Evaluation of The Effects of Graphene Nanoplatelets On The Rutting, Fatigue Performance, and Moisture Sensitivity of Hot Mix Asphalt
Evaluation of The Effects of Graphene Nanoplatelets On The Rutting, Fatigue Performance, and Moisture Sensitivity of Hot Mix Asphalt
Evaluation of The Effects of Graphene Nanoplatelets On The Rutting, Fatigue Performance, and Moisture Sensitivity of Hot Mix Asphalt
Additives are used to improve the properties of asphalt mixtures. One such additive is nanomaterials, which are very popular
due to their unique characteristics. This study investigated the effects of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) on the performance
characteristics of hot-mix asphalt (HMA). Bitumen was modified at 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5% (by weight of the bitumen). Based
on bitumen tests, a 0.5% nanographene content was selected. Repeated load axial (RLA), indirect tensile strength modulus
(ITSM), and indirect tensile fatigue (ITF) tests were performed to assess the mixtures’ performance characteristics. To evalu-
ate their moisture sensitivity, indirect tensile strength and compressive tests were carried out in both wet and dry conditions.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) indicated that the nanomaterials were appropriately mixed in the bitumen. The results
showed a decrease in final deformation and an increase of 15, 36, and 54% in the stiffness modulus at 5, 25, and 40 °C,
respectively. The fatigue life of modified asphalt mixtures was improved by 55% compared to conventional mixtures. Rais-
ing the tensile strength ratio (TSR) in the indirect tensile test promoted the performance of the modified sample compared
to conventional ones and led to a decline in their moisture sensitivity. The modified sample’s ITS in dry and wet conditions
rose by 23% and 38%, respectively compared to conventional samples.
K. Ghalandari Shamami et al.
Recently, nanotechnology has been extensively used in improved the modified asphalt’s rutting, aging, and fatigue
the pavement industry to enhance the quality and durability resistance. Saltan et al. [5] in 2017 studied the influence of
of asphalt mixtures [12–14]. Nanomaterials can be utilized nanosilica on asphalt mixture performance properties based
to prepare mixtures resistant to traffic and environmental on the Superpave mix design. They added nanosilica to bitu-
conditions because the particle size range in nanoscience men at 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%. Based on the results, the best
helps create new and unique properties for asphalt materials asphalt mixture performance was observed at 0.3% of nano-
[15, 16]. Nanomaterials possess morphological properties silica. They heated bitumen to 160 °C and mixed it with a
that give them their properties compared to ordinary-sized high shear mixer at 4000 rpm for 2 h. The asphalt mixtures’
materials. These properties are also due to the very small moisture sensitivity was assessed at the same temperature
size, very high SSA, and extremely high particle-to-thick- according to the modified Lottman test. The findings dem-
ness ratio. The addition of nanomaterials to other materi- onstrated an enhanced rutting resistance and fatigue life, as
als may overcome some of their structural limitations, and well as reduced moisture sensitivity.
asphalt mixtures are no exception [17–19]. Chelovian and Shafabakhsh [26] in 2017 examined the
Since the discovery of graphene in 2004, it has attracted effect of nano-Al2O3 on stone mastic asphalt’s dynamic per-
the attention of many researchers in the engineering indus- formance. Bitumen was modified at 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.2
try due to its special characteristics [20–22]. The current percentages. To study these mixtures’ properties, dynamic
research aimed to see how graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) creep tests were carried out at temperatures of 40, 50, and
affect the dynamic properties of asphalt mixtures. 60 °C and stress levels of 350 and 500 kPa. At all tempera-
tures, the samples modified with 0.6 at the stress of 350 kPa,
1.1 Literature Review and the samples modified with 0.9% at the stress of 500 kPa
had the lowest creep. By testing the effect of the wheel-track
Numerous studies in recent years have been conducted to test, they concluded that the lowest rutting depth belongs to
promote HMA’s performance by incorporating nanomate- the samples modified with 0.6% aluminum-nanoxide. The
rials. For instance, Hafeez et al. [23] studied the effect of results of the indirect fatigue test revealed that the samples
GNPs on the Structural and Functional Performance of Gra- modified with 0.6% aluminum nanoxide display the best
phene Nano-Platelet (GNP)-Doped Asphalt. In this research fatigue resistance.
resistance to permanent deformation, resistance to moisture In 2017, Taherkhani et al. [27] studies the influence of
damage, and bitumen-aggregate adhesive bond strength were nano-ZycoSoil and nano-silica on asphalt mixtures’ per-
studied. They found that GNPs also provide nano-texture formance characteristics. Bitumen was modified with 0.1,
to the pavement, which enhances its skid resistance. Two 0.3, and 0.5% nano-ZycoSoil and 1, 3, and 5% nanosilica at
percentages of GNPs (i.e., 2% and 4% by the weight of the 3000 rpm for 60 min at 160 °C. Dynamic creep and indirect
binder) were used for the modification of asphalt binder to tensile tests on the samples demonstrated that the models
achieve the desired samples. Using GNPs, improved not only modified with 5% nanosilica and 0.1% ZycoSoil show the
the rutting resistance of the pavement but also its durabil- best performance against rutting and moisture, respectively.
ity. GNPs significantly reduce the moisture susceptibility of Croucho et al. in 2018 explored the effect of three types
asphalt. The addition of 2% and 4% of GNPs to the binder of bentonite, nanosilica, and crude iron on asphalt mixtures’
increases the percentage of bitumen coverage from 15 to moisture sensitivity and performance characteristics. They
60% and 70%, respectively. modified bitumen at 160 °C with a high-shear mixer for
In 2015, Moqaddasnejad et al. [24] studied the impact 60 min at 2000 rpm via the dry method. Nanosilica enhanced
of nanomaterials on HMA’s rutting potential. They incor- the mixture’s resistance to corrosion; crude iron promoted
porated nanoscale aluminum-oxide, titanium dioxide, iron its sensitivity to moisture; and bentonite increased its fatigue
oxide, and zinc oxide as additives and performed commonly life.
used tests of bitumen, e.g., ductility, penetration, softening Guo et al. [28] analyzed the rheological properties and
point, and RV to determine the properties of bitumen. To micro properties of graphene rubber asphalt composite
create a homogeneous mixture and promote nanoparticles’ modified asphalt. It can be seen that adding graphene can
dispersion in bitumen, mixing was performed at 150 °C and significantly improve the elastic recovery ability and anti
28,000 rpm for 20–30 min. A static creep test was conducted rut ability of rubber powder modified asphalt. Accord-
on the samples following bitumen modification. The find- ing to the report of the US Department of transportation
ings displayed a reduction in penetration degree and rut- [29], GNPs can effectively improve the penetration, sof-
ting potential, and an elevation in flashpoint, ductility, and tening point, ductility and other indicators of SBS modi-
fatigue life. fied asphalt, so as to improve their high-temperature per-
According to Habib et al. [25], blending small amounts formance, and improve the durability of road materials
of graphene-oxide (GO) increased asphalt viscosity and by reducing the porosity of asphalt. The modified asphalt
Evaluation of the Effects of Graphene‑Nanoplatelets on the Rutting, Fatigue Performance,…
based on GNPs-SBS composite material has good high nano-HDPE had a superior performance than those modi-
and low temperature stability under high and low tem- fied with SBS and conventional samples.
perature conditions. However, Cannone reported that the Li et al. [33] in 2021 investigated the effect of nanog-
rutting test results of GNP/SBS modified asphalt showed raphene on bitumen properties. Graphene was added to
8000 cycles at 130F and less than 2000 cycles at 90F [30]. bitumen at 0.5, 1, and 1.5%. Penetration degree, softness,
In 2018, Ziari et al. [31] developed a neural network ductility, RV, DSR tests were then executed on the modi-
and used linear and multiple regression to study the impact fied samples. The results showed a drop in the phase angle,
of carbon nanotubes, loading frequency, and temperature ductility, and penetration degree, and an upsurge in the G*
on asphalt mixtures’ rutting performance. They conducted modulus and softening point. According to the bitumen tests,
the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) test to explore the G*/ the nanographene content was determined to be 1%.
sinδ rutting parameter. The findings demonstrated a rise
in the complex modulus and a decline in the phase angle.
By considering the loading frequency and temperature as 2 Objectives
input, the neural network displayed a very good perfor-
mance in predicting the mixtures’ corrosion resistance GNPs as nanomaterials have received less attention in
characteristics. asphalt mixture production and characteristic improvement.
