Ee8501 Psa Unit1

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Department : EEE
Batch/Year :2018-2021/III
Created by: Dr.T.Magesh Prof,EEE/RMKEC
R.Suresh Asst.Prof,EEE/RMDEC
L.Umashankar Asst.Prof,EEE/RMKCET
Date: 29.7.2020


S.No Topics Page No

1. Contents 5-6

2. Course Objectives 7

3. Pre Requisites (Course Names with Code) 8

4 Syllabus (With Subject Code, Name, LTPC 9


5 Course outcomes 10

6 CO- PO/PSO Mapping 11

7 Lecture Plan 12-16

8 Activity based learning 17

9 Lecture Notes 18-77

10 Assignments 78

11 Part A Q & A 79-84

12 Part B Qs 85-88

13 Supportive online Certification courses 89

14 Real time Applications in day to day life and to 90


S.No Topics Page No

15 Contents beyond the Syllabus 91

16 Assessment Schedule 92

17 Prescribed Text Books & Reference Books 93

18 Mini Project suggestions 94


 To model the power system under steady state operating condition

 To understand and apply iterative techniques for power flow analysis
 To model and carry out symmetrical short circuit studies on power system
 To model and carry out unsymmetrical short circuit studies on power system
 To model and analyze stability problems in power system


 EE8251 Circuit Theory

 EE8402 Transmission and Distribution




Need for system planning and operational studies - Power scenario in India - Power
system components – Representation - Single line diagram - per unit quantities - p.u.
impedance diagram - p.u. reactance diagram - Network graph, Bus incidence matrix,
Primitive parameters, Bus admittance matrix from primitive parameters -
Representation of off- nominal transformer - Formation of bus admittance matrix of
large power network.


Bus classification - Formulation of Power Flow problem in polar coordinates - Power
flow solution using Gauss Seidel method - Handling of Voltage controlled buses -
Power Flow Solution by Newton Raphson method.


Assumptions in short circuit analysis - Symmetrical short circuit analysis using
Thevenin‟s theorem - Bus Impedance matrix building algorithm (without mutual
coupling) - Symmetrical fault analysis through bus impedance matrix - Post fault bus
voltages - Fault level - Current limiting reactors.


Symmetrical components - Sequence impedances - Sequence networks - Analysis of
unsymmetrical faults at generator terminals: LG, LL and LLG - unsymmetrical fault
occurring at any point in a power system - computation of post fault currents in
symmetrical component and phasor domains.


Classification of power system stability – Rotor angle stability - Swing equation -
Swing curve - Power-Angle equation - Equal area criterion - Critical clearing angle and
time - Classical step-by-step solution of the swing equation – modified Euler method.



1.To Model the power system under steady state operating condition
2. To understand and apply iterative techniques for power flow analysis
3.To model and carry out symmetrical short circuit studies on power system.
4.To model and carry out unsymmetrical short circuit studies on power system
5 .To model and analyze stability problems in power system
6. Model and analyze the transient behavior of power system when it is subjected to
a fault

CO- PO/PSO Mapping

Semester: 05
Level of
Year of study: 2020-21 (2017 Regulation)
C301.1 To Model the power system under steady state K3
operating condition
C301.2 To understand and apply iterative techniques for power K3
flow analysis
C301.3 To model and carry out symmetrical short circuit studies K3
on power system
C301.4 To model and carry out unsymmetrical short circuit K3
studies on power system
C301.5 To model and analyze stability problems in power K2

C301.6 Model and analyze the transient behaviour of power K3

system when it is subjected to a fault

Course Outcome mapping with POS/PSOs

Semester: 05
Year of study: 2020-2021 (2017 Regulation)
s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
C301.1 2 1 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 1 -
C301.2 3 2 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 1 -
C301.3 3 2 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 1 -
C301.4 3 2 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 1 -
C301.5 3 2 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 1 -
C301.6 3 2 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - - 3 1 1 -



Need for system planning and operational studies - Power scenario in India -
Power system components – Representation - Single line diagram - per unit
quantities - p.u. impedance diagram - p.u. reactance diagram - Network graph,
Bus incidence matrix, Primitive parameters, Bus admittance matrix from primitive
parameters - Representation of off- nominal transformer - Formation of bus
admittance matrix of large power network

Session Mode of
Topics to be covered Reference
No. Delivery*
Need for system planning and
1 Chalk and Talk 1,3
operational studies
Chalk and Talk &
2 Power scenario in India 1,3
Power system components –
3 Representation - Single line diagram Chalk and Talk 1,3
- per unit quantities
4 p.u. impedance diagram Chalk and Talk 1,3
5 p.u. reactance diagram Chalk and Talk 1,3
Network graph, Bus incidence
matrix, Primitive parameters, Bus
6 Chalk and Talk 1,3
admittance matrix from primitive
Network graph, Bus incidence
matrix, Primitive parameters, Bus
7 Chalk and Talk 1,3
admittance matrix from primitive
Representation of off- nominal
8 Chalk and Talk 1,3
Formation of bus admittance matrix
9 Chalk and Talk 1,3
of large power network

NUMBER OF PERIODS : Planned: 9 Actual: 9

DATE OF COMPLETION :Planned: 22.6.2020 Actual: 10.7.2020



Bus classification - Formulation of Power Flow problem in polar coordinates -
Power flow solution using Gauss Seidel method - Handling of Voltage controlled
buses - Power Flow Solution by Newton Raphson method.

Session Mode of Delivery* Refere

Topics to be covered
No. nce
Bus classification - Formulation of Chalk and Talk
1 Power Flow problem in polar 1,2
Power flow solution using Gauss Chalk and Talk
2 1,2
Seidel method
Power flow solution using Gauss Chalk and Talk ,
3 1,2
Seidel method
4 Power flow solution using Gauss Chalk and Talk
Seidel method
5 Handling of Voltage controlled Chalk and Talk
6 Power Flow Solution by Newton Chalk and Talk
Raphson method
7 Power Flow Solution by Newton Chalk and Talk
Raphson method
Power Flow Solution by Newton Chalk and Talk
8 1,2
Raphson method
Power Flow Solution by Newton Chalk and Talk
9 1,2
Raphson method

NUMBER OF PERIODS : Planned: 9 Actual: 9

DATE OF COMPLETION :Planned: Actual:



Assumptions in short circuit analysis - Symmetrical short circuit analysis using
Thevenin‟s theorem - Bus Impedance matrix building algorithm (without mutual
coupling) - Symmetrical fault analysis through bus impedance matrix - Post fault
bus voltages - Fault level - Current limiting reactors

Session Mode of Refere

Topics to be covered Delivery*
No. nce
1 Assumptions in short circuit analysis Chalk and Talk 1.3
Symmetrical short circuit analysis using
2 Chalk and Talk 1.3
Thevenin‟s theorem
Symmetrical short circuit analysis using Chalk and Talk &
3 1.3
Thevenin‟s theorem Assignment
Bus Impedance matrix building algorithm
4 Chalk and Talk 1.3
(without mutual coupling)
Bus Impedance matrix building algorithm
5 Chalk and Talk 1.3
(without mutual coupling)
Symmetrical fault analysis through bus
6 impedance matrix - Post fault bus Chalk and Talk 1.3
Symmetrical fault analysis through bus
7 impedance matrix - Post fault bus Chalk and Talk 1.3
8 Fault level Chalk and Talk 1.3
9 Current limiting reactors Chalk and Talk 1.3

NUMBER OF PERIODS : Planned: 9 Actual: 9

DATE OF COMPLETION :Planned: Actual:



Symmetrical components - Sequence impedances - Sequence networks -
Analysis of unsymmetrical faults at generator terminals: LG, LL and LLG -
unsymmetrical fault occurring at any point in a power system - computation of
post fault currents in symmetrical component and phasor domains.

