Concept Paper - Term 1 (2024-2025)
Concept Paper - Term 1 (2024-2025)
Concept Paper - Term 1 (2024-2025)
Students are reminded to follow deadlines and take note of the consultation with
the teacher. Below are the specific details about the project.
The coverage for the first trimester will be:
● Speech Sounds
Pupils should be able to demonstrate their skills in:
1. Production of vowels and consonants sounds
2. Correct production of dipthongs
3. Correct production of the /th/ sounds
4. Correct production of the Schwa
5. Correct production of the voiced and unvoiced consonant sounds
6. Accurate pronunciation of words
7. Correct and clear reading with expressions
(Weeks 1 – 3:)
(Weeks 4 – 5:)
Step 2: Students are given a piece of tongue twister which is unique from each
Step 3: Students perform their respective tongue twisters in front of the class.
(Weeks 6 – 8:)
Step 4: Students are given time to edit their choreography based on the
recommendations of the teacher (3 weeks). This will be conducted
individually via breakout room. The basis of recommendations is taken
from the submitted midterm assessment.
(Weeks 9 – 10: )
Step 7: Submit FINAL OUTPUT for Trimester Final Assessment (see rubric
E) Below are the rubrics to be used in scoring the weekly, midterm and final outputs.
Scoring Rubric for the First Trimester Midterm and Final Output in
Tongue Twister
Volume and Voice is loud Mostly Sometimes Often too soft or loud,
Projection and clear, clear, difficult to hear, hard to hear.
easily heard. occasiona inconsistent
lly too volume.