Generalities of The API Standards For Their Consistent Application
Generalities of The API Standards For Their Consistent Application
Generalities of The API Standards For Their Consistent Application
API (American Petroleum Institute): North American Petroleum Institute, an organization in
charge of standardizing and normalizing, under strict quality control specifications, different
materials and equipment for the oil industry. It also establishes standards for design,
construction and testing in oil facilities, including equipment design and laboratory testing for
petroleum products.
CPL): correction factor for the effect of pressure on the liquid. Applies to the meter (CPL M )
and the tester (CPL P ).
CPS: correction factor for pressure effect on steel for the tester.
Crude oil: is a mixture of hydrocarbons that exists in the liquid phase and in an underground
reservoir and that remains in the liquid phase at atmospheric pressure after having been
treated in surface separation facilities.
CSW: Correction factor used as an indicator of the presence of sediment and suspended
water in the crude oil.
CTPL: combined correction factor for the effect of temperature and pressure on the density
and volume of liquid hydrocarbons according to API MPMS Chapter 11.1-2004. Historically it
is known as VCF.
CTL: correction factor for the effect of temperature on the liquid. It is the ratio of the density
of a liquid at temperature t and pressure p to its density at the standard temperature of 60°F
and 14.696 psia (or at 15°C and 101.325 kPa). The volume of a liquid at temperature t can
be converted to its volume at reference temperature by multiplying its volume at temperature
t by the CTL at temperature t.
CTS: correction factor for the effect of temperature on steel.
Absolute density: is the mass of substance that occupies a unit volume at a specified
temperature, atmospheric pressure, or equilibrium vapor pressure. This definition is
sometimes referred to as "true density" or as "vacuum density." In the petroleum industry, if
the temperature is not indicated, the standard temperature (60 °F or 15 °C) is assumed. The
SI units are kg/m 3 .
Base density: is the density of the liquid at the reference base temperature of 60.0 ºF. The
base density is determined from the observed density and temperature.
Density in air (apparent): It is the ratio of the apparent weight of a substance, per unit of
Vacuum density (in vacuo): is the ratio of true mass (without the buoyancy effect of air) per
unit volume. Densities reported through ASTM D1298, ASTM D287, ASTM D4052, ASTM
D5002 methods are "in vacuo."
Relative density: ratio of the density of a substance at a specific temperature to the density of
a reference substance at a reference temperature. The reference temperatures of each one
must be reported. Example: 60°F/60°F means density of liquid at 60°F/density of water at
60°F; 60°F/77°F means density of liquid at 60°F/density of water at 77°F. This expression
replaces the obsolete expression “specific gravity”. It is a dimensionless magnitude and
therefore, without units.
API Gravity: Method used in the petroleum industry to express the density of petroleum
liquids. API gravity is measured through a hydrometer that has a scale graduated in API
degrees; It is a dimensionless number and because it is derived from the absolute density it
is "in vacuo". The relationship between API gravity and relative density (previously called
specific gravity) is as follows:
The figure 60 °F (or 15 5/9 °C) is used as a standard value for measurement and
measurement reporting.
The instrument for measuring the API degree is called a hydrometer, which, complemented
with a test tube and a thermometer, allows the observed API degrees to be determined.
Then, the respective value at 60 °F is obtained from tables.
Hydrocarbon: Organic compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen in their molecules
are called hydrocarbons. They form a carbon structure to which hydrogen atoms are
attached. Hydrocarbons are classified into two main classes: aromatic hydrocarbons which
have at least one aromatic ring (planar set of six carbon atoms) and aliphatic hydrocarbons
which are joined together in open chains, either linear or branched.
K Factor: number of pulses generated by a flow meter for a unit of volume or mass, usually
defined by the manufacturer.
MF (Meter Factor): meter calibration factor
Reference standard: a standard, generally of the highest metrological quality, available at a
given location or organization, from which measurements made at that location are derived.
There are international, national and local patterns.
