Social Media and Social Awareness

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Chapter 12

Social Media and Social Awareness

Xinyue Ye, Bo Zhao, Thien Huu Nguyen and Shaohua Wang

Abstract The human behaviors and interactions on social media have maintained
themselves as highly dynamic real-time social systems representing individual social
awareness at fine spatial, temporal, and digital resolutions. In this chapter, we intro-
duce the opportunities and challenges that human dynamics-centered social media
bring to Digital Earth. We review the information diffusion of social media, the
multi-faced implications of social media, and some real-world cases. Social media,
on one hand, has facilitated the prediction of human dynamics in a wide spectrum of
aspects, including public health, emergency response, decision making, and social
equity promotion, and will also bring unintended challenges for Digital Earth, such
as rumors and location spoofing on the other. Considering the multifaceted impli-
cations, this chapter calls for GIScientists to raise their awareness of the complex
impacts of social media, to model the geographies of social media, and to understand
ourselves as a unique species living both on the Earth and in Digital Earth.

Keywords Social media · Human dynamics · Social awareness · Location spoofing

12.1 Introduction: Electronic Footprints on Digital Earth

Geo-positioning system-enabled instruments can record and reveal personal aware-

ness at fine spatial, temporal, and digital resolutions (Siła-Nowicka et al. 2016; Li
et al. 2017; Ye and Liu 2019). With an exponential growth, human dynamics data are
retrieved from location-aware devices, leading to a revolutionary research agenda
regarding what happens where and when in the everyday lives of people in both real
and virtual worlds (Batty 2013; Yao et al. 2019). Many location-based social media

X. Ye (B) · S. Wang
College of Computing, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA
B. Zhao
Department of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
T. H. Nguyen
Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) and European Union 2020 425
H. Guo et al. (eds.), Manual of Digital Earth,
426 X. Ye et al.

(LBSM) instances have been gaining popularity, fostering the emergence of fine-
grained georeferenced social media content through these personalized devices (Liu
et al. 2018a, b). The proliferation of LBSM enables researchers and practitioners to
efficiently track a large and growing number of human action and interaction records
over time and space to develop insights and enhance decision-making process from
individual to global levels. The patterns and trends produced by LBSM can iden-
tify the movement of active social media users and aid in inferring demographics
and related infrastructures. The collected data on users’ physical and virtual activ-
ities facilitate the in-depth understanding of human dynamics from various aspects
(Barabasi 2005; Shaw et al. 2016). The large volumes of such user-generated loca-
tional and contextual information are especially beneficial to studies relevant to the
evolution of population size and human settlement structure as well as highly topical
subjects such as traffic and epidemiological forecasting. For instance, real-time cus-
tomer shopping behaviors might be rapidly identified by searching specific keywords
in tweets, which allows for urban researchers and business analysts to monitor the
fine-scale dynamics of economic geography and market outcome (Ye and He 2016).
This new data landscape might not directly provide an ultimate solution to long-
standing social or economic issues, but can increasingly shed light on many societal
characteristics that are otherwise difficult to discover using traditional questionnaires
or surveys.
Human actions and interactions in the digital form as well as frequent status
updates can manifest themselves as highly dynamic real-time social systems, which
enable the government to formulate appropriate policies for the relevant groups and
targeted communities (Shi et al. 2018; Wang and Ye 2018). The electronic footprints
and perceptions left by social media users and derivatives of complicated social
networks can be utilized to enhance the design of location-based services (Ye and
Lee 2016). Hence, the increasing demands in mapping and analyzing social media
data call for more innovative conceptual and technological advances in visual and
computational methods. These research challenges and opportunities can facilitate
a paradigm shift in the broader social science disciplines in this new form of data
landscape. Social media messages can depict the interconnected patterns and rela-
tionships between cyberspace and physical space, and can also be distributed instantly
to a large number of users globally, who may belong to different virtual communities
(Shelton et al. 2015).
Geographic information has traditionally been spread by governments or indus-
tries in a top-down manner; but its broadcast is much faster through social media
than official agencies. The dramatic transition towards bottom-up digital dissemina-
tion has challenged these official or professional processes. Individuals can utilize
the power of volunteered geographic information to minimize the difference and/or
quality between experts and nonexperts in the context of generating a large col-
lection of user-described features and numerous georeferenced citizen observations
on socio-economic phenomena. With social media platforms becoming increasingly
location-enabled, users can share geo-tagged information about their own lives and,
as a result, rich content about large populations can be aggregated for social and
behavioral studies (Sui and Goodchild 2011). Such a practice facilitates the policy
12 Social Media and Social Awareness 427

