Analytical Model and LoRa Case Study
Analytical Model and LoRa Case Study
Analytical Model and LoRa Case Study
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3075561, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
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designer needs to know as they impact significantly on the In [23] the authors study the problem of maximizing the
communication performance. In Section IV we present a throughput of the down-link channel (so the focus is more
data collection model to compute a regular deployment of related to different application scenarios than data collection),
sensors on the target field that guarantees a given probability by proper scheduling and UAV’s trajectory planning. They
of successful data communication between the drone and the formulated a mixed integer non-convex optimization problem
sensors through point-to-point communications. We study the and solved it efficiently. In [24] the authors propose the use of
minimum-maximum distance for small and large deployments drones and LoRa to collect data from sensors, they change the
and discuss the analytical results and their impact on the default Aloha MAC in LoRaWan with a time-scheduled policy
drones autonomy and field size. In Section V we discuss to reduce the probability of packet collisions. Their simulations
the conditions for deployments admissibility and evaluate show that a drone can collect the data produced by 80 sensors
the feasibility of using LoRa as communication protocol for in a day (5760 bytes) in an area of 1.5km2 without packet
the model described, as well as its performance in terms of collisions. In [25], [26] the authors assume that sensors are
collisions and retransmissions. Finally, in Section VI we draw deployed randomly on a field and the data are preliminary
the main conclusions and suggestions for further research. collected by a set of cluster heads, it is also assumed that
the communication area of different cluster heads do not
overlap. The problem of computing the optimal (minimum
I I . R E L AT E D W O R K
latency) trajectory for a drone through all cluster heads, in
In a typical organization, wireless sensor networks (WSN) order to collect all data from them, has been studied. The
are organized as a multi-hop tree structure rooted in a device drone could move freely in the area, the number and locations
called sink [12]. Each sensing device (node) thus occupies a of the cluster heads, and the amount of data to be transferred,
position in this tree, and acts as a router by forwarding towards from them to the drone, are known ex ante. The problem
the sink all the data produced by the nodes in its subtree. This of minimizing the latency from the start of the drone to its
network organization can be managed by simple protocols, return to the base reduces to two sub-problems: an extension
but it does not scale well because the nodes closer to the of the TSP to obtain the optimal circuit through the cluster
sink in the network become overburdened by the flow of data heads, and the computation of the minimum hovering time
coming from the rest of the network and thus deplete faster for each cluster head so that all data can be transmitted to the
their batteries, thus implicitly producing a disconnection of the drone; since the problem is clearly NP-Complete, two different
network from the sink and thus making the WSN unavailable approximation algorithms are presented. In [27] the authors
[13]. A solution to overcome this problem consists in the use study how to dynamically control the speed of the drone in
of a controlled mobile sink (in practice a drone) that may order to maximize the data collection efficiency, while reducing
travel across the network to collect the data from the nodes the access congestion for the UAV-based base stations.
[14], [15]. A good survey of the literature on these approaches Another relevant aspects, that also concerns the use of drones,
can be found in [16] and [17], [18]. In the context of precision is related to cyber attacks and security. For these aspects we
agriculture [19], [2], the use of aerial observation, to better refer the reader to the literature [28], [29].
