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1.1 Background of the study

Nepal is primarily an agricultural country with about 23.2 million human

population of which 85.80 % population resides in rural area and 78% people are
highly dependent on agricultural (CBS; 2001).Nepalese rural economy
predominated by subsistence agriculture, is based on combination of crop
production and animal husbandry. The average size of small-scale farm is about
0.96 hector per holding. Livestock is an integral component of farming system
which has multiple benefit to rural people.

Animal husbandry makes up a vital part on agricultural production system

of Nepal. It has been complementary to the crop production in the traditional
agriculture in Nepal. In rural areas average farmer holds cattle and buffaloes for
dairy products, for draught purpose and as a main source of fertilizer. Dung is
used to make compost for the field and usually under condition of resource stress,
as a raw material for fuel. The number of cattle and buffaloes is also increasing
along with household.

The population living in rural areas are poverty ridden, where 35% of the
rural people are poor (CBS, 2003).They are living with low life standard without
enjoying even the basic amenities. Poverty in rural areas is reflected in low level
of income, low level of literacy and poor health status. Poverty is also reflected in
low level of energy use like other developing countries, we are heavily dependent
on conventional sources of energy. It shows about 85.27% of the total energy
requirement of the country. (CES; 2003). Conventional sources of the country

mainly comprises of fuel wood (75.78)%, animal husbandry (5.74%) and
agricultural residue (3.75%). Share of non conversional sources (both
commercial and non renewable energy) is very low. Moreover, energy is mostly
consumed in residential sector which is 89.05% of the total energy consumption
of the country (Shrestha, 2003). The heavy dependency on biomas energy
especially fuel wood, agriculture waste and cattle dung particularly in rural areas
has given rise not only to environmental degradation and irreversible
consequences to the country but also has caused the social burden on majority of
the rural women and the large number of children who have to allocate about
20% of the work time for fuel collection (Joshi et, al., 2003).

Nepal produce about 41.4 million MT of livestock manure. It is estimated

that about 81000 MT of dry dung cake, alternative to firewood which is
equivalent to 20,000 MT of oil. If we compare the electricity with energy
generated from existing biogas plants it would approximately reach 30MW.The
estimated biogas potential of Nepal is sufficient to operate 1.9 million of biogas
plants .Thus the potentiality of biogas technology is very wide in Nepal ( Singh
and et, 1996, cited in Gauli 2004: 1 ).

Nepal relies to a large extent on traditional resources as no proven significant

deposit of fossils fuels are available Based on the studies conducted by various
government agencies, the per capita energy consumption in Nepal is 15 GJ (CES,
2003)of which 89.05%is used in residential sector followed by 5.25% in
industrial sector,3.44%in transport sector,1.35% in commercial sector, 0.79% in
agricultural sector and 0.13% others. The sources of energy in energy balance of
the country can be shown as follows; fuel wood - 75.78%, Agricultural residues-
3.75% , Animal waste 5.74% , petroleum product 9.24% , electricity 1.47% and

coal3.53% and other renewable. The available energy from these above sources
is mainly used food cooking (RETRUN,2003,cited form Gauli 2004;2)

Fuel wood , which is used as the primary source of household energy,

comes from forest. Fuel wood has been and still is the major source of fuel daily
used by rural mass in Nepal, on one hand , Nepal has an estimated area of 9.2
million hectores of productive forest of which only 3.4 million hector are
considered as to be accessible for fuel wood collection. On the other hand,
sustainable yield from this accessible area is estimated to be about 11 million
tons in 1992/93 (Gauli,2004;2). These figures indicate a non-sustainable wood
harvesting of about 30% such type of serious threat over forest leads the country
towards grip of natural disaster. Experts in this field have forecasted that if this
trends continues for a decade or two, there is absolute danger of turning several
patches of fertile strips into desert.

Due to lack of fire wood for cooking purpose , many people in rural area
are burning livestock dung and other agricultural wastes. The use of agricultural
residues and animal dung for cooking purpose rather than being used as fertilizer
reduces the crop yield in the rural area. LPG, kerosene and electricity as sources
of cooking are accessible for few people and especially in urban area. They are
very expensive and out of the affordability of normal rural family. Thus , in rural
areas traditional energy sources will remain the main supplier of energy in the
foreseeable future. Considering the energy scenario of Nepalese society, the
strong and immediate need of alternative sources of energy was realized
(BAJGAN; 2003,cited in Gauli 2004;2) .In search of finding alternative source of
energy, a promising sustainable source of energy that was biogas.

1.2 Introduction of Biogas

1.2.1 Bio-gas

Bio-gas popularly known as Gobargas in Nepal, is a combustible gas

produce by an aerobic fermentation of organic materials by the action of
methanogenic bacteria within a temperature of 25 to 350c for certain period of
time. This gas is composed of 60-70 percent methane, 30 to 40 percent CO2 and
some other gases. The methane gas is odorless and burns with clear blue flame
without smoke. It produces more heat than kerosene fuel wood charcoal and
dung cakes. Biogas can be used for cooking lighting and generate electricity(BSP
2004). However the use of biogas in Nepal is limited to cooking and partly
lighting till now.

1.2.2 Benefits and Uses of Biogas Technology

Biogas plants provide direct benefits especially to rural women as a result

of the reduction of the work and when shifting from cooking on fuel wood to
using biogas. Reduction in workload provides more time to the housewives for
doing remunerative and productive works.

A big problem for the rural people especially to the housewives is indoor
air pollution and smoke exposure inside the kitchen while cooking. Poor indoor
air quality is one of the major risk factors for acute respiratory infection,
coughing, headache and eye ailments with housewives, infants and children. the
use of biogas significantly improves the air quality by vanishing smoke and soot
from rural home thereby improving health of rural wives and children by
preventing these diseases caused by conventional cooking. Not only that
anaerobic digestion destroys harmful enteric bacteria viruses and intestinal

parasites due to connection of toilets and makes rural people free from flies and
mosquitoes. Thus biogas results in better rural sanitation thereby contributing to
public health.

The slurry is the outcome of biogas plant which can also be said bio-fertilizer if
treated and applied properly can have higher fertilizer values, improves soil
structure and contributes to maintain the content of organic matter in the soil.
Moreover, high quality biogas manure which is rich in nitrogen and humus
contributes in yield of crops and vegetable and eventually helps for generating
income to biogas households.

In individual perspectives the primary impact of biogas plant is on poverty

alleviation by reducing expenses on fuel for cooking and to some extent lighting.
At the national level it helps in reducing import bills of the country in chemical
fertilizer and petroleum products. The that installation of biogas plants also helps
in creating job opportunity for skilled land semiskilled human resources as the
construction works requires considerable numbers of such manpower and
contributes in rural poverty alleviation. (Gopalan; 1990 cited in Shrestha 2002;4)

There might be several other indirect benefits of biogas in terms of social

educational and recreational but it is clear that with the growing demand of
biogas, this technology has been gaining popularity day by day within Nepalese
rural communities.