transition from long-term to short-term action with a new perspective of understand-

ing, visualizing, and analyzing human dynamics (Batty 2013).
The use of LBSM content represents a significant methodological advancement
in social sciences and humanities research, providing rich content regarding human-
environment interaction with locational estimation in ubiquitous/pervasive comput-
ing. It can efficiently assist place-based policy interventions in a timely fashion.
Prompt and rigorous detection of emerging social and economic events calls for
more robust algorithms to support such unprecedented research efforts in both qual-
itative and quantitative analyses. However, challenges and difficulties remain in pro-
cessing user-generated messages to derive effective and high-quality information,
considering the complex syntax and context embedded in social media messages.
Additionally, if data analytics cannot be effectively conducted, the expected results
could lose value for decision makers. These issues must be addressed to realize the
potential of social media analytics.
Considering the above-mentioned issues, the remainder of this chapter is orga-
nized as follows. Section 12.2 describes the multifaceted implications of social media.
Regarding social media, the unprecedented opportunities to predict human dynam-
ics are introduced in Sect. 12.3, while multiple challenges are listed in Sect. 12.4.
Then, the implications of these opportunities and challenges are further discussed in
Sect. 12.5, followed by a conclusion in Sect. 12.6.

12.2 Multifaceted Implications of Social Media

Value systems are fundamental to anything we do. Today, the rapid proliferation
of social media has greatly affected us and almost every aspect of human society.
Confronted with this complicated and unstoppable interaction, we employ value
structures to holistically discover the implications of social media, especially the
unintended but vital ones. McLuhan’s (1975) law of media is frequently utilized to
capture the social consequences of various media. Tuan (2003) also proposed the
psychology of power to unveil the internal logic of human’s perceptions of places,
and Ihde (1990) contemplated how technology mediates between human beings and
the world from a phenomenological perspective.
Among these value structures, we employ Ihde’s amplification-reduction struc-
ture to investigate the opportunities and challenges brought by social media. This
structure reveals how technology (including social media) amplify and simultane-
ously reduce a certain human experience. The amplified and reduced experiences are
intertwined and interrelated. More significantly, the amplified human experience is
obvious whereas the reduced human experience is undiscoverable and easily ignored.
Though Ihde only suggested applying this structure to the human experience, it can
also be applied to understand the social implications of the investigating object.
Through this structure, the opportunities and challenges of the social implications
can be revealed. For example, during the 2008 Olympic Games, social media was
touted as a tool of freedom to enable the general public to express their concerns
428 X. Ye et al.

about the air pollution issues in major Chinese cities. If we acknowledge the promo-
tion of free speech as the opportunities brought about by social media, the hidden
challenges can be revealed through this value structure—social media can also be
used as a tool of surveillance by big brother to control the discussion on air pollution
as well as a medium of advertisement by private companies to sell relevant products
(e.g., masks) to prevent air pollution-related symptoms. The implications of social
media are multifaceted. Therefore, the value structure can be applied to examine the
impacts of social media on the rapidly evolving Digital Earth. In the following sec-
tions, we discuss the opportunities provided by social media as well as the potential

12.3 Opportunities: Human Dynamics Prediction

As a newly chartered territory for human activities, social media has resulted in
tremendous electronic footprints. Such footprints represent a large number of the
population and can be used to predict human dynamics on the ground via the rela-
tionships between the spread of information, user characteristics, and message con-
tents. In this section, we discuss how social media can be used for different aspects
of human society, including public health, emergency response, decision making,
and social equity promotion.

