Applied Nanomaterials in Enhancing The Properties of Asphalt Mixtures

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Applied Nanomaterials in Enhancing the Properties of Asphalt Mixtures

Article · January 2015


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2 authors, including:

Hasan Taherkhani
University of Zanjan


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Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research
4(3), pp. 36-40, 2015
Journal Homepage:
ISSN: 2251-9114

Applied Nanomaterials in Enhancing the Properties of Asphalt Mixtures

Hasan Taherkhani1, Ramin Bayat2,*
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Kermanshah Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.

Nanotechnology is the science concerned with the construction and utilization of functional structures
with at least one characteristic dimension measured in nanometers. Nanotechnology is a recently
developed, major enabling tool, already well-established in several sectors of applied science and
engineering. Development of nanotechnology has led to advanced characterization, prediction and
control of properties of materials at submicron level. Pavements of highways are constructed with
asphalt mix or concrete. Today, metal fibers, glass, poly-propylene, carbon and polymeric composites in
asphalt are used for arming purposes and improvement of pavement performance. The use of
nanomaterials to improve the environmental aspects in pavement engineering is well known. This
paper discusses the application of nanotechnology in improving the properties asphalt pavements. The
focus is on the potential effects that the technology may have on aspects such as environment
protection, economics, durability and sustainability of the pavements.
© 2015 Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nanomaterial; Pavement; Asphalt Mixture; Properties.

1. Introduction measured in nanometers. Since the rediscovery of

nanomaterials and the subsequent development of
Asphalt is an organic mixture that is widely used
polymer nanocomposites, these materials have
in road pavements because of its good viscoelastic
generated a great deal of interest in the industrial
properties. Unfortunately, asphalt becomes brittle
communities [Khattab A and et al, 2010]. Today,
and liquid at lower and higher temperatures,
extensive research has been done on the use of nano
respectively, which can result in low temperature
materials in asphalt pavement. The improvement of
cracking of pavement and high temperature rutting.
asphalt properties using nanotechnology has made
Its application is limited by this temperature
progress in recent years. In this paper, some recent
susceptibility. Therefore, to expand the aggregate
studies are reviewed.
performance of asphalts, it is essential to modify
asphalts by adding modifiers like polymer, rubber
and clay [Zahedi and Bayat, 2014]. 2. Various Nanomaterials used in Asphalt
Nanotechnology has been explored to a Modification
considerable degree to address the problems in In general, Nanotechnology will produce benefits
design, construction, and utilization of functional in two ways – by making existing products and
structures with at least one characteristic dimension processes more cost effective, durable and efficient

Corresponding address: Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.
E-mail address: (Ramin Bayat)
© 2015 Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research; All rights reserved.
Hasan Taherkhani, Ramin Bayat / Applied Nanomaterials in Enhancing the Properties of Asphalt Mixtures 4(3), pp. 36-40, 2015

and by creating entirely new products. concept behind nano-modification of materials is

Nanomaterials are widely used in the modification of that of “bottom-up” engineering, starting with
polymer matrices to realize significant improvement engineered modifications to the molecular structure
in mechanical, thermal, and barrier properties. One with an aim to affect the bulk properties of the
of the most frequently used layered silicates is material. The nano-modification of bituminous
montmorillonite (MMT), which has a 2:1 layered materials has the potential to open up whole new
structure with two silica tetrahedron sandwiching uses and classes of bituminous materials, with wide-
an alumina octahedron[Lin JC and et al. 2006]. ranging implications for the transportation
Galooyak et al. enhanced the compressive and shear infrastructure. The ability to target material
strength of thermoplastic polymers using only a modification at the nano-structural level promises to
small weight percent of nano reinforcement. The deliver the optimization of material behavior and
mechanical behavior of bituminous materials performance needed to significantly improve
depends to a great extent on structural elements and mechanical performance, durability, and
phenomena which are effective on a micro- and sustainability (Figure 1) [Santagata and et al, 2012].
nano-scale [Galooyak and et al, 2010]. The basic

