Revision Notes Chapter 5
Revision Notes Chapter 5
Revision Notes Chapter 5
Class – 7 Science
Chapter 5 – Acids, Bases and Salts
A. Acids
B. Bases
C. Salts
● Acids: Acids are pungent in taste or acidic in nature. They get corroded easily.
The concentrated form of acid can cut through clothes and destroy the wool
away. On exposure to skin, it can cause severe burns. They act as a good
conductors of electricity thus allowing the electric current to pass through
them. There are several types of Acids given below:
(i) Mineral Acids are acids that are prepared from minerals present in the
earth’s crust.
(ii) Organic Acids are those acids that are produced by plants and animals
(except hydrochloric acid).
(iii) Weak Acids are those that do not dissociate completely in solution. For
example, tartaric acid, lactic acid etc.
(iv) Strong Acids have the ability to dissociate completely in solution. For
example, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid etc.
(ii) Ant sting: When an ant bites, it injects formic acid inside the skin. This
ant sting is then neutralized by rubbing moist baking soda (chemical name-
sodium hydrogen carbonate) or by rubbing calamine (which containing zinc
carbonate) over the affected area.
(iii) Soil treatment: When the soil becomes too acidic, it is neutralized by
adding quicklime (calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) to it.
● Bases: Substances that are bitter in taste and soapy in appearence. Bases are
classified into two:
(i) Weak Bases: Those bases which produce fewer hydroxide ions in solution.
For example, magnesium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide etc.
(ii) Strong Bases: Those bases which produce many hydroxide ions when
dissolved in water. For example, Sodium hydroxide(NaOH), Potassium
hydroxide (KOH) etc.
Substances that are neither acidic nor basic are said to be neutral substances.
When an acid and a base react with each other they neutralise and forms a salt.
Salt could be acidic, basic or neutral in nature.
● Indicators are special chemicals that changes its color to indicate the presence
of a chemical substance. Solutions of substances shows different colours in
acidic, basic, and neutral solutions. Hence, It is widely used to confirm the
presence of an acid, a base, or a neutral solution.
A. Natural Indicators: