Charles Glass
Charles Glass
Charles Glass
Why is Charles Glass the Godfather of Bodybuilding?
Charles has over 40 years of experience as a trainer.
Charles has modi昀椀ed his methods through years of
practical experience, observation, and results to produce
dramatic and signi昀椀cant gains to anyone that applies
them. Prior to becoming the Godfather of Bodybuilding,
Charles was an engineer. His engineering background
gave him additional insight and perspective on ways to
manipulate the angles of exercises to improve their ability
to recruit muscle 昀椀bers. Charles is known for adjusting
exercises so that a greater number of muscle 昀椀bers are
recruited, which leads to greater development of the
trained muscles.
• Flex Wheeler
• Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
• Gunter Schlierkamp
• Shawn Rhoden
• Chris Cormier
• Paul Dillett
• Guy Cisternino
• Hidetada Yamagishi
• Wesley Snipes
• Steve Cook
• Eddie Bracamontes
• Sugar Ray Leonard
• Magic Johnson
• Ben Pakulski
Neal Cochran is a 39-year-old police lieutenant
that has been weight training since he was
15 years old. Neal describes his genetics as
average at best. Having read and tried almost
everything to gain weight and have success in
the gym, he reached out to Charles in 2013 for a
training session. After one session with Charles,
he realized how wrong he previously had been
performing exercises. When training with Charles,
he soon recruited 昀椀bers he did not know he had.
He noticed the most dramatic gains of his life and
stopped acquiring many of the injuries that had
plagued him before he met Charles.
Fundamentals Chest Quadriceps Hamstrings
of a Basic
1 6 9 12
15 17 21 24
Triceps Abs
26 28
I primarily use rep ranges of 8-10, with quads
varying from 8-20 reps. I stick to speci昀椀c I generally prescribe straight sets. A straight
rep ranges during a workout so as to target set is when you repeat your sets on one
speci昀椀c 昀椀bers. Fibers that are trained in these particular exercise until you reach your total
rep ranges are the most important to gain size desired number of sets. I generally prescribe
and shape. four sets per exercise, but will do only three if
the trainee is tired or a beginner.
The purpose of sticking to given rep ranges is
to fatigue the 昀椀bers that are trained in that rep I generally prescribe 12-16 sets per body part.
range. Examples of rep ranges I may use on Larger body parts need more sets than smaller
the given exercises are: body parts. I classify the following as large
recklessly. I have found that reps performed can reduce injuries. Repetitive motion, which
at the aforementioned speed allow you to is what weight training is, can cause micro
place the greatest amount of weight and trauma that can lead to injuries. Speci昀椀cally,
tension on the muscles, which leads to greater muscles can bind together because adhesions
hypertrophy. develop between 昀椀bers and at points where
muscles intersect. When adhesions develop,
There are occasions where I use dead stops, they reduce the amount of pump one can
AKA paused presses, and slow concentric attain as well as hinder performance because
movements, but they are advanced concepts they do not allow opposing muscles to 昀椀re
and will be discussed in later publications. independently. Periodically stretching between
sets can reduce the frequency of injuries and
the resulting development of adhesions.
Structural Balance:
In the event your injuries become too severe
When you design your workout, you should or debilitating, I have found that the best
be mindful of de昀椀ciencies in the development treatment is myofascial release therapy. Its
of your muscles. You should always strive to fundamentals can be researched extensively
develop each body part to its fullest so that you via the Internet.
are never overly dominant in one particular
area. I will explore this further in later chapters
by addressing some of the more commonly Training Splits:
de昀椀cient body parts.
I train body parts in the following sequence
over the course of a week. This requires you
Weight Belts: train 昀椀ve days a week:
When you perform exercises, please keep in
mind the importance of angles. As you follow
along, you will understand what I mean. The
angle at which you place your hands or feet
on a given exercise, particularly in pressing
movements, will play a direct role in how well
you recruit the targeted 昀椀bers. In almost all
pressing movements, you should have your
hands or feet just shy of 90 degrees when
your arm or leg is in the bent position. We use
this concept later to demonstrate the proper
execution of exercises.
