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lJ·I\·I·~: l~oP')- -h"re: u; 2"" Year No. 15

>'-'1.11 ),fill - fIH:'/' 'f, ,,..} )Ji~'i!';~ 1Ih,·l-\'·A-.f t.,Y.MI'P. .'l.'I"ht.·I'I...f'P. t.T-tlh.h ADDIS ABABA - 15" February, 1996
\',0''''11 ·I,wllr·:r· jI"hc: n,')' mIl4:H' \'Wll)


~,'P:(' <j:'/'C ?;·:V~iil~·i!"~; 'H"· Proclamation No. 2711 996

\,oohllhJ' /J·/~'P.·)· h'P:f ............................... 'l7i' r~?; Defence Forces Proclamation ..................... Page 145

>,'P:~ <j:'l'C is'%iIi!r'il'~ PROCLAMATION NO. 2711996

I'h.·l-\'·A·.f t...l'"t..II'P. .'l. ,,"ht-(U''P. 6TlIh.h
0"11''111.1' Ivt..'I!·)· h'P'e,:

I'Wlt·I'} "·,}II'P.~·1- \,"'l~.I''''hllC ' 1'1I<h.C'T ' 1'1I<h.l(f WHEREAS, it is found necessary to organize, and to
(11'<; I' .nlttJ".)··'} "'/.II<;'P. 'f''P "'" .I'll.,..,. • hT"";1l Y.'C~T regulate the administration of, the Defence Forces of the
ol'l"'P.H ~~ (lIn u·>.;J· ,,'·,11 ...1 1''''l..I'h'i''~1 I'h.TI"~.I' Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; which Defence
t.,Y"MI'P. .'l.'1"hMI..I''P. 6T'Oi\.h ooMh.l' lPt-'P.T1 '''If-t- Forces safeguard the country's sovereignty, embody a fair
:(.).<; I'IPt..'P.":'} oo"'·P'.1'.6.1' O.n"1 ooOJ(f'} h"'t..II'l. Iflj representation of Nations, Nationalities and Peoples and carry
/loo'n"I: : out their functions in a manner free from po:iticalloyalties;
Oh.,N·A·.I' t..Y.t-II'P. .'l. 'l"hMI..I''P. . 6TlIi\.h .n'l NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (I)
oo'}"I!'"':" >, '}.,.'" ~t?;<li) ~,'i" ('!;) OOlPlT I''''l.h'''''~ and (7) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:

h<}:A h1Y.'
m ')'1111
§. h"I"CCMI I. Short Title
,eu h'P:e,: "l'ooMh.l' lP/~'P.T h'P~ -r.'l'C ,[;'k!Ii1rit:t" This Proclamation may be cited as the "Defence Forces
t\..m'P{1 ,e:Y'IIA :: Proclamation No. 2711996."

~. ')'C:l"'l
2. Definiti9ns
In this Proclamation, unless the context otherwi<r
I' j'ft· h'''''n IVI TC'l'9" I''''l..l'{]m~ IlAIf~ O... .,..,.C I) "Commander" means a person aut"
fl/LU >,'P:~ ~"''l': and administer a military un i ' r
ri· ">,'/1r" "'l":" flU'lC ooMh.l' lPt-'P.T ~"''l' the National Defence F-
fl"'l<;:':ar9" f-Df II,e I''''l.'l~ h1,1.': I'(IlC h<}:A,}
tloD<j"/r''''c,' '(j°'ltI"·P'.l'.C !'"'Afll'} \"'·{]mm· {]OJ·

n)', 'l';J
II Cnir Price I
'IX' h't, _.. )t..t..'" ~:Jt.-l· :'11,'" ''''''(; :,); 1'1..,;;" 1; "") W¥'i!'~~ '}·Y"· feueral Negaril GaZela - No, 15 15'" February 1996- Page 146

