1. For your first journal entry, describe your 2d6 Nature of Call
character, their apartment, and their 2 Suicide attempt
relationships. Tell the story of how you 3 Animal attack
were infected and what you’ve had to do 4 Shooting
up until now to survive. 5 Vehicular accident
2. For each in-game day, draw two cards 6 Poisoned
from the EVENT DECK to see what 7 Heart attack, stroke, etc.
complications you face. 8 Choking
3. Roll once on the 911 CALLS table. 9 Workplace accident
4. Write a journal entry detailing how you
BLOOD is a solo role-playing and journaling 11 Stabbing
experienced these events and what the
game in which you play an ambulance 12 Pregnancy
consequences were.
driving emergency medical technician
5. Track your statistics and describe any
(EMT) infected with vampirism. Each day,
consequences in your journal. FEEDING
you must navigate The City with your
6. Repeat steps 2-5 until your character As you feed, you drain the victim one pint at
paramedic partner, facing the mundane
dies or meets some other end. a time; each pint reduces Hunger by 1. At 9
trials of your job and personal life while
Hunger, you may attempt to stop feeding.
trying to keep your affliction a secret. HOW WERE YOU INFECTED? Roll 2d12. If you roll equal to or over your
Roll 1d6 or choose. current Hunger, you may stop. Otherwise,
1. By mother during birth you continue to feed uncontrollably,
Vampirism is a bloodborne pathogen
2. During a one-night stand drinking another pint, at which point you
transmitted via contact with infected
3. Bitten by infected patient may roll again to stop.
human blood or bodily fluids
4. Via a blood transfusion
contaminated with blood.
5. By sharing a dirty needle DRAINING VICTIMS
Sunlight, crucifixes, holy water, silver
6. Received infected transplant organ Blood loss has the following effects:
weapons, etc. have no effect on you.
20% loss. Victim is confused; has low
Your teeth are not pointed; however, your THE EVENT DECK blood pressure and elevated heart rate.
lips are deep red, and your blood vessels Shuffle a deck of cards (jokers removed). 40% loss. Victim goes into severe shock;
are more pronounced, especially in your Aces are worth 1. Roll on the 911 CALLS falls unconscious.
eyes. These features are most noticeable table if you draw a face card (ignoring the 50% loss. Victim bleeds to death.
after feeding. suit). After a card is drawn, it is discarded.
You can consume food and drink, but When the deck is empty, shuffle the discard
human blood is the only thing that can VICTIMS
pile to create a new deck.
nourish you and sate your hunger. When you select a victim (for feeding or a
Drinking blood rapidly regenerates cells, HUNGER. Increase your Hunger by the 911 call), roll to determine type, notoriety,
providing physiological benefits. You are card’s value. and morality.
disease free. Minor injuries heal quickly;
major injuries take longer but still heal MONEY. You’ve either lost money equal 2d6 Type Pints
faster than normal. You age slowly, to $100 x the card’s value (deducted from 2 Babies 2
extending your lifespan. You are in peak current Cash) or owe a debt of the same 3 Child 4
physical condition with above average amount. 4-5 Young Adult 10
strength, speed, and reflexes. These 6-8 Middle-Aged Adult 12
EXPOSURE. You’ve made a misstep or 9-10 Older-Aged Adult 10
effects fade as you stop feeding.
had some back luck. Your Visibility 11 Elderly Adult 8
You can be killed due to massive trauma increases by the card’s value. 12 Pregnant 14
(e.g., injuries that instantly destroy entire
critical organs such as the heart). RELATIONSHIPS. Roll 1d6. Choose a NOTORIETY. Roll 2d6. Closer to 2 means
relationship with a family member, friend, that the victim is socially isolated. Closer to
co-worker, or romantic interest and 12 (or higher) means the victim is a well-
describe how the relationship experiences known public figure or a celebrity. If you
HUNGER. Starts at 0. If it reaches 10, you
a complication (1-3) or a meaningful attack or feed on the victim, add their
must feed on human blood immediately or
development (4-6). notoriety score to your Visibility.
risk going feral and exposing yourself.
EXPOSED MORALITY. Roll 2d6. Closer to 2 means
CASH. You start with $3,000 in savings and
You’ve attracted the interest of a person that the victim is consumed by evil. Closer
earn $3,000 per month. You need $100 per
who knows who you are or is on your trail. to 12 means the victim is saintlier. This only
day to maintain your current lifestyle.
2d6 Pursuer has narrative—not mechanical—effects.
2-3 Territorial Infected
VISIBILITY. Starts at 0. When you gain 15 CREDITS
4-5 Nosey Reporter
points, roll on the EXPOSED table and reset 6-8 Relentless Police Detective Created by Groovy Dad Games • BLOOD ©
Visibility to 0. 9-10 Sleezy Private Investigator 2023 by Trent Seltzer • Created for the One-
11-12 Deranged “Vampire” Hunter Page RPG Jam 2023.