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Elite soccer players posses excellent endurance. Typical values for VO2max
(the technical term for an individual's aerobic power) range between 55 and
70ml/kg/min. To give these figures some meaning, young but inactive
individuals will typical have a VO2max of 40-50ml/kg/min. So how important is
soccer endurance training?
Studies have shown that the greater a player's aerobic capacity (their
VO2max), the more ground they cover during a typical game. Additionally,
improved endurance also increases the number of sprints completed in a
game. In one study, by improving the VO2max of youth soccer players by
11% over an 8 week period, a 20% increase in total distance covered during
competitive match play was seen -- along with a 23% increase in
involvement with the ball and a 100% increase in the number of sprints
performed by each player!
Soccer endurance training falls into one of 2 categories:
AEROBIC endurance conditioning
ANAEROBIC endurance conditioning
Aerobic Endurance Training
Aerobic endurance training improves the body's ability to deliver and use
oxygen. It will allow players to sustain an overall higher rate of work during the
ninety minutes. They will also recover more quickly after repeated sprints and
high intensity periods of play.
Sample Aerobic Endurance Drill
This drill is based on fartlek training, which is more specific to soccer and
less monotonous than running laps of a soccer pitch:
Warm up with a steady jog for 10 minutes
Run hard for 3 minutes, jog slowly for 1 minute
Repeat 6-8 times
Cool down at a steady pace for 10 minutes
ANaerobic Endurance Training
Anaerobic endurance training will help players to recover more quickly from
successive bursts of high intensity exercise. It is not uncommon for a player to
have to sprint 20-30yards in order to defend an attack, only to turn and sprint
in the opposite direction when counter-attacking. Soccer can be classed as
high-intensity, intermittent exercise.
Successive sprints or high intensity work bouts, with little rest in between,
quickly leads to an accumulation of lactic acid. When the muscles and
blood become acidic, their function is severely hampered. The player must
slow down to recover and the last thing they want in this scenario is to receive
the ball!
With anaerobic endurance training, the ability to tolerate lactic acid is
increased. In other words, it takes longer for lactic acid to accumulate in the
blood and muscles, and when it does, it can be cleared more rapidly allowing
recovery to be that much quicker.
Sample ANaerobic Endurance Drill:
Set out 5 cones 10 meters/yard apart. Starting on cone 1, jog to cone 4 then immediately
sprint to cone 5. Turn and jog to cone 3 and then sprint to cone 1. Turn and jog to cone 2 and
sprint to cone 5. Finally, turn immediately and sprint to cone 1. Rest for 60 seconds and
repeat 3-5 times. This is one set. Complete 2-3 sets.
Soccer Endurance Training For Junior Players
Players that have not yet reached, or who are in the early stages of puberty
should only complete aerobic endurance training. Intense, anaerobic drills
are too demanding on young players, who have a limited capacity to produce
and tolerate lactic acid.
In very young players (i.e. 6 10) endurance "drills should be avoided altogether.
Instead, the conditioning effect should come from endurance-based games that can
easily be incorporated into a coaching session. For sample games and important
guidelines for endurance training in this age group please see Total Soccer Fitness
for Juniors.
Soccer Endurance Training For Youth Players
As young soccer players mature, they are naturally able to cope with more
demanding training. Aerobic versus anaerobic conditioning should still be
emphasized, however some more demanding interval training drills can be
added into a players program.
Interval training simply refers to breaking a low intensity drill up into several
shorter intervals. Because a rest period is allowed between each interval, the
overall intensity can increase. When you think about it, this is a lot like the
nature of a soccer game.
Total Soccer Fitness for Juniors features lots of drills for this age group and
covers the exact guidelines for rest intervals, drill distances and training
Soccer Endurance Training For Mature Players
When players mature physically (usually between ages 16 21), their soccer
endurance plan should be tailored to meet the precise demands of the game.
Players should be completing much more interval training than steady-paced
continuous training. They should also incorporate lots of anaerobic
endurance drills to help them tolerate the build up of lactic acid.
At this level, endurance training should also be periodized. That simply
means that over the course of a season there will be specific periods where
aerobic endurance conditioning is emphasized, specific periods when
anaerobic endurance conditioning is emphasized and periods of structured
rest and recovery.