Fig. 1: Illustration of the evolution of different asphalt dimensions

nanoclay good diffusion in bitumen. Also, he stated

3. Materials that this modifier doesn't have ability to improve
fatigue (specially at low temperature) [Jahromi,
3.1. Application of nanoclay in asphalt mixtures 2011]. Pacheco et al at their studies showed that
Khodaei in a research stated that nanoclay modified asphalt with Nano-Sio2 have more stiffness
application in asphalt long-term efficiency is really than unmodified sample, so that adding 2% Nano-
effective and adding just 2 percent of nanoclay to sio2 has the most effect on improving physical
bitumen causes increasing passed cycles' number characteristics of asphalt mixtures [Pacheco and
for reaching second and third stages of bending Jalalhi, 2011]. Bayat et al in a research get resulted
fracture [Khodaei and Jahromi, 2009]. Kumar in a that usually two kinds of nanoclays named cloisite
research concluded that using nanoclay in asphalt and nanofill are used in modifying bitumen that in
mixture causes increasing in life of asphalt pavement between, cloisite has better effects and this means in
[Kumar and et al, 2007]. Steyn, W.J.M et al in a modifying bitumen should consider nanoclay kind
research, called Nanotechnology actions in [Bayat and el al, 2014]. Fiedler et al in a research
pavement engineering, emphasized that asphalt named modified asphalt with nanoclay that
mixtures' stability increases by using nanoclay mentioned a topic about preparing method and it's
[Steyn and et al., 2009]. Ghile performed mechanical characteristics, stated that asphalt stability that
tests on asphalt mixture modified by 3% of Cloisite. contains nanocaly against rutting is more that
The result showed that nanoclay modification unmodified mixture and it modifies bitumen
improves mechanical behavior properties of specifications better than SBS [Fiedler and et al,
mixture such as indirect tensile strength, creep and 2006] .
fatigue resistance [Ghile, 2006]. Jahromi in two
In particular to asphalt and asphalt mixture
different researches concluded that nanoclay
properties, Nanotechnology has the following
application in bitumen increases a little bitumen
known benefits (Figure 2):
optimum content and decreases bitumen sensitivity.
- Improve the storage stability in polymer
Meanwhile, adding this nano add-in increases
modified asphalt
bitumen resilient modulus. This additive is more
- Increase the resistance to UV aging
obvious at low temperature that can result from

Hasan Taherkhani, Ramin Bayat / Applied Nanomaterials in Enhancing the Properties of Asphalt Mixtures 4(3), pp. 36-40, 2015