Till the end of December 2004, 1,23,395 biogas plants have been installed. Of
the total about, 54.24 percentage biogas plants are installed in hill region where
as 45.38 percentage in Terai, and 0.34 are installed in remote hill area. About
8,50,000 are directly benefited from the biogas plants. The program has so far
covered 66 districts out of 75 districts(BSP, 2004).

1.3 Statement of Problem

Many research have been conducted to examine the impact of biogas

plants by development agencies and academicians and many positive result have
been reported. However, it is not necessary that a technology has similar impacts
at all areas. It means a technology may have positive impacts in one area but
negative in others. Thus, in this context, this research study aims to find the
answers of following questions in study area:

 What is the extent of time saving among the biogas plant users ?
 How the saved time has been utilized ?
 What is the extent of firewood savings ?
 What is the extent of increase in agricultural productivity?
 What is the extent of change in health and sanitation related problems ?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The overall objectives of the study is to assess the socio-economic impact

of Biogas users in the study area. However the specific objectives of the study

1. To analyses the socio-economic characteristics of biogas households.

2. To assess impacts of biogas plants on family economy including

agricultural production.

3. To examine the impact of biogas plants on daily time saving and use of
saved time pattern of the biogas households.

4. To study the impacts of biogas on health and sanitation of the household's

member and the environment.

5. To find out impacts of biogas on the workloads of women.

1.5 Significance and Justification of the Study

Biogas technology has no doubt the good contribution in the energy sector
of Nepal. This simple technology contributes a lot in lessening the burden of the
forest resource. By promoting the installation of biogas we are perverting
deforestation. Deforestation is the main cause of many natural calamities such as
landslides. Floods, soil erosion etc.

It is well realized that biogas technology is very much suitable for

Nepalese context. Because of high cost of installation of micro hydropower
plants and sophisticated technology involved in exploitation of solar and wind
energies, these options aren't affordable to rural population. Biogas is cost
effective, simple, user-friendly technology. Thus this is regarded as sustainable
energy in Nepalese context. The biogas further help in saving money and time in
collecting firewood and cooking activities. It provides the smokeless
environment in the kitchen. Moreover installation of biogas plant would help
towards agricultural production. The digested slurry contains more nutrients and
contributes in increasing agricultural production.

From the above considerations, the researcher initiated an impact study to

acquire useful information and observation with regard to adoption of biogas
technology, user's perception, usefulness as well as it's effect on farm production
and daily life of farm families in Tupche VDC of Nuwakot district. Thus finding
and recommendation of the present study are likely to contribute to an endeavor
to bring sustainable development of mid hill of Nepal.

1.6 Organization of the Report

The entire report has been divided into 6 chapters. The first chapter gives
introduction of the study. It contains background of the study, historical
development of biogas in world and Nepalese context, objectives of study,
significance and justification of study and introduction to biogas technology.
The second chapter consists of the review of the literature on impacts of
biogas technology on users.
The third chapter describes the methodology of the study.
The chapter four provides the descriptions of study site pertaining to
geographical and socio-economic situation.
The chapter five describes about socio-economic characteristics of biogas
plant owner and also the impact of biogas plant in the study area.
The chapter six discusses about the biogas technology and major findings,
conclusion and recommendations are stated in this chapter.

1.7 Limitation of Study

Each and every study has its own limitation. No study can claim to be free
from constraints of resource time and so on. Being a social science research, the
present study isn't free from some errors associated with quality of data and their
interpretation despite sincere efforts were made to minimize the likely errors due
to design and methodology of this study. However the present study has
following limitations.

 The present study is one which has tried to assess the socio-economic
impact on sample biogas households of only Tupche VDC. It hasn't
covered the whole sample biogas households of all VDCs of Nuwakot
district due to various constraints. Therefore findings and conclusion may

not be generalized and implemented at national level. However outcome
will represent the area with similar geographical and socio-economic

 The study has been completed within a short period. Due to this, direct
observation of biogas plants and dragging information in all seasons wasn't
possible. So recall technique has been used to get data and information in
the past.

 The research is limited to few socio-economic variables. It is also limited

to simple statistical tools.

Therefore, the findings of the research may not be generalized to wider

scale. However despite above mentioned limitations, the present study
provides a comprehensive understanding of general socio-economic impact
of biogas technology of the study site.



2.1 Concept of Biogas Technology

Biogas or Gobar gas is a clear & odorless combustible gas, which is

produced when organic matter contained in animal excreta, such as dung &
human night soil & tender plant or residues, such as leaves, stems & straw, are
aerobically fermented with the help of methanogenic bacteria in air or water-
tight container called biogas plants. Chemically biogas is just methane gas.
Biogas burns with the clear blue flame without giving smoke. Its flame
temperature is up to 800oC & it has a calorific value of 5,650 KCal per cubic
meter of gas (Adhikari, 2002; 7).

Biogas provides excellent fuel for cooking & lighting & there by reduces
the pressure on the existing forest & import of Kerosene from abroad. In most of
the developing countries, chemical fertilizer has to be imported from abroad. It is
costly. Use of biogas not only produces an excellent fuel but also an excellent
quality of organic fertilizer. Generally 20-30 percent increase in yield of various
crops has been reported by the use of biogas effluent. Biogas save time in
cooking and provides the housewife leisure time. Moreover, they are relieved
from the toxic smoke produced from wood burning. It reduces suffering from eye
and lung disease caused by smokes. Cleaning the pots becomes easier and life
span of utensils increases. It improves hygiene in village and reduces the number
of flies as well as parasites. In depth it helps to create a healthier environment in
the surrounding. The poorer section of the society can benefit from a community
biogas programme (Karki and Dixit, 1984; cited in Tamrakar, 2002; 15).

Biogas technology has various benefits. It provides fuel for cooking and
also lighting others fuels can be saved considerably namely the consumption of
firewood, kerosene and LPG. Time and money can be saved by cooking on
biogas which is faster than using kerosene or firewood. Due to the clean and
healthy environment the living standard of the people may increase. Biogas also
provides the highly nitrite organic manure for field which rises the productivity
and lessen the requirements of chemical fertilizer. From the macro perspectives it
saves the natural resources such as forest and prevents the problem of

2.2 Historical Development of Biogas in World and Nepalese Context

Biogas technology has been gaining popularity nowadays as g good

alternative sources of domestic energy. The origin and development of such
popular biogas was used for heating bath water in Persia during the 6th century .
Marco Polo mentions the use of covered sewage tanks . It probably goes back
2000-3000 years ago in ancient Chinese literature. In 1808, H. Darg made
experiments with straw, manure in a retort in a vacuum and collected biogas. He
determined that the methane was present in the gases produced during the
anaerobic digestion of cattle manure (CES;2001).