Weight: is the measure of the force that gravity exerts on the mass of a body. Normally, it is
considered with respect to the force of Earth's gravity.
Weight in air (apparent weight): the weight indicated for a substance when it is weighed in air
with a commercial balance or scale that has been standardized, in such a way that the
substance corresponds to a weight in vacuum equal to the nominal mass associated with it.
During weighing, the air exerts a net buoyant force on the substance equal to the mass of air
displaced by the substance, minus the mass of air displaced by the weights.
Empty weight (in a vacuum or true weight): the weight of a mass in a vacuum, without the
effect of the buoyant force of the air.
PET (Portable Electronic Thermometer): Portable electronic thermometer.
Petroleum: A generally liquid substance, found naturally in the earth and composed primarily
of a mixture of carbon and hydrogen components with or without other nonmetallic
compounds such as sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen. The compounds that make up petroleum
can be found in a gaseous, liquid or solid state, depending on their nature and the existing
pressure and temperature conditions.
Ambient pressure: Pressure of the surrounding medium, such as that of a liquid in a pipeline
or the atmosphere.
Atmospheric pressure: pressure exerted by the weight of the atmosphere. At sea level, the
pressure is approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch (101 kPa), often referred to as
atmosphere, atmospheric pressure, or one-atmosphere pressure.
Equilibrium pressure: pressure at which a liquid and its vapors are in equilibrium at a given
Reid Vapor Pressure: Vapor pressure of a liquid at 100°F (37.8°C) determined in accordance
with the method for the Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method). ASTM D323.
Static pressure: pressure in a fluid or system that is exerted perpendicular to the surface on
which it acts.
Gauge pressure: pressure measured considering atmospheric pressure as zero.
Tank Tester: An open or closed container of known capacity designed to accurately
determine the volume of liquid entering or leaving it during the test operation of a meter.
Ratio or flow rate: term that expresses the speed of the fluid, as a function of volume or
mass. Example: barrels per hour, gallons per minute, cubic meters per hour, or kilograms per
unit of time, etc.
Refined: mixture of hydrocarbons resulting from physical and chemical treatment processes,
which exist in the liquid phase at atmospheric pressure.
Repeatability: is the variation obtained between the results of multiple events, measured
under the same operating conditions and carried out by the same method, with the same
instruments, in the same place and within a short period of time.
Reproducibility: is the measure of the variability between the results of measurements of the
same variable when the individual measurements are carried out with the same method, with
the same type of instrument but with different operators at different sites and after a long
Resolution: The ability to detect a minimum change in the measured quantity for which the
instrument will react with an observed change in an analog or digital indication.
Sediment: solid material that may include a combination of sand, oxides, residues and
granulated matter, suspended or settled in hydrocarbons.
Temperature: is a measure of the heat or thermal energy of the particles in a substance. It is
the physical magnitude that is used to measure in physical terms the sensations of hot and
Tolerance: is the range of values in which a magnitude must be found for it to be accepted as
valid, which determines the acceptance or rejection of manufactured components, depending
on whether their values fall within or outside that range.
Traceability: The ability to trace the history, application or location of system, equipment or
test, by means of registered identifications. It applies to the reference of measuring
equipment in relation to national or international standards, primary standards, basic physical
constants or properties or reference materials. All aspects of traceability requirements, if any,
should be clearly specified, for example in terms of time periods, point of origin or
Unit of measurement: particular magnitude, defined and adopted by convention, with which
other magnitudes of the same nature are compared to quantitatively express their
relationship with this magnitude.
Metrological verification: it is the objective evaluation of the metrological characteristics of
measurement equipment obtained as a result of its calibration, against the metrological
requirements established for the process. Verification determines that the metrological
characteristics of the equipment satisfy those established by a specification. A characteristic
feature of verification is the issuance of a verification certificate, the content of which may be
limited to the suitability or otherwise of the measuring equipment for the specific use, as a
result of the evaluation of conformity with respect to metrological specifications.