Selection of Exercises:
When I design a workout for a client, I assess
their structural de昀椀ciencies. My goal is to
ensure complete development of each muscle
group. I work a muscle group by training it at all
angles so no portion of the muscle is neglected.
For example, I would never have a client do 昀氀at
dumbbell bench presses, 昀氀at machine bench
presses, and 昀氀at barbell bench in the same
workout. Let us explore the various ways you
can ensure maximal development for your
The chest is a crucial region for men. Having to put greater emphasis on the upper
full, thick Pecs is a must if you are going to pectoral muscles.
take your shirt o昀昀 at the beach or pool. Using
the tips presented in this book can facilitate • The inner edges of the dumbbells
pectoral growth. They will ensure maximal should be in line with your outer
recruitment and development of your pectoral pecs, where the pectoral muscles and
muscles. shoulders tie in, during the press.
are placed in the right place, the width placed onto the pectoral muscles. To
of your grip should be the width your accomplish this, the width of your grip
hands would naturally go if you put should be the width your hands would
them in the air when you are lying naturally go if you put them in the air
down. when you are lying down.
Watch the following video for a demonstration: Watch the following video for a demonstration:
• Pinch your shoulder blades together. • Keep elbows lower than shoulders by
about two inches during the exercise.
• Drive straight up from the nipples.
• Drive your toes into ground, which
• Ensure the middle portion of your helps drive your torso into the padding
back is slightly arched, allowing your of machine.
shoulder blades to drive into the bench
while keeping your glutes on the pad. • The bottom end of the range of motion
is about two inches above the chest.
• The top range of motion is just shy of
locked arms so as to keep tension on » Going all the way down places
the 昀椀bers. tension on the shoulder muscles,
thereby allowing the pectorals
• The bottom range of motion is about a break from tension, which
two or three inches above the chest. reduces hypertrophy.
Lowering the bar further recruits
shoulder muscles and takes tension o昀昀 • The top of the range of motion is
the pectoral muscles, thereby reducing just shy of locked arms so as to keep
hypertrophy by giving the pectoral tension on the pectoral 昀椀bers.
muscles a rest.
• When performing reps, the arm should
• If you are standing over a person be just shy of a 90-degree angle when
performing this exercise, where a the arm is bent.
spotter would stand, make sure their
arm is just inside of a 90-degree angle. • These principles can be used on all
This will ensure maximal tension is 昀氀at bench press machines. They can
also be used on all 昀氀at bench press pectoral exercises. To do this properly, you
movements. would vary the angles of the two upper pectoral
movements. This will ensure a variety of 昀椀bers
Watch the following video for a demonstration: are still targeted.
Chest Workout
My approach to legs is di昀昀erent from Watch the following video for a demonstration:
many people’s in that I do quadriceps and
hamstrings on separate days. Both sides of
the legs require intensity and a high volume of
sets to ensure hypertrophy. If your quads are Free Motion Back Squats – All
trained properly, you will not have the energy
to train your hamstrings e昀昀ectively in the same Quadriceps Muscles with some
workout. Let’s review some basic leg principles glute recruitment
to ensure maximal leg development.
The Free Motion Squat Machine allows people
to duplicate the squat but maintain stricter
form with greater ease. If your gym has a
Leg Extensions – Vastus Medialis
Hammer Strength Squat Machine, these
I always begin with leg extensions to warm principles will apply.
up the quadriceps. Leg extensions are not
mass builders. Although used as a warm-up • Place your back against the back pad.
exercise, they can also be used as a 昀椀nishing
• Feet should be shoulder-width apart or
exercise to sculpt the muscles by enhancing
slightly wider.
the separation of the quadriceps muscles.
• Your foot placement is crucial to
• Toes should be pointed upwards,
success on this movement. From a
towards your knees aka dorsi昀氀exed
side view, when you are in the bottom
(shins 昀氀exed) throughout the
position, your legs should be just less
than a 90-degree angle. If you are at
an angle greater than 90 degrees, the
• Toes should be angled slightly outward.
tension will transfer to the glutes.