Session Mode of
Topics to be covered Delivery* Reference
1 Symmetrical components Chalk and Talk 2
2 Sequence impedances Chalk and Talk 2
Sequence impedances & Sequence
3 Chalk and Talk 2
Analysis of unsymmetrical faults at
4 Chalk and Talk 2
generator terminals: LG
Analysis of unsymmetrical faults at Chalk and Talk
5 2
generator terminals: LL & Quiz
Analysis of unsymmetrical faults at
6 Chalk and Talk 2
generator terminals: LLG
Analysis of unsymmetrical faults at
7 Chalk and Talk 2
generator terminals: LLG
computation of post fault currents in
8 symmetrical component and phasor Chalk and Talk 2
computation of post fault currents in
9 symmetrical component and phasor Chalk and Talk 2

NUMBER OF PERIODS : Planned: 9 Actual: 9

DATE OF COMPLETION :Planned: Actual:



Classification of power system stability – Rotor angle stability - Swing equation -
Swing curve - Power-Angle equation - Equal area criterion - Critical clearing
angle and time - Classical step-by-step solution of the swing equation – modified
Euler method

Mode of
Session Delivery* Referenc
Topics to be covered
No. e

Classification of power system

1 Chalk and Talk 1,4
stability – Rotor angle stability

2 Swing equation - Swing curve Chalk and Talk 1,4

3 Power-Angle equation Chalk and Talk 1,4
4 Equal area criterion Chalk and Talk 1,4
5 Equal area criterion Chalk and Talk 1,4
6 Critical clearing angle and time Chalk and Talk 1,4
7 Critical clearing angle and time Chalk and Talk 1,4
8 Critical clearing angle and time Chalk and Talk 1,4
Classical step-by-step solution of the
9 swing equation – modified Euler Chalk and Talk 1,4

NUMBER OF PERIODS : Planned: 9 Actual: 9

DATE OF COMPLETION :Planned: Actual:


Analysis of Power flow using Power System Software.

Models for insulator, cable, transformer.
Electrical room in college.



Need for system planning and operational studies - Power scenario in India - Power
system components – Representation - Single line diagram - per unit quantities -
p.u. impedance diagram - p.u. reactance diagram - Network graph, Bus incidence
matrix, Primitive parameters, Bus admittance matrix from primitive parameters -
Representation of off- nominal transformer - Formation of bus admittance matrix of
large power network.

1.1 Power System Analysis
An interconnected power system consists of generation units, transmission
lines and distribution network. The function of an integrated power system is to
generate electrical power from different sources of energy, transmit the generated
power to the load centers and distribute it to the end consumers.

1.2 Function of Power System Analysis

 To monitor the voltage at various buses ,real and reactive power flow between
the buses
 To plan future expansion of the existing system
 To design the protective device
 To analyse the system under different fault condition
 To study the ability of the system for small and large disturbance ie stability

1.3 Need for system planning and operational studies

 The challenge for the power system operators and planners is to supply the load
demand which is increasing rapidly, for developing countries like India. This
results in rapid expansion of power system networks and generating stations
 The fundamental objective of power system planning/operation is to provide
uninterrupted quality power to the consumers
 Power demand PD= Power Generation i=n∑PGi


The power system operation can be classified into four operational modes:
(i)normal, (ii) preventive, (iii) emergency and (iv) restorative.

Figure: Power system operation and Control

1. Planning of power system

2. Implementation of the plans
3. Monitoring system
4. Compare plans with the results
5. If no undesirable deviation occurs, then directly go to planning of system
6. If undesirable deviation occurs then take corrective action and then go to
planning of the system

1.3.1 Planning and Operation of Power System

Planning and operation of power system the following analysis are very important
(a). Load flow analysis
(b). Short circuit analysis
(c). Transient analysis

1.4 Power Scenario in India

Power is among the most critical component of infrastructure, crucial for the
economic growth and welfare of nations. The existence and development of
adequate infrastructure is essential for sustained growth of the Indian economy.
India‟s power sector is one of the most diversified in the world. Sources of power
generation range from conventional sources such as coal, lignite, natural gas, oil,
hydro and nuclear power to viable non-conventional sources such as wind, solar,
agricultural and domestic waste.


Electricity demand in the country has increased rapidly and is expected to rise
further in the years to come. In order to meet the increasing demand for electricity
in the country, massive addition to the installed generating capacity is required.

India is the world's third largest producer and third largest consumer of
electricity. The national electric grid in India has an installed capacity of 362.12
GW as of 30 September 2019. Renewable power plants, which also include large
hydroelectric plants, constitute 34.86% of India's total installed capacity. During the
2018-19 fiscal year, the gross electricity generated by utilities in India was
1,372 TWh and the total electricity generation (utilities and non-utilities) in the
country was 1,547 TWh. The gross electricity consumption in 2018-19 was 1,181
kWh per capita. In 2015-16, electric energy consumption in agriculture was
recorded as being the highest (17.89%) worldwide. The per capita electricity
consumption is low compared to most other countries despite India having a
low electricity tariff.

The Government of India launched a program called "Power for All" in 2016. The
program accomplished by December 2018 in providing the necessary infrastructure
to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply to all households, industries, and
commercial establishments. India's electricity sector is dominated by fossil fuels, in
particular coal, which during the 2018-19 fiscal year produced about three-quarters
of the country's electricity. . Figure show the sustain development of power

Figure: show the sustain development of power generation


The government is making efforts to increase investment in renewable energy. The

government's National Electricity Plan of 2018 states that the country does not need
more non-renewable power plants in the utility sector until 2027, with the
commissioning of 50,025 MW coal-based power plants under construction and
addition of 275,000 MW total renewable power capacity after the retirement of
nearly 48,000 MW old coal-fired plants.

1.5 Power System Components

The components of power systems are generators. Potential
Transformer(P.T) ,Current Transformer(C.T) , Transmission lines, Distribution lines,
Protective device (Circuit breaker and Relay), Isolator, Fuses loads and
Compensating devices like shunt, series and static VAR compensator.

1. Generator

2. Step up Transformer

3. Step down Transformer

4.Motor load

5. Circuit breaker


Figure : show single line diagram of power system

Single Line Diagram

It is a diagrammatic representation of power systems in which the components are

represented by their symbols and interconnections between them are shown by a
straight line (even though the system is a three phase system

1.6 Purpose of Single Line Diagram

The purpose of the single line diagram is to supply in shortest form the significant
information about the system. Above Figure show single line diagram of power


1.6.1 Infinite bus bar

A large system whose length and frequency remain constant. Independent of the
power exchange between synchronous machine and bus and independent of the excitation
of the Synchronous machine

1.7 Per phase analysis

A balanced three phase system is always analysed on a per phase basis by
considering one of the three phase lines and neutral.

Balance three phase network Single phase representation of three phase



1.8 Per unit value

The per unit value of any quantity is defined as the ratio of the actual value of any
quantity to the base value of the same quantity.

Per unit value = actual value / base value

1.8.1 Need for base values

The components or various sections of the power system may operate at different
voltage and power levels. It will be convenient for analysis of power system. If the
voltage, current, power and impedance rating of components of power system are
expressed with sequence to a common value called “base value”.

1.8.2 Advantages of per unit system

 Manufacturers generally specify the ratings of equipment in per unit. Any
unknown value can be easily assumed if the representation is in p.u.
 The p.u impedance of a T/F is same irrespective of the primary and secondary
sides. This will not be the case in a normal ohmic representation.

 p.u calculation is very simple(because complexity reduces).

 The values when represented in pu lies in a narrow range. Therefore

erroneous data can be easily identified

 The p.u systems are ideal for the computerised analysis and simulation of
complex PS systems

 For a three phase T/F, pu calculation is the same for both star and delta
connected networks.