Gross Volume: Indicated volume multiplied by the meter factor (MF) for the specific liquid
and the flow rate under which the meter has been tested.
Gross Standard Volume (GSV): is the total volume of all oil liquids, sediment and water,
excluding free water, corrected through the appropriate volume correction factor (CTL) for
the observed temperature and gravity. API, relative density or density at a standard
temperature 60°F or 15°C, also corrected by the pressure correction factor (CPL) and the
meter factor (MF).
Gross Observed Volume (GOV): is the total volume of oil liquids, sediment and water,
excluding free water, at the observed temperature and pressure.
Composite crude oil volume: is the uncorrected indicated volume, also known as the
multiphase volume determined by a measurement system when the line has been filled.
Free Water Volume (FWV): Amount of free water determined during measurement of a tank.
Indicated Volume (IV-Indicated Volume): Change in meter reading that occurs during a
receipt or delivery.
Net Standard Volume (NSV) is the total volume of all petroleum liquids, excluding sediment
and water (S&W) and free water, corrected by the appropriate volume correction factor (CTL)
for temperature. observed and API gravity, relative density, or density at a standard
temperature such as 60°F or 15°C and corrected by the pressure correction factor (CPL) and
meter factor (MF).
Total Calculated Volume (TCV): Total volume of all liquid oil plus water and sediment,
corrected by the appropriate volume correction factor (CTL) at the observed temperature and
API gravity, relative density, or density at temperature. standard 60°F or 15°C and also
corrected for the applicable pressure correction factor (CPL) and meter factor (MF), plus all
free water measured at the observed temperature and pressure (standard gross volume plus
water free).
Total Observed Volume (TOV): Total measured volume of liquid oil, sediment and water,
solids and free water measured at the observed temperature and pressure.
Chapter 5.1 General Considerations for Measurement by Meters.
Chapter 5.2 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Displacement Meters.
Chapter 5.3 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Turbine Meters.
Chapter 5.4 Accessory Equipment for Liquid meters.
Chapter 5.5 Fidelity and Security of Flow Measurement Pulsed-Data Transmission
Chapter 5.6 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Coriolis Meters.
Chapter 5.8 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Ultrasonic Flow Meters Using
Transit Time Technology.
Chapter 8.1 Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum
Chapter 8.2 Standard Practice for Automatic Sampling of Liquid Petroleum and Petroleum
Chapter 8.3 Standard Practice for Mixing and Handling of Liquid Samples of Petroleum
and Petroleum Products.
Chapter 8.4 Standard Practice for Manual Sampling and Handling of Fuels for Volatility
For liquids, such as liquid hydrocarbons, that have a vapor pressure greater than the
atmospheric pressure at the base temperature, the base pressure will be the equilibrium vapor
pressure at the base temperature.
This says the API MPMS CHAPTER 4 SECTION 4 TEST TANKS numeral 5.2 Temperature
Measuring the temperature of the test liquid in both the meter and the test tank is essential. All
temperature devices must be verified with a certified thermometer. Temperature devices should
be checked frequently to ensure continuous and accurate indication.
Proper range temperature devices should be accurate to within 1/4°F (1/4°C) or better.
One sensor is acceptable for use on tanks up to 100 gallons (380 liters). The use of two sensors
is recommended in testers larger than 100 gallons (380 liters) but less than or equal to 500
gallons (1900 liters). Three sensors must be used on tanks that have a capacity greater than
500 gallons (1900 liters) or more.
If a sensor is used, it should be placed at the center of the vertical height of the tank tester. If
two sensors are used, one should be located in the upper third of the vertical tank height and
the other in the lower third. If three sensors are used, one should be located within each third of
the height of the test tank. When more than one sensor is used, the sensors should be equally
spaced around the circumference of the tank.
3. Where do you specify the types of meters that can be calibrated by the standard
volumetric vessel method described in API 12.2.3?