understand and monitor large fields from altitude, is widely The problem of data collection using LoRa has been faced
practiced. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest up in several works. In a typical deployment, the LoRa
in employing UAVs instead of ground mobile sinks. In the gateway is a fixed device installed on a radio mast or antenna
following we cover some works that use UAVs as a mobile tower connected to the power line, and the sensors transmit
data sink. data towards the gateway in one hop, thus implementing
In Wang et. al [20] an entire framework called FPPWR a simple tree topology of depth 1 (also known as a start
(Fast Path Planning with Rules) is proposed, it solves the topology), that may cover distances of up to around 15 km
problems of nodes positioning, anchor points searching, path in open areas as reported in [30], and which is sufficient
planning of the UAV, and data collection. They evaluated the for most large deployments. as reported in [30], which is
performance of their proposal by studying the time required to sufficient for most large deployments. However, even these
collect all data, the flight path distance, and the volume of data long distances could not be enough to interconnect end devices-
collected. In [21] the authors consider how to optimize the data to-gateways at rural areas that lack any network infrastructure,
collection time for multiple drones, when data transmission at outdoor areas with obstacles between the end devices and
time should be respected. They propose a predefined route gateways (where the wireless signal strength may be reduced
scheme and formulate it into the problem of route selection resulting into data losses and communication errors) and at
and communication association, that is solved with a log(m)- indoor scenarios. In such scenarios two main alternatives have
approximation ratio using a greedy algorithm, where m is the been studied: mesh networks as opposite to star topologies
number of cluster-heads. They show that the proposed greedy and mobile gateways, typically based on UAVs. In [30] the
heuristic is 154% at most and 145% on average of optimal authors address real experiments for three mobile scenarios,
solution. In [22], it is assumed that the UAV flies horizontally where a LoRa device is installed on a rotary lathe, on a
with a fixed altitude, and their authors study energy-efficient dash board of a car and on a boat, respectively, to measure
UAV communication with a ground terminal, optimizing the the LoRa/LoRaWAN performance (packet delivery ratio and
UAV’s trajectory, the communication throughput and the UAV’s coverage) under different effects and velocities. Their results
energy consumption. conclude that for speeds larger than 40 km/h, the LoRa
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Things Journal
performance deteriorates while for low-speed mobility (lower regions depending on the local regulations. For example, in
than 25 km/h), the communication is still sufficiently reliable. Europe, LoRa operates in the 863 to 870 Mhz band and in
Many other works in the literature have analyzed the United States it operates in the 902 to 928 Mhz frequency
LoRa/LoRaWAN performance on different real and simulated band. The frequency band is divided in channels, their number
scenarios in terms of packet delivery ratio, maximum number depends in turn on the specific local regulations. In Europe, for
of sensors supported by a gateway (scalability), coverage example, there exist a total of 10 channels, three of which must
range, network density and collisions. For example, in [31] the be implemented by the LoRa end-devices. These channels are
authors question the scalability provided by LoRa and study 868.10, 868.30 and 868.50 Mhz, each one with a bandwidth
its behavior by means of a customized simulator LoRaSim of 125 Khz and a variable bitrate between 0.3 and 5 Kbps.
when different network settings are considered. They report LoRa uses a proprietary spread spectrum modulation named
that, for a typical smart city deployment (with a selected Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS), where each bit of payload is
conservative transmission settings and one only gateway) with represented by multiple chirps. In LoRa terms, the amount
sensors sending 20 bytes packets each 16 minutes, a gateway of spreading code applied to the original data signal is called
can support 120 sensors per 3.8 ha, which is insufficient for the spreading factor (SF). LoRa modulation has a total of
future IoT deployments. These results are, however, very far six spreading factors (SF7 to SF12). The larger the spreading
from the theoretical results provided in [32]–[34]. factor used, the farther the signal will be able to travel and
In most of work above, we noted an emphasis in optimizing still be received without errors by the RF receiver, but also the
the communication from the sensors to the drone, in the lower bit rate and the larger energy consumption.
scenario that the sensors are limited in power. In our scenario, Another parameter is the coding rate (CR), which is the
if the sensors are equipped with an energy-harvesting device error correction coding given as A/B, where A is the data
they are not battery limited, hence it is the drone that becomes block length (A=4) and B is the codeword length; available
the bottleneck from the energy point of view. Moreover, the rates are 4/5, 4/6, 4/7 and 4/8. The data transmission rate (DR)
application of WSNs in precision agriculture requires that the is the amount of data transmitted by unit of time (bps) and it
deployment is planned beforehand with an agronomist that is depends on the SF, bandwidth, and CR as expressed by DR =
the main responsible to set the best position of the sensor in SF× BW 2SF
× CR, and it ranges between 0.3 and 27 Kbps.