Chen et al. [28] in 2020 studied the influence of nanog- The present study, therefore, aimed to investigate the effects
raphene on bituminous-modified asphalt mixtures’ perfor- of GNPs on the dynamic properties of asphalt mixtures. The
mance. They conducted the DSR test to assess bitumen most important objectives were:
samples’ performance at low and high temperatures. They
also carried out the multiple stress creep and recovery test • Investigating the effect of GNPs on the properties of
to assess asphalt mixtures’ performance at high tempera- modified bitumens
tures. The mixtures modified with a combination of crumb • Examining the effect of GNPs on the stiffness modulus,
rubber and nanographene demonstrated a high reversible fatigue life, and rutting potential of asphalt mixtures
strain and were very suitable for heavy loads. • Evaluating the moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures
In 2020, Abed et al. [32] investigated the effect of nano- modified with GNPs
HDPE and SBS on the performance of bitumen and asphalt
mixtures. They modified bitumen at weight percentages
of 3 and 5% and investigated the modified bitumen’s per- 3 Experimental Studies
formance by conducting Superpave tests, e.g., DSR, pres-
sure aging vessel (PAV), rolling thin-film oven (RTFO), 3.1 Materials
and RV. IDT and wheel-track tests were also conducted to
assess the performance of asphalt mixtures. Based on the Granite aggregates were used, and the grading of all samples
findings, the samples modified with nano-HDPE possessed was based on AASHTO Regulation No. 4. The grading of
a lower rutting depth compared to those modified with aggregates is presented in Table 1. The bitumen was AC70-
SBS and conventional samples, and displayed superior 60 bitumen from Isfahan Jay Oil Company, with specifica-
performance against rutting. Based on the indirect tensile tions given in Table 2 [34]. The fracture toughness of nanog-
test results, in equal conditions, the samples modified with raphene was 42 N/m2. For a hypothetical thin film of steel
Table 1 Gradation of
aggregates Sieve size (mm) 19 12.5 4.75 2.36 0.3 0.075
Percentage passing (%) 100 95 59 43 13 6
Lower–upper limits 100 90–100 44–74 28–58 5–21 2–10
K. Ghalandari Shamami et al.
with a similar thickness to graphene (layer thickness of 35.3 sample was tested, and the sample with a large difference
angstroms of graphite), the fracture toughness will be about was removed. It should be noted that the air void of the all
0.084–0.042 N/m2, indicating that the strength of graphene samples was 4.5% except in the Compressive strength test,
is 100 times that of steel. The prominent characteristics of which was 3.5% for samples in heavy terrific level and 7%
graphene reported so far are listed in Table 3 [35]. for ITS samples. Figure 1 displays the laboratory procedure.
GNPs were added to bitumen at 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5% (by 3.3.1 Classic Bitumen Tests
the bitumen weight) to prepare the samples. To achieve a
homogeneous and uniform mixture, the bitumen was heated These tests measure the hardness or softness of bitumen
to 150 °C, and the mixing operation was performed by a based on the ASTM D5 standard. The softening point test
high-shear mixer at 4500 rpm for 45 min. Mixing time and is defined by the degree of softness as the temperature at
speed were selected specifically to create a homogeneous which a bitumen changes from a solid to a liquid state based
mixture according to previous studies and the properties of on ASTM D36 [43].
nanomaterials [36–42]. To eliminate the effect of bitumen
short-term aging in the modification process on the results, 3.3.2 Rotational Viscosity
the control bitumen was placed in the mixer in similar condi-
tions so that aging during bitumen mixing would not mislead The RV test is performed according to ASTM D4402 or
the analysis. After sampling, samples were gathered from AASHTO TP48 to measure bitumen viscosity at high tem-
various locations within the modified bitumen container, peratures. This test is carried out for proper mixing, pump-
and the penetration grade test was done to determine the ing, and moving of simple and modified bitumens. Accord-
homogeneity of the modified bitumen. The penetration grade ing to specifications, the aging of bitumens at 135 °C should
measurements for the bitumens treated with GNPs had a be a maximum of 3 poise. This experiment can be used to
coefficient of variation of 1.8%, which is statistically accept- investigate the effect of various additives on bitumen viscos-
able. The modified bitumens from diverse locations of the ity and flow [2].