The types of meters are not specified, what is specified is the product that can be
calibrated with the RVM. This says the API MPMS CHAPTER 4 SECTION 4 TANKS
TESTERS Numeral 4.5 Closed systems: “If the liquid to be measured with the tester has a high
vapor pressure, a closed tank test system must be used. Open tank testers (with or without
evaporation control) or closed tank testers can be used for liquids that have low vapor pressure.
The distinction between a low vapor pressure liquid and a high vapor pressure liquid depends
on whether its equilibrium vapor pressure is less than or greater than the atmospheric pressure
at the operating temperature.
From the physical-chemical and thermodynamic point of view, volatility is a measure of the
tendency of a substance to pass into the vapor phase, that is, it is the measure of the ease with
which a substance evaporates. The higher the vapor pressure of a liquid at a given temperature,
the greater the volatility.
The general trend is that the higher the API gravity, the lower the density. Likewise,
higher API, higher volatility and lower viscosity.
Table 1. Typical property values of petroleum derivatives.
Product Viscosity, cSt Relative Density, at 15 °C API Gravity at 60°F
Thus, open tank testers can be used for liquids that have low vapor pressure, low volatility, low
viscosity and medium API, that is, they are suitable for calibrating clean or white products (
gasoline, naphtha, kerosene and diesel ) , as well They are suitable for calibrating light and
medium lubricant bases, they are not suitable for very viscous products (crude oils and heavy
lubricants) because these tend to adhere to the walls of the container, varying the certified
volume of the tester and generating high inaccuracies.
4. If different liquids are used, where can we correct for the effects of vapor pressure and
other characteristics of the hydrocarbons? Taking into account that the volume
standards are calibrated with water.
To achieve an adequate estimate of uncertainty, the following hypotheses are taken into
The mass of fluid between the meter under calibration and the volumetric standard remains
The flow occurs entirely in the liquid phase.
The flow is stable, that is, with small flow fluctuations that do not change the behavior of the
meter during its calibration to those conditions.
The fluid temperature in the volumetric standard is the same as the metal temperature in the
volumetric standard.
A linear approximation is sufficient to estimate the deformation of the volumetric pattern due
to temperature effects.
The density of the fluid in the volumetric standard is calculated as a function of temperature
and pressure.
The operating conditions of the measurement system are not affected in the calibration
During the calibration process, the cavitation phenomenon caused by high instantaneous
velocities in areas of low absolute pressure does not occur.
The measurement system is not affected by its physical installation, and the vibration and
installation effects caused by the arrangement of pipes and their accessories do not cause
severe vortices or distortions in the velocity profile.
The sources of uncertainty to be taken into account in the calibration of flow meters using a
volumetric measurement as a reference standard are:
6. Where can I get the CTL calculation using different liquids for calibration (use the
WAGENBRETH equation for the CTL calculation using water according to API is
it valid?
T = coefficient of thermal expansion at base temperature T
T = small correction value at base temperature
t = difference between the alternating temperature and the base temperature
P b a = base pressure, psia. For volatile hydrocarbons, the base pressure is the
saturation pressure for the liquid. It is assumed that if the saturation pressure is less than
P atm , there is very little error in applying the correction to a constant base pressure of 1
Pe a = equilibrium vapor pressure at the measured liquid temperature, psia. For liquids
with equilibrium pressure less than P atm (0 psig, 14.696 psia), the value of P e a is the
atmospheric pressure.
F = is the compressibility factor
P = Working pressure
If P b a = 0 psig, and P e a is expressed in psig, the above equation becomes the specific way
CPL is calculated in API MPMS 11.1.
7. Which API specifies the methodology for calibrating volume counters by volumetric
Initially, in the API, we do not talk about calibration, we talk about verification and adjustment of
the meter. The API MPMS Chapter 5 Section 2 Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by
Displacement Meters, section methods of adjusting the meter reading, indicates
RHO tp = RHO b CTL CPL or with RHO tp / RHO b = CTL CPL
Where: RHO tp = density of liquid at test temperature and pressure (measured)
RHO b = density of the liquid at the base temperature
CTL = correction factor for temperature in the liquid
CPL = liquid pressure correction factor
Appendix B of said standard contains a list of recommended liquid versus API correlations in
accordance with the 1981 API document. Where no API correlation currently exists, the
appropriate ASTM standard has been provided.