the field. As we see in Section IV we assume that sensors are The transmission power ranges between 5 and 23 dBm,
deployed regularly in a grid, since it is a common and quite where higher power increases the energy consumption. Finally,
practical assumption for this scenario. LoRa specifies the packet format, which is composed of three
elements: a preamble (8 symbols by default), an optional
I I I . L O R A S P E C I F I C AT I O N S A N D C O N S T R A I N T S header, a variable-length payload and a CRC (1 byte). The
preamble enables the receiver to synchronize with the incoming
LoRa (Long Range) [8] is one of the enabling technologies
data; the header if exists, includes metadata to inform the
for Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LP-WANs) [35], which
CR, the payload length and payload CRC presence. The
are characterized by a long range communication, a low data
payload includes the data coded at the CR specified. Note
rate and a low energy consumption. LoRa is especially targeted
that varying the spreading factor (SF) changes the range of
for connecting devices in applications that need to send small
communication between two devices; therefore, in rest of the
amounts of data a few times per day over long distances (in the
paper, any change in the communication range between the
order of kilometers), which fits well with very diverse outdoor
drone and a sensor deployed on the field, directly expressed
monitoring scenarios, as for instance, precision agriculture. In
as a distance in km, can be interpreted as a proper choice
a typical precision agriculture setting, a single device may
of SF in the LoRa radio of both devices, that is able to
embeds several different transducers for the monitoring of the
support that minimum range, if the value exists. The Table
crops and of the soil, and it may transmit all the sampled data
below (from provides
into one single LoRa frame, provided it does not exceeds the
some combination of SF, Bit Rate, Range, and Time on air of
maximum allowed payload. Note that the actual payload size
a packet.
depends on the LoRa configuration and may range from a
few tens to a few hundreds of bytes, and may thus contain
several sensed data. The reader can consult the work in [36]
for a comparison between LoRa and other communications
technologies for LP-WANs as are SigFox and NB-IoT. The
next subsections describe briefly the LoRa specifications and
its major constraints. Note that we do not cover the details of
LoRaWan, a network specification that use the physical layer,
in the rest of the paper we refer only to LoRa and do not use
the LoRaWAN layers. B. Limitations on the duty cycle
Theoretically, hundreds of devices (sensors and gateways)
A. The LoRa physical layer could use the same channel for data transmission. In order to
LoRa uses a wide range of license-free sub-gigahertz radio make a equitable sharing of the channel between the radio-
frequency bands and operates in different bands in different based devices, the governments have regulated, among other
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3075561, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
N number of sensors - v
g distance between sensors meters d
x field width (g multiple) meters k
y field heigth (g multiple) meters
r range of wireless comm. meters
∆ transmission period seconds
A drone autonomy seconds
D path-length of the drone meters
v = D/A drone’s velocity m/s
d in-range distance meters Fig. 1. The picture is centered on the drone that moves vertically with constant
T = d/v drone time of flight over the sensor seconds speed v. A sensor remains into the communication range for time T = d/v.
pk probability of receiving a packet (0,1) The distance 0 < k < r from sensors to drone is the optimal distance that
maximize the packet reception probability.
data and data about the state of the soil and surrounding wireless interface to successfully communicate.
plants. We assume that sensors are wireless-connected, battery- While swiping the field, a radio link of length r does not
powered, and (possibly) energy harvesting [39], so that they guarantee that we can successfully receive a packet from all
do not require deployment of wired infrastructures as they are sensors in that range, since the delay and the probability of
completely autonomous. The data collection is performed by collisions between packets of different sensors must be taken
a drone that acts as data mule and gateway of the network. It into account. In the following, we study the upper bound k
swipes the field according to a predetermined flight plan and (k < r) to the minimum distance between the drone and a
it collects the available data from the sensors that are into its sensor such that the probability of receiving a packet pk can
communication range. We assume that this range is such that be maximized (we also call k the maximum minimum distance
the drone can communicate with sensors placed up to distance of the drone from the sensors). In particular, we analyze the
r from its projection on the ground. A summary of the symbols relationship between k and the other parameters in the model,
and parameters used in this work is presented in Table I by providing proper bounds to the probability pk with respect
2327-4662 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Santa Barbara. Downloaded on May 21,2021 at 07:44:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3075561, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
k as percentage of r
distance2 d is 2 r2 − k 2 we √ have that the time of flight over 60%
r 2 −k2
the sensor is T = vd = 2A D and during
T this
period the
sensor transmits up to tx times, where tx ≥ ∆ times, which
T 40%
we lower bound with tx ≥ ∆ − 1. pc
Considering that the sensors that transmit the data to the 1%
drone are not synchronized, it is possible that some communi- 20% 5%
cations collide. This is especially true when the transmission 10%
range is very large (this is the case if LoRa is used for example), 15%
and thus the number of sensors within the transmission range 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
of the drone is also very large. Furthermore, packet loss is Communication Range r [km]
possible due to environmental conditions; we model packet
loss with the parameter pc that expresses the probability that
Fig. 2. Maximum value of k as a percentage of the communication range r.