For high level soccer endurance drills and training plans, see Total Soccer
Fitness (High Performance Version)
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Let's examine the importance of strength training for soccer not building for
big muscles but for developing explosive power and strength endurance.
Soccer players require strength in both the lower and upper body. Nearly
every movement in the game from kicking, to tackling, to twisting and turning,
sprinting and heading, requires a good foundation of strength and power.
However, strength training for sport is very different from simply lifting
weights and trying to lift more and more each session. The bodybuilding
mentality still predominates in soccer strength training routines but it's
important to remember that for most players, simply adding muscle size and
bulk, or even pure strength, is not what they require to play soccer
There are essentially FOUR distinct types of strength training for soccer.
Each one has its place and don't worry... they are not all completed at the
same time! In fact, in older players, the most effective strength training plan
is designed so that one form of strength training builds on another, over the
course of a season. Let's look at each in a little more detail...
Basic Strength Training for Soccer
Basic strength training is designed to build a solid and balanced foundation.
It prepares the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons for more intense work
later on in the training plan.
It is designed to strengthen underused stabilizer muscles and to balance the
right and left side of the body. Soccer, like any sport, tends to place uneven
demands on various muscles leaving some overdeveloped and some
neglected. Overly strong quadriceps is a classic example, placing the
hamstrings under an uneven amount of stress.
Maximal Strength Training For Soccer
Once a solid base has been built, and muscle balance is restored, more
intense training can be completed in order to develop a player's maximum
Maximal strength and muscle size / bulk are NOT the same thing.
Bodybuilders train for muscle size - known as hypertrophy training. A
bodybuilder may look very strong, and they are, but their strength is not
proportionate to their huge size. In order to train for maximal strength, very
heavy weights are used for a small number of repetitions. This limits the
amount of muscle bulk that is developed but adapts the neuromuscular
system so the greatest amount of force can be applied.
The main goal here is to develop as much strength as possible so that it can
be converted into a high level of explosive power and muscular endurance.
Explosive Power Training for Soccer
Power is the ability of the neuromuscular system to produce a great amount of
force in a short amount of time. A soccer player can be very strong but
unable to apply that strength rapidly, so their explosive power is limited.
One way to develop power is through a form of training called plyometrics. A
muscle that is stretched before it contracts will contract more forcefully and
rapidly (like an elastic band). This is essentially what plyometric exercises do
they stretch muscles rapidly and then immediately demand a powerful
contraction. t's easier to imagine with a practical example:
Imagine the jumping movement to win a header...
The very first phase of this movement has to be a downward thrust. If you try
jumping off the ground without first bending your knees, you can't even leave
the ground. As you "dip" down just before a standing jump you are stretching
muscle groups like the quadriceps and hip extensors. These are the muscles
that will contract very forcefully a split second later to produce the jump.
Here' the key to power.
The shorter and more rapid this downward movement or pre-stretching
action is, the more forcefully those muscle groups can contract... and
the higher you will jump!
There are many types of plyometric exercises. Lower body plyometric
exercises have also been called jump training and one of the simplest drills is
very similar to the game of hopscotch. Here's a good soccer-specific drill
We cover soccer-specific plyometics (and all forms of soccer strength
training) in detail in Total Soccer Fitness.
Muscular Endurance Training For Soccer
Training for muscular endurance incorporates lighter weights and more
repetitions. One of the best formats is circuit training where several
exercise stations are performed consecutively. Many of the exercises can be
performed with little or no equipment such as push-ups, step ups, burpees,
squat thrusts, walking lunges, bench dips, crunches and so on.
Ideally, exercises should stress the same muscles in a similar way as a
competitive soccer game would. For example, using high box step ups rather
than lying leg presses for the leg muscles, is more specific to soccer.
Now let's move on to strength conditioning for the various age groups...
Soccer Strength Training For Junior
There is no reason why pre-pubescent players (as young as age 8) cannot
take part in resistance training activities.
In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine (ASCM) suggests that if
children are ready for organized sport, they are ready for some form of
strength training.
There are some scare stories regarding strength training in children, such as
stunted growth and deformed limbs. However, when completed correctly,
under proper supervision, a junior resistance training plan can actually help
to prevent injuries that can occur in contact games like soccer.
