Weight Training For Soccer Players
Weight Training For Soccer Players
Weight Training For Soccer Players
November 13, 2014
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You can make yourself feel big and important in your team in an effective
and relatively quick way. Working out in the gym is the best complement to
your regular training and, without a doubt, will help you increase your
performance and physical fitness.
Achieving optimal fitness, high performance on the playing field and, at the same
time, achieving the physical power necessary to make very demanding and highly
complex technical plays is possible. In fact, it's much simpler than you can
imagine . Football is considered the King of Sport in a huge number of countries
and is present on all continents: where there is a ball, there is football. Therefore, it
is not surprising that there is an enormous bibliography of studies associated with
the relationship between training and performance in football.
That is, instead of taking advantage of the enormous benefit of training with
weights to increase performance and form in soccer, or increasing the muscle
gains achieved in the gym thanks to complementing it with a sport; Instead, a large
number of people end up choosing one or the other. I go further, even when a
footballer decides to complement his training with work in the gym, he does not
know how to train there to improve his performance.
If you are here it is because you want to know what benefits it can offer you and
how you should train in the gym. In the next paragraphs you will be able to find the
information necessary to achieve this, scientific studies on the matter and a training
plan that you can follow starting tomorrow , to improve your performance in a
much faster way. Show your teammates what you're worth, impress your coach
and feel great within the team .
This article focuses on strength and power training in the gym, however, for optimal
results they must be complemented with technical and tactical work, individualities
have never been good in football and you need to learn how to take advantage of
your strength and skill. to improve your role on the field of play. Now, let's get to it.
Strength training in the gym has very similar characteristics, hence the great
benefit it can offer you when it comes to improving your performance in football.
Here you have some data that corroborates the importance of anaerobic effort in
During a soccer match, elite players (the studies were carried out on players from the English
Premier League) performed between 150 and 200 short and intense actions that lasted
between 1.9 and 2.8 seconds each (1), in 49% of them were the distance traveled was less
than 10 meters and 96% of them, the distance traveled was less than 30 meters (2.3). In
addition, entries, turns and jumps are also high-intensity activities.
High muscle strength is required to perform jumps, shots, tackles, turns, backstrokes and
changes of speed (2,4,5).
You already know that it can benefit you, however, I am sure you want to know
how much and how…
Once you start training, just any training plan you find online is useless. Your main
goal is not to gain muscle or lose fat. These main objectives want to be achieved
by people who seek an aesthetic improvement with their training. Does it mean that
you won't improve your body, aesthetically speaking? No way, you will improve it,
without a doubt. However, your main objective is very different: you seek to
improve your performance.
In an interesting study (6) 18 soccer players were divided into 2 different groups
that trained in the following way. On the one hand, the strength training group
(which we will note with the initials LR, Low Repetitions, or few repetitions in
Spanish) trained doing 4 sets of 5 repetitions at 90% of 1RM intensity, with 3-
minute rests between sets. . On the other hand, the hypertrophy training group
(which we will note as HR, High Repetitions, or many repetitions in Spanish)
trained doing 4 sets of 12 repetitions at 70% of 1RM intensity, with 1.5 minute rests
between sets.
The improvements from both training sessions were recorded in two different
tables. These were the results:
As you can see, both the training with many and few repetitions considerably
increased the leg volume (LLV), the maximum repetition in squat or strength (1RM)
and the ratio between both, that is, the result of dividing the strength gained
between increased volume (1RM/LLV). However, it is training with low
repetitions (LR) that offered the best results .
Why is the 1RM/LLV ratio important? In football, and in any game in general, any
weight gain must be accompanied by an improvement, whether in speed, power or
strength. Gaining weight without a noticeable increase in any of the above
attributes can seriously impair performance in most sports. Therefore, a high
1RM/LLV ratio assures us that all the weight gained brings with it a very significant
increase in strength.
If you want a plan with which you can start now, and begin to plant the seed of
what will be your success, right now I will share with you a complete training plan
for 5 weeks, which can be used cyclically to continually increase your strength,
speed and agility. It is advisable to be familiar with training in the gym, know the
correct technique for each of the exercises and know what your maximums are in
squats, deadlifts and power cleans (or power cleans).
Have you never performed and do you know the power clean technique? Visit the
introductory article to the power clean that we have published and ask your gym
instructor, your trainer or your physical trainer if they can teach it to you. It is
possible to learn it by yourself but it is necessary to correct the technique. Check in
your area if there are gyms specialized in Crossfit or the nearest Weightlifting
federation, they will undoubtedly be able to help you learn the movement.
This training plan arises from the modification of several training plans of
professional teams, likewise, they are basic tables that can be modified depending
on the needs or weaknesses of the footballer. I got some of these training plans
through http://www.sportsscience.co/ , feel free to visit it for more information on
scientific training articles.
The format is as follows: Exercise, No. of series x No. of repetitions (and, in main
exercises), Intensity in % of 1RM.
Week 1
You can carry out the training plan for 5 more weeks, with the new 1RM that you
will have achieved in the 5th week. It can be repeated more times but, especially
due to the possible monotony, the selection of exercises could be changed.