a packet transmitted by a sensor is not received by the drone
(see Figure 13 for plots of pc in LoRa). Consequently, the
probability pk can be estimated as: shows the maximum k as a percentage of r when: vmax =
pk = 1 − pTc /∆−1 . (1) 11.11 m/s = 40 km/h, ∆ = 60s, p = 0.98 and pc equals to
1%, 5%, 10%, 15% for different curves. We see that when r
In general, to assess the value of parameter k, we need is small, in particular below 1km, the maximum value of k
to meet the requirement that the probability of successful could be even lower than half the range. The value of k is
transmission is at least3 p0 , i.e. pk ≥ p0 . Recalling that also a decreasing function of pc , on the other hand, when r
T T /∆−1 T /∆−1
tx ≥ ∆ −1, follows that √
1−pc ≥ p0 ⇒ pc ≤ 1−p0 . increases over 2 km, k is over 80% of r since the negative
r −k 2
Introducing T = 2A D , under the constraint pk ≥ p0 part inside the square root is a constant, and it is negligible
follows: as r increases. The gap in the lower left part of some curves
√ is where k is not defined: when r is too small, the expression
T 2A r2 − k 2 log(1 − p0 )
= ≥ +1 (2) inside the root is negative. Until this point we do not have
∆ D∆ log pc specified the flight path followed by the drone. In the next
Note that if k is very close to r then the time T (numerator subsections, we improve the details of our model. To explicitly
above) decreases. Hence, as k approaches r, T goes to 0 and introduce the relation between the path length D and k, we
so does pk . On the other hand, when k is small and v is limited, define two simple flight plans, one for very large fields and
the length of the path D increases (it is inversely proportional one for medium/small fields.
to k intuitively, if the drone flights closer to the sensors, the
path length increases) and, based on the autonomy of the drone,
A. A model for large fields
it could be infeasible to cover all its length. So, the goals of
maximizing pk and minimizing the path length D are mutually In large fields we assume that g < r x and g < r y,
contrasting, and we need to study an optimal trade-off among which can be obtained if the field is big as compared to the
the two. From inequality (2) follows that: transmission range. This condition in practice can be obtained
also if the field is not so big but the transmission range is small
log(1 − p0 ) 1
r −k ≥v·∆2 + (for example when WiFi is used to communicate between the
2 log pc 2 drone and the sensors). The assumed flight plan follows a
and solving for k we obtain: conventional plan suitable to cover a regular distribution of
s the sensors in the field. It has the same starting and end point,
0 so that the drone can return to the base after the flight. An
log(1 − p ) 1
k ≤ r2 − v · ∆ + (3) example of such a flight plan is shown in Figure 3, it is a
2 log pc 2
back-and-forth or zig-zag path, studied in several papers (see
The maximum of k is obtained from the bound above with [40], [41]).
v = vmax , with vmax be the maximum speed determined both Note that, for the sake of simplicity, in the rest of the section
by the drone specs or by the specs of the communication we assume that 2k is integer and odd, so that the flight plan of
interfaces that may not work well at higher speeds. Figure 2 the drone is a straightforward generalization of that shown in
Figure 3. Note also that the flight plan can be easily generalized
2 We assume that the drone flights linearly over short distances so we can x
to the case in which 2k is even. If the drone follows the path in
always approximate d with a linear segment, so we are disregarding turns off Figure 3, the distance traveled by the drone can be computed
the drone.
3 In a single pass of the drone over the sensor, as in the flight plan the drone as follows: The number of movements of the drone along
may pass over the same sensor more than once. the y-axis are: x−2k x
2k + 1 = 2k , The total distance covered
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3075561, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
4k y
p0 = 98%
92% 5%
Path of
r d0 the drone 25%
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Values of k [m]
Fig. 4. top) Example of a reduced field to be covered by a drone. The A. Analysis of Cases and Application of the Model
rectangle is created with parameters: x = 22k, and y = 4k so N = 36.
bottom) Distance d0 inside the range of a sensor at the corner of the field.
