Waste Management: Hari Bhakta Sharma, Brajesh K. Dubey

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Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

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Waste Management
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Co-hydrothermal carbonization of food waste with yard waste for solid

biofuel production: Hydrochar characterization and its pelletization
Hari Bhakta Sharma, Brajesh K. Dubey ⇑
Environmental Engineering and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, Co-HTC of food waste with yard waste was conducted for biofuel pellets production, and
Received 5 April 2020 also to understand any possible synergy between two feedstock types. The calorific value of blended
Revised 6 August 2020 raw feedstock was 13.5 MJ/kg which increased to 27.6 MJ/kg after Co-HTC at 220 °C for 1 h. Energy yield
Accepted 3 September 2020
and fuel ratio calculated was 45% and 0.65 respectively. Hydrochar produced demonstrated a stable com-
bustion profile as compared to reactive combustion profile for raw samples. The blend of food and yard
waste hydrochar was easily pelletized, and its pellets showed improvement in mechanical properties as
compared to pellets made from mono-substrate((food waste) hydrochar. Pellets produced from the blend
Food waste
Co-hydrothermal carbonization
of food and yard waste hydrochar showed higher energy (46.4 MJ/m3) and mass density (1679 kg/m3) as
Biofuel pellets compare to the pellet produced from food waste hydrochar alone. Tensile strength obtained for the
Coal replacement blended hydrochar pellet was 2.64 MPa while same for the pellets produced from food waste hydrochar
Pelletization alone was 1.30 MPa. In addition to improving hydrophobicity, soften lignin from yard waste also helped
in binding the food waste hydrochar particles together within the pellets matrix during heated pelletiza-
tion. The results presented in the study indicated that in the presence of all favorable conditions, there is
a potential that approximately 11% of the global coal consumption could be replaced by the combustion
of hydrochar produced from food and yard waste globally.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

o1. Introduction Despite liquid and gaseous biofuel production approach being fol-
lowed predominantly, lately, production of solid biofuel pellets has
It has become important than ever to address the growing con- gain tremendous attention (Wang et al., 2018a; Yilmaz and Akçay,
cern of mismanaged Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in developing 2018; Zhai et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2014). As compared to the chips
nations. The issue has become even more imperative for the and powder, pellets has more commercial value mainly due to
organic fraction of MSW (food and other green waste), generation higher mass and energy density, apart from being easy to handle,
of which is inevitable and is ever increasing. Nearly 3 billion tonnes store and transport. However, moisture laden, high volatile organic
of food is wasted every year of which an estimated 1.3 billion ton- waste creates considerable challenges during pellet production.
nes ends up rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers due to Moisture and high volatile matter not only deteriorate pellets qual-
poor transportation and harvesting practices (Kaza et al., 2018). ity but also increase the risk of fire hazard during storage and
Furthermore, unmanaged food waste disposal have negative envi- transportation due to microbial activity promoted by the presence
ronmental impacts at the end of its life, as it is mostly associated of moisture.
with greenhouse gas emission (mostly methane), which has a glo- To overcome aforementioned challenge, organic waste in often
bal warming potential of 25 times greater than carbon dioxide on a treated using the treatment techniques like pyrolysis and torrefac-
100-year time scale (Kaza et al., 2018). If we adopt a market based tion. These treatment methods requires waste condition to be dry;
approach to tackle the aforementioned issue, the MSW (including moisture laden waste is not suitable, hence requires energy inten-
organic fractions) recycling and resource recovery approach could sive pre-drying step (Sharma et al., 2019a). Hydrothermal car-
generate estimated US $410 billion annually (Nizami et al., 2017). bonization (HTC), which is a wet waste conversion technique is
In a resource recovery and market based approach for the organic being widely used/studied to tackle moisture laden waste in a
fraction of MSW, biofuel production is most preferred lately. recent time (Kambo and Dutta, 2014; Funke et al., 2010; Saqib
et al., 2019a). The HTC takes advantage of high moisture in the
⇑ Corresponding author. waste and converts it into a carbon rich hydrochar by the series
E-mail address: bkdubey@civil.iitkgp.ac.in (B.K. Dubey). of reaction such as; hydrolysis, dehydration, de-carboxylation,