• To enhance quadriceps activation, set
• Toes should be pointed out slightly.
the seat back so you can lean your
body backwards during movement.
• The chest should be upright.
• Throughout the movement, retract
• Push your lower back into the back pad
your shoulders and keep your chest
throughout the movement.
• Break/bend at the hips – if you feel pain
in your knees as you lower, there is a
good chance you are breaking at the • Drop straight down and towards the
knees instead of the hips. machine. Your knees will travel towards
the pad about 1-2 inches as you
• Push your abdominal wall into your descend. You will initially bend down
weight belt as you drive upward. This at the knees, but immediately transfer
relieves the hip 昀氀exors of tension so the weight to your hips and continue to
you can drop into position more easily. lower the weight.
• Push through your heels as you begin • Do not allow the glutes to shoot back –
the ascent. this will strain the lower back and take
tension o昀昀 the quads.
Watch the following video for a demonstration: • Push through your heels as you begin
the ascent.
Free Motion Front Squats – All • If you feel pain in your knees on the
way down, there is a good chance you
Quadriceps Muscles – emphasis have not transferred the tension onto
on quads your hips.
The Free Motion Squat Machine allows people • Push your abdominal wall into your
to create a machine version of the front squat belt. This allows the hip 昀氀exors to
but maintain stricter form with greater ease. release so you can maintain a smooth
If your gym has a Hammer Strength Squat rep movement going up and down in
Machine, these principles will apply. the squat.
• Face the back pad. Watch the following video for a demonstration:
• Feet should be shoulder-width apart or
slightly wider.
• Do not place the weight plates all the Leg Press – All Quadriceps with
way against the machine. You need to additional emphasis on the
pull them out a few inches on each side Vastus Medialis
so they do not strike your legs when
you lower the weight. • From a side view, the back pad should
almost be parallel to the footpad. Many
• Toes should be pointed slightly people recline the back pad of the leg
outward. press too far. Reclining too far reduces
the recruitment of the quadriceps.
• The top 30% of your foot should
extend beyond the footpad. If you are • When seated, stick your chest up,
shorter, your feet can go on the metallic retract your shoulders, and anchor your
portions. Taller people will have their lower back into the bottom portion of
feet wider than the metallic portions the seat.
because their feet are placed wider.
• If possible, place a two- or three-inch-
• The edge of the padding should cover thick pad behind your upper back. This
your trapezius muscles. allows you to keep your chest up and
facilitates a full range of motion.
• Your chest should be upright. Do not
slouch into the machine. • Place your feet at least shoulder-width
apart on the footpad. position of the squat, your legs are just
inside of a 90-degree angle.
• Toes should be pointed slightly
outward. • If you do not have a pad, lift your
body upwards so that the ends of the
• Pull down on either the handles or the shoulder pads are on your traps.
seat pad when you push the foot pad
upwards. • Drive your lower back into the back
pad. When you lift upwards, the
• The top range of motion should be just tension should be placed on the back
shy of lockout. pad via your lower back, not your traps.
This ensures your tension is kept on
• Preferably wear a weight belt. Blow into the quadriceps.
the belt, 昀氀exing your abdominal muscles
with each concentric repetition. • Top position – do not lock your legs.
• The bottom range of motion should • Bottom position – aim to make your
be when the vastus medialis muscles calves meet your hamstrings.
contact your pectoral muscles, just
above your armpits. Watch the following video for a demonstration:
• When bent, from a side view, your legs
should form an angle just less than 90
Watch the following video for a demonstration:
Quad Workout
A. Leg Extension 4 X 12-15
B. Free Motion Front Squats 4 X 10-12
Hack Squats C. Leg Press 4 X 10-12
D. Hack Squats 4 X 10-12
I have modi昀椀ed the way my clients do hack
squats by placing a pad behind their upper
back when they perform the exercise. This lifts
the chest o昀昀 the back pad, which allows you
to break at the hips easier, which allows for an
A. Leg Extension 4 X 12-15
easier recruitment of the quadriceps.
