Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development
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5 authors, including:
Mutala Mohammed
Kocaeli University
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A comparative analysis study of pH and temperature effects on the anaerobic digestion
process of different agricultural wastes was carried out during the production of biogas. The
investigation was in two phases. Phase one involved the use of a single substrate of cow dung,
cassava peels, yam peels and pineapple peels while the second involved co-digestion of the
substrates with cow dung. The composition of gas produced by a single substrate and a mixture
of these substrates were determined. The feedstock for each experiment was a 1:1 mixture of
the substrates with water. For the co-digestion, one part of the substrate and one part of cow
dung were used with two parts of water, making the ratio 1:1:2. Routine measurements of pH
and temperature of the feedstock were taken and the composition of the produced biogas was
determined. It was deduced that cow dung co-digested with cassava peels gave a higher yield
with methane content of 65.3% followed by cow dung only, co-digestion of cow dung and
yam peels, cassava peels only, yam peels only and pineapple peels with 63.4%, 51.4%, 46.2%,
42.3% and 0.0%, respectively. Therefore co-digestion, with cow dung and cassava peels is most
efficient for biogas production.
of the challenging issues confronting the piggery droppings. Residues from households
developed and developing nations, including are fruit and vegetable wastes like pineapple
Ghana (Ukpaka et al., 2018). These wastes, peels, banana peels, cassava peels, plantain
when improperly managed, contribute to peels and yam peels.
unhygienic environmental conditions that Anaerobic digestion is the
have the potential of breeding pathogenic biodegradation of organic matter through
microorganisms that could result in adverse the activity of some micro-organisms in the
health implications to humans; thus rendering absence of air to produce flammable gas like
the environment unpleasant and unattractive. methane, for heating and drying purposes.
However, these wastes can be managed The underlying theory and technology of this
appreciably by converting them into biogas, anaerobic digestion have been used by humans
an environmentally friendly form of renewable for centuries. It is one of the useful tools that is
energy (Ezekoye et al., 2011). applied in generating renewable energy in the
In Ghana, most cooking in poorer form of heat. Communities in the most remote
households still utilises firewood, charcoal, parts of Africa, particularly sub-Saharan Africa
and other biomass on inefficient fires and fell trees that are used as fuel for heating
stoves, resulting in indoor air pollution. This purposes. As a result, there is the desertification
is evident from the amount of charcoal and of land with contingent climate change in the
firewood that is brought even to the cities from form of global warming. In order to motivate and
the hinterland, day in day out. The only thing encourage usage of this technology, significant
that comes to mind is the felling of trees that interest into investigations on several aspects
has the potential of desertification of the land in of the process has arisen recently. Current
remote settlements. The effect of this activity is research is directed not only to the yield of the
the environmental degradation and increase in process but also toward the optimization of the
the greenhouse gases that ultimately contribute digestion conditions (Anukam et al., 2019).
to global warming by changing the natural Biogas is a mixture of gases that is
course of the climate. In order to mitigate this composed chiefly of methane, CH4: 40 – 70%
trend, affordable and efficient heat-generating by volume, and CO2: 30 – 60% by volume;
units must be made available to rural folks. generated as a result of biodegradation of
This will help in the curtailment of indoor organic material under anaerobic condition
air pollution, cut household energy costs and by the action of bacteria. Other gases are also
reduce time lost in gathering fuelwood. This generated but mostly in insignificant quantities.
is where the Biogas comes in; cheaper and These are ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulphide
requiring raw materials from the body wastes (H2S), oxygen (O2) and carbon monoxide (CO)
of living organisms such as animal droppings (Kawunma, 2013). The set-up or unit that
and food leftovers. Many types of biomass can is used in the production of biogas is a bio-
be used as feedstock or raw materials for biogas digester and in its operation, the parameters
production. These include fresh or ensiled plant that are of interest to researchers are the type
material, animal excrements, residues from and amount of biomass used as feedstock, size
agricultural or food production (Longjan & of digester, pH, pressure, retention time and
Dehoucheb, 2017; Kavuma, 2013; Marchaim, temperature of the reaction mixture (Ezekoye
1992; Chandra et al., 2012). Prominent among et al., 2011; Mirmohamadsadeghi et al., 2019).
animal excrements are cow dung, poultry and
Effect of temperature and pH Variation… 3
digester. The other one which serves as the entire process was repeated for cassava peels,
outlet of the slurry was fixed two inches from pineapple peels and yam peels as feedstocks.
the bottom of the tank and protrudes outwards
perpendicularly to the first one. A gas tube Preparation and biogas production from co-
was then connected to the digester to serve as digestion
a pathway for biogas into the gas collector. A Two different digesters were prepared for
valve was used to control the flow of gas in cassava peels & cow dung and yam peels &
and out of the gas tube as described elsewhere cow dung as feedstocks. The cassava peels
(IRENA, 2016). All perforations were sealed and yam peels were chopped into smaller
with fine granules of earth and adhesive. To pieces of dimension less than 5 mm and dried
ensure the process occurred anaerobically, for one week in the sun.