it· ....?%O·l-!:" (/If,,)" ""'I.%O'u:" "'M:" },'}Y.'}Y."" 2) "Minister" or "Mini~try" means the Mini~ter or the
"'1,·1'1'1' I'~,"C: ""ll"l!.I' "'I.V"''''C: m,I',,}" '''I.tiN:C: Ministry of National Defence. respectively;
I,m": 3) "Member of the Defence Forces" means a person
i:' "I'II'(."/!;'· ~,qA" '''/fI:'' Ilk,C: ""h'lh,1' ,,'/,."!:" who renders ,military services ill the Nalional De-
m'o',' M:o'I.'I'''' m:! ',!'. (..'/! ~,"A"/fI"'''' {''''I.O'I' fence Forces Oil a permanent basis;
(I"/"P;:co-9 u (\(D' I,m' : 4) "Officer" ineludes those members of the Defence
I!' "{lOll'}'}" '''/fI:'' h9"),:"A {fI"Y' ~,fI:J' ?,oh ~:>./'.A Forces ranging in rank from Second-Lieutenant to
"'161."/ ,1':1.0 ,l'fI"""} 1'°'/..I'm:1'AA ~W· : General;
(i' ":l'jt..A ""l!')'}" '''/fI:'' \"IlC;JJ'.. c :(>,('·A : I/"'I,:(,:C: 5. "General Officer"' means a person wilh the rank of
:O,/,·A: I'fI,',"; :l':,>.(..A (/If.'J" I':(~/,.A °'lIJ/,"I.l'flW· Brigadier-, Major-, Lieutenant-General and
I'II'(."/!'''' ~,qA ',m': General;
1" "(/I:J·,\'.t.·'I~ ',:0': 11.'''''' "'/fI'} 111/.11 ~,q':(': ~,'}"'X' !i'ii h) "Military Court" means COlIl~S lO he estahlished
{/P,v/.:" .l'°'IJ:~:'J" ,,:C,I': (I':" ',01':: under Article 25 of this Proclamation,

t,r,:A lJ·fI')' PART TWO

{JfI {":",!'.!,.'/! ~,'IA"lfI"'''' Military Service
i:' Ofl ",'Mh,1' ",(..,/!:,. ~,,!'./.~"I";'''' 3, Organization of the Defence Forces
II~'H'A',I' ~.\'ul.-'I'/! .'l.'l"n/,.tI...I',/! I.T'Ilt\.n 1''''1. 'i' /.W· The National Defence Forces of the Federal Democratic
('INe lIolI'lh,1' "'(."/!'''' 1''J''!l:C ~f.ACj I'~,I'C :}f.A Republic of Ethiopia shall consist of the Ground Force';A:: and the Air Force.

!!, Ofl 0000/:1.00/:1. 4, Recruitment

(i' O'I,i.{J'/;~· 1II"I./LlV· 1I°'l.J'WiJIW· IIPapII':' IiD'V/.'''' I) The Ministry may, in accordance with criteria periodically
fI{//:J·,!'.O'''' '1)</:<; t.:1',I'.':' {'tn. 09'~,} t\.oofl'J"A issued by it, recruit persons fit and willing for military
f.-:;''IA :: services,
l(. 111/.1l l'.'}</>7' '}(/,{J ~,'}</>7, (ri) (7O,vl.·)· "'I.i.O·/;~· 2) Recruitment made by the Miriistry, under sub-Article
\'O'/.,I'.I'.CIW· ,}"Aao'l l"II,h.C",l"· : '11",,/.(\(I:l"",· I' ;It'lI ( I ) of this Article, shall embody a fair representation
(1-:;''} "'I.'I<;'/! ~,.q'7.'~' .1'1).;..,. f.trt; A :: of Nations, Nationalities and Peoples.
[, l'(70p'}'}~,,,, 9 AOO'l I''''LI)~!,w- hw:.... ,I'..C'l· ool)hA
U 3) Officers shall be recruited only from among the ranks
'11;1' r.w" A :: of the Defence Forces,