- Reduce the moisture susceptibility under water, reinforcement of polymers and composite and
snow and deicers electronic parts [Teizer Jochen and et al., 2012].
- Improve the properties of asphalt mixtures at
They are 10 times stronger than steel while their
low temperature
weight is one sixth of steel weight. This point has
- Improve the durability of asphalt pavements
caused them to be the first choice for building
- Save energy and cost
bridges, airplanes or even spaceships. The road
- Decrease maintenance requirements [Zahedi
pavement problems in the developing countries
and Bayat, 2014].
regarding the quality and durability of pavement,
requires new plans to be used to improve quality and
increase productivity and durability. Due to the
increasing development of nanotechnology and
special features of carbon nanotubes, you can use
them as the ideal choice in asphalt mixtures. But
because asphalt pavement is considered as the
national capital and every year, much of the
development budget is spent on road pavement,
Fig. 2: Nanoclay a structure maintenance and improvement of the mechanical
characteristics of pavement is the priority [Lee and
et al., 2006].
Table 1: Physical and mechanical properties of oridnary
nanoclay 3.3. Application of nano silica in asphalt
Properties Specification Data
Silica is an abundant compound over the earth
Moisture, % Less than 2% that is largely employed in industries to produce
silica gels, colloidal silica, fumed silica and so on. The
Weight Loss on Ignition, % About 30% Nano sized silicas are interesting particles because
Density 5-7 )gr/cm3( they are applied in emerging areas like medicine and
drug delivery [Barik et al. 2008]. Amorphous nano
Particle Size 1-2 nm silica is qualified as nanobiopesticides. Silica
Specific Surface Area 500-750 m2/gr nanoparticles have been used in the industry to
reinforce the elastomers as a rheological solute [Goh
Space between the 60-65 A0 et al., 2011]. Silica nano composites have been
particles attracting some scientific interest as well. The
PH 7.3-7.6 advantage of these nanomaterials resides in the low
cost of production and in the high performance
The electrical conductivity 25-30 MV features [Lazzara et al. 2010]. With the addition of
Modifier concentration 90-95 meg/100 gr clay nano silica in the base asphalt binder, the viscosity
values of nano modified asphalt binder decreased
slightly. Lower viscosity of the binder indicates that
a lower compaction temperature or lower energy
3.2. Application of nanotube in asphalt mixtures
consumption of the construction process will be
Carbon Nanotube one of the major discoveries achieved [Hussain F and et al, 2006]. The addition of
related to Nanotechnology is discovery of Nanotube. nano silica into the control asphalt improved the
Nanotubes are pages of carbon atoms that move recovery ability of asphalt binders. The low-
inside roller part and are similar to wire net. In fact, temperature grade of nano silica modified asphalt
Carbon Nanotube is a hollow carbon tube. Carbon binder was the same as the control asphalt binder,
nanotubes are made of carbon sources such as and the properties and stress relaxation capacity of
graphite or hydrocarbon gases by some methods nano silica modified asphalt binder was the same as
such as electrical discharge. Because of these the control asphalt. The anti-aging performance and
properties such as high specific surface area (700- fatigue cracking performance of nano silica modified
1000 m2/g), high stability and unique electrical and asphalt binder and mixture were enhanced and the
electronic properties, they are used for many rutting resistance and anti-stripping property of
applications such as a base of catalyst mechanical nano silica modified asphalt mixture were also

Hasan Taherkhani, Ramin Bayat / Applied Nanomaterials in Enhancing the Properties of Asphalt Mixtures 4(3), pp. 36-40, 2015

enhanced significantly. Meanwhile, the addition of In other cases the traditional methods for
nano silica into the control asphalt binder did not treating the problem may still remain the most cost
greatly affect the low-temperature properties of effective.
asphalt binders and mixtures [Yao et al., 2012].
3.4. Application of nano lime in asphalt mixtures 5. Conclusion
The Regular Hydrated Lime (RHL) has gained This research has shown to a large extent that
considerable recognition as a useful additive for nanomaterials can be effectively used as a modifier
improving the performance of bituminous to improve the mechanical properties of asphalt
pavements. Studies regarding RHL modified HMA mixtures. Mechanisms of using nanomaterials
mixtures have been conducted by a number of together with the base or polymer modified asphalt
researchers. Few researchers studied the and the nano/polymer/asphalt system from various
applicability and functionality of RHL as additive to perspectives have been summarized and analyzed.
WMA mixtures. Xiao et al used RHL into WMA As more investigators pay attention to the
mixtures. Based on the results of other studies, the nanomaterials applied in asphalt modification,
concluding remarks follow (Figure 3): nanoscience and nanotechnology will help make
- The creep stiffness of the foamed Nano greater progress in asphalt modification.
Hydrated Lime (NHL) modified binders is higher Adding nanoclay in asphalts normally increases
than that for the RHL modified binders. the viscosity of asphalt binders and improves the
- The results of foamed RHL modified binder rutting and fatigue resistance of asphalt mixtures.
seemed less competitive than NHL modified binder. Applying Nanoclay can improve the aging resistance
- Rutting resistance, fatigue cracking, and creep of asphalt mixes. Through the engineering selection
stiffness increase with the decrease of NHL particle and optimization of nano-materials used in asphalt,
size and with the increase of NHL dose [Amiri, 2011]. nano-modified asphalt can perform well in cold
regions with many benefits.


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