0956-053X/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

aromatization, condensation & polymerization (Hoekman et al., both this waste type for hydrochar pellets production and there-
2011;Libra et al., 2011). Due to high adaptability to the wet waste, fore establish it as a valuable renewable source of energy. Likewise,
HTC have been extensively used for production of hydrochar using the knowledge achieved in this study could be utilized for the
range of high moisture containing feedstocks like; MSW, specific development of the decentralized/in-situ Co-HTC based treatment
lignocellulosic biomass including specific fruits waste and peels, technology for food and yard waste in the residential campus,
micro algae, sewage and paper mill sludge and non- gated communities, and food processing industries.
lignocellulosic waste (Berge et al., 2011;Chen et al., 2017; In this study, food waste was blended with YW for Co-HTC to
Heilmann et al., 2010; Mäkelä and Yoshikawa, 2016; Zhai et al., produce hydrochar at its maximum utility (1:1, i.e. 50% each),
2016). Apart from advantageously utilizing water during HTC, which was then subsequently pelletized using self-designed labo-
hydrochar produced has improved grindability, improved mass ratory pelletizer. The chosen 1:1 food to YW ratio will help us
and energy density, and hydrophobicity (Sharma et al., 2019a; understand the behaviour of solid biofuel prepared when both
Kambo and Dutta, 2014). The qulity of the hydrochar and its pellets the waste type would be utilized at its highest weighted percent-
is dictated by HTC operation conditions like type of feedstock, age in the real life scenario. Hydrochar produced from Co-HTC con-
operation temperature and time (Saqib et al., 2019a). The hydro- dition was characterized for any possible synergetic effect;
char pellets quality depends on the type of feedstock; lignin rich physiochemical, structural and combustion kinetic using range of
material like lignocellulosic yard waste (YW) promotes solid techniques. The fundamental fuel properties of hydrochar like;
bridge-type bonding within the hydrochar pellets matrix thus ultimate and proximate analysis, energy densification, fuel ratio
increasing its mechanical durability. and calorific value were also evaluated. The study also investigated
Major componenet of OFMSW MMlignocellulosic The food and mechanical, storage and combustion properties of hydrochar pel-
yard waste are the major fraction of MSW. Yard waste(YW) is lig- lets. Based on hydrochar energy yield and the present global coal
nocellulosic in nature, and the lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose consumption, the fraction of coal replacement by hydrochar pellets
are its major component. Ligin softens and start to flow above its combustion produced from food and YW globally was also esti-
glass transition temperature during the heated peleltizatiom. The mated in this study using method described by Mau and Gross
food and yard waste are the major fraction of MSW. YW is lignocel- (Mau and Gross, 2018).
lulosic in nature; the lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose are its
major component. Flowing lignin engulfs nearby hydrochar parti-
cles. When temperature falls back soften lignin solidifies and forms 2. Material methods
a solid bridge along with engulfed hydrochar particle. Which
means, feedstock with higher lignin content could be easily pel- 2.1. Material acquisition and hydrothermal carbonization
letized into durable and robust pellets. Typical lignin percentage
in YW and other similar green waste sample ranges between 19% The yard waste (YW) used in this study was collected from the
and 25% (based on total solid of the sample). Panigrahi et al campus of Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. The YW con-
(Panigrahi et al., 2019) reported and average percentage lignin sists of tree leave (65%), grasses and garden trimmings (33%), fallen
for the YW used in their study to be around 19%. Brown et al. sticks and flowers (2%). The details about YW composition, collec-
(2012) reported around 22% lignin content in YW sample used in tion, grinding and storage methods could be found in the previous
their study. Brown and Li (2013) reported around 23% of lignin study (Sharma et al., 2019a). Food waste (FW) used in this study
content in the YW sample used in their study. It is worth to men- was collected from the food and vegetables processing section of
tion that the structural composition of lignocellulosic biomass may boys hostel mess. The mix food waste consist of following compo-
vary as per the compositional mix in the representative sample, nent in equal propotion: onion peel, cabbage, carrot peel, banana
season of collection and locality (Panigrahi et al., 2019; Sharma peel, capsicum, bread, rice, chapattis (flatten wheat bread) and
et al., 2020). Apart from lignin, Equilibrium Moisture Content cucumber peel. Equal proportion of all component of collected food
(EMC) in the feedstock could also acts as a binder by promoting liq- waste was taken and was homogenously mixed with a mixer blen-
uid bridging (Kaliyan and Morey, 2010). In the absence of lignin or der as previously done by Komilis and Ham (2006). Both the YW
for the feedstock with low lignin content, binders like starch, crude and FW were mixed thoroughly in equal proportion before HTC
glycerin and molasses have been extensively used for the produc- to simulate maximum utilization of both type of waste for pellets
tion of the mechanically durable pellets in the past (Hu et al., 2015; production at its highest weighted percentage. The motivation for
Kaliyan and Morey, 2009; Zhai et al., 2018). However, utilization of using equal proportion was also derived from the study by Wang
binder should also be looked upon from the point of cost effective- et al, which concluded that for practical applications Co-HTC of
ness and its environmental impacts (Whittaker and Shield, 2017). food waste-woody biomass with FW ratio from 50% to 75% at
The knowledge achieved hitherto on pellet durability is mainly 220 °C was more suitable for pelletization (Wang et al., 2018a).
for lignocellulosic waste (which is rich in lignin content), and for HTC was conducted using 750 mL stainless steel reactor by Che-
non-lignocellulosic waste like food waste, the knowledge achieved mito India. For every 20 g of waste sample, 400 mL of de-ionized
is limited. Food waste has limited lignin content (main compo- water was used, the ratio was based on our previous study
nents in food waste are protein and carbohydrate like starch and (Sharma et al., 2019a). Nitrogen was purged into the reactor for
glucose), as a result it has been rarely considered for making fuel 5 min to expel all the oxygen from the reactor while keeping exter-
pellets after hydrothermal carbonization processing. Few studies nal pressure release valve open. Series of HTC reaction condition
that has attempted to make food waste based hydrochar pellets was run for the food waste between 220 °C and 260 °C for 60 to
has used additional binder like molasses to increase mechanical 240 min, and the condition with maximum energy yield percent-
durability (Zhai et al., 2018). Apart from the advantage of lignin age was chosen for further experiment (supplementary section
acting as natural binder, the additional advantage that Co- HTC (A.1)). The food waste gets easily degraded and transformation to
of FW (non- lignocellulosic waste) with YW (lignocellulosic waste) an aqueous fraction (Berge et al., 2011) at high temperature HTC
brings along with it is, the possibility of solving the problem which results in low solid yield. The transformation of food waste
related to solid waste management especially, the organic fraction. and low solid yield was also characterized by high chemical oxygen
Of the total waste estimated 2.01 billion, metric ton of MSW gen- demand (COD) and high total organic carbon (TOC) in HTC process
erated, green (yard waste) and organic waste comprises approxi- water (Tradler et al., 2018). Due to the aforementioned reason, the
mately 44% (Kaza et al., 2018). This study is an attempt to use Co-HTC condition was based on food waste HTC condition which
H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