?;, M ,h'c 5, Employment·

Any military recruit shall sign a contract of employment
flw;J·,I'.O')' I'",oofloofl "'I,}<;'w-'J" r'lw· "'I.i.O'I:~ 11"'1•.1'
in accord'lnce with directives to be issued by the Ministry.
(//II/(D- liDapl.,l' oo,v/..)· I':'''I'C W'A f.t.?>°'lA ::
6, Military training
j;. {//;rr.MI! P'/:I.mCj
I) Every member of the Defence Forces shall receive
(i. "'I'}':'w''J'' I',v/,.'/!'I: l'.IlA I'w-:'·.I',:CCj l'.1A"/flu,), basic military training before going into service,
hoo:t>:oo~ /It.:" ao,,'/.;r'1! I'U'~ (,,:J·Y.I.·'/! P'Am'.- 2) Members of the Defence Forces on active duty shall
f.r'lm'l'A :: be trained in diverse skills, as necessary. considering
11·11l'.'IA"/fI·:'· 'If. .l'flI'IPt.-'/!-"I·l'.IlA h,},I'.. hot.'l'LH: their individual disposition and competence.
1111lfl,w-Cj ":j·flu:J·w· ?,I""1 00 '/00 11 A 1'. Af. I'tJOo.f 3) Anyone from among the ranks of the Defence Forces
ooon ~,,}.'l.r'lfI'I''} !?-,I'../.;11:1. :: satisfying the criteria to be issued by the Ministry
[. "'I'}<;'w-'J" I'IPt.-'/!·1: MA "'UO·/;~ l''''I.ywlJ)w-'} shall receive training that qualifies him for officer
oooot/;;' 1''''1..1'°,..'1 hlf~ Ooop'}'}H fI"'I1A11:1. 1''''1..1' service.
fl~flW-,} P'A{fW h,}.'l.J'11 f.f./.;JA ;:
7. MiJitary Oath
],. w;r,l'../,.,/!:1'fI oom'l Every member of the Defence Forces, upon completion
"'I'}l1w-'J" I'IPt.-'/!T hilA OOIP/.;',/! I'w-Tf.·CCj P'Am of the basic military training and before going into
Cjw-'} h,}-'lmCj"''''l'.1AG/fI·.,:'} hoo:€.oo~ 11",-"1' w;r,l'..t.-'/! service, shall take a military oath:
:t'fI oom'l f."-?>"'IA :: 8, Duties of Members of the Defence Forces
;!:. {'IPt.-'/!T MA "Iy":J' Every member of the Defence Forces shall have the duty
"'I'}<;'w-'J" I'IP/,.'/!-"I· i','IA ;"1 oo'}"lP'''',} , w;J-,I'..t.-,/! to uphold the Constitution as well. as to obey military
;"11''} : .!'.'}(1l·'} : ooooI.Y9'~'}C; »:"'1. TMII~'} laws, rules, directives and all standing orders.
l''''Inoc "/J'o;' hflll'} :: 9. Term of Service
!i' 1'l'.1A"/lI o
,} /loo'} I) Every member of the Defence Forces shall be
{i' "'I'}<;'W-'J" I'IPt.-'/!·j: MA Ilw;.I",I'..CH flh1A"/fI·:" employed for a seven-year term of service. Where
1''''I.'''m/.w- fir, l'.00.1':'· f.trCjA :: -t-al."'I1. h1A the member is willing to serve for additional time
"/fI·:'· lIooOm:" ~,ljfl' t.:1'J'.<;' hW~Cj "'I.i.O·I:~'J" and the Ministry so agrees, the period of service may
Il'I'{J"'I"'I 1'l'.1A"IfI·-"I· 'LtLw-,} fI"'It.-I''J'' f.~"A :: be extended; without, however, going beyond 'the
U'<;''J'' 1''''I.r'lmw- MA"/n·,,,, h .,1; (hCIl J-t'J"O:") age of 45.
o,oo.} 'It,'!.''''!. O'lf. t\..I'A4"- l'.f.~A'J" "
""" iF!!'!, t..!./.·A ~:)/.'1' :JJL"I -1"I't: Hi \,1J-l:'1' 'j,"''' :(!!Y.'li·;~ 'H"·Federal NegaritGazeta-No. 15 15th February 1996-- Page 147

