Class 5.1 - Management of Forest Plantations
Class 5.1 - Management of Forest Plantations
Class 5.1 - Management of Forest Plantations
t of forest
1. Forest plantation: definition
A plantation is defined as a set of cultivated trees or plants; action of planting (Latin:
plantationenm). For its part, the word forest is everything related to forests (Italian:
forestes; medieval Latin forestis).
According to FAO (2002), forest plantations are defined as those forest formations planted
in the context of a forestation or reforestation process. These can be introduced or native
species that meet the requirements of a minimum area of 0.5 ha; a canopy cover of at least
10% of the ground cover, and a total height of adult trees above 5 m.
In summary, the term plantation refers to two aspects; a) the action of planting or sowing;
b) the existence of an ecosystem established through the planting of trees.
2. Planting Objective
The purpose of forest plantations is to achieve production objectives that allow obtaining
the best profitability for the producer, in accordance with other objectives such as soil
conservation, protection of water courses, fauna, scenic beauty and others.
In simplified form, the main objective of a forest producer can be from achieving the
maximum total volume per unit of area (many trees per
hectare, thin, without pruning, for pulp production), to
obtaining the maximum volume of raw material of good
quality. quality (few trees per hectare, thick and in good
shape, pruned in a successive and timely manner, for
wood free of knots and defects) to achieve industrial
products with greater added value. It must be kept in
mind that production objectives can be achieved in a
better way if the destination that will be given to the
forest is clear from the beginning, although these can be
reoriented to some degree during the life of the forest,
either due to changes in market or by its own conditions.
3. Classification of forest plantations There are different
criteria to classify forest plantations. The most common are the following;
a)Classification based on the ecosystem used.
Full plantation: Full plantation is the most used reforestation system worldwide. It
involves planting trees in a site that lacks vegetation and shrub cover.
Combined plantation:
these are plantations that
use native and exotic
species in the same
geographical space.
c)Classification based on
the destination of
4 Management of forest plantations
Thinning: When the trees grow, they occupy more space than
at the beginning of the plantation, this space generates
competition between trees, affecting the growth of each tree, so
it is necessary to thin out which consists of choosing the best
individuals and eliminating the poorly formed ones. so that
those chosen as “best” have more space and develop better.
Sprouting management: A large majority of trees have
the capacity to sprout, ensuring future planting, which
is why management is important. When the sprouts
reach more than 1 meter in height, four of the most
vigorous are chosen on each stump. The following year,
the best of the four is chosen and a new tree is created.
1. Satisfy a need to provide certain woody raw material for which forest
regulations or the needs of local markets must be considered, and also propose
silvicultural management according to industrial requirements, distances from
markets or own production (short shifts without thinning, or intermediate with
thinning; small-sized “firewood” or “shredding” type material, and thick sawn
2. The selection of species must take into account the ecological elements of the
place (edaphic and climatic factors), to which due attention must be paid well in
advance of the implementation of the plan, to choose species and propose their
best location on the ground. . In this sense, there are species that have notable
degrees of adaptation to very variable ecological conditions, that grow in
conditions of high or minimal ambient humidity and wide climatic range, both in
loose and compact soils, deep or superficial, rich or poor.
6. Planting or growing trees
Eucalyptus production system
The production of eucalyptus trees for reforestation can be done in two ways: by
using seeds on the one hand and by using clones on the other. The current trend is
to produce 90% from clones and leave only 10% to do it with seeds. This is due to
the advantages that one system offers in relation to the other.
In seed production, it must be taken into account that the seed is the result of
sexual reproduction, so each plant obtained will have something from the father
and the mother, consequently there will be genetic variability. On the other hand,
when we talk about clones we have the same, superior individual, which was
selected and multiplied vegetatively. In this way, thousands of plants identical to
the original with their characteristics, shape, growth, and health can be obtained
from one plant.
Comparatively, there is a difference in growth of 30% between plantations
obtained by clones, in relation to those from seeds.
The clones grow 30% faster, meaning that instead of waiting 13 to 14 years
to harvest the species, the time will be reduced to 10 or 11 years.
Advantages of using clones
In enterprises dedicated to the production of solid wood, they work with 800
plants per hectare in the first year. Then, in the second year, the first thinning is
carried out, where the plant density decreases to 400 per ha. In the fifth year, the
second thinning is done and the number of plants is reduced from 400 to 200 per
hectare. Finally, these plants will be up to 10 or 12 years old for the final cut or
clear felling.
Silvopastoral system
Several livestock companies opt for the silvopastoral system, in which the
distance between the planting rows increases by 6 to 8 m, and 2 to 2.3 m between
plants. This provides about 625 plants per ha. The silvopastoral system is
interesting for the producer since it will be able to offer two different products:
meat and wood. The commercialization of meat will amortize the cost of
implementing reforestation and this, in turn, will provide animal well-being:
protection in the winter and shade in the summer. This is how complementation
is achieved between one activity and another.
Technical aspects
Among the technical aspects to take into account, soil preparation remains
essential, and should be carried out in the following way.
Preparation is carried out in strips with a disc harrow only in the plantation lines,
with widths of 2 meters and distances of 4 meters. In this way, the costs of the
activity are reduced. Afterwards, 2 or 3 passes should be made until a well-fluffy
soil is obtained. Another option is the use of subsoilers, requiring at least 3 tines:
one in the front and two in the back; The first one opens a furrow, and the two
later ones close it; It must also have a pair of dislocated discs with floating axles to
break up clods.
Ant control
Ant control should be carried out at least a month before the start of planting. In
the first pass, the anthills should be identified and differentiate, if possible, the
genus of ants to which they belong; that is, if they are Atta (ysau) or Acromyrmex
To control the akẽkẽ, upon finding the anthill, a hole must be made in the center of
it, so that 5 grams of anticide (fipronil-based granulated bait) can be placed; The
hole must later be covered.
To control ysaú, when you find the anthill, you should measure its surface and put
10 grams of anticide (fipronil-based granulated bait) per square meter of anthill,
distributing it 20 centimeters from the main entrances, without obstructing the
lanes. Applications must be made on dry soil.
Pre-plant herbicide application
For the actual planting, a well is dug in the center of the prepared strip, the
seedling is placed, covered with soil and lightly compressed with the feet around
the plant. Each operator must have a short stick and a stick to measure the
planting distance.
On days with low soil moisture, the dry soil should be removed from the top and
planted in the moist area. Between day 5 and day 10 of planting, a review will be
carried out to replace any faults that may exist in the table due to poor planting.