1. Introduction
This application note provides a brief overview about the possible ESD protecting realizations for any Silicon
Labs RF designs. However, experimental measurements have only been taken with, and thus the efficiency of
the ESD protection realizations has been demonstrated on, Si4x6x-based reference designs.
RF radio chips are designed for and tested against the different chip-level ESD standards such as Human Body
Model (HBM), Machine Model (MM) and Charged Device Model (CDM). These chip-level test results are
summarized in the RF IC’s Qualification Report.
However, in a real-world application the final module has to resist and stand against an ESD shock. For this
purpose, the final electronic product has to be tested against a different, more stringent standard that simulates
and replicates the real world ESD stress conditions. This system-level standard is the IEC 61000-4-2.
System/module designers should take care to comply with the IEC 61000-4-2 system-level ESD standard. This
application note shows Silicon Labs’ customers how to achieve the best possible system-level protections on
board level using Silicon Labs radio chips.
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3.3. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Levels
1 2 1 2
2 4 2 4
3 6 3 8
4 8 4 15
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3.5. Peak Current of IEC 61000-4-2 ESD Standard
2 7.5
4 15.0
6 22.5
8 30.0
10 37.5
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4. ESD Protection Circuit Example
This section contains an example of an ESD protection circuit that can effectively suppress an IEC 61000-4-2 ESD
The following passive components can be included in an effective external ESD protection circuit: series resistors,
ferrites, filtering capacitors and inductors, transient voltage suppressors (e.g., TVS diodes), thyristors, varistors,
polymer, etc.
The ESD protection circuit composed from these above components can block ESD currents and clamp ESD-
induced high voltages. The exceeded ESD currents can be suppressed and shunted to minimize the effects of the
ESD pulses in the system. It is highly recommended to place the protection circuit as close as possible to the
connection point on the board where the ESD shock event can occur. This placing approach can minimize the
possibility of causing further couplings of the ESD currents and voltages to the other blocks on the module.
A general I/O connector of a piece of electrical equipment can be protected with the example circuit composed with
external passive components shown in Figure 4.
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5. Waveform Measurements as IEC 61000-4-2 Standard
Silicon Labs performed waveform measurements with the following setup:
IEC 61000-4-2 ESD standard test bench setup
IEC 61000-4-2 ESD standard test signals
Direct contact waveform measurements from the IEC 61000-4-2 test signal
Contact waveform measurements with applying an example ESD protection circuit
This section illustrates how the waveforms look before (direct measurement of IEC 61000-4-2 test signal) and after
an example ESD protection circuit. In addition, this section demonstrates the effectiveness of the protection circuit.
The TVS diode used in the example protection circuit (“D1”) is: SESD0402X1UN.
The ESD protection circuit was realized on a small PCB that only included the elements shown in Figure 4.
The following figures show the measured waveforms with different conditions such as voltage of the test signal,
different elements mounted on the ESD protection board, different element values, and etc. The conditions are
identified in each figure caption.
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Figure 8. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Signal, +2 kV, TVS Diode and C1 = 2 nF Mounted
Figure 9. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Signal, +8 kV, TVS Diode and C1 = 2 nF Mounted
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Figure 10. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Signal, +8 kV, TVS Diode and C1 = 2 nF, C2 = 33 pF Mounted
Figure 11. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Signal, +8 kV, TVS Diode and C1 = 2 nF, C2 = 33 pF, R =15
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Figure 12. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Signal, +8 kV, 2 TVS Diodes and C1 = 2 nF, C2 = 33 pF, R = 15
Figure 13. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Signal, +2 kV, 2 TVS Diodes and C1 = 2 nF, C2 = 33 pF, R = 15
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Figure 14. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Signal, +2 kV, 2 TVS Diodes and C1 = 2 nF, R = 15 Mounted,
Extended Time Scale
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Figure 15. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Signal, +2 kV, 2 TVS Diodes and C1= 2 nF, R = 15 Mounted
Figure 16. IEC 61000-4-2 Test Signal, +2 kV, 2 TVS Diodes and C1 = 2 nF, R = 15 Mounted
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6. ESD Demonstration on Silicon Labs’ Reference Design
Silicon Labs has also performed some extra measurements to demonstrate the effectiveness of the example ESD
protection circuit. The measurement setup is as follows:
HW: Silicon Labs Wireless Motherboard with Si4x6x RF Pico Board connected
Contact stressing the HW with IEC 61000-4-2 test signal directly
Contact stressing the HW with IEC 61000-4-2 test signal, but via the ESD protection circuit
Contact stressing points on the HW: single-row via test points of the RF Pico Board (see Figure 17)
ESCL pin: non-directly connected trace with the RF chip
VDD pin: power supply, direct connection with the RF chip
NSEL: directly connected trace with the RF chip
RF port: RF antenna connection point, not test point, extra notes in Section 8.