the digester was painted black such that it is
opaque to all forms of light, including sunlight. Bio-digester 1:
Finally, a tap was connected to the outlet pipe Approximately 2.5 kg each of cassava peels
of the digester to serve as the exit point of the and cow dung were weighed and mixed with
feedstock. Figure 1 is the pictorial view of 5 kg of water in the ratio of 1:1:2. Initially,
three of the built digesters in operation. the cow dung was mixed with the water into
a homogeneous slurry. Using a funnel, this
Preparation and biogas production from single fine slurry was introduced into the inlet of the
feedstock bio-digester. Then, the chopped 2.5 kg cassava
Five kilograms of cow dung obtained from an peels were introduced into the digester using a
animal pen unit were mixed with water in the hand trowel. The inlet of the bio-digester was
ratio of 1:1 to form a slurry. Solid matter such then sealed and the mixture stirred thoroughly.
as stones and sticks were removed to obtain a The first reading of the ambient temperature
homogenous mixture. This feedstock was then and pH of the solution was then taken.
fed into the digester through the inlet pipe with
a funnel fitted to the top. During the experiment, Bio-digester 2:
the digester was stirred with a paddle stirrer at Approximately 2.5 kg each of yam peels and
certain time intervals. Between the hours of cow dung were weighed and mixed with 5
9:00 am and 10:00 am in the mornings and then kg of water in the ratio of 1:1:2. The entire
2:00 pm and 3:00 pm in the afternoons, about process as described for bio-digester 1 was
20 ml of the feedstock was collected into a repeated for yam peels & cow dung. Table 2
rubber container through the tap. The pH meter shows the various amounts of feedstocks with
was then inserted into this solution and the the corresponding amount of water combined
reading taken while the ambient temperature to form the substrate slurry as explained earlier
was also read. This procedure was carried out for Bio-digester 1.
daily during the retention time of 21 days. The
6 Zainudeen et. al (2021) Ghana Jnl. Agric. Sci. 56 (2), 1 – 13
Feedstocks and corresponding amounts of water utilised
Parameters Cow Cassava Yam Peels Pineapple Cow Dung + Cassava Cow Dung
Dung Peels Peels Peels + Yam Peels
Mass of feed- 5 5 4 4 2.5 + 2.5 2.5 + 2.5
stock used (kg)
Mass of water 5 5 4 4 5 5
used (kg)
Total mass of 10 10 8 8 10 10
slurry (kg)
Composition of various gases contained in biogas produced for different feedstocks
The following graphs are the representation of the pH and temperature against the retention times for each of the
feedstocks used.
Cassava peels
PHIDE (H2S) % %
(CO2) %
Pineapple peels
Fig. 3: A graph of pH against retention time for cassava Fig. 5: A graph of pH against retention time for
peels pineapple peels
8 Zainudeen et. al (2021) Ghana Jnl. Agric. Sci. 56 (2), 1 – 13
Cow dung
Co-digestion of yam peels and cow dung Except for the figure 5, for pineapple where the
pH showed a plateau within acidic region where
biogas production was not realized as depicted
in Table 3, the pH for the other substrates were
all within a range where biogas production was
possible (Yeboah, 2016; Ugwoke et al., 2011;
Ukpaka et al., 2018; Olanrewaju, 2018).
By careful scrutiny of the figures, it
would be observed that the average pH value
of the yam peels was 6.55 on the first day
increased up to about 6.9 on the 4th day before
it started decreasing down to about 6.15 on the
Fig. 12: A graph of pH against retention time for yam
last day of the experiment, as shown in figure
peels and cow dung
9. Cow dung on the other hand, from figure 7,
had a pH value of 7.7 on day one and gradually
decreased to 6.5 on the last day. For pineapple
Discussion peels the pH at the beginning of the experiment
The diagrammatic representation of the results was 5.7 but sharply decreased to an average
obtained are shown on the graphs from Figure value of 4.9 from day six and remained same
2 to Figure 12. While figures 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 until the last day of the experiment as depicted
depict the variation of temperature against the in figure 5. This is because the highly acidic
retention times, the rest of the figures from nature of the reaction mixture coupled with the
3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 12 depict variation of pH presence of lignocellulose, does not favor any
of the reaction mixture against the retention flammable biogas yield, as reported by Yeboah
times. The temperature graphs showed that, (2016) and corroborated to a large extent by
during the course of the experiment, there were Ugwoke et al. (2011) and Olanrewaju (2018).