resulted in high energy and solid yield (Table A.1). After the nitro- hydrochar sample and differential weight loss rate (DTG) were
gen purging was concluded, the reactor was sealed and pro- found using TG/DTG Perkin Elmer Pyris Diamond. The air flow rate
grammed for 220 °C for 1 h with heating ramp of 13 ± 4 °C/min. used was 100 mL/min and samples were heated between 50 and
The stiller mounted with the reactor was set to 100 RPM in accor- 850 °C. The comprehensive combustion index (CCI), combustion
dance to our previous study. The auto generated pressure inside stability index (Rw) and Ignition index (Di) were determined by
the reactor for each experiment was between 4 and 5 MPa. After using Eq. (5), Eq. (6) and Eq. (7) respectively (Xie et al., 2018).
the reaction time got elapsed, the HTC reactor was turned off, pres-
DTGm  DTGmean
sure valve was released and the vessel was immersed into the ice CCI ¼ ð5Þ
cold water to quench the reaction further. The dark coffee scented T 2i  Tb
slurry was vacuum filtered using the cellulose nitrate membrane
filter (0.45 mm). Process liquid was stored separately for another DTGm
Rw ¼ 8:5875  107  ð6Þ
study to understand its anaerobic bio-degradability while, for this Ti  Tm
study, the solid fraction, i.e. hydrochar was dried at 105 °C for 24 h
and was then stored in a zip lock bag for further analysis. DTGmax
Di ¼ ð7Þ
2.2. Characterization of hydrochar Here, DTGm, DTGmean, indicates the maximum and average weight
loss rate, respectively. Ti, Tb and Tm are the ignition temperature,
Proximate analysis (moisture content, volatile matter and ash) the burnout temperature and the peak temperature at maximum
of the samples were investigated using ASTM standard methods weight loss rate respectively (Lang et al., 2019; Xie et al., 2018).
(ASTM-E871, ASTM-E1755, and ASTM-E872). Elemental carbon, CCI, Rw and Di were calculated to understand the combustion stabil-
nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen were determined by EURO EA ele- ity of hydrochar during its combustion (Xie et al., 2018). CCI con-
mental analyzer using tin capsule. The equilibrium moisture con- tains comprehensive factors of the combustion behavior
tent (EMC) of the hydrochar was measured using a humidity test including: the ignition temperature, burnout temperature, maxi-
chamber (Carelab Technology, India) at 25 °C with 60% relative mum DTG reaction rate and mean DTG reaction rate. A larger CCI
humidity. The higher heating value (HHV)was calculated using indicates that the sample burns more vigorously and rapidly (Ma
empirical approach using Dulong’s formula as mentioned in previ- et al., 2019).
ous study (Sharma et al., 2019b). Fuel ratio, solid yield (%), energy
densification (ED) and energy yield were calculated using follow- 2.4. Combustion kinetic analysis of hydrochar
ing formulae.
Arrhenius kinetic parameters of the combustion process were
Fuel ratio ¼ ðFixed carbonÞ= ðVolatile matterÞ ð1Þ
calculated and summarized using following equation in order to
determine the amount of weight loss for raw and hydrochar sam-
Hydrochar yield ð%Þ ¼ ðHydrochar weightÞ= ðFeedstock weightÞ
ple. The change in mass vs. temperature can be defined as given in
 100 Eq. (8)
ð2Þ da Ea
¼ AeðRT Þ ð1  aÞn ð8Þ
Energy densification ¼ ðHHV of hydrocharÞ= ðHHV of feedstockÞ
where, ‘A’ stands for pre-exponential factor, ‘E’ represents the acti-
ð3Þ vation energy and ‘n’ stands for reaction order. Using the kinetic
parameter for non- isothermal combustion as given by Coats-
Energy yield ð%Þ ¼ Hydrochar yield Redfern (Coats and Redfern, 1964) and then rearranging the above
 Energy densification ð4Þ equation (Sharma et al., 2019a), we get following form of the equa-
tion (Eq. (9)).
The surface morphology of the sample were analyzed using     
field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Merlin. Bru- lnð1  aÞ AR 2RT Ea 1
ln ¼ ln 1   ð9Þ
ker D2 Phaser X-Ray diffraction (XRD) was used to analyze the T2 bEa Ea R T
crystalline properties of the samples by using scattering angle 2h h i
lnð1aÞ 1
10° to 80° at 30 kV having 10 mA of Cu Ka radiation. The surface The plot of ln T2
and T
result into a straight line with the
functionality of sample were was investigated using PerkinElmer slope as .
The activation energy ‘E’ and pre-exponential factor ‘A’
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The objective of were calculated using the slope and intercept obtained from Eq.
the study was to explore an opportunity of the usage of YW lignin (7).
binding properties during pelletization of blended food and yard
waste hydrochar. Food waste and its hydrochar possess low lignin 2.5. Hydrochar pelletization
content as proteins and carbohydrates are the main components of
food waste (Zhai et al., 2018). Therefore, the focus has been on the The pelletization experiments were performed using self-
cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin content for YW and its hydro- designed hydraulic hand pellets press. The pellet press as shown
char sample in this study. Therefore, the compositional analysis in the Fig. S1(Supplementary) was fabricated at the local workshop
(Lignin, Cellulose and Hemicellulose) for lignocellulosic YWR and The pellet press consists of varying load cell, a piston of 10 mm in
YWH were only measured in this using the procedure explained diameter and 110 mm length, and a cylindrical die with 10 mm
in our previous study for yard waste (Panigrahi et al., 2020). internal diameter and 90 mm length. For each pellet production,
1.2 g of the sample was manually filled and tapped into the cylin-
2.3. Thermal analysis and characteristic combustion parameters drical die. After which die was heated up-to 90 °C to soften the lig-
nin (glass transition temperature of lignin), as it helps to form
The percentage weight loss and rate of weight loss under high- natural binder within the pellets (Reza et al., 2012). The bottom
temperature, air controlled atmosphere were investigated using of the die was closed using a removable backstop plate. For each
thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The weight loss of raw and pelletization experiment, sample was compressed with pressure
H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

of 250 MPa using a lever attached to hydraulic press. The pressure sented in the Table 1). The HTC of individual feedstock resulted
of 250 MPa was the highest attainable pressure using a hand lever in the increased in percentage carbon content, and decreased in
attached hydraulic hand press. The sample was held under the percentage hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen contents. Average ele-
applied pressure for 30 s and after that pressure was released. After mental percentage carbon in the raw food waste (FWR), raw yard
each compression, the backstop plate was removed from the die waste (YWR) and the mix food and yard (YWR + FWR) waste sam-
and the pellet was extruded out of the die channel using the same ple was found out to be 37%, 45% and 42% respectively, whereas,
piston that was used for compression. The pellet samples were left for its hydrochar sample (FWH, YWH and YWH + FWH) it was
undisturbed for 1–2 min after which it’s mass, length and diameter found out to be 59%, 65% and 68%, respectively (Table 1).Table 1:
were measured. After the dimensional measurement of pellet it Ultimate, proximate and fuel properties of raw and hydrochar sam-
was kept in a sealed container at 4 °C for two week to find out ple. The blend of FW and YW showed better carbonization poten-
undisturbed natural length expansion. A digital Vernier caliper tial as compare to FW alone, which suggested some synergetic
(Advance, Tm No. 1348969) was used to record the dimensions effect between lignocellulosic (YW) and non lignocellulosic (FW)
of the pellets and length expansion was measured using Eq. (10). portion during HTC. Lower values of nitrogen in hydrochar sample
was mainly attributed to the fact that it may leach into the liquid
Li  L0
L¼ ð10Þ phase and nitrogen is unlikely to get detected in the gas phase as
reported in study by (Hoekman et al., 2011). It is self-evident from
where, Li represents the initial pellet length and Lo represents the Table 1 that HTC of food and yard waste decreased volatile matter
length of the expanded pellet after one week. content and increased fixed carbon content. The decrease in vola-
Pellets were also tested for its tensile strength. The tensile tile matter and increase in fixed carbon is mainly due to the con-
strength of the pellets was measured using Universal Testing densation and polymerization reaction that takes place during
Machine (UTM) (H50KS, Tinius Olsen, United Kingdom). The pellets HTC (Sharma et al., 2020). The increasing trend of percentage car-
were placed horizontally between the anvils and compressive force bon content after HTC agrees with the outcome of the study using
applied by the loading ram until the pellet failed. The tensile yard waste as feedstock (Akbari et al., 2019).
strength was calculated using the equation (Eq. (11)) (Liu et al., The values of ultimate and proximate analysis reported here is
2014) significantly higher than those reported for the other types of feed-
stock for different experimental set, example for MSW (Berge et al.,
Tp ¼ ð11Þ 2011). Berge et al. (Berge et al., 2011) reported lower fixed carbon
pld content of the hydrochars resulting from the HTC of MSW feed-
where, ‘f’ represents the maximum compressive force applied, stocks. However, Liu et al. (2010) reported a fixed carbon content
while ‘l’ and ‘d’ are the length and diameter of the pellets, of carbonized pinewood to be around 43%, which is comparable
respectively. to this study. Berge et al conclude that the fixed carbon yield is
Mass and energy density of the pellets were calculated using influenced by HTC process conditions and that larger fixed carbon
stereometric method. Method is based on the measurement of yields may result at different temperatures, reaction times, and/or
dimensions for cylindrical pellets and expressing it as the ratio of solids concentrations (Berge et al., 2011). HTC results in the
the mass to volume. The energy density of the pellets was calcu- decrease of percentage ash content as compared to raw feedstock,
lated by multiplying the mass density of the pellet with the calori- as evident from Table 1. The decrease in ash content was attributed
fic value of the pellet. For hydrophobicity experiment, 2 h water to high temperature HTC which caused inorganic components in
immersion test and humidity chamber test for two week at relative raw feedstock to dissolve in the liquid phase (Liu et al., 2014).
humidity 60% and 40 °C was conducted as described by (Pimchuai The lower the ash content of hydrochar potentially mitigated
et al., 2010). The brief explanation of the hydrophobicity experi- ash-related problems by the use of hydrochar.
ment is presented in the Supplementary section (A.3). The molar atomic ratios of H/C and O/C of raw sample along
with its hydrochar are illustrated by the Van Krevelen diagram in
3. Results and discussion Fig. 1. The Van Krevelen diagram displays the evolution of H/C
and O/C molar atomic ratios and also illustrates the coalification
3.1. Physiochemical and fuel properties degree after HTC. Points near to the origin of the Van Krevelen dia-
gram suggested better coalification and far from origin show less
Ultimate and proximate analysis is an important characteriza- coalification. Furthermore, Van Krevelen diagram also delineates
tion tool to know the elemental constituent of the sample (pre- the reaction mechanism as showed by the arrows in Fig. 1. The