Jan Baptita Van Helmont 1st determined in the 17th century that flammable
gases could evolve from decaying organic matter. An Italian National, count
Alessandro Volta concluded in 1776 that there was direct correlation between
the amount of delaying inflammable gas produced. He wrote to a friend about
combustible air. He wrote that submerged plants material in the ponds and lakes
continuously give off such gas. Later Voltas gas was shown to identical with
methane gas. It took over 100yrs to use the gas for mankind; the plant for

methane generation was set up in 1900 in le per asylum in India. Another plant
was installed in Indonesia in 1914. Interest in biogas rose very high at the time of
beginning of 2nd world war. By 1950, about 1000biogas plants were built by
French; German converted their some 90,000 automobiles to run on biogas to
save petroleum fuel during the world war. The energy crisis followed after the
war drew attention of many countries to wards biogas (Karmacharya; 1992 cited
in Gauli 2004;3)

In the developing countries like Nepal, the history to biogas isn't very old.
First of all the credit for goes to late father B.R. Saubole . He established a
model biogas plant in St-xavier school in Godavary in 1995.Thereafter ,the
interest in biogas rose slowly and kept on process of installation of biogas plant
on the different parts of the country. Fortunately, initial successes encouraged
the Department of Agriculture (DOA)and Agriculture Development Bank(ADB)
to install 250 biogas plants in the Agriculture year (1975/76). During this year.
ADB canalized interest free loans throughout the country. Then to promote
biogas technology, Gobar-Gas Tatha krishi yantra shala vikas pvt. Ltd was
established in 1977 with the capital finance from UMN. ADB/N and
dissemination of biogas technology after the establishment of GGC.

With the establishment of biogas support program (BSP) in 1992 as a joint

venture of ADB/N, GGC and SNV Nepal, the pace of household size biogas
plant has increased rapidly. Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) was
formed as a recognized government body under the umbrella of Ministry of
Science technology (MOST) for the promotion of alternative energy in Nepal.
Apart from these organization other national and international agencies notably
UNICEF, save the children Fund/USA, New Era, Devt-part consort East Consult,

CMS/Nepal (Pvt) Ltd, etc have also made significant contribution in the
promotion and development of biogas technology in Nepal (Gauli 2004;4)

2.3 Findings of the Previous Studies

For the purpose of the study of this subject, literature of various writers
is reviewed. The literature is reviewed from the thesis presented by former
student, reports and paper presented in seminar, bulletin, journals and
information published by various concerned agencies and books in the concerned
topics. The summary of outcome of some of these studies has been illustrated

Biogas is considered as the most reliable alternative energy resources

replacing fuel wood of which the greatest part is used for cooking specially in
rural areas of Nepal. It means that there is the urgent need for substituting rural
energy through non-conventional energy resources.

"Biogas users survey 1992-1993" written by East consult (p) ltd. has
also focused on effect, impact, benefits, advantages, disadvantages of the biogas
users in Nepal. Overall the impact of the biogas plant was found to be positive. It
is encouraging to note that the non biogas households were also willing to install
the biogas plant. It has explained that biogas is much useful to rich and medium
farmers, but not to the poor farmers who are not capable enough to install it due
to their disability to pay for such plants. They are still in difficult position to
solve their basic needs and have survival problems. Since majority of the plant
owner have either a secondary occupation or surplus production to generate
financial income, repayment of loans is not found to be a serious problem. All the
plant owners were happy that they have invested properly and that are quite sure

that their investment would benefit them for a longer duration (East consult 1994,
cited in T. Laxmi 1997; 17).

Sigdel and Das had done a study entitled "Biogas Development in Kaski
District" in rural context. They had surveyed 13 biogas plants in Lekh Nath
VDC. The report revealed that there was a growing awareness in this technology
as forest saver. People felt that it would be applicable in a semi urban area where
people were richer since majority of the village people suffered from problem of
searching capital to repay loan and installation cost was found to be high.
Realization of subsidy could be observed (Sigdel and Das 1990, Cited in Gouli,
2004; 13)

"Effect of biogas on the workload of women in the village of Madan

Pokhara in Palpa district in Nepal" written by Marieke Van Viet (1993)
highlights on the rural women in Nepal confronted with a high workload. They
do most of the domestic and agricultural works. Depletion of natural forest
resources like forest will even worsen their situation. Biogas is considered as a
promising renewable energy source probably to reduce the workload of women.
Biogas influenced positively to all the families with regard to the time spent on
collection of firewood and cooking fuel. She further explains that collection of
water to feed the plant took extra time for a few families who had to go to a
public tap. Other households had a tap on their yard. Mixing of dung and water
required little time by all households. In general, due to utilization of biogas,
women saved minimum one hour and maximum 2.5 hours a day. Besides these
workloads, biogas had other positive effect related to cooking and lighting of the
household (cited in Tamrakar, 1997; 16)

Karmacharya (1992) has shown the comparative analysis of installation of
biogas plant under the hill and terai context.

Dadhikot village of Bhaktapur district for hill sits and phoolabari village of
Chitwan district for terai site were chosen for the study. A total of 30 samples
were chosen, each site consisting of 15 samples.

The study has taken economic approach and the analysis is focused on the
various type of benefits obtained and savings made through the installation of
biogas plants.

Energy situations in global and Nepalese context has been dealt in detail.

No significant differences of impacts were noticed between hills and terai.

However, some noticed differences include-

1. Lamp uses pattern was zero in terai but 27% in the hill.

2. Gas production was less in hills.

3. Use of slurry as fertilizer was low in hill.

Britt (1994, cited in Uprety, 2004; 16) has shown concise overview
of studies were done in Rolpa, Rupendehi, Nuwakot, and Chitwan districts.

The result from the study states that given the overwhelming workloads for
women in most part of Nepal, the saving in time in the majority of instances is
quite significant.

But it remarks that the introduction of biogas does not appear to

fundamentally alter the position of woman. So called traditional of unequal

patterns in the division of labours are sustained, with working women for long
hours simply substituting one labour activity for another.

The research design used were district based village based. Workload
effects were calibrated in terms of before and after installation of the biogas

It was found from the study that estimated time saving for women in
Rupandehi was 4 hours and 30 minutes (on average) and 2 hours and 35 minutes
(on average) in Nuwakot. However, in a village based research, the estimated
time saving was found to be 1 hour and 55 minutes in Madanpokhara, 3 hours
and 14 minutes in Pithuva and 15 minutes in Hathilet village.

WECS (1994/95: 70) has argued that by the use of biogas there was an
increase in agriculture productivity through increased soil fertility from the
slurry. It was also considered as a positive impact of technology on the economy.
Moreover the time and money saved through impact of technology on the
economy. Moreover the time and money saved through improved health and
hygienic e.g. reduced cases of eye and respiratory illness and the number of
burning cases could be considered as an other direct positive impact on the

The New ERA study has revealed that one of the main attractions towards
the biogas plants is the easy availability of gas for cooking. Almost all of the
users used gas for cooking purpose as well. The main reason behind not using
biogas for lighting were the availability of electricity, Frequent breakage of the
gas lamp and mantle and insufficient gas particularly in winter were found.
However, most of the users reported that they were satisfied with the use of gas
for cooking. The reason behind this satisfaction were mainly due to the less time

for cooking, no black shoot on cooking pot, smokeless kitchen etc. Regarding the
uses of slurry, only 44 percent of the users reported that the problem of eye
diseases and respiratory diseases were reduced and the users felt some relief
(New ERA 1995, Cited in Uprety, 2004; 17)

Ghimire has shown the biogas in relation to forestry. He has estimated that
installation of 1.3 million of biogas plants (total potential of Nepal) would save
about 4 million tons of firewood per year (Cited in Ghimire; 2002)

Thus from all the findings it can be safely conduced that biogas has been
and very useful technology that has impacted the life of it's and user in a positive


3.1 Research Design

For this study descriptive research design has been followed. The descriptive
research has been applied for the qualitative data obtained and derived during the study.
The data which were quantifiable, were explained literally. Analysis of data has been
made by generating the tables of averages and percentages.