1.9 Equivalent Circuit of Power System Components

1.9.1 Modeling of Generator and Synchronous Motor

Single phase equivalent circuit of Generator Single phase equivalent circuit of


1.9.2 Modeling of Transformer


Ro1=Equivalent resistance referred to primary side

X01=Equivalent reactance referred to secondary side

1.9.3 Modeling of Transmission Line

Nominal π type Nominal T type

The circuit shows the equivalent circuit of transmission line in Nominal pi type and

Nominal T type. For power transmission , nominal pi model is preferred.

1.9.4 Modeling of Induction Motor


1.10. Impedance and Reactance Diagram

1.10.1.Impedance Diagram:
Simplified equivalent circuit of power system in which the various component
are represented by reactance's.
Used for Load flow studies.
Neutral reactance‟s are neglected.
Shunt branches of the equivalent circuit of transformers are neglected.
1.10.2.Reactance Diagram
Simplified equivalent circuit of power system in which the various components are
represented by reactance.
Used for Fault Calculations
Neutral reactance are neglected.
Shunt branches of the equivalent circuit of transformers are neglected.
Resistances are neglected.
All static loads are neglected.
Capacitance of Transmission Lines are neglected.

Single line diagram of the power system

Impedance diagram


Reactance diagram

1.10.3.Procedure to form Impedance or reactance Diagram from

Single Line Diagram
Select Base Power MVAb & Base Volatge KVb.
Find the Base KV of all the sections formed by Transformers using Transformation
ratio formula
1.KVb on LT section = KVb on HT section X [LT Voltage Rating/HT Voltage Rating]
2.KVb on HT section = KVb on LT section X [HT Voltage Rating/LT Voltage Rating]
Find the Per Unit Value are Calculated by using the formula
1.Reactances are given in Per Unit:

2.Reactances are given in Ohms:

Draw the Impedance and Reactance diagram.



A generator has a reactance of 20Ω.Find the pu value of impedance for the
base values of 11KV, 20 MVA.
Zactual = 20 Ω; MVAb,new =20 MVA ; KVb,new = 11 KV
Reactance are given in Ω.

Zpu,new = 3.31 pu.

A generator is rated 100 MVA, 22 KV. Its star Connected winding has a
reactance of 1.1 pu. Find the ohmic value(actual) of the reactance of winding.
Zpu,new = 1.1 pu; MVAb,new =100 MVA ; KVb,new = 22 KV
Reactance are given in Ω.

Zactual = 5.32 Ω.
Draw an Impedance & Reactance diagram for the electric power system
shown in figure showing all the impedances in per unit. Choose the generator as the
base . The three- phase and line- to- line ratings are given below
G :100 MVA, 20 KV , X = 9%
T1: 90 MVA, 20/200 KV, X=15%
T2: 90 MVA, 200/20 KV, X=20%
M : 90 MVA, 18 KV, X= 8%
Line : 200 KV, X=120 Ω


All the ratings are given in three phase
Step 1:Given generator as base
MVAb,new = 100 MVA;[Throughout the Problem same]
Step 2: Find the base KV for all the sections based on the Transformers
From the below diagram,
Section 1:
Generator as Base, KVb,new =20 KV;
Section 2 :

Section 3:


Step 3: Find the per unit of each component

Generator:[Under section 1,KVb,new = 20 KV]

Transformer 1:[With ref to primary & Under section 1,KVb,new=20 KV]

Transmission Line:[Under section 2, KVb,new=200 KV]

Transformer 2:[With ref to primary & Under section 2,KVb,new=200 KV]

Motor: [Under section 3, KVb,new=20 KV]


Step 4:Draw the impedance & Reactance diagram

Impedance Diagram:

Reactance Diagram:
Same as Impedance diagram because no resistor & load present in the single line


Problem 4:
Draw the Impedance and Reactance Diagram of the system shown in
figure. The ratings of the components are
G: 25 MVA, 6.6 KV, X”=12%
T1=20 MVA, 6.6/66KV, X=8%
T2=20 MVA, 66/6.6KV, X=8%
M1 & M2 = 10 MVA, 6.6 KV, X”=20%
Line: j50 Ω

Solution :
All the ratings are given as three phase
No base value are given. Let us choose maximum MVA Component as base values ie.,
Step1: Generator as base values
MVAb,new = 25 MVA;[Throughout the Problem same]
Step 2: Find the base KV for all the sections based on the Transformers

Section 1:
Generator as Base KVb,new =6.6 KV;


Section 2 :

Section 3:

Step 3: Find the per unit of each component

Generator:[Under section 1,KVb,new = 6.6 KV]

Transformer 1:[With ref to primary & Under section 1,KVb,new= 6.6 KV]

Transmission Line:[Under section 2, KVb,new=66 KV]

Transformer 2:[With ref to primary & Under section 2,KVb,new=66 KV]


Motor 1: [Under section 3, KVb,new=6.6 KV]

Motor 2: [Under section 3, KVb,new=6.6 KV]

Step 4:Draw the impedance & Reactance diagram

Impedance Diagram:

Reactance Diagram:
Same as Impedance diagram because no resistor & load present in the single line


Problem 5:
Draw the per unit impedance & reactance diagram for the electric power system
shown in figure showing all the impedances in per unit. Choose a base of 50 MVA,
13.8 KV in the circuit of generator G1.

The Generators and Transformers are rated as follows:

G1 :20 MVA, 13.8 KV , X” = 20%
G2 :30 MVA, 18 KV , X” = 20%
G3 :30 MVA, 20 KV , X” = 20%
T1: 25 MVA, Υ 220 KV/13.8 KV ∆ , X=10%
T2: Three single phase units each rated 10 MVA, 127/18 KV, X=10%
T3: 35 MVA, Υ 220 KV/20 KV Υ, X=10%
Solution :
Transformer 2 ratings are given in single phase
Power Multiply by 3 :10 MVA X 3 =30 MVA
Y side voltage multiply by √3 :127 X √3 =220 KV
Therefore, T2 : 30 MVA, 220/18 KV, X = 10%
Step1: Generator 1 as base values
MVAb,new = 50 MVA;[Throughout the Problem same]


Step 2: Find the base KV for all the sections based on the Transformers

Section 1:
Generator 1 as Base KVb,new = 13.8 KV;
Section 2 :

Section 3:

Section 4:


Step 3: Find the per unit of each component

Generator 1 :[Under section 1,KVb,new = 13.8 KV]

Transformer 1:[With ref to primary & Under section 1,KVb,new= 13.8 KV]

Transmission Line 1:[Under section 2, KVb,new=220 KV]

Transmission Line 2:[Under section 2, KVb,new=220 KV]

Transformer 2:[With ref to primary & Under section 2,KVb,new=220 KV]

Generator 2 :[Under section 3,KVb,new = 18 KV]


Transmission Line 3:[Under section 2, KVb,new=220 KV]

Transformer 3:[With ref to primary & Under section 2,KVb,new=220 KV]

Generator 3 :[Under section 4,KVb,new = 20 KV]

Step 4:Draw the impedance & Reactance diagram

Impedance Diagram:


Reactance Diagram:
Same as Impedance diagram because no resistor & load present in the single line

Problem 6:
A 300 MVA, 20 KV, 3 Phase generator has a reactance of 20%.The generator
Supplies load over a transmission line of 64 km as shown in one line diagram.
The ratings of the components are given below
Transformers 1: 350 MVA, 20/ 230 KV, X= 10%
Transformers 2 : 300 MVA, 230/13.2 KV, X= 10%
Transmission Line : X = j0.5 Ohms/Km
Load : 60 MW, 0.9 pf lag
Select generator as base. Draw the impedance & reactance diagram.