Table 1
Ultimate, proximate and fuel properties of raw and hydrochar sample.


Elemental Analysis C (%) 44.2 ± 0.63 35.16 ± 3.36 42.41 ± 1.13 65.2 ± 0.83 59 ± 1 68.26 ± 0.96
H (%) 6.24 ± 0.99 4.9 ± 0.12 5.78 ± 0.25 5.83 ± 0.2 5.43 ± 0.08 6.02 ± 0.13
N (%) 0.84 ± 0.35 1.01 ± 0.02 0.99 ± 0.01 0.88 ± 0.03 1.56 ± 0.19 1 ± 0.07
O (%) 48.21 ± 1.69 56.8 ± 2.48 50.8 ± 1 28.05 ± 1.01 34 ± 0.85 24.4 ± 0.88
Proximate Analysis FC (%) 6.98 ± 0.47 15.75 ± 0.90 14.33 ± 0.57 40.64 ± 0.77 32.68 ± 0.75 37.56 ± 1.62
VM (%) 84.75 ± 2.46 76.62 ± -0.85 78.71 ± 0.84 55.54 ± 0.82 62.87 ± 0.32 57.4 ± 1.14
A (%) 8.30 ± 0.15 5.39 ± 0.35 7.05 ± 0.08 4.34 ± 0.12 4.14 ± 0.16 4.32 ± 0.02
HHV (MJ/kg) 15.43 ± 0.40 9.48 ± 1.40 13.54 ± 0.45 24.37 ± 0.75 21.64 ± 0.43 27.64 ± 0.48
Yield (%) 59.83 ± 1.75 13.64 ± 0.43 45.27 ± 1.28
*ED 1 ± 0.02 1 ± 0.02 1 ± 0.01
EY (%) 59.98 ± 0.50 13.64 ± 0.68 45.29 ± 2.01
Fuel ratio 0.07 ± 0.19 0.20 ± 1 0.18 ± 0.69 0.73 ± 0.93 0.51 ± 2.3 0.65 ± 1.41
Higher heating value: (HHV = 0.3383 * %C + 1.422 * (%H – %O/8).
Based on mean value*Energy Densification, 1Energy Yield.

H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

Fig. 1. Van Krevelen diagram displays the evolution of H/C and O/C atomic ratios.

major reactions involved are decarboxylation, dehydration and parison to the HHV of raw feedstock. In a similar trend, the HHV of
demethanation reaction which is suggested by the evolution of 24.8 MJ/kg in the same range as bituminous coal was reported for
the hydrochar samples following the diagonal line (Fig. 1). the type of YW sample used in the study of Akbari et al. (2019). The
According to the reaction vectors displayed in the diagram, improvement in HHV is linked with the increase in the carbon con-
decarboxylation and dehydration were the main reaction during tent. Berge et al, reported in their study that the HHVs directly cor-
HTC at 240 °C for all the sample type. A shift in the O/C ratio sug- relates well with carbon content of the organic solids (Berge et al.,
gests that decarboxylation also occurs (Berge et al., 2011). The 2011). The blend of food and yard waste hydrochar has higher HHV
claim is well supported by the fact that HTC significantly decreased as compared to individual feedstock. This is most likely due to
H/C and O/C atomic ratios along the reaction vector displayed. It increased carbon content influenced by synergic effect of lignocel-
can be observed that the raw sample showed higher atomic O/C lulosic and non-lignocellulosic portion. The HTC process water has
and H/C ratios, ranging from 0.81 to 1.61 (FWR), 1.15 to 1.60 been showed to have significant amount of organic acid like acetic,
(YWR) and 0.89 to 1.63 (YWR + FWR) whereas its respective hydro- levulinic acid and formic acid (Stemann et al., 2013). The acid
char moved towards origin. From the Fig. 1 it can be well argued would help initiate hydrolysis reaction of food waste and improved
that that the dehydration was essential reaction pathway. The ratio overall carbonization process, this explains why YWH + FWH
of O/C and H/C decreases in hydrochar compared with raw YW and showed improved carbonization potential.
FW which was attributed to the dehydration reaction which causes Results presented in the Table 1 indicates that the hydrochar
the elimination of H2O and CO2; the trend was similar to study on solid yield was minimum for FW. Percentage mass yield of food
YW by Akbari et al. (2019). In similar trend, the HTC of lignocellu- waste significantly decreased as compared to yard waste and its
losic biomass resulted in O/C–H/C ratios comparable to lignite blend. The decrease can mostly be attributed to primary and sec-
(Kambo and Dutta, 2014). The carbonization trend described above ondary decomposition of FW during HTC. Mostly, polymer of FW
could be due to the fact that the HTC process increased the carbon undergo dehydration and decarboxylation reaction to constitute
content and reduced the oxygen content. It can be well inferred into gaseous and liquid product (Pińkowska et al., 2011; Reza
from the decreased value of H/C ratio that substitution reaction et al., 2014). Moreover, FW mostly contains easily degradable poly-
occurred in the reaction process and breakage of C-C chain mer like cellulose, carbohydrate, lipids etc., as compared to YW
occurred, indicating increased instauration of the product (Soler which are lignocellulosic is nature. These lignocellulosic compo-
et al., 2018). The main reason behind the strong carbonization in nents (hemicellulose and lignin) are complex polymer of sugar
HTC is due to the presence of water as a reacting medium and phenols, which are not easily degraded and solubilized there-
(Kambo and Dutta, 2014). The values for HHV (Higher Heating fore resulting in lesser yield. As reported in the Table 1, ED (energy
Value), fuel ratio, energy yield, and energy densification (ED) of densification) value improved after Co-HTC (equal or greater than
the samples were calculated and summarized in the Table 1. The 1 for all the sample type). The improved ED value is due to
mean calorific values for the raw samples: YWR, FWR, and decreases in solid mass due to dehydration and decarboxylation
YWR + FWR were 15.43 MJ/kg, 9.48 MJ/kg and 13.54 MJ/kg, respec- reactions during HTC which causes energy densification (Berge
tively. The calorific value of hydrochar: YWH, FWH, and et al., 2011). It can be well understood from Table 2 that after
YWH + FWH were 24.37 MJ/kg, 21.64 MJ/kg and 27.64 MJ/kg HTC the degradation of hemicellulose was almost complete. During
respectively. HHV increased upto100% by the HTC process on com- HTC process the initial hydrolysis reaction promoted by the pres-