~. "'1'};;'cu'9" I''''/'·'!!'I: t,IJA 9"h')'A hl"C hll:" : hl"C 2) Any member of the Defence Forces shall serve for, at
hll:P '1';011 hll:P (IIJ!.')" n'I'iJDIIIIJ!. Y.L)f IIJ!. 1''''1:I:~ least, seven years subsequent to having attained the
I'MC ;)J!.A MA "'1M.ul 1"I'r
n:\II o.nil 11% rank of lance-corporal, corporal and sergeant or the
'ioo;Jo.)· ,f'/flulIIA :: lY'i9" 1''''1.(\mCD- h1Aulfl·,l· h equivalent. However, such service may not extend
~'i?; (},CIJ n9"i1')') '}oo.} 'h.f:"'1. OllJ!. fl,fA'': beyond the age of 45.
nJ!.·{A9" :: 3) Any member of the Defence Forces shall serve for, at
e· "'1'};;'CD-9" I''''/..'!!'I: t,I]A oo!.'}'} hlf~ 0:\11 O..f'}i1 least, ten years subsequent to having become an
M. '}oo:J")' n1Ao/Il·')' J!.(\ f1 IA : lY'i9" lllW O;r',l" officer. Such service, however, may not extend
!H'iJDIlIH'CD' 'h,f:"'1. nllJ!. flSA<': ~,J!.':f·A9"i beyond the following age-limits:
u) h')ull'}A oo·y, nfl:P Mh ~'9"OA ij~ (nerl (a) Second-Lieutenant to Captain ............. 48 years
i19"')'}) ,}oo.),: Cb) Major to Colonel ................................. 52 years
11) h7ill,1' Mh !lfl"~,A :!~ ('I')uII u·Il·)·) 'lOO,} : (c) General Officers ................................... 55 years
,h) :(~/~A ool")',:)', :!?; (U9"II n9"(l·1· ) 'lOD.)' :: 4) Where it finds it necessary, the Ministry may extend
~. "'1.~i1'I;';. ~,"1. lY'i l ...n·CD- I'OD!>'}'i1''} I'n1A the term of service of officers for a period of not more
0/fl.'} /liJD') h~ '}iJD.)' IIAOllm 'I.n flJ'/~119" than two years.
f.':j'·IIA:: 10. Entitlements
:( . h'/ A °/fl·'f·':f·') iIIl"'101")' ,.,. Any member of the Defence Forces on active duty shall
nw/~'!!'" CD-i1'l' ncu ..1·y"·c<;, h1Aolll·r IIJ!. 1''''1.1~ be entitled, in accordance with the relevant internal
"'1');;'CD-')u (\CD- nUlll'n 11flCD- 1''''1.~i1'I;~ 1'CD-i1'f' ooootJ' directives of the Ministry, to rations, housing, uniform,
ODIPl'l' ''''''0 , I'OD'it.f o.'} , I'!.'}'O A'Oil , oo~~"r'i' travel expenses and medical care, free of charge.
.'h1l9"<;' m'l '1;;' A :: 11. Tennination of Service
Ili' t"IAo/flu,} iIIl"'1.!l:l'l'O·l· u·~;:J- Subsequent to examination of the case by the leadership
"'1'};;'CD-9" I'W/~'!!""MA hlW O;:J-'TI''''I/ll/~r 9"1l'} organs of the home-unit and where approved by the
J',H' iI.,f ;J'f'0D< 1·P'r. nil 11' O"'1.(\t.O"'·l'h oo t.C hl-Jllr competent authority, the service of a member of the
;:J-f.-f.<;, n u/II,n 11 11 CD' 1I1lI"AfIJ'} il.01::" h1A"IIl·"',} Defence Forces shall be terminated upon:
n!l:C{Tl 'h '}-'l.(Ic;{lr J!.!.L;JA ! I) expiry of his contract of employment;
ji. 1':"'f'C CD-f\o I/oo'} il.J'0:" i
2) his death;
!!. it.'10 ' } i 3) acceptance by the Ministry of his offer for resig-
