A Benchmark Test System For Networked Microgrids
A Benchmark Test System For Networked Microgrids
A Benchmark Test System For Networked Microgrids
Abstract—The coordinated operation of multiple micro- supply loads within a clearly defined electrical boundary. MGs
grids (MGs) enables high penetration of locally available can sell excess power to distribution grids in a grid-connected
distributed energy resources. It enhances the reliability and mode or operate autonomously in an islanded mode. In an MG,
resiliency of the power network and reduces the cost of
energy. Although networked MGs have attracted significant nonrenewable DGs include diesel engines (DEs), microturbines
research interests, validation of various studies is difficult (MTs), fuel cells (FCs), and combined heat and power (CHP)
because there is no benchmark test system available for plants, and renewable DGs include solar photovoltaic (PV) pan-
such systems. A benchmark test system can be used to els and wind turbines (WTs) [2]. These DGs may be dispatchable
validate static and dynamic studies related to the network-
or nondispatchable. The power generation from PV panels and
ing of multiple MGs, such as optimal power flow, energy
management, control, stability, and protection. To fill in WTs are usually nondispatchable in nature, whereas the power
this research gap, a benchmark test system for networked output from CHPs, MTs, FCs, and DEs are fully dispatchable. In
MGs is proposed in this article, where four independent the islanded mode of an MG, a dispatchable DG with sufficient
MGs are interconnected and coordinated. Required data, capacity is required to maintain power balance and avoid load
such as line parameters, load data, and power generating shedding [3].
sources, have been prepared for each MG considered in the
system. To provide a general test platform, typical datasets The increased frequency and severity of weather-related
are made as close to practical MGs as possible. Parameters events and catastrophic man-made incidents, such as cyber-
used to evaluate reliability indices and resiliency measures attack, equipment failure, technical errors, can create wide-
of the system are given for the entire test system. Future spread blackouts, cause huge financial losses and discontinuity
potential studies, which can be tested on the proposed of power supply to the consumers [4]. Networked MGs enhance
benchmark test system, are discussed.
resiliency of power system infrastructure [5], provide more
Index Terms—Benchmark, distributed generation, eco- reliable and economic power supply to consumers [6], and
nomic scheduling, load flow data, microgrids (MGs), offer competitive ancillary services [7], and thus, have attracted
networked microgrids.
significant research interest recently. During emergencies, co-
ordinated operation of networked MGs can continue supplying
I. INTRODUCTION power to the critical loads for a longer period of time, and help
restoring the main grid power by providing black-start support
ETWORKING of multiple microgrids (MGs) is emerging
N as one of the promising alternative to improve resiliency
and reliability of power systems. It provides suitable electric in-
to conventional power stations [4], [5].
Since networked MGs have emerged as one important aspect
of modern smart grids, many research and development centers
frastructure to utilize cost-effective and environmental-friendly
all over the globe are involved in conducting miscellaneous stud-
electric power generated from distributed energy resources
ies in this area [8]–[10]. The reported research in the literature
(DERs) [1]. MGs are defined as entities to integrate clusters of
on networked MGs can be categorized as follows:
renewable and non-renewable distributed generations (DGs) to
1) system planning, considering reliability and cost evalua-
tion [11]–[15];
Manuscript received August 28, 2019; accepted February 23, 2020.
Date of publication February 27, 2020; date of current version June 22,
2) voltage and frequency control [16]–[18];
2020. This work was supported by the Department of Science and Tech- 3) power flow and power sharing through advanced control
nology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, under and communication techniques [19]–[21];
the Project DST/EE/2018174. Paper no. TII-19-3941. (Corresponding
author: Mahamad Nabab Alam.)
4) economic dispatch through optimization, energy manage-
Mahamad Nabab Alam and Saikat Chakrabarti are with the Depart- ment and scheduling [22]–[25];
ment of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 5) service restoration [26], [27];
208016, India (e-mail: itsmnalam@gmail.com; saikatc@iitk.ac.in).