3.2 Rationale for the Selection of Study Area

Tupche VDC of Nuwakot district has been chosen for the study. It is 4 km far
from district headquarter Bidur. The reason to select this VDC was:-

As the study is carried out to fulfill the project work requirement of Master's
degree in rural development by a student. The researcher is bound by scarce financial
resources. So, this study area which is easy to accessible for researcher is selected.
Therefore by selection of this area, it was believed that more reliable information could
be a ragged due to familiarity with local people and local biogas company personnel.
Thus all these facts were guiding factor to select this VDC as the study area.

3.3 Sampling Procedure and Sample Size

Out of the total 138 biogas owning households a sample of 30 household's has
been sampled for the study. The total 138 biogas households has been taken as the
universe and simple random sampling technique (lottery method) is followed for the
selection of samples.

3.4 Nature and Sources of Data

Both primary and secondary data and information were used to receive in depth
impact assessment of biogas on users. Major emphasis has been given to primary data.

The household survey questionnaire has been used to collect the primary data to get first
hand information on the impacts of biogas to its users.

As extensive library consultation has been made for the collection of secondary
data regarding biogas technology. The library consultation contributed a lot in depth
understanding the depth of the issues under the study. Eventually the understanding
helped tremendously in designing of tools and field data collection method as well. The
library research involved a wide range of materials such as book, study report,
information bulletins. Booklets etc. published by various institutions and personnel
working in the field.

3.5 Tools and Techniques of Data Collection

Mainly primary data has been taken for the study. The interview schedule served
as the chief source of primary data while secondary data were taken from the concerned
institution and books.

The interview schedule was developed and then used to solicit the information from the

The questionnaire has been pre-tested and then finalized on the basis of feed back. The
finalized interview schedule was administrated to the respondents.

The focus group discussion has also been conducted with the help of check list. The
household observation was also done to get the real impact of the biogas plant.

3.6 Data Processing and Analysis

The data obtained from the survey was coded and categorized according to the
required variables. Then the coded data was converted into tables of averages and
percentages. The analysis of impact was made through averages and percentages.


4.1 District Background

The district Nuwakot gets its name after nine kots they are Belkot,
Kailashkot, Bhairbkot, Malkot, Dhuwakot, Payshkot, Simikot, Shailankot and

The old fortresss town of Nuwakot used to be an important strategic out

post. It controlled the ancient trade routes of Tibet and kings of Medieval Nepal
maintained large garrisons here. Nuwakot palace (Sata tale Darbar) possesses on
hill top which recall the traditional architecture of Kathmandu valley. The place
of Nuwakot was once the place of great king Prithvi Narayan Shah.

Nuwakot district is stretching from 840 580 to 850 300 east latitude and 270
450 to 280 60 North longitude. Nuwakot has an area 1,121sq km or 12100 hector
with population 28,8478 (CBS, 2001). Among them 142731 are male 145747 are
female and the annual population growth rate 1.59 percent. The total households
in 2001 are 53169 and population density is 257 per sq. km. The rank of
Nuwakot district is 32 on the basic of population and where as 67 on the basis of
area coverage. It comprises of 61 VDC and 1 Municipality. Out of the total
population 92.76% of people live in rural area. The large number of population
has their mother tongue as Nepali. Most of the people follow Hindu religion
where as other are rare (CBS, 2001).

Nuwakot district lies on Northern part of Kathmandu valley.

Sinduplchowk on the east. Dhading on the west and Rasuwa in the North. Bidur
is the headquater of Nuwakot. It is just 75km for from Kathmandu valley.

The district climate is different according to altitude and reason as cold in
winter and hot in summer the elevation of the district is from 540m to
2500meters and average annual temperature has maximum 31.8 Celsius and
minimum 11.8 Celsius and annual rainfall is 2200mm.

Almost all district land terrace and Bidur, Trishuli, Battar, Devighat,
Dopcheesowar, Betrawati are the important place of Nuwakot. Trishuli and Tadi
are the main river of Nuwakot. Two large hydroelectricity project, Trishuli
(21mw) and Devighat (14mw) are also situated in this district.

Agriculture and animal husbandry are the main occupation of the people
and almost all people are dependency on agriculture. Nuwakot district has 43677
hector of cultivated land. The major crops grown in the district are Paddy Maize,
Wheat, Millet and Potato. Agriculture in this district is still based on traditional
skills of the farmers. Limited modern technologies of farming practice have been
reached in this district. As a consequence farming in this district is of subsistence
type rather than commercial.

Livestock is an integral part of farming system in the district and most of

the households are keeping one or more types of livestock on their house. The
major livestock found in this district are cattle, buffalo, oxen; duck, pigs, goats,
poultry. Cattle, buffalo, goats and poultry are commonly raised by all
ethnic/castes and group. Where as a few specific castes/ethnic groups raise sheep
mules and pigs.

Literacy rate of Nuwakot district is 51.15 percent for both sexes where as
62.14 percent for male and 40.41 percent for female. Net enrollment ratio is 92.9
percent in lower primary, 36.7 percent in lower secondary and 23 percent in
secondary. There is 0.312 percent human development index(CBS, 2001).

4.2 Energy situation in Nuwakot district

In urban and semi-urban areas of Nuwakot district, majority of people use

liquefied petroleum gas and kerosene for cooking purpose. But in rural areas,
people use firewood for cooking purpose. Thus, firewood has been chief energy
source in the district.

Among 61 VDC of Nuwakot district 54 VDC have got electricity facility.

The electricity is used mainly for lighting and running cottage industries. Due to
the frequent rise in price of petroleum oil and costly electricity biogas installation
has gained momentum in these days. According to BSP there is technical
potential of 23333 biogas plant of which only1550 (6.7%) plants have been
installed(BSP, 2004).

4.3 VDC Background

Tupche VDC is a VDC among 61 VDC in the Nuwakot district. The VDC
has been purposively selected as study site based on preliminary site visit and
according to the rational of study. The VDC lies at the southern part of Nuwakot
district shortly border with Rasuwa district in the east. The VDC extends from
east to south as triangular shape on the eastern and southern slope the land mass
formed along the bank of Trishuli river system.

Tupche VDC has subtropical climate i.e. hot in summer and cold in winter
with the average rainfall of 2200mm. According to metrological data of Sakura
NGO, maximum temperature is 290 c and minimum temperature is 70c.

There are 1239 household with a population of 6264 comprising male 3076
and female 3188. The average household size is 5.39. There are II ethnic/caste
groups namely Brahamin is the dominant ethnic group in the VDC. About 99%

of population follow Hindu religion and while other religions are negligible in
number. Both nuclear and joint families exist in this VDC.

Agriculture is the main occupation for more than 80% household of the
VDC. Farming is mostly integrated type in which majority of households have
been growing various food grains, seasonal vegetables and perennial fruit crops
along with livestock and poultry. Although the VDC is connected with road,
agriculture production is mostly subsistence's and traditional type. Now a days
problem of labour force has been a limiting factor to sow and harvest agriculture
production. Shortage of manpower in livestock rearing and agriculture
production is really attribute to people's growing conciseness and concern with
formal education and out migration of labour force. Trishuli and Salakhu are the
main river streams of this VDC. There is limited irrigation facilities in this VDC.
However irrigation land has irrigation facility from modern managed irrigation
cannels and some of other have traditionally managed irrigation cannels during
rainy seasons from local streams.

Besides agriculture, the other sources of income of people are business

services, remittance, pensions and wage labour. By caste the highest amount of
earning from internal sources have accrued Brahmin and Chhetri while other
lower class have least among of earning from wage labour.

Transportation and communication linkage in the VDC are fair. Tractor

Trucks Bicycle, Motorcycle and Bus are the main modes of transportation. There
are 7 telephone lines extended from district headquarter Bidur and more than
100s of CDMA function of telephone are available in this VDC. Almost all the
ward do got have graveled road except 5 and 8 ward. Regular bus service is

available from this VDC to Kathmandu, that passes through district headquarter
and links with Pasanglama highway.

The literacy status of this VDC is highest among all the VDC of Nuwakot
district. There is one primary school in all the ward of this VDC, 1 higher
secondary school and 2 high school i.e. one of English medium. Political
awareness is also good in this VDC. Public health facilities is not satisfactory and
adequate. Majority of people depend upon the private clinic at Trishuli Bazar.

Majority of people use to through garbage and filth over Bari (land) and
road sides. It is report that nature of toilet in this VDC in pakki toil 30%
Ardhapakki 40% Kachi 30% and open 10% there are not any public toilet in this
VDC (VDC, survey, 2062).

Trishuli hydro project lies in the mid of this VDC which is the beautiful
place for all the visitor. Trishuli river is the natural scenario that attract visitor
who passes throw this VDC.

4.4 Energy Situation in Tupche VDC

Fuel wood, crop residues, biogas, kerosene, rive husk and electricity are
the major sources of energy used for cooking food preparing livestock feed,
space heating and lighting houses Tupche VDC. Among these resources biogas,
fuel wood and kerosene are the most important sources of energy for cooking
used virtually by the households residing in ridges and tars of this VDC, while
electricity and kerosene are the main source of energy for lighting in this VDC




5.1 Ethnicity/Caste

Ethnicity/caste composition of the respondents shows almost half of the

respondents were Brahmans 43.33%; about one quarters were Chhetri 23%;
Gurunge 10%, Tamang 13.33%; and Damai/kami together composed only 10%.

Table 5.1: Ethnicity/Caste of Households

S.No. Ethnicity/caste No. of households Percentage
1 Brahman 13 43.33
2 Chhetri 7 23
3 Gurung 3 10
4 Tamang 4 13.33
5 Damai/kami 3 10
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006

This figure shows that Brahmans are predominant in installing the biogas

5.2 Occupation of the Respondents

Most of the HHs (83%) have their occupation as farming. Local business
holders comprises job 3% of total households. 14% of total HHs are involved in
service sector.

5.2 Occupation of the Respondents
S.No. Occupation No. of Respondents Percentage
1 Farming/age 25 83
2 Service 4 14
3 Local business 1 3
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006

The farmers have more land and more animals for the dung needed for the
biogas in comparison to the servicemen and businessmen. Therefore the
percentage of biogas installation by the farmers is high.

5.3 Size of Family

The average family size of the sampled households was 7 persons per
family. About 47% of the households have family size on and above the average.
Distribution of the households according to the family size is shown in the table

Table 5.3: Distribution of Family Size

S.No. Family size No. of Households Percentage (%)
1 Small (up to persons) 3 10
2 Medium(5 to 7 persons) 19 63
3 Large (above 8) 8 27
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006

The table shows that maximum number of respondents had medium sized
family with 5 to 7 persons. Minimum family size was 4 persons whereas
maximum family size was 18.

5.4 Landholding Pattern

The average landholding was 26.1 Ropani per household. Maximum

landholding of the user was 60 Ropani and minimum was 3 Ropani distribution
of the landholding of the households is shown in the table below.

Table 5.4: Landholding Pattern

S.No. Land area in Ropani No. of Households Percentage (%)
1 Below 10 11 36.67
2 11 to 20 14 46.67
3 21 to 30 3 10
4 Above 30 2 6.67
Source: Field Survey, 2006

5.5 Installation and Use of Biogas

5.5.1 Size of the Biogas Plant

Only two sizes of biogas plants, 6m 3 and 8m3 were reported. Majority of
the biogas plants were of 6m3 capacity. Only two households had 8m3 plants.

Table 5.5: Size of the Biogas Plants

S.No. Size of Biogas Plant No. of Households Percentage (%)
1 6m3 28 93
2 8m3 2 7
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006

However, in the area, smaller biogas plants of 4m3capacity were also
present in other households which were not included in the sample.

5.5.2 Source of Information on Biogas

Before establishing the biogas plant, the chief source of information was
the respective biogas company of the respondents. Neighbour served as the
second important source. Two respondent obtained information from relatives.

Table 5.6: Source of Information on Biogas

S.No. Source of Information No. of Households Percentage (%)
1 Neighbour 11 37
2 Biogas Company 17 57
3 Relatives 2 6
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006

The figure implies that primary source of information was the biogas
companies. This is because they reach more to the people for the sake of their
business. Whereas the neighbour in the second position implies that, people are
convinced and satisfied with the advantages of biogas in the area who thereby
encouraged their neighbours for the installation.

5.5.3 Reason for Biogas Installation

The main reason for the installation of biogas was to get rid of the
firewood collection and to have easy and smokeless cooking. About three-fifth
(60%) of the respondents installed biogas to get rid of firewood collection. While
rest of the respondents replied that they installed for easy and smokeless cooking
as well as to get rid of firewood collection.

5.6 Cost

The cost of installation can be observed through three parameters: total

cost of installation; subsidy provided by institutions and, self-investment of the

5.6.1 Total Cost

The respondents were asked about the cost of installation. The total cost
consisted of three factors:
 Subsidy from BSP
 Subsidy from local forest user group
 Self-investment

The average cost for installation of biogas was Rupees 16,867. The
minimum cost per installation was Rupees 10,000. While the maximum cost was
Rupees 18,500.

The reason for the apparent variation in cost may be the personal
contribution made by the respondent during the construction work in the form of
labour and construction materials.

The cost of plant establishment included two factors-subsidy and

investment by the owner himself.

5.6.2 Subsidy

Every biogas company received a subsidy of Rs 7,000 from the BSP

through the biogas company and Rs. 1,500 from the local community forest user
group. Thus each biogas plant received a sum of Rupees 8,500 as total subsidy

5.6.3 Self Investment of the Users

Beside the subsidy, the respondents had to bear rest of the cost by
themselves. Provision of loan was also available for this purpose through bank
and community forest user group. Among 30 households, 23 had their own
source for the self-investment part. Distribution of the households according to
the source of self-investment is shown in the table. Besides self-investment, all of
them received subsidies equally.