H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

Table 2 and extend the overall combustion zone of the hydrochar sample;
Fiber analysis of raw yard waste and yard waste hydrochar samples. extended combustion zone depicts the stable thermal nature of
YWR YWH hydrochar and is more suitable for using it as a biofuel
Cellulose (%) 38.8 45.3 The increase in the ignition temperature (Ti) means that hydro-
Hemicellulose (%) 25.2 3.3 char was less volatile which was mostly due to decreased volatile
Lignin (%) 19.1 28.8 matter content as explained in the proximate analysis result. The
increased Ti value means that the storage and transportation of
hydrochar pellets would be less likely for fire hazard. Increased
ence of hot compressed water results in the cleavage of ether and Tm value for hydrochar depicts the improvement in the thermal
ester bonds between monomeric sugars which causes more degra- stability. The increased value of Tf which is ascribed to the
dation of hemicellulose (Kambo and Dutta, 2015). The degradation improvement in the fixed carbon content means, that hydrochar
of hemicellulose results in the increase percentage concentration has a longer combustion temperature range and is generally an
per unit mass of lignin and cellulose. The trend could be seen in attribute of a thermally stable biofuel (Lucian et al., 2018). The
Table 2, the percentage lignin for YWR was around 19% which after main sharp peak of YWH at 360 °C was due to the degradation of
HTC at 220 °C for 1 h increased to around 28%. The lignin trend for lignocellulosic constituent of yard waste like cellulose and lignin.
YWH (with C: 65%, HHV: 24 MJ/kg and Mass yield (%) was ‘close The smaller shoulder peak of YWH around 250 °C is due to the
enough’ with the proposed model with lignin content 20% at sever- degradation of hemicellulose. The shoulder peak of hemicellulose
ity factor 4.432 (with HHV: 24.9 MJ/kg, C: 59.30% and mass yield: at 250 °C (Sharma et al., 2019a) was seen only for raw yard waste
65.24% (Heidari et al., 2019). (YWR) and was not seen on its hydrochar sample, which is ascribed
Since, hemicellulose have the greatest capacity of water adsorp- to its possible decomposition during HTC. The sharp DTG peak at
tion, while lignin shows little tendency for water sorption. There- 250 °C for food waste was due to rapid volatilization of volatile
fore, the removal of hemicellulose which would cause fractional matter content; the peak shifted to higher temperature range after
increase in the lignin content will improve the hydrophobicity of the HTC. The shifted peak at higher temperature was attributed to
hydrochar (Kambo and Dutta, 2015). In terms of the HHVs of ligno- the combustion of increased amount of fixed carbon content after
cellulosic waste like YW, lignin has the highest heating value and is HTC (which is in the agreement with the proximate analysis
in the range of 23.3–26.6 MJ/kg, followed by cellulose and hemicel- result). The improvement in lignin content could also be under-
luloses with about 17.6–17.9 MJ/kg (Demirbasß, 2005). The thermal stood by the fact that HTC improved calorific value of resulting
stability of lignocellulosic waste like YW from least to most follows hydrochar and significantly improved combustion profile of TGA
the order: Hemicellulose < Cellulose < Lignin (Grønli et al., 2002; (seen mostly due to improved value of burnout temperature (Tf)).
Kambo and Dutta, 2015). All the trend support the finding that
HTC significantly improved lignin content in the hydrochar which
3.3. Combustion kinetics of hydrochar
in turn played a role of binder during FWH + YWH waste
The computation of kinetic parameters such as activation
energy is of paramount importance when industrial expansion of
HTC process is envisaged. The reaction collision frequency while
3.2. Combustion behavior
taking into account reactant orientation and contact surface of
solid fuel is represented by the pre exponential factor whilst,
The raw and hydrochar combustion behaviour is presentedin
energy barriers involved in the combustion stage is estimated by
Fig. 2(A) and (B) in the form of TG and DTG curve between 30
the activation energy. As described in Section 2.4, the kinetic
and 700 °C. The combustion parameter like ignition temperature h i
(Ti), burnout temperature (Tb), peak temperature at maximum parameter was calculate using linear fit plot of ln lnð1aÞ
and T1
weight loss rate (Tm) were calculated using tangent intersection using Coats–Redfern method. The kinetic parameters along with
method as described in our previous study (Sharma et al., the comprehensive combustion index (CCI), combustion stability
2019b). Likewise, DTGm and DTGmean, indicating the maximum index (Rw) and Ignition index (Di) is presented in the Table 4.
and average weight loss rate respectively, were also calculated to The kinetic plot of the raw and hydrochar sample is shown in the
better understand the combustion profile of the sample. It is clear Fig. 2(C). Least square correlation value was greater than 0.85
from TG curve (Fig. 2(A)), that mass loss occurred mainly between indicting reasonable degree of fit. After HTC, both the activation
220 °C and 550 °C in two zones (zone 1 and zone 2) also known as energy (Ea) and the pre-exponential facto (A) increased. It was
de-volatilization phase. Sandwiched between two zones in the clear from the table that, ‘Ea’ and ‘A’ value increased after HTC.
sharp DTG profile (Fig. 2(B)) of YWH depicts early onset of char The apparent values of Ea for YWH, FWH and YW + FWH were
combustion which resulted in its reactive burnout and more final 2.39, 2.71 and 2.90 kJ/mol respectively. The increase in the activa-
residue. tion energy as presented appears to contradict with the results pre-
The initial ‘‘bump” (DP zone) below 150 °C is ascribed to weight sent in most of the literature. However, the results suggested
loss (also seen below in the DTG curve) and is mainly associated as oxidative resistance at the commencement of hydrochar combus-
dehydration phase during hydrochar combustion. The combustion tion which was likely due to modification of char after HTC; most
of FWR and YWR + FWR occurred in two stage (between the tem- likely due to formation of secondary char or re-polymerized char
perature ranges of 220550 °C). The main mass loss which was on hydrochar surface (Gao et al., 2019). High temperature HTC is
observed at the lower temperature was mainly caused by the also successful in components configuration of hydrochar which
degradation of oxygenated functional groups carbon motif and result in higher resistance to oxidation, apart from forming the car-
furan rings (Zhao et al., 2016). Apart from aforementioned reason bonaceous structures with greater energy content. Such compo-
for mass loss, partial combustion and volatile matter release must nent demands higher initial energy to break energy barriers
have happened which resulted in such mass loss trend. Likewise, during the combustion. Zhao et al. (2016) in their study concluded
mass loss at higher temperature range may be attributed to the that HTC could remove reactive species from the raw samples
conjugated carbon atoms oxidation (Zhao et al., 2016). The data which would possibly increase minimum energy required to fur-
for the combustion parameters is presented in the Table 3. It is ther carbonize the sample during combustion. Furthermore, hydro-
clear from the table that HTC increased the ignition temperature char structure is mainly aromatic in nature and elimination of
H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

