E Commerce N Big Data
E Commerce N Big Data
E Commerce N Big Data
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All content following this page was uploaded by Uyoyo Zino Edosio on 23 July 2014.
4.2 Case Study: Adidas “Light You Up” Mobile Campaign ........................................................................10
5 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................10
6 References ......................................................................................................................................................10
Abstract-This era unlike any, is faced with explosive with 23% using social media to respond to
growth in the size of data generated/captured. Data customer opinions and questions.
growth has undergone a renaissance, influenced
This survey evidences the fact that exchange of
primarily by ever cheaper computing power and
electronic information via social media site has
the ubiquity of the internet. This has led to a
positively impacted Ecommerce in terms of revenue
paradigm shift in the E-commerce sector; as data is
and brand awareness.
no longer seen as the byproduct of their business
activities, but as their biggest asset providing: key However, with the advent of big data analytics there
insights to the needs of their customers, predicting will be more informed/ data driven strategies for
trends in customer’s behavior, democratizing of businesses communicate with consumer. Such that E-
advertisement to suits consumers varied taste, as commerce vendors/businesses, can harness/analyze the
well as providing a performance metric to assess the tremendous data (Big Data) generated from Electronic
effectiveness in meeting customers’ needs. Data Interchange (EDI), in order to gain better
This paper presents an overview of the unique understanding of consumer behavior. Such unique
features that differentiate big data from traditional insight can be applied to improve customer service,
datasets. In addition, the application of big data guide business strategy, and provide democratized
analytics in the E-commerce and the various services to customers. Fig. 2 below illustrates further,
technologies that make analytics of consumer data the importance of big data analysis to organizations
possible is discussed. (based on a survey carried out by Mckinsey on 115
Further this paper will present some case studies of leading organizations) (Wielki, 2013)
how leading Ecommerce vendors like Amazon.com,
A practical example of such E-commerce business is
Walmart Inc, and Adidas apply Big Data analytics in
Amazon.com –by utilizing special software to analyze
their business strategies/activities to improve their
cookies and clickstream on consumer browsers, the
competitive advantage. Lastly we identify some
Company can identify patterns in consumers’ shopping
challenges these E-commerce vendors face while
habit and hence can provide customized/democratized
implementing big data analytics.
offers, advertisements and discounts to such consumer
(Mosavi & Vaezipour, 2013).
Figure 2: Benefits of Big Data Analysis to Businesses 2 BIG DATA ANALYTIC TECHNIQUES AND ITS
from social media sites in real-time with billions of
entities and relationships.
The software performs a semantic analysis of social
media and feeds its output to a custom built e-
commerce applications for Walmart (The Center for
Media Justice, 2013).
3.1.2 Clustering Algorithm
Clustering Algorithm technique works by identifying
groups of users that have similar preferences. These
users are then clustered into a single group and are
given a unique identifier. New customers cluster are
predicted by calculating the average similarities of the
individual members in that cluster. Hence a user could
be a partial member of more than one cluster depending
of the weight of the user’s average opinion (Sarwar et
al., 2002).
By clicking on the link “Your Recommendations”
customers can filter product by product
recommendation based on items currently in their
shopping carts.
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