Table 5.7: Source of Investment for Biogas

S.No. Source of self-investment No. of Percentage
Households (%)
1 Own source 23 77
2 Community Forestry 1 3
3 Small Framers Development 3 10
4 Agriculture development Bank 3 10
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006

5.7 Livestock

Livestock serves as the source of dung for biogas plants. they are the
source of raw material (dung) needed to run biogas plants. Water availability is
sufficient in the village.

5.7.1 Livestock Population

Only cattle and buffalo were considered in the livestock population

because, dung of only cattle and buffalo were used for biogas. Waste product by
goat and pig and popularity was not used for biogas production.

The average number of livestock (cattle and buffalo) per household was
3.7 average number of cattle was 1.5 and average number of buffalo was 2.2.
Buffaloes were more admired by the respondents.

Table 5.8: Livestock Population

S.No. Livestock Number Percentage (%)
1 Cattle 44 40
2 Buffalo 68 60
Total 112 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006

5.7.2 Dung Produced

Average dung produced per household was 49kgs. Minimum dung

produced was 15 kgs while maximum dung produced was 95kgs.

5.7.3 Dung Feeding

The recommended amount of dung needed for 6m3 and 8m3 biogas plants
in the Hills are 45 and 60 kg respectively. The average amount of dung fed was
as follows:

Table 5.9: Amount of Dung Fed
Plant Recommended Average amount High/low
Size amount (kg) fed (kg)
6m3 45 45.6 Slightly high
8m3 60 57.5 Slightly low
Source: Field Survey, 2006

The average amount of dung fed was nearly as per recommendation.

5.7.3 Ratio of Mixing

Dung has to be mixed with water at the time of feeding the biogas plant.
The recommended amount of water is equal part to the dung. Production of the
gas will be affected if the amount of water is too low or too high.

The observed ratio of water to dung is 0.93 i.e. less water was used for
mixing on the average.

Table 5.10: Ratio and Mixing

S.No. Water to Dung ratio No. of Percentage (%)
1 1 (normal slurry) 18 60
2 <1 (thicker slurry) 8 27
3 >1 (dilute slurry) 4 13
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006

The table shows that 60% of the households used equal amount of dung
and water; 27% used less than recommended and 13% used more than
recommended amount of water.

5.8 Use of Biogas

All of the households used biogas only for the cooking purpose. Majority
of the households had single burners in their kitchen.

On an average, one household used biogas for 4.5 hrs. per burner. The
minimum use was 2 hrs while maximum use was 6 hrs.

5.9 Social Impact of Biogas Installation

The section includes the impacts of biogas in reduction of workloads; use

of gained time and, impacts on health and sanitation.

5.9.1. Reduction in Workloads

After installation of biogas, there was considerable reduction in workloads;

of the family members especially of the women members.

The reduction in workload was measured in terms of saving in working

time. Observation was made on 3 category of works viz. firewood collection,
cooking and washing utensils.

Table 5.11: Reduction in Workloads
S.No. Category of Average time taken hrs/day Reduction in
work Before After workload (saving in
installation time) hrs/day
1 Firewood 3.93 0.23 3.7
2 Cooking 3.3 1.6 1.7
3 Washing 1.2 0.55 0.65
Total 8.43 2.38 6.05
Source: Field Survey 2006

The table shows that saving in time was considerable. A great time (3.7
hours per day) was saved in firewood collection only. The total average time
saving of 6.05 hour per day indicates that half of the day's workload of the family
member was reduced.

5.9.2 Use of Gained Time

Table 5.12: Specific Benefits of the Gained Time.
S.No. Benefits No. of Households Percentage (%)
1 Rest 3 10
2 Read newspaper 2 7
3 Household work 17 57
4 Walk outside 3 10
5 Agriculture 9 30
6 Income activities 5 7
7 Fodder collection 1 3
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey 2006

The table shows that most of the respondents devote to the household work
and agricultural field works in their gained time. Only 7 percent of the
households use their gained time in the income generating activities.

5.10 Health and Sanitation

The study has shown that biogas has positive impacts towards health and
sanitation of the respondents. Use of latrine; connection of latrine to the biogas
plant; reduction in diseases; and, change in the prevalence of flies and
mosquitoes have been dealt in this section.

5.10.1. Use of Latrine

Among the surveyed households, 90% of the households had built latrines.
10% households were devoid of latrines

Table 5.13: Use of Latrine

S.No. Have Latrine No. of Households Percentage (%)
1 Yes 27 90
2 No 3 10
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006

Out of 27 households having latrines, 5 households built their latrines only

after the installation of biogas, Ten percent (10%) of the households had no
latrines and they used open field instead of latrine.

This indicates that after installation of biogas, people were encouraged to

use latrine for better sanitation practice.

5.10.2. Connection of Latrine to Biogas Plant

Table 5.14: Latrines Connected to the Biogas Plants

S.No. Connection of latrine to No. of Percentage
biogas plant Households (%)
1 Latrine connected 6 20
2 Not connected 21 70
3 Do not have latrine 3 10
Source: Field Survey, 2006

Only 20% of the Households connected their latrine to the biogas plant i.e.
they use night soil to produce biogas. While 70% of households had not
connected the latrines. Those who connected their latrine to the biogas were
mostly Tamangs.

The reason for not connecting to the plant were, because,

 Gas was sufficient and there was on need to connect (4HHs)
 Because of tradition and cultural view it was felt unholy (10 HHs)
 Felt dirty (7 HHs)

5.10.3 Reduction in Disease

Households felt reduction in health related problems after biogas plant


The major impact on the reduction of disease was as follows:

Table 5.15: Reduction in Disease
S.No. Illness No. of Households Percentage (%)*
1 Eye burning and 22 73
2 Respiratory problems 20 67
3 Gastrointestinal 8 27
4 Fever 2 7
5 No change 3 10

Source: Field Survey, 2006

* Number and Percentage exceeds the sample size above 100 because of the
multiple responses.

Number and percentage exceed the sample size sample size above 100
because of multiple responses.

5.10.4 Insect Prevalence

Fly and mosquito were taken into account for the study of change in
prevalence of insects. Majority of the Households reported the change in
prevalence of insects. Only 17% of the households did not report change.

5.10.5 Fly

Reduction in the prevalence of fly was reported from the study. Twenty-
one Households reported the decrease in fly population. While still 4 Households
reported increase and 5 households neither felt increase nor decrease.

Table 5.16: Effect on Prevalence of Fly
S.No. Fly prevalence No. of Households Percentage (%)
1 Little increased 2 7
2 Much increased 2 7
3 Little decreased 6 20
4 Much decreased 15 50
5 No change 5 16
Source: Field Survey, 2006

Seventy percent (70%) of the households felt decrease in fly population.

5.10.6 Mosquito

Out of total households, 20 households (67%) reported that mosquito had

increased after biogas installation. While 5 households reported decrease in
mosquito. Five households did not feel any change.