All the ratings are given in three phase
Step 1:Given generator as base
MVAb,new = 300 MVA;[Throughout the Problem same]
Step 2: Find the base KV for all the sections based on the Transformers

Section 1:
Generator as Base KVb,new = 20 KV;
Section 2 :

Section 3:

Step 3: Find the per unit of each component

Generator:[Under section 1,KVb,new = 20 KV]

Transformer 1:[With ref to primary & Under section 1,KVb,new=20 KV]


Transmission Line:[Under section 2, KVb,new=230 KV]

Given total length of the transmission line is 64 km

Transformer 2:[With ref to primary & Under section 2,KVb,new=230 KV]

Load: [Under section 3, KVb,new=13.2 KV]


Step 4:Draw the impedance & Reactance diagram

Impedance Diagram:

Reactance Diagram:
Eliminate the Load; No need to calculate Load for reactance diagram.


1.11 Bus Admittance Matrix

The matrix consisting of the self and mutual admittance of the network of the power system is called
bus admittance matrix (Ybus).

𝑌11 𝑌12 𝑌13 𝑌14

𝑌21 𝑌22 𝑌23 𝑌24
Ybus =
𝑌31 𝑌32 𝑌33 𝑌34
𝑌41 𝑌42 𝑌43 𝑌44

Ybus is known as bus admittance matrix.

The diagonal element of each node is the sum of admittances connected to it. It is known as “self-
admittance” or “driving point admittance”. i.e.

𝑌𝑖𝑖 = 𝑗<0 𝑦𝑖𝑗 ;𝑗 ≠ 𝑖

The off-diagonal element is equal to the negative of the admittance between the nodes. It is known
as “Mutual admittance” or “Transfer admittance”. i.e.

Yij = Yji = −yij

Methods available for forming Ybus:

1. Direct inspection method

2. Singular transformation method (Primitive network

Note: w.k.t. Z = R+jX

1 1
Admittance , 𝑦 = =
𝑍 𝑅:𝑗𝑋

𝑅:𝑗𝑋 𝑅;𝑗𝑋

𝑅 2 :𝑋 2

𝑅 𝑗𝑋
𝑦= −
𝑅 2 :𝑋 2 𝑅 2 :𝑋 2

𝑦 = 𝐺 − 𝑗𝐵

Where G  Conductance = (mho)
𝑅 2 :𝑋 2

B  Susceptance = −
𝑅 2 :𝑋 2


1.11.2.Method 1:Direct Inspection Method problems

Problem 1 :Find out the Y matrix of the sample P.S. network diagram as
shown in figure.

KCL equations to the independent nodes,

𝐼1 = 𝑌10 𝑉1 + 𝑌12 𝑉1 − 𝑉2 + 𝑌13 𝑉1 − 𝑉3
𝐼2 = 𝑌20 𝑉2 + 𝑌21 𝑉2 − 𝑉1 + 𝑌23 𝑉2 − 𝑉3
0 = 𝑌31 𝑉3 − 𝑉1 + 𝑌32 𝑉3 − 𝑉2 + 𝑌34 𝑉3 − 𝑉4
0 = 𝑌43 𝑉4 − 𝑉3
Rearranging the KCL equations,
𝐼1 = (𝑌10 +𝑌12 + 𝑌13 )𝑉1 − 𝑌12 𝑉2 − 𝑌13 𝑉3
𝐼2 = −𝑌21 𝑉1 + (𝑌20 +𝑌21 + 𝑌23 )𝑉2 − 𝑌23 𝑉3
0 = −𝑌31 𝑉1 − 𝑌32 𝑉2 + (𝑌31 +𝑌32 + 𝑌33 )𝑉3 + 𝑌34 𝑉4
0 = −𝑌43 𝑉3 + 𝑌43 𝑉4
Matrix formation of the equations


Completed matrix equations

𝑌11 = 𝑦10 + 𝑦12 + 𝑦13 = −𝑗1.0 − 𝑗2.5 − 𝑗5 = −𝑗8.5
𝑌12 = 𝑌21 = −𝑦12 = +𝑗2.5
𝑌13 = 𝑌31 = −𝑦13 = 𝑗5

𝑌22 = 𝑦20 + 𝑦21 + 𝑦23 = −𝑗1.25 − 𝑗2.5 − 𝑗5 = −𝑗8.75

𝑌 23 = 𝑌32 = −𝑦23 = 𝑗5
𝑌33 = 𝑦31 + 𝑦32 + 𝑦34 = −𝑗5 − 𝑗5 − 𝑗12.5 = −𝑗22.5
𝑌34 = 𝑌43 = −𝑦34 = 𝑗12.5
𝑌44 = 𝑦43 = 𝑗12.5

I1 −j8.5 j2.5 j5.0 0 V1

I2 j2.5 − j8.75 j5.0 0 V2
0 j5.0 j5.0 − j22.50 j12.5 V3
0 0 0 j12.5 − j12.5 V4


[Ibus] = [Ybus][Vbus]


IbusVector of the injected bus currents,

The current is +ve, when flowing towards the bus.

The current is -ve, when flowing away from the bus.

VbusVector of the bus voltages measured from the reference node I.e. node

YbusBus admittance matrix

 For all diagonal elements : „j‟ is –ve

 For all off-diagonal elements , „j‟ is +ve


Problem 2: Form the Ybus for the given network

‘ Impedance network Z Admittance network Y=1/Z

Y11=Y10+Y12+Y13 =-j1.25-j2-j2.5 =-j5

Y22 =Y20+Y12 +Y23= -j1-j2-j2.5=-j5.5
Y33 = Y34+Y12+Y23=-j25-j2.5-j2.5=-j30

 j 5.75 j2 j 2.5 j0 
 j2  j 5.5 j 2.5 j0 
 
 j 2.5 j 2.5  j 30 j 25 
 0 j 25  j 25
 0


Problem 3 : Form the bus admittance matrix

Line R X
i-j (pu) (pu)

1-2 0.1 J 0.3

1-3 0.2 J 0.2

2-3 0.1 J 0.4

2-4 0.3 J 0.4

3-4 0.1 J 0.4


Here line charging admittance is not mentioned, So neglect it.

No. of buses = 4, so matrix size is 4x4

Here line charging admittance is not mentioned, So neglect it.
No. of buses = 4, so matrix size is 4x4

𝑌11 𝑌12 𝑌13 𝑌14

𝑌21 𝑌22 𝑌23 𝑌24
Ybus =
𝑌31 𝑌32 𝑌33 𝑌34
𝑌41 𝑌42 𝑌43 𝑌44
Z12 = R12 + j X12
Z12 = 0.1 + j 0.3
1 1
Y12 = =
𝑍12 0.1:𝑗 0.3

1 0𝑜
Y12 = = 3.1 −71.565𝑜
0.3162 71.565

Y12 = 1 – j3
1 1 1 0𝑜
Y13 = = = = 3.533 −45𝑜
𝑍13 0.2 : 𝑗 0.2 0.283 45𝑜

Y13 = 2.5 - j2.5

Y11 = Y12 + Y13 +Y14 Here Y14 = 0
=1 – j3 + 2.5 – j2.5
Y11 = 3.5 – j5.5
1 1 1
Y23 = 𝑍23 = =
0.1:𝑗0.4 0.4123 75.964

Y23= 0.5882 – j2.353

= 2.4254 −75.964
24 = 1.2 – j1.6
1 1 1
Y24 = = = = 2 −53.130
𝑍24 0.3:𝑗0.4 0.5 53.130

Y22 = Y21 + Y23 +Y24

= 1-j3 + 0.5883-j2.353 + 1.2-j1.6
Y22=2.7882 – j6.953

Y34= 1 – j3
1 1 1
Y34 =𝑍23 = = = 3.1625 −71.565
0.1:𝑗0.3 0.3162 71.565

Y33 = Y31 + Y32 + Y34

= 2.5-j2.5 + 0.5882-j2.353 +1-j3
Y33 = 4.0882 - j7.853
Y44 = Y14 + Y24 +Y34 Here Y14 = 0
Y44 = 2.2 – j4.6
= 1.2-j1.6 + 1-j3
Y12 = Y21 = -Y12 = -1+j3
Y13 = Y31 =-Y13 = -2.5+j2.5
Y14 = 0
Y23 = Y32 = -Y23 = -0.5882 + j2.353
Y24 = Y42 =-Y24 = -1.2+j1.6
Y34 = Y43 = Y-34 =-1+j3