In the following we report some analysis of the two models
described in Section IV-A and IV-B for different scenarios.
We start with large fields, then move to small ones. In all the
analysis the range of communication is considered a constant
log(1−p0 )
Letting h = ∆ + 1 , follows (16h 2
+ 1)k 2
+ and set to r = 2km, a conservative value for technologies like
A A log pc
8xh k + h x − r ≤ 0. Considering that r > k > 0 and that LoRa. Enlarging the communication range does not alter0 the
2 2 2 2
h > 0, the latter equation has two real solutions (k1 , k2 ) and qualitative analysis that is obtained here. The parameter p that
the admissible values of k are in [k1 , k2 ]. Also in this case, affects the expected bound on the probability pk of receiving
the value of k that maximizes pk is the one that maximizes T , a packet from the sensors to the drone, is always set to 0.98.
considering that the first derivative of T is − √rA(kx+4r
, by The plot in Figure 5 represents the values of pk as a function
2 −k 2 (4k+x)2
of k obtained with different values of pc . The values of x, y
means of a simple analysis (and assuming x > 4k), we observe
are set to be multiple of 2k, the optimal value of k is equal to
that T is decreasing for k ∈ [0, r]. Hence the maximum of
1414.2km that is 70% of r, and represented in the figure as
probability pk is reached when k = k1 :
k ∗ . The others two solutions computed in (4) are shown at the
p intersection of the curves with the horizontal line with pk =
−4xh2 + (16h2 + 1)r2 − x2 h2 0
k1 = (7) p ∗ 100 = 98%, we call these two values kmin , and kmax in the
16h2 + 1 following. We note from the plots that increasing pc decreases
the values of pk as expected, but only marginally at k ∗ , this
V. S I M U L AT I O N S A N D E VA L U AT I O N effect is more emphasized for kmax that even if suboptimal will
play an important role in practical application as we will see.
We validate our approach and the model by means of Choosing k = k ∗ guarantees that pk is maximized but it also
simulation. Firstly, in Section V-A we evaluate analytically affects the path length of the drone, and thus the required flight
the two models for large and small fields previously described autonomy to cover the field.
in order to determine how the parameters of the models can be Figure 6 shows the minimum flight autonomy A as a
optimized. Secondly, in Section V-B we look for commercial function of k (note that for each value of x in the legend,
drones to validate their suitability as data collectors in our we set y = 2x). The figure shows that the autonomy of the
scenario, and then we face up the usage of LoRa as physical drone increases when k decrease and for k = k ∗ it exceeds 300
layer technology to evaluate by simulation its performance minutes (5 hours), a value that is far greater than the higher
in terms of collisions and successful reception probability for autonomy of most commercial drones (see Table II). Note also
several deployments and LoRa configurations. that, in practical applications, it is important to distinguish
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3075561, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
17 17
19 1800 19
Values of k [m]
270 1700
250 238
216 30
181 179 1600
150 170
100 210
85 90 1500
73 70
60 130
37 36
18 26 51 85 128 179 238 306 382
0 1400
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Values of k [m] Minimum Autonomy of the drone [min]
Fig. 6. Analysis of the minimum autonomy of the drone, as a function of k Fig. 7. Analysis of the value of k with different field side x with y = 2x as
and pc . a function of the autonomy of the drone.
of x is steeper. 85% pc
From all the analysis done so far, we see that setting k = k ∗ 1%
has several limitation in practice, specifically, if we fix the 5%
domain size, the minimum autonomy required for the drone is
too high, this can be approached in different ways. A possibility 20%
is the use of multiple drones, splitting the domain in smaller 75%
parts, another possibility is to consider the data collection phase
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
to be composed of several flight missions that alternate between Domain width x [km]
different part of the domain, still using a single drone. However,
a simple solution is also to increase the value of k over k ∗ as
Fig. 8. Values of the maximum-minimum distance k as a function of the field
much as possible, i.e. taking k = kmax . In Figure 7, we plotted side length x.
