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01 Geography as a Discipline
Geomorphic Processes
Landforms and their Evolution
08 The Earth and it’s System
09 Atmosphere
10 Climate
11 Rainfall
Nebular Hypothesis (Theory) BIG BANG THEORY
This theory was developed by The Big Bang Theory explains the
Immanuel Kant and modified in origin of the universe. It is also
1796 by Pierre Laplace. According called the expanding universe
to this hypothesis, the planets were hypothesis.
formed out of a cloud of material
associated with a youthful sun, In 1927, Abbe Georges Lemaitre, a
which was slowly rotating. Belgian astronomer was the first to
provide a theory on the origin of the
In 1900, Chamberlain and Moulton Universe. It was Edwin Hubble who
considered that a wandering star provided evidence that the universe
approached the sun which resulted in is expanding.
the formation of a cigar-shaped
extension of material that got According to this theory, all matter
separated from the solar surface. that formed the universe existed in
This separated material continued to one point (tiny ball) called
revolve around the sun and slowly singularity having an unimaginable
got condensed into planets. small volume, infinite temperature,
and infinite density.
The binary theories considered a
companion to be coexisting with the The great event of the big bang
sun. happened some 13.7 billion years
ago. The tiny ball exploded which
In 1950, the Nebular Hypothesis was led to a huge expansion and this
revised by Otto Schmidt (in Russia) expansion continues even today.
and Carl Weizascar (in Germany). There was rapid expansion within
According to them, the sun was fractions of a second after the bang.
surrounded by a solar nebula Thereafter, the expansion slowed
consisting mainly of hydrogen and down.
helium along with dust. The friction
and collision of particles led to the With the expansion some of the
formation of a disk-shaped cloud and energy was converted into matter.
planets were formed through the Within the first three minutes of the
process of accretion.
big bang event, the first atom began
Within 300,000 years from the big The formation of stars is believed to have
bang, temperature dropped down to taken place some 5-6 billion years ago.
4500 K and gave rise to atomic There are several stages involved in the
matter. The majority of atoms formation of the stars. They include:
formed were hydrogen, along with
helium and traces of lithium. Huge Nebula – It is a cloud of gas (mainly
clouds of these elements fused hydrogen and helium) and dust in
through gravity to form stars and space. It is a star’s birthplace.
Protostar – It is an early stage of a
Once there were two theories for star formation where nuclear fusion
explaining the origin of the universe is yet to begin. It looks like a star, but
– Big Bang theory and Hoyle’s its core is not yet hot enough for
concept of steady state. nuclear fusion to take place.
Endogenic Processes:
o Orogenic processes
(mountain building) – which
The earth’s surface is being
involves mountain building
continuously reshaped by both
through severe folding and
internal (endogenic) and external
affecting long and narrow
forces (exogenic). The changes that
belts of the earth’s crust.
the endogenic and exogenic forces
bring about in the appearance of the o Epeirogeny processes
surface of the earth are collectively (continent building) – which
known as “geomorphic processes”. involves uplifting or warping
of large parts of the earth’s
o Geomorphological processes
are natural mechanisms of
erosion, weathering, and o Earthquakes involving local
deposition that result in the relatively minor movements.
alteration of the surficial
materials and landforms at o Plate tectonics involving
the surface of the earth. horizontal movements of
crustal plates.
The endogenic processes are mainly
land building forces while exogenic All the above processes cause pressure,
forces are mainly land wearing volume, and temperature (PVT) changes
forces. which result in the metamorphism of
o Mass wasting, weathering,
deposition, and erosion are
Exogenic Process Endogenic Process ii. physical or mechanical
i. Weathering – iii. biological weathering processes
i. Volcanism
ii. Diastrophism
Chemical and
iii. Metamorphis
ii. Erosion/ Physical Weathering: -
iv. Earthquake
v. Landslides
iii. Transportation Physical or mechanical weathering is the
vi. Folding and
iv. Deposition disintegration of rocks mainly induced by
elements of weather. It is caused by the
change in pressure, temperature, wind, and
Exogenic Processes: - water. It is further categorized into thermal
weathering, frost weathering and
The exogenic processes derive their energy exfoliation.
from atmosphere determined by the ultimate
energy from the sun and the gradients a. Thermal weathering: Due to high
created by tectonic factors. temperature in arid and semi-arid
areas, rocks expand during the day
All the exogenic geomorphic processes are and contract at night due to the fall
covered under a general term, denudation. of temperature. Under extreme
The word ‘denude’ means to strip off or to temperature conditions, the rocks
uncover. Weathering, mass wasting/ crack and eventually split due to
movements, erosion and transportation are alternate expansion and contraction.
included in denudation.
