shape=(29,))
encoded = Dense(12,activation='tanh')(data_in)
decoded = Dense(29,activation='sigmoid')(encoded)
autoencoder = Model(data_in,decoded)
In this example, we've used a mean squared error loss. This seems a bit of an
unusual choice at first, using a sigmoid activation with a mean squared error loss, yet
it makes sense. Most people think that sigmoid activations have to be used with
a cross-entropy loss, but cross-entropy loss encourages values to either be zero or
one, which works well for classification tasks where this is the case.
In our credit card example, most values will be around 0.5. Mean squared error,
which we can see being implemented in the code below, is better at dealing with
values where the target is not binary, but on a spectrum. Binary cross entropy forces
values to be close to zero and one, which is not what we always want:
After training, which will take around two minutes, the autoencoder converges to a
low loss:,X_train,epochs =
The reconstruction loss is low, but how do we know whether our autoencoder is
working well? Once again, a visual inspection will come to the rescue. As we've
explained before, humans are very good at judging things visually, but not very good
at judging abstract numbers.
To run a visual inspection, first we must make some predictions, in which we'll run
a subset of our test set through the autoencoder:
pred = autoencoder.predict(X_test[0:10])
We must can then plot individual samples. The following code produces an
overlaid bar chart comparing the original transaction data with the reconstructed
transaction data:
prediction = pred[9]
true_value = X_test[9]
indices = np.arange(len(prediction))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
As you can see, our model does a fine job at reconstructing the original values.
The reconstructed values often match the true values, and if they don't, then they
only deviate by a small margin. As you can see, visual inspection gives more insight
than looking at abstract numbers.
Visualizing latent spaces with t-SNE
We now have an autoencoder that takes in a credit card transaction and outputs a credit card
transaction that looks more or less the same. However, this is not why we built the
autoencoder. The main advantage of an autoencoder is that we can now encode the transaction
into a lower dimensional representation that captures the main elements of the transaction.
To create the encoder model, all we have to do is to define a new Keras model that maps from
the input to the encoded state:
encoder = Model(data_in,encoded)
Note that you don't need to train this model again. The layers keep the weights from the
previously trained autoencoder.
enc = encoder.predict(X_test)
But how would we know whether these encodings contain any meaningful information about
fraud? Once again, visual representation is key. While our encodings have fewer dimensions
than the input data, they still have 12 dimensions. It's impossible for humans to think about a
12-dimensional space, so we need to draw our encodings in a lower dimensional space while
still preserving the characteristics we care about.
In our case, the characteristic we care about is proximity. We want points that are close to
each other in the 12-dimensional space to be close to each other in the 2-dimensional plot.
More precisely, we care about the neighborhood. We want the points that are closest to each
other in the high-dimensional space to also be closest to each other in the low-dimensional
Preserving the neighborhood is important because we want to find clusters of fraud. If we find
that fraudulent transactions form a cluster in our high-dimensional encodings, then we can use
a simple check if a new transaction falls into the fraud cluster to flag a transaction as
fraudulent. A popular method to project high-dimensional data into low-dimensional plots
while preserving neighborhoods is called t-distributed stochastic neighbor
embedding, or t-SNE.
In a nutshell, t-SNE aims to faithfully represent the probability that two points are neighbors
in a random sample of all points. That is, it tries to find a low-dimensional representation of
data in which points in a random sample have the same probability of being the closest
neighbors as in the high-dimensional data:
How t-SNE measures similarity
4. Just like in training neural networks, we will optimize the positions of the data
points in the lower dimensional space by following the gradient of a loss
function. The loss function, in this case, is the Kullback–Leibler (KL)
divergence between the similarities in the higher and lower dimensional space.
We will give the KL divergence a closer look in the section on variational
autoencoders. For now, just think of it as a way to measure the difference
between two distributions. The derivative of the loss function with respect to
the position yi of data point i in the lower dimensional space is as follows:
5. Adjust the data points in the lower dimensional space by using gradient
descent, moving points that were close in the high-dimensional data closer
together and moving points that were further away further from each other:
6. You will recognize this as a form of gradient descent with momentum, as the
previous gradient is incorporated into the updated position.
The t-distribution used always has one degree of freedom. This freedom leads to a simpler
formula as well as some nice numerical properties that lead to faster computation and more
useful charts.
The standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution can be influenced by the user with
a perplexity hyperparameter. Perplexity can be interpreted as the number of neighbors we
expect a point to have. A low perplexity value emphasizes local proximities, while a high
perplexity value emphasizes global perplexity values. Mathematically, perplexity can be
calculated as follows:
Here Pi is a probability distribution over the position of all data points in the dataset
and is the Shanon entropy of this distribution, calculated as follows:
While the details of this formula are not very relevant to using t-SNE, it is important to know
that t-SNE performs a search over values of the standard deviation, , so that it finds a
global distribution, Pi, for which the entropy over our data is of our desired perplexity. In
other words, you need to specify the perplexity by hand, but what that perplexity means for
your dataset also depends on the dataset itself.
Laurens Van Maarten and Geoffrey Hinton, the inventors of t-SNE, report that the algorithm
is relatively robust for choices of perplexity between 5 and 50. The default value in most
libraries is 30, which is a fine value for most datasets. However, if you find that your
visualizations are not satisfactory, then tuning the perplexity value is probably the first thing
you would want to do.
For all the math involved, using t-SNE is surprisingly simple. Scikit-learn has a handy t-SNE
implementation that we can use just like any algorithm in scikit-learn.
We first import the TSNE class, and then we can create a new TSNE instance. We define that we
want to train for 5000 epochs, and use the default perplexity of 30 and the default learning
rate of 200. We also specify that we would like output during the training process. We then
call fit_transform, which transforms our 12 encodings into 2-dimensional projections:
As a word of warning, t-SNE is quite slow as it needs to compute the distances between all
the points. By default, scikit-learn uses a faster version of t-SNE called the Barnes Hut
approximation. While it's not as precise, it's significantly faster.
There's also a faster Python implementation of t-SNE that can be used as a drop-in
replacement of the scikit-learn implementation. However, this is not as well documented and
contains fewer features, therefore we will not be covering it in this book.
Note: You can find the faster implementation with installation instructions under the
following URL
We can then plot our t-SNE results as a scatterplot. For illustration, we will distinguish frauds
from non-frauds by color, with frauds being plotted in red and non-frauds being plotted in
blue. Since the actual values of t-SNE do not matter as much, we will hide the axes:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
scatter =plt.scatter(res[:,0],res[:,1],c=y_test, cmap='coolwarm', s=0.6)
Let's now see, what the output chart will look like:
t-SNE results in the form of a scatter graph
For easier spotting, and for those reading the print version, the cluster containing the most
frauds, those that are marked red, has been marked with a circle. You can see that the frauds
are nicely separate from the rest of the genuine transactions, those in blue. Clearly, our
autoencoder has found a way to distinguish frauds from the genuine transaction without being
given labels. This is a form of unsupervised learning.
Using our autoencoder, we could now use the encoded information as features for a classifier.
However, what's even better is that with only a slight modification of the autoencoder, we can
generate more data that has the underlying properties of a fraud case while having different
features. This is done with a variational autoencoder, which will be the focus of the next
Variational autoencoders
Autoencoders are basically an approximation for PCA. However, they can be extended to
become generative models. Given an input, variational autoencoders (VAEs) can create
encoding distributions. This means that for a fraud case, the encoder would produce a
distribution of possible encodings that all represent the most important characteristics of the
transaction. The decoder would then turn all of the encodings back into the original
This is useful since it allows us to generate data about transactions. One problem of fraud
detection that we discovered earlier is that there are not all that many fraudulent transactions.
Therefore, by using a VAE, we can sample any amount of transaction encodings and train our
classifier with more fraudulent transaction data.
So, how do VAEs do it? Instead of having just one compressed representation vector, a VAE
has two: one for the mean encoding, , and one for the standard deviation of this
encoding, :
VAE scheme
Both the mean and standard deviation are vectors, just as with the encoding vector we used
for the vanilla autoencoder. However, to create the actual encoding, we simply need to add
To achieve a broad distribution of values, our network trains with a combination of two
losses: the reconstruction loss, which you know from the vanilla autoencoder; and the KL
divergence loss between the encoding distribution and a standard Gaussian distribution with a
standard deviation of one.
MNIST example
Now on to our first VAE. This VAE will work with the MNIST dataset and give you a
better idea about how VAEs work. In the next section, we will build the same VAE for
credit card fraud detection.
Firstly, we need to import several elements, which we can do simply by running:
Notice the two new imports, the Lambda layer and the metrics module.
The metrics module provides metrics, such as the cross-entropy loss, which we will
use to build our custom loss function. Meanwhile the Lambda layer allows us to use
Python functions as layers, which we will use to sample from the encoding
distribution. We will see just how the Lambda layer works in a bit, but first, we need to
set up the rest of the neural network.
The first thing we need to do is to define a few hyperparameters. Our data has an
original dimensionality of 784, which we compress into a latent vector with 32
dimensions. Our network has an intermediate layer between the input and the latent
vector, which has 256 dimensions. We will train for 50 epochs with a batch size of
batch_size = 100
original_dim = 784
latent_dim = 32
intermediate_dim = 256
epochs = 50
For computational reasons, it is easier to learn the log of the standard deviation
rather than the standard deviation itself. To do this we create the first half of our
network, in which the input, x, maps to the intermediate layer, h. From this layer, our
network splits into z_mean, which expresses and z_log_var, which expresses :
x = Input(shape=(original_dim,))
h = Dense(intermediate_dim, activation='relu')(x)
z_mean = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
z_log_var = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
Using the Lambda layer
The Lambda layer wraps an arbitrary expression, that is, a Python function, as a Keras
layer. Yet there are a few requirements in order to make this work.
For backpropagation to work, the function needs to be differentiable. After all, we
want to update the network weights by the gradient of the loss. Luckily, Keras comes
with a number of functions in its backend module that are all differentiable, and simple
Python math, such as y = x + 4, is fine as well.
Additionally, a Lambda function can only take one input argument. In the layer we want
to create, the input is just the previous layer's output tensor. In this case, we want to
create a layer with two inputs, and . Therefore, we will wrap both inputs into
a tuple that we can then take apart.
1. We take apart the input tuple and have our two input tensors.
2. We create a tensor containing random, normally distributed noise with a mean
of zero and a standard deviation of one. The tensor has the shape as our input
tensors (batch_size, latent_dim).
3. Finally, we multiply the random noise with our standard deviation to give it the
learned standard deviation and add the learned mean. Since we are learning
the log standard deviation, we have to apply the exponent function to our
learned tensor.
All these operations are differentiable since we are using the Keras backend
functions. Now we can turn this function into a layer and connect it to the previous
two layers with one line:
z = Lambda(sampling)([z_mean, z_log_var])
And voilà! We've now got a custom layer that samples from a normal distribution
described by two tensors. Keras can automatically backpropagate through this layer
and train the weights of the layers before it.
Now that we have encoded our data, we also need to decode it as well. We are able
to do this with two Dense layers:
Our network is now complete. This network will encode any MNIST image into a
mean and a standard deviation tensor from which the decoding part then
reconstructs the image. The only thing missing is the custom loss incentivizing the
network to both reconstruct images and produce a normal Gaussian distribution in its
encodings. Let's address that now.
Kullback–Leibler divergence
To create the custom loss for our VAE, we need a custom loss function. This
loss function will be based on the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence.
KL divergence, is one of the metrics, just like cross-entropy, that machine learning
inherited from information theory. While it is used frequently, there are many
struggles you can encounter when trying to understand it.
Of course, the returns in your data are not exactly normally distributed. So, just how
much information about returns would you lose if you did lose the approximation?
This is exactly what the KL divergence is measuring:
The partial derivatives to our mean and standard deviation vectors are, therefore as
With the other being:
You can see that the derivative with respect to is zero if is zero, and the
derivative with respect to is zero if is one. This loss term is added to the
reconstruction loss.
The VAE loss is a combination of two losses: a reconstruction loss incentivizing the
model to reconstruct its input well, and a KL divergence loss which is incentivizing the
model to approximate a normal Gaussian distribution with its encodings. To create
this combined loss, we have to first calculate the two loss components separately
before combining them.
The reconstruction loss is the same loss that we applied for the vanilla autoencoder.
Binary cross-entropy is an appropriate loss for MNIST reconstruction. Since Keras'
implementation of a binary cross-entropy loss already takes the mean across the
batch, an operation we only want to do later, we have to scale the loss back up,
so that we can divide it by the output dimensionality:
Expressed in Python, the KL divergence loss appears like the following code:
Since we have used the Keras backend for all of the calculations, the resulting loss is
a tensor that can be automatically differentiated. Now we can create our model as
Since we are using a custom loss, we have the loss separately, and we can't just add
it in the compile statement:
Now we will compile the model. Since our model already has a loss, we only have
to specify the optimizer:
Another side effect of the custom loss is that it compares the output of the VAE with
the input of the VAE, which makes sense as we want to reconstruct the input.
Therefore, we do not have to specify the y values, as only specifying an input is
validation_data=(X_test_flat, None))
In the next section we will learn how we can use a VAE to generate data.
So, we've got our autoencoder, but how do we generate more data? Well, we take an
input, say, a picture of a seven, and run it through the autoencoder multiple times.
Since the autoencoder is randomly sampling from a distribution, the output will be
slightly different at each run.
To showcase this, from our test data, we're going to take a seven:
one_seven = X_test_flat[0]
We then add a batch dimension and repeat the seven across the batch four times.
After which we now have a batch of four, identical sevens:
one_seven = np.expand_dims(one_seven,0)
one_seven = one_seven.repeat(4,axis=0)
We can then make a prediction on that batch, in which case, we get back the
reconstructed sevens:
s = vae.predict(one_seven)
The next step is broken in two parts. Firstly, we're going to reshape all the sevens
back into image form:
s= s.reshape(4,28,28)
fig=plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
columns = 2
rows = 2
for i in range(1, columns*rows +1):
img = s[i-1]
fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i)
As a result of running the code that we've just walked through, we'll then see the
following screenshot showing our four sevens as our output:
A collection of sevens
As you can see, all of the images show a seven. While they look quite similar, if you
look closely, you can see that there are several distinct differences. The seven on the
top left has a less pronounced stroke than the seven on the bottom left. Meanwhile,
the seven on the bottom right has a sight bow at the end.
What we've just witnessed is the VAE successfully creating new data. While using
this data for more training is not as good as compared to using using completely new
real-world data, it is still very useful. While generative models such as this one are
nice on the eye we will now discuss how this technique can be used for credit card
fraud detection.
To transfer the VAE from an MNIST example to a real fraud detection problem, all we
have to do is change three hyperparameters: the input, the intermediate, and the
latent dimensionality of the credit card VAE, which are all smaller than for the MNIST
VAE. Everything else will remain the same:
original_dim = 29
latent_dim = 6
intermediate_dim = 16
The following visualization shows the resulting VAE including both the input and
output shapes:
Armed with a VAE that can encode and generate credit card data, we can now tackle
the task of an end-to-end fraud detection system. This can reduce bias in predictions
as we can learn complicated rules directly from data.
We are using the encoding part of the autoencoder as a feature extractor as well as
a method to give us more data where we need it. How exactly that works will be
covered in the section on active learning, but for now, let's take a little detour and
look at how VAEs work for time series.
Autoencoders have found applications in connection to time series as they are able to encode
a long time series into a single, descriptive vector. This vector can then, for example, be used
to efficiently compare one time series to another time series, based on specific and complex
patterns that cannot be captured with a simple correlation, for instance.
Consider the 2010 "Flash Crash." On May 6, 2010, starting at 02:32, US markets saw a major
loss of value. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost about 9%, which equates to about a
trillion dollars' worth of value being wiped out in a couple of minutes. 36 minutes later, the
crash was over, most of the lost value was regained, and people started wondering what on
earth had just happened.
Five years later, a man named Navinder Singh Sarao was arrested for having in part caused
the flash crash and having made $40 million in the process. Sarao engaged in a practice called
"spoofing" in which he used an automated bot to place large sell orders that could not be filled
in the market but would drive prices down.
The bot would leave the orders in the order books of the stock exchange for only a short
period of time before canceling them. In the mean time, Sarao would buy the stock at the new
lower prices and then profit when the stocks started rebounding after the canceled sales
orders. While Sarao was certainly not the only one responsible for the flash crash, practices
such as spoofing are now illegal, and exchanges, such as the NASDAQ (US), Tokyo (Japan),
and Bombay (India) Stock Exchanges, now have to monitor and flag such cases.
If you dig back into old blog posts about high-frequency trading, such as
Bloomberg's Spoofers Keep Markets Honest, which you can view
and-front-running, then you will find that some traders working at large firms openly
recommend spoofing or front-running large orders, but that is a story for another time.
How would we detect when someone engages in spoofing? One way is to use an autoencoder.
By using a large amount of order book information, we can train an autoencoder to
reconstruct "normal" trading behavior. For traders whose trading patterns deviate a lot from
normal trading, the reconstruction loss of the trained autoencoder for the transaction will be
quite high.
Another option is to train the autoencoder on different kinds of patterns, whether these are
illegal or not, and then cluster the patterns in the latent space, just as we did for the fraudulent
credit card transactions.
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs), by default, take in a time series and output a single
vector. They can also output sequences if Keras' return_sequences argument is set
to True. Using recurrent neural networks such as LSTMs, building an autoencoder for time
series can be done using the following code:
model = Sequential() #1
model.add(LSTM(latent_dim, input_shape=(maxlen, nb_features))) #2
model.add(RepeatVector(maxlen)) #3
model.add(LSTM(nb_features, return_sequences=True)) #4
Let's pause for a second and break down what we've just coded. As you can see, there are four
key elements to this code:
VAEs can also find their way into trading. They can be used to augment backtesting by
generating new, unseen data for testing. Likewise, we can use VAEs to generate data about
contracts where data is missing.
It is reasonable to assume that just because two market days look a bit different, the same
forces might be at work. Mathematically, we can assume that market data is sampled
from a probability distribution, p(x), with a small number of latent variables, h. Using an
autoencoder, we can then approximate p(h|x), the distribution of h given x. This will allow us
to analyze the driving forces, h, in a market.
This solves the problem that a standard maximum likelihood model for this kind of problem is
computationally intractable. Two other methods performing the same feat are the Markov
Chain Monte Carlo and Hamilton Monte Carlo methods. While neither will be covered in
depth here, though they will be featured in later chapters, it's worth understanding that VAEs
address long-standing problems in mathematical finance in a computationally tractable way.
Generative models can also be used to solve problems beyond the scope of traditional
methods. Financial markets are fundamentally adversarial environments in which investors
are trying to achieve something that is impossible in aggregate: above-average returns.
Knowing that a company is doing well is not enough: if everyone knows the company is
doing well, then the stock price will be high and returns will be low. The key is knowing that
a company is doing well while everyone else believes it is doing poorly. Markets are a zero-
sum game-theoretic environment. GANs make use of these dynamics to generate realistic
GANs work a lot like an art forger and a museum curator. Every day, the art forger tries to
sell some fake art to the museum, and every day the curator tries to distinguish whether a
certain piece is real or fake. The forger learns from their failures. By trying to fool the curator
and observing what leads to success and failure, they become a better forger. But the curator
learns too. By trying to stay ahead of the forger, they become a better curator. As time passes,
the forgeries become better and so does the distinguishing process. After years of battle, the
art forger is an expert that can draw just as well as Picasso and the curator is an expert that
can distinguish a real painting by tiny details.
Technically, a GAN consists of two neural networks: a generator, which produces data from a
random latent vector, and a discriminator, which classifies data as "real," that is, stemming
from the training set, or "fake," that is, stemming from the generator.
GAN scheme
Once again, generative models are easier to understand when images are generated, so in this
section, we will look at image data, although all kinds of data can be used.
Note: GAN training has a lot of similarities to the visualization of the network layers
that we discussed in Chapter 3, Utilizing Computer Vision, only this time we don't just
create one image that maximizes an activation function, instead we create a
generative network that specializes in maximizing the activation function of another
Mathematically, generator G and discriminator D play a mini-max two-player game with the
value function V(G,D):
In this formula x is an item drawn from the distribution of real data, , and z is
a latent vector drawn from the latent vector space, pz.
The output distribution of the generator is noted as pg. It can be shown that the global
optimum of this game is
, that is, if the distribution of the generated data is equal to the distribution of actual data.