[. MII' I'(l')'{lr '1',1'1: ~,:"cn 0"'1.~i1;';~ .,..,.IlM"'·
4) a medical board testifying his unfitness for further
military service owing to serious illness or, mental or
~. h1Au/fl·r floo"'mA .1''''1J'i1'TA hlJ1: .'hOO9" i
physical handicap suffered;
I'n'h9"C!' mJ!.9" I'nl-JA 1·1:Ilr J.C{lOr IlCD-r1:C<;'
5) his being criminally convicted by a law court and
n'/A"IlI·"'·1)</' nlloolf~· Odlh.qo'T ncY,,' it.l;J1'f' j
where decided that the offence disqualifies him from
?;. OCD,}:~A ,t'h{l O<j:Cy"·o.:t '1'4..,.;;' If'i h1'11'<;' '1'4.."
fll" t.CD- ,O</! nJ'!.C"/CD-9" 'Milt· il.m(\'} :
6) it becoming impossible to retain him because of
}. {I"'1.~i1-1:~ oo",:,.C IIJ!. IlCD-'f' {I ooY.l '/. 9"1l'}J"'"
changes in the structure of the Ministry;
{ln1AullI·r IIJ!. ~,'}-'l.,y.J!. fl"'11:L"I IIJ!.;FA it..,.C 1 7) his service being confirmed undesirable due to
'!,. 000.1'.0;;' l'o,.",·!:C<;' I"t. h"-XX9" mJ!.9" OhOOt.C incompetence in the performance of regular military
'{I'" 11 1100 If'} CDJ!.9" {I-'l.iI.Tfl'} 'l-1:t\r h1A"IIl-'" duties, failure in leadership or misconduct; and
M't.II'1. J'flODIY~. it.l;J1'I' i 8) his retirement.
~. Om'l:r it. 11lA ::
12. Defennent ofDischarge from Duty
!T i1')'{I'l' 1''''1.//1J!.{I'''· IH;J'
Any member of the Defence Forces shall be obliged to
I'n1C O'f';r t,i1'1. IH;:J- IIJ!. it.mY,,·:" CDJ!.9" {TlC~r it. 'iC remain in service, even beyond the respective term of
"'1'};;'CD-9" I' w t.'!!"', hilA hCD-'H~.. c<;, h1A"IIl-:t 1/00'1- service, where national security is endangered or during
CD-"I"9" O.If,} {ln1Au/Il·r IIJ!.l'oo,y.l'r "1101' hllOr" times of war.
IE' iIIl n1Au/Il·,l· I-JII<;' m·L;J· 13. Compensation for Service and Retirement
ji. om;J·Y"cH· f"""mL fwt.'!!." MA f"''''mLOr'} I) A member of the Defence Forces shall, in accordance
f% 'loo;:J-r n'/N/Il·"'· tJ;l.C{l hFt. iI.(\<;'Or with directives to be issued by the Ministry, be
°'l.~i1'I;<;·II"'1.yCDfllCD- ooootl puwLr I'h1A"IIl·r entitled to compensation where discharged upon
I-JII J!.ht.Il'" A :: completion of the stipulated seven years' service;
!!. om;J·,f.cH N""ml t,,}1: I'wt.'!!." MA 1'% 'loo;J'r 2) Where the service of a member of du; Defence Forces.
~,'/A "/fl·"'· /lOD).,) hOOGQ,l(\' O&'r {It.(\. U 1: IIJ!.1Y1 is terminated not voluntarily but for various other
O","·'T O'Mlr. 9"t)'}J'-f''T h1Au/fI·." o.*l'f' reasons, before completion of the stipulated term of
"'1.~i1-1:~ O"'1.J'CDflJlD' OOootJ' oowLr "'10.CD-'} seven years, he shall be entitled to fair compensation
I-JII ,1'1~A:: in accordance with directives to be issued by the
1l\' f~~ tJ,.?A ~;Jt"" ;JrL"I <h'!'C Hi fllt"" ';; n Ii!fif~ '}09"·FederalNegaritGazeta-No. IS 15"'February 19%--Page 148