Here are some important strength training guidelines for young soccer
Players who are not physically mature should NEVER lift heavy weights.
They should NOT attempt to see how much weight they can lift.
Young players should be supervised at all times with at least one competent
instructor for every 10 players.
Players must be given chance to master correct technique with no
resistance before resistance is gradually added.
Exercises that use bodyweight and light medicine balls are more suitable
than free weights and machines.
Most resistance machines are not designed for the length of children's limbs
and should be avoided.
f you'd like some complete, step-by-step soccer strength training plans for
this age group, please see Total Soccer Fitness for Juniors
Soccer Strength Training For Youth Players
As players reach puberty they naturally grow in strength (particularly males).
However, bones are still growing and the end plates are still susceptible to
Even players who seem to have matured early should NOT lift heavy weights
(i.e. a weight that cannot be lifted at least 10 times).
The progression from bodyweight exercises to free weights and machines
should be gradual and based on a player's own development. Because
players grow rapidly during puberty, it's important that a soccer strength
training program helps to balance muscle groups.
Bones usually grow faster than muscles develop, which can often lead to
overuse injuries such Osgood Schlatter disease. A combination of strength
and flexibility exercises can help to reduce the incidence and severity of
Total Soccer Fitness for Juniors also features soccer strength training plans
for this age group, with recommendations for sets, repetitions and suitable
Soccer Strength For Mature Players
Once players have matured fully, soccer strength training can become
much more structured and soccer-specific.
During the off or closed season, players should follow a general or basic
strength plan. This will help to rebalance the body after a tough season.
During the later stages of the off-season and the early stages of pre-
season, players should switch to a maximal strength program. This can be
converted into power and strength endurance during the latter stages of the
pre-season, ready for the first competitive game.
For in-depth soccer strength training plans (as well as soccer plyometrics
sessions and muscular endurance circuits) please consider getting a copy
of Total Soccer Fitness (High Performance Version).
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You may hear many coaches say that modern day soccer is all about
speed. Today's players are faster than ever and the game is played at high
tempo from start to finish. But what exactly makes a quick player?
In a sport like soccer it's not simply the ability to run fast...
Players rarely, if ever get the chance to reach maximum speed in a game.
Far more important is acceleration and speed off the mark. A player may
be quick over 30-40 yards but lack the skill and dexterity to run quickly
while in possession of the ball. And then there's speed endurance...
Soccer is a high-intensity, intermittent game. Players must make several
strong runs or sprints back-to-back with minimal rest. Their ability to
maintain sharpness and power is a measure of their speed endurance.
How about quickness of feet?
Speed of thought and reaction time?
And don't forget the ability to decelerate and change direction rapidly. All
of these attributes combine to make what we would call a quick player. And
the good news is that from this list of physical attributes most can be
improved through proper training.
Don't let anyone tell you being quick is solely down to the luck of the
genetic draw!
So how does a player (or a team) become quick? It takes a combined
training approach. And the first type of soccer speed training that will make
a significant difference is something we've already covered...
Strength & Power Training
What determines running speed? It's not just the ability to move your legs
rapidly. While this is important, the greater the force you can apply with
each ground contact, the quicker you can propel yourself. Of course, it
doesn't matter how much force you can apply if you can't apply it rapidly. So
the ability to run fast is really a combination of strength and speed... also
known as explosive power!
A phase of maximal strength training will increase the amount of force that
a player can apply. That's the first half of the equation taken care of.
A subsequent phase of plyometric training conditions the body to apply
that force very rapidly... the result is power development and a faster player!
But remember, there are other elements to speed aside from the ability to run
Speed, Agility & Quickness Training
Speed or sprint training will further help to improve your speed off the
mark, acceleration and power.
Agility training allows you to change direction without the loss of balance,
strength, speed or body control.
Quickness training will help to improve your foot speed and co-ordination.
In reality there is a lot of overlap between these three types of training.
From a practical point of view they can all be combined into one session
Sample Sprint Training Drill - Hollow Sprints
Sprint for 30 meters/yards, jog for 30 meters/yards, sprint for
30meters/yards, jog for 30meters/yards. Walk slowly back to the start and
Sample Agility Training Drill - Follow The Leader
Mark out an area about 10 meters/yards by 10 meters/yards. In pairs, one
player runs randomly within the marked area. The other player must follow
maintaining no more the 2 meters/yards distance. The leader should be
changing direction and pace constantly. Two sets of pairs can be added to
the area so players must be conscious of what's around them also.