bitumen container were also examined for storage stability
at intervals of a day, a week, and two weeks, and the pen-
3.3.3 Dynamic Shear Rheometer
etration grade assays were carried out. The maximum coef-
ficient of variation was between the one-day and two-week
This test aims to measure bitumen’s viscous and elastic
samples, equal to 2.4% for the modified bitumen. The opti-
behavior and assess crack resistance at high temperatures
mal nanographene content (0.5%) was selected based on the
(composite modulus G* and phase angle δ, indicating the
findings of softening point, penetration degree, RV, and DSR
elastic and viscous behavior of bitumen). With this test, the
tests. The Marshall test was carried out based on the ASTM
rutting resistance parameter at high temperatures is assessed
D1559 standard to determine the optimal bitumen in the
by the geometry of parallel plates at a loading frequency of
conventional and modified states. The optimal bitumen con-
10 radians per second based on the ASTM D7175 stand-
tent for the regular and modified samples was, respectively
ard [3]. Equation 1 presents the amount of work dissipated
5.4 and 5.6%. Two samples were made for each test, and
per cycle at this tests’ constant stress. The lower the phase
in case one of the samples had a large difference, the third
angle δ and the higher the modulus (G*), the more elastic
and difficult the bitumen’s behavior. Thus, rutting resistance
increased by elevating the G*/sin δ and reducing the amount
Table 3 Important physical and mechanical properties of nano-gra-
phene of work dissipated in each cycle [44–46].
Property Nano-Graphene
[ ]
Wc = 𝜋𝜎 0
G∗ ∕sinδ
pH 7–7.7
Diameter (nm) 4–12
Resistivity (Ω-cm) 10–6
3.4 Asphalt Mixture Tests
Thermal conductivity ( Wm−1 K−1) 5.3 × 103
Elastic modulus (TPa) 0.5–1
3.4.1 Indirect Tensile Stiffness Modulus (ITSM) Test
Coefficient of thermal expansion (/K) − 6 × 10−4
Tensile strength (GPa) 130
This test is carried out based on the ASTM D 4123 to calcu-
Specific surface area ( m2 g−1) 500–1200
late the stiffness modulus of asphalt samples. A Nottingham
Evaluation of the Effects of Graphene‑Nanoplatelets on the Rutting, Fatigue Performance,…
device was used in this research. This test is performed in diameter [48]. In this study, the fatigue test was performed
line with the diameter of the sample and by applying a linear by the indirect tensile method at 25 °C and three stress levels
force with a 0.1-s cycle for load application, and a rest cycle of 100, 200, and 300 kPa.
of 0.9 s on the samples. The horizontal deformation of the
specimens is measured by the sensors according to Pois- 3.4.3 Repeated Load Axial (RLA) Test
son’s input coefficient and must be in the elastic range [47].
Herein, to determine the asphalt samples’ dynamic stiffness RLA tests were used to evaluate the asphalt mixtures’ rutting
modulus, this experiment was performed at 5, 25, and 40 °C. resistance. Figure 2 illustrates the strain generation steps in
K. Ghalandari Shamami et al.
an asphalt specimen on an RLA test. This diagram shows 4 Results and Discussion
the permanent deformation created in the sample against
the corresponding number of cycles [49]. In the first stage, 4.1 Bitumen Tests
deformations will be large despite the small number of
cycles. In the second region, the strain’s rate of increase As depicted in Fig. 3, raising the percentage of GNPs
is almost constant. In the third region, which is usually decreased the penetration degree of the modified bitumen
accompanied by the appearance of cracks, the strain’s rate of compared to its prototype. By increasing the GNP content
increase is severe and will continue until the rupture of the to 0.5%, the most significant decrease in the penetration
sample [2]. In this study, conventional and modified samples degree was observed, and the relative hardness of the modi-
were subjected to RLA tests at stress levels of 150, 300, and fied bitumen increased compared to the original bitumen.