fluctuations from the minimum temperature Co-digestion of yam peels with cow
of 25°C right up to the maximum recorded dung resulted in an average pH value of 7.5
temperature of 33°C. For example, figure on the first day which reduced to about 6.85
6 revealed fluctuations from the beginning within one week and later rose up to just pH
till the end of each experiment with minimal of 7.3 on the last day, about 0.2 unit short of
difference. Similar behavior was obtained for the initial pH of the slurry, as shown in figure
the rest of the temperature versus retention 12. The reason for the decrease in the pH value
time graphs. The temperature range falls within of the substrate was due to the dilution of the
the mesophilic range of the biogas production, reaction mixture with water and the peels, from
which according to Kawuma (2013), results in the initial, airtight and charged cow dung with
satisfactory production of biogas. probable initial production of ammonia. Hence
Observation of the pH versus retention rapid reduction in flammable gas production
time graphs shown, indicated a sudden decrease during the digestion period as was suggested
in the pH from the inception of the experiment, by Olanrewaju (2018). This emphasizes the
then followed by a gradual increase within 14 fact that at higher pH that was recorded on the
days from the start up to a range where yield of first week of digestion, the highest peak of gas
biogas was appreciable (Ukpaka et al., 2018). production was attained. At slightly low pH
10 Zainudeen et. al (2021) Ghana Jnl. Agric. Sci. 56 (2), 1 – 13
range which was recorded on the last days of of the temperature as the yield of the organic
digestion, there was little or no gas production. acid increases (Anti, 2012; Yeboah, 2016).
As the digestion process was ongoing, a sudden This is because hydrolytic bacteria which is
drop in pH was also recorded and this was responsible for hydrolysis reaction in the initial
probably due to quick production of volatile biogas production process, has been inhibited
fatty acids (VFAs) as was obtained from the from carrying out its activity of reducing the
work of (Ukpaka et al., 2018). complex polymers into simpler monomers
For cassava peels and the mixed for onward reaction in methanogenesis
masses of cow dung and cassava peels, there stage. One other factor that hinders the
was pH increase as reaction progresses. The production of biogas with pineapple peels as
pH value of cassava peels was 5.3 on the first the substrate is the presence of D-limonene,
day and it increased gradually to 5.7 on the one of the constituents of the fruit waste. This
last day of the experiment. Although gases D-limonene, according to Yeboah (2016), is an
were produced, they were not flammable as anti-microbial agent inhibiting the activities
the pH range was not favorable for methane of bacteria that are involved in the digestion
production. With respect to the mixed masses process. However, its slow degradation through
of cow dung and cassava peels, there was also decomposition over a long period of retention
a gradual pH increase. However that increase time of about 100 days, could show some level
was within a flammable gas pH range, from of flammable biogas production, though to a
an average pH value of 7.0 on the first day very small extent as reported by Ugwoke and
to 7.4 on the last day. The pH rise could also Ekpe (2011).
have come about probably due to the fact that Another factor that is considered of a
nitrogen gas was liberated and it accumulated substrate is its C:N ratio. The ideal range for
in the form of ammonia and thus inhibiting flammable gas production of any substrate is
the activities of the methanogenic bacteria between 20:1 and 30:1. So if the C/N of a given
(Adelekan & Bamgboye, 2009). But the results substrate is outside this range, it has to be co-
as presented on Table 3, indicated that more digested (or mixed) with another with moderate
flammable gas was produced. A constant pH C:N ratio so that overall, the ideal range could
which was observed after retention time of be attained for more efficient biogas production
20 days digestion period, was similar to the (Marchaim, 1992; Adelekan & Bamgboye,
findings of Ukpaka et al. (2018) indicating 2009). According to Orhorhoro et al. (2016), the
cessation of the anaerobic digestion process. C/N ratio for cow dung, cassava peels and yam
No biogas yield was recorded for peels are 24, 55 and 36 respectively. Since the
pineapple peels. The initial pH of the slurry C/N ratios for yam peels and cassava peels are
was 5.7 which reduced drastically within a day outside the ideal range, it is not surprising that
to as low as pH value of 4.9 due to increase the biogas produced for their co-digestion with
in probably the production of acidogenic cow-dung was higher. From Table 3, cow dung
bacteria as reported by Perera (2011). This & cassava peels yielded the highest amount of
low pH value range of the medium was one of methane with 65.3%, followed by cow dung
the reasons for the failure in biogas yield as it only with 63.4%, cow dung & yam peels with
inhibits the methanogenisis process. Though 51.4%, cassava peels only with 46.2%, yam
the temperature was within the mesophilic peels with 42.3% and pineapple peels with
range, the effect of the pH far outweighed that 0.0%. These particular results were obtained
Effect of temperature and pH Variation… 11
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Effect of temperature and pH Variation… 13