Xiaodong Liang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer En-
6) stability enhancement [28].
gineering College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saska- Initially, the focus is on analyzing economic benefits, relia-
toon, SK S7N 5A9, Canada (e-mail: xil659@mail.usask.ca). bility improvement, and resiliency against system failures. The
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
development of a master controller for seamless integration of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2020.2976893 different types of MGs, efficient energy management systems,
1551-3203 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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and adaptive protection scheme further advance the networked II. NEEDS OF A BENCHMARK TEST SYSTEM FOR
MGs research. The ancillary services in a competitive energy NETWORKED MICROGRIDS
market and emergency demand response are the additional
A. Purpose
emerging areas. However, these studies have been reported
on diverse test systems of different sizes, and it is difficult to Networked MG is a new and highly explored research area,
compare the performances of one approach with the other. and can provide the best electrical infrastructure to utilize DERs
All existing test systems considered on networked MGs in and offer ancillary services in competitive energy market. Sev-
the literature can be broadly divided into two categories: 1) eral universities and research laboratories are working toward the
benchmark by dividing an existing test system into multiple MGs development of suitable technologies for seamless integration of
[6], [12], [15], [17], [27] and 2) benchmark by adding MGs to multiple MGs. However, since there is no benchmark test system
an existing test system [11], [20], [22], [23], [26], [28]. In the currently available in this area, it becomes difficult to analyze
first category, the networked topology remains almost the same superiority of one study over the other proposed for the planning
as the original test system, and only the DERs are placed into the and seamless operation of such systems. To fill in this research
system, which cannot represent a real networked MG system. gap, a benchmark test system for networked MGs is proposed
In the second category, the topological and complete data of in this article.
the added MGs are missing, which makes them difficult to be The purpose of the benchmark test system is to provide a
used for validation of different studies other than the considered suitable test platform for performing various simulation studies,
one. Hence, none of these test systems can be considered as a such as power flow, control, stability, protection, and energy
generalized benchmark test system. A few test systems do not management for networked MGs. Additionally, comparative
belong to the above categories [13], [16], [25]. They are small, analysis of algorithms developed for these studies can also be
very simplified, and only suitable for a specific use, which makes performed on this test system. It can provide full dataset to
them hard to be accepted as a benchmark for networked MGs. the researchers to validate their research works. The test cases
None of the existing test systems give reliability and resiliency should be as per the latest IEEE Standard 1547–2018 [35].
quantification data. They are mostly suitable for static simulation
studies, while the dynamic simulation data have not been given
adequately for networked MGs. Therefore, there is an urgent B. Benefit
need of a benchmark test system for networked MGs, so that a In the proposed benchmark test system, four MGs of different
comparative study can be performed to identify and validate the sizes and topologies have been considered. There is a total of
most effective approaches for any applications. five point of common couplings (PCCs) to interconnect among
In the literature, several benchmarks are available for MGs the four MGs. The PCCs can be switched “ON/OFF” as per
[29]. The CIGRE has also developed MG benchmarks for dif- the requirement. The presented benchmark gives hourly load
ferent voltage levels [30]. These benchmarks have been selected flow data for one year. It also gives the data of DERs, energy
by designers as general standard networks to test upon [31]. The storage, curtailable and non-curtailable loads, failure rate, and
studies on MGs, such as analyzing the impact of DERs on power repair time for each component considered. These data can be
flow, voltage profile, system stability, power quality, energy used to test control and stability studies of networked MGs. The
management, overall system reliability, control, and protection, evaluation of reliability and resiliency indices are one of the
can be validated [32]–[34]. However, it is difficult to validate major advantages of this benchmark. Studies related to demand
studies on networked MGs because there is no benchmark test side management and energy storage planning can be tested on
system available for such systems. this benchmark test system.
In this article, a benchmark test system for networked MGs
with four MGs of different sizes is developed. The data for the
entire system have been chosen as per the IEEE Standard 1547- III. NETWORKED MICROGRID SYSTEM
2018 [35] and the guidelines adopted in [36]. This proposed
benchmark test system provides a simulation platform to validate A. Microgrids
several studies including power flow, reliability, and resiliency An MG is a single control entity powered by DGs to serve
analysis for a networked MG system. It is suitable for both static local loads with the ability to interconnect with the main grid.