Gravitational/ Molecular
Weathering Stresses/ and or Chemical
PROCESSES Mass Movements Gravitational Force
Transportation Kinetic Energy
1. Precious metals – Platinum, gold, The igneous rocks are the oldest of all the
silver, etc. rocks. Pegmatite, gabbro, granite, basalt,
tuff are some of the examples of igneous
2. Ferrous metals – Iron mixed with rocks.
other metals.
Metamorphic Rocks: - Sedimentary Influence
The word metamorphic means
‘change of form’. The metamorphic Granite Pressure Gneiss
rocks form under the action of
pressure, volume, and temperature Clay, Shale Pressure Schist
(PVT change). Sandstone Heat Quartzite
Distribution of Earthquakes
o Ground lurching
o Floods from dam and levee There are three types of volcanoes based on
failures the frequency of eruption. These are –
o Tsunamis Active Volcanoes – A volcano is
called an active volcano if the
eruptions are frequent. Their vent
usually remains open. For example,
VOLCANO Mount Etna (in Italy), Cotopaxi (in
Ecuador is the world’s highest active
A volcano is an opening in the earth’s crust
Dormant Volcano – These
through which gases, ashes and molten rock
volcanoes may not have erupted in
material are released to the earth’s surface.
the recent past but there is a
possibility of eruption at any time.
The upper position of the mantle of
For example, Mt. Vesuvius (Italy)
the earth is called the asthenosphere
and Mt. Fujiyama (Japan).
which is a weaker zone. It is from
this weaker zone the molten rock Extinct Volcano – These volcanoes
materials find their way to the have not erupted during the known
surface. geological period. Their vent
remains closed with solidified lava.
The molten rock material found in
The craters may be filled with water
the interior of the earth is
giving rise to crater lakes. The slopes
called magma. Once the magma
of these landforms may be covered
reaches the earth’s surface it is
with vegetation. For example, Popa
called lava.
(Myanmar) and Mt. Kenya (Eastern
Based on the nature of eruption and form km long that stretches through all the
developed at the surface, volcanoes are ocean basins. The central portion of
classified into the following types – this ridge experiences frequent
Shield Volcanoes – These volcanoes
are mostly made up of basalt, a type
of lava that is very fluid when
erupted. They become explosive if
water gets into the vent, otherwise
they are less explosive. The
upcoming lava moves in the form of
a fountain and throws out the cone at
the top of the vent and develops into
a cinder cone. For example,
Hawaiian volcanoes.
volcanoes/Stratovolcanoes – Along
with the lava, large quantities of
pyroclastic material and ashes form
part of the eruptions. This material
accumulates in the vicinity of the
vent openings resultingin the
formation of layers which makes the Volcanic Landforms
mount appear as composite
volcanoes. These volcanoes often The lava that cools within the crust assumes
result in explosive eruptions. For different forms called intrusive forms. These
example, Mount Vesuvius (Italy), are as follows: -
Mount Fuji in Japan.
Batholiths – These are large rock
Caldera – These volcanoes are most masses that are formed due to
explosive. When these volcanoes cooling and solidification of hot
erupt, they collapse on themselves magma inside the earth. These are
rather than building any tall granitic bodies.
structure. The resulting depressions
are called calderas. Laccoliths – Laccoliths are large
dome-shaped intrusive rock
Flood Basalt Provinces – These connected by a pipe-like conduit
volcanoes erupt highly fluid lava that from below. It resembles the surface
flows for long distances. There are volcanic domes of composite
some regions in the world which are volcanoes, only these are located at
covered by thousands of sq. km of deeper depths. The Karnataka
thick basalt lava flows. Individual plateau is spotted with domal hills of
flows may extend for hundreds of granite rocks. Most of these, now
kilometers. For example, the Deccan exfoliated, are examples of
Traps in Maharashtra, India. Laccoliths or Batholiths.
