Reviewer Artapp
Reviewer Artapp
Reviewer Artapp
- Music
- Spoken Word Poetry
- Dance
- Theatre Arts
- Performing arts are a form of art in
which artists use their voices, bodies, or
different objects to show artistic Learning to Listen - All sounds are a form of
expression. energy produced by the vibration of an object.
- The performing arts encourages a The vibration makes the air around the object
person to explore their emotions, vibrate too. These air vibrations are called sound
expand their imagination and help them waves.
develop their own, unique voice.
SOUND WAVES - A sound wave is the pattern of
- Each discipline of music, dance and
disturbance caused by the movement of energy
drama engage a person’s brain, body
traveling through a medium (such as air, water,
and emotions in different ways to
or any other liquid or solid matter) as it
encourage their confidence and find joy
propagates away from the source of the sound.
in self-expression.
What is the difference of "hearing" from
1. Self-Discovery and Expression - The theatre,
- Hearing is the process, function, or
dance and other performing arts can teach
power of perceiving sound. Listening is
people how to express themselves
paying attention to a message in order to
effectively, and can also be a tool through
hear it, understand it, and physically or
which people with disabilities can
verbally respond to it.
2. History & Education - It helps us to MUSIC - Music is a combination of sounds and
understand the people around us and how silence. Traditionally, noises were not part of
they might be expected to react in certain music, but nowadays composers use sounds,
situations. By teaching us a variety of silence and even noises in many different ways
transferable abilities, the performing arts in their compositions to create new musical
can deepen our understanding of the world experiences.
around us.
Examples: Elements of Music
Poverty, Social Inequality, Injustice, SOGIE, RHYTHM - Rhythm is the element of "TIME" in
Corruption, Drug Use, Sexual Violence, and music. When you tap your foot to the music, you
Extra-Judicial Killings. are "keeping the beat" or following the structural
3. Creativity - Without a creative voice, a rhythmic pulse of the music.
society may become all but dead inside, and
a social group without any creativity is likely DYNAMICS - All musical aspects relating to the
to be repressive and tyrannical rather than a relative loudness (or quietness) of music fall
force for good. under the general element of DYNAMICS.
pianissimo [pp] = very quiet supported by a less intricate harmonic
accompaniment underneath.
piano [p] = quiet
Polyphonic = Music with two or more
mezzo-piano [mp] = moderately quiet
independent melodies sounding at the same
mezzo-forte [mf] = moderately loud time. The most intricate types of polyphonic
texture— canon and fugue—may introduce
forte [f] = loud three, four, five or more independent melodies
fortissimo [ff] = very loud simultaneously! This manner of writing is called
Periods of Music
MIDDLE AGES (450 - 14500)
cresendo = gradually getting louder
An era dominated by Catholic sacred music,
decrescendo = gradually getting quieter which began as simple chant but grew in
accent = "punching" or "leaning into" a note complexity in the 13th to 15th centuries by
harder to temporarily emphasize it experiments in harmony and rhythm.