12.3.1 Public Health

Social media platforms can be used to mitigate the spread of pandemics and associ-
ated anxiety. Scholars have used sentiment analysis and spatial analysis to examine
how social media communication conveys information about contagious and infec-
tious diseases and alerts the public, through identifying, tracking, and visualizing the
behavioral patterns of users (Zadeh et al. 2019). For instance, Ye et al. (2018a, b)
explored public health-related rumors during disease outbreaks and evaluate how
such media framing sets the tone negatively, affecting the quality of disease outbreak
detection and prediction, using the diffusion of Ebola rumors in social media net-
works as a case study. Sharma et al. (2017) find that the inaccurate Facebook posts are
more popular than those with accurate and relevant information about the Zika virus.
Villar and Marsh (2018) studied the impact of social media health communication of
Ebola and Zika, concluding that the effect relies on users’ attitudes and trust towards
authorities and the media. Average citizens and ordinary social media users have
very limited knowledge regarding the accuracy and relevancy of infectious diseases
spreading over time and across space as well as concerning complications. As a force
in health communication, social media data could be utilized to define a temporal
extent of the infection and to populate a spatial database of reported occurrences
of the disease. Additionally, social media data can be used to track and predict the
12 Social Media and Social Awareness 429

emergence and spread of infectious diseases and distribution across various spatial
and temporal scales. As a self-reported volunteered information platform and useful
surveillance tool, social media feeds outperform those from official or government
outlets in timeliness. They can also aid in gaining insights into the opinions and
perceptions of the public.

12.3.2 Emergency Response

The use of massive computer-mediated communication in emergency response and

disaster management has captured considerable interest from both the general public
and decision makers. Social media enables fast interpersonal communication during
crises through information dissemination, early warnings, environmental awareness,
and public participation in disaster-affected areas, allowing for emergency workers
to respond more speedily and capably (Hashimoto and Ohama 2014; Finch et al.
2016). As Yin et al. (2012) argue, “this growing use of social media during crises
offers new information sources from which the right authorities can enhance emer-
gency situation awareness. Survivors in the impacted areas can report on-the-ground
information about what they are seeing, hearing, and experiencing during natural
disasters. People from surrounding areas can provide nearly real-time observations
about disaster scenes, such as aerial images and photos.” Moreover, since social
media users can access information posted by official agencies through following
their accounts, organizations and agencies can leverage social media as a platform
to post authoritative situational announcements and communicate with the public in
emergency situations and to potentially retrieve and verify on-the-ground informa-
tion using the public as the information source (Wang et al. 2016). Palen et al. (2009)
examined the consequences of digital communication and information sharing on
emergency response in the context of the Virginia Tech massacre. Chen et al. (2016)
proposed real-time geo-tagged tweet collection and recording in a distributed geo-
database as well as real-time data redistribution using a Web GIS application. This
system was applied to a hypothetical mass evacuation using tweets from Hurricane
Joaquin in 2015.

12.3.3 Decision Making

As a new kind of user-generated geospatial information, social media data could be

invaluable to political agenda-setting that needs to be aware of location-based topic
distribution. For example, the data could help political strategists analyze the tweets
of residents or voters in a given geographical area. Politicians can gauge people’s
reactions by monitoring the communication among Twitter accounts regarding policy
issues. Ye et al. (2017) employed voting tweets regarding a water bond in California
to highlight place-based situational awareness. Convention and visitors’ bureaus may
430 X. Ye et al.

focus on ‘hot button’ issues in certain places within their cities or regions. These data
could provide operational indicators about places that are most visited or preferred by
visitors, which can inform the marketing strategies relevant to these locations. Local
governments could analyze social media messages to determine whether a proposed
construction project would be favored by the public or if other proposed projects
would be perceived positively by their constituents. Ye et al. (2018a, b) examined
how the Multilevel Model of Meme Diffusion (M3D) captures the debates regarding
death penalty abolishment across space. At the intracity scale, Liu et al. (2018a, b)
assessed the utility efficiency of subway stations in a Chinese city by matching
the capacity of train services and the travel needs using social media data. Deng
et al. (2018) analyzed how geotagged tweets are associated with hourly electric
consumption at the building level, given the assumption that tweeting behavior is
highly related to human activities.