Each time you complete all sets with all repetitions of an exercise, increase the
weight. If you do not complete them, repeat the exercise with the same weight the
following week until you manage to complete it.
In particular cases:
In the jump squat, perform it with a barbell in the squat position. You can add weight but never
exceed 20% of the 1RM in the squat.
In Nordic femoral curls, you do not have to increase the weight, but rather reduce the speed at
which the repetitions are performed. This will only be done if you have managed to perform 10
quick repetitions.
In pull-ups, you can add weight to increase the intensity.
On planks, increases the duration by 5 seconds after completing them in one session.
How much can I improve?
This program, together with correct technical and tactical training, will increase
your performance on the field of play from the second or third week, but it will be
after 2 months when you will notice a significant jump in your performance. You will
be more important to the team and you will feel better on the field with your
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Training in the gym for a footballer is necessary to obtain high performance
on the field. We analyze how to achieve peaks of form.
Training in the gym for a soccer player is necessary if he wants to obtain high
performance on the playing field. However, not any type of routine is optimal to
achieve this goal. It should be a training plan that helps you achieve peak fitness at
key moments of the season.
But... how can a footballer, with his technical training, add physical training in the
Strength training sessions will be 2 a week during the competition. In pre-season, it will rise to
3 or even 4.
The training volume will be reduced, with the aim of not negatively interfering with technical
The intensity will increase, looking for peaks of form in the most important moments of the
The intensity will be maintained and the volume will decrease to prolong these peaks for as
long as possible.
The training will focus on improving the power of the legs and torso, which is why multi-joint
exercises will be used.
Training should include exercises to reduce the risk of injury.
Basic routine for strength training
Weights and progression
The initial weight chosen when starting the training plan will follow the following criteria:
o For soccer players with experience in strength exercises: Start at 60% of the RM (if performing
3 x 5 squats, start at 60% of the 5RM).
o For soccer players with little experience in strength exercises: Start 30-40 kg below the RM.
o For inexperienced soccer players: Start only with the bar.
The progression will be carried out as follows:
o If a training session is completed successfully (all sets and repetitions of the exercise are
performed), the weight in that exercise will be increased by 2.5 to 5 kg the next day.
o If a training session is not completed successfully, 10% of the weight will be offloaded on that
exercise the next day.
Day A
Olympic squats, 3 x 5. Explosive repetitions, always.
Good morning, 3 x 5.
Weighted push-ups, 3 x 5.
Barbell row, 3 x 5.
Trunk hyperextensions, 4 x 12.
Machine cufflinks, 4 x 12.
Supersets of biceps curls and triceps kickbacks or French press, 4 x 12.
Abs, 4 x 15.
Bench press, 3 x 5.
Bulgarian squats, 3 x 5.
Deadlift, snatch grip , 1 x 5. NOTE: the grip is wider than the conventional one, increasing the
travel and putting more emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings.
Pull-downs/Lats to the chest in high pulley or pull-ups, 3 x 12.
Plyometric push-ups, 3 x 3.
Shoulder work.
Barbell jumps, 3 x 6.
Planks, 4 x 30”.
Other interesting exercises as the footballer progresses and gains
experience in the gym
Started and loaded with strength. Movements belonging to weightlifting that have proven to be
those that allow the greatest development of power. Excellent for soccer players.
Dynamic snatch leg or snatch balance .
Snatch grip deadlift + barbell row.
Kettlebell throws.
Squat + lateral squat.
Hip thrust .
How to achieve fitness peaks with training
Peaks of form are competitive periods during which the athlete's performance is at
its highest level. They are achieved after a long adaptation and training period, with
an increase in training intensity. In athletes, it is considered that they are in peak
form when their sporting performance is above average , however there are
different definitions. In soccer players, peaks of form are the moments in which
they break their personal sprint records and their shooting and passing power are
superior, as is their resistance.
There are different ways to achieve this peak fitness, in fact, it is possible to
achieve it without strength training sessions. However, these peaks will be less
noticeable and will take longer to reach. Without a doubt, strength training is
the best way to allow an athlete to perform at their best during long
competitive periods .
There is no “best method to achieve peak fitness”, not all footballers respond the
same to training, mainly due to their different proportions between fast and slow
muscle fibres. The way to find out which training a footballer responds best to
is through experience: trial and error . However, no one wants to make a
mistake. For this reason, it is advisable to use general training that, depending on
the results, can be modified for each individual.
The method I will explain below is a weight wave method. It is the most used
method in power sports (such as weightlifting and rugby), however, it will be slightly
modified to better adapt to football and its calendars.
We return to a basic 3 x 5, although this time at 70% over the 5RM, and we
continue the following scheme:
Failure to increase the difficulty of technical training during this phase will derail
any effort.
What is the biggest mistake made once reaching peak form? Keep the same
training. During a peak of form, the footballer is subjected to a much greater effort,
since he is surely playing all the games, with a greater performance and,
furthermore, surely complete.