hFig. 2. iTGA profile showing different zones of degradation[DP = Dehydration Phase](A); DTG profile showing different rates of degradation (B); and linear fitted plot of ln
and 1T for determination of activation using Coats–Redfern method (C).

Table 3
Combustion parameters of raw sample and its respective hydrochar sample.

Sample DP (°C) DTGmax (%/s) DTGmean (%/s) Stage 1 Stage 2

Ti Tf Tmax Ti Tf Tmax
YWR 30–140 9.95 1.04 260 480 310 – – –
FWR 30–140 8.33 0.97 250 320 290 410 500 430
YWR + FWR 30–140 11.16 1.16 220 310 285 410 490 455
YWH 30–140 15.97 0.88 270 600 360 – – –
FWH 30–140 7.89 1.17 310 500 435 – – –
YWH + FWH 30–140 9.01 1.06 305 498 400 – – –

Table 4
Combustion kinetic parameters of raw and its respective hydrochar samples.

Sample CCI (107 min2 °C3) Di  10-5 (mg/(min°C2) Rw (105) A E (kJ/mol) R2

YWR 3.19 12 1.06 14.35 2.38 0.99
FWR 2.59 7.7 0.67 15.01 2.47 0.85
YWR + FWR 5.46 11 0.96 14.63 2.14 0.90
YWH 3.21 16 1.42 14.54 2.39 0.86
FWH 1.92 5.9 0.50 15.16 2.71 0.98
YWH + FWH 2.06 7.4 0.63 15.20 2.90 0.99