B1. Free Motion Front Squats 4 X 8-10
B2. Free Motion Back Squats 4 X 8-10
• Place a pad behind shoulder blades.
C. Leg Press 4 X 10-12
D. Hack Squats 4 X 10-12
• If you do not have a pad, elevate your
torso so that your traps are supported
For purposes of clari昀椀cation, you will superset
by the edge of the machine’s pad (Your
exercises B1 and B2, and there will be no rest
upper back will not make contact with
between them. A superset is when you do
the back padding of the machine.).
a set for an exercise and immediately begin
• Keep your shoulder blades retracted another set doing a di昀昀erent exercise.
and arch your chest upwards.
The hamstrings are the biceps of the upper • To reduce the bend of your torso due
legs. They are often neglected because they to the machine’s design, I recommend
cannot be seen easily in the mirror. Hamstrings tucking your elbows under your upper
can make or break a bodybuilder’s success in torso and resting them on the pad.
competition because hamstring development This will help you keep your torso erect
is a sign of complete development and attention during the movement.
to detail. Even if you do not compete, having
non-existent hamstrings is a great way to ruin • You should maintain dorsi-昀氀exion
the aesthetics of your legs. of your toes during the movement.
This means you must keep your toes
pointed up, towards your knees,
Lying Leg Curls – Upper because it enhances recruitment of
• Your feet should be parallel.
A problem a昀昀ecting hamstring development is
that the vast majority of leg curl machines are • The top of your kneecaps should be
poorly designed. Most leg curl machines have just below the edge of the pad.
a hump in the middle of the machine. People
will often follow the design of the machine • The leg pad should be right at your
to perform the exercise. Unfortunately, the Achilles tendon.
hump in the machine results in poor execution
and limits the recruitment of 昀椀bers. Let’s • While executing the movement, you
review some basic fundamentals of hamstring must 昀氀ex your glutes and tighten your
execution to ensure you get maximal abdominal muscles. These two tips
development when training. will vastly increase the recruitment of
your hamstrings. Conversely, these
• When you watch someone perform tips will also result in a substantial
this exercise from a side view, his reduction of the poundage you can
or her upper body should be as you use. Be patient, as this strength
erect as possible. This goes against will return with continued proper form.
conventional wisdom as most all
machines have a slight bend in I have included two videos for this exercise.
the middle of the machine. When One involves a machine that has a minimal
a person bends forward, as the hump. The other video shows how I correct
machine’s design suggests, it reduces the hump in the machine to make it more
recruitment of the hamstrings. e昀昀ective by placing a box on the machine.
Watch the following videos for a demonstration: Kneeling Single Lying Leg Curls
– Upper Hamstring
Lying Leg Curl Machine with Hump: • The non-working leg should be placed
on the ground as though you were in
Lying Leg Curl Machine with no Hump: the lunge type of position.
• Toes should be in a dorsi昀氀exion
Seated Leg Curls – Lower
• Flex your glutes and abdominals as
Hamstring you curl upward. Do not allow your
torso to lean forward as you curl
• Keep your chest upright. upwards. Keep your torso upright.
• Keep your shoulders retracted. • Place your forearms under your torso
to keep you propped in an erect
• Your kneecaps should be just below
the hinge on the machine that allows
the leg pad to bend. Placing your • Lower the working leg just shy of
knees just below the hinge allows for lockout.
recruitment of the 昀椀bers at the lower
insertion point of the hamstrings. • Be cognizant of the slight angle and
opening created around the hip
• Feet should be parallel. region of the working leg (refer to
video). This needs to be maintained
• Toes should be in dorsi昀氀exion position,
throughout the movement.
which means your shins will be 昀氀exed.
The reason we do not point our toes
Watch the following video for a demonstration:
downward AKA plantar 昀氀exion is
because it places emphasis on the
calf muscles, diminishing hamstring
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts in
• Pull the upper leg pad onto your thighs Hack Squat Machine – Glute/
as tight as possible so you have no
Hamstring Tie-In
play between your legs and the pad.