All the plates have moved in the geological Divergent plate boundary is the
past and shall continue to do so in the future margin where the two plates move
as well. GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite apart from each other. The sites
System) measures the speed of the plate where the plates move away from
movements. each other are called spreading sites.
A fissure is created when the oceanic
The rate of plate movements varies lithosphere separates along the
considerably. For example, the arctic ridge oceanic plate boundary. The gap is
has the slowest rate, less than 2.5 cm/ yr and
filled by magma that rises from the is denser than the continental plate.
asthenosphere. For example, the Mariana Trench in
the Pacific Ocean (deepest trench in
The magma cools and solidifies to the world) is formed when the
create a new oceanic crust. Hence, Pacific plate sinks down the
the divergent plate boundary is also Eurasian plate. It is about 10.99 km
termed as “constructive plate deep.
boundary”. It is also called an
accreting plate margin. The convergent boundaries can also
give rise to fold mountains. For
Divergent boundaries within example, the Himalayas were
continents initially form rifts which formed due to the collision of the
eventually become rift valleys e.g., Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate.
the African Rift Valley in east The zone marking the boundary of
Africa. Most of the active divergent the two colliding plates is known as
plate boundaries occur between the the suture line.
oceanic plates and exist as mid-
ocean ridges.
Convergent Boundary:
When the stream beds turn gentler The swamps and marshes of the
due to continued erosion, downward youth disappear, and the stream
cutting becomes less dominant and divide turns sharp.
lateral (sideways) erosion of banks
increases which reduces the hills and Waterfalls and rapids disappear.
valleys to plains.
Both are associated with floodplains.
The Delta is found in the old stage of
a river. It is a triangular-shaped Natural levees are formed along the
landform made up of alluvial banks of large rivers. These are
deposition in the mouth of the river. linear, low, and parallel ridges of
coarse deposits along the riverbanks,
Unlike in alluvial fans, the deposits usually cut into individual mounds.
making up deltas are very well sorted
with clear stratification. The coarsest Point bars are also called meander
materials settle first and the finer bars. They occur on the concave side
of meanders of large rivers. These
are formed by sediments deposited
in a linear arrangement by flowing
waters along the banks. They contain
a mixed size of sediments and are
almost uniform in profile and width.
The term glacier comes from the Erosional Landforms due to Glaciers:
French word “glace” meaning ice.
A glacier is a huge mass of ice
moving as sheets. When the ice These are the most common
sheets move over the land, it is called landforms in glaciated mountains
a continental glacier, and if a vast and are often found at the heads of
sheet of ice is spread over the plains glacial valleys.
at the foot of mountains, it is called a
piedmont glacier. The mountain and A glacier cuts these cirques while
valley glaciers flow down the slopes moving down the mountainous
of mountains in broad trough-like slopes. They are long, deep, and
valleys. wide troughs or basins with steep
concave to vertically dropping high
The movement of glaciers is mainly walls at its head as well as sides.
due to the gravitational force. The
movement of glaciers is slow, it When the glacier disappears, very
could be a few centimeters to a few often, a lake of water can be seen
metres a day or even less or more. within the cirques which are called
cirque or tarn lakes. There can be
Over 96% of the glaciers occur in two or more cirques one leading into
Antarctica and Greenland. The another down below in a stepped
world’s largest glacier is the sequence.
Lambert Glacier in Antarctica.
Since glacial mass is heavy and The melting glaciers deposit unassorted
slow-moving, erosional activity is coarse and fine debris called glacial till. The
uniform in all directions. A steep- rock fragments in the till are mostly angular
sided curved bottom valley has a U- to sub-angular in shape. Streams of water
shaped profile. The U-shaped valley formed by the melting of glaciers carry some
is a typical glacial feature. amount of rock debris (relatively fine) and
deposit it.
When tributary glaciers are unable to
cut as deeply as the main glacier, Such glacio-fluvial deposits are
hanging valleys are formed. These called outwash deposits. The outward
are at higher levels than the main deposits are roughly stratified and assorted
valley and appear hanging over the (unlike till deposits) and rock fragments in
main valley. They enter the main them are somewhat rounded at their edges.
valley at some height.
