Rama 1995
Rama 1995
Rama 1995
4, December 1995
Scenario I thru
Table 2
Energy Needs
Volume of Water
Pumped Daily, m3
Communication &
Devices k W d a y
Low Grade Heat
Table 3
Water Pumping
Volume of Water
m3, Pumped by
Biogas scenario I 5.93 5.72 4.82 4.72
ScenarioII 5.93 5.72 4.82 4.72
scenario m 0 0 0 0
scenario Iv 5.93 5.72 4.82 4.72
WMCS Scenario I 124.07 124.28 95.18 85.28
scenario II 0 124.28 95.18 85.28
scenario m 130 130 100 90
Scenario IV 124.07 124.28 95.18 85.28
Electricity Scenario I 0 0 0 0
scenario II 124.07 0 0 0
scenario m 0 0 0 0
Scenario IV 0 0 0 0
Volume of Biogas scenario I 387.63 373.74 315.07 308.27
m3/c1ay for water scenario II 387.63 373.74 315.07 308.27
pumping scenario m 0 0 0 0
scenario Iv 387.63 373.74 315.07 308.27
WMCS Rating, kW scenario I 0.32 0.65 0.11 0.11
scenario II 0 0.65 0.11 0.11
scenario III 0.34 0.68 0.12 0.12
Scenario Iv 0.32 0.65 0.11 0.11
Data for WECSPV
Table 4
scenario I $ 29,837.00
scenario II $ 157,652.00
scenario m $268,063.00
I ScenarioIV I$ 29,470.00 I
d default value.
cc: can choose, these range of values in steps of the given quantity.
The cost figures for battery storage, PV array and WECS are as given below:
The cost of battery storage Cs, is assumed linear at lOO$/kwh
The cost of PV panels, is linear at 5000$/kW
The cost of WECS, is linear for large WECS at 900$/kW. The WECS used in the design are of small size and the cost is assumed as
PR, kw 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 20
Cost/kW, $ 3,600 6,800 7,675 8,550 10,300 12,907 13,880 15,670 16,565 17,460 19,250 21,040
PR, k w 22 25 30 35 40 45 50
CostkW, $ 22,830 25,515 29,990 34,465 38,940 43,415 47,880
R Ramakumar h a d Abouzahr
w62 - Ship75 - F'94) w 9 1 ) received his B.E.
received his B. E. degree degree in Electrical
from the university of Engineering fiom the
Madras, India, the M. American University of
Tech. degee from the Beirut in 1984, his M.S.
Indian Institute of degree in 1986, and Ph.D.
Technology, Khamgpur, degree in 1990 Gom
India, and the Ph. D. degree Oklahoma State University.
from Cornel1 University, Currently he is a Research
Ithaca, New York, all in Associate in the
Electrical Engineering. Engineering Energy
After serving a few years Laboratory in addition to
on the faculty of being a Teaching Associate
Coimbatore Institute of in the Department of
Technology, Coimbtore, Electronics and Computer
India, he came to Technology at OSU. His
Oklahoma State University research interests are in the
(OSU), Stillwater in 1967, where he has been a Professor since areas of modeling and design of conventional and renewable
1976. In addition, since 1987, he has been the Director of the energy system and in the development and application of expert
OSU Engineering Energy Laboratory. In 1991, he was named systems. He has published five papers in E E E Transactions on
the PSO/Albrecht Naeter Professor of Electrical and Computer Energy Conversion on his research work. Dr. Abouzahr is a
Engineering. Dr. Ramakumar's research interests are in the member of Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Xi.
areas of conventional and unconventional energy conversion,
energy storage, power engineering, and renewable energy Kaushik Krishnan
sources and systems development and applications. He has been (Student M'93) was born in
a consultant to several national and supranational organizations Periyakulam, India on April
in the field of energy and has organized and presented short 5, 1971. He received his
courses on renewable energy topics and engineering reliability. B.E. degree in Electronics
His research involvement in the areas of energy and power and Communication
engineering has resulted in nearly 150 publications which Engineering f?om
include 4 US Patents, contributed chapters in 4 books md 4 Coimbatore Institute of
handbooks, and technical papers in various journals , Technology, Coimbatore,
transactions, and national and international conference India in 1992. Currently,
proceedings. Dr. Ramakumar's text book entitled "Engineaing he is a master's student in
Reliability: Fundamentals and Applications" was published by electrical engineering and a
Prentice Hall in 1993. research assistant in the
Dr. Ramakumar received the Halliburton Outstanding Engineering Energy
Faculty Award in the OSU College of Engineering, Architecture, Laboratory at Oklahoma
and Technology in 1992 and the university-wide Burlington State University. His
Northern Foundation Faculty Achievement Award in 1993. research interests are in the
As a member of the IEEE-PES Energy Development and areas of power electronics,
Power Generation Committee (ED&PGC), Dr. Ramakumar renewable energy systems, applications of expert systems, and
chairs its Awards Working Group. He is also a member of the industrial automation.
Energy Development Subcommittee, Photovoltaics Working
Group, PES Awards Committee, and the AdCom of ED&=. Kaveh Ashenayi
His other professional afiliations include American Sols (W86) received his B.S.
Energy Society, International Solar Energy Society, and the and Ph.D. degrees in
American Society for Engineering Education. He is a member Electrical Engineering from
of Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Xi, listed in several Who's Whos, Oklahoma State University,
and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Stillwater, and joined the
Oklahoma faculty of the University of
Tulsa in 1986. Currently,
he is an Associate Professor
in the Electrical
Engineering Department.
In 1989, he became the
CO-Director of the Power
Applications Research
Center (PARC) at the
University of Tulsa.
Dr. Ashenayi established the center for Intelligent Systems in
1992. He has over 50 technical papers in various journals, and
conference proceedings.