Table 5.17: Effect on Prevalence of Mosquito

S.No. Mosquito prevalence No. of Percentage (%)
1 Little increased 14 47
2 Much increased 6 20
3 Little decreased 3 10
4 Much decreased 2 7
5 No change 5 16
Source: Field Survey, 2006

The table shows that 67% of the households reported the increase in
mosquito population.

5.11 Economic Impacts of Biogas Installation

This section discusses about the saving of firewood; specific benefits of the
savings; use of slurry in relation to agriculture; increment in production and
operation and maintenance of biogas.

5.11.1 Saving of Firewood

Considerable amount of firewood was saved after the installation of biogas

plants. Average amount of firewood saved per household was 12.6 Bhari per
month. One Bhari is equivalent to about30 kgs. Maximum quantity of firewood
saved was 30 Bhari where as minimum quantity saved was 4 Bhari.

Hence, average monthly saving from firewood with the local pricing of Rupees
70 per Bhari amounted Rupees 882 per months.

Table 5.18: Saving of Firewood

S.No. Quantity No. of Percentage (%)
Saved/Month Households
1 1 to 10* 17 56.67
2 11 to 20 bhari* 10 33.33
3 21 to 30 Bhari* 3 10
Total 30 100
Source: Field Survey, 2006
*1 Bhari is equivalent to 30kgs.

5.11.2 Specific Benefits from the Saving

The respondents were asked about the specific achievement they made by
investing the money from the saving of firewood. Following answer were

Table 5.19: Specific Benefits Made from Saving
S.No. Specific Benefits No. of Percentage
Households (%)
1 Education children 12 40
2 Buy ornaments 3 10
3 Invest in agriculture 4 13
4 Income generation activity 5 17
5 General expense 2 7
6 Buy land 2 7
7 Construct house 1 3
8 No benefits 1 3
Source: Field Survey, 2006

The table shows that biogas has good contribution towards the field of
education. 40 percent of the households have invested their savings for the
purpose of educating their children. Similarly, 17% households invested for the
income generating activities such as in small businesses.

5.11.3 Slurry and Agriculture

The digested slurry can be used as manure in the fields. All of the
households used slurry as fertilizer for increasing crop production. Though exact
calculations were not possible, use of slurry had certainly saved money, which
might have been otherwise use to buy chemical fertilizer.

Twenty one households used slurry by composting while 9 households

used it in dried form.

5.11.4 Increment in Agricultural Production

Regarding production increase, 25 households reported that there was an

increase in their agricultural production. On an average, 18.83% increase in
production was achieved. Two households did not fell change in production.
However, 3 households felt change in production after the use of slurry.

Table 5.20: Slurry and Production Increment

S.No. Agricultural No. of Households Percentage (%)
1 Increased 25 83
2 Decreased 3 10
3 No change 2 7
Source: Field Survey, 2006

Maximum increase in production reported was 30%.

5.11.5 Operation and Maintenance

 Problems

The study has shown that 77% of the households had no problems in
running their biogas plants. 20 percent of the households had the problem
occasional leakage of slurry from the burner of gas stove. While, 3% households
experienced problem of dung availability.

 Sufficiency of Gas

A majority of households had experienced the problem of gas insufficiency

in the winter.

 Alternatives for the Insufficiency

63 percent households used firewood when gas was insufficient where

13% of households used kerosene while 23% households used no thing for the

 Repayment of the Loan

Out of 30 households, only 1 HH had problem in paying the loan. Rest of

the households has no problem in paying loan.

 Maintenance Expenses

Only minor maintenance and repair was needed for the biogas plant. So the
users had to experience no regular expenses for the maintenance and repair. Very
often, some users had problem of leakage from the main gas valve.

5.12 User's Perception and Suggestions

5.12.1. Perceptions

Except 3 households, all of the respondents were of positive opinion about

biogas installation. They felt improvement in the quality of livelihood after
installing the biogas plant. The people felt marked differences in saving of time,
reduction in work burden, cleanliness of the environment, and better crop

5.12.2. Suggestions

Out of the total, 18 households i.e. 60% of the respondents had given the
suggestion that "everyone should install the biogas plant"

Other main suggestions received were:

1. Subsidy for the biogas installation should be provided directly by HMG

instead of through biogas companies

2. There should be provision of paying money in installment

3. Biogas installation should be made completely free for the poor people
who cannot afford.

4. One house reported that the use of urine of livestock an water together for
mixing with dung, increased the amount of gas production

5. One household suggested using stone instead of brick in the masonry

works for biogas plant construction.


6.1 Summary

Biogas is becoming popular in the villages as an alternative source of

energy for daily life. In this context, the present study on the socio-economic
impact of biogas was carried out.

The study was conducted in Tupche VDC of Nuwakot district. The study is
based on a sample of 30 households who were selected by using simple random
sampling technique.

Before proceeding the study, a brief review on existing literature was

made. The review focused mainly on the impact studies. For the reviews, central
library of TU, BSP office and biogas experts were consulted.

The main objective of the study is to assess the socio-economic impact of

biogas installation. This included both positive as well as negative impacts.

Analysis of the data has been made simply with percentages and tables.
Data showed how the biogas plants helped to save firewood, reduced workloads,
saved time and improvement on the health and sanitation. Use of slurry in regard
to agriculture production was also been dealt. Following were some of the
highlights of key findings.

1. Size of 6m3 biogas plants more popular in the region compared to 8m 3


2. Biogas companies were reported as the main source of information
regarding biogas by the households

3. People installed biogas as a substitute to firewood and to have easy in


4. Subsidies provided by the BSP and local community forest user group
were very encouraging factor for the installation of biogas.

5. Average amount of dung feeding was as per recommendation by the

majority of the households.

6. The users had tendency towards using lesser water for mixing while
feeding dung in the biogas plant. They believed thicker slurry produced
more gas.

7. Biogas was used only for the cooking purpose. No lighting use was

8. On an average, one households saved firewood worth of Rs.882 per month.

The time to collect firewood was also saved. This saving had contributed
in preserving the nearby forest because; this forest had been the main
source of firewood for the village.

9. After the installation, there was sufficient time saved in firewood

collection, cooking and washing the dishes. The workloads of the women
were reduced. But the extra time was devoted mainly in other household
works and in agriculture. Only a few respondents used their time in income
generation activities.

10. Cleanliness of household environment improved. The prevalence of fly
was reduced.

11. One of the negative impacts of biogas plant was increased prevalence of

12. With few exceptions, use of the slurry increased the agriculture production.

13. Most of the users had no maintenance problems. A few had the problem of
slurry leakage from the burner of cooking stove.

All the surveyed biogas plants were in good running condition. The biogas
company provided short trainings to the households. Therefore the users could do
minor repair works by themselves whenever needed.

6.2 Conclusion

Following conclusions were drawn from the study

1. Biogas has been proved to be very beneficial to the women members

of the family.

