Example Upwork
Example Upwork
Example Upwork
305x165x46 UB
BEAM S6 S275
FLOOR JOISTS • All waterproofing, DPC and DPM are to Architect's details. Any damp proof
membranes shown on our drawings are indicative of their position within the
construction only.
PADSTONE BEAM S2 S275 BEARING PLATE PADSTONE • The extent of demolition work, fire protection to steelwork, floor separation
500x100x140mm PADSTONE
500x100x140mm 152x152x30 UC 1000x100x20mm details and acoustic isolation are to Architect's details.
47x150 C24 @400cc
BEAM S4 S275 • The Contractor is responsible for the design, installation and maintenance of
2No.47x200 C24 152x152x30 UC all necessary temporary works to ensure the strength and stability of the
FLOOR TRIMMERS building throughout the course of the works. The Contractor is to produce
BOLTED Method Statements outlining proposed sequence of works and details of
2No.47x200 C24 temporary works to be used for comment by the Structural Engineer before
FLOOR TRIMMERS starting work.
LINTEL LINTEL • Temporary works design should comply with the requirements of BS 5975.
• When installing beams into an opening wider than 3m in an existing structure,
EX. FOUNDATIONS TBC. IF allow for the use of folding wedges, Harjaks or other means to pre-deflect the
47x200 C24 @400cc
SUITABLE FOR LOADS FROM beam to give a mid-span deflection of span/400 before transferring load
ADDED STOREYS 47x200 C24 @400cc from temporary works into the beam.
• All steel sections and plate are to be grade S355. Hollow sections are to be
grade S355.
• All steelwork dimensions, levels and details to be confirmed by appointed
fabricator prior to commencement of ordering materials or fabricating.
Appointed fabricator to provide full steelwork connection design.
• All bolted connections are to use grade 8.8 bolts with a minimum of two M16
bolts per member unless specifically indicated otherwise on details.
• All welds are to be minimum 6mm leg length continuous fillet welds unless
specifically noted otherwise.
• All internal steelwork is to be blast cleaned to Sa 2.5 and painted with zinc
phosphate primer - Sherwin-Williams’ Macropoxy 400 or equal approved.
• External steelwork is to have corrosion protection, galvanised or encased in
concrete (wrapped in 2no layers of D49 mesh with 75mm encasement)
• Where supporting masonry, if corbel exceeds 25mm, Contractor to provision
for a 10mm thick steel plate welded to the top flange with a 6mm hit and
miss fillet weld.
• All brickwork intended to take additional structural loads especially about the
point of loading from steels and padstones is to be exposed and checked by
approved inspector for adequacy to take additional loads. Any large cracks
or wall discontinuities and/or evidence of any previous movement not
apparent but exposed during construction is to be reported to engineer for
further evaluation.
• All lintels to have minimum 150mm bearing at supports.
GROUND FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN ROOF PLAN • Sulfate-resisting cement is to be used below DPC level.
• Pockets in party walls for padstones etc. are to be formed by carefully
removing stretchers and snapping off headers where required.
• For vertical movement joints in brickwork, refer to Architect's details. Allow for
movement joints in blockwork (at 6m centres) and in brickwork (at 10-12m
• Where chimney breasts are to be demolished and retained. Chimney stack
re-supported with steelwork, masonry to be cleanly disk cut back. Contractor
to undertake a flue survey to confirm flues do not cross the party wall.
Contractor to allow for the chimney breast and flues to be made good and
infilled with new masonry tied to the existing with wall starters and retrofit wall
Infill around end of steel beam using
using a GEN 3 concrete mix with max. CEILING TIE
10mm aggregate and 260kg/m² of 150x47 C24
Padstones to be cast using a 1:1.5:3
cement. If min 40mm cover to steel @ 400
concrete mix (BS 5328) with max. 10mm
aggregate and 260kg/m² of cement. cannot be achieved end of beam to be
Refer to plans for sizes. painted with additional coat of
bituminous paint. CEILING TIE RAFTER
scale1:20 M12 8.8 BOLT WITH 50mm
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