• Face the machine.
• With each repetition, hold the
contraction at the bottom range of • Place your feet so that your toes are
the movement for one second before on the ground and your heels are on
releasing upward. This will enhance the pad.
the recruitment of the 昀椀bers.
• Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
• Raise the pad just short of lockout.
• Make sure your toes are pointed
Watch the following video for a demonstration: forward and feet are parallel.
• Rest your traps under the shoulder
Hamstrings Workout
Calves are the 昀椀nishing touches on balanced, exercises by merely changing the positioning
complete legs. Given that calf muscles are of your feet. Simply point your toes inward,
designed to help us walk around, they are parallel or outward. Keep your toes positioned
designed to tolerate a greater workload. I 昀椀nd in these angles throughout your workout so as
that people often do not train these muscles to ensure maximal fatigue to the trained 昀椀bers.
enough or with proper technique. These
muscles can be trained up to three times a Watch the following video for a demonstration:
week, depending on how much development
they need.
Calf Workout
Shoulders have an important role in creating from machine. This allows my hands to
the visual impact of an aesthetic physique. lower in a more e昀昀ective manner than
The only way to ensure complete development facing the machine.
of the shoulders is to train the muscles in such
a manner that all heads – anterior, lateral and • Keep arms in a slight bend, no more
posterior – are equally developed. than 10 degrees, but do not lock them
• Make sure your elbows stay under the • Bottom position – Handles will be in
plates of the dumbbells. When the line with eye level. Common knowledge
weight is too heavy, people will allow demands you lower the weight all
their elbows to 昀氀are outward. the way down, but this places undue
pressure on your joint capsules. When
Watch the following video for a demonstration: you lower the weight below your eyes,
you will notice your shoulder capsule
opens and you might experience a
slight pop. This can lead to injury;
therefore, only lower to eye level.
Dumbbell Upright Rows – Lateral
Deltoids, Upper Trapezius • Top position – Just shy of locking out.
• When you row upwards, you will pull • Hand placement – Shoulder-width.
until your biceps are parallel to the Your arms should bend into an angle
ground. slightly less than a 90-degree angle at
the bottom portion of the movement.
• Your hands will be shoulder-width
apart. The inner plates of the dumbbells • As you press, make sure your elbows
should be in line with your deltoids as are slightly forward. This will keep
you pull upwards. This will create an maximal tension on your deltoids.
Watch the following video for a demonstration: lessening of tension on the 昀椀bers during the movement.
I generally perform posterior deltoid work at Watch the following video for a demonstration:
the end of shoulder workouts or at the end
of a back workout. If the client has extremely
underdeveloped posterior shoulders, I will
prescribe a posterior deltoid exercise on Trapezius
back and shoulder days. I will continue the
extra work until the muscle has caught up The trapezius muscles cover a large area of the
in development to the rest of the shoulder upper back. The upper trapezius muscles cover
muscles. the upper back. The muscles extend all the way
down between your shoulder blades, which
are the lower trapezius muscles. The upper
Rear Shoulder/Pec Deck trapezius muscles often receive much indirect
work via back exercises. Consequently, the
upper trapezius muscles get overdeveloped.
I like to target these muscles on the The lower trapezius muscles get neglected,
conventional pec deck/rear shoulder machine. which causes a muscular imbalance.
I do these di昀昀erently by not utilizing the
handles designated for use. I have found it Neglecting these muscles can lead to further
more e昀昀ective to place my hands above the injury up to and including impingement
handles, on the machine, at about eye level or syndrome. Thus, when I train trapezius muscles,
slightly higher. I then reverse my grip, which I strive to put emphasis on the middle and
causes my knuckles to face each other during lower trapezius region. This ensures complete
the movement. This position places added development of the trapezius muscles, which
emphasis on the posterior deltoids and lower serves aesthetic and functional purposes. The
trapezius muscles. manner in which I prescribe shrugs will target
the middle and lower trapezius muscles.