400 kPa and two temperatures of 50 and 60 °C. With respect to the carbon structure of nanographene, this
may be due to the enhanced bond strength between nano-
3.4.4 Indirect Tensile Strength Test (ITS) particles and the hydrocarbon chains of the bitumen, which
elevated the hardness of the modified bitumen compared to
The indirect tensile strength (ITS) test is a destructive test the original bitumen. As a result, the modified bitumen expe-
performed according to ASTM D6931 in the direction of the riences less deformation than the base bitumen under equal
specimen’s vertical diameter to examine the mixture’s crack- forces. In addition to forming stronger bonds, asphaltenes
ing strength [39, 50]. Herein, this experiment was performed prevent the separation of bitumen particles, which results in
to evaluate the moisture sensitivity of the asphalt mixture a bitumen with superior properties.
modified with GNPs. According to AASHTO T283, for each Bitumen softening point is associated with its viscos-
design, three normal samples and three conditioned sam- ity directly; the higher the softening point, the greater the
ples are made. The samples should have a void of 7 ± 0.5%. viscosity and the lower the temperature sensitivity. This
Conditioned samples must first be saturated between 70 and promotes viscosity and alleviates sensitivity to heat. The
80% and then kept at − 18 °C for at least 16 h. They are then increase in softening point in the modified bitumens can
taken out of the freezer and kept in a 60 °C water bath for be attributed to the rise in the energy required to break the
24 h. Normal samples should also be placed in a 25 °C bath bonds between the nanoparticles and the bitumen’s hydro-
for 2 h and then tested. The maximum tensile strength of the carbon chains.
specimens is calculated by Eq. 2 [24]. The condition-to-dry
samples’ tensile strength ratio is calculated by Eq. 3. Based 4.2 Rotational Viscosity
on the standard, this value should be at least 75% [51]. In
this equation, D denotes the samples’ diameter and t indi- Figure 4 depicts the RV test results for control and modified
cates their thickness. samples at 135 °C. According to this diagram, the addition
of GNPs to bitumen promoted the viscosity of the modified
2000P specimens compared to the control samples. This increase
ITS = (2)
𝜋Dt in viscosity may be due to the adsorption of asphalt binder
where P denotes the force at the moment of failure (N); t and nanoparticles. The presence of nanographene particles
indicates the specimen’s thickness (m); and D stands for the
specimen’s diameter (m).
( )
TSR = × 100 (3) 70
Penetration grade Softening point
Penetration grade (0.1mm)
(kPa), and ITSwet is the ITS of the conditioned samples
(kPa). 40
30 30
10 10
Compressive strength was assessed based on the ASTM
0 0
D1074 standard. The compressive strength of the compacted 0 0.1 0.3 0.5
asphalt mixes was measured via uniaxial compression test- Nanographene Content (%)
ing, and the samples were loaded until failing at a loading
rate of 50.8 mm/min [52]. Fig. 3 Results of penetration and softening point tests
Evaluation of the Effects of Graphene‑Nanoplatelets on the Rutting, Fatigue Performance,…
4.4.1 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Test Results
0.2 Figure 6 displays the SEM test results for bitumens contain-
ing 0.5% nanographene. GNPs exhibit a strong aggregation
0 potential, with the formation of a random network of con-
0 0.1 0.3 0.5
tacting aggregates. To exploit the potential of nano-GNPs
Graphen Content (%)
as a bitumen modifier, these nano-GNPs aggregates should
be fully scattered in the bitumen. According to the SEM
Fig. 4 RV test results
images, the mixing procedure succeeded in mixing nano-
GNPs in the asphalt and preparing a nano GNPs-bitumen
7 matrix. This image shows the dispersion of nanoparticles
6 in the bitumen at different magnifications of 2000 to 50,000
times. According to Fig. 6, the SSA of nano-modified bitu-
men rose, thereby enhancing the adhesion between bitumen,
G*/SINΔ (kPa)
GNPs, asphalt, and aggregates. Figure 2a and b shows that
3 some nanographene particles are fully separated in the bitu-
men’s bulk; even through some appear in very small groups,
the majority of them are completely dispersed in different
directions throughout the specimen. This difference in the
58 64 70
specimens’ appearance is due to the difference in their cross-
TEMPERATURE( section, as they were randomly sampled and imaged from
Control Control with 0.1 % nanographene various parts of bitumen.