The following are the depositional
Very deep glacial troughs filled with landforms commonly found in glaciated
seawater and making up shorelines regions:
(in high altitude) are called
fjords/fiords. Fjords are common in Moraines
Norway, New Zealand, and
Greenland. Moraines are the deposits of glacial
till. These debris fields exist in
places where glaciers have moved
through in the past. There are various
types of moraines, and these are
classified based on their location.
Terminal moraines – These are These are formed when the receding
long ridges of debris deposited at the glacier pauses at certain places for a
end (toe) of the glaciers. long time before moving further.
Lateral moraines –
Coastal processes are the most dynamic and High rocky coasts – submerged
therefore, most destructive. The changes coasts
along the coasts are mainly due to waves.
Low, smooth, and gently sloping
When waves break, the water is thrown with
sedimentary coasts – emerged
great force onto the shore which results in
great churning of sediments on the sea
At the foot of the cliffs, there may be The sandy beach which appears so
a gentle sloping or flat platform permanent may be reduced to a very
covered by rock debris. Such narrow strip of coarse pebbles in
platforms which occur at elevations some other season, so these beaches
above the average height of waves are temporary features.
are called wave-cut terraces.
Praia da Casino beach in Brazil is
The lashing of the waves against the the world’s longest beach. Marina
base of the cliff and the rock debris beach, Chennai is the second longest
that gets hit against the cliff along beach in the world.
with lashing waves create hollows
and these hollows deepen and widen Bars – The bar is a stretch of sand
to form sea caves. deposition off the shoreline.
o A 90m long sea cave was Barrier Bar – The further addition
found on the Loliem beach in of sand to the off-shore bar results in
Canacona in Goa. The a barrier bar.
world’s most extensive cave
is the 1.5 km long Matainaka Spits – When the barrier bars get
cave in New Zealand. keyed up to one end of the bay, spits
are formed. Spits may also get
The resistant masses of rock that attached to headlands/hills.
appear as rocks standing isolated as
small islands just off the shore, Lagoon
originally parts of a cliff or hill, are
called sea stacks. The bars, barriers and spits formed at
the mouth of the bay gradually
All the above features are temporary extend leaving only a small opening
and eventually disappear because of of the bay into the sea and the bay
wave erosion giving rise to narrow eventually develop into a lagoon.
The lagoon is eventually replaced by temperature, decay faster and the
a wide coastal plain. These lagoons torrential rains remove the weathered
get filled up gradually by sediments debris easily.
coming from the land or from the
beach itself (aided by wind). Thus, the weathered materials in the
deserts are moved not only by wind
Tombolo – A tombolo is a bar but also by rain (sheet wash). The
connecting an island with the coast. general mass erosion is carried mainly
by sheet floods and the wind moves
fine particles.
The wind is the main geomorphic Pediplains – When the high relief
agent in the arid region. structures in deserts are reduced to
low featureless plains by the
The desert floors being dry and barren activities of wind, they are called as
heat up very fast. They heat up the air pediplains.
directly above them resulting in
upward movements in the hot light air Mushroom, Table and Pedestal
with turbulence, and any obstruction rocks – In deserts, a greater amount
in its path sets up whirlwinds, eddies, of sand and rock particles are
downdrafts, and updrafts. transported close to the ground by
the winds which cause more erosion
Winds also move along the desert in the lower part of the rock than the
floors with great speed and the top.
obstruction on their path results in
turbulence. There are also storm winds
which are very destructive.
The Earth
and it’s systems
• It is estimated that our Earth is
• Earth is the only known planet around 4.5 billion years old.
where life exists. Its surface area is • Earth revolves around the Sun once
covered with two-third of water that every 365.25 days – this is known as
is why we call it a blue planet. one Earth year.
• The atmosphere of the Earth is • Only 3% of Earth’s water is
primarily nitrogen, but there is fresh and 97% of it is salty.
plenty of oxygen for us to breathe. • Earth has only one satellite – the
• It is slightly flattened at the poles, Moon, and also has a couple of
that is why its shape is described as artificial satellites.
a Geoid.
• Earth average distance from sun is
149 million kilometres (1 AU).
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• The position of the Arctic is not Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, and
always fixed. southern China.
• The Arctic Circle is 16000km long
which covers 4% of the Earth’s Tropic of Capricorn
• It is the Southern Tropic which is
Antarctic Circle currently at 23 and a ½ degree south.
• The Antarctic Circle is one of the • The length of the Tropic of
five major circles or parallels of Capricorn is the same as the Tropic
latitude that mark maps of the Earth. of Cancer.
• The region south of this circle is • The Southern Tropic covers 3% of
known as the Antarctic. the total world’s population.
• South of the Antarctic Circle, the • The sun is overhead once a year in
Sun is above the horizon for 24 December and therefore experiences
continuous hours at least once per maximum heat.
year and the centre of the Sun is
below the horizon for 24 continuous • The Tropic of Capricorn lies at 23.5°
hours at least once per year; this is South of the equator and runs
also true within the equivalent polar through Australia, Chile, southern
circle in the Northern Hemisphere, Brazil, and northern South Africa.
the Arctic Circle.
• The position of the Antarctic Circle
is not fixed and currently runs
66°33′49.0″ south of the Equator.
Tropic of Cancer
• It is also known as Northern Tropic
and the Sun is directly overhead at
this position in June.
• The Tropic of Cancer is located at 23
½ degrees in the Northern
• The length of the Tropic of Cancer is
36,788 km.
• The Tropic of Cancer is located at
23.5° North of the equator and runs
through Mexico, the Bahamas,
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• The heating and cooling of the • The angle of the sun’s rays goes on
atmosphere are accomplished decreasing towards the poles.
through direct solar radiation and
through the transfer of energy from • As such, the areas bounded by the
the earth through the processes Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic
of conduction, convection, and circle in the northern hemisphere,
radiation. and the Tropic of Capricorn and the
Antarctic circle in the southern
hemisphere, have moderate
The three major heat zones of the Earth temperatures. These are, therefore,
are (based on the distance they have called temperate zones.
from Equator):
• Temperate Zone Frigid Zones
• Torrid Zone • Areas lying between the Arctic circle
and the north pole in the northern
• Frigid Zone hemisphere and the Antarctic circle
and the south pole in the southern
Torrid Zone hemisphere, are very cold.
• The mid-day sun is exactly • It is because here the sun does not
overhead at least once a year on all raise much above the horizon.
latitudes in between the Tropic of
Cancer and the Tropic of • Therefore, its rays are always
Capricorn. slanting. These are, therefore,
• This area, therefore, receives the called frigid zones.
maximum heat and is called
the torrid zone.
Temperate Zone
• The mid-day sun never shines • Its diameter is only one-quarter that
overhead on any latitude beyond the of the earth.
Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of
Capricorn. • It is about 3,84,400 km away from
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• A ray of light from the sun takes ii. a point of time when the distance
about eight minutes to reach the is the most (called the apogee).
earth. Light takes only a second to
reach us from the moon. • Since a full Moon appears at the
point of least distance from earth, not
• The moon is tidally locked to the only does it appear to be brighter but
earth, meaning that the moon it is also larger than a regular full
revolves around the earth in about 27 moon.
days which is the same time it takes
to complete one spin. Phases of the Moon
• As a result of tidal locking, only one • When this heavenly body is behind
side of the moon is visible to us on the earth and sun, we can see the
the earth. entire illuminated portion – this is a
full-moon (Purnima).
• The moon is a significant stabiliser • When it is between the sun and
of Earth’s orbital axis. earth, we can only see the dark
• Without it, Earth’s tilt could vary as portion and a new moon
much as 85 degrees (at present the (Amavasya) occurs.
Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted at an • Between these two extremes, we see
angle of 23.5֯ relative to our orbital intermediate phases such as a half-
plane). moon and crescent.
• Neil Armstrong was the first,
and Buzz Aldrin was the second to
step on the surface of the moon
on 29 July 1969 (Apollo 11
• Till date, only Twelve astronauts
walked on the Moon’s surface.
• A supermoon occurs when the
Moon’s orbit is closest to the
Earth at the same time that
the Moon is full.