H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

reactive species from sample will certainly increase energy barrier ing of the smaller carbon sphere to form larger microsphere sug-
thus increasing overall activation energy. These observations are in gest the polymerization and condensation reaction occurred
logical agreement with the fact that post-carbonization preferen- during HTC (Sevilla and Fuertes, 2009). The formation of micro-
tially removed more reactive species from the samples thus sphere is a consequence of HTC reaction condition and the type
increasing the energy required for further carbonization as the of feedstock used. The FW have abundant saccharide (glucose,
bond in the remaining structures would be increasingly aromatic. starch and sucrose) in it, as a result, more microsphere formation
Higher CCI, Di and RW imply combustion stability, which was evi- take place after HTC. The variation in the microsphere formation
dent from YWH sample (Table 4). However, for blend hydrochar, in YW and FW was due to the variation in the decomposition of
its CCI, Di and RW got decreased and is likely due to higher reactive saccharides (starch and sucrose) which, obviously is greater in
component in food waste based hydrochar. However, YWH + FWH FW (Sevilla and Fuertes, 2009). On the other hand YW exhibited
was expected to have better combustion performance than porous structure and no visible microsphere was observed. The for-
YWR + FWR and the contradictory result could be explained using mation of the porous structure is related with volatilization of
same argument used for the explanation of activation energy. organic matter during HTC. In the YWH + FWH sample, small
microspheres were dispersed along the hydrochar surface, which
3.4. Structural properties of hydrochar may be due to localized condensation and aromatization reaction
of the sugars from the aqueous phase. The mixed feedstock
Functional group analysis using FTIR spectra of raw and hydro- (YWH + FWH) showed different hydrochar formation pathway as
char sample is present in the Fig. 3(A). The spectra revealed abun- evident from SEM images. The result suggested that the hydrochar
dant availability of functional groups in both raw and hydrochar from mixed feedstock (Co-HTC) showed different hydrochar for-
sample. It is also clear that CAH, CAO and AOH function groups mation pathway as compared to single substrate HTC. The differ-
were mostly present, which is mostly due to the cellulose, hemicel- ence is due to the fact that during Co-HTC, FW provides
lulose and lignin present in the lignocellulosic feedstock. The peak carbohydrates and nitrogen resources which behaves differently
within the cyan shaded area (shown in Fig. 3(A)) centered at during HTC (Wang et al., 2018b) as compared to single substrate
3400 cm1 is mostly due to vibrational stretching of AOH groups HTC where lignocellulosic component (lignin, hemicellulose and
and amino groups present in phenols and alcohols (Wang et al., cellulose) are carbonized in absence of carbohydrates source and
2018b). The decrease in the intensity of AOH for the hydrochar therefore behaves differently hence demonstrating different
sample is mostly due to dehydration reaction during HTC. As com- hydrochar structure (Wang et al., 2018b).
pared to YWH, FWH showed greater extend of dehydration reac- The XRD pattern (Fig. S3) of raw and hydrochar sample
tion during HTC which is evident from the lowest intensity of showed a broad diffraction peak at a 2h range of 12–28° which
AOH stretching. The decrease in the intensity of the oxygenated is the indication of non-graphitic carbon (Wang et al., 2011).
functional group (AOH) also mean increased hydrophobicity of The microcrystalline structure of raw FW disappeared after HTC
the hydrochar sample. as evident from the disappearance of 2h peak at 20° for FWH
The FTIR band between 3000 and 2700 cm1 is ascribed to sample. The interlayer reflection due to the asymmetrical poly-
ACHn group stretching and are mostly of aliphatic and aromatic cyclic aromatic sheets of amorphous carbon could be attributed
nature. The absorbance peak between 1700 and 800 cm1 are to the appearance of broad peak in the hydrochar sample (Sun
mostly due to vibrational stretching of C@O, CAC and CAOAC et al., 2013). The Co-HTC of FW and YW produced the hydrochar
groups of esters, carboxylic acids or aldehyde from cellulose or lig- with distinct XRD pattern which suggested that carbonization
nin and are indicative of CO2 generation (Gao et al., 2013). The raw was affected by presence of food waste. However, localized
feedstock (FWR and YWR) contained obvious characteristics peaks graphitization was seen in the YW and YW + FW hydrochar
related to lignocellulosic component, including the AC@C stretch- which was evident from the peak at 2h at 23° and 26° for both
ing (1650 cm1) of benzene ring in lignin, the ACAO (1200– the samples type, respectively. The localized graphitization
1000 cm1) of hydroxyl group in cellulose, the AC@O means, that during HTC, crystalline cellulose was preserved which
(1705 cm1) and AOAH stretching (890 cm1) of carboxyl groups was mainly due to presence of protective layer of lignin in ligno-
in hemicellulose (Zhuang et al., 2019). The particular band around cellulosic waste like YW (Wang et al., 2011).
1700 cm1 was attributed to C@O stretching in hemicellulose. The
presence of ester, carboxyl and carbonyl ground in hydrochar sam-
ples indicates the domination of oxygenated functional groups on 4. Pelletization
the hydrochar surface (Sevilla and Fuertes, 2009). The overall trend
in the decrease of the intensity of band between 300 and 4.1. Mass and energy density
3800 cm1 suggested that the major reaction that occurs during
HTC of food waste and yard waste were dehydration and decar- Energy density of the pellets depends on the mass density and
boxylation reaction (Sharma et al., 2019a; Elaigwu and the calorific value. The mass density was measured using method
Greenway, 2016). After HTC, the oxygen containing functional explained earlier while energy density was calculated by multipli-
groups decreased via the reaction of dehydration and decarboxyla- cation of mass density with HHV. The values of the mass and
tion. Meanwhile, the characteristic peaks of lignin and cellulose energy densities of the raw and hydrochar sample are presented
ranged from 1650 to 1450 cm1 becoming stronger and broader in the Table 5. The mass density of the all the hydrochar sample
in response to the high temperature HTC suggest the development increased and was maximum (1678 Kg/m3) for the YWH + FWH
of single aromatics to polyaromatics (Fu et al., 2009). sample. Likewise, FWH pellets showed around 46% increase in
The surface morphology of the raw and hydrochar sample is the mass density after HTC. Possibly, such drastic increase in the
presented in the SEM micrographs (Fig. 3(B). The modification mass density of FWH (1445 Kg/m3) pellets was due to the fact that
and breakdown of the surface of raw sample due to HTC process the hollow microspheres as seen in SEM images crumbled during
is clearly visible in the respective SEM images of hydrochar. The pelletization pressure which led to the agglomeration (easy com-
surfaces of raw sample were predominantly flakey in nature, while paction) of more mass per unit volume. Despite FWH showing
its physical structure was intact. FW hydrochar surface was cov- highest increase in the mass density, YWH + FWH showed highest
ered with numerous small independent carbon spheres while; energy density which was due to the higher lignin content (higher
some were crossed linked into larger microsphere. The cross link- HHV of lignin) in YWH.
H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of raw and hydrochar sample (A); and SEM images of raw and hydrochar sample (B).

Table 5
Mechanical properties of fuel pellets along with their mass and energy density.

Sample Maximum compressive force (N) Tensile strength (MPa) Length Expansion (%) Mass Density (kg/m3) Energy Density (MJ/m3)
YWR 302 1.91 23.09 1597.40 24.49
FWR 79.6 0.51 11.52 990.71 9.39
YWR + FWR 202 1.29 10.64 1595.68 21.61
YWH 959 6.11 0.84 1621.06 39.51
FWH 188.3 1.20 8.31 1444.86 31.27
YWH + FWH 414 2.64 6.91 1678.00 46.38

4.2. Mechanical and morphological properties of pellets Eq. (11) to find out its tensile strength. The value of the tensile
strength and compressive force applied are presented in the
For mechanical strength, the pellet samples were tested for ten- Table 3. It is clear that maximum tensile strength was observed
sile strength using UTM. Applied compressive force was used in the for YWH pellet followed by its blend pellets hydrochar pellets

H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

(YWH + FWH). Least compressive force was observed for FWR pel- adjacent particles. The absence of solid bridge formation between
let and followed by FWH. The stress-strain graph (Fig. 4) also the food waste hydrochar particles resulted in weak tensile
revealed poor performance by both FWR and FWH pellets. The strength of the resulting pellets.
poor mechanical strength of the FWH and FWR pellets was due On the other hand, when the blend of yard waste and food
low lignin content as the main components of the FW are mainly waste hydrochar was pelletized, resulting pellets showed improve-
carbohydrates, protein, glucose and lipid, which are incapable to ment in its tensile strength. The tensile strength of YWH + FWH
form strong bridging between particles to improve mechanical was 2.64 MPa which was comparable to tensile strength
strength. It is clear from the SEM images of FWH (Fig. 4(A)) and (2.70 MPa) of food waste hydrochar (prepared at 230 °C) pellets
its pellets that the possible limited mechanical strength was produced using 15% molasses as binder by Wang et al (Wang
mainly due to carbon-microspheres which relies much on the et al., 2019). Furthermore, hydrochar produced at 240 °C and 15%
attraction forces without a solid bridge formation between the molasses binder showed less tensile strength (2.02 MPa) as com-

Fig. 4. Surface morphology of the raw pellets sample and their respective hydrochar pellets (A); and image showing the fractured pellets under compressive force and its
stress-strain profile (B).