Therefore, the bus admittance matrix is,

3.5 − 𝑗5.5 −1 + 𝑗3 −2.5 + 𝑗2.5 0
−1 + 𝑗3 2.7882 + 𝑗6.953 −0.5882 + 𝑗2.353 −1.2 + 𝑗1.6
−2.5 + 2.5 −0.5882 + 𝑗2.535 4.0882 − 𝑗7853 −1 + 𝑗3
0 −1.2 + 𝑗1.6 −1 + 𝑗3 2.2 − 𝑗4.6


Problem 4 :The line data for 4-bus system is given below. Find the bus
admittance matrix

Line R X Half line charging

i-j admittance Ypu
1-2 0 j0.15 j0.05

1-3 0 j0.2 j0.01

2-3 0 j0.3 j0.02

2-4 0 j0.4 j0.05


Line charging admittance at each node or buses

Y10 = j0.05 + j0.01 = j0.06
Y20 = j0.05 + j0.02 + j0.05 = j0.12
Y30 = j0.01 + j0.02 = j0.03
Y40 = j0.05

1 1
Y12 = = = -j6.667
𝑍12 𝑗0.15

1 1
Y13= 𝑍13 = = -j5

1 1
Y23 = = = -j3.333
𝑍23 𝑗0.3

1 1
Y24 = = = -j2.5
𝑍24 𝑗0.4

Y11 = Y12 + Y13 +Y14 +Y10 Y14 = 0

Y11 = -j11.61
= -j6.667 – j5 + 0 + j0.06 Y11 = -j11.61
Y22 = Y20 + Y21 + Y23 + Y24
Y22= -j12.38
= j0.12 – j6.662 -j3.333 – j2.5
Y33 = -j8.3
Y33 = Y30 + Y31 + Y32 + Y34
= j0.03 + j5 +j3.333
Y44 = Y40 + Y41 + Y42 + Y43
Y44 = -j2.45
= j0.05 – j2.5
Y12 = Y21 = -Y12 = j6.667
Y31 = Y31 = -Y13 = j5
Y14 = Y41 = 0
Y23 = Y32 = -Y23 =j3.333
Y24 = Y42 = -Y24 = j2.5
Y34 = Y43 = 0
Then, the bus admittance matrix is,


−𝑗11.61 𝑗6.667 𝑗5 0
𝑗6.667 −𝑗12.38 𝑗3.33 𝑗2.5
Ybus =
𝑗5 𝑗3.33 −𝑗8.3 0
0 𝑗2.5 0 −𝑗2.45

Problem 5: Compute your Matrix of the sample power system as shown

in figure. Data for this s/m is given in the table

Bus Code Impedance Line charging

i-k Zik Yik/2
1-2 0.02+j0.06 j0.03
1-3 0.08+j0.24 J0.025
2-3 0.06+j0.18 J0.020


Solution :

𝑦13 𝑦12
Y10 = + = j0.025+j0.03 = j0.055
2 2

Y20 = j0.03 + j0.02 = j0.05

Y30 = j0.025 + j0.02 = j0.045

1 1 1
Y12 = = = = 15.82⨽-71.56
𝑍12 0.02:𝑗0.06 0.0632⨽71.56

Y13 = 𝑍13
= 3.955⨽71.56°

Y23 = = 5.237⨽-71.56°

Y11 = Y10 + Y12 +Y13 = 6.255 - j18.704

Y22 = Y20 + Y21 +Y23 = 6.672 – j19.96

Y33 = Y30 + Y13 +Y23 = 2.918 – j8.709

Y12 = Y21 = -Y12 = -15.82⨽-71.56° = -5 + j15

Y13 = Y31 = -Y13 = -3.955⨽-71.56° = -1.25 + j3.75

Y23 = Y32 = -Y23 = -5.273⨽-71.56° = -1.667 + j5

Thus, Your Matrix is

6.255 − 𝑗18.704 −5 + 𝑗15 −1.25 + 𝑗3.75

−5 + 𝑗15 6.672 − 𝑗19.96 −1.667 + 𝑗5
YBus =
2.918 − 𝑗8.709
−1.25 + 𝑗3.75 −1.667 + 𝑗5


Problem 06: Consider s/m shown in figure. It shows a transmission network

with impedance of transmission lines all in pre as shown. Compute your

Y12=10– j22

Y13 = 10 – j30

Y32 = 16 – j32

Solution : YBus =
20 − 𝑗50 −10 + 𝑗20 −10 + 𝑗30
−10 + 𝑗20 26 − 𝑗52 −16 + 𝑗32
−10 + 𝑗30 −16 + 𝑗32 26 − 𝑗62

Kron‟s Reduction Technique or Load Elimination Technique

Yij(new) = Yij (old) – (yip ypj)/ypp

P → the node to be eliminate

Problem 07:Consider s/m shown in figure. It shows a transmission

network with impedance of transmission lines all in pre as shown.
Compute your Matrix


No. of bus = 4 , so matrix size 4x4
The bus admittance matrix is given by

𝑌11 𝑦12 𝑌13 𝑌14

Ybus = 𝑌21 𝑌22 𝑌23 𝑌24
𝑌31 𝑌32 𝑌33 𝑌34
𝑌41 𝑌42 𝑌43 𝑌44

−𝑗0.5 − 𝑗0.4 − 𝑗0.4 𝑗0.5 𝑗0.4 𝑗0.4

𝑗0.5 −𝑗0.5 + 𝑗0.6 𝑗0.6 0
𝑗0.4 𝑗0.6 −𝑗0.6 − 𝑗0.4 − 𝑗0.5 𝑗0.5
𝑗0.4 0 𝑗0.5 −𝑗0.4 − 𝑗0.5

−j1.3 j0.5 j0.4 j0.4

j0.5 −j1.1 j0.6 0
j0.4 j0.6 −j1.5 j0.5
j0.4 0 j0.5 −j0.9

Elimination node 4 by using kron‟s reduction technique so we get 3x3 matrix

𝑦𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑝𝑗
Yij(new) = yij(old) - 𝑦𝑝𝑝

p→the node to be elimination


𝑌14 𝑌41
Y11,new = Y11,old – 𝑌44


𝑗0.4 (𝑗0.4)
I = 1= -j1.3 – = -j1.3 + j0.177

= -j1.12
𝑌14 𝑌42
Y12, new = Y12, old – 𝑌44
= j0.5 – = j0.5 – 0 = j0.5

𝑌14 𝑌43
Y13, new = Y13, old – 𝑌44

𝑗𝑜.4 (𝑗0.5)
= j0.4 – = j0.4 + j0.222

= j0.622
𝑌24 𝑌41
Y21, new = Y21, old – 𝑌44
I=2 = j0.5 - = j0.5 – 0 = j0.5

J =1
𝑌24 𝑌42
Y22, new = Y22, old – 𝑌44
= -j1.1 – ;𝑗0.9
= -j1.1 – 0 = -j1.1

𝑌24 𝑌43
Y23, new = Y23, old – 𝑌44
= j0.6 – = j0.6 – 0 = j0.6

𝑌34 𝑌41
Y31, new = Y31 , old – 𝑌44

𝑗0.5 (𝑗0.4)
= j0.4 – = j0.4 + j0.222 = j0.622


𝑌34 𝑌42
Y32, new = Y32, old – 𝑌44

𝑗0.5 (0)
= j0.6 – = j0.6 – 0 = +j0.6

𝑌34 𝑌43
Y33, new = Y33, old – 𝑌44

𝑗0.5 (𝑗0.5)
= -j1.5 – = -j1.5 + j0.2777

= -j1.22
Then the reduced bus adm Matrix is

−𝑗1.2 𝑗0.5 𝑗0.6222

Ybus = 𝑗0.5 −𝑗1.1 𝑗0.6
𝑗0.6222 𝑗0.6 −𝑗1.22

Eliminate buses 3 and 4 in the given bus admittance Matrix and form new bus
admittance Matrix.