• As the Moon orbits the Earth,
i. there is a point of time when
the distance between the two is
the least (called the perigee)
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• Also known as the eclipse of the sun, • it occurs when the earth comes in
it occurs when the moon comes in between the sun and the moon.
between the sun and the earth. • As a result, the earth blocks the light
• This occurs on a new moon phase. of the sun from reaching the moon’s
surface and casts its shadow on the
• We can observe up to 5 solar moon.
eclipses per year.
• It can last as long as 1 hour 40
• It occurs on a full moon day. We can Spring tides - The position of both the
observe up to 3 lunar eclipses per sun and the moon in relation to the earth
year. has direct bearing on tide height.
• When the sun, the moon and the
There are 3 kinds of lunar eclipses: earth are in a straight line, the
• A total lunar eclipse occurs when height of the tide will be higher.
Earth’s umbra – the central, dark part • They occur twice a month, one
of its shadow – obscures all of the on full moon period and another
Moon’s surface. during new moon period.
• A partial lunar eclipse can be
observed when only part of the
Neap tide - Normally, there is a seven-
Moon’s surface is obscured by
day interval between the spring tides
Earth’s umbra.
and neap tides.
• A penumbral lunar eclipse
• At this time the sun and moon are
happens when the Moon travels
at right angles to each other and
through the faint penumbral portion
the forces of the sun and moon tend
of Earth’s shadow.
to counteract one another.
• Like spring tides, these tides also
occur twice a month.
period); then a tide must come in within about a
six-hour period.
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• The envelope of gases surrounding atmospheric pressure at sea level
the earth is called the atmosphere. is 1034 gm per square centimetre.
It forms a protective boundary
between the outer space and
the biosphere. Importance of Earth’s Atmosphere
Atmospheric pressure:
• The air exerts pressure on earth’s
surface by virtue of its weight. This
pressure is called atmospheric
• Atmospheric pressure is the most
important climatic element. The
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• The gases in the atmosphere are • It is a relatively inert gas,
composed of neutral, uncharged and is an important constituent of all
particles. organic compounds.
• The Earth’s atmosphere consists of a • The main function of nitrogen is
mixture of noble gas atoms and to control combustion by diluting
many kinds of molecules. oxygen.
• It also indirectly helps in oxidation
• In addition, it contains huge numbers of different kinds.
of solid and liquid particles,
collectively called aerosols.
Carbon Dioxide
• The third important gas is Carbon
Gases Dioxide which constitutes only
• Some of the gases may be regarded about 0.038% of the dry air.
as permanent atmospheric • Carbon dioxide is considered to be a
components which remain in fixed very important factor in the heat
proportion to the total gas volume. energy budget.
• Nitrogen and oxygen make up • This could significantly raise the
nearly 99% of the clean, dry air. temperature at lower levels of the
• Besides these gases, large quantities atmosphere inducing drastic climatic
of water vapour and dust particles changes.
are also present in the atmosphere.
These solid and liquid particles are Ozone (03)
of great climatic significance.
• Ozone (03) is another important gas
in the atmosphere, which is actually
Oxygen a type of oxygen molecule consisting
• Oxygen, although constituting of three atoms.
only 21% of total volume of • It forms less than 0.00005% by
atmosphere, is the most important volume of the atmosphere and
component among gases. is unevenly distributed.
• All living organisms inhale oxygen. • It is found between 20 km and 25 km
• Besides, oxygen can combine with altitude with the greatest conc.
other elements to form important • It plays a crucial role in blocking the
compounds, such as, oxides. harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Water Vapour
• Water Vapour is one of the most
• Nitrogen accounts for 78% of total variable gaseous substances –
atmospheric volume. constituting between 2% and 4% of
the total volume.
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Pressure Gradient
• The rate of change of atmospheric
pressure between two points on the
• On the earth’s surface, there
earth’s surface is called the pressure
are seven pressure belts. They are –
i. Equatorial Low
• Isobars are lines connecting places
having equal pressure. ii. The two Sub-tropical Highs
iii. The two Sub-polar Lows
iv. The two Polar Highs.