H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

pared YWH + FWH. Likewise, food waste hydrochar pellets pro-

duced at 200 °C and using 20% molasses as binder by Saqib et al.
(2019b) showed comparable tensile strength (2.8 MPa) with
YWH + FWH. The solid bridge formed by YWH hold the hydrochar
particle together in a pellets matrix. Moreover, soften lignin from
YW (during heated pelletization temperature (>90°, glass transi-
tion temperature)) acts as a binder thus helps in improving the
tensile strength. The high temperature HTC results in decomposi-
tion of hemicellulose and cellulose and improves percentage lignin
content per unit mass of hydrochar. The lignin enriched hydrochar
from YW is responsible for increasing tensile strength of the
The brittle nature of YW hydrochar pellets was clear from the
sudden drop in stress-strain graph (Fig. 4(B)); however, YWH
was still durable as compared to FWH. The brittle nature of the
YW and YWH + FWH pellets was possibly due to weakening of
hydrogen bond between cellulose and lignin, and covalent bond
between cellulose fibers due to high temperature HTC (Wang
et al., 2017). From the stress-strain graph, it is also clear that
YWH + FWH pellets showed improved resiliency to the compres-
sive loading and didn’t followed fate of FWH; rather,
YWH + FWH pellets showed multiple breaking peaks. The fracture
of YWH + FWH pellets in multiple breaking peaks rather than brak-
ing in ductile manner similarly to FWH pellets is due to the rein-
forcement provided by lignin rich YWH. The plausible
explanation for the improvement of the durability of YWH infused
FWH pellets is due to the interpenetration of the soften lignin from
YWH into its particle matrix during heated pelletization. During
the high pressure pelletization, lignin enhanced YWH will release
lignin (after getting crushed) from its retained cellular structure.
During heated pelletization (T > 90 °C) lignin softens and starts
to flow and engulf adjacent FWH particles. When the pellets cools
down, softened (sticky) lignin gets converted into glossy solidified
lignin thus developing solid bridge between YWH and FWH

4.3. Storage properties

Fig. 5. Moisture absorption profile of the pellets samples in humidity test chamber
(A); and length elongation profile of pellet samples (B).
The economic prospects of biofuel pellets production is greatly
affected by transportation, handling and storage of pellets. Durable
pellets are easy to handle, store and transport. The raw biomass
sample when pelletized has a natural tendency to spring back mosetting properties; this thermosetting properties are responsi-
due to elastic recovery effect which causes pellets to undergo nat- ble for particle binding and dimensional contraction, and for
ural length expansion. The pellets which exhibit higher length holding the pellets matrix together (Kashaninejad and Tabil,
expansion are more susceptible to disintegration and are likely to 2011). However, higher length expansion of raw YW pellets as
reduce its durability. Likewise, raw biomass also has tendency to compared to its hydrochar pellets indicate the possibility of pore
absorb moisture; pellets made as such is likely to promote fungal spaces and gaps in the pellet matrix, which reduces the pellet resis-
and bacterial growth during storage and transportation. Therefore, tance to relative movement during storage and transportation
it becomes very important that pellets produced have high density (Jiang et al., 2016).
(mass and energy) and are hydrophobic. The natural length expan- It is also confirmed that the strong bonding between hydrochar
sion of undisturbed pellet over a two weeks shown in Fig. 5(B). particles and the excellent durability is directly related to HTC
It is clear from graph (Fig. 5(B)) that YWH showed minimum reaction severity. Hydrochar of higher severity condition have
length expansion (around 3%) and FWR showed maximum length higher lignin content. In other words, higher reaction severity
expansion (around 32%). Food waste hydrochar showed maximum HTC reduces the spring back effect of raw YW pellets. Higher reac-
length expansion of about 11%, followed by blend (YWH + FWH) tion severity HTC degrades hemicellulose which has viscoelastic
(around 7.5%) and YWH (around 2.5%). The trend for higher length properties within the YW fiber matrix; its degradation reduces
expansion for FWH is most likely to be caused by the elastic recov- the stress relaxation of the component and lowers the spring back
ery of raw FW particles which also indicates its poor bonding effect (Zaini et al., 2017). The higher length expansion decreases
within the pellet matrix. The length expansion of more than 30% pellets density, mechanical hardness and pellets resistance to
for raw FW means that food waste was unable to hold pellets impact loading during storage and transportation.
matrix together and would be easily disintegrated. The blend of Fig. 5(A) presents the moisture absorption profile of pellets sub-
FW and YW pellets demonstrated less length expansion as com- jected to relative humidity 60% at 40 °C. The YWH showed least
pared to FW pellets, which is most likely due to interaction effect moisture absorption capacity (around 3%) proving its hydrophobic
of YW presence in pellet matrix. The lignin from YW softens during nature. FWH was the worst performer as it showed maximum
pelletization at the glass transition temperature (sample was moisture absorption (approx. 10%). The YWH + FWH pellets
heated at 90 °C during pelletization) thereby demonstration ther- showed less absorption capacity as compared to FWH asserting
H.B. Sharma, B.K. Dubey Waste Management 118 (2020) 521–533

its hydrophobic nature. It becomes clear that the YWH addition in bustion parameters as compared to raw feedstock. Worldwide
blend (YWH + FWH) not only improved mechanical durability, also combustion of food and yard waste hydrochar has a potential to
enhanced hydrophobicity. The improvement in hydrophobicity is replace 11% of global coal consumption in an ideal setting thus,
attributed to the reduction in oxygenated functional (AOH) in identifying itself as a new renewable energy feedstock.
hydrochar during high temperature HTC which makes resulting
pellets less hygroscopic (Kambo and Dutta, 2014).
Declaration of Competing Interest

5. Estimation of coal replacement potential The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
The hydrochar sample YWH + FWH was chosen for energy cal- to influence the work reported in this paper.
culation based on the idea that both the organic fraction of MSW
will be equally utilized for hydrochar production.
Electricity generation from hydrochar production was calcu-
lated as below (Eq. (12)).
The grant of PhD Research Scholarship to Mr. Hari Bhakta
ðGJÞ ¼ W  Y  DHc g
 ð12Þ Sharma by the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur is highly
acknowledged by the authors. Mr. Rajesh Kola is acknowledged
where, W is the total annual organic waste produced in the world for his assistance during elemental analysis. Likewise, Venkata
(8.85 * 1011 kg) (taken from world bank report, i.e. 44% of total Sai Praneeth is acknowledged for his help during analysis of coal
waste generated is green and food waste (Kaza et al., 2018)), g
 is replacement potential.
the efficiency of coal-fired power plants 0.33 (Mau and Gross,
2018), Y is Hydrochar yield (0.48) and calorific value is denoted
by DHc. Appendix A. Supplementary material
Electricity from coal was found using equation (Eq. (13)):
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
ðGJÞ ¼ 3600 E ð13Þ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2020.09.009.
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