The indicated volume (IV) is obtained from the subtraction between the volumes indicated on
the meter, at the beginning (MRo) and at the end (MRc) of the verification run.
IV = MRc – MRo
The CMF can be used in applications where gravity, temperature and pressure are considered
constant during the measurement period. The CMF is determined at the time of testing using
the following expression:
CMF = CPL m * MF
The method is referenced by the ASTM D 4377 standard — Standard Test Method for Water in
Crude Oils by Potentiometric Karl Fischer Titration . API Designation: MPMS Chapter 10.7.
This method covers the determination of water within a range of 0.02 to 2% in crude oils
containing less than 500 ppm of sulfur as mercaptans, sulfides or both, with standard Karl
Fischer reagent or pyridine-free Karl Fischer reagents.
After homogenizing the crude oil sample with an immersion mixer, an aliquot is taken and
titrated in a solvent until an electrometric end point is obtained.
For the determination of water, according to Karl Fischer, a non-aqueous medium, an excess of
sulfur dioxide and pyridine are used to neutralize the acids formed. The most suitable solvent
turned out to be methanol. The reaction is redox type and iodine is the oxidizing agent.
Pyridine has been replaced by imidazole and diethanolamine. All reagents must be anhydrous.
This method is referenced by ASTM D 4006 — Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oil by
Distillation . API Designation: MPMS Chapter 10.2.
The method consists of heating the sample under reflux conditions with a solvent immiscible in
water. The condensed solvent and water are continuously separated in a trap, with the water
remaining in the graduated part of the trap and the solvent returning to the distillation flask.
Xylene is used as a solvent.
The distillation equipment setup consists of: a distillation flask, a condenser, a graduated glass
trap, and a heater. Before its initial use, the trap must be calibrated according to the instructions
indicated in the standard.
The volume of water obtained is reported as a fraction or percentage of the initial volume of the
crude oil sample.
ASTM D95 Tests for determining water in crude oil and petroleum products by the distillation
ASTM D 4377 Determination of water content for hydrocarbons by the Karl Fischer method
of Potentiometric Titration.
ASTM D4928 Method for determination of water content by the Karl Fischer method of
Voltametric Titration (concordant chapter 10.9 of the API MPMS)
Chapter 10.2 Determination of Water in Crude Oil by Distillation
Chapter 10.5 Standard Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and Bituminous
Materials by Distillation
Chapter 10.7 Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Potentiometric Karl Fischer
By this method, the water and sediment content (BSW) in crude oil, fuel oil and ACPM can be
determined. The method is not entirely satisfactory, since the amount of water detected is
almost always less than the actual content. When greater accuracy is required, the water by
distillation or titration and sediment by extraction methods can be used. To perform this method,
a solvent saturated with water must be used for the test to be representative.
Chapter 10.1 Standard Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils by the
Extraction Method.
Chapter 10.3 Standard Test Method for Water and Sediment in Crude Oil by the Centrifuge
Method (Laboratory Procedure).
Chapter 10.6 Standard Test Method for Water and Sediment in Fuel Oils by the Centrifuge
Method (Laboratory Procedure)
Chapter 10.8 Standard Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oil by Membrane Filtration
ASTM D 4007 — Standard Test Method for Water and Sediment in Crude Oil by the
Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure). API Designation: MPMS, Chapter 10.3
API MPMS 10.4 — Determination of Water and/or Sediment in Crude Oil by the Centrifuge
Method (Field Procedure)
ASTM D 2709— Standard Test Method for Water and Sediment in Middle Distillate Fuels by
ASTM D 1796 — Standard Test Method for Water and Sediment in Fuel Oils by the
Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure)