Collaborative Fall Detection Using A Wearable Device and A Companion Robot
Collaborative Fall Detection Using A Wearable Device and A Companion Robot
Collaborative Fall Detection Using A Wearable Device and A Companion Robot
Fei Liang, Ricardo Hernandez, Jiaxing Lu, Brandon Ong, Matthew Jackson Moore, Weihua Sheng, Senlin Zhang
Backward 0.9434 0.0138 0.0446 0.0235 0.0290 0.0032 and power consumption. Apparently, the results we reported
Forward 0.0081 0.8489 0.0250 0.0451 0.0159 0.0021
Left 0.0232 0.0277 0.7902 0.1294 0.0654 0.0284 here are still preliminary but promising. We need further im-
Right 0.0182 0.0723 0.1027 0.7373 0.0813 0.0221
Sit down 0.0020 0.0255 0.0232 0.0147 0.7935 0.000 prove the whole system, particularly in the following aspects:
Walk 0.0051 0.0117 0.0143 0.0500 0.0150 0.9442 1) Energy consumption. We will conduct a more thorough
investigation of the power consumption on the WAMU and
The confusion matrix of our proposed approach on testing optimize both hardware and software to further reduce the
dataset is shown in Table II. The overall accuracy is 84%, power consumption. 2) Fall detection. We will collect more
as Fig. 11 shows, and it is obtained at 53th epoch. As data from more realistic falls and study the impact of various
shown in the table, the accuracy of some classes reaches factors on fall detection accuracy, including the speed of
94%, including falling backward and walking. However, the falling, the location of falling, etc. 3) WAMU design. We
accuracy of falling left, falling right, and sitting down is not will further improve the ergonomics of the WAMU to make
as good as that of other classes. it more human-friendly.
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