and dynamic simulation studies of networked MGs. Individual MGs may be of ac, dc, or hybrid ac–dc type depending
The rest of this article is organized as follows: In Section II, on the local power generation and the demand. From ownership
purpose and benefits of the proposed benchmark test system point of view, an MG may belong to utility, community, or private
are provided; in Section III, the topology of the test system party [16]. The operation scheduling of these MGs may be
is described; various system data for the load flow analysis, diverse depending on their own energy planning and economic
dynamic simulation, and evaluating reliability indices are given rules. Load and generation balance must be maintained during
in Sections IV, V, and VI, respectively; the information related to all the operating conditions to keep frequency and voltage of
quantifying resiliency of the system are discussed in Section VII; MGs within the operating limits. In a grid-connected mode, this
the potential test cases using the proposed benchmark test system balance is handled by the grid, which works as the slack bus
are given in Section VIII. Section IX concludes this article. for the MG. In an islanded mode, dispatchable DG with enough
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the mentioned hour and the same pattern is repeated for the
TABLE IX mentioned weeks. Similarly, the wind power generation during
HOURLY LOAD DATA IN PERCENTAGE OF DAILY PEAK LOAD the mentioned hours of the weeks is assumed to be fixed. All
four MGs are geographically located near to one another. The
percentage power contributions from PV panels and WTs are in
proportion to their installed capacities in all MGs. The deficit
power at any time is handled by the utility grid directly. In case
of no power supply from the utility grid or as per the energy
management strategy, one or more standby SGs can be started
to contribute power requirement. The system operator of net-
worked MGs is authorized to schedule generation level of each
SG to contribute power so that load is supplied economically at
any particular hour.
The details of ESS installed at various buses are given in
Table XIV. These ESSs are Lithium-ion batteries. With 80%
depth of discharge, the installed battery systems can supply
each MG for more than one hour during the peak load. The
charging and discharging efficiencies of the ESSs including
inverter/converter sections are 0.95 and 0.92, respectively [44].
As stated earlier, normal and critical loads are supplied through
separate DTs. Modeling of loads and generation of buses are
assumed as shown in Fig. 5. All the DTs used in MG1 and
at bus 406 of MG4 are of 500 kVA and 11 kV/415 V rating,
whereas the rest of the DTs are of 250 kVA and 11 kV/415 V
rating. The kVA rating of the converter transformer has been
adopted so that it can supply the maximum power as mentioned
in Table XIV. All the SGs are generating power at 11 kV, and
thus, can be connected directly to the allocated bus in MGs.
TABLE X Similarly, all WTs are assumed to supply power to the system
at 11 kV. The WT generators are asynchronous ac generators,
which generate power at 690 V and stepped up to 11 kV using
a step-up transformer. The PV modules are arranged in a way
to produce power at 415 V dc at all the locations in MGs. The
battery banks are arranged in the same way to charge or discharge
at 415 V. The power converter for PV modules converts dc into ac
at the same voltage, which is then stepped up at 11 kV to integrate
to the concerned PV bus. The data for step-up transformer are
given in Table XV. The per-unit (p.u.) values mentioned in these
tables are on the nameplate rating of the equipment. The kVA
rating of the transformer is the same as the WT rating. Also, the
p.u. parameters of converter transformer and DTs are considered
the same on their nameplate rating as mentioned in Table XV.
The vector connection of all the transformers is considered as
Dyn-11. The DERs have low voltage ride through capability as
mentioned in the latest IEEE standard [35].
Initially, the state-of-charge (SoC) of the batteries are assumed
to be the lowest, i.e., 20% of their full capacity. Charging and
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TABLE XVII The number of customers connected to each bus in the net-
worked MGs is given in Table XIX. Customers of normal loads
and priority loads are connected to the networked MGs through
different DTs as shown in Fig. 5. The total number of DTs
connected to each bus for supplying normal and priority loads
are included in Table XIX. The number of customers connected
to each DT at a particular bus can be assumed nearly equal as
per Table XIX.
TABLE XVIII The other reliability data related to terminal substation equip-
FAILURE RATE AND REPAIR DURATION OF CABLES IN MGS ment are adopted as follows [50].
A. Circuit Breaker
1) Failure rate = 0.0066 f/yr.
2) Outage duration = 36 h.
B. Distribution Transformer
1) Failure rate = 0.02 f/yr.
2) Outage duration = 192 h.
C. Bus Section
1) Failure rate = 0.22 f/yr.
2) Outage duration = 10 h.
The reliability data of tie-cables are not included because these
are not the part of a particular MG. The reliability measure of
the proposed benchmark test system is analyzed by assuming
seven outage incidents given in Table XX. The first column of
the table shows the time at which the interruption occurs. It is
indicated as week of the year (W), day of the week (D) and hour
of the day (H). It is assumed that before the mentioned incidents,
impedance [45] and the negative-sequence impedance for the
PCC1, PCC2, and PCC3 were “ON,” while the other two PCCs
cables can be assumed equal to the actual impedance. These
were “OFF.” The actual outage duration of cables B01 and C08
datasets can be used to test the performance of networked
are 72 and 24 h, respectively, as mentioned in Table XVIII.
MGs under topological switching and widely changing load
However, the services in the affected areas were restored quickly
and generation. These details are very useful for doing stability
by networking the healthy MGs to supply the affected areas.
studies, short-circuit analysis, and protection planning.
Loads of buses 309–310 were restored in 10 min and that of buses
202–209 were restored in 30 min. Thus, autonomous operation
VI. DATA FOR RELIABILITY EVALUATION of MGs takes longer time to restore supply as compared to
To evaluate reliability of a power distribution network, relia- networked MGs.
bility indices need to be calculated as discussed in the IEEE stan- By using the information given in Table XX, three reliability
dard 1366–2012 [48]. Commonly used reliability indices include indices, viz., SAIFI, SAIDI, and ENS, are calculated. It is
the system average interruption frequency index (SAIFI), system assumed that the load remains constant throughout the outages as
average interruption duration index (SAIDI), customer average mentioned in this table. For autonomous MG system, the values
interruption duration index (CAIDI), the energy not supplied of SAIFI, SAIDI, and ENS are 0.34, 9.45 h, and 215316 kWh, re-
(ENS), and average energy not supplied [49]. spectively. On the other hand, for networked MG system, SAIDI
To enable the proposed benchmark test system for reliability and ENS reduced to 3.6 h and 71011 kWh, respectively. SAIFI
evaluation, the following data are prepared. Failure rate corre- remains the same in the both the cases. Significant reduction
sponding to permanent outages and repair duration of all the in SAIDI and ENS indicates that networking of multiple MGs
cables used in the four MGs are given in Table XVIII. The improves reliability of the system significantly.
transient outages are rare in distribution systems, where only Recently, some new reliability indices especially defined for
underground cables are used. The outage rate of a given cable islanded MGs [51] can also be used to analyze the reliability
is calculated as follows [50]: improvement with the given information.
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events through their ability to prepare adequately and respond where the quantification of performance loss against extreme
comprehensively [4]. Thus, a resilient power system will be able event is expressed as follows:
to withstand disruptions pertaining to severe weather (such as t4
1 P0 − P (t)
hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis). It may include some other loss = dt. (4)
severe conditions, such as climate changes, catastrophic man- t 4 − t 1 t1 P (t)
made incidents (such as malicious attack, network operator mis- From (3) and (4), it is observed that the degree of resiliency
steps), and a combination of such incidents [52], [53]. ranges from 0 to . indicates that the system is perfectly
Fig. 7 shows the typical performance curve of the system resilient, whereas 0 indicates no resiliency. Perfect resiliency
in the wake of an extreme event with respect to time [4]. The means no performance degradation, while 0 resiliency means an
performance of the system (i.e., system power supply) is P0 at immediate collapse of the system performance after the extreme
time t1 when an extreme event occurs. After a period of time event.
at t2 , the active power supply of the system rapidly declines An extreme event is assumed to occur in the calendar year,
to its lowest level Pmin . Restoration work started at t3 to bring which causes a wide-spread outage in the networked MG system.
back the performance of the system from the lowest level to the This extreme event is assumed to damage the transmission line
normal active power level, which is reached completely at t4 . of the utility grid. The power supply from the utility grid stops
The system resiliency is defined as the reciprocal of loss of because of this damage at 10:20 P.M. on the 2nd day of the 16th
system performance as given in the following equation [4]: week of the year. Following the failure of the main supply, PCCs
1 are opened and MGs islanded from each other. In a short while,
resiliency = (3) standby SGs of MG2, MG3, and MG4 started to handle the
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Fig. 8. Timeline of the events occurred in the networked MG system on the 2nd day of the 16th week of the year.
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2017. Saskatchewan, Canada.
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