−𝑗9.8 0.0 𝑗4.0 𝑗5.0

0.0 −𝑗8.3 𝑗2.5 𝑗5.0
Ybus =
𝑗4.0 𝑗2.5 −𝑗14 𝑗8.0
𝑗5.0 𝑗5.0 𝑗8.0 −𝑗18
Solution :
After eliminating node 4, the reduced bus adm Matrix is given by

−𝑗8.4 𝑗1.389 𝑗6.22

Ybus = 𝑗1.389 −𝑗6.9 𝑗4.722
𝑗6.22 𝑗4.722 −𝑗10.44

Again afer eliminating node 3, the reduced bus adm Matrix is given by
−𝑗4.69 𝑗4.2
Ybus =
𝑗4.2 −𝑗4.76


1.11.3. Method-2 :Singular Transformation Method graph, Bus incidence matrix and Primitive
A power network is essentially an interconnection of several two-terminal
components such as generators, transformers, transmission lines, motors and loads.
Each element has impedance. The voltage across the element is called element
voltage and the current flowing through the element is called the element current. A
set of components when they are connected form a Primitive network
Element of a Graph: Each network element is replaced by a line segment or an
arc while constructing a graph for a network. Each line segment or arc is cailed an
element. Each potential source is replaced by a short circuit. Each current source
is replaced by an open circuit.

Node or Vertex: The terminal of an element is called a node or a vertex.

Graph: An element is said to be incident on a node, if the node is a terminal of

the element. Nodes can be incident to one or more elements. The network can
thus be represented by an interconnection of elements. The actual
interconnection of the elements gives a graph.

Rank: The rank of a graph is n - I where n is the number of nodes in the graph.

Path: A path is defined as a subgraph of connected elements Such that not more
than two elements are connected to anyone node.

Planar Graph : A graph is said to be planar, if it can be drawn without-out

crossover of edges. Otherwise it is called non-planar

Figure shows the Planar Graph


Oriented Graph: An oriented graph is a graph with direction marked for each

Tree: A tree is an oriented connected subgraph of an oriented connected graph

containing all the nodes of the graph, but, containing no loops. A tree has (n-I)
branches where n is the number of nodes of graph G. The branches of a tree are
called twigs. The remaining branches of the graph are called links or chords.

Co-tree: The links form a subgraph, not necessarily connected called co-tree. Co-
tree is the complement of tree. There is a co-tree for every tree.

A representation of a power system and the corresponding oriented graph are


Connectivity various elements to form the network can be shown by the bus
incidence matrix A. For above system, this matrix is obtained as

Element voltages are referred as v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6 and v7. Element currents
are referred as i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6 and i7. In power system network, bus voltages
and bus currents are of more useful. For the above network, the bus voltages are
V1, V2, V3 and V4. The bus voltages are always measured with respect to the
ground bus. The bus currents are designated as I1, I2, I3, and I4 Incidence Matrices

The following incidence matrices are of interest in power network analysis.

(a) Element-node incidence matrix

(b) Bus incidence matrix

(c) Branch path incidence matrix

(d) Basic cut-set incidence matrix

(e) Basic loop incidence matrix

For the formation of bus incidence matrix


1.11.4.Singular Transformation Method problems

Problem 1: Form the YBUS by using singular transformation for the network
shown in Figure including the generator buses

The figures show the impedance and admittance network value.

The oriented graph is shown in Figure below


The above graph can be converted into the following form for convenience

The element node incidence matrix is given by

Bus incidence matrix is obtained by deleting the column corresponding to the reference


The bus admittance matrix

From the matrix multiplication Ybus is formed with [A]t [y] [A]



Bus impedance matrix of a network is a mathematical equivalent which relates
the bus voltages explicitly in terms of the bus currents. The primitive impedance
matrix and the network topology are required to construct the bus impedance matrix
Zbus. The elements of the bus impedance matrix can be interpreted as the open
circuit impedance parameters relating the bus voltages and currents.
We know that





Constructing the bus impedance matrix by adding one element at a time has been
very popular with power engineers and is known as Zbus building algorithm.

The bus impedance algorithm was originally developed in I960 by Brown, Person,
Kirchmayer and Stagg. This algorithm was developed interpreting the elements of
Zbus as the open circuit parameters of the network. While constructing the Zbus the
elements are added to the partial network one at a time. The added element will be
either a branch or a link. When a branch is added the elements of the bus
impedance matrix corresponding to the partial network are not altered. This result
was used while obtaining the modified bus impedance matrix due to the addition of
a link also, by first considering the added element as a branch creating a fictitious

1.12.1.Building Algorithm For Bus Impedance Matrix

Zbus building algorithm is a step-y-step procedure which proceeds branch by branch.
Main advantage of this method is that, any modification of the network elements
does not require complete rebuilding of Zbus matrix.


Details of Zbus formulation is given below:

Type-1 Modification

In this case, branch impedance Zb is added from a new bus to the reference bus.
That is a new bus is added to the network and dimension of Zbus goes up by one.

Notations: i,j – old buses

r – reference bus

K – new bus

Figure 1 shows a passive linear n-bus power system network. In fig.1. an impedance
Zb is added between new bus K and the reference bus r.


From figure 1,

Vk = Zb Ik

Zki = Zik = 0; for i=1,2…..n.

Zkk = Zb


Type-1 Modification

Where Zoldbus is bus impedance matrix before adding a new branch.

Type-2 Modification

In this case branch impedance Zb is added from a new bus K to the old bus
j as shown in fig.2


From fig.2 we have

Vk = Vj + Zb Ik

Vk = Zj1I1 + Zj2 I2 +……………+Zjj(Ij +Ik)+……..+ZjnIn +ZbIk

Vk = Zj1I1 + Zj2 I2 +……………+ZjjIj +……..+ZjnIn +(Zjj + Zb)Ik

Type-3 Modification

In this case, an old bus-j is connected to the reference bus-r and the impedance
between these two bus is Zb as shown in Fig.3

Referring to Fig.3, if bus K is connected to reference bus r, Vk =0


= Zj1I1 + Zj2I2 +……+ZjnIn + + (Zjj + Zb)Ik

Ik = ( Zj1I1 + Zj2 I2 +……………+ZjjIj +……..+ZjnIn ) …….(2)

Expression of voltage for i-th bus can be written as:

Vi = Zi1I1 + Zi2 I2 +……………+ZinIn +……..+ZijIk ……..(3)
From equations (2) and (3), we get

1 ..
bus = Zoldbus - 𝑍𝑖𝑗 [ Zj1 Zj2 …….Zjn ]
(𝑍𝑗𝑗:𝑍𝑏) ..


Type-4 Modification

In this case, two old buses are connected and impedance between these buses is
Zb as shown in fig.4

Vi = Zi1I1 + Zi2 I2 +……………+Zii(Ii+Ik)+ Zij(Ii- Ik)+……..+ZinIn ……….(6)


Vj = Vi + Zb Ik ………..(7)

Vj = Zj1I1 + Zj2 I2 +……………+ Zii(Ii+Ik)+ Zjj(Ij- Ik)+……. .+ZjnIn …………(8)

From equations (6),(7) and (8), we get

Zj1I1 + Zj2 I2 +……………+ Zii(Ii+Ik)+ Zjj(Ij- Ik)+……. .+ZjnIn = Zb Ik + Zi1 I1

+ Zi2 I2 +……………+ Zii(Ii+Ik)+ Zij(Ij- Ik)+……. .+ZinIn

0 = (Zi1-Zj1)I1+ (Zi2- Zj2)I2+ …………+(Zii-Zji)Ii+ (Zij-Zjj)Ij +…….