Sample Quickness Training Drill - Ladder Runs
Agility ladders are excellent for improving foot speed,
co-ordination and overall quickness. They can cost
anywhere from $30 for shorter ladders to over $100 for
more elaborate designs. An alternative is to either
make your own with some white parcel string and a few
soccer net pegs (make sure the pegs are pushed flush
into the ground). There are lots of variations you can
use and you can easily make up your own foot
combinations. You can see an example to the right.
Soccer Speed Training For Junior Players
Intense strength and power training is not suitable for young soccer players.
Neither is intense sprint training. But that doesn't mean a junior player can't
improve their speed on the pitch...
The best way to help a young player become quick is to make use of drills
that will improve their ability to co-ordinate their limbs and move them more
rapidly. There are a number of drills that will help to do this and they can
easily be incorporated into an obstacle course or game situation that will
make them both fun and rewarding.
You can learn more about these drills and sample speed sessions for this
age group in Total Soccer Fitness for Juniors.
Soccer Speed Training For Youth Players
As players mature, all-out speed and sprint drills can be added to their
soccer speed program. It's impossible to tell how fast or slow a player will
be until after puberty. So if a player is very slow as a child that doesn't
necessarily mean they will slow in adulthood.
In younger players it's also important to develop speed and co-ordination in
the upper body. While this may not seem specific to soccer, it will help with
sprinting ability and allows players develop overall athleticism. It's also a
good idea at this stage to teach players correct running and sprinting
mechanics, which will hopefully become habit when they reach full maturity.
Detailed speed plans for this age group can be found in Total Soccer
Fitness for Juniors.
Soccer Speed Training For Mature Players
As mentioned earlier, physically mature players should be following a
strength and power training program. This in itself will enhance their speed
and agility. Additionally, speed and agility sessions should be added to the
overall coaching program towards the end of the pre-season. Speed can
easily be maintained with just one session a week during the in-season.
For high level soccer speed training drills and session, see Total Soccer
Fitness (High Performance Version)
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Stretching for soccer has to be the most undervalued of all the components
of fitness.
Not only can it help to reduce the risk of injury, good flexibility also improves
athletic and technical performance. Muscles can apply force over a greater
range of motion, which in turn increases speed and power. Rebound
movements such as kicking and jumping can become more explosive and a
greater range of motion helps players reach further for the ball.
There are three main types of stretching:
1. Dynamic stretching - often used at the beginning of a warm up. Making
circles with the arms to loosen the shoulders, twisting from side to side and
swing each leg as if to kick a ball are all good examples.
2. Ballistic stretching - bouncing or 'jerky' movements that use your
bodyweight to increase the stretch. Bending over and bouncing to touch
your toes is a classic example. Avoid ballistic stretching. There are safer
and equally as effective ways to improve range of motion.
3. Static stretching - muscles are stretched without moving the limb or joint
itself. A good example of a static stretch is the traditional quad stretch
where, standing on one leg, you grab your ankle and pull your heel into your
From these 3 types of stretching, dynamic stretching is recommended prior
to a game or training session. Dynamic stretching helps to reduce tightness,
which is associated with muscles tears. Avoid static stretching before a
game as this may actually reduce strength and power performance and has
not been shown to prevent injury.
Dynamic stretching, while useful before a game is not particularly effective at
increasing a player's range of motion long term. In order to increase flexibility,
static stretching is more useful and static stretches should be completed when
fully warm - at the end of a training session or game is ideal.
Soccer Stretching Guidelines
Each stretch should be held for 20-30 seconds and should be repeated at
least twice (preferably three times). So for example, you wouldn't perform a
calf stretch, then a hamstring stretch then a quad stretch etc., and then repeat
the whole routine. Instead you would perform 3 calf stretches, then 3
hamstring stretches and so on.
Here are some other general, but important guidelines to bear in mind before
you start your soccer stretching routine...
Do NOT hold a stretch that is in anyway painful. It should feel tight and
that tightness should diminish as you hold the stretch.
Breathe! Avoid breath holding as you stretch as this can raise blood
pressure and leave you feeling dizzy.
For optimal results try to stretch every day or at least 3-4 times a week
Make sure your body is completely warm before you start. Either do 5-
10mins of light aerobic exercise or do your stretches at the end of a
training session.
Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds. "Shake out" the limb and joint and
repeat for a total of 2 to 3 sets.
Don't expect results overnight. It can take up to 6 weeks to see
measurable improvements. Be persistent - they will come.
Finally, consider testing yourself prior to starting a soccer stretching
program then again after 6 weeks.
Soccer Stretching For Junior Players
While young soccer players are naturally flexible, stretching should not be
ignored. Stretches can be added as part of a cool down after a game or
training session and even between drills during a coaching session. Young
children should be watched carefully so that they don't try to compete with
one another to see who can stretch the furthest. Also, they should hold their
stretches for a shorter period of time (5 - 10 seconds).
Soccer Stretching For Youth Players
Youth players are prone to overuse injuries and growing pains. Very often
these occur because bones grow faster than muscles develop (Osgood
Schlatter disease is a case in point).
A good soccer stretching program is crucial to help offset these problems and
youth players should try to stretch daily if possible. They should hold stretches
between 10 and 20 seconds.
Total Soccer Fitness for Juniors contains lots of suitable stretches and a
sample program for each age group.
Soccer Stretching For Mature Players
Older players should stretch at least 3 times per week - ideally after training
sessions and a game. They can incorporate advanced forms of stretching
such as PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation), which will help to
further increase range of motion. Stretches should be held for up to 30
For advanced soccer stretching exercises and routines see Total Soccer
Fitness (High Performance Version)
Warming Up
Every player and coach appreciates the value of warming up. By increasing
blood flow to the muscles and raising body temperature it helps to reduce
muscle stiffness - which is thought to be directly related to injury such as
Here are the key benefits of warming up:
Muscles can contract and relax more rapidly when they are warm
Muscle tightness can be reduced leading to greater economy of
At higher body temperatures, muscles are more able to take up and
utilize oxygen
It can prevent muscle strains that are more likely to occur in cold, rigid
A specific warm up can help the body to recruit motor units more
rapidly for all-out activity like sprinting and jumping
As mentioned above, stretching plays an important part of the warm up - but
only dynamic stretches are recommended. Static stretching prior to a game
or training session can hinder performance and is not as likely to reduce the
risk of injury.
A good warm up routine is limited only by the coach's or player's imagination.
However, there are a few general guidelines that will help to make the warm
up more effective
The routine should start light and gradually increase to near-competitive
intensity at the end. Start with general activities that involve large muscle
groups. Examples include light jogging (with or without a ball) or skipping
followed by some dynamic stretches. t's important you avoid sharp, explosive
movements like kicking or sprinting or any activities that might cause over-
Towards the end of the routine, drills that replicate the time pressures in a
game will help to increase reaction time and speed of thought. t's often a
good idea to end the warm up with conditioned games in restricted spaces.
The intensity should be similar to a competitive match (apart from tackling!)
with players focusing on sharp, quick movements.
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In soccer, or any sport for that matter, proper nutrition is always undervalued.
Players and coaches alike assume that diet only becomes a factor at the
highest level of the game -- that extra edge where the tiniest advantage can
mean the difference between winning and losing.
Not so!
Nutrition makes a significant difference -- at all levels and ages!
Eating and drinking incorrectly before a game for example, can cause a
sudden rise in insulin, followed by a sharp drop in blood sugar. The result is
lethargy and jelly-like legs. Another example...
Eat too close to kick off and it can leave feeling sick and nauseous. Why?
When food is in your stomach, it becomes your body's highest priority...
Blood is directed to the digestive system in order to process the meal quickly
before the food has chance to spoil and ferment. When you exercise heavily,
blood is shunted away from major organs (and the digestive system) in order to
supply working muscles with their increased demand for oxygen.
A feeling of nausea is the body's way of limiting exercise so that blood can be
directed once again to the digestive system. Ignore it, or push too hard and the
only option left is to physically expel the food from your system!
Ideally then, you should eat a suitable meal 3 hours before kick off. More than
3 hours and you could go into the game feeling famished and weak from low
blood sugar. Any sooner and you run the risk of feeling sick.