Control with 0.3 % nanographene Control with 0.5 % nanographene
K. Ghalandari Shamami et al.
Evaluation of the Effects of Graphene‑Nanoplatelets on the Rutting, Fatigue Performance,…
another factor in this event. These 2D networks are com-
posed of nanometer-thick nanographene plates and bitumen
GNPs sheets fortify the bitumen network by layering
between the polymer molecules and enhancing the mixes
resistance to the spread of fatigue cracks. In Fig. 8, the
0% 0.50%
results of fatigue tests on control and modified asphalt
Graphene Content (%) samples have been compared. The regression lines were
produced at each stress level for all samples. The findings
Fig. 7 Stiffness module test results demonstrated a suitable linear relationship between the loga-
rithms of stress and fatigue resistance. As the stress level
rises, the sample’s fatigue life declines. Table 4 also displays
400 the coefficients for the fatigue equations in the control and
Control, 4.5 % Air void changed samples. Nf is the number of cycles before a failure
0.5% nanographene, 4.5% Air void
Control, 3.5 % Air void in this equation, and values K1 and K2 are the correlation
0.5% nanographene, 3.5 % Air void factors for each mix. R2, also referred to as a multiple cor-
relation coefficient or defining factor, reflects the extent to
Stress (kPa)
Table 4 Comparison of fatigue Num Air void (%) Mixture Fatigue Equation K1 K2 R2
behavior of the mixtures at
20 °C 1 4.5 Control ( )0.522 9057 0.522 0.986
Nf = 9057 𝜎1
K. Ghalandari Shamami et al.
9 88.0%
Control, S=150 kPa
0.5% GNPs, S=150 kPa
Control, S=300 kPa
0.5% GNPs, S=300 kPa
Control, S=400 kPa 80.0%
5 0.5% GNPs, S=400 kPa
4 76.0%
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
0% 0.5%
Nanographene Content (%)
Fig. 9 RLA test results at 50 °C
Fig. 12 Results of wet to dry samples’ tensile strength ratio
Control, S=150 kPa
7 0.5% GNPs, S=300 kPa
4000.0 3743.8
Control, S=300 kPa
6 3376.7
0.5% GNPs, S=150 kPa 3500.0
3149.7 3101.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0.0
Dry Wet Dry Wet
Medium Traffic Level Heavy Traffic Level
0% 0.50%
Fig. 10 RLA test results at 60 °C
Dry Wet
1200.00 1152.484
4.4.5 Indirect Tensile Strength Test (ITS)
1000.00 936.843 945.495
The tensile strength ratio was estimated from the modified
800.00 Lottman test according to AASHTO T283. Figure 11 shows
the mean tensile strength results for all the dry, conventional,
and modified specimens that have been treated. This graph
400.00 shows the difference between treated samples and dry sam-
ples in terms of the % drop in tensile strength. The condi-
tioned mixtures had a lower ITS value than dry mixtures
0.00 due to the presence of water in the mixture, the diminished
0.0% 0.5%
Nanographene Content (%)
bitumen and bitumen-aggregate adhesion, and the reduced
asphalt mix loading strength. According to Fig. 11, the ITS
Fig. 11 ITS test results
of the modified dry and wet samples increased by about
23% and 27%, respectively, compared to the conventional
samples. The mixtures modified with 0.5% GNPs displayed
in the softening point of bitumen following modification, in a significant rise in tensile strength compared to the base
similar conditions, it is expected that the modified specimens sample, both dry and processed. GNP incorporation reduced
will have less deformation than the conventional specimens. the decline in wet samples’ tensile strength compared to that
of dry samples. The ITS reduction was 26 and 18%, respec-
tively, in conventional and modified specimens. Therefore,
Evaluation of the Effects of Graphene‑Nanoplatelets on the Rutting, Fatigue Performance,…
40.00 compared to dry samples indicated their improved perfor-
30.00 mance compared to conventional samples in the presence
20.00 of moisture.
0% 0.50% 4.4.6 Compressive Strength Test
Nanographene Content (%)
Medium Traffic Level Heavy Traffic Level This test was performed in accordance with ASTM D1074.
Figure 13 depicts the results of the compression test. Accord-
Fig. 14 CSR at two traffic levels ing to this figure, at both medium and heavy traffic levels,
the compressive strength of GNP-modified specimens was
enhanced compared to conventional specimens. This improve-
the use of nanographene alleviated the mixture’s moisture ment can be ascribed to nanographene’s hard carbon structure,
sensitivity. This promoted resistance was due to the very which acts as a reinforcing skeleton in the bitumen structure
high SSA of nanographene placed in the bitumen network, and enhances its cohesion. It also causes more powerful adhe-
which strengthened the bitumen network and promoted sion between bitumen and aggregates, necessitating more force
asphalt mixture resistance against loading and separation. to break the specimens. According to AASHTO T283, the
This elevation in ITS can be ascribed to the improved adhe- compressive strength ratio (CSR) of wet and dry samples
sion of the samples made containing modified bitumen com- should be at least 75%. This index for heavy and medium traf-
pared to those containing conventional bitumen. fic is depicted in Fig. 14.