+(Zin-Zjn)In+ (Zb+Zii+Zjj-Zij-Zji)Ik

Note that Zij = Zji and co-efficient of Ik is (Zb+Zii+Zjj-2Zij)


Eliminating Ik in equation (9) and following the same procedure for Type-2
modification. We get,

With the use of above mentioned four modifications bus impedance

matrix can be formulated by a step-by-step technique considering one
branch at a time.


1.12.2. Bus Impedance Matrix Problems


𝑗0.50 𝑗0.50 𝑗0.50 𝑗0.50

Zbus = 𝑗0.50 𝑗0.70 𝑗0.50 - 𝑗0.70 𝑗0.5 𝑗0.7 𝑗0.5
𝑗0.50 𝑗0.50 𝑗0.70 𝑗0.50

𝑗0.2916 𝑗0.2084 𝑗0.2916

Zbus = 𝑗0.2084 𝑗0.2916 𝑗0.2084
𝑗0.2916 𝑗0.2084 𝑗0.4916

Step-5: Add branch Z23 = 0.20 from old bus 2 to old bus 3. This is type-4

𝑗0.2916 𝑗0.2084 𝑗0.2916 −𝑗0.0832

Zbus = 𝑗0.2084 𝑗0.2916 𝑗0.2084 - 𝑗0.0832
(𝑗0.20:𝑗0.2916:𝑗0.4916;2 𝑥 𝑗0.2084)
𝑗0.2916 𝑗0.2084 𝑗0.4916 −𝑗0.2832

−𝑗0.08325 𝑗0.0832 −𝑗0.2832

𝑗0.2793 𝑗0.2206 𝑗0.2500

∴Zbus = 𝑗0.2206 𝑗 0.2793 𝑗0.2500
𝑗0.2500 𝑗0.2500 𝑗0.3500


Problem 02 : For the system shown , form the bus impedance matrix
using building algorithm


Step 1: Add an element between reference and node(1).

Zbus = [ j0.20 ]

Step 2 : Add an element between existing node (1) and the new node(3)

𝑗0.20 𝑗0.20
Zbus =
𝑗0.20 𝑗0.60

Step 3 : Add an element between existing node (3) and the reference node.

𝑗0.20 𝑗0.20 𝑗0.20

Zbus = 𝑗0.20 𝑗 0.60 𝑗0.60
𝑗0.20 𝑗0.60 𝑗0.80


Using Kron‟s reduction method,

𝑍13 𝑍31 𝑗0.20𝑥𝑗0.20

Z11 = Z11 - 𝑍33
= j0.20 - 𝑗0.8
= j0.15

𝑍13 𝑍31 𝑗0.20𝑥𝑗0.60

Z12 = Z12 - = j0.20 - = j0.05
𝑍33 𝑗0.80

𝑍23 𝑍32 𝑗0.60𝑥𝑗0.60

Z22 = Z22 - = j0.60 - = j0.15
𝑍33 𝑗0.8

𝑗0.20 𝑗0.20
Zbus =
𝑗0.20 𝑗0.60


Problem 3 :Using the building algorithm construct Zbus for the system
shown below.

Step 1: Add an element between reference and node(1).

Zbus = [ j1.0 ]


Step 2 : Add an element between existing node (1) and the new node(2)

𝑗1.0 𝑗1.0
Zbus =
𝑗1.0 𝑗1.25

Step 3 : Add an element between existing node (2) and the reference node.

𝑗1.0 𝑗1.0 𝑗1.0

Zbus = 𝑗1.0 𝑗1.25 𝑗1.25
𝑗1.0 𝑗1.25 𝑗2.5


Fictitious node can be eliminated using kron reduction technique

𝑍13 𝑍31 𝑗1.0𝑥𝑗1.0

Z11 = Z11 - 𝑍33
= j1.0 - 𝑗2.5

= j0.6

𝑍13 𝑍32 𝑗1.0𝑥𝑗1.25

Z12 = Z12 - = j1.0 -
𝑍33 𝑗2.5

= j0.5

𝑍23 𝑍32 𝑗1.25𝑥𝑗1.25

Z22 = Z22 - 𝑍33
= j1.25 - 𝑗2.5

= j0.625

𝑗0.6 𝑗0.5
Zbus =
𝑗0.5 𝑗0.625


1. Draw and explain the single line diagram of real time generating station to
distributing station
2. Explain power scenario of our state and country
3. Case study on distribution substation –Power MVA, Voltage and No of feeders

Part A Q & A

S.No Questions and Answers K CO

1. What are the main divisions of power system? NOV DEC K1 CO1
 Generating Station
 Transmission System
 Distribution System
 Utilization System
2. What is the need for per unit value? (NOV DEC 2014) K1 CO1
In an electric power systems, different voltage levels and power
levels are connected together through a step-up or step-down
transformer or different power equipment. The varying voltages
and power levels are present in the power systems. These
cause problems in finding out the current at different points in
the network. To avoid this problem, all the system quantities
are converted to a uniform normalized platform called as per
unit representation.
3. Explain the requirements of planning the operation of a K1 CO1
power system.
Planning the operation of a power system requires load studies,
fault calculations, the design of means for protecting the
system against lightning and switching surges and against short
circuits, and studies of the stability of the system.

4. Define steady state operating condition. K1 CO1

A power system is said to be in a steady state operating
condition, if all the measured (or calculated) physical quantities
describing the operating condition of the system can be
considered constant for the purpose of analysis.

5. Draw the impedance diagram for the given single line K1 CO1
representation of the power system.(MAY -JUN 2014)

Part A Q & A
6. Give the formula to calculate base current, Ib and base K1 CO1
impedance of a threephase system.
The equation for base current Ib is,
The equation for base impedance is,

7. Give the equation for load impedance per phase of a K1 CO1

balanced star connected load

8. What are the types of load modelling? (MAY JUN 2014) K1 CO1

How are loads represented in impedance and reactance diagram?

(NOV DEC 2011)

Impedance diagram: Static Loads:

Rotational Load:

Reactance diagram:

Static Loads are neglected.

Rotational Load:

9. What are the functions of modern power system? (NOV DEC K1 CO1

•To provide quality power

•To provide uninterrupted power supply

•To provide power at low cost

•To produce power using renewable source of energy than

nonrenewable source of energy.

•To reduce the losses in the transmission line due to various


•To increase the power transfer capacity of the transmission line.

•To increase the power generation.

Part A Q & A

10 Give the equation for load impedance and load admittance per K1 CO1
phase of a balanced delta connected load

11 What are the functions of modern power system? (NOV DEC K1 CO1

•To provide quality power

•To provide uninterrupted power supply

•To provide power at low cost

•To produce power using renewable source of energy than

nonrenewable source of energy.

•To reduce the losses in the transmission line due to

various factors.

•To increase the power transfer capacity of the

transmission line.

•T increase the power generation.

12 What is the advantage of per unit method over percent method? K1 CO1

The advantage of per unit method over percent method is that

the product of two quantities expressed in per unit is expressed
in per unit itself, but the product of two quantities expressed in
percent must be divided by 100 to obtain the result in percent.

13 Define base impedance and base kilovoltamperes. K2 CO2

The base impedance is the impedance which will have a voltage

drop across it equal to the base voltage when the current flowing
in the impedance is equal to the base value of the current.