12.3.4 Social Equity Promotion

Most social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram are designed for
the general public; few are dedicated to specific groups (e.g., LGBTQ, photographers,
natural disaster victims, etc.). An in-depth analysis and visualization of the specific
groups can promote social equity among different groups. Social awareness of where
they are is the first and foremost step in enabling local residents and governments
to recognize the necessity to treat these underrepresented populations equally. For
example, Jack’d, a dedicated gay social networking app, enables its users to com-
municate online with those who are physically nearby. Through collecting online
locational information from Jack’d, a 3D distribution of the gay community in Bei-
jing were visualized (Zhao et al. 2017). By overlapping this distribution with land-
marks such as major roads, university campuses, shopping malls and gay-friendly
places (e.g., gay bars, gay saunas, gay-friendly gyms, gay-friendly parks and public
restrooms attracting gay activities, etc.), the characteristics of this underrepresented
group’s distribution can be revealed. Gay people in Beijing primarily concentrate in
the northwestern and eastern parts of the city. The northwestern area is the center for
higher education, with several famous universities. In the eastern area of Beijing, the
area from Sanlitun to Worker’s stadium is acknowledged as a recreation center for
LGBT people. To the south, a few famous gay-friendly residential communities are
surrounded by gay saunas; to the east, there are several high-end residential commu-
nities and shopping malls in the Guomao and Sihui subdistricts. This 3D distribution
reveals a hot spot of gay activities in the Tongzhou district. This may result from the
relatively low house rent and convenient accessibility to Chaoyang and other local
urban centers for hangouts. Through this 3D distribution of the gay community’s
electronic footprint, the local public health agencies can provide corresponding ser-
vices for the gay community and organize more targeted activities as an effective
means to promote social equity.
12 Social Media and Social Awareness 431

12.4 Challenges: Fake Electronic Footprints

In addition to those obvious opportunities in human dynamics prediction, challenges

inherently in social media are often ignored. As Chun et al. (2019) argue, “uncertainty
and context pose fundamental challenges in GIScience and geographic research.
Geospatial data are imbued with errors (e.g., measurement and sampling) and various
types of uncertainty that often obfuscate any understanding of the effects of contextual
or environmental influences on human behaviors and experiences.” Although social
media has been touted as a platform to authentically present human trajectories and
their mobilities, rumors, spoofings and privacy concerns, not limited to the physical
world, are also exist on Digital Earth. In this sense, We cannot immediately treat social
media messages as accurate and credible without considering the above-mentioned

12.4.1 Rumors

The unmoderated nature of social media user’s posting behavior might lead to the
accumulation of invalidated and unverified information and news involving spec-
ulation and uncertainty regarding social events (Ye et al. 2018a, b). Jones et al.
(2017) found those who relying on social media for updates of a campus lockdown
tend to suffer from greater distress due to their increased exposure to conflicting
content in social media channels. Rumors are considered messages or forms of inter-
action among people about certain events that may not be true. As a nonprofessional
medium, social media platforms can spread rumors. However, some information
from reliable sources can minimize rumor propagation, lowering the level of anxiety
in the virtual community. Zubiaga et al. (2018) noted that the openness of social
media platforms also enables the study of user behavior on sharing and discussing
both long-standing and newly emerging rumors based on natural language processing
and data mining methods, especially for four components: rumor detection, rumor
tracking, rumor stance classification, and rumor veracity classification.

12.4.2 Location Spoofing

Location spoofing is a deliberate geographic practice to disguise one’s actual loca-

tion with inconsistent locational information (Zhao and Sui 2017). It facilitates the
spoofer to virtually travel to places of interest for various purposes. For smartphones,
the spoofing mechanism can be divided into three steps, (1) blocking the positioning
service of a smartphone to acquire the actual locational information, (2) generating
inconsistent locational information, and (3) transmitting it to an operating LBSM
app (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Pokémon Go, etc.) on a smartphone (Zhao and Zhang
432 X. Ye et al.

2018). As a result, the LBSM app mistakes the fake location as where the oper-
ating smartphone really is. Specifically, the positioning service relies on a hybrid
approach that integrates three major positioning techniques: built-in GPS, surround-
ing WiFi network triangulation, and cellular tower network triangulation. For these
three techniques, the more accurate, the higher priority in deciding the final result. In
practice, the fundamental function of location spoofing is to downgrade the accuracy
of the positioning technique or totally block the positioning function. There are three
common location spoofing techniques, in terms of falsifying the MAC addresses of
surrounding WiFi routers, spoofing GPS signals in the environment, and mocking
in-transit locational information. The last method is predominantly adopted by dedi-
cated mobile android apps for location spoofing. Such apps enable users to virtually
visit a place other than the actual location. An example is presented below to clarify
In reaction to the 2009 presidential election in Iran, the government of Iran regu-
larly monitors all activities on social networks (Ansari 2012). During the campaign,
social network sites were suddenly blocked, and online political activity became the
target of harsh criticism and reprisals from the government. To prevent this surveil-
lance and protect online protestors, many internationally based Green Movement
supporters spread disinformation over Twitter to mislead local police. Foreign sup-
porters who were not in Iran decided to set their online locations to Tehran to protect
those who were tweeting from Tehran. This strategy may have helped some Iranian
opposition leaders avoid persecution, but also made it impossible to understand the
real impacts of Twitter on the protest.