the values of kmax as a function of the autonomy of the drones
(in minutes), for different field size, moreover, we can compare
the values in the curves, with the values required if we used effect can be seen if we increase the side of the domain x. The
k = k ∗ represented as dots at k ∗ = 1414.2. From the plot, we plot in Figure 9 shows that the time T that the drone spends
see clearly that using the maximum value for k, reduces the in the range of a single sensor decreases as k increases, but
autonomy required to cover a field of 19km×38km from 382 as we see in the next section, it is still sufficiently large with
minutes to 210 minutes, a gain of more than 54%. respect to the time required by a packet to be transmitted in
Now we study the case of small fields, using Equation 7. In LoRa. The time is also a decreasing function of x, since a
this case we set the autonomy of the drone to A = 40 minutes bigger domain requires an increased velocity of the drone to
and ∆ = 60 sec. We set p0 = 0, 98 and r = 2 km as in the complete the path.
previous case. Figure 8 shows k as a function of x. Specifically, Finally Figure 10 plots pk for different values of k and for
the curves represent k as a percentage of r for values of pc different packet collision probabilities pc . The values of the
ranging from 1% up to 25%. As expected, the plot shows that optimal values for k for different values of pc , obtained using
if we consider x constant, when pk increases, k decreases (so equation 7 are annotated in the plot. As we see from the plot,
increasing the time spent in the range of a sensor); the same pk decreases with increasing pc and with increasing k, here
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Things Journal
LoRa in terms of collisions and successful reception probability
x for several deployments and LoRa configurations.
4km 1) Admissibility Conditions: As described in Section IV,
6km given a field and a drone defined by the tuple hx·y, r, A, ∆i, we
Interconnection Time T [s]
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3075561, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
PAY L O A D . N A : N O T A VA I L A B L E .
Name Manufacturer Type Controller Dimensions1 Battery Max Speed Weight2 Max. Flight Price
(mm) (mAh) (km/h) (Kg) Time (min)
eBee SQ senseFly Fixed Wing 1100 4900 LiPo 3S 110 1.25 55 12000$
Lancaster 5 PrecisionHawk Fixed Wing 1500 NA 79 3.55 45 25,000+$
Firefly6 BirdsEyeView Aerobotics Fixed Wing 1520 NA 64 4.5 50-59 8000$
AgDrone System HoneyComb Fixed Wing 1245 8000 3S LiPo 82 2.15 55 >10000$
Mavic 2 Pro DJI Quadcopter 322x242x84 3950 LiPo 4S 72 1.1 31 1499e
Phantom 4 DJI Quadcopter 370x325x220 6000 LiPo 2S 72 1.58 28 1153e
3D IRIS+ 3D Robotics Quadcopter 550(L)x100(H) 5100 3S 39.6 1.48 20 750$
Aero Ready to Fly Intel Quadcopter 360(L)x222(H) 4000 Li-Po 4S 53.76 2.765 20 1099$
Autel EVO Autel Robotics Quadcopter 338 4300 Li-Po 72 1 30 1049$
Anafi Parrot Quadcopter 175x240x65 2700 2 cells 55 0.32 25 699$
HYBRiX-2.1 Quaternium Quadcopter 1630x913x509 Petrol/Battery 80 5 240 NA
H2 Quad EnergyOR Quadcopter 1200 (diagonal) Fuel Cell/Battery NA 10 120 NA
MATRICE 600 PRO DJI Heptacopter 1668x1518x759 6 45 00 LiPo 6S 65 15.1 35 5699$
Xena OnyxStar Octocopter NA 10000/6S 50 5.6 37 NA
4000 1000
3500 7 7
8 8
Packet transmission times (ms)
3000 9 9
Max. number of nodes
10 10
2500 11 11
12 12
0 0
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
Payload (bytes) Payload (bytes)
Fig. 11. Packet transmission times for different payloads and SFs, taking Fig. 12. Maximum number of sensors that can be covered by a single drone
CR=4/5. for different payloads and SFs, taking CR=4/5.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3075561, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal
Retransmissions (%)
N 36 49 81 121 169 225 289 361
Nr 16 29 49 81 113 149 197 253 60
1.0 Payload (bytes) 20 bytes
20-pc 20-prx 40 bytes
Collision (pc ) and succesful rx probabilities
40-pc 40-prx
20 60 bytes
60-pc 60-prx
0.8 80-pc 80-prx 80 bytes
100-pc 100-prx
100 bytes
50 100 150 200 250
0.6 Number of nodes
0.4 Fig. 14. Percentage of retransmissions for the deployments in Table III.
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Things Journal
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