GANs get optimized following a game-theoretic value function. Solving this type
of optimization problem with deep learning is an active area of research, and an area we will
visit again in Chapter 8, Privacy, Debugging, and Launching Your Products, where we will
discuss reinforcement learning. The fact that deep learning can be used to solve Minimax
games is exciting news for the field of finance and economics, which features many such
Let's now implement a GAN in order to generate MNIST characters. Before we start,
we need to do some imports. GANs are large models, and in this section you will see
how to combine sequential and functional API models for easy model building:
• LeakyReLU is just like ReLU, except that the activation allows for small negative
values. This prevents the gradient from ever becoming zero. This activation
function works well for GANs, something we will discuss in the next section:
Leaky ReLU
• Reshape does the same as np.reshape: it brings a tensor into a new form.
• UpSampling2D scales a 2D feature map up, for example, by a factor of two,
by repeating all numbers in the feature map.
Neural network layers get initialized randomly. Usually, the random numbers
are drawn from a distribution that supports learning well. For GANs, it turns out that
a normal Gaussian distribution is a better alternative:
generator = Sequential() #1
generator.add(Dense(128*7*7, input_dim=latent_dim,
kernel_initializer=RandomNormal(stddev=0.02))) #2
generator.add(LeakyReLU(0.2)) #3
generator.add(Reshape((128, 7, 7))) #4
generator.add(UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2))) #5
generator.add(Conv2D(64,kernel_size=(5, 5),padding='same')) #6
generator.add(LeakyReLU(0.2)) #7
generator.add(UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2))) #8
Again, let's take a look at the generator model code, which consists of 10 key steps:
discriminator = Sequential()
discriminator.add(Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(5, 5), strides=(2, 2),
padding='same', input_shape=(1, 28,
discriminator.add(Conv2D(128, kernel_size=(5, 5), strides=(2, 2),
discriminator.add(Dropout(0.3)) #2
discriminator.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
discriminator.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=adam)
1. As with the generator, the first layer of the discriminator should be initialized
randomly from a Gaussian distribution.
2. Dropout is commonly used in image classifiers. For GANs, it should also
be used just before the last layer.
Now we have both a generator and a discriminator. To train the generator, we have
to get the gradients from the discriminator to backpropagate through and train the
generator. This is where the power of Keras' modular design comes into play.
The following code creates a GAN model that can be used to train the generator from
the discriminator gradients:
discriminator.trainable = False #1
ganInput = Input(shape=(latent_dim,)) #2
x = generator(ganInput) #3
ganOutput = discriminator(x) #4
gan = Model(inputs=ganInput, outputs=ganOutput) #5
gan.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=adam) #6
Within that code, there are six key stages:
Training our GAN requires some customization of the training process and a couple
of GAN-specific tricks as well. More specifically, we have to write our own training
loop, something that we'll achieve with the following code:
batchCount = X_train.shape[0] // batchSize #1
generatedImages = generator.predict(noise) #6
X = np.concatenate([imageBatch, generatedImages]) #7
yDis = np.zeros(2*batchSize) #8
yDis[:batchSize] = 0.9
labelNoise = np.random.random(yDis.shape) #9
yDis += 0.05 * labelNoise + 0.05
dLosses.append(dloss) #16
That was a lot of code we just introduced. So, let's take a minute to pause and think
about the 16 key steps:
1. We have to write a custom loop to loop over the batches. To know how many
batches there are, we need to make an integer division of our dataset size by
our batch size.
2. In the outer loop, we iterate over the number of epochs we want to train.
3. In the inner loop, we iterate over the number of batches we want to train on in
each epoch. The tqdm tool helps us keep track of progress within the batch.
4. We create a batch of random latent vectors.
5. We randomly sample a batch of real MNIST images.
6. We use the generator to generate a batch of fake MNIST images.
7. We stack the real and fake MNIST images together.
8. We create the target for our discriminator. Fake images are encoded with
0, and real images with 0.9. This technique is called soft labels. Instead of
hard labels (zero and one), we use something softer in order to not train the
GAN too aggressively. This technique has been shown to make GAN training
more stable.
9. On top of using soft labels, we add some noise to the labels. This, once again,
will make the training more stable.
10. We make sure that the discriminator is trainable.
11. We train the discriminator on a batch of real and fake data.
12. We create some more random latent vectors for training the generator.
13. The target for generator training is always one. We want the discriminator to
give us the gradients that would have made a fake image look like a real one.
14. Just to be sure, we set the discriminator to be non-trainable, so that we can
not break anything by accident.
15. We train the GAN model. We feed in a batch of random latent vectors and
train the generator part of the GAN so that the discriminator part will classify
the generated images as real.
16. We save the losses from training.
In the following figure, you can see some of the generated MNIST characters:
GAN-generated MNIST characters
Most of these characters look like identifiable numbers, although some, such as
those in the bottom left and right, seem a bit off.
The code that we wrote and explored is now outputted in the following chart, showing
us the Discriminitive and Generative loss of an increasing number of Epochs.
GAN training progress
Note that the loss in GAN training is not interpretable as it is for supervised learning.
The loss of a GAN will not decrease even as the GAN makes progress.
The loss of a generator and discriminator is dependent on how well the other model
does. If the generator gets better at fooling the discriminator, then the discriminator
loss will stay high. If one of the losses goes to zero, it means that the other model lost
the race and cannot fool or properly discriminate the other model anymore.
This is one of the things that makes GAN training so hard: GANs don't converge to
a low loss solution; they converge to an equilibrium in which the generator fools the
discriminator not all the time, but many times. That equilibrium is not always stable.
Part of the reason so much noise is added to labels and the networks themselves is
that it increases the stability of the equilibrium.
As GANs are unstable and difficult, yet useful, a number of tricks has been
developed over time that makes GAN training more stable. Knowing these tricks can
help you with your GAN building process and save you countless hours, even though
there is often no theoretical reason for why these tricks work.
Understanding GAN latent vectors
Research has shown that the latent space of GANs often has some surprising
features, such as "smile vectors," which arrange face images according to the width
of the person's smile. Researchers have also shown that GANs can be used for
latent space algebra, where adding the latent representation of different objects
creates realistic, new objects. Yet, research on the latent space of GANs is still in its
infancy and drawing conclusions about the world from its latent space
representations is an active field of research.
GANs are tricky to train. They might collapse, diverge, or fail in a number of different
ways. Researchers and practitioners have come up with a number of tricks that make
GANs work better. While it may seem odd, it's not known why these work, but all that
matters to us is that they help in practice:
• Normalize the inputs: GANs don't work well with extreme values, so make
sure you always have normalized inputs between -1 and 1. This is also the
reason why you should use the tanh function as your generator output.
• Don't use the theoretical correct loss function: If you read papers on
GANs, you will find that they give the generator optimization goal as
the following formula:
If the generator goes completely off track and produces only zeros, for
instance, you will be able to see it before spending days of GPU time
on training that will go nowhere.
• Don't balance loss via statistics: Keeping the balance between the
generator and discriminator is a delicate task. Many practitioners, therefore, try
to help the balance by training either the generator or discriminator a bit more
depending on statistics. Usually, that does not work. GANs are very
counterintuitive and trying to help them with an intuitive approach usually
makes matters worse. That is not to say there are no ways to help out GAN
equilibriums, but the help should stem from a principled approach, such as
"train the generator while the generator loss is above X."
• If you have labels, use them: A slightly more sophisticated version of a GAN
discriminator can not only classify data as real or fake but also classify the
class of the data. In the MNIST case, the discriminator would have 11 outputs:
an output for the 10 real numbers as well as an output for a fake. This allows
us to create a GAN that can show more specific images. This is useful in the
domain of semi-supervised learning, which we will cover in the next section.
• Add noise to inputs, reduce it over time: Noise adds stability to GAN
training so it comes as no surprise that noisy inputs can help, especially in the
early, unstable phases of training a GAN. Later, however, it can obfuscate too
much and keep the GAN from generating realistic images. So, we should
reduce the noise applied to inputs over time.
• Use dropouts in G in both the train and test phases: Some researchers
find that using dropout on inference time leads to better results for the
generated data. Why that is the case is still an open question.
• Historical averaging: GANs tend to "oscillate," with their weights moving
rapidly around a mean during training. Historical averaging penalizes weights
that are too far away from their historical average and reduces oscillation. It,
therefore, increases the stability of GAN training.
• Replay buffers: Replay buffers keep a number of older generated images so
they can be reused for training the discriminator. This has a similar effect as
historical averaging, reducing oscillation and increasing stability. It also
reduces the correlation and the test data.
• Target networks: Another "anti-oscillation" trick is to use target networks.
That is, to create copies of both the generator and discriminator, and then train
the generator with a frozen copy of the discriminator and train the discriminator
with a frozen copy of the generator.
• Entropy regularization: Entropy regularization means rewarding the network
for outputting more different values. This can prevent the generator network
from settling on a few things to produce, say, only the number seven. It is
a regularization method as it prevents overfitting.
• Use dropout or noise layers: Noise is good for GANs. Keras not only
features dropout layers, but it also features a number of noise layers that add
different kinds of noise to activations in a network. You can read the
documentation of these layers to see whether they are helpful for your specific
GAN application:
Supervised learning uses data with labels. An example is the image classifier we built
in Chapter 3, Utilizing Computer Vision, or most of the other models that we've built in
this book.
Semi-supervised learning aims to perform tasks usually done by supervised models, but with
less data at hand and using either unsupervised or generative methods. There are three ways
this can work: firstly, by making smarter use of humans; secondly, by making better use of
unlabeled data, and thirdly, by using generative models.
For all the talk about AI replacing humans, an awful lot of humans are required to
train AI systems. Although the numbers are not clear, it's a safe bet that there are
between 500,000 and 750,000 registered "Mechanical Turkers" on Amazon's MTurk
MTurk is an Amazon website that offers, according to its own site, "Human
intelligence through an API." In practice, this means that companies and researchers
post simple jobs such as filling out a survey or classifying an image and people all
over the world perform these tasks for a few cents per task. For an AI to learn,
humans need to provide labeled data. If the task is large scale, then many
companies will hire MTurk users in order to let humans do the labeling. If it is a small
task, you will often find the company's own staff labeling the data.
Surprisingly little thought goes into what these humans label. Not all labels are
equally useful. The following diagram shows a linear classifier. As you can see, the
frontier point, which is close to the frontier between the two classes, determines
where the decision boundary is, while the points further in the back are not as
Frontier points are more valuable
As such, the frontier points are more valuable than points further away from the
decision boundary. You can train on less data by doing the following:
This process of labeling data is much more efficient than just randomly labeling
data and can accelerate your efforts quite drastically.
In labeling, many companies rely on Microsoft Excel. They have human labelers look
at something to label, such as an image or a text, and then that person will type the
label into an Excel spreadsheet. While this is incredibly inefficient and error prone, it's
a common practice. Some slightly more advanced labeling operations include
building some simple web applications that let the user see the item to label and
directly click on the label or press a hotkey. This can accelerate the labeling process
quite substantially. However, it's still not optimal if there are a large number of label
Another way is to once again label a few images and pretrain a weak model. At the
point where the labeling takes place, the computer shows the labeler the data as well
as a label. The labeler only has to decide whether this label is correct. This can be
done easily with hotkeys and the time it takes to label a single item goes down
dramatically. If the label was wrong, the label interface can either bring up a list of
possible options, sorted by the probability the model assigned to them, or just put the
item back on the stack and display the next most likely label the next time.
Prodigy is a labeling tool that leverages machines, you can find more out about it by
reading its official documentation here:
Note: A better user interface design and smart implementation of weak models can
greatly accelerate the speed and quality of labeling.
Often there is plenty of unlabeled data available, but only a small amount of data that
has been labeled. That unlabeled data can still be used. First, you train a model on
the labeled data that you have. Then you let that model make predictions on your
corpus of unlabeled data. You treat those predictions as if they were true labels and
train your model on the full pseudo-labeled dataset. However, actual true labels
should be used more often than pseudo labels.
The exact sampling rate for pseudo labels can vary for different circumstances. This
works under the condition that errors are random. If they are biased, your model will
be biased as well. This simple method is surprisingly effective and can greatly reduce
labeling efforts.
As it turns out, GANs extend quite naturally to semi-supervised training. By giving the
discriminator two outputs, we can train it to be a classifier as well.
The first output of the discriminator only classifies data as real or fake, just as it
did for the GAN previously. The second output classifies the data by its class, for
example, the digit an image represents, or an extra "is fake" class. In the MNIST
example, the classifying output would have 11 classes, 10 digits plus the "is fake"
class. The trick is that the generator is one model and only the output, that is, the last
layer, is different. This forces the "real or not" classification to share weights with the
"which digit" classifier.
The idea is that to determine whether an image is real or fake, the classifier would
have to figure out whether it can classify this image into one class. If it can, the image
is probably real. This approach, called semi-supervised generative adversarial
network (SGAN), has been shown to generate more realistic data and deliver better
results on limited data than standard supervised learning. Of course, GANs can be
applied to more than just images.
In the next section, we will apply them to our fraud detection task.
We will train this model on fewer than 1,000 transactions and still get a decent fraud detector.
Note: You can find the code for the SGAN on Kaggle under this
In this case, our data has 29 dimensions. We set our latent vectors to have 10 dimensions:
The generator model is constructed as a fully connected network with LeakyReLU activations
and batch normalization. The output activation is a tanh activation:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(16, input_dim=latent_dim))
model.add(Dense(32, input_dim=latent_dim))
To use the generator model better, we wrap the model we created into a functional API model
that maps the noise vector to a generated transaction record. Since most GAN literature is
about images, and "transaction record" is a bit of a mouthful, therefore we just name our
transaction records as "images":
noise = Input(shape=(latent_dim,))
img = model(noise)
Just as we did with the generator, we build the discriminator in the sequential API. The
discriminator has two output: one for the classes, and one for fake or not fake. We first only
construct the base of the model:
model = Sequential()
Now we'll map the input of the discriminator to its two heads using the functional API:
img = Input(shape=(data_dim,)) #1
features = model(img) #2
valid = Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")(features) #3
label = Dense(num_classes+1, activation="softmax")(features) #4
Let's take a minute to look at the five key aspects of the preceding code:
To compile the discriminator with two heads, we need to use a few advanced model-
compiling tricks:
'categorical_crossentropy'], #2
loss_weights=[0.5, 0.5], #3
optimizer=optimizer, #4
metrics=['accuracy']) #5
noise = Input(shape=(latent_dim,)) #1
img = generator(noise) #2
discriminator.trainable = False #3
valid,_ = discriminator(img) #4
combined = Model(noise , valid) #5
Again, looking at the code, we can see the following key points:
For training, we define a train function, which handles all the training for us:
def train(X_train,y_train,
f1_progress = [] #1
half_batch = int(batch_size / 2) #2
cw1 = {0: 1, 1: 1} #3
cw2 = {i: num_classes / half_batch for i in range(num_classes)}
cw2[num_classes] = 1 / half_batch
if epoch % 10 == 0: #15
_,y_pred = discriminator.predict(X_test,batch_size=batch_size)
y_pred = np.argmax(y_pred[:,:-1],axis=1)
f1 = f1_score(y_test,y_pred)
print('Epoch: {}, F1: {:.5f}'.format(epoch,f1))
return f1_progress
Take a minute to pause: that was a very long and complicated function to code. Before we
summarize this chapter, let's look at the 15 key elements of that code:
Now that we have everything set up, we are going to train our SGAN for 5,000 epochs. This
will take about 5 minutes on a GPU but could take much longer if you do not have a GPU:
f1_p =
s=2,epochs=5000, batch_size=128)
Finally, we plot the F1 score of our semi-supervised fraud classifier over time:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
plt.xlabel('10 Epochs')
plt.ylabel('F1 Score Validation')
SGAN progress
As you can see, the model learns pretty quickly at first, but then collapses with its F1 score
going to zero. This is a textbook example of a collapsing GAN. As mentioned previously,
GANs are unstable. If the delicate balance between the generator and discriminator breaks,
performance quickly deteriorates.
Making GANs more stable is an active area of research. So far, many practitioners will just
attempt to try multiple runs with different hyperparameters and random seeds in a hope to get
lucky. Another popular method is just to save the model every couple of epochs. The model
seems to be a pretty decent fraud detector at around epoch 150 despite being trained on fewer
than 1,000 transactions.
To get more comfortable with generative models, try your hand at these exercises:
1. Create an SGAN in order to train an MNIST image classifier. How few images
can you use to achieve over 90% classification accuracy?
2. Using LSTMs, you can build an autoencoder for stock price movements. Using
a dataset such as the DJIA stock prices, build an autoencoder that encodes
stock movements. Then visualize what happens to the outputs as you move
through the latent space. You can find the dataset
In this chapter, you have learned about the two most important types of generative models:
autoencoders and GANs. We first developed an autoencoder for MNIST images. We then
used a similar architecture to encode credit card data and detect fraud. Afterward, we
expanded the autoencoder to a VAE. This allowed us to learn distributions of encodings and
generate new data that we could use for training.
Afterward, we learned about GANs, again first in the context of MNIST images and then in
the context of credit card fraud. We used an SGAN to reduce the amount of data we needed to
train our fraud detector. We used model outputs to reduce the amount of labeling necessary
through active learning and smarter labeling interfaces.
We've also discussed and learned about latent spaces and the use they have for financial
analysis. We saw the t-SNE algorithm and how it can be used to visualize higher dimensional
(latent) data. You also got a first impression of how machine learning can solve game-
theoretic optimization problems. GANs solve a minimax problem, which is frequent in
economics and finance.
In the next chapter, we will deep dive into exactly that type of optimization as we cover
reinforcement learning.
Chapter 7. Reinforcement Learning
for Financial Markets
Humans don't learn from millions of labeled examples. Instead, we often learn from positive
or negative experiences that we associate with our actions. Children that touch a hot stove
once will never touch it again. Learning from experiences and the associated rewards or
punishments is the core idea behind reinforcement learning (RL). RL allows us to learn
sophisticated decision-making rules while having no data at all. Through this approach,
several high-profile breakthroughs occurred in AI, such as AlphaGo, which beat the world Go
champion in 2016.
In finance, reinforcement learning, also known as RL, is making inroads as well. In its 2017
report, Machine learning in investment management (,
Man AHL outlined a reinforcement system for order routing in the FX and futures market.
Order routing is a classic problem in quantitative finance. When placing an order, funds can
usually choose from different brokers and place their orders at different times. The goal is to
fill the order as cheaply as possible. This also means minimizing the market impact, as large
orders can lift prices of stocks.
Traditional algorithms with colorful names such as Sniper or Guerilla rely on statistics from
historical data and smart engineering. The RL-based routing system learned an optimal
routing policy by itself. The advantage is that this system can adapt to changing markets and
because of that it outperforms traditional methods in data-rich markets such as the FX market.
However, RL can do more. Researchers at OpenAI have used RL to predict when agents will
collaborate or fight. Meanwhile at DeepMind, researchers there have used RL to yield new
insights into the workings of the frontal cortex in the brain and the role of the dopamine
This chapter will start with an intuitive introduction to RL using a simple "catch the fruit"
game. We will then dive into the underlying theory before covering more advanced RL
applications. The examples in this chapter rely on visualizations that are not easily rendered in
Kaggle kernels. In order to simplify them, the example algorithms are also not optimized for
GPU usage. It is, therefore, best to run these examples on your local machine.
The algorithms in this chapter run relatively quickly, so you won't have to wait too long for
them to run. The chapter code was written on a Mid-2012 MacBook Pro, and no example took
longer than 20 minutes to run on that machine. Of course, you can also run the code on
Kaggle, however the visualizations will not work there.
The goal here is to let the computer play Catch by itself. We will be using a simplified
version in this example in order to make the task easier:
While playing Catch, the player decides between three possible actions. They can
move the basket to the left, to the right, or make it stay put.
The basis for this decision is the current state of the game; in other words, the
positions of the falling fruit and of the basket. Our goal is to create a model that, given
the content of the game screen, chooses the action that leads to the highest score
possible. This task can be seen as a simple classification problem. We could ask
expert human players to play the game multiple times and record their actions. Then,
we could train a model to choose the "correct" action that mirrors the expert players.
This is not how humans learn, however. Humans can learn a game such as Catch by
themselves, without guidance. This is very useful, because imagine if you had to hire
a bunch of experts to perform a task thousands of times every time you wanted
to learn something as simple as Catch: it would be expensive and slow.
In reinforcement learning, the model trains from experience, rather than labeled data.
Instead of providing the model with the correct actions, we provide it with rewards
and punishments. The model receives information about the current state of the
environment, for example, the computer game screen. It then outputs an action, such
as a joystick movement. The environment reacts to this action and provides the next
state, along with any rewards:
RL scheme
The model then learns to find actions that lead to maximum rewards. There are many
ways this can work in practice. Right now, we are going to look at Q-learning. Q-
learning made a splash when it was used to train a computer to play Atari video
games. Today, it is still a relevant concept. Most modern RL algorithms are based on
some adaptation of Q-learning.
In Catch, you only earn rewards when the fruits hit the basket or fall on the floor, and
in chess, you only earn a reward when you win or lose the game. This means that
rewards are sparsely distributed. Most of the time, r will be zero. When there is a
reward, it is not always a result of the action taken immediately before. Some action
taken long before might have caused the victory. Figuring out which action is
responsible for the reward is often referred to as the credit assignment problem.
Because rewards are delayed, good chess players do not choose their plays only
by the immediate reward. Instead, they choose the expected future reward.
For example, they do not only think about whether they can eliminate an opponent's
figure in the next move, they also consider how taking a specific action now will help
them in the long run. In Q-learning, we choose our action based on the highest
expected future reward. We use a Q-function to calculate this. This is a
mathematical function that takes two arguments: the current state of the game, and a
given action. We can write this as Q(state, action).
While in state s, we estimate the future reward for each possible action, a. We
assume that after we have taken action a and moved to the next state, ,
everything works out perfectly. The expected future reward, q(s,a), for a given state
and action is calculated as the immediate reward, plus the expected future reward
Note: We discount future rewards in RL for the same reason we discount future
returns in finance. They are uncertain. Our choice here reflects how much we value
future returns.
Good chess players are very good at estimating future rewards in their head. In other
words, their Q-function, Q(s,a), is very precise.
Most chess practice revolves around developing a better Q-function. Players
peruse many old games to learn how specific moves played out in the past, and
how likely a given action is to lead to victory. However, this raises the question, how
can a machine estimate a good Q-function? This is where neural networks come into
These experiences are our training data. We can frame the problem of
estimating Q(s,a) as a regression problem. To solve this, we can use a neural
network. Given an input vector consisting of s and a, the neural network is supposed
to predict the value of Q(s,a) equal to the target: . If we are good at
predicting Q(s,a) for different states s and actions a, we will have a good
approximation of the Q-function.
1. For each possible action, , (left, right, stay), predict the expected future
During gameplay, all the experiences are stored in a replay memory. This acts like a
simple buffer in which we store pairs. The ExperienceReplay class also
handles preparing the data for training.
class ExperienceReplay(object): #1
def __init__(self, max_memory=100, discount=.9):
self.max_memory = max_memory #2
self.memory = [] = discount
if game_over: #13
targets[i, action_t] = reward_t
targets[i, action_t] = reward_t + * Q_sa
return inputs, targets
Let's pause for a second and break down the code that we've just created:
be and what the discount rate, , is. The replay memory itself is a list of
lists following this scheme:
[...[experience, game_over][experience, game_over]...]
Now it is time to define the model that will learn a Q-function for Catch. It turns out
that a relatively simple model can already learn the function well. We need to define
the number of possible actions as well as the grid size. There are three possible
actions, which are move left, stay in position, and move right. Additionally, the game
is being played on a 10x10-pixel grid:
num_actions = 3
grid_size = 10
As this is a regression problem, the final layer has no activation function, and the loss
is a mean squared error loss. We optimize the network using stochastic gradient
descent without momentum or any other bells and whistles:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(100, input_shape=(grid_size**2,), activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(100, activation='relu'))
model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')
Training to play Catch
The same goes for Q-learning. By always choosing the best option, you might miss
out on some unexplored paths. To avoid this, the learner will sometimes choose
a random option, and not necessarily the best one.
def train(model,epochs):
win_cnt = 0 #1
win_hist = []
for e in range(epochs): #2
loss = 0.
game_over = False
input_t = env.observe()
loss += batch_loss
return win_hist
Before we go further, again let's break down the code so we can see what we're
The following graph shows the rolling mean of successful games. After about
2,000 epochs of training, the neural network should be quite good at playing Catch:
The progress of a Q-learning neural network playing Catch
Looking at the preceding graph, it's safe to say that you have now successfully
created your first reinforcement learning system, as after 5000 epochs the average of
victories per games is between 90% and 100%. In the next section, we will explore
the theoretical foundations of reinforcement learning and discover how the same
system that learns to play catch can learn to route orders in the futures market.
Note: This section requires a bit of mathematical background knowledge. If you are
struggling, there is a beautiful visual introduction by Victor Powell
A more formal, but still simple, introduction is available on the website Analytics
A Markov model describes a stochastic process with different states in which the probability
of ending up in a specific state is purely dependent on the state one is currently in. In the
following diagram, you can see a simple Markov model describing recommendations given
for a stock:
As you can see, there are three states in this model, BUY, HOLD, and SELL. For every two
states, there is a transition probability. For example, the probability that a state gets
a BUY recommendation if it had a HOLD recommendation in the previous round is described
States are associated with rewards. If you own stock, and that stock has
a BUY recommendation, the stock will go up, and you will earn a reward of 1. If the stock has
a sell recommendation, you will gain a negative reward, or punishment, of -1.
Note: In some textbooks, the rewards are associated with state transitions and not
states themselves. It turns out to be mathematically equivalent, and for the ease of
notation, we are associating the rewards with states here.
Some traders have a better policy and can make more money from a state than others.
Therefore, the value of state s depends on the policy, . The value function, V, describes
the value of state s when policy is followed. It is the expected return from state s when
policy is followed:
The expected return is the reward gained immediately plus the discounted future rewards:
The other value function frequently used in RL is the function Q(s,a), which we have already
seen in the previous section. Q describes the expected return of taking action a in state s if
policy is followed:
Note: We use the expected value since our environment and our actions are
stochastic. We cannot say for certain that we will land in a specific state; we can only
give a probability.
Q and V describe the same thing. If we find ourselves in a certain state, what should we
do? V gives recommendations regarding which state we should seek, and Q gives advice on
which action we should take. Of course, V implicitly assumes we have to take some action
and Q assumes that the result of our actions is landing in some state. In fact, both Q and V are
derived from the so-called Bellman equation, which brings us back to the Markov model from
the beginning of this section.
If you assume that the environment you operate in can be described as a Markov model, you
would really want to know two things. First, you would want to find out the state transition
probabilities. If you are in state s, what is the chance ends in state if you take
action a? Mathematically, it is as follows:
Equally, you would be interested in the expected reward of being in state s, taking
With this in mind, we can now derive the two Bellman equations for Q and V. First, we
The preceding equation shows a nested sum. First, we sum over all actions, a, weighted by
their probability of occurrence under policy . For each action, we then sum over the
distribution of rewards from the transition from state s to the next state, , after
action a, weighted by the probability of this transition occurring following the transition
probability .
The expected discounted value of the future rewards after state s is the discounted expected
future value of all states, , weighted by their probability of occurrence, , and the
This formula is quite a mouthful, but it gives us a glimpse into the recursive nature of the
value function. If we now replace the expectation in our value function, it becomes clearer:
The inner expectation represents the value function for the next step, ! That means we
Congratulations, you have just derived the Bellman equation! For now, pause and take a
second to ponder and make sure you really understand the mechanics behind these equations.
The core idea is that the value of a state can be expressed as the value of other states. For a
long time, the go-to approach to optimizing the Bellman equation was to build a model of the
underlying Markov model and its state transition and reward probabilities.
However, the recursive structure calls for a technique called dynamic programming. The idea
behind dynamic programming is to solve easier sub-problems. You've already seen this in
action in the Catch example. There, we used a neural network to
estimate , except for states that ended the game. For these games,
finding the reward associated with the state is easy: it is the final reward received at the end of
the game. It was these states for which the neural network first developed an accurate estimate
of the function Q. From there, it could then go backward and learn the values of states that
were further away from the end of the game. There are more possible applications of this
dynamic programming and model-free approach to reinforcement learning.
Before we jump into the different kinds of systems that can be built using this theoretical
foundation, we will pay a brief visit to the applications of the Bellman equation in economics.
Readers who are familiar with the work discussed here will find reference points that they can
use to develop a deeper understanding of Bellman equations. Readers unfamiliar with these
works will find inspiration for further reading and applications for techniques discussed
throughout this chapter.
Avinash Dixit and Robert Pindyck developed and applied the approach successfully
to capital budgeting in their 1994 book, Investment Under
Uncertainty ( Patrick Anderson applied it
to the valuation of private businesses in his 2009 article, The Value of Private
Businesses in the United States (
While recursive economics still has many problems, including the tremendous
compute power required for it, it is a promising subfield of the science.
In this case, even if your universe of stocks consisted only of two stocks, say, AMZN and
AAPL, there would be a huge amount of ways to balance them: 10% AMZN and 90% AAPL,
11% AMZM and 89% AAPL, and so on. If your universe gets bigger, the amount of ways
you can combine stocks explodes.
A workaround to having to select from such an action space is to learn the policy, ,
directly. Once you have learned a policy, you can just give it a state, and it will give back a
distribution of actions. This means that your actions will also be stochastic. A stochastic
policy has advantages, especially in a game theoretic setting.
Imagine you are playing rock, paper, scissors and you are following a deterministic policy. If
your policy is to pick rock, you will always pick rock, and as soon as your opponent figures
out that you are always picking rock, you will always lose. The Nash equilibrium, the solution
of a non-cooperative game, for rock, paper, scissors is to pick actions at random. Only a
stochastic policy can do that.
To learn a policy, we have to be able to compute a gradient with respect to policy. Contrary to
most people's expectations, policies are differentiable. In this section, we will build up a
policy gradient step by step and use it to create an advantage actor-critic (A2C) model for
continuous control.
The first part in the process of differentiating policies is to look at the advantage we can have
The advantage of action a in state s is the value of executing a in s minus the value of s under
Now, to compute the gradient of the policy, we have to do two steps, which are shown inside
the expectation in the policy gradient formula:
First, we have to calculate the advantage of a given action, a, with A(s,a). Then we have to
calculate the derivative of the weights of the neural network, , with respect to
For actions with a positive advantage, A(s,a), we follow the gradient that would make a more
likely. For actions with a negative advantage, we go in the exact opposite direction.
The expectation says that we are doing this for all states and all actions. In practice, we
manually multiply the advantage of actions with their increased likelihood gradients.
One thing left for us to look at is how we compute the advantage. The value of taking an
action is the reward earned directly as a result of taking the action, as well as the value of the
state we find ourselves in after taking that action:
So, we can substitute Q(s,a) in the advantage calculation:
As calculating V turns out to be useful for calculating the policy gradient, researchers have
come up with the A2C architecture. A single neural network with two heads that learns
both V and . As it turns out, sharing weights for learning the two functions is useful
because it accelerates the training if both heads have to extract features from the environment:
A2C scheme
If you are training an agent that operates on high-dimensional image data, for instance, the
value function and the policy head then both need to learn how to interpret the image. Sharing
weights would help master the common task. If you are training on lower dimensional data, it
might make more sense to not share weights.
If the action space is continuous, is represented by two outputs, those being the
Since both A3C and A2C work by the same principles, and the implementation of parallel
gameplay introduces some complexity that obfuscates the actual algorithm, we will just stick
with A2C in the following examples.
Learning to balance
In this section, we will train an A2C model to swing up and balance a pendulum:
Pendulum gym
This relatively simple control task is a useful example of a continuous control that can
be easily extended to a stock trading task, which we will look at later. In addition, the
task can be visualized so that we can get an intuitive grasp of how the algorithm
learns, including any pitfalls.
Note: When implementing a new algorithm, try it out on a task you can visualize.
Failures are often subtle and easier to spot visually than through data.
The pendulum environment is part of the OpenAI Gym, a suite of games made to
train reinforcement learning algorithms. You can install it via the command line as
pip install
import gym #1
import numpy as np #2
There are quite a few new imports, so let's walk through them one by one:
Now it is time to build the agent. The following methods all form the A2CAgent class:
self.state_size = state_size #1
self.action_size = action_size
self.value_size = 1
self.exp_replay = deque(maxlen=2000) #2
self.actor_lr = 0.0001 #3
self.critic_lr = 0.001
self.discount_factor = .9
self.optimize_actor = self.actor_optimizer() #5
self.optimize_critic = self.critic_optimizer()
def build_model(self):
actor_input = Dense(30, #2
mu_0 = Dense(self.action_size, #3
mu = Lambda(lambda x: x * 2)(mu_0) #4
sigma_0 = Dense(self.action_size, #5
critic_input = Dense(30, #7
actor._make_predict_function() #11
actor.summary() #12
The preceding function sets up the Keras model. It is quite complicated, so let's go
through it:
1. As we are using the functional API, we have to define an input layer that we
can use to feed the state to the actor and critic.
2. The actor has a hidden first layer as an input to the actor value function. It has
30 hidden units and a relu activation function. It is initialized by
an he_uniform initializer. This initializer is only slightly different from the
default glorot_uniform initializer. The he_uniform initializer draws from a
uniform distribution with the limits , where is the input dimension. The
default glorot uniform samples from a uniform distribution with the limits
, with o being the output dimensionality. The difference between the two is
rather small, but as it turns out, the he_uniform initializer works better for
learning the value function and policy.
6. To make sure the standard deviation is not zero, we add a tiny constant to it.
Again we use the Lambda layer for this task. This also ensures that the
gradients get calculated correctly, as the model is aware of the constant
7. The critic also has a hidden layer to calculate its value function.
8. The value of a state is just a single scalar that can have any value. The value
head thus only has one output and a linear, that is: the default, activation
9. We define the actor to map from a state to a policy as expressed by the
In this term, stands for the constant, 3.14…, not for the policy. Later, we only
need to take the logarithm of this probability density function. Why the logarithm?
Because taking the logarithm results in a smoother gradient. Maximizing the log of
a probability means maximizing the probability, so we can just use the "log trick," as it
is called, to improve learning.
The value of policy is the advantage of each action a, times the log probability
of this action occurring as expressed by the probability density function, f.
The following function optimizes our actor model. Let's go through the optimization
def actor_optimizer(self):
action = K.placeholder(shape=(None, 1)) #1
advantages = K.placeholder(shape=(None, 1))
1. First, we need to set up some placeholders for the action taken and the
advantage of that action. We will fill in these placeholders when we call
the optimizer.
2. We get the outputs of the actor model. These are tensors that we can plug into
our optimizer. Optimization of these tensors will be backpropagated
and optimizes the whole model.
3. Now we set up the probability density function. This step can look a bit
intimidating, but if you look closely, it is the same probability density function
we defined previously.
4. Now we apply the log trick. To ensure that we don't accidentally take
the logarithm of zero, we add a tiny constant, epsilon.
5. The value of our policy is now the probability of action a times the probability
of this action occurring.
6. To reward the model for a probabilistic policy, we add an entropy term.
The entropy is calculated with the following term:
7. We add the entropy term to the value of the policy. By using K.sum(), we sum
the value over the batch.
8. We want to maximize the value of the policy, but by default, Keras performs
gradient descent that minimizes losses. An easy trick is to turn the value
negative and then minimize the negative value.
9. To perform gradient descent, we use the Adam optimizer.
10. We can retrieve an update tensor from the optimizer. get_updates() takes
three arguments, parameters, constraints, and loss. We provide the
parameters of the model, that is, its weights. Since we don't have any
constraints, we just pass an empty list as a constraint. For a loss, we pass
the actor loss.
11. Armed with the updated tensor, we can now create a function that takes as its
input the actor model input, that is, the state, as well as the two placeholders,
the action, and the advantages. It returns nothing but the empty list that
applies the update tensor to the model involved. This function is callable, as
we will see later.
12. We return the function. Since we call actor_optimizer() in the init function of
our class, the optimizer function we just created becomes self.optimize_actor.
For the critic, we also need to create a custom optimizer. The loss for the critic is the
mean squared error between the predicted value and the reward plus the predicted
value of the next state:
def critic_optimizer(self):
discounted_reward = K.placeholder(shape=(None, 1)) #1
value = self.critic.output
optimizer = Adam(lr=self.critic_lr) #3
return train
For our agent to take actions, we need to define a method that produces actions
from a state:
With this function, our actor can now act. Let's go through it:
1. First, we reshape the state to make sure it has the shape the model expects.
2. We predict the means and variance, , for this action from the model.
3. Then, as we did for the autoencoder, we first sample a random normal
distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1.
4. We add the mean and multiply by the standard deviation. Now we have our
action, sampled from the policy.
5. To make sure we are within the bounds of the action space, we clip the action
at -2, 2, so it won't be outside of those boundaries.
At last, we need to train the model. The train_model function will train the model after
receiving one new experience:
value = self.critic.predict(state)[0] #4
next_value = self.critic.predict(next_state)[0]
if done: #5
advantages[0] = reward - value
target[0][0] = reward
advantages[0] = reward + self.discount_factor * (next_value) -
target[0][0] = reward + self.discount_factor * next_value
state_size = env.observation_space.shape[0] #2
action_size = env.action_space.shape[0]
if agent = None: #3
agent = A2CAgent(state_size, action_size)
scores = [] #4
for e in range(epochs): #5
done = False #6
score = 0
state = env.reset()
state = np.reshape(state, [1, state_size])
action = agent.get_action(state) #9
next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action) #10
reward /= 10 #11
next_state = np.reshape(next_state, [1, state_size])
agent.train_model(state, action, reward, next_state, done)
if done: #16
print("episode:", e, " score:", score)
Learning to trade
Note: Please do not trade based on this algorithm. It is only a simplified and slightly
naive implementation to demonstrate the concept and shouldn't be used in the real
Tip: The full implementation of the environment and agent can be found
class TradeEnv():
def reset(self): = self.gen_universe() #1
self.pos = 0 #2
self.game_length =[0] #3
self.returns = [] #4
return[0,:-1,:] #5
def step(self,allocation): #6
ret = np.sum(allocation *[self.pos,-1,:]) #7
self.returns.append(ret) #8
mean = 0 #9
std = 1
if len(self.returns) >= 20: #10
mean = np.mean(self.returns[-20:])
std = np.std(self.returns[-20:]) + 0.0001
df = pd.concat(frames,axis=1,ignore_index=False) #16
df = df.pct_change()
df = df.fillna(0)
batch = df.values
episodes = [] #17
for i in range(batch.shape[0] - 101):
eps = batch[i:i+101]
data = np.stack(episodes)
assert len(data.shape) == 3
assert data.shape[-1] == 100
return data
Our trade environment is somewhat similar to the pendulum environment. Let's see
how we set it up:
def build_model(self):
state = Input(batch_shape=(None, #1
x = LSTM(120,return_sequences=True)(state) #2
x = LSTM(100)(x)
actor_input = Dense(100, activation='relu', #3
mu = Dense(self.action_size, activation='tanh', #4
sigma_0 = Dense(self.action_size, activation='softplus',
sigma = Lambda(lambda x: x + 0.0001)(sigma_0)
critic_input = Dense(30, activation='relu',
state_value = Dense(1, activation='linear',
actor = Model(inputs=state, outputs=(mu, sigma))
critic = Model(inputs=state, outputs=state_value)
Again, we have built a Keras model in a function. It is only slightly different from
the model before. Let's explore it:
And that is it! This algorithm can now learn to balance a portfolio just as it could learn
to balance before.
In the following diagram, you can see a visualization of how evolution strategies work:
Evolutionary strategy
To get a better grip on how this works, consider the following example. We want to find a
vector that minimizes the mean squared error to a solution vector. The learner is not given the
solution, but only the total error as a reward signal:
A key advantage of evolutionary strategies is that they have fewer hyperparameters. In this
case, we need just three:
npop = 50 #1
sigma = 0.1 #2
alpha = 0.1 #3
w = np.random.randn(3) #1
for i in range(300): #2
N = np.random.randn(npop, 3) * sigma #3
R = np.zeros(npop)
for j in range(npop): #4
w_try = w + N[j]
R[j] = f(w_try)
A = (R - np.mean(R)) / np.std(R) #5
w = w + alpha *, A)/npop #6
Similar to neural networks themselves, evolutionary strategies are loosely inspired by nature.
In nature, species optimize themselves for survival using natural selection. Researchers have
come up with many algorithms to imitate this process. The preceding neural evolution
strategy algorithm works not only for single vectors but for large neural networks as well.
Evolutionary strategies are still a field of active research, and at the time of writing, no best
practice has been settled on.
Reinforcement learning and evolutionary strategies are the go-to techniques if no supervised
learning is possible, but a reward signal is available. There are many applications in the
financial industry where this is the case from simple "multi-armed bandit" problems, such as
the DHL order routing system, to complex trading systems.
While it is fun for games, such behavior can be dangerous when it occurs in financial
markets. An agent trained on maximizing returns from trading, for example, could
resort to illegal trading activities such as spoofing trades, without its owners knowing
about it. There are three methods to create better reward functions, which we will
look at in the next three subsections.
By manually creating rewards, practitioners can help the system to learn. This works
especially well if the natural rewards of the environment are sparse. If, say, a reward
is usually only given if a trade is successful, and this is a rare event, it helps to
manually add a function that gives a reward if the trade was nearly successful.
4. Compute the gradient with respect to R and update it
Similar to IRL, which produces a reward function from human examples, there are
also algorithms that learn from human preferences. A reward predictor produces
a reward function under which policy is trained.
The goal of the reward predictor is to produce a reward function that results in a
policy that has a large human preference. Human preference is measured by
showing the human the results of two policies and letting the human indicate
which one is more preferable:
Learning from preferences
Robust RL
Much like for GANs, RL can be fragile and can be hard to train for good results. RL
algorithms are quite sensitive to hyperparameter choices. But there are a few ways
to make RL more robust:
Similar to the GAN tips, there is little theoretical reason for why these tricks work, but
they will make your RL work better in practice.
Frontiers of RL
You have now seen the theory behind and application of the most useful RL techniques. Yet,
RL is a moving field. This book cannot cover all of the current trends that might be interesting
to practitioners, but it can highlight some that are particularly useful for practitioners in the
financial industry.
Multi-agent RL
Markets, by definition, include many agents. Lowe and others, 2017, Multi-Agent
Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive
Environments (see, shows that reinforcement
learning can be used to train agents that cooperate, compete, and communicate
depending on the situation.
Multiple agents (in red) working together to chase the green dots. From the OpenAI blog.
In a task where the agent had to collect reward tokens, agents collaborated as long
as plenty of tokens were available and showed competitive behavior as tokens got
sparse. Zheng and others, 2017, MAgent: A Many-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Platform for Artificial Collective Intelligence (see,
scaled the environment to include hundreds of agents. They showed that agents
developed more complex strategies such as an encirclement attack on other agents
through a combination of RL algorithms and clever reward shaping.
Foerster and others, 2017, Learning with Opponent-Learning
Awareness (see, developed a new kind of RL
algorithm that allows the agent to learn how another agent will behave and develop
actions to influence the other agent.
As you can see in the preceding diagram, the networks developed by NEAT are often
smaller than traditional, layer-based neural networks. They are hard to come up with.
This is the strength of AutoML; it can find effective strategies that humans would not
have discovered.
An alternative to using evolutionary algorithms for network design is to use
reinforcement learning, which yields similar results. There are a couple "off-the-shelf"
AutoML solutions:
For the subfield of hyperparameter search, there are a few packages available as
AutoML is still an active field of research, but it holds great promise. Many firms
struggle to use machine learning due to a lack of skilled employees. If machine
learning could optimize itself, more firms could start using machine learning.
The method is similar because both papers train RL algorithms on tasks related to
the area of research, for example, navigation. They then examine the learned
weights of the model for emergent properties. Such insight can be used to create
more capable RL agents but also to further the field of neuroscience.
As the world of economics gets to grips with the idea that humans are not rational,
but irrational in predictable ways, understanding the brain becomes more important
when understanding economics. The results of neuroeconomics are particularly
relevant to finance as they deal with how humans act under uncertainty and deal with
risk, such as why humans are loss averse. Using RL is a promising avenue to yield
further insight into human behavior.
As we've now completed the task, let's try our hand at two appropriate exercises based on the
content that we've covered.
In this chapter, you learned about the main algorithms in RL, Q-learning, policy gradients,
and evolutionary strategies. You saw how these algorithms could be applied to trading and
learned about some of the pitfalls of applying RL. You also saw the direction of current
research and how you can benefit from this research today. At this point in the book, you are
now equipped with a number of advanced machine learning algorithms, which are hopefully
useful to you when developing machine learning models.
In the next chapter, we will discuss the practicalities of developing, debugging, and deploying
machine learning systems. We will break out of the data-science sandbox and get our models
into the real world.
Chapter 8. Privacy, Debugging, and
Launching Your Products
Over the course of the last seven chapters we've developed a large toolbox of machine
learning algorithms that we could use for machine learning problems in finance. To help
round-off this toolbox, we're now going to look at what you can do if your algorithms don't
Machine learning models fail in the worst way: silently. In traditional software, a mistake
usually leads to the program crashing, and while they're annoying for the user, they are
helpful for the programmer. At least it's clear that the code failed, and often the developer will
find an accompanying crash report that describes what went wrong. Yet as you go beyond this
book and start developing your own models, you'll sometimes encounter machine learning
code crashes too, which, for example, could be caused if the data that you fed into the
algorithm had the wrong format or shape.
These issues can usually be debugged by carefully tracking which shape the data had at what
point. More often, however, models that fail just output poor predictions. They'll give no
signal that they have failed, to the point that you might not even be aware that they've even
failed at all, but at other times, the model might not train well, it won't converge, or it won't
achieve a low loss rate.
In this chapter, we'll be focusing on how you debug these silent failures so that they don't
impact the machine learning algorithms that you've created. This will include looking at the
following subject areas:
• Finding flaws in your data that lead to flaws in your learned model
• Using creative tricks to make your model learn more from less data
• Unit testing data in production or training to ensure standards are met
• Being mindful of privacy and regulation, such as GDPR
• Preparing data for training and avoiding common pitfalls
• Inspecting the model and peering into the "black box"
• Finding optimal hyperparameters
• Scheduling learning rates in order to reduce overfitting
• Monitoring training progress with TensorBoard
• Deploying machine learning products and iterating on them
• Speeding up training and inference
The first step you must take, before even attempting to debug your program, is to
acknowledge that even good machine learning engineers fail frequently. There are many
reasons why machine learning projects fail, and most have nothing to do with the skills of the
engineers, so don't think that just because it's not working, you're at fault.
If these bugs are spotted early enough, then both time and money can be saved. Furthermore,
in high-stakes environments, including finance-based situations, such as trading, engineers
that are aware can pull the plug when they notice their model is failing. This should not be
seen as a failure, but as a success to avoid problems.
Debugging data
You'll remember that back in the first chapter of this book, we discussed how
machine learning models are a function of their training data, meaning that, for
example, bad data will lead to bad models, or as we put it, garbage in, garbage out.
If your project is failing, your data is the most likely culprit. Therefore, in this
chapter we will start by looking at the data first, before moving on to look at the other
possible issues that might cause our model to crash.
However, even if you have a working model, the real-world data coming in might not
be up to the task. In this section, we will learn how to find out whether you have good
data, what to do if you have not been given enough data, and how to test your data.
There are two aspects to consider when wanting to know whether your data is up
to the task of training a good model:
To find out whether your model does contain predicting information, also called a
signal, you could ask yourself the question, could a human make a prediction given
this data? It's important for your AI to be given data that can be comprehended by
humans, because after all, the only reason we know intelligence is possible is
because we observe it in humans. Humans are good at understanding written text,
but if a human cannot understand a text, then the chances are that your model won't
make much sense of it either.
A common pitfall to this test is that humans have context that your model does
not have. A human trader does not only consume financial data, but they might have
also experienced the product of a company or seen the CEO on TV. This external
context flows into the trader's decision but is often forgotten when a model is built.
Likewise, humans are also good at focusing on important data. A human trader will
not consume all of the financial data out there because most of it is irrelevant.
Adding more inputs to your model won't make it better; on the contrary, it often
makes it worse, as the model overfits and gets distracted by all the noise. On the
other hand, humans are irrational; they follow peer pressure and have a hard time
making decisions in abstract and unfamiliar environments. Humans would struggle to
find an optimal traffic light policy, for instance, because the data that traffic lights
operate on is not intuitive to us.
This brings us to the second sanity check: a human might not be able to make
predictions, but there might be a causal (economic) rationale. There is a causal
link between a company's profits and its share price, the traffic on a road and traffic
jams, customer complaints and customers leaving your company, and so on. While
humans might not have an intuitive grasp of these links, we can discover them
through reasoning.
There are some tasks for which a causal link is required. For instance, for a long
time, many quantitative trading firms insisted on their data having a causal link to the
predicted outcomes of models. Yet nowadays, the industry seems to have slightly
moved away from that idea as it gets more confident in testing its algorithms. If
humans cannot make a prediction and there is no causal rationale for why your
data is predictive, you might want to reconsider whether your project is feasible.
Once you have determined that your data contains enough signal, you need to ask
yourself whether you have enough data to train a model to extract the signal. There is
no clear answer to the question of how much is enough, but roughly speaking, the
amount needed depends on the complexity of the model you hope to create. There
are a couple of rules of thumb to follow, however:
• For classification, you should have around 30 independent samples per class.
• You should have 10 times as many samples as there are features, especially
for structured data problems.
• Your dataset should get bigger as the number of parameters in your model
gets bigger.
Keep in mind these rules are only rules of thumb and might be very different for your
specific application. If you can make use of transfer learning, then you can drastically
reduce the number of samples you need. This is why most computer vision
applications use transfer learning.
If you have any reasonable amount of data, say, a few hundred samples, then you
can start building your model. In this case, a sensible suggestion would be to start
with a simple model that you can deploy while you collect more data.
Sometimes, you find yourself in a situation where despite starting your project, you
simply do not have enough data. For example, the legal team might have changed its
mind and decided that you cannot use the data, for instance due to GDPR, even
though they greenlit it earlier. In this case, you have multiple options.
Most of the time, one of the best options would be to "augment your data."
We've already seen some data augmentation in Chapter 3, Utilizing Computer Vision.
Of course, you can augment all kinds of data in various ways, including slightly
changing some database entries. Taking augmentation a step further, you might be
able to generate your data, for example, in a simulation. This is effectively how most
reinforcement learning researchers gather data, but this can also work in other cases.
The data we used for fraud detection back in Chapter 2, Applying Machine Learning
to Structured Data was obtained from simulation. The simulation requires you to be
able to write down the rules of your environment within a program. Powerful learning
algorithms tend to figure out these often over-simplistic rules, so they might not
generalize to the real world as well. Yet, simulated data can be a powerful addition to
real data.
Likewise, you can often find external data. Just because you haven't tracked a
certain data point, it does not mean that nobody else has. There is an astonishing
amount of data available on the internet. Even if the data was not originally collected
for your purpose, you might be able to retool data by either relabeling it or by using it
for transfer learning. You might be able to train a model on a large dataset for a
different task and then use that model as a basis for your task. Equally, you can find
a model that someone else has trained for a different task and repurpose it for your
Finally, you might be able to create a simple model, which does not capture the
relationship in the data completely but is enough to ship a product. Random forests
and other tree-based methods often require much less data than neural networks.
It's important to remember that for data, quality trumps quantity in the majority of
cases. Getting a small, high-quality dataset in and training a weak model is often your
best shot to find problems with data early. You can always scale up data collection
later. A mistake many practitioners make is that they spend huge amounts of time
and money on getting a big dataset, only to find that they have the wrong kind of data
for their project.
If you build a model, you're making assumptions about your data. For example, you
assume that the data you feed into your time series model is actually a time series
with dates that follow each other in order. You need to test your data to make sure
that this assumption is true. This is something that is especially true with live data
that you receive once your model is already in production. Bad data might lead to
poor model performance, which can be dangerous, especially in a high-stakes
Additionally, you need to test whether your data is clean from things such as personal
information. As we'll see in the following section on privacy, personal information is a
liability that you want to get rid of, unless you have good reasons and consent from
the user to use it.
Since monitoring data quality is important when trading based on many data sources,
Two Sigma Investments LP, a New York City-based international hedge fund, has
created an open source library for data monitoring. It is called marbles, and you can
read more about it here: marbles builds on
Python's unittest library.
import marbles.core #1
from marbles.mixins import mixins
import pandas as pd #2
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
class TimeSeriesTestCase(marbles.core.TestCase,mixins.MonotonicMixins):
def setUp(self): #4
self.df =
2,1)],'ireland_unemployment':[6.2,6.1,6.0]}) #5
def tearDown(self):
self.df = None #6
def test_date_order(self): #7
self.assertMonotonicIncreasing(sequence=self.df.dates,note = 'Dates
need to increase monotonically')
Don't worry if you don't fully understand the code. We're now going to go through
each stage of the code:
1. Marbles features two main components. The core module does the actual
testing, while the mixins module provides a number of useful tests for different
types of data. This simplifies your test writing and gives you more readable
and semantically interpretable tests.
2. You can use all the libraries, like pandas, that you would usually use to handle
and process data for testing.
3. Now it is time to define our test class. A new test class must inherit
marbles' TestCase class. This way, our test class is automatically set up to run
as a marbles test. If you want to use a mixin, you also need to inherit the
corresponding mixin class.
4. In this example, we are working with a series of dates that should be
increasing monotonically. The MonotonicMixins class provides a range of tools
that allow you to test for a monotonically increasing series automatically.
5. If you are coming from Java programming, the concept of multiple inheritances
might strike you as weird, but in Python, classes can easily inherit multiple
other classes. This is useful if you want your class to inherit two different
capabilities, such as running a test and testing time-related concepts.
6. The setUp function is a standard test function in which we can load the data
and prepare for the test. In this case, we just need to define a pandas
DataFrame by hand. Alternatively, you could also load a CSV file, load
a web resource, or pursue any other way in order to get your data.
7. In our DataFrame, we have the Irish unemployment rate for two months.
As you can see, the last month has been counted twice. As this should not
happen, it will cause an error.
8. The tearDown method is a standard test method that allows us to cleanup after
our test is done. In this case, we just free RAM, but you can also choose to
delete files or databases that were just created for testing.
9. Methods describing actual tests should start with test_. marbles will
automatically run all of the test methods after setting up.
10. We assert that the time indicator of our data strictly increases. If our assertion
had required intermediate variables, such as a maximum value, marbles will
display it in the error report. To make our error more readable, we can attach a
handy note.
To run a unit test in a Jupyter Notebook, we need to tell marbles to ignore the first
argument; we achieve this by running the following:
if __name__ == '__main__':
marbles.core.main(argv=['first-arg-is-ignored'], exit=False)
It's more common to run unit tests directly from the command line. So, if you saved
the preceding code in the command line, you could run it with this command:
Of course, there are problems with our data. Luckily for us, our test ensures that this
error does not get passed on to our model, where it would cause a silent failure in the
form of a bad prediction. Instead, the test will fail with the following error output:
F #1
FAIL: test_date_order (__main__.TimeSeriesTestCase) #2
marbles.core.marbles.ContextualAssertionError: Elements in 0 2018-01-01
1 2018-02-01
2 2018-02-01 #3
Name: dates, dtype: datetime64[ns] are not strictly monotonically
Source (<ipython-input-1-ebdbd8f0d69f>): #4
> 20 self.assertMonotonicIncreasing(sequence=self.df.dates,
21 note = 'Dates need to increase
Locals: #5
Note: #6
Dates need to increase monotonically
FAILED (failures=1)
So, what exactly caused the data to fail? Let's have a look:
1. The top line shows the status of the entire test. In this case, there was only
one test method, and it failed. Your test might have multiple different test
methods, and marbles would display the progress by showing how tests fail
or pass. The next couple of lines describe the failed test method. This line
describes that the test_date_order method of the TimeSeriesTestCase class
2. marbles shows precisely how the test failed. The values of the dates tested
are shown, together with the cause for failure.
3. In addition to the actual failure, marbles will display a traceback showing
the actual code where our test failed.
4. A special feature of marbles is the ability to display local variables. This way,
we can ensure that there was no problem with the setup of the test. It also
helps us in getting the context as to how exactly the test failed.
5. Finally, marbles will display our note, which helps the test consumer
understand what went wrong.
6. As a summary, marbles displays that the test failed with one failure.
Sometimes, you may be able to accept data even though it failed some tests,
but more often than not you'll want to dig in and see what is going on.
The point of unit testing data is to make the failures loud in order to prevent data
issues from giving you bad predictions. A failure with an error message is much
better than a failure without one. Often, the failure is caused by your data vendor,
and by testing all of the data that you got from all of the vendors, it will allow you
to be aware when a vendor makes a mistake.
Unit testing data also helps you to ensure you have no data that you shouldn't have,
such as personal data. Vendors need to clean datasets of all personally identifying
information, such as social security numbers, but of course, they sometimes forget.
Complying with ever stricter data privacy regulation is a big concern for many
financial institutions engaging in machine learning.
The next section will therefore discuss how to preserve privacy and comply with
regulations while still gaining benefits from machine learning.
In recent years, consumers have woken up to the fact that their data is being
harvested and analyzed in ways that they cannot control, and that is sometimes
against their own interest. Naturally, they are not happy about it and regulators
have to come up with some new data regulations.
At the time of writing, the European Union has introduced the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR), but it's likely that other jurisdictions will develop
stricter privacy protections, too.
This text will not go into depth on how to comply with this law specifically. However, if
you wish to expand your understanding of the topic, then the UK government's guide
to GDPR is a good starting place to learn more about the specifics of the regulation
and how to comply with it:
This section will outline both the key principles of the recent privacy legislation and
some technological solutions that you can utilize in order to comply with these
The overarching rule here is to, "delete what you don't need." For a long time, a large
percentage of companies have just stored all of the data that they could get their
hands on, but this is a bad idea. Storing personal data is a liability for your business.
It's owned by someone else, and you are on the hook for taking care of it. The next
time you hear a statement such as, "We have 500,000 records in our database,"
think of it more along the lines of, "We have 500,000 liabilities on our books." It can
be a good idea to take on liabilities, but only if there is an economic value that
justifies these liabilities. What happens astonishingly often though is that you might
collect personal data by accident. Say you are tracking device usage, but
accidentally include the customer ID in your records. You need practices in place that
monitor and prevent such accidents, here are four of the key ones:
Say you went for coffee with a friend, paid by credit card, and posted a picture
of the coffee on Instagram. The bank might collect anonymous credit card
records, but if someone went to crosscheck the credit card records against the
Instagram pictures, there would only be one customer who bought a coffee
and posted a picture of coffee at the same time in the same area. This way, all
your credit card transactions are no longer anonymous. Consumers expect
companies to be mindful of these effects.
• Encrypt and Obfuscate data: Apple, for instance, collects phone data but
adds random noise to the collected data. The noise renders each individual
record incorrect, but in aggregate the records still give a picture of user
behavior. There are a few caveats to this approach; for example, you can only
collect so many data points from a user before the noise cancels out, and the
individual behavior is revealed.
This means you can encrypt the data and still train a model on it.
Homomorphic encryption is still in its infancy, but through approaches like this,
you can ensure that in the case of a data breach, no sensitive individual
information is leaked.
• Train locally, and upload only a few gradients: One way to avoid uploading
user data is to train your model on the user's device. The user accumulates
data on the device. You can then download your model on to the device
and perform a single forward and backward pass on the device.
To avoid the possibility of inference of user data from the gradients, you only
upload a few gradients at random. You can then apply the gradients to your
master model.
To further increase the overall privacy of the system, you do not need to
download all the newly update weights from the master model to the user's
device, but only a few. This way, you train your model asynchronously without
ever accessing any data. If your database gets breached, no user data is lost.
However, we need to note that this only works if you have a large enough user
In earlier chapters, we have seen the benefits of normalizing and scaling features, we
also discussed how you should scale all numerical features. There are four ways of
feature scaling; these include standardization, Min-Max, mean normalization, and unit
length scaling. In this section we'll break down each one:
• Standardization ensures that all of the data has a mean of zero and
a standard deviation of one. It is computed by subtracting the mean
and dividing by the standard deviation of the data:
This is probably the most common way of scaling features. It's especially
useful if you suspect that your data contains outliers as it is quite robust. On
the flip side, standardization does not ensure that your features are between
zero and one, which is the range in which neural networks learn best.
• Min-Max rescaling does exactly that. It scales all data between zero and
one by first subtracting the minimum value and then dividing by the range of
values. We can see this expressed in the formula below:
If you know for sure that your data contains no outliers, which is the case in
images, for instance, Min-Max scaling will give you a nice scaling of values
between zero and one.
• For some applications, it is better to not scale individual features, but instead
vectors of features. In this case, you would apply unit length scaling by
dividing each element in the vector by the total length of the vector, as we can
see below:
The length of the vector usually means the L2 norm of the vector , that is,
the square root of the sum of squares. For some applications, the vector
length means the L1 norm of the vector, , which is the sum of vector
However you scale, it is important to only measure the scaling factors, mean, and
standard deviation on the test set. These factors include only a select amount of the
information about the data. If you measure them over your entire dataset, then the
algorithm might perform better on the test set than it will in production, due to this
information advantage.
Equally importantly, you should check that your production code has proper feature
scaling as well. Over time, you should recalculate your feature distribution and adjust
your scaling.
Why did your model make the prediction it made? For complex models, this question
is pretty hard to answer. A global explanation for a very complex model might in itself
be very complex. The Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) is,
a popular algorithm for model explanation that focuses on local explanations. Rather
than trying to answer; "How does this model make predictions?" LIME tries to
answer; "Why did the model make this prediction on this data?"
Note: The authors of LIME, Ribeiro, Singh, and Guestrin, curated a great GitHub
repository around their algorithm with many explanations and tutorials, which you can
find here:
On Kaggle kernels, LIME is installed by default. However, you can install LIME locally
with the following command:
The LIME algorithm works with any classifier, which is why it is model agnostic.
To make an explanation, LIME cuts up the data into several sections, such as areas
of an image or utterances in a text. It then creates a new dataset by removing some
of these features. It runs this new dataset through the black box classifier and obtains
the classifiers predicted probabilities for different classes. LIME then encodes the
data as vectors describing what features were present. Finally, it trains a linear model
to predict the outcomes of the black box model with different features removed. As
linear models are easy to interpret, LIME will use the linear model to determine the
most important features.
Let's say that you are using a text classifier, such as TF-IDF, to classify emails such
as those in the 20 newsgroup dataset. To get explanations from this classifier, you
would use the following snippet:
exp.show_in_notebook() #6
1. The LIME package has several classes for different types of data.
2. To create a new blank explainer, we need to pass the names of classes
of our classifier.
3. We'll provide one text example for which we want an explanation.
4. We provide the prediction function of our classifier. We need to provide
a function that provides probabilities. For Keras, this is just model.predict;for
scikit models, we need to use the predict_proba method.
5. LIME shows the maximum number of features. We want to show only
the importance of the six most important features in this case.
6. Finally, we can render a visualization of our prediction, which looks like this:
LIME text output
The explanation shows the classes with different features that the text gets classified
as most often. It shows the words that most contribute to the classification in the two
most frequent classes. Under that, you can see the words that contributed to
the classification highlighted in the text.
As you can see, our model picked up on parts of the email address of the sender as
distinguishing features, as well as the name of the university, "Rice." It sees
"Caused" to be a strong indicator that the text is about atheism. Combined, these are
all things we want to know when debugging datasets.
LIME does not perfectly solve the problem of explaining models. It struggles if the
interaction of multiple features leads to a certain outcome for instance. However, it
does well enough to be a useful data debugging tool. Often, models pick up on things
they should not be picking up on. To debug a dataset, we need to remove all these
"give-away" features that statistical models like to overfit to.
Looking back at this section, you've now seen a wide range of tools that you can use
to debug your dataset. Yet, even with a perfect dataset, there can be issues when it
comes to training. The next section is about how to debug your model.
There are a number of different hyperparameter optimization tools, but we will look at
Hyperas because of its ease of use. Hyperas is a wrapper for hyperopt, a popular
optimization library made for working with Keras.
Depending on your setup, you might need to make a few adjustments to the
installation. If this is the case, then the Hyperas GitHub page, link above, offers
more information.
Hyperas offers two optimization methods, Random Search and Tree of Parzen
Estimators. Within a range of parameters that we think are reasonable, the random
search will sample randomly and train a model with random hyperparameters. It will
then pick the best-performing model as the solution.
Random search is simple and robust, and it can be scaled easily. It basically makes
no assumption about the hyperparameters, their relation, and the loss surface. On
the flip side, it is relatively slow.
The Tree of Parzen (TPE) algorithm models the relation P(x|y), where x represents
the hyperparameters and y the associated performance. This is the exact opposite
modeling of Gaussian processes, which model P(y|x) and are popular with many
Empirically, it turns out that TPE performs better. For the precise details, see the
2011 paper, Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Optimization, available
at: --
that was authored by James S. Bergstra and others. TPE is faster than random
search but can get stuck in local minima and struggles with some difficult loss
surfaces. As a rule of thumb, it makes sense to start with TPE, and if TPE struggles,
move to random search.
While the code was short, let's explain what it all means:
To build on the previous ideas that we've explored, let's now add the following, which
we will explain in more detail once the code has been written:
def data(): #1
import numpy as np #2
from keras.utils import np_utils
path = '../input/mnist.npz' #3
with np.load(path) as f:
X_train, y_train = f['x_train'], f['y_train']
X_test, y_test = f['x_test'], f['y_test']
1. Hyperas expects a function that loads the data; we cannot just pass on
a dataset from memory.
2. To scale the search, Hyperas creates a new runtime in which it does model
creation and evaluation. This also means imports that we did in a notebook do
not always transfer into the runtime. To be sure that all modules are available,
we need to do all imports in the data function. This is also true for modules
that will only be used for the model.
3. We now load the data. Since Kaggle kernels do not have access to the
internet, we need to load the MNIST data from disk. If you have internet,
but no local version of the files, you can get the data using following code:
4. from keras.datasets import mnist
(Y_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
I would still keep the no internet version around because it is the default
5. The data function also needs to preprocess the data. We do the standard
reshaping and scaling that we did when we worked with MNIST earlier.
6. Finally, we return the data. This data will be passed into the function that
builds and evaluates the model:
7. def model(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test): #1
8. model = Sequential() #2
9. model.add(Dense(512, input_shape=(784,)))
11. model.add(Activation('relu'))
13. model.add(Dropout({{uniform(0, 0.5)}})) #3
15. model.add(Dense({{choice([256, 512, 1024])}})) #4
17. model.add(Activation({{choice(['relu','tanh'])}})) #5
19. model.add(Dropout({{uniform(0, 0.5)}}))
21. model.add(Dense(10))
22. model.add(Activation('softmax'))
24. rms = RMSprop()
25. model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=rms,
27., y_train,
128])}},epochs=1,verbose=2,validation_data=(X_test, y_test))
28. score, acc = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=0) #7
29. print('Test accuracy:', acc)
return {'loss': -acc, 'status': STATUS_OK, 'model': model} #8
As you can see, the preceding snippet of code is made up of eight defining pieces.
Let's now explore them so that we're able to fully understand the code we've just
1. The model function both defines the model and evaluates it. Given a training
dataset from the data function, it returns a set of quality metrics.
2. When fine-tuning with Hyperas, we can define a Keras model just as we
usually would. Here, we only have to replace the hyperparameters we want to
tune with Hyperas functions.
3. To tune dropout, for instance, we replace the Dropout hyperparameter
with {{uniform(0, 0.5)}}. Hyperas will automatically sample and evaluate
dropout rates between 0 and 0.5, sampled from a uniform distribution.
4. To sample from discrete distributions, for instance, the size of a hidden layer,
we replace the hyperparameter with {{choice([256, 512, 1024])}} . Hyperas
will choose from a hidden layer size of 256, 512, and 1,024 now.
5. We can do the same to choose activation functions.
6. To evaluate the model, we need to compile and fit it. In this process, we can
also choose between different batch sizes. In this case, we only train for one
epoch, to keep the time needed for this example short. You could also run
a whole training process with Hyperas.
7. To gain insight into how well the model is doing, we evaluate it on test data.
8. Finally, we return the model's score, the model itself, and an indicator that
everything went okay. Hyperas tries to minimize a loss function. To maximize
accuracy, we set the loss to be the negative accuracy. You could also pass
the model loss here, depending on what the best optimization method is for
your problem.
We pass the model method and the data method, and we specify how many trials we
want to run and which class should govern the trials. Hyperopt also offers
a distributed trials class in which workers communicate via MongoDB.
When working in a Jupyter Notebook, we need to provide the name of the notebook
we are working in. Kaggle Notebooks all have the filename __notebook_source__,
regardless of the name you gave them.
After it's run, Hyperas returns the best-performing model as well as the
hyperparameters of the best model. If you print out best_run, you should see output
similar to this:
{'Activation': 1,
'Dense': 1,
'Dropout': 0.3462695171578595,
'Dropout_1': 0.10640021656377913,
'batch_size': 0}
For choice selections, Hyperas shows the index. In this case, the activation
function tanh was chosen.
In this case we ran the hyperparameter search only for a few trials. Usually, you
would run a few hundred or thousand trials. To do this we would use automated
hyperparameter search, which can be a great tool to improve model performance
if you have enough compute power available.
However, it won't get a model that does not work at all to work. When choosing this
approach, you need to be sure to have a somewhat-working approach first before
investing in hyperparameter search.
One of the most important hyperparameters is the learning rate. Finding a good
learning rate is hard. Too small and your model might train so slowly that you believe
it is not training at all, but if it's too large it will overshoot and not reduce the loss as
When doing a line search, it is better to increase the learning rate exponentially. You
are more likely to care about the region of smaller learning rates than about very
large learning rates.
In our example below, we perform 20 evaluations and double the learning rate
in every evaluation. We can run this by executing the following code:
init_lr = 1e-6 #1
losses = []
lrs = []
for i in range(20): #2
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(512, input_shape=(784,)))
opt = Adam(lr=init_lr*2**i) #3
loss = hist.history['loss'][0] #5
Let's now take a more detailed look at the preceding featured code:
1. We specify a low, but still reasonable, initial learning rate from which we start
our search.
2. We then perform training 20 times with different learning rates. We need to set
up the model from scratch each time.
3. We calculate our new learning rate. In our case, we double the learning rate in
each evaluation step. You could also use a smaller increase if you want
a more fine-grained picture.
4. We then fit the model with our new learning rate.
5. Finally, we keep track of the loss.
If your dataset is very large, you can perform this learning rate search on a subset
of the data. The interesting part comes from the visualization of learning rates:
When you run this code, it will then output the following chart:
As you can see, the loss is optimal between 1e-3 and 1e-2. We can also see that the
loss surface is relatively flat in this area. This gives us insight that we should use
a learning rate around 1e-3. To avoid overshooting, we select a learning rate
somewhat lower than the optimum found by line search.
Learning rate scheduling
Why stop at using one learning rate? In the beginning, your model might be far away
from the optimal solution, and so because of that you want to move as fast as
possible. As you approach the minimum loss, however, you want to move slower to
avoid overshooting. A popular method is to anneal the learning rate so that it
represents a cosine function. To this end, we need to the find a learning rate
scheduling function, that given a time step, t, in epochs returns a learning rate. The
learning rate becomes a function of t:
Here l is the cycle length and is the initial learning rate. We modify this function
to ensure that t does not become larger than the cycle length:
def cosine_anneal_schedule(t):
lr_init = 1e-2 #1
anneal_len = 5
if t >= anneal_len: t = anneal_len -1 #2
cos_inner = np.pi * (t % (anneal_len)) #3
cos_inner /= anneal_len
cos_out = np.cos(cos_inner) + 1
return float(lr_init / 2 * cos_out)
1. In our function, we need to set up a starting point from which we anneal. This
can be a relatively large learning rate. We also need to specify how many
epochs we want to anneal.
2. A cosine function does not monotonically decrease; it goes back up after
a cycle. We will use this property later; for now, we will just make sure that the
learning rate does not go back up.
3. Finally we calculate the new learning rate using the preceding formula.
This is the new learning rate.
To get a better understanding of what the learning rate scheduling function does,
we can plot the learning rate it would set over 10 epochs:
With the output of the code being shown in the following graph:
Cosine anneal
We now have a callback that Keras will call at the end of each epoch in order to get a
new learning rate. We pass this callback to the fit method and voilà, our model
trains with a decreasing learning rate:,y_train,batch_size=128,epochs=5,callbacks=[cb])
A version of the learning rate annealing is to add restarts. At the end of an annealing
cycle, we move the learning rate back up. This is a method used to avoid overfitting.
With a small learning rate, our model might find a very narrow minimum. If the data
we want to use our model on is slightly different from the training data, then the loss
surface might change a bit, and our model could be out of the narrow minimum for
this new loss surface. If we set the learning rate back up, our model will get out of
narrow minima. Broad minima, however, are stable enough for the model to stay
in them:
Shallow broad minima
As the cosine function goes back up by itself, we only have to remove the line to stop
it from doing so:
def cosine_anneal_schedule(t):
lr_init = 1e-2
anneal_len = 10
cos_inner = np.pi * (t % (anneal_len))
cos_inner /= anneal_len
cos_out = np.cos(cos_inner) + 1
return float(lr_init / 2 * cos_out)
An important part of debugging a model is knowing when things go wrong before you
have invested significant amounts of time training the model. TensorBoard is
a TensorFlow extension that allows you to easily monitor your model in a browser.
To provide an interface from which you can watch your model's progress,
TensorBoard also offers some options useful for debugging. For example, you
can observe the distributions of the model's weights and gradients during training.
Note: TensorBoard does not run on Kaggle. To try out TensorBoard, install Keras
and TensorFlow on your own machine.
To use TensorBoard with Keras, we set up a new callback. TensorBoard has many
options, so let's walk through them step by step:
There are five key pieces of the preceding code that we need to take into
1. First, we need to specify where Keras should save the data that TensorBoard
later visualizes. Generally, it is a good idea to save all logs of your
different runs in one logs folder and give every run its own subfolder, such
as test2 in this case. This way, you can easily compare different runs within
TensorBoard but also keep different runs separate.
2. By default, TensorBoard would just show you the loss and accuracy
of your model. In this case, we are interested in histograms showing
weights and distributions. We save the data for the histograms every epoch.
3. To generate data, TensorBoard runs batches through the model. We need
to specify a batch size for this process.
4. We need to tell TensorBoard what to save. TensorBoard can visualize the
model's computational graph, its gradients, and images showing weights. The
more we save however, the slower the training.
5. TensorBoard can also visualize trained embeddings nicely. Our model does
not have embeddings, so we are not interested in saving them.
Once we have the callback set up, we can pass it to the training process. We will
train the MNIST model once again. We multiply the inputs by 255, making
training much harder. To achieve all of this we need to run the following code:
hist =*255,y_train,batch_size=128,epochs=5,callbacks=[tb],valida
tensorboard --logdir=/full_path_to_your_logs
Here full_path_to_your_logs is the path you saved your logs in, for example, logs in
our case. TensorBoard runs on port 6006 by default, so in your browser,
go to http://localhost:6006 to see TensorBoard.
Once the page has loaded, navigate to the HISTOGRAMS section; this section
should look something like this:
TensorBoard histograms
You can see the distribution of gradients and weights in the first layer. As you can
see, the gradients are uniformly distributed and extremely close to zero. The weights
hardly change at all over the different epochs. We are dealing with a vanishing
gradient problem; we will cover this problem in depth later.
Armed with the real-time insight that this problem is happening, we can react faster. If
you really want to dig into your model, TensorBoard also offers a visual debugger. In
this debugger, you can step through the execution of your TensorFlow model and
examine every single value inside it. This is especially useful if you are working on
complex models, such as generative adversarial networks, and are trying to
understand why something complex goes wrong.
Note: The TensorFlow debugger does not work well with models trained in Jupyter
Notebooks. Save your model training code to a Python .py script and run that script.
To use the TensorFlow debugger, you have to set your model's runtime to a special
debugger runtime. In specifying the debugger runtime, you also need to specify
which port you want the debugger to run, in this case, port 2018:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
import keras
n(), "localhost:2018"))
Once Keras begins to work with the debugger runtime, you can debug your model.
For the debugger to work, you need to name your Keras model to model. However,
you do not need to train the model with a TensorBoard callback.
Now, start TensorBoard and activate the debugger by specifying the debugger port
as follows:
Now you can open TensorBoard as usual in your browser on port 6006. TensorBoard
now has a new section called DEBUGGER:
TensorBoard debugger
By clicking STEP, you execute the next step in the training process.
With CONTINUE…, you can train your model for one or more epochs. By navigating
the tree on the left side, you can view the components of your model. You can
visualize individual elements of your model, to see how different actions affect
them. Using the debugger effectively requires a bit of practice, but if you are
working with complex models, it is a great tool.
The vanishing gradient problem describes the issue that sometimes gradients in
a deep neural network become very small and as a result, training occurs very
slowly. Exploding gradients are the opposite problem; they are gradients that become
so large that the network does not converge.
Of the two, the vanishing gradient problem is the more persistent issue. Vanishing
gradients are caused by the fact that in deep networks, gradients of earlier layers
depend on gradients of layers closer to the output. If the output gradients are small,
then the gradients behind them are even smaller. Thus, the deeper the network, the
more issues that occur with regard to vanishing gradients.
The key causes of small gradients include sigmoid and tanh activation functions.
If you look at the following sigmoid function, you'll see that it is very flat toward
large values:
Sigmoid vanishing
The small gradients of the sigmoid function are the reason why the ReLU activation
function has become popular for training deep neural networks. Its gradient is equal
to one for all positive input values. However, it is zero for all negative input values.
Another cause of vanishing gradients is saddle points in the loss function. Although
no minimum was reached, the loss function is very flat in some areas, producing
small gradients.
To combat the vanishing gradient problem, you should use ReLU activation. If you
see that your model is training slowly, consider increasing the learning rate to move
out of a saddle point faster. Finally, you might just want to let the model train longer if
it suffers from small gradients.
The exploding gradient problem is usually caused by large absolute weight values.
As backpropagation multiplies the later layers' gradients with the layers' weights,
large weights amplify gradients. To counteract the exploding gradient problem,
you can use weight regularization, which incentivizes smaller weights. Using
a method called gradient clipping, you can ensure that gradients do not become
larger than a certain value. In Keras, you can clip both the norm and the absolute
value of gradients:
Convolutional layers and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks are less
susceptible to both vanishing and exploding gradients. ReLU and batch normalization
generally stabilize the network. Both of these problems might be caused by non-
regularized inputs, so you should check your data too. Batch normalization also
counteracts exploding gradients.
If exploding gradients are a problem, you can add a batch normalization layer to your
model as follows:
Batch normalization also reduces the risk of vanishing gradients and has enabled
the construction of much deeper networks recently.
You have now seen a wide range of tools that can be used to debug your models. As
a final step, we are going to learn some methods to run models in production and
speed up the machine learning process.
Deployment into production is often seen as separate from the creation of models. At many
companies, data scientists create models in isolated development environments on training,
validation, and testing data that was collected to create models.
Once the model performs well on the test set, it then gets passed on to deployment engineers,
who know little about how and why the model works the way it does. This is a mistake. After
all, you are developing models to use them, not for the fun of developing them.
Models tend to perform worse over time for several reasons. The world changes, so the data
you trained on might no longer represent the real world. Your model might rely on the outputs
of some other systems that are subject to change. There might be unintended side effects and
weaknesses of your model that only show with extended usage. Your model might influence
the world that it tries to model. Model decay describes how models have a lifespan after
which performance deteriorates.
Data scientists should have the full life cycle of their models in mind. They need to be aware
of how their model works in production in the long run.
In fact, the production environment is the perfect environment to optimize your model. Your
datasets are only an approximation for the real world. Live data gives a much fresher and
more accurate view of the world. By using online learning or active learning methods, you
can drastically reduce the need for training data.
This section describes some best practices for getting your models to work in the real world.
The exact method of serving your model can vary depending on your application. See the
upcoming section Performance Tips for more details on choosing a deployment method.
Launching fast
Take the case of fraud detection, for instance. Not only do you need to gather
transaction data together with information about occurring frauds, you also want to
know how quick fraudsters are at finding ways around your detection methods. You
want to know how customers whose transactions have been falsely flagged as fraud
react. All of this information influences your model design and your model evaluation
metrics. If you can come up with a simple heuristic, deploy the heuristic and then
work on the machine learning approach.
When developing a machine learning model, try simple models first. A surprising
number of tasks can be modeled with simple, linear models. Not only do you obtain
results faster, but you can also quickly identify the features that your model is likely to
overfit to. Debugging your dataset before working on a complex model can save you
many headaches.
A second advantage of getting a simple approach out of the door quickly is that you
can prepare your infrastructure. Your infrastructure team is likely made up of different
people from the modeling team. If the infrastructure team does not have to wait for
the modeling team but can start optimizing the infrastructure immediately, then you
gain a time advantage.
To ensure that optimizing metrics such as the mean squared error or cross-entropy
loss actually lead to a better outcome, you need to be mindful of how your model
metrics relate to higher order metrics, which you can see visualized in the following
diagram. Imagine you have some consumer-facing app in which you recommend
different investment products to retail investors.
Higher order effects
You might predict whether the user is interested in a given product, measured by the
user reading the product description. However, the metric you want to optimize in
your application is not your model accuracy, but the click-through rate of users going
to the description screen. On a higher order, your business is not designed to
maximize the click-through rate, but revenue. If your users only click on low-revenue
products, your click-through rate does not help you.
Finally, your business' revenue might be optimized to the detriment of society. In this
case, regulators will step in. Higher order effects are influenced by your model. The
higher the order of the effect, the harder it is to attribute to a single model. Higher
order effects have large impacts, so effectively, higher order effects serve as meta-
metrics to lower-order effects. To judge how well your application is doing, you align
its metrics, for example, click-through rates, with the metrics relevant for the higher
order effect, for example, revenue. Equally, your model metrics need to be aligned
with your application metrics.
Often, you will find that to align with a higher order metric, you'll need to combine
several metrics, such as accuracy and speed of predictions. In this case, you should
craft a formula that combines the metrics into one single number. A single number
will allow you to doubtlessly choose between two models and help your engineers
to create better models.
For instance, you could set a maximum latency of 200 milliseconds and your metric
would be, "Accuracy if latency is below 200 milliseconds, otherwise zero." If you
do not wish to set one maximum latency value, you could choose, "Accuracy divided
by latency in milliseconds." The exact design of this formula depends on your
application. As you observe how your model influences its higher order metric,
you can adapt your model metric. The metric should be simple and easy to quantify.
Next, to regularly test your model's impact on higher order metrics, you
should regularly test your models own metrics, such as accuracy. To this end, you
need a constant stream of ground truth labels together with your data. In some
cases, such as detecting fraud, ground truth data is easily collected, although it might
come in with some latency. In this case, customers might need a few weeks to find
out they have been overcharged.
In other cases, you might not have ground truth labels. Often, you can hand-label
data for which you have no ground truth labels coming in. Through good UI design,
the process of checking model predictions can be fast. Testers only have to decide
whether your model's prediction was correct or not, something they can do through
button presses in a web or mobile app. If you have a good review system in place,
data scientists who work on the model should regularly check the model's outputs.
This way, patterns in failures (our model does poorly on dark images) can be
detected quickly, and the model can be improved.
More often than not, your data gets collected by some other system that you as the
model developer have no control over. Your data might be collected by a data vendor
or by a different department in your firm. It might even be collected for different
purposes than your model. The collectors of the data might not even know you are
using the data for your model.
If, say, the collection method of the data changes, the distribution of your data might
change too. This could break your model. Equally, the real world might just change,
and with it the data distribution. To avoid changes in the data breaking your model,
you first need to be aware of what data you are using and assign an owner to each
feature. The job of the feature owner is to investigate where the data is coming from
and alert the team if changes in the data are coming. The feature owner should also
write down the assumptions underlying the data. In the best case, you test these
assumptions for all new data streaming in. If the data does not pass the tests,
investigate and eventually modify your model.
Equally, your model outputs might get used as inputs of other models. Help
consumers of your data reach you by clearly identifying yourself as the owner of the
Alert users of your model of changes to your model. Before deploying a model,
compare the new model's predictions to the old model's predictions. Treat models as
software and try to identify "breaking changes," that would significantly alter your
model's behavior. Often, you might not know who is accessing your model's
predictions. Try to avoid this by clear communication and setting access controls
if necessary.
Just as software has dependencies, libraries that need to be installed for the software
to work, machine learning models have data dependencies. Data dependencies are
not as well understood as software dependencies. By investigating your model's
dependencies, you can reduce the risk of your model breaking when data changes.
Performance tips
In many financial applications, speed is of the essence. Machine learning, especially deep
learning, has a reputation for being slow. However, recently, there have been many advances
in hardware and software that enable faster machine learning applications.
A lot of progress in deep learning has been driven by the use of graphics
processing units (GPUs). GPUs enable highly parallel computing at the expense of
operating frequency. Recently, multiple manufacturers have started working on
specialized deep learning hardware. Most of the time, GPUs are a good choice for
deep learning models or other parallelizable algorithms such as XGboost gradient-
boosted trees. However, not all applications benefit equally.
In natural language processing (NLP), for instance, batch sizes often need to be
small, so the parallelization of operations does not work as well since not that many
samples are processed at the same time. Additionally, some words appear much
more often than others, giving large benefits to caching frequent words. Thus, many
NLP tasks run faster on CPUs than GPUs. If you can work with large batches,
however, a GPU or even specialized hardware is preferable.
Keras is not only a standalone library that can use TensorFlow, but it is also an
integrated part of TensorFlow. TensorFlow features multiple high-level APIs that
can be used to create and train models.
From version 1.8 onward, the estimator API's features distribute training on multiple
machines, while the Keras API does not feature them yet. Estimators also have a
number of other speed-up tricks, so they are usually faster than Keras models.
You can find information on how to set up your cluster for distributed TensorFlow
By changing the import statements, you can easily use Keras as part of TensorFlow
and don't have to change your main code:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python import keras
In this section, we will create a model to learn the MNIST problem before training
it using the estimator API. First, we load and prepare the dataset as usual. For more
efficient dataset loading, see the next section:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(786, input_dim = 28*28))
estimator = keras.estimator.model_to_estimator(keras_model=model)
To set up training, we need to know the name assigned to the model input. We can
quickly check this with the following code:
Estimators get trained with an input function. The input function allows us to specify a
whole pipeline, which will be executed efficiently. In this case, we only want an input
function that yields our training set:
train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(x={'dense_1_input':
Finally, we train the estimator on the input. And that is it; you can now utilize
distributed TensorFlow with estimators:
estimator.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=2000)
Using optimized layers such as CuDNNLSTM
You will often find that someone created a special layer optimized to perform
certain tasks on certain hardware. Keras' CuDNNLSTM layer, for example, only runs
on GPUs supporting CUDA, a programming language specifically for GPUs.
When you lock in your model to specialized hardware, you can often make significant
gains in your performance. If you have the resources, it might even make sense
to write your own specialized layer in CUDA. If you want to change hardware
later, you can usually export weights and import them to a different layer.
With the right hardware and optimized software in place, your model often ceases to
be the bottleneck. You should check your GPU utilization by entering the following
command in your Terminal:
nvidia-smi -l 2
If your GPU utilization is not at around 80% to 100%, you can gain significantly by
optimizing your pipeline. There are several steps you can take to optimize
your pipeline:
• Create a pipeline running parallel to the model: Otherwise, your GPU will
be idle while the data is loading. Keras does this by default. If you have a
generator and want to have a larger queue of data to be held ready for
preprocessing, change the max_queue_size parameter of
the fit_generator method. If you set the workers argument of
the fit_generator method to zero, the generator will run on the main thread,
which slows things down.
• Preprocess data in parallel: Even if you have a generator working
independently of the model training, it might not keep up with the model. So, it
is better to run multiple generators in parallel. In Keras, you can do this by
setting use_multiprocessing to true and setting the number of workers to
anything larger than one, preferably to the number of CPUs available. Let's
look at an example:
You need to make sure your generator is thread safe. You can make any
generator thread safe with the following code snippet:
import threading
class thread_safe_iter: #1
def __init__(self, it): = it
self.lock = threading.Lock()
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self): #2
with self.lock:
def thread_safe_generator(f): #3
def g(*a, **kw):
return thread_safe_iter(f(*a, **kw))
return g
def gen():
You can also use the API together with an estimator, which does most
of the work for you.
• Combine files into large files: Reading a file takes time. If you have to read
thousands of small files, this can significantly slow you down. TensorFlow
offers its own data format called TFRecord. You can also just fuse an entire
batch into a single NumPy array and save that array instead of every example.
• Train with the API: If you are using the TensorFlow version of
Keras, you can use the Dataset API, which optimizes data loading and
processing for you. The Dataset API is the recommended way to load data into
TensorFlow. It offers a wide range of ways to load data, for instance, from a
CSV file with, or from TFRecord files
In this example, we will use the dataset API with NumPy arrays that we have
already loaded into RAM, such as the MNIST database.
dxtrain =
dytrain =
The map function allows us to perform operations on data before passing it to
the model. In this case, we apply one-hot encoding to our targets. However,
this could be any function. By setting the num_parallel_calls argument, we can
specify how many processes we want to run in parallel:
def apply_one_hot(z):
return tf.one_hot(z,10)
dytrain =,num_parallel_calls=4)
We zip the data and targets into one dataset. We instruct TensorFlow to
shuffle the data when loading, keeping 200 instances in memory from which to
draw samples. Finally, we make the dataset yield batches of batch size 32:
train_data =,dytrain)).shuffle(200).batch(32)
We can now fit a Keras model on this dataset just as we would fit it to a
If you have truly large datasets, the more you can parallelize, the better.
Parallelization does come with overhead costs, however, and not every problem
actually features huge datasets. In these cases, refrain from trying to do too much in
parallel and focus on slimming down your network, using CPUs and keeping all your
data in RAM if possible.
Python is a popular language because developing code in Python is easy and fast.
However, Python can be slow, which is why many production applications are written
in either C or C++. Cython is Python with C data types, which significantly speeds up
execution. Using this language, you can write pretty much normal Python code, and
Cython converts it to fast-running C code.
Note: You can read the full Cython documentation here:
This section is a short introduction to Cython. If performance is important to your
application, you should consider diving deeper.
Say you have a Python function that prints out the Fibonacci series up to a specified
point. This code snippet is taken straight from the Python documentation:
1. The setup function is a Python function to create modules, such as the ones
you install with pip.
2. cythonize is a function to turn a pyx Python file into Cython C code.
3. We create a new model by calling setup and passing on our Cythonized code.
This will create a C file, a build file, and a compiled module. We can import this
module now by running:
import cython_fib_8_7
This will print out the Fibonacci numbers up to 1,000. Cython also comes with
a handy debugger that shows where Cython has to fall back onto Python code, which
will slow things down. Type the following command into your Terminal:
cython -a cython_fib_8_7.pyx
This will create an HTML file that looks similar to this when opened in a browser:
Cython profile
As you can see, Cython has to fall back on Python all the time in our script because
we did not specify the types of variables. By letting Cython know what data type
a variable has, we can speed up the code significantly. To define a variable with
a type, we use cdef:
Now that we're at the end of this chapter, it's time to put what we've learned into use. Using
the knowledge that you've gained in this chapter, why not try the following exercises?
• Try to build any model that features exploding gradients in training. Hint: Do
not normalize inputs and play with the initialization of layers.
• Go to any example in this book and try to optimize performance by improving
the data pipeline.
In this chapter, you have learned a number of practical tips for debugging and improving your
model. Let's recap all of the things that we have looked at:
• Finding flaws in your data that lead to flaws in your learned model
• Using creative tricks to make your model learn more from less data
• Unit testing data in production or training to make sure standards are met
• Being mindful of privacy
• Preparing data for training and avoiding common pitfalls
• Inspecting the model and peering into the "black box"
• Finding optimal hyperparameters
• Scheduling learning rates in order to reduce overfitting
• Monitoring training progress with TensorBoard
• Deploying machine learning products and iterating on them
• Speeding up training and inference
You now have a substantial number of tools in your toolbox that will help you run actual,
practical machine learning projects and deploy them in real-life (for example, trading)
Making sure your model works before deploying it is crucial and failure to properly scrutinize
your model can cost you, your employer, or your clients millions of dollars. For these reasons,
some firms are reluctant to deploy machine learning models into trading at all. They fear that
they will never understand the models and thus won't be able to manage them in a production
environment. Hopefully, this chapter alleviates that fear by showcasing some practical tools
that can make models understandable, generalizable, and safe to deploy.
In the next chapter, we will look at a special, persistent, and dangerous problem associated
with machine learning models: bias. Statistical models tend to fit to and amplify human
biases. Financial institutions have to follow strict regulations to prevent them from being
racially or gender biased. Our focus will be to see how we can detect and remove biases from
our models in order to make them both fair and compliant.
Chapter 9. Fighting Bias
We like to think that machines are more rational than us: heartless silicon applying cold logic.
Thus, when computer science introduced automated decision making into the economy, many
hoped that computers would reduce prejudice and discrimination. Yet, as we mentioned
earlier when looking at mortgage applications and ethnicity, computers are made and trained
by humans, and the data that those machines use stems from an unjust world. Simply put, if
we are not careful, our programs will amplify human biases.
In the financial industry, anti-discrimination is not only a matter of morality. Take, for
instance, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which came into force in 1974 in the
United States. This law explicitly forbids creditors from discriminating applicants based
on race, sex, marital status, and several other attributes. It also requires creditors to inform
applicants about the reasons for denial.
The algorithms discussed in this book are discrimination machines. Given an objective, these
machines will find the features that it’s best to discriminate on. Yet, as we’ve discussed
discrimination is not always okay.
While it's okay to target ads for books from a certain country to people who are also from that
country, it's usually not okay, and thanks to the ECOA, often illegal, to deny a loan to people
from a certain country. Within the financial domain, there are much stricter rules for
discrimination than those seen in book sales. This is because decisions in the financial domain
have a much more severe impact on people's lives than those of book sales.
Equally, discrimination in this context is feature specific. For example, while it's okay to
discriminate against loan applicants based on their history of repaying loans, it's not okay to
do so based on their country of origin, unless there are sanctions against that country or
similar overarching laws in place.
The algorithms discussed in this book are feature extraction algorithms. Even if regulated
features are omitted, an algorithm might infer them from proxy features and then discriminate
based on them anyway. As an example of this, ZIP codes can be used to predict race
reasonably well in many cities in the United States. Therefore, omitting regulated features is
not enough when it comes to combating bias.
Sources of unfairness in machine
As we have discussed many times throughout this book, models are a function of the
data that they are trained on. Generally speaking, more data will lead to smaller
errors. So, by definition, there is less data on minority groups, simply because there
are fewer people in those groups.
This disparate sample size can lead to worse model performance for the minority
group. As a result, this increased error is often known as a systematic error. The
model might have to overfit the majority group data so that the relationships it found
do not apply to the minority group data. Since there is little minority group data, this is
not punished as much.
Imagine you are training a credit scoring model, and the clear majority of your
data comes from people living in lower Manhattan, and a small minority of it comes
from people living in rural areas. Manhattan housing is much more expensive, so the
model might learn that you need a very high income to buy an apartment. However,
rural housing is much cheaper in comparison. Even so, because the model is largely
trained on data from Manhattan, it might deny loan applications to rural applicants
because they tend to have lower incomes than their Manhattan peers.
Aside from sample size issues, our data can be biased by itself. For example,
"raw data" does not exist. Data does not appear naturally, instead it's measured
by humans using human-made measurement protocols, which in themselves can
be biased in many different ways.
Biases could include having sampling biases, such as in the Manhattan housing
example, or having measurement biases, which is when your sample might not
measure what it is intended to measure, or may even discriminate against one group.
Another bias that's possible is pre-existing social biases. These are visible in word
vectors, for instance, in Word2Vec, where the mapping from father to doctor in latent
space maps from mother to nurse. Likewise, the vector from man to computer
programmer maps from woman to homemaker. This is because sexism is encoded
within the written language of our sexist society. Until today, typically speaking
doctors have usually been men and nurses have usually been women. Likewise, tech
companies' diversity statistics reveal that far more men are computer programmers
than women, and these biases get encoded into models.
Legal perspectives
There are two doctrines in anti-discrimination law: disparate treatment, and disparate impact.
Let's take a minute to look at each of these:
After this is done, the plaintiff has the opportunity to show that the goal of the
procedure could also be achieved with a different procedure that shows
a smaller disparity.
Note: For a more in-depth overview of these topics, see Moritz Hardt's 2017 NeurIPS
presentation on the topic at
The disparate treatment doctrine tries to achieve procedural fairness and equal opportunity.
The disparate impact doctrine aims for distributive justice and minimized inequality in
There is an intrinsic tension between the two doctrines, as illustrated by the Ricci V.
DeStefano case from 2009. In this case, 19 white firefighters and 1 Hispanic firefighter sued
their employer, the New Haven Fire Department. The firefighters had all passed their test for
promotion, yet their black colleagues did not score the mark required for the promotion.
Fearing a disparate impact lawsuit, the city invalidated the test results and did not promote the
firefighters. Because the evidence for disparate impact was not strong enough, the Supreme
Court of the United States eventually ruled that the firefighters should have been promoted.
Given the complex legal and technical situation around fairness in machine learning, we're
going to dive into how we can define and quantify fairness, before using this insight to create
fairer models.
Observational fairness
Equality is often seen as a purely qualitative issue, and as such, it's often dismissed by
quantitative-minded modelers. As this section will show, equality can be seen from a
quantitative perspective, too. Consider a classifier, c, with input X, some sensitive input, A, a
target, Y and output C. Usually, we would denote the classifier output as , but
for readability, we follow CS 294 and name it C.
Let's say that our classifier is being used to decide who gets a loan. When would we consider
this classifier to be fair and free of bias? To answer this question, picture two demographics,
group A and B, both loan applicants. Given a credit score, our classifier must find a cutoff
point. Let's look at the distribution of applicants in this graph:
Note: The data for this example is synthetic; you can find the Excel file used for these
calculations in the GitHub repository of this
Max profits
For this exercise, we assume that a successful applicant yields a profit of $300, while a
defaulting successful applicant costs $700. The cutoff point here has been chosen to maximize
• In orange are applicants who would not have repaid the loan and did not get
accepted: true negatives (TNs).
• In blue are applicants who would have repaid the loan but did not get
accepted: false negatives (FNs).
• In yellow are applicants who did get the loan but did not pay it back: false
positives (FPs).
• In gray are applicants who did receive the loan and paid it back: true
positives (TPs).
As you can see, there are several issues with this choice of cutoff point. Group B applicants
need to have a better score to get a loan than Group A applicants, indicating disparate
treatment. At the same time, only around 51% of Group A applicants get a loan but only 37%
of Group B applicants do, indicating disparate impact.
A group unaware threshold, which we can see below, would give both groups the same
minimum score:
Equal cutoff
In the preceding graph, while both groups have the same cutoff rate, Group A has been given
fewer loans. At the same time, predictions for Group A have a lower accuracy than the
predictions given for Group B. It seems that although both groups face the same score
threshold, Group A is at a disadvantage.
Demographic parity aims to achieve fairness by ensuring that both groups have the same
chance of receiving the loan. This method aims to achieve the same selection rate for both
groups, which is what impact disparity is measured by. Mathematically, this process can be
expressed as follows:
If we apply this rule to the same context as we used previously, we'll arrive at the following
cutoff points:
While this method cannot be blamed for statistical discrimination and disparate impact, it can
be blamed for disparate treatment. In the equal pick rate graphic we can see how Group A is
given a lower threshold score; meanwhile, there are more successful Group A applicants who
default on their loans. In fact, Group A is not profitable and gets subsidized by Group B.
Accepting a worse economic outcome to favor a certain group is also known as taste-based
discrimination. It could be said that the higher thresholds for Group B are unfair, as they have
a lower FP rate.
TP parity, which is also called equal opportunity, means that both demographics have the
same TP rate. For people who can pay back the loan, the same chance of getting a loan should
exist. Mathematically, this can be expressed as follows:
Applied to our data, this policy looks similar to demographic parity, except that the group
cutoff point is even lower:
Equal opportunity
Equal opportunity can address many of the problems of demographic parity, as most people
believe that everyone should be given the same opportunities. Still, our classifier is less
accurate for Group A, and there is a form of disparate treatment in place.
Accuracy parity tells us that the accuracy of predictions should be the same for both groups.
Mathematically, this can be expressed as follows:
The probability that the classifier is correct should be the same for the two possible values of
the sensitive variable A. When we apply this criteria to our data, we arrive at the following
Equal accuracy
From the preceding diagram, the downside becomes apparent. In order to satisfy the accuracy
constraint, members of Group B are given much easier access to loans.
Therefore to solve this, trade-offs are necessary because no classifier can have precision
parity, TP parity, and FP parity unless the classifier is perfect. C = Y, or both demographics
have the same base rates:
There are many more ways to express fairness. The key takeaway, however, is that none of
them perfectly satisfies all of the fairness criteria. For any two populations with unequal base
rates, and unequal chances of repaying their loan, establishing statistical parity requires the
introduction of a treatment disparity.
This fact has led to a number of debates, with the best practice to express and eliminate
discrimination having not been agreed on yet. With that being said, even if the perfect
mathematical expression of fairness was found, it would not immediately lead to perfectly fair
Any machine learning algorithm is part of a bigger system. Inputs X are often not as clearly
defined as a different algorithm in the same system that might use different inputs.
Demographic groups A are often not clearly defined or inferred. Even the output, C, of the
classifier can often not be clearly distinguished, as many algorithms together might perform
the classification task while each algorithm is predicting a different output, such as a credit
score or a profitability estimate.
Good technology is not a substitute for good policy. Blindly following an algorithm without
the opportunity for individual consideration or appeal will always lead to unfairness. With
that being said, while mathematical fairness criteria cannot solve all the fairness issues that we
face, it is surely worth trying to make machine learning algorithms fairer, which is what the
next section is about.
Training to be fair
There are multiple ways to train models to be fairer. A simple approach could be using the
different fairness measures that we have listed in the previous section as an additional loss.
However, in practice, this approach has turned out to have several issues, such as having poor
performance on the actual classification task.
An alternative approach is to use an adversarial network. Back in 2016, Louppe, Kagan, and
Cranmer published the paper Learning to Pivot with Adversarial Networks, available
at This paper showed how to use an adversarial network to
train a classifier to ignore a nuisance parameter, such as a sensitive feature.
In this example, we will train a classifier to predict whether an adult makes over $50,000 in
annual income. The challenge here is to make our classifier unbiased from the influences of
race and gender, with it only focusing on features that we can discriminate on, including their
occupation and the gains they make from their capital.
To this end, we must train a classifier and an adversarial network. The adversarial network
aims to classify the sensitive attributes, a, gender and race, from the predictions of the
The classifier aims to classify by income but also aims to fool the adversarial network. The
classifier's minimization objective formula is as follows:
Within that formula, is a binary cross-entropy loss of the classification, while is the
adversarial loss. represents a hyperparameter that we can use to amplify or reduce the
impact of the adversarial loss.
To train this model fairly, we not only need data X and targets y, but also data about the
sensitive attributes, A. In the example we're going to work on, we'll be taking data from the
1994 US census provided by the UCI repository:
To make loading the data easier, it has been transformed into a CSV file with column headers.
As a side note, please refer to the online version to see the data as viewing the data would be
difficult in the format of the book.
First, we load the data. The dataset contains data about people from a number of different
races, but for the simplicity of this task, we will only be focusing on white and black people
for the race attribute. To do this, we need to run the following code:
path = '../input/adult.csv'
input_data = pd.read_csv(path, na_values="?")
input_data = input_data[input_data['race'].isin(['White', 'Black'])]
Next, we select the sensitive attributes, in this case we're focusing on race and gender, into
our sensitive dataset, A. We one-hot encode the data so that "Male" equals one for
the gender attribute and White equals one for the race attribute. We can achieve this by
running the following code:
Our target is the income attribute. Therefore, we need to encode >50K as 1 and everything else
as zero, which is achieved by writing this code:
y = (input_data['income'] == '>50K').astype(int)
To get our training data, we firstly remove the sensitive and target attributes. Then we fill all
of the missing values and one-hot encode all of the data, as you can see in the following code:
X = X.fillna('Unknown')
X = pd.get_dummies(X, drop_first=True)
Finally, we split the data into train and test sets. As seen in the following code, we then
stratify the data to ensure that the same number of high earners are in both the test and
training data:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, A_train, A_test = \
train_test_split(X, y, A, test_size=0.5, stratify=y, random_state=7)
To ensure the data works nicely with the neural network, we're now going to scale the data
using scikit-learn's StandardScaler:
scaler = StandardScaler().fit(X_train)
We need a metric of how fair our model is. We are using the disparate impact selection rule.
The p_rule method calculates the share of people classified to have over $50,000 income
from both groups and then returns the ratio of selections in the disadvantaged demographic
over the ratio of selections in the advantaged group.
The goal is for the p_rule method to return at least 80% in order to meet the four-fifths rule
for both race and gender. The following code shows how this function is only used for
monitoring, and not as a loss function:
Let's explore this code in some more detail. As you can see from the preceding code block, it's
created with two key features, which are as follows:
To make the model setup a bit easier, we need to define the number of input features and the
number of sensitive features. This is something that is simply done by running these two
Now we set up our classifier. Note how this classifier is a standard classification neural
network. It features three hidden layers, some dropout, and a final output layer with a sigmoid
activation, which occurs since this is a binary classification task. This classifier is written in
the Keras functional API.
To make sure you understand how the API works, go through the following code example and
ensure you understand why the steps are taken:
clf_inputs = Input(shape=(n_features,))
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(clf_inputs)
x = Dropout(0.2)(x)
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dropout(0.2)(x)
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dropout(0.2)(x)
outputs = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='y')(x)
clf_net = Model(inputs=[clf_inputs], outputs=[outputs])
The adversarial network is a classifier with two heads: one to predict the applicant's race from
the model output, and one to predict the applicant's gender:
adv_inputs = Input(shape=(1,))
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(adv_inputs)
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(x)
out_race = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x)
out_gender = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x)
adv_net = Model(inputs=[adv_inputs], outputs=[out_race,out_gender])
As with generative adversarial networks, we have to make the networks trainable and
untrainable multiple times. To make this easier, the following function will create a function
that makes a network and all its layers either trainable or untrainable:
def make_trainable_fn(net): #1
def make_trainable(flag): #2
net.trainable = flag #3
for layer in net.layers:
layer.trainable = flag
return make_trainable #4
From the preceding code, there are four key features that we should take a moment to explore:
1. The function accepts a Keras neural network, for which the train switch
function will be created.
2. Inside the function, a second function is created. This second function accepts
a Boolean flag (True/False).
3. When called, the second function sets the network's trainability to the flag.
If False is passed, the network is not trainable. Since the layers of the network
can also be used in other networks, we ensure that each individual layer is not
trainable, too.
4. Finally, we return the function.
Using a function to create another function might seem convoluted at first, but this allows us
to create "switches" for the neural network easily. The following code snippet shows us how
to create switch functions for the classifier and the adversarial network:
trainable_clf_net = make_trainable_fn(clf_net)
trainable_adv_net = make_trainable_fn(adv_net)
To make the classifier trainable, we can use the function with the True flag:
Now we can compile our classifier. As you will see later on in this chapter, it is useful to keep
the classifier network as a separate variable from the compiled classifier with which we make
clf = clf_net
clf.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam')
Remember that to train our classifier, we need to run its predictions through the adversary as
well as obtaining the adversary loss and applying the negative adversary loss to the classifier.
This is best done by packing the classifier and adversary into one network.
To do this, we must first create a new model that maps from the classifier inputs to the
classifier and adversary outputs. We define the adversary output to be a nested function of the
adversarial network and the classifier network. This way, the predictions of the classifier get
immediately passed on to the adversary:
adv_out = adv_net(clf_net(clf_inputs))
We then define the classifier output to be the output of the classifier network, just as we
would for classification:
clf_out = clf_net(clf_inputs)
Then, we define the combined model to map from the classifier input, that is, the data about
an applicant, to the classifier output and adversary output:
When training the combined model, we only want to update the weights of the classifier, as
we will train the adversary separately. We can use our switch functions to make the classifier
network trainable and the adversarial network untrainable:
With the lambda values in hand, we can create the weighted loss:
The preceding expression leads to loss weights of [1.,-130,-30]. This means the classification
error has a weight of 1, the race prediction error of the adversary has a weight of -130, and the
gender prediction error of the adversary has a weight of -30. Since the losses of the
adversarial's prediction have negative weights, gradient descent will optimize the parameters
of the classifier to increase these losses.
With the classifier and combined classifier-adversarial model in place, the only thing missing
is a compiled adversarial model. To get this, we'll first define the adversarial model to map
from the classifier inputs to the outputs of the nested adversarial-classifier model:
Then, when training the adversarial model, we want to optimize the weights of the adversarial
network and not of the classifier network, so we use our switch functions to make the
adversarial trainable and the classifier not trainable:
Finally, we compile the adversarial model just like we would with a regular Keras model:
adv.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam')
With all the pieces in hand, we can now pretrain the classifier. This means we train the
classifier without any special fairness considerations:
trainable_clf_net(True), y_train.values, epochs=10)
After we have trained the model, we can make predictions on the validation set to evaluate
both the model's fairness and accuracy:
y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
Now we'll calculate the model's accuracy and p_rule for both gender and race. In all
calculations, we're going to use a cutoff point of 0.5:
Clf acc: 85.44
race: 41.71%
gender: 29.41%
As you can see, the classifier achieves a respectable accuracy, 85.44%, in predicting incomes.
However, it is deeply unfair. It gives women only a 29.4% chance to make over $50,000 than
it does men.
Equally, it discriminates strongly on race. If we used this classifier to judge loan applications,
for instance, we would be vulnerable to discrimination lawsuits.
Note: Neither gender or race was included in the features of the classifier. Yet, the
classifier discriminates strongly on them. If the features can be inferred, dropping
sensitive columns is not enough.
To get out of this mess, we will pretrain the adversarial network before training both networks
to make fair predictions. Once again, we use our switch functions to make the classifier
untrainable and the adversarial trainable:
As the distributions for race and gender in the data might be skewed, we're going to use
weighted classes to adjust for this:
class_weight_adv = compute_class_weights(A_train)
We then train the adversary to predict race and gender from the training data through the
predictions of the classifier:
NumPy's hsplit function splits the 2D A_train matrix into two vectors that are then used to
train the two model heads.
With the classifier and adversary pretrained, we will now train the classifier to fool the
adversary in order to get better at spotting the classifier's discrimination. Before we start, we
need to do some setup. We want to train for 250 epochs, with a batch size of 128, with two
sensitive attributes:
n_sensitive = A_train.shape[1]
The combined network of the classifier and adversarial also needs some class weights. The
weights for the income predictions, less/more than $50,000, are both one. For the adversarial
heads of the combined model, we use the preceding computed adversarial class weights:
To keep track of metrics, we set up one DataFrame for validation metrics, accuracy, and area
under the curve, as well as for the fairness metrics. The fairness metrics are the p_rule values
for race and gender:
val_metrics = pd.DataFrame()
fairness_metrics = pd.DataFrame()
Inside the main training loop, three steps are performed: training the adversarial network,
training the classifier to be fair, and printing out validation metrics. For better explanations,
all three are printed separately here.
Within the code, you will find them in the same loop, where idx is the current iteration:
The first step is to train the adversarial network. To this end, we're going to make the
classifier untrainable, the adversarial network trainable, and then train the adversarial network
just as we did before. To do this, we need to run the following code block:
trainable_adv_net(True), np.hsplit(A_train.values, A_train.shape[1]),
batch_size=batch_size, class_weight=class_weight_adv, epochs=1, verbose=0)
Training the classifier to be a good classifier but also to fool the adversary and be fair
involves three steps. Firstly, we make the adversary untrainable and the classifier trainable:
indices = np.random.permutation(len(X_train))[:batch_size]
X_batch = X_train.values[indices]
y_batch = y_train.values[indices]
A_batch = A_train.values[indices]
Finally, we train the combined adversary and classifier. Since the adversarial network is set to
not be trainable, only the classifier network will be trained. However, the loss from the
adversarial network's predictions of race and gender gets backpropagated through the entire
network, so that the classifier learns to fool the adversarial network:
clf_w_adv.train_on_batch(X_batch, [y_batch]+\np.hsplit(A_batch,
Finally, we want to keep track of progress by first making predictions on the test:
We then calculate the area under the curve (ROC AUC) and the accuracy of the predictions, and
save them in the val_metrics DataFrame:
Next up, we calculate p_rule for both race and gender and save those values in the fairness
for sensitive_attr :n A_test.columns:
fairness_metrics.loc[idx, sensitive_attr] =\
If we plot both the fairness and validation metrics, we'll arrive at the following plot:
As you can see, the fairness scores of the classifier steadily increase with training. After about
150 epochs, the classifier satisfies the four-fifths rule. At the same time, the p-values are well
over 90%. This increase in fairness comes at only a small decrease in accuracy and area under
the curve. The classifier trained in this manner is clearly a fairer classifier with similar
performance, and is thus preferred over a classifier trained without fairness criteria.
The pivot approach to fair machine learning has a number of advantages. Yet, it cannot rule
out unfairness entirely. What if, for example, there was a group that the classifier
discriminates against that we did not think of yet? What if it discriminates on treatment,
instead of impact? To make sure our models are not biased, we need more technical and social
tools, namely interpretability, causality, and diverse development teams.
In the next section, we'll discuss how to train machine learning models that learn causal
relationships, instead of just statistical associations.
Causal learning
This book is by and large a book about statistical learning. Given data X and targets Y, we aim
to estimate , the distribution of target values given certain data points. Statistical
learning allows us to create a number of great models with useful applications, but it doesn't
allow us to claim that X being x caused Y to be y.
Judea Pearl, a famous computer scientist, invented a notation for causal models called do-
distinguish between observed and influenced features. So, if you see , p is a feature
So, the formula expresses the statistical relationship that insurance holders are more
Causal models are a great tool for fair learning. If we only build our models in a causal way,
then we'll avoid most of the statistical discrimination that occurs in statistical models. Do
females statistically earn less than males? Yes. Do females earn less because they are females
and females are somehow undeserving of high salaries? No. Instead, the earnings difference is
caused by other factors, such as different jobs being offered to males and females,
discrimination in the workplace, cultural stereotypes, and so on.
That does not mean we have to throw statistical models out of the window. They are great for
the many cases where causality is not as much of an important factor and where we do not
intend to set the values of X. For instance, if we are creating a natural language model, then
we are not interested in whether the occurrence of a word caused the sentence to be about a
certain topic. Knowing that the topic and the word are related is enough to make predictions
about the content of the text.
Yet, often causal inference can be made without the need for an A/B test. Using do-
calculus, we can infer the effect of our policy on our outcome. Take the example of us
wondering whether giving people insurance makes them reckless; the applicant's
moral hazard, if you will. Given features X and a policy, P, we want to predict
In this case, given observed information about the applicant, such as their age or
history of risky behavior, we want to predict the probability of the applicant behaving
Instrument variables
The field of econometrics already has a built a method to work with these kinds
of situations called instrumental variables two-stage least squares (IV2SLS, or
just 2SLS). In a nutshell, 2SLS first fits a linear regression model between the
instrument, z, and the policy, p, which in econometrics called the endogenous or
treatment variable.
From this linear regression, it then estimates an "adjusted treatment variable," which
is the treatment variable as it can be explained by the instrument. The idea is that this
adjustment removes the influence of all other factors on the treatment. A second
linear regression model then creates a linear model mapping from the
In the following diagram, you can see an overview of how 2SLS works:
2SLS is probably what the insurance company in our case would use since it is an
established method. We won't go into details here, beyond giving you a brief
overview of how to use 2SLS in Python. The linear model package in Python
features an easy way to run 2SLS.
If you have data X, y, P, and Z, you can run a 2SLS regression as follows:
What if the relationships between features, the treatment, and the outcome are
complex and non-linear? In this case, we need to perform a process similar to 2SLS,
but with a non-linear model, such as a neural network, instead of linear regression.
Given these two functions, the following identity holds, if the confounding variable
has a mean of zero overall features:
This means that if we can reliably estimate the function, g, and distribution, F, we can
make causal statements about the effects of policy . If we have data about the
Notice the similarity to 2SLS. In 2SLS, we estimated F and g with two separate linear
regressions. For the more complex functions, we can also estimate them with two
separate neural networks. Back in 2017, Jason Hartfort and others presented just
such an approach with their paper, Deep IV: A Flexible Approach for Counterfactual
Prediction, - available
at: - the overview of
which you can see in the following diagram:
Deep IV
The authors of the Deep IV paper have also published a custom Keras model which
is used for handling sampling and learning from a distribution part, which you can find
on GitHub:
While their code is too long to be discussed in depth here, it is interesting to think
about what the source of our causal claim is, both in Deep IV and IV2SLS. In our
insurance case, we assumed that either having or not having an insurance would
influence behavior, not the other way around. We never showed or tested the truth
behind this direction of causality.
In our case, assuming that insurance influences behavior is justified because the
insurance contract is signed before the behavior is observed. However, the direction
of causality is not always as straightforward. There is no way to establish the
direction of causality other than logical reasoning or experiments. In the absence of
experiments, we have to assume and logically reason, for example, through the
sequence of events. Another important assumption that we make is that the
instrument is actually an independent instrument. If it is not independent, our
estimation of the policy will break down.
With these two limitations in mind, causal inference becomes a great tool and an
active area of research from which we can hope to see great results in the future. In
the best case, your discrimination-sensitive models would only contain causal
variables. In practice, this is usually not possible. However, keeping the difference
between statistical correlation in mind, as expressed by standard statistical models
and causation, can help you avoid statistical biases and wrong associations.
A final, more technical, method to reduce unfairness is to peek inside the model to
ensure it is fair. We already looked at interpretability in the last chapter, mostly to
debug data and spot overfitting, but now, we will give it another look, this time to
justify the model's predictions.
In this section, we will use a slightly more sophisticated method called SHAP (SHapley
Additive exPlanation). SHAP combines several different explanation approaches into one
neat method. This method lets us generate explanations for individual predictions as well as
for entire datasets in order to understand the model better.
The example code given here is from the SHAP example notebooks. You can find a
slightly extended version of the notebook on Kaggle:
SHAP combines seven model interpretation methods, those being LIME, Shapley sampling
values, DeepLIFT, Quantitative Input Influence (QII), layer-wise relevance propagation,
Shapley regression values, and a tree interpreter that has two modules: a model-
agnostic KernelExplainer and a TreeExplainer module specifically for tree-based
methods such as XGBoost.
The mathematics of how and when the interpreters are used is not terribly relevant for using
SHAP. In a nutshell, given a function, f, expressed through a neural network, for instance, and
a data point, x, SHAP compares to where is the "expected normal
output" generated for a larger sample. SHAP will then create smaller models, similar to
In our loan example, this corresponds to having an applicant, x, and a distribution of many
applicants, z, and trying to explain why the chance of getting a loan for applicant x is different
from the expected chance for the other applicants, z.
compares to .
This means it compares the importance of certain features that are held constant, which allows
it to better estimate the interactions between features.
Explaining a single prediction can very important, especially in the world of finance. Your
customers might ask you, "Why did you deny me a loan?" You'll remember from earlier on
that the ECOA act stipulates that you must give the customer a valid reason, and if you have
no good explanation, you might find yourself in a tough situation. In this example, we are
once again working with the income prediction dataset, with the objective of explaining why
our model made a single decision. This process works in three steps.
Firstly, we need to define the explainer and provide it with a prediction method and values, z,
to estimate a "normal outcome." Here we are using a wrapper, f, for Keras' prediction
function, which makes working with SHAP much easier. We provide 100 rows of the dataset
as values for z:
Next, we need to calculate the SHAP values indicating the importance of different features for
a single example. We let SHAP create 500 permutations of each sample from z so that SHAP
has a total of 50,000 examples to compare the one example to:
Finally, we can plot the influence of the features with SHAP's own plotting tool. This time,
we provide a row from X_display, not X. X_display, which contains the unscaled values
and is only used for annotation of the plot to make it easier to read:
shap.force_plot(explainer.expected_value, shap_values)
If you look at the preceding plot, the predictions of the model seem, by and large, reasonable.
The model gives the applicant a high chance of having a high income because they have a
master's degree, and because they're an executive manager who works 65 hours a week. The
applicant could have an even higher expected income score were it not for a capital loss.
Likewise, the model seems to take the fact that the applicant is married as a big factor of a
high income. In fact, in our example, it seems that marriage is more important than either the
long hours or the job title.
Our model also has some problems that become clear once we calculate and plot the SHAP
values of another applicant:
The following outputted graph is then shown. This also shows some of the problems that
we've encountered:
In this example, the applicant also has a good education, and works 48 hours a week in the
technology industry, but the model gives her a much lower chance of having a high income
because of the fact that she's a female, an Asian-Pacific islander who has never been married
and has no other family relationship. A loan rejection on these grounds is a lawsuit waiting to
happen as per the ECOA act.
The two individual cases that we just looked at might have been unfortunate glitches by the
model. It might have overfitted to some strange combination that gave an undue importance to
marriage. To investigate whether our model is biased, we should investigate a number of
different predictions. Fortunately for us, the SHAP library has a number of tools that can do
just that.