Following a game is a different story however. You want to eat as soon as
possible to replenish carbohydrate stores. Having snacks to hand is a useful
strategy rather than waiting until you get home for a big meal.
You have a "window" -- a period of time after exercise when it's best to
replenish your energy stores. Beyond this window it becomes much more
difficult to replace carbohydrate stores and can take up to 2-3 days. No good
if you are playing or training a day or two later.
What about drinking and optimal hydration
There are several different types of sports drinks:
We discuss these (and how you can make your own at home) in Total
Soccer Nutrition, which comes free with both Total Soccer Fitness For
Juniors and Total Soccer Fitness (High Performance). For now, isotonic
drinks are best before a game (but not to close to kick off) and hypertonic
drinks are best after a game. Hypotonic drinks are useful during hot weather
conditions when the most important factor is dehydration.
Total soccer Nutrition also shows you how much to drink and when. Too much
fluid can actually be detrimental to performance and more is NOT necessarily
Of course eating before and after a game is only one aspect of nutrition. What
you eat on a day-to-day, meal-to-meal basis is equally as important.
If you play soccer competitively you may be training and playing 3-4 times a
week or more. This increases your demand for energy and possibly some
vitamins and minerals, so it's important you eat more to meet these increased
demands. But eating anything and everything is not a wise move...
Soccer players tend to be quite lean because the sport is so physically
demanding. Sometimes players and coaches believe that this allows them to
eat all manner of junk food without consequence.
While weight gain may not become a problem, your overall health and
performance will be adversely affected. Too often, health and fitness is judged
by weight. But the old adage "you are what you eat" is as true for soccer
players as it is for everyone else. With proper nutrition every system, organ
and cell can function more effectively. The net result is greater athletic
Total Soccer Nutrition examines in detail, a suitable diet for a soccer player --
the amount of fat, carbohydrate and protein they should aim for. It looks at the
best foods to eat that are both energy and nutrient rich. It also provides a
sample meal plan and snack ideas that soccer players can use in between
Sports supplements are becoming more and more popular amongst soccer
players. They promise the world and often deliver very little. Manufacturers
have been quick to expand from the bodybuilding market, paying well-known
sports stars millions to endorse their products. But celebrity endorsement
does nothing to prove their effectiveness.
A few supplements do have a measurable, proven effect and can enhance
performance. However, substances like anabolic steroids (which is a drug not
a supplement), while effective are also dangerous and illegal.
Coaches and players should be aware of what supplements are safe and
effective and which aren't. Beware of researching the internet however. You'll
quickly discover one-sided, subjective reviews designed only to part you from
your hard-earned money.
Of course Total Soccer Fitness has no such hidden agendas ;-). It takes a
completely impartial stance reviewing popular sports supplements so you
know what works and what doesn't, what's safe and what's not.
Total Soccer Nutrition comes free with both Total Soccer Fitness For Juniors
and Total Soccer Fitness (High Performance). Combined, they are designed
to help you become the best player (or team) you can. Correct nutrition and
proper fitness training can have such a dramatic effect on performance, that
NO supplement can come close to matching it's effect!
About The Author
Total soccer Fitness and Total Soccer Fitness For Juniors were written and
developed by Phil Davies. Phil has a first class honours degree in Exercise
Science and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He has
worked with hundreds of soccer players of all ages and abilities from
children as young as 6 to collegiate players, semi-professional and
professional players.
Phil co-wrote the ICA's Soccer Fitness Course for Coaches and has
coaching awards from the English FA. He is also a Certified Personal
Trainer, a member of the National Strength & Conditioning Association and
the American College of Sports Medicine.
He his the proprietor of Sporting Excellence Ltd -
a company set up to provide peak performance
products and services to serious athletes. His
complimentary website, Sports Fitness Advisor
offers advice on more than 25 sports and events
to over 4 million visitors every year. Perhaps
most importantly, Phil now 32 (and with a few
more grey hairs than in the photo), continues to
play soccer and adopts the principles in Total
Soccer Fitness for his own training.
Copyright Sporting Excellence Ltd. All Rights reserved. No part of this guide maybe
reproduced or distributed without prior written permission.
Sporting Excellence Ltd. Registered Company No: 5941278
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