12.4.3 Privacy Abuse

When users share content and their data on social media, there is a risk that such
content and data are collected and exploited in a way that is not expected by the
users. This poses a serious challenge in terms of privacy for user data and calls for
the responsibility of the network administrators, researchers and users to preserve
privacy in social networks. Two broad classes of privacy issues in social networks—
user-user privacy and user-third party privacy—are discussed below.
In social media, one user might share content about another user or party. Although
this mechanism helps spread the content over the networks efficiently, it inherently
presents a tremendous risk for privacy violation. For instance, your friends might
share a picture you posted, showing you were in a restaurant with another friend.
The picture sharing might be done without your consent and accidentally reveal your
location, private information that you do not want to share beyond your friend list. To
prevent such privacy breaches, social media administrators have implemented mech-
anisms for users to make complaints and request that the content be removed from
the networks. However, before the content can be reviewed and revoked, it might
have caused some detrimental consequences for the users. It would be more effective
if such content dissemination was validated at the very beginning. Addressing the
12 Social Media and Social Awareness 433

user-user privacy issue requires collaboration among scientists from different disci-
plines, including computer scientists, GIScientists, and psychologists. For example,
Kekulluoglu et al. (2017) studied a hybrid negotiation architecture with a reciprocity
mechanism to mimic the social responsibility in reality, and a credit system was used
to encourage agents/users to respect other’s privacy in social media.
Regarding user-third party privacy, content and data generated by social media
users might be collected by different third parties for various purposes, potentially
causing serious data leaks and violating the privacy of users. A retailer might retrieve
user profiles and posts to deliver appropriate ads to the users or an upstart voter-
profiling company could exploit such information to characterize the personalities of
users and influence their voting decisions (e.g., the recent Facebook privacy crisis and
data leak with Cambridge Analytica on American elections described in Rosenberg
et al. (2018)). Another example is researchers who query user data to infer various
user characteristics (e.g., depression, drug abuse) (Choudhury et al. 2013). While
such inferences can provide valuable insights into different social problems and
support monitoring systems for social issues, the leaks of such inferred information
for specific users can cause biases and affect the users’ ability to participate in social
activities (e.g., jobs, school admission). Consequently, it is important to develop
technological strategies to ensure privacy in user data-related activities in social
media. The Future of Privacy Forum and DataGuidance (2018) delivered the report
“Comparing privacy laws: GDPR v. CCPA.” This report compares the European
Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective on May 25, 2018,
and the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) scheduled to be in effect
on January 1, 2020. Both laws would also fundamentally influence social media
platforms in collecting/sharing/employing users’ data online and offline.

12.5 From Awareness to Action

A close scrutiny of the opportunities and challenges would raise our awareness of
the potential capacity of social media in understanding human dynamics. As Yang
et al. (2016, p. 61) argued, “the convergence of social media and GIS provides an
opportunity to reconcile space-based GIS and place-based social media.” Driven by
this awareness, GIScientists should take actions to model the geographies of social
media, propose innovative approaches to location spoofing screening and connect
the virtual world in social media with the real word to better explain social media

12.5.1 Modeling the Geographies of Social Media

Tracking and predicting the diffusion of social media information from a neighbor-
hood to a global scale raises a series of questions such as where and when certain
434 X. Ye et al.

topics will be discussed and become popular. Sui and Goodchild (2011) suggested
two hypotheses to test the nature of social media message diffusion such as geo-
tagged hashtags spread through Twitter. The spatial influence model states that the
spatially nearby locations tend to be impacted in the near future, and the community
affinity influence model asserts that such dissemination would occur between func-
tionally connected places. However, the reality is usually a combination of these two
models. Such predictions will be useful for policymakers to estimate the spatial and
functional influence of economic downturns facilitated by supply-chain networks.
The community affinities are expected to enhance the prediction power of purely
spatial models.

