Essay Theory
Essay Theory
Essay Theory
Definition in the RAE dictionary
"Writing in which an author develops his ideas without having to show
the scholarly apparatus"
The essay does not have any formal requirements but is the author's free
style, since it is about reflections and arguments focused on the
expression of his opinion.
Like poetry, drama and narrative, the essay is part of the literary genre
and within it, of didactics. The essay is an open explanation and
interpretation of a certain topic, and its purpose is not informative, as a
report is. What it aims to do is persuade and convince with its reflective
argument without exhausting the topic, influencing the reader's way of
thinking, which gives rise to its subjective and flexible character.
subjective nature
o The essayist presents the topic in a personalized way.
o Let the author's point of view and personal experiences be known.
Argumentative character
o The essayist persuades the reader; It also contains a thesis that is
duly substantiated.
Personal style
o The particular way in which one expresses his or her ideas in
o We could call the “friendly style” of the writing.
Thematic variety
o They can be done on any topic: politics, philosophy, sports,
climate, fashion, literature, cinema, culture, economics,
technology or any other topic that comes to mind.
No defined structure
o It does not have a rigid structure or rigorous organization of the
content, since its style is free.
o Although its structure is free, the recommendation is to use the
argumentative order.
The introduction has the basic purpose of capturing the reader's interest;
to do so, the argument of the essay is offered here in the best possible
It is the initial part of the essay, in this section the writer concentrates on
presenting each of the themes and points that he plans to develop in said
essay. The essayist makes his opinion known beforehand, a thesis that
he will try to demonstrate later by giving it solidity in the body of the
essay. It is also possible that the author includes some clues about the
hypotheses or conclusions that he plans to present later in the body of
the text.
It represents 10% of the entire essay, and in it, the problems of the topic
in question, reflections of the author, readings of other authors can be
It is the longest part of the work, also called the body, where the essayist
argues the exposition with information, data, comparisons, examples and
other resources, always revealing his subjective opinion and personal
style, considering that each author has his own way of writing. develop
your ideas.
It is the most important part of an essay since all the content that you
want to make known to the reader is reported here.
In the scientific essay, the tests to which the thesis is subjected are
exposed, trial and error essays, comparisons, bibliography used and any
other type of material that proves or refutes the hypothesis. The more
data provided, the stronger the hypothesis will be.
In the argumentative essay, the thesis is defended based on one's own
opinions and those of other studies that serve for this defense. Always
leaving clear the authorship of the ideas contributed.
In the conclusion, which is the last part of the essay, the author
summarizes the main ideas, clearly reaffirming his position. The
conclusion should be brief, like the introduction, in relation to the total
length of the exposition.
If the essay is one page, three or four lines will be enough for the
conclusion, but three pages may be necessary if the essay is twenty
pages long.
It is the part in which the most important idea or ideas of the text are
summarized. Those that the author wants to highlight above others.
Thus, you will clearly show what your position is by quickly listing the
most important arguments given in the development.
1. Title
2. Author
3. Introductory part
4. Development
5. Conclusion or closure
6. Bibliography
There are four types of essays, which tend to be the most common or
common, which are: the literary essay, the critical essay, the scientific
essay and the argumentative essay.
Literary essay
They are usually characterized by the breadth with which they address
the topics, not limiting themselves when selecting the topic to be
discussed. Although all literary essays start from a work, they do not
address it exclusively, but rather it is combined with experiences, habits,
analysis and opinions. All literary essays usually have a series of
characteristics in common, that is, they are all subjective and are
presented from simplicity with a very direct style, thus seeking to
highlight the point of view, reflections and thoughts of the author.
Scientific Essay
Text that presents arguments and ideas in its own words seeking to
explain a specific scientific topic in a reasonable or personal way, also
providing content that supports it in order to encourage more people to
research the topic.
The scientific essay seeks to support the author's beliefs about the topic
being presented.
The Author specifically seeks to present his point of view regarding what
could be a fact, scientific knowledge and seeks to present his ideas and
his opinion also adding content that supports it. Everything mentioned
above is the result of an investigation and all of this seeks to improve the
study on the topic raised, encouraging other researchers to carry out the
same work as the previous researcher.
Argumentative essay
That is, information that contradicts the author's arguments must also be
Critical Essay
In the same way as in the literary essay, this type of essay is also
characterized by freely addressing a wide variety of topics, focused on
the general public. The structure of the critical essay is free, although a
formal and generally careful style predominates. A large amount of
documentation is used to support the ideas, opinions, ideologies or
reflections of the author, which must be accompanied by scientific or
argumentative elements.