• Start position – Utilizing the
aforementioned hand placement,
begin when tension is felt. Shrug Machine – Trapezius
• End position – Your upper arms will Although a machine is used in this video, you
be at about a 180-degree angle with can use dumbbells to accomplish the same
your upper torso. Going beyond that e昀昀ect by leaning your upper body forward
is beyond the range of motion the joint about 10 degrees. This redirects the tension
is designed for. lower on the traps.
Shoulder Workout
Back Workout
Nothing exudes strength like a full, developed Although this video demonstrates a machine,
set of arms. Developed arms can make or the same principles apply when using doing
break your favorite shirt. The last thing any free-weight preacher curls.
of us want is to put on a shirt and have the
sleeves 昀氀ap around like a 昀氀ag waving from a • This exercise can be done with a wide
昀氀agpole on a windy day. It may surprise you to or narrow grip.
hear this, but you can make dramatic gains to
your arms if you execute form properly. • Keep the wrists cocked back slightly
during the movement. This ensures
Biceps have three components: the short head, maximal tension on the biceps.
the long head, and the brachialis. I generally
make it a point to attack each area during a • Lower the bar until being just short of
workout. These muscles receive indirect lockout.
work when you conduct your back workouts;
therefore, I usually only do three exercises for • Drive elbows into the pad throughout
the biceps. This is also why I do not pair biceps the movement. Do not let them come
with back work. o昀昀 the pad when you curl upward. If
this happens, you are not positioned
properly on the bench.
Hammer Strength Preacher
• Make sure you are not rocking the
Curls – Short Head, Brachialis weight upwards with your shoulders
each repetition.
The key to this exercise is ensuring you keep
your shoulders from doing the lifting. To do Watch the following video for a demonstration:
this, you have to ensure that your upper arms
are glued into the pad. The leverage of the curl
must come from your elbows. This means your
elbows have to drive into the pad throughout
the movement. Incline Curls – Long Head
As we have discussed earlier, our goal when Incline curls are a great way to restrict the
training is to maintain tension on the 昀椀bers. movement of the upper arms so as to ensure
Therefore, when you curl upwards, you should the shoulders do not come into play during the
only curl to the point where tension stops exercise.
being placed on the biceps. Coming higher • Sit on an incline bench.
than that will remove tension from the biceps.
• You will need to pinch your shoulder
blades together and arch your chest backwards. Imagine you are breaking
upwards. a walnut with your arms.
• If you have di昀케culty arching your chest • Pay attention that you do not shrug
upward, place a dumbbell on the your traps when you pull upwards. This
ground in front of you. Use a dumbbell will reduce the tension placed on the
greater than 40 pounds and place your biceps. Pull your traps down as you
feet on top of the dumbbells. The pull the bar up.
purpose of the dumbbells is to help
anchor you into the bench to further • Lower in the same range of motion, just
isolate your upper arms. shy of locking out at the bottom end.
• The angle of the bench is dependent Watch the following video for a demonstration:
upon your ability to lay your upper
arms against the bench with your
hands pointed directly outwards to
your sides. This means that your upper
arms will be parallel to the mirror, if you
are facing a mirror.
The triceps make up two-thirds of your upper • Allow your elbows to 昀氀are out, if needed.
arms. They are composed of three heads –
the lateral head, the long head and the medial Watch the following video for a demonstration:
head. As with biceps, I make it a point to train
each of the heads of the triceps to ensure
complete, maximal development.
Straight Bar Lying Triceps
Extension – Long Head of Triceps
Triceps Pushdowns, Wide Grip
– Medial and Lateral Head of I consider this to be a staple exercise in triceps
Triceps workouts. I use both straight and EZ bars to
complete this exercise. I also use wide and
I always start my triceps workouts with a cable narrow grips. This video demonstrates a
pushdown exercise. Starting with pushdowns narrow grip.
is a great way to ensure the elbows are
completely warmed up. By your last pushdown • Lie on an adjustable incline bench.
set, your elbows will be much less likely to Raise the bench to a 20-degree angle.
incur an injury on the following compound This slight angle intensi昀椀es the tension
movements. on the triceps.
• Shoulder-width grip hand placement. • Using a straight bar, keep the width of
your grip shoulder-width.
• Tilt your body forward so your forehead
almost touches the cable. • You must keep your wrists canted
forward slightly. This is the most
• Push straight down. Many people essential component of the exercise
make the mistake of pushing at an because this wrist angle will ensure
angle towards their abdomen. This will maximal tension stays on the triceps.
take tension o昀昀 the triceps.
• There is a belief that the elbows must
• Many people make the mistake of stay tucked in during the exercise. I feel
bringing the bar up high enough that it is more productive to allow the elbows
their forearm contacts their biceps. to 昀氀are out and/or go in whichever
This will take tension o昀昀 the triceps and direction is most comfortable.
reduce hypertrophy. Only bring the
bar to parallel. • Raise the bar just shy of lockout
1. Biceps
2. Biceps
3. Triceps
4. Triceps
5. Biceps
6. Triceps
When a person takes their shirt o昀昀, one of the bottom of your rib cage. Many
the 昀椀rst areas people look at is the abdominal people sit too low in the machine, which
region. Strong, aesthetic abdominal muscles does not allow tension to be placed on
are pivotal in having a great-looking physique. the abdominals.
Abdominal muscles are designed to help us • Grab the handles and rest your elbows
maintain a sturdy core as we live our daily on the padding of the machine. If you
lives. Although I have not found these muscles are unable to position your elbows on
to be as much in need of high reps as the calf a pad, just grab the handles.
muscles, I do 昀椀nd they need more sets and
reps than our larger muscles. • Bend forward, but aim to bring your
elbows to your knees. Many people
One mistake people make when they train aim towards their belly button. Aiming
their abdominal muscles is they have too great towards the knees will enhance your
of a range of motion. A large range of motion contraction.
allows tension to come o昀昀 of the abdominals
and be transferred to the hip 昀氀exors. The • Raise your upper body as high as you
key to training abdominal muscles is to keep can while maintaining tension on the
a tight, short range of motion that ensures abdominals.
tension is only placed on the abdominals. Rep
ranges of the abdominals should range from Watch the following video for a demonstration:
10-25 repetitions and 8-12 sets per workout.
• Slide your glutes towards the edge of just above parallel to the ground. If you
the chair. lower the legs beyond this, it removes
tension from the abdominal muscles.
• Point your toes upwards.
Watch the following video for a demonstration:
• Grab the handles and rest your elbows
on the padding of the machine. If you
are unable to position your elbows on
a pad, just grab the handles.
Rope Crunches – Entire
• Bend forward, but aim to bring your Abdominal Region with
elbows to your knees. Many people emphasis on Upper Abdominals
aim towards their belly button. Aiming
towards the knees will enhance your • This exercise can be done standing or
contraction. on your knees.
• Raise your upper body as high as you • Bend your legs slightly.
can while maintaining tension on the
abdominals. • Grab the ends of the rope and place
your hands in front of your forehead.
• Lift through your abdominals and be Do not let them rest against your
mindful to not pull through your hips. forehead.
Fast forward to 40-second mark: • Raise your body upwards just before you lose tension on the abdominals.
You should be able to maintain tension
on the abdominals throughout the
Roman Chair – Lower repetitions.
Abdominals Watch the following video for a demonstration:
• Lean your upper body forward about昀氀
10 degrees and lean forward with each
repetition. Abdominal Workout
• Lift your legs using the lower A. Crunch Machine or Crunch Machine with
abdominals, being careful to avoid Leg Lifts 4 X 15-25
using your hip 昀氀exors to lift the legs. To B. Roman Chair Leg Lifts 4 X 15-25
do this, you will make sure not to pull C. Rope Crunches 4 X 15-25
up through your hips.
A special thank you goes out to the people featured in the videos. They can
be reached for training sessions. They each are familiar with my training