Note: Contact stressing the HW at these connection points is a very worst-case event compared to a real application where
these points are typically not directly led out on the final module.
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The ESD protection circuit applied during these demonstration measurements is shown in Figure 18. This circuit
was realized in a small PCB, separated from the RF Pico Board and Wireless Motherboard. Note that the example
of ESD protection circuit shown below can be applied on any general design (i.e., not only Si4x6x-based designs)
excluding on the RF or antenna ports.
RF port NO FAIL — —
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7. Layout Suggestions
The following layout suggestions are recommended to ensure the possible best immunity against any ESD shock:
Keep the antenna far from any connector that has potential risk for ESD shock.
Route traces far from the antenna; this helps to avoid any couplings between the traces and antenna that
prevents possible latch-up issues.
Always try to ensure good grounding in terms of RF (i.e., use large, continuous GND copper pouring on the
PCB with plenty of stitching vias).
Try to route the potential ESD risk traces (i.e., traces connected to the potential risk connectors) far from
the RF section.
Place the ESD protection circuit as close to the ESD shock point as possible. In this way, the further
couplings of the ESD shock signals can be minimized.
The application note, “AN629: Layout Design Guide”, also includes some RF-related recommendations. The
proper design of the PCB layout can minimize the possibility of any signal couplings and avoid the risk of failing
against an ESD shock.
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8. Antenna Protection
Due to the high operating frequency (RF) of the protected port of an ESD protection circuit, the most important
considerations are the following:
Do not use parallel capacitors since they can de-tune the RF antenna. The RF antenna is also frequency
dependent, so a maximum 0.5…1.5 pF capacitors are allowed in the sub-GHz region).
Do not use series inductors since they also de-tune the RF antenna. However, series bypass (bypass at
the operating frequency) capacitor can be used.
Do not use series resistors since they bring extra loss into the RF front-end and therefore cause RF power
efficiency degradation.
Take care about the parasitics of the selected TVS diode (or any other suppressor). Select fast, low
capacitance devices to minimize the de-tuning of the RF antenna.
Parallel shunt from RF to GND inductors can be used to suppress any low frequency noises. The value of
the parallel inductor has to be the same as the “RF choke inductor” (i.e., the inductor has to show high
impedance at the operating RF frequency that is equal with SRF, self-resonant-frequency, of the chip
Based on the additional RF port-related considerations described above, Figure 19 shows a generic suggested
ESD protection circuit for the RF antenna port. Note that the example of ESD protection circuit for RF and antenna
ports shown below can be applied on any general RF design (i.e., not only Si4x6x-based designs).
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9. POR when ESD Shock Occurs
This section highlights what happens if an ESD shock occurs that affects the operation of an Si4x6x device.
In most cases, when an ESD shock occurs, the radio chip is not damaged, but Power-On-Reset (POR) occurs.
This means that the radio chip can be re-configurable after the POR event and no hard impact results. By default,
the monitoring of the GPIO-1 signal results in detection of the POR, after which the chip settings can be sent to the
radio chip to get the radio properly working again.
Figure 21 shows the GPIO-1 signal during ESD shock. As shown in the figure, POR occurs and, when the GPIO-1
signal is high again, the radio can be configurable again by software.
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Smart. Connected.
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