DISCUSSION caw88 to the endrwnent and human healnth. In such
situations, our study revealed b i ~ fievet
8 ~ atem cooking
Institute of Technology,Delhi):We wish t o cl-. A.$ $U& use of fixcwood for w b g in improved
commend the authors for their valuable devices should be properly W u w d into the KB.
contribution in an important area of The major portion of hiogas produced is used for
Integrated Renewable Energy Systems.Howevw
we would like to seek the authors' comment5 pumping water which inturn is stwed and latet wd to
on the followinp points. produce electrictty as a micro hydro s p t m . Tf such a
1.In addition t o the biogas and biomass system docs not need capital intensive stora8e support anly
digesters, Solar Cookers and Improved Wood then it should be used. Othztwk biagas can be used to
Stovest11 are also important cooking devices
in the rural areas.Briquetted fuels(wood or pump water, sfme it and later use It only for puposa af
charred biornass)are also popular.Therefore, in mpplying water for potable md dhea " a m i t y i m . The
one of the scenarios these,as a part of m " n g biogas can be s t
n a
i used to produce electticity
the cooking load,may also be incorporated. m aud when needed (as blow cm be stcmd and used at
Z.Biomasn(agro-based) gasif iersC23 and
incinerator?; for power generation may also be auy desired be).
incoporated in scenarios involving electrial Crop resid= seean to cdflbribute d y a d l
applications. hction of the totaI pIoduction of Mops. KB Should be
3.Producer gas may a150 be used in addition sble to identify such P situation and m o v e such a sauce
t o the biogas.
4.The design trade-off ha5 been considered for p"d biogas.
for obtaining the optimum mix, employing For a partidat 9~896n,wind a i r n t should be
largest design value for the least expensive uniform. Por seasan 1 and S"io IlI, it is taksn as WO,
system.However,the alternate design using the
largest design values for each source may whereas for the same seasun and scsnmios X, XI and IV it Is
also be considwed.The excess znwgy taken as W4. Wind regime need not be different for
generated can then be used to feed a local dif€cmt"arios ofthesame seaon. hsteadthe apicnraf
grid" interconnecting several neighbouring
villages.In fact,IRES can be used to design wind usage can be moved,
such clusters of villages which may have Siogas yield is season deipendcns even when the
different levels in the energy sources nature and levels of hputs remRin the "e.When cloud
available and which may be interconnected by covet pattan is CCI (season 3) land oc8 (seasan. 4), the
means o f a Iocal g r i d .
tmpan\res am a d y low so alsr, biogas yidd. This ham
not been ruflected in table 1.
REFERENCES The model developed and used In the p a w is
C13 National Programme on Improved
basically a multi input, multi output determhistic m e with
Chulha,Annual Report,Ministry of Non- sm@e objective. The possibilities should bc explored to
Conventional Energy Sources,pp.?-lO,New cmvcrt it to multiple objective problm even with
Del hi, 1993-94. qualitativedata an sources (like W y h d y , most cloudy)
E 2 3 Biomass Gassification Prograeme,Annual
Report, Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy
by tbe um af tools like hzzy line€#fff9gt-g 80 that
Sources,pp.23-24,New Delhi,1993-94. tha design of RES can be d e d out in a m m
Carnplrehensive manner without mu& mxifidng the UBCC
Manuscript received January 24, 1995. friendly and interactive n-0 of the d d g n tools dedopecl
and used in the paper-
R. Ramakumar, I. Abouzahr, K. Krishnan and K. included as the situation warrants. It must be pointed .out
Ashenayi: The authors wish to express their sincere that the design approach used in IRES-KF3 does not simply
appreciation to all the discussers for their generous comments choose the largest design value for the least expensive
and insightful discussions. One comment that is common to system. The quality of the resources and needs are matched
both discussions is with regard to the inclusion of improved as much as possible to improve the overall efficiency of
wood stoves and the use of woody biomass (denoted as. resource utilization. One consequence of this is the use of
firelog in the paper) for cooking. The research and biogas for cooking -- the least expensive technology for the
development work done by ASTRA and others in India has largest need. As the discussers point out, improved wood
resulted in high efficiency wood stoves. In cases like these, stoves and briquetted fuels, when available, could easily
IRES-KB can be easily modified to incorporate this replace biogas for cooking.
possibility if the required woody biomass is available in
sufficient quantities. This will also release the available Professors Mallikarjuna Chetty and Subramanian's comment
biogas for other useful purposes such as water pumping and on the wind regimes used in the scenarios discussed deserve
electricity generation. The priority order will then be firelog clarification. The scenarios were chosen arbitrarily to
for cooking if available and, if not, use biogas. iz3ustrate the different results obtained using IRES-KB. They
are not meant to be for the same location. The variability of
Professor Kothari and his colleagues propose the possibility biogas yield with ambient temperature was not included in
of extracting as much energy as possible.from each of the the examples presented. However, we plan to include this in
available resources and using the excess energy to feed a future versions of IRES-KB. The possibility of using fuzzy
"local grid" interconnecting a cluster of villages. This is an hear programming to further improve the design process is
excellent idea as far as resource-limited techologies in our fuhm research plans.
(biomass, falling water, for example) are concerned.
However, resources such as insolation can be used to Finally, we once again thank all the discussers for pointing
generate as much energy as one wants by using, for example, out the need for continued research and improvements in this
larger area photovoltaic systems. If suitable wind regimes area and the possibility of applying new tools such as fuzzy
and proper terrain are present, a similar statement can be linear programming.
made about harnessing wind energy as well. The required
capital will then be the limiting factor. As far as gasifiers, Manuscript received April 7, 1995.
incinerators and producer gas are concerned, they csul also be