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• These are dynamically produced due • The pressure belts shift slightly north
to: - of their annual average locations.
i. Coriolis Force produced by
rotation of the earth on its axis, Pressure Belts in June
and. • During winter, these conditions are
ii. Ascent of air as a result of completely reversed and the pressure
convergence of westerlies and belts shift south of their annual mean
polar easterlies. locations.
• In the northern hemisphere, during • Farrell’s Law: - The law that wind
summer, with the apparent is deflected to the right in the
northward shift of the sun, the Northern Hemisphere and to the left
thermal equator is located north of in the Southern Hemisphere.
the geographical equator.
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Cold Front
• Such a front is formed when a cold
air mass replaces a warm air
mass by advancing into it or that
the warm air mass retreats and cold
• When the air remains over a air mass advances.
homogenous area for a sufficiently
longer time, it acquires the • In such a situation, the transition
characteristics of the area. zone between the two is a cold
• The air with distinctive
characteristics in terms of • Cold front moves up to twice as
temperature and humidity is quickly as warm fronts.
called an air mass.
• Air masses form an integral part of
the global planetary wind system.
Therefore, they are associated with
one or other wind belts.
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The Climate
atmospheric pressure, and wind
• Weather, state of the atmosphere at (speed and direction).
a particular place during a short
period of time.
• It involves such atmospheric
phenomena as temperature,
humidity, precipitation, air pressure,
wind, and cloud cover.
• The weather differs from the climate
as it includes weather conditions that
have prevailed over an area during a
long time period – generally 30
• Weather, as most commonly
defined, occurs in the troposphere.
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• It is a warm moist summer and a
cool, dry winter.
• The relative humidity is little high in
mid-summer but for most of the
time, the climate is pleasantly warm.
• Rainfall is more than moderate and
(Eastern Margin Climate) ranges between 60 cm to 150 cm.
• It is found along the eastern margins
of the continents between 20 and • Local storms also occur. Example:
typhoons, hurricanes.
35 N and S latitude.
• The climatic features in the region
are similar to the monsoonal climate
with rain during the summer and
dry weather during winter.
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• A very low mean annual
temperature. • The modified Koppen system
• Only four months have a describes five major climate
temperature above freezing point. groups (groups A, B, C, D, and
E) which are subdivided into a total
• Winters are long and very severe; of 14 individual climate types,
summers are cool and brief. along with the special category of
highland (H) climate.
• Frosts and blizzards that occur are
very hazardous to the polar • He classified the entire world
inhabitants. climate by assigning alphabetical
letters (capital letters) – A, B, C, D,
E, and H.
• These categories are further
• Precipitation is mainly in the form subdivided into subdivisions and
of snow, falling in winter and being types by indicating small letters like
drafted by the blizzards. – a, b, c, d, h, f, m, w, k, and s.
• In summer, there is a maximum and
the precipitation is in the form of
rain or sleet.
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• Rainfall: drop size more than 0.5
• The process of continuous
condensation in free air helps the • Mist: evaporation occurs before
condensed particles to grow in size. reaching the ground leading to foggy
• When the resistance of the air fails to
hold them against the force of • Snowfall: fine flakes of snow fall
gravity, they fall on to the earth’s when the temperature is less than
surface. 0°C.
• So, after the condensation of water • Hail: precipitation in the form of
vapour, the release of moisture is hard rounded pellets is known as
known as precipitation. hail; 5 mm and 50 mm.
• This may take place in liquid or solid
• Precipitation in the form of drops of
water is called rainfall, when the
• On the basis of origin, rainfall may
drop size is more than 5 mm.
be classified into three main types –
the convectional, orographic or
Different forms of precipitation relief and the cyclonic or frontal.
• It is called Virage when raindrops
evaporate before reaching the earth
while passing through dry air. • The, air on being heated, becomes
• Drizzle is light rainfall with drop light and rises up in convection
size being less than 0.5 mm. currents.
• Sleet is frozen raindrops and • As it rises, it expands and loses heat
refrozen melted snow-water. and consequently, condensation
takes place and cumulous clouds
• Raindrops, which leave the warmer
are formed.
air, encounter the colder air below.
• Convectional precipitation is heavy
but of short duration, highly
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Normal Conditions
• In a normal year, surface low
pressure develops in the region of
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