12.5.2 Detecting Location Spoofing Through Geographic


If we examine location spoofing from the traditional standard of scientific data,

it is highly unlikely that such “fake” information is generated by environmental
uncertainties, measurement uncertainties, or limited knowledge about measurement
(Zhang and Goodchild 2002). Today, location spoofing cannot simply be treated as
fake data, as these data are associated with complicated generative motivations from
different stakeholders, governments, local business or average social media users.
To identify location spoofing, it is necessary to determine the motivations why the
author produces that location, and then judge whether it is spoofed or not.
Therefore, we must seek appropriate solutions to the positioning inconsistency
and the motivations for spoofing. Usually, self-reporting (e.g., survey, questionnaire)
or observations can qualitatively collect and interpret human motivations that trigger
the generation of positional inconsistency. However, in practice, it is difficult to
measure the real motivation: admittedly, the survey or questionnaire participants
might not report their true intentions of location spoofing due to the fear of being
recognized as location spoofers or rumormongers.
The positioning inconsistency in spoofing can be quantitatively detected. Theoret-
ically, any spoofing detection is supposed to unveil a certain underlying positioning
inconsistency. As Goodchild (2013) indicated, a geospatial accuracy model inter-
prets how a world is constructed geographically. In this sense, spoofing detection is
meant to detect scenarios that do not follow the way in which the world is geograph-
ically constructed. One crucial theoretical framework to build up the geographic
truth is Hägerstrand’s Time Geography (1970). This analytical framework concep-
tualizes the trajectory of each individual as a life path, which is restricted by several
predefined human behavioral constraints in space and time. Meanwhile, a series of
analytical tools to measure human dynamics are provided by Time Geography, such
as space-time path, prism, and cube. Zhao and Sui (2017) provided a Bayesian time
geographic estimation approach to determine the places that an examined user is
unlikely to appear. Time-geographic density estimation (TGDE) was used to model
12 Social Media and Social Awareness 435

the human appearance in a region over time. TGDE can convert trajectories (e.g.,
a time sequence of historical geo-tags from an individual) to a visiting probability
distribution of spatial positions over time. This model can effectively convey the
behavioral constraints and describe where and when an individual is more likely to
visit. A location with a lower probability value is more likely to be spoofed. Moreover,
with the rise of deep learning such as long short-term memory, LSTM (Greff et al.
2017), it is worth investigating application of deep learning techniques in detecting
fake location information. For example, given a set of sequenced historical geo-tags
of an individual, LSTM can be used to model the sequential information and build
deep learning-based classification methods.

12.5.3 Connecting Social Media with the Real World

In social media, people share their thoughts and emotions about events in the real
world. Such events might be explicitly mentioned or implicitly referred to in their
posts. For instance, some social media posts might explicitly include a link to a
news article they would like to discuss whereas other posts might express the users’
attitude on some events without citing those events. In many inference problems for
social media data (e.g., sentiment analysis, opinion mining), it is crucial to determine
the corresponding realistic events to fully understand and explain the trends and
phenomena in social media (i.e., connecting social media with the real world). One
example is that social media posts concerning implicit events where the absence of
the implied events would clearly impede accurate analysis of the posts.
To model the real world, we can resort to public information resources such as
news articles and public knowledge resources such as Wikipedia and Freebase (Bol-
lacker et al. 2008). These resources cover a wide range of events across various
aspects of life. They are also updated with new events in almost real time due to
the recent advances in publication technologies, promoting these public information
resources as a digital counterpart of the real world. Consequently, we can connect
social media data with the real word via the reflected world of public information
resources. The major technical challenges to accomplish this connection involve
the ability to autonomously extract events from those public resources (e.g., news
articles) and the capacity to link the information in social media to the appropriate
detected events. Such challenges would require a deep analysis of the semantics of the
information presented in both (e.g., the posts in social media and the events in public
resources) to identify the events and connections with high accuracy. Fortunately,
deep semantic understanding of such information is being actively investigated in arti-
ficial intelligence research, including natural language processing, computer vision,
graph modeling and machine learning. For instance, many recent studies have shown
that events in news articles can be effectively curated using deep learning techniques,
a branch of machine learning that is capable of automatically inducing the underlying
representations for data to achieve high extraction performance (Nguyen et al. 2016;
Nguyen and Grishman 2018; Nguyen and Nguyen 2019). As these event extraction
436 X. Ye et al.

techniques can also recognize the time and locations at which the events occur, they
can be beneficial for GIScientists in geographical research of populations on social
media and the real world. In addition, deep learning might also present effective
solutions for the problem of linking social media data with realistic events due to its
recently demonstrated capacity for embedding and representation learning for var-
ious problems. Once converged, such advances in these fields of computer science
might eventually offer an opportunity to connect the virtual world and real world by
solving the aforementioned technical challenges.
Finally, the realistic events from public information resources enable novel
semantic-based solutions to combat the problems of rumors or fake news in social
media. An important property of the public resources discussed in this section is
that they generally capture trustful information/events, as such information is ver-
ified by the media administrators for accuracy and correctness. This is one reason
why news articles are usually slower than social media in presenting the informa-
tion to the public. Consequently, if the social media information can be accurately
linked and compared with the information/events in the trustful information sources,
novel detection and tracking techniques can be proposed to prevent rumors and fact-
check the information spread over social media. Artificial intelligence research can
provide the fundamental technologies to tackle these problems, as demonstrated in
recent research in natural language processing and deep learning (i.e., Yin and Roth

12.6 Conclusion

As a crucial platform for human dynamics and activities, social media content can
be mined in multiple approaches to determine how individuals connect and share
information as well as purposefully move across scales and resolutions (Croitoru
et al. 2013; Miller et al. 2019). When social media activities are attached with loca-
tional information, these online human activities can generate tremendous electronic
footprints on Digital Earth. Especially when merging with other digital overlays of
authoritative data through multisource data fusion, such as land use, urban planning,
and natural resources data, powerful interoperation and prediction that require both
electronic footprints and digital overlays on Digital Earth become feasible with the
optimal weights for combination (De Albuquerque et al. 2015; Lin et al. 2019). These
digital overlays serve as the socioenvironmental context within which the geosocial
media dynamics and events occur and evolve, calling for scientific cross-fertilization
of many separate domains toward an integrated science of human dynamics.
In this chapter, we introduce the opportunities and challenges that human
dynamics-centered social media bring to Digital Earth. We review the information
diffusion of social media, the multifaced implications of social media, and some
real-world cases. Social media will facilitate the prediction of human dynamics in
a wide spectrum of aspects, including public health, emergency response, decision
12 Social Media and Social Awareness 437

making and social equity promotion. Social media will also bring unintended chal-
lenges for Digital Earth, such as rumors and fake location spoofing. Considering the
multifaceted implications, this chapter calls for GIScientists to raise their awareness
of the complex impacts of social media and urges them to model the geographies of
social media as well as filter fake locations through geographic knowledge, targeting
a more robust geosocial knowledge discovery. Social media will continue to evolve,
along with the development of human society. Social media has become a crucial
part of human activities on Digital Earth. Any effort that ignores the importance of
social media will bring the effort into question. Therefore, the study of social media
provides new data sources and data collection methods about real-world activities
and happenings, and social media help us in profoundly understanding ourselves as
a unique species living both on the Earth and in Digital Earth.

Acknowledgements This material is partially based upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant Nos. 1416509, 1535031, and 1739491. Any opinions, findings, and conclu-
sions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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Xinyue Ye is an Associate Professor in the College of Computing at New Jersey Institute of Tech-
nology where he directs Urban Informatics & Spatial Computing lab. He develops and implements
new methods on spatiotemporal-social network analysis/modelling/simulation for different appli-
cation domains such as economic development, disaster response, land use, public health, and
urban crime.

Bo Zhao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at University of Washington.

His research interests are on the social implications of geospatial technologies, the study of dif-
ferent spoofing phenomena in geography towards a post-truth reflection on the value of geospatial
technologies, the geovisualization and geo-narrative of the coupled human and natural system.
440 X. Ye et al.

Thien Huu Nguyen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Information
Science at University of Oregon. His research explores mechanisms to understand human lan-
guages for computers so that computers can perform cognitive language-related tasks for us.

Shaohua Wang is an Assistant Professor in the College of Computing at New Jersey Institute of
Technology where he directs Software Engineering lab. His research spans the study of software
engineering from system, empirical, and machine learning perspectives.

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