K. Ghalandari Shamami et al.
5 Economic Benefits and Costs than the conventional specimens, demonstrating the
asphalt mixtures’ diminished sensitivity to moisture.
With the addition of GNPs, the stiffness modulus of specimens • In the compressive strength test, the modified speci-
and resistance to rutting, fatigue and moisture sensitivity were mens displayed better resistance in both wet and dry
increased. Because road pavement design in the AASHTO conditions than the conventional specimens. The
standard is done using resilient modulus, the calculated thick- compressive strength index in this test was above the
ness of asphalt pavement is decreased. Also, considering the 75% minimum of the standard, suggesting the modi-
consumption of aggregate and bitumen, production costs of fied asphalt mixtures’ mitigated sensitivity to moisture
asphalt mixture, pavement construction, and repair and main- compared to conventional specimens.
tenance costs are reduced. Table 5 shows the estimated cost- • The GNP-modified mixtures had improved fatigue life,
effective mix for adding GNPsin the mixtures. reduced final deformation, and diminished moisture
sensitivity compared to conventional samples. Despite
their higher initial construction cost, owing to their bet-
6 Conclusion ter performance against dynamic loads and moisture,
maintenance costs are eventually reduced and their use
This study aimed to adjust the properties of bitumen and can be economical.
thus improve the performance properties of HMA. Bitu-
men was modified with 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 wt% of GNPs, and
Funding No funding is used for this Manuscript.
0.5 wt% was chosen to prepare the asphalt samples after
bitumen tests. The results of experiments performed on Data availability The data that support the findings of this study are
bitumen and asphalt mixtures in conventional and modi- available from the corresponding author, upon reasonable request.
fied conditions were presented and discussed. The general
findings can be summarized as follows: Declarations
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no known com-
• Modified bitumen samples had a lower degree of pen- peting financial interests or personal relationships that might have in-
etration, higher softening point than base bitumen fluenced the current paper.
samples, indicating that nanographene modification
improved bitumen properties.
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https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v78.9503 Kiumars Ghalandari Shamami is a graduate student of Road and Trans-
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nedy, T.W. (1991). Hot mix asphalt materials, mixture design and tled “Evaluation of Dynamic Properties of Hot Mix Asphalt Modified
construction. with Nano-Graphene”. Asphalt materials and pavement engineering
46. Zhang, L., Xing, C., Gao, F., Li, T.-S., & Tan, Y.-Q. (2016). Using are his favorite fields of study. Over six years of experience as a pave-
DSR and MSCR tests to characterize high temperature perfor- ment engineer and experience with mechanical testing and analysis
mance of different rubber modified asphalt. Construction and of asphalt mixtures, along with his teamwork skills and interest in
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48. CEN, Test methods for hot mix asphalt—Part 24: Resistance to ment of Civil Engineering (Road and Transportation) of the University
fatigue. 2012, EN12697–24. British Standards Institution London. of Guilan. His current research interests are Spatial Database Man-
49. Ameri, M., Mohammadi, R., Vamegh, M., & Molayem, M. J. C. agement System (SDBMS), Soft Computing, Machine Learning, and
(2017). Evaluation the effects of nanoclay on permanent deforma- Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Transportation, Road Safety,
tion behavior of stone mastic asphalt mixtures. Construction and Structural, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering.
Building Materials, 156, 107–113.
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Tensile (IDT) Strength of Asphalt Mixtures. ASTM International Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Guilan. His cur-
51. Hamedi, G. H., Nejad, F. M., & Oveisi, K. (2016). Estimating rent research interests are induction heating and healing behaviors of
the moisture damage of asphalt mixture modified with nano zinc asphalt pavement, chemical and rheological characteristics of reju-
oxide. Materials and Structures, 49(4), 1165–1174. venated bitumen and Application of Nanotechnology in bituminous
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