Part A Q & A
14 Define per unit value of any electrical quantity. K1 CO1
The per unit value of any electrical quantity is defined as the
ratio of the actual value of the quantity to its base value
expressed as a decimal

15 What are the quantities whose base values are required to K1 CO1
represent the power system by reactance diagram?
The base value of voltage, current, power and impedance are
required to represent the power system by reactance diagram.
Selection of base values for any two of them determines the
base values of the remaining two. Usually the base values of
voltage and power are chosen in kilovolt and kVA or mVA
respectively. The base values of current and impedance are
calculated using the chosen bases.
16 What is the need for base values? K1 CO1
The components of various sections of power system may
operate at different voltage and power levels. It will be
convenient for analysis of power system if the voltage, power,
current and impedance ratings of power system components
are expressed with reference to a common value called base
value. Then all the voltages, power, current and impedance
ratings of the components are expressed as a percent or per
unit of the base value.
17 K2 CO1

18 K2 CO2

Part A Q & A

19 Draw the equivalent circuit of a 3 winding transformer. K1 CO1

20 1. What are the components of power system? (MAY JUN 2012) K1 CO1
The components of power system are Generators, Power
transformers, Transmission lines, Distribution lines, Loads and
compensating devices like shunt, series, and static VAR
21 K2 CO1

22 List the advantages of per unit computations. K1 CO1

(1) The per unit impedance referred to either side of a single
phase transformer is the
(2) The per unit impedance referred to either side of a three phase
transformer is the
same regardless of the three phase connections whether they are
Y-Y, ∆-∆ or ∆-Y

(3) The chance of confusion between the line and phase quantities
in a three phase balanced system is greatly reduced.
(4) The manufacturers usually provide the impedance values in per
(5) The computational effort in power system is very much
reduced with the use of per unit quantities.

Part A Q & A

23 What is single line diagram? (NOV DEC 2011) K1 CO

A single line diagram is diagrammatic representation of power 1
system in which the components are represented by their symbols
and interconnection between them are shown by a straight line
even though the system is three phase system. The ratings and
the impedances of the components are also marked on the single
line diagram.
24. Draw a simple per-phase model for a cylindrical rotor synchronous K1 CO
machine. (APR MAY 2011) 1

Part B Questions

S.No Questions K CO
1. G
K2 CO1
T2 : 40 MVA 220/22kV X=6%
T3,T4 : 40 MVA 22/110kV X=6.4%
Line 1 : 200kV X=121Ω
Line 2 : 110kV X=42.35Ω
M : 68.85 MVA 20kV X=22.5%
Load : 10 MVAr 4kV Δ connected capacitor

The one line diagram of a power system is shown in figure. The three phase power
and line to line ratings are given below

Draw the impedance diagram showing all impedances in per unit on a 100 MVA
base. Choose 22 kV as the voltage base for generator

2. Draw the reactance diagram for the power system shown in figure. Neglect K2 CO1
resistance and use a base of 100 MVA, 220 kV in 50Ω line. The ratings of the
generator, motor and transformer are given below

Generator : 40 MVA, 25 kV, X‟‟ =20%

Synchronous motor : 50 MVA, 11 kV, X‟‟ =30%

Y-Y Transformer : 40 MVA, 33/220 kV, X=15%

Y-Δ Transformer : 30 MVA, 11/220 kV, X =15%

K3 CO1
The single line diagram of an unloaded power system is shown in Figure. Reactances
of the two sections of the transmission line are shown on the diagram. The
generators and transformers are rated as follows:

3. Generator 1: 20 MVA, 11 kV, Xd‟‟= 0.25 Per unit

Generator 2: 30 MVA, 18 kV, Xd‟‟= 0.25 Per unit

Generator 3: 30 MVA, 20 kV, Xd‟‟= 0.21 Per unit

Transformer 1: 25 MVA, 220/13.8 kV, X= 0.15 Per unit

Transformer 2: single phase units, each rated 10 MVA 127/18 kV, X= 0.15 Per

Transformer 3: 35 MVA, 220/22 kV, X= 0.15 Per unit

Draw the impedance diagram with all reactance‟s marked in per unit. Choose a base
of 50 MVA, 11 kV in the circuit of generator 1.
(Nov/Dec 2007)

Part B Questions
4. Write short notes on (April/May 2008) CO1
i. Single line diagram K1
ii. Change of base
iii. Reactance of synchronous machines.
Eliminate bus 4 for the given admittance matrix and form the new K2 CO1
5. bus admittance matrix

6. Draw an impedance diagram for the electric power system shown in the figure k3
showing all the impedances in the per unit on a 100 MVA base choose 20 KV as the CO1
voltage base for generator. The three phase power and line ratings are given below
(Apr/ May 2011)

G1: 90 MVA 20 KV X= 9 %

T1: 80 MVA 20/200 KV X=16 %

T2: 80 MVA 200/20 KV X=20%

G2: 90 MVA 18 KV X= 9%

Line 200 KV X=120 Ohm

Load: 200 KV S=48MW+J64 MVAR

7. Determine the Z bus for the system whose reactance diagram is K3 CO1
shown in fig. where the impedance is given in per unit (May/ Jun

Part B Questions

8. The parameters of a 4 bus system are as under: k3 CO1

Bus Line Charging

Code impedance(pu) Admittance(pu)
1-2 0.2+j0.8 j0.02
2-3 0.3+j0.8 j0.03
2-4 0.25+j1 j0.04
3-4 0.2+j0.8 j0.02
1-3 0.1+j0.4 j0.01
Draw the network and find the bus admittance matrix

9. Find the bus impedance matrix for the 4 bus system shown k3 CO1
in below figure. Consider bus 4 as reference.
(May/June 2012)

10. With the help of a single line diagram, explain the basic k3 CO1
components of a power system
11. Using building algorithm method determine the ZBUS for the k3 CO1
network shown in the below figure where the impedances
labeled are shown in per unit

12. Draw the per unit reactance diagram for the system shown in Fig. and mark all
K3 CO1
reactances in per unit on 50 MVA, 13.8 KV on generator G1.(May/June 2006)

G1 : 20 MVA, 13.8 KV, X‟‟=20%

G2 : 30 MVA, 18 KV, X‟‟=20%

G3 : 30 MVA, 20 KV, X‟‟=20%

T1 : 25 MVA, 220/13.8KV, X=10%

T2 :three single phase units each 10 MVA, 127/18 KV , X=10%

T3 : 35 MVA, 220/22 KV, X=10%

Part B Questions

Determine Z bus for the network shown in figure, where the

13. k3 C01
impedances are marked in per unit

14. Explain the following K3 CO1

i. Generator model
ii. Transformer model
iii. Transmission line model

15. Determine the Z BUS for the network shown, where the K3 CO
impedance are labeled (1) through (6) are shown in pu .

Supportive online Certification courses

1. Electrical Power System-COURSERA

2. Electrical Distribution System Analysis-NPTEL
3. Per unit analysis for single and three phase system-Udemy

Real time Applications in day to day life and to Industry

1. Explain with neat diagram, any real application that monitors static or dynamic
behaviour of system continuously with respect to time.

2. A Survey on Power System Blackout and Cascading Events

3. Overview of current development in electrical energy storage technologies and

the application potential in power system operation

Contents beyond the Syllabus

1. Explain the smart control of house hold electrical appliances

2. Design and implementation of smart electrical control in any industries.

Assessment Schedule

1.Explain the power scenario in India.

2 .Draw and explain the single line and impedance diagram of any

power plant from generation to load centre.

Informed to the students :25.6.2020

Date of Completion : 6.7.2020

Prescribed Text Books & Reference Books

1. Nagrath I.J. and Kothari D.P., „Modern Power System Analysis‟, Tata McGraw-
Hill, Fourth Edition, 2011.
2. John J. Grainger and W.D. Stevenson Jr., „Power System Analysis‟, Tata McGraw-
Hill, Sixth reprint, 2010.\
3. P. Venkatesh, B.V. Manikandan, S. Charles Raja, A. Srinivasan, „ Electrical Power
Systems- Analysis, Security and Deregulation‟, PHI Learning Private Limited,
New Delhi, 2012.
4. Hadi Saadat, „Power System Analysis‟, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 21st reprint, 2010.
5. Kundur P., „Power System Stability and Control, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 10th reprint, 2010.

Mini Project suggestions

1.Production of electricity by the method of road power generation

2. Wireless Power Transfer
3 Power Generation Using Foot Step

Thank you


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