Then, we can plot a forced plot for all of these values as well:
shap.force_plot(explainer.expected_value, shap_values)
Again, this code produces a SHAP dataset graph, which we can see in the following graphic:
SHAP dataset
The preceding plot shows 230 rows of the dataset, grouped by similarity with the forces of
each feature that matter to them. In your live version, if you move the mouse over the graph,
you'll be able to read the features and their values.
By exploring this graph, you can get an idea of what kind of people the model classifies as
either high or low earners. On the very left, for example, you'll see most people with low
education who work as cleaners. The big red block between 40 and 60 are mostly highly
educated people who work a high number of hours.
To further examine the impact of marital status, you can change what SHAP displays on
the y-axis. Let's look at the impact of marriage:
As you can see in this chart, marriage status either strongly positively or negatively impacts
people from different groups. If you move your mouse over the chart, you can see that the
positive influences all stem from civic marriages.
Using a summary plot, we can see which features matter the most to our model:
shap.summary_plot(shap_values, X.iloc[100:330,:])
This code then outputs the final summary plot graph, which we can see below:
SHAP summary plot
As you can see, education is the most important influence on our model. It also has the widest
spread of influence. Low education levels really drag predictions down, while strong
education levels really boost predictions up. Marital status is the second most important
predictor. Interestingly, though, capital losses are important to the model, but capital gains are
To dig deeper into the effects of marriage, we have one more tool at our disposal, a
dependence plot, which can show the SHAP values of an individual feature together with a
feature for which SHAP suspects high interaction. With the following code snippet, we can
inspect the effect of marriage on our model's predictions:
As a result of running this code, we can now see a visualized representation of the effect of
marriage in the following graph:
SHAP marriage dependence
As you can see, Married-civ-spouse, the census code for a civilian marriage with no partner
in the armed forces, stands out with a positive influence on model outcomes. Meanwhile,
every other type of arrangement has slightly negative scores, especially never married.
Statistically, rich people tend to stay married for longer, and younger people are more likely
to have never been married. Our model correctly correlated that marriage goes hand in hand
with high income, but not because marriage causes high income. The model is correct in
making the correlation, but it would be false to make decisions based on the model. By
selecting, we effectively manipulate the features on which we select. We are no longer
Unfairness is equally complex. We've already discussed the two general definitions of
unfairness, disparate impact and disparate treatment. Disparate treatment can occur against
any combination of features (age, gender, race, nationality, income, and so on), often in
complex and non-linear ways. This section examines Richard Cook's 1998 paper, How
complex systems fail - available
at -
which looks at how complex machine learning-driven systems fail to be fair. Cook lists 18
points, some of which will be discussed in the following sections.
Systems are usually complex because they are hazardous, and many safeguards
have been created because of that fact. The financial system is a hazardous system;
if it goes off the rails, it can break the economy or ruin people's lives. Thus, many
regulations have been created and many players in the market work to make the
system safer.
In a complex system, no single point of failure can cause catastrophes since there
are many safeguards in place. Failure usually results from multiple points of failure. In
the financial crises, banks created risky products, but regulators didn't stop them.
For widespread discrimination to happen, not only does the model have to make
unfair predictions, but employees must blindly follow the model and criticism must be
suppressed. On the flip side, just fixing your model will not magically keep all
unfairness away. The procedures and culture inside and outside the firm can also
cause discrimination, even with a fair model.
In most accident reports, there is a section that lists "proto-accidents," which are
instances in the past where the same accident nearly happened but did not happen.
The model might have made erratic predictions before, but a human operator
stepped in, for example.
Once things have gone wrong, blame is often put at the human operators who "must
have known" that their behavior would "inevitably" lead to an accident. On the other
hand, it is usually humans who step in at the last minute to prevent accidents from
happening. Counterintuitively, it is rarely one human and one action that causes the
accident, but the behavior of many humans over many actions. For models to be fair,
the entire team has to work to keep it fair.
In fairness, the single biggest problem is often that the designers of a system do not
experience the system discriminating against them. It is thus important to get the
insights of a diverse group of people into the development process. Since your
system constantly fails, you should capture the learning from these small failures
before bigger accidents happen.
In this chapter, you have learned a lot about both the technical and non-technical
considerations of fairness in machine learning. These exercises will help you think much
more deeply about the topic:
• Think about the organization you work for. How is fairness incorporated in your
organization? What works well and what could be improved?
• Revisit any of the models developed in this book. Are they fair? How would
you test them for fairness?
• Fairness is only one of the many complex issues large models can have. Can
you think of an issue in your area of work that could be tackled with the tools
discussed in this chapter?
In this chapter, you have learned about fairness in machine learning in different aspects. First,
we discussed legal definitions of fairness and quantitative ways to measure these definitions.
We then discussed technical methods to train models to meet fairness criteria. We also
discussed causal models. We learned about SHAP as a powerful tool to interpret models and
find unfairness in a model. Finally, we learned how fairness is a complex systems issue and
how lessons from complex systems management can be applied to make models fair.
There is no guarantee that following all the steps outlined here will make your model fair, but
these tools vastly increase your chances of creating a fair model. Remember that models in
finance operate in high-stakes environments and need to meet many regulatory demands. If
you fail to do so, damage could be severe.
A prime reason Newtonian physics, as well as much of quantitative finance, is built around
elegant but oversimplified models is that these models are easy to compute. For centuries,
mathematicians have mapped small paths in the mathematical universe that they could travel
down with a pen and paper. However, this all changed with the advent of modern high-
performance computing. It unlocked the ability for us to explore wider spaces of
mathematics and thus gain more accurate models.
In the final chapter of this book, you'll learn about the following:
This book has largely covered deep learning and its applications in the finance industry. As
we've witnessed, deep learning has been made practical through modern computing power,
but it is not the only technique benefiting from this large increase in power.
Both Bayesian inference and probabilistic programming are two up and coming techniques
whose recent progress is powered by the increase in computing power. While the advances in
the field have received significantly less press coverage than deep learning, they might be
even more useful to the financial practitioner.
Bayesian models are interpretable and can express uncertainty naturally. They are less "black
box," instead making the modeler's assumptions more explicit.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt% matplotlib inline
This example is similar to the one given in the 2015 book, Bayesian Methods for
Hackers: Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Inference, written by Cameron
Davidson-Pilon. However, in our case, this is adapted to a financial context
and rewritten so that the mathematical concepts intuitively arise from the code.
Let's imagine that you have a security that can either pay $1 or, alternatively, nothing.
The payoff depends on a two-step process. With a 50% probability, the payoff is
random, with a 50% chance of getting $1 and a 50% chance of making nothing. The
50% chance of getting the dollar is the true payoff probability (TPP), x.
You are interested in finding out what the true payoff ratio is, as it will inform your
trading strategy. In our case, your boss allows you to buy 100 units of securities. You
do, and 54 of the 100 securities pay you a dollar.
But what is the actual TPP? In this case, there is an analytical solution to calculate
the most likely TPP, but we will be using a computational method that also works for
more complicated cases.
Flat prior
The variable x represents the TPP. We randomly sample 100 truth values, which are
1 if you had gotten the dollar under the true payoff, and 0 if otherwise.
We also sample the two random choices at Start and Random Payoff in the
preceding scheme. It is computationally more efficient to sample the random
outcomes in one go for all trials, even though they are not all needed.
Finally, we sum up the payoffs and divide them by the number of securities in our
simulation in order to obtain the share of payoffs in the simulation.
The following code snippet runs one simulation. It's important, though, to make
sure that you understand how the computations follow from our securities structure:
def run_sim(x):
truth = np.random.uniform(size=100) < x
first_random = np.random.randint(2,size=100)
second_random = np.random.randint(2,size=100)
res = np.sum(first_random*truth + (1-first_random)*second_random)/100
return res
Next, we would like to try out a number of possible TPPs. So, in our case, we'll
sample a candidate TPP and run the simulation with the candidate probability. If the
simulation outputs the same payoff as we observed in real life, then our candidate
is a real possibility.
The following sample method returns real possibilities, or None if the candidate it tried
out was not suitable:
As we have to sample a number of possible TPPs, it's only natural that we want to
speed this process up. To do this, we can use a library called JobLib, which will help
with parallel execution.
Note: JobLib is preinstalled on Kaggle kernels. For more information, you can
To do this, we need to import the Parallel class, which will help to run loops in
parallel, and the delayed method, which helps to execute functions in order inside the
parallel loop. We can import them by running the following:
The details are not relevant for this example, but the Parallel(n_jobs=-
1) method makes the job run with as many parallel executions as there are CPUs on
the machine. For example, delayed(sample)() for i in range(100000) runs
the sample method 100,000 times.
We obtain a Python list, t, which we turn into a NumPy array. As you can see in the
following code snippet, about 98% of the array are None values. That means that
98% of the values the sampler tried out for x did not yield results matching our data:
t_flat = t[~np.isnan(t)]
plt.hist(t_flat, bins=30,density=True)
plt.title('Distribution of possible TPPs')
As you can see, there is a distribution of possible TPPs. What this graph shows us
is that the most likely TPP is somewhere around 50% to 60%; though other values
are possible, they are somewhat less likely.
What you've just seen is one of the big advantages of Bayesian methods. All of the
estimates come in distributions, for which we can then calculate confidence intervals,
or credibility intervals, as they are known in Bayesian terminology.
This allows us to be more precise about how sure we are about things and what
other values parameters in our model could have. Relating it back to our interest
in finance, with financial applications, where millions are staked on the outputs
of models, it becomes very advantageous to quantify such uncertainty.
<50% prior
At this point, you are able to take your results to your boss, who is a domain
expert on the securities that you are trading. He looks at your analysis and shakes
his head saying, "The TPP cannot be more than 0.5." He explains, "From the
underlying business, it's physically impossible to do more than that."
So, how can you incorporate this fact into your simulation analysis? Well, the
straightforward solution is to only try out candidate TPPs from 0 to 0.5. All you
have to do is to limit the space you sample the candidate value of x, which can be
achieved by running the following code:
Clearly, your choice of values to try influenced the outcome of your simulation
analysis; it also reflected your beliefs about the possible values of x.
The first time around, you believed that all TPPs between 0 and 100% were equally
likely before seeing any data. This is called a flat prior, as the distribution of values is
the same for all values and is therefore flat. The second time, you believed that the
TPPs had to be below 50%.
The distribution expressing your beliefs about x before seeing the data is called the
prior distribution, P(TPP), or just prior. The distribution of the possible values of x that
we obtained from simulation, that is, after seeing data D, is called the posterior
distribution, , or just posterior.
The following plots show samples from prior and posterior for the first and second
rounds. The first plot shows the results with a flat posterior:
flat_prior = np.random.uniform(size=1000000)
plt.hist(flat_prior,bins=10,density=True, label='Prior')
plt.hist(t_flat, bins=30,density=True, label='Posterior')
plt.title('Distribution of $x$ with no assumptions')
This produces the following chart:
The next plot shows the output of our sampler with a <50% prior:
cut_prior = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=0.5,size=1000000)
plt.hist(cut_prior,bins=10,density=True, label='Prior')
plt.hist(t_cut, bins=15,density=True, label='Posterior')
plt.title('Distribution of $x$ assuming TPP <50%')
While it's still the same sampler, you can see that the outcome is quite different:
The results of our sampler with a <50% prior
Have you noticed anything curious? The posterior values of the second round are
roughly equal to the posterior values of the first round, but here they are cut off
at 0.5. This is because the second round prior is 0 for values above 0.5 and 1 for
everywhere else.
As we only keep simulation results that match the data, the number of kept simulation
results shown in the histogram reflects the probability of running a simulation that
yields the observed data D for a given TPP, C, .
The posterior probabilities, , that we obtain from our simulations are equal to
the probability that we observe the data when trying out a given TPP, , times
the probability, P(TPP).
When the data is naturally obtained, such as through a face-to-face meeting, then we
might need to account for biases in our data collection method. Most of the time, we
do not have to worry about this and can simply leave it out, but sometimes the
measurement can amplify certain outcomes.
To mitigate this, we'll divide by the data distribution, , as a final addon to our
posterior formula and arrive at the following formula:
As you can see, it's the Bayes formula! When running our simulation, we are
sampling from the posterior. So, why can't we just use the Bayes formula to calculate
the posterior? The simple answer is because evaluating
requires integrating over TPP, which is intractable. Our simulation method is, as an
alternative, a simple and convenient workaround.
Note: The first round prior (all TPPs are equally likely) is called a "flat prior" because
we make no assumptions about the distributions of values. In this case, the Bayesian
posterior is equal to the maximum likelihood estimate.
Eventually, there will be too many possible parameter combinations that have no
chance of generating our data. Therefore, we need to guide our search and sample
parameters with higher posterior probabilities more often.
The approach of a guided, but still random, sampling is called the "Markov Chain
Monte Carlo algorithm". The "Monte Carlo" component means that randomness
and simulation are involved, whereas the "Markov Chain" means that we move
over the parameter space under certain probabilities.
In the specific algorithm covered here, we will move to a different parameter
value with a probability that is the ratio of the posterior probability of the parameter
value. Here, we'll think of going to the posterior probability of the parameter value. As
probabilities cannot be larger than one, we cap the ratio at one, but that is just
a mathematical finite that does not matter much for the algorithm.
The following diagram shows the basic workings of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo
What the image shows is that we are on a "random walk" in which we more or less
randomly go over different parameter values. However, we don't
move entirely randomly, but instead prefer parameter values that have high posterior
First, we need to propose a new Xc. This has to be dependent on the previous value
of x since we do not want a blind random search, but a more refined random walk. In
this case, we will sample xcand from a normal distribution with mean x and a standard
deviation of 0.1.
It's also possible to sample from other distributions or with other standard deviations,
as long as xcand is related to x:
def propose(x):
return np.random.randn() * 0.1 + x
In the first section, by sampling from the prior and then running the simulation, we
sampled directly from the posterior. As we are now sampling through our proposed
method, we are no longer sampling from the posterior directly. Therefore, to calculate
the posterior probability, we'll use the Bayes rule.
the prior, and is the likelihood. So, to estimate the likelihood for
a parameter value, x, we run a number of simulations with that parameter.
def likelihood(x):
t = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(sample)(x) for i in range(10000))
t = np.array(t,dtype=float)
return (1 - np.sum(np.isnan(t))/len(t))
For starters, we will use a flat prior again; each TPP is equally likely:
def prior(x):
return 1 #Flat prior
The posterior probability of a parameter value, x, is the likelihood times the prior:
def posterior(x):
return likelihood(x) * prior(x)
Now we are ready to put it all together into the Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm!
First, we need to set some initial value for x. To make the algorithm find likely values
quickly, it is sensible to initialize it at the maximum likelihood value or some estimate
that we deem likely. We also need to compute the posterior probability of this initial
value, which we can do by running the following code:
x = 0.5
pi_x = posterior(x)
Likewise, we need to keep track of all of the values sampled in a trace. Purely for
exhibition purposes, we will also keep track of the posterior probabilities. To do
this, we're going to run the following:
trace = [x]
pi_trace = [pi_x]
Now we get to the main loop. However, before we do, it's important to remember that
the algorithm consists of four steps:
After running this algorithm for a number of epochs, we end up with a distribution of
possible cheater shares with payoffs. As we've done before, we can simply run the
following code to visualize this:
plt.title('Metropolis Hastings Outcome')
Once we've run the previous code, we'll receive this graph as the output:
The outcome of the Metropolis Hastings sampler
By viewing the trace over time, it shows how the algorithm moves randomly
but centers around highly likely values:
plt.title('MH Trace');
We will then get an output, in the form of a chart, which shows us the trace of
the Metropolis Hasings (MH) sampler:
Trace of the Metropolis Hastings sampler
For a better understanding, we can plot the posterior probabilities over the tried out
plt.xlabel('Proposed X')
plt.ylabel('Posterior Probability')
plt.title('X vs Pi');
After successful executing the code, we'll then get the following chart as an output:
The proposed value versus posterior probability
Metropolis-Hastings MCMC
Stock prices and other financial asset prices fluctuate, and the variance of daily
returns is called volatility. Volatility is a commonly used risk measure, so it's quite
important to measure it accurately.
df = pd.read_csv('../input/S&P.csv')
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
In the example we're looking at, we are interested in the closing prices, so we need
to extract the closing prices from the dataset. The dataset shows new data first, so
we need to invert it, which we achieve with the following code:
close = pd.Series(df.Close.values,index=pd.DatetimeIndex(df.Date))
close = close[::-1]
When plotting the closing prices, which we do in the following code, we see, through
the outputted graphic, a familiar plot:
close = close['1990-01-01':]
returns = pd.Series(np.diff(close.values),index=close.index[1:])
Now the fun with PyMC3 begins. PyMC3 includes some special distributions for
dealing with time series, such as a random walk. This is exactly the right thing to
use when we want to model stock prices.
Firstly, we need to import PyMC3 and its tool for time series, the random walk class:
import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3.distributions.timeseries import GaussianRandomWalk
Then lastly, we need to set up the model. We can achieve this by running the
following code:
nu = pm.Exponential('nu', .1) #3
r = pm.StudentT('r', nu=nu, #4
Let's now look at the commands we just executed in order to set up the model.
As you can see, it consists of four key elements:
(or lam in code) produced by our stochastic volatile model. To condition the
model on observed data, we pass on the observed return values.
The standard sampler for PyMC3 is not Metropolis Hastings, but the No-U-Turn
Sampler (NUTS). PyMC3 will default to NUTS if we specify no sampler and just
call sample.
To make the sampling run smoothly here, we need to specify a relatively high amount
of tune samples. Those are samples that the sampler will draw from in order to find a
good starting point, and that will not be part of the posterior, similar to the burned
samples before.
with model:
trace = pm.sample(tune=2000, nuts_kwargs=dict(target_accept=.9))
PyMC3 has a nice utility that we can use to visualize the outcomes of sampling. We
As we ran two chains in parallel, you can see that we obtained two different output
distributions. If we had run the sampler for longer, those two outcomes would
converge. We can obtain a better estimate by averaging them, which is what PyMC3
does for predictions. For instance, let's now try that with the following code:
With the result of that code being shown in the following charts:
Results overview of the PyMC3 sampler. On the left, you can see the distributions produced by the
two sampler chains. On the right, you can see their traces.
In the final step, we can show how stochastic volatility has behaved over time.
You can see how it nicely aligns with volatile periods such as the 2008 financial
crisis. You can also see that there are periods when the model is more or less certain
about volatility:
plt.plot(np.exp(trace[s].T), 'r', alpha=.03);
plt.legend(['S&P500', 'Stochastic Vol.']);
As we can see, the output of that code will return the chart that we see below:
Inferred stochastic volatility from 1990 to late 2018
There are a large number of applications that can be modeled well with such
relatively small Bayesian models. The main advantage is that the models are easy
to interpret and can express uncertainty well. Probabilistic programming aligns well
with the "storytelling" approach to data science, as the story is clearly expressed in
the model.
In the next section, we will move from shallow probabilistic programming to deep
probabilistic programming.
The Bayesian models that we've developed so far are all quite shallow. So, let's ask
ourselves whether we can combine the predictive power of deep networks with the
advantages of Bayesian models. This is an active field of research and a fitting way
to close this book.
Deep networks have a number of parameters; this makes searching through the
parameter space a hard problem. In traditional supervised deep learning, we would
use backpropagation to solve this problem. Backpropagation can also be used for
Bayesian models. However, it's not the only, or even necessarily the best, way to
do Bayesian deep learning.
In this chapter, you got a brief overview of modern Bayesian machine learning
and its applications in finance. We've only touched upon this as it is a very active field of
research from which we can expect many breakthroughs in the near future. It will be exciting
to observe its development and bring its applications into production.
Looking back at this chapter, we should feel confident in understanding the following:
Notice how everything you have learned here transfers to bigger models as well, such as the
deep neural networks that we've discussed throughout the entirety of the book. The sampling
process is still a bit slow for very large models, but researchers are actively working on
making it faster, and what you've learned is a great foundation for the future.
And thus, we close the last chapter of our journey, and I say goodbye to you, dear reader.
Let's look back at the table of contents that we were met with at the start of our journey.
Over the past 10 chapters, we've covered a whole lot, including the following:
In each chapter, we created a large bag of practical tips and tricks that you can use. This will
allow you to build state-of-the-art systems that will change the financial industry.
Yet, in many ways we have only scratched the surface. Each of the chapter topics merit their
own book, and even that would not adequately cover everything that could be said about
machine learning in finance.
I leave you with this thought: Machine learning in finance is an exciting field in which there is
still much to uncover, so onward dear reader; there are models to be trained, data to be
analyzed, and inferences to be made!