2. The workloads of the women have been greatly reduced. Biogas has
cut down the firewood need of the houses. So maximum labor and
time was saved in firewood collection. Food could be cooked in lesser
time. Since no smoke was produced, the cooking job was easy and
could be done in relatively short time. The utensils were not blackened
(unlike in 'chulhas'). So half of the time was saved in washing the
utensils. Hence, A lot of time was saved.

3. Therefore majority of time was saved after biogas installation.
However, most of the women had to involve in other household
activities and agriculture. Only a few had used gained time in income
generating activities.

4. The chances of occurrence of health problems such as burning of eyes,

headache, diarrhoea and fever were reduced.

5. One of the negative impacts of biogas was the increased prevalence of

mosquitoes. It seems that the slurry output pit served as the site for
mosquito breeding.

6. Biogas has promoted good sanitation. Most of the people are using
latrines. Some were encouraged to build their latrines after installation
of biogas.

7. Majority of households have not connected their latrines to biogas

plants due to traditional and cultural views.

8. Considerable amount of firewood has been saved after installation of

biogas. With this, a good amount of money was saved. Most people
used it in educating the children. Only a few people used it in income
generating purposes.

9. With saving in use of firewood, the burden on the nearby community

forest has greatly reduced. Also, since the livestock stall fed for dung
collection, the burden of overgrazing on nearby forest has also

10. The digested slurry contains more nutrients. Thus nutrients are better
saved if composted. However, in most cases the slurry was not
managed properly.

11. Subsidy provided by local community forest user group is very


6.3 Recommendations

1. A great deal of time and money of households has been saved after
installation of biogas. Therefore women members should have chance to
work in income generation activities. Concerned authorities should pay
attention to this.

2. The cause of increased prevalence of mosquito should be studied. It seems

that proper composting of slurry would reduce the chance of breeding of
mosquito and reduce their prevalence.

3. The cause of leakage of slurry from the burner should be studied and
prevented. Precaution should be made in new constructions to avoid the

4. Connection of the latrines to the biogas plants should be promoted. This

would help further improving the sanitation.

5. For better management of slurry, training should be provided to the biogas


6. Insufficiency of the gas in winter season has been the major problem for
the biogas users. So proper alternative design of biogas plant is an urgency.

7. A comparative study of using stone on place of brick should be made.

8. Women should be encouraged in construction training and operation and

maintenance trainings. This would help towards gender balance issue.

9. The moment should be skilled with training so that they can work for
income generating activities.


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Silwal, B.B. (1999) A review of the Biogas Programme in Nepal. Research Report

42. Kathmandu: Winrock International, Nepal

South Asian Partnership(SAP, 1994) Final Evaluation of Nepal India

Conservation of Environment NICE. Kathmandu: SAP

Tamrakar, L. (1997) Impact of Biogas in Pharping VDC of Ktm. District, Nepal.

Unpublished M.A. Economics, Thesis Submitted to T.U., Kirtipur, Nepal

Uprety, S.K. (2004) Economic Impact of Biogas: A Case Study of Khairuhani

VDC of Chitwan District, Nepal. Unpublished M.A. Economics, Thesis

Submitted to T.U., Kirtipur, Nepal

Van Chet M. (1993) Effect of Biogas on the Workoload of Women in the Village

of Madam Pokhara in Palpa District in Nepal. Kathmandu: BSP, SNV-


WECS(1994) A Study of Alternative Technology Assessment, a Draft Report.

Kathmandu: MWR, HMG/N

Interview Schedule

Socio-Economic Impact of Bio-gas Plants


Name of Enumerator:.

Socio-Economic Characteristics
Name: Age: Sex: Education:

Address: Landholding Size: Size of the biogas plant: m3

1. Major Source of household in income

Agriculture Service

Business Wage Earner

Others .....................................................................

1.1. Land holding in local unites (Ropani)

Type of Land Area in Ropani

1.2. Cattle Holding (In numbers)

Cattle,............................. Buffaloes,................................Goat,....................................

1.3. Source of drinking water

Public tap Stream

Private tap Tube Well

1.4. Type of house

Kachha Ardha Pakki Pakki


1.5. Is Your house connected with electric grid?

Yes No
1.6. Why did you construct the Bio-gas plant?

Because of high no. of household size

Bank advice

Technician Advice

Availability of dung

Lack of fuel wood

Prestige issue

Others, if any...........................................

1.7. What advantage of Bio-gas program attracted you most?

Environment Health

Saving of time Easy to cook

Less expenditure Lighting


1.8. End-use of Bio-gas

Cooking Lighting


Socio-Economic Impact
2. Which fuel did/do you use for cooking before and after Bio-gas?

S Sources of Energy Consumption per Month Saving per Month

. Before After Quality Price
N Installation Installation (Rs.)
1 Fuel wood (Bhari)
2 Agriculture residue
3 Animal dung (Doko)
4 Kerosene (Ltr.)
5 LPG (Kg.)
6 Others, if any

2.1. Give information regarding time spent in following areas before and after installation
of Bio-gas plant?

S. Areas Time Spent In Hours per Day

1 Ful wood management Before Installation After Installation
2 Cooking
3 Washing utensils
4 Fodder collection
5 Others if any

2.2. Which Member of your family has been benefited most from Bio-gas plant?

Male Female Children

Servant All the above

2.3. How this gained time is utilized ?

Farm activities Wage abour

Kitchen gardening Take rest/Entertainment

Business/Income Others,...............................

2.4. Have you ever feel the decrease of workload after the installation of Bio-gas
Plant ?
Yes No Indifferent

2.5. What are the sources of fire wood collection, would you indicated it in ranking
Order ?

Before Installation of Bio-gas plant After Installation of Bio-gas plant

Own land Own land
From Market From Market
Jungle Jungle

2.6. How safe is cooking on Bio-gas compared to cooking on fuel wood/agriculture

waste ?

More safe Less safe Indifferent

2.7. Have you feel the decrease in the smoke after the installation of Bio-gas plant?

Yes No To some extent

Very much

Health and Sanitation

3. What has happened to the diseases, health problems of your family member
had ?

Disease/Health Increased Decreased No Change

Eye illness/burning
Acute respiratory
Others, Specify

3.1. What is the impact of Bio-gas plant in health and sanitation ?

Positive Negative

3.2. Have you experienced any change in the quantity of medicines used after the
installation of Bio-gas plant ?

Decreased Increased Remained Same

3.3. Do you find any change in the general cleanness of the surrounding after the
installation of Bio-gas plant ?

Yes No

Impact of Agricultural and Production

4. Do you use Bio-gas slurry as manure ?

Yes No

4.1. Have you feel the effect of slurry on the production of crops ?

Production increased

Production decreased

Remained same

4.2. What is the effect of slurry in comparison to chemical fertilizer ?

Money save

Production increased


4.3. Is there any change in use of chemical fertilizer after the use of slurry ?

Reduction of chemical fertilizer

Increase in chemical fertilizer

No change in chemical fertilizer

Not applicable

4.4. Have you feel the storing of digested slurry in pits has reduced the menace of flies
and mosquitoes in an around your house ?

Very much Not at all To some extent

Weaknesses and Suggestion

5.1.Weaknesses …………………………………

5.2. Perceptions.....................................................


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