r· IULU h'l'~ h1</>1> !i (li), (ID "he; (r) f+OD/\h-/>+ 3) The age-limits for tennination of service, specifkd
f 1"60 OD(te;o;f {Jf:"'I. "I?9'T /\(Ilo~:" ih"l hLKK9" under sub-Articles (I), (2) and (3) of Article 9
fm-~:" OD1/\! "hf:"'I. 1f~1D- .e.f.m?t\- " hereinabove, shall also be deemed to be retirement
age-limilS for purposes of the application of Pension
I§' i1/\ 1"60 9"~'le; 1I1D-ID-C
"'I"~(JJ<9" fIP6o'!!-/> hIlA h"l'l1\ 'l/\ID- ~11\ ODIP~+
"h1.1;i1LI\1..~-/> OU1C lD-il'!'9" If~ hU1C 1D-"1.'- +ODf:(1
14. Assignment and Transfer
fODI"t'rT _I!.. •.,. ht\O:" " Any member of the Defence Forces shall have the
obligation to accept assignments and render services
I?;' "'I..I;.e ~7i1e; oA"'I'}' both inside and outside the country. as necessary. in
"'I1~ar9" fIP6o,!!-/> hIlA h-I'l'O 'It\ar ih"l ID.e9" accordance with relevant regulations.
faril'l' ~1'O ID.e'J" UDOD<'-! UD'''~.} t\L'l.UDar ,,"IADI
15. Medals. Orders and Prizes
t\-+e; l"l1~+ I >"1-'t0-9" t\h-'til "I"S.'" ID.e9" f t.mlr
1"60 "'I..I;.e I ~7i1 ID.e9" oA"'I+ >"1-'tn"S .e~~;JA "
Any member of the Defence Forces shall be awarded
with medals, orders or prizes for notable service, heroism
l}' iIt\ t.:N: as well as for new findings or creative work, in
"'I1~ar9" f,,'lr'!!-" hIlA "'I.~il·';~· Il'''l.! ID "I ID' accordance with the relevant laws. internal regulations or
ODOD<'-! ODIP~"" f'lOD+ >..~~..,. t.:Pf: >..e; /\A~ A~ directives.
"'IUO?'!! ·,·.1;\'"1' ODt.'!."'I.! t.:J>~· '.eflm'l'A " 16. Leave
I'f,' iIt\ ID;n6o'!! -'til1;t\.1 In accordance with directives to be issued by the
"'I1~ID'9" f"·t·'!!·,, hIlA OID;J·f.t·'!! ,11")1' I f.1P1· I Ministry, a member of the Defence Forces shall be
ODOD<'-!9'Te; '.1:"'1. :"Mfl1'lD-il'l' f+ODt\h-/>+1 entitled to annual leave and special leave for 'social
f-I'I\t\". >"1f.lne; 'l'4../: h~il"'~ OODIf). ID;!·f.6o,!!
r,:c~' (1.-}. f"'l.J'i1</>coar I-JAln 1·.I;~ OIP?,!!-/> f-'til 17. Military Discipline
TI\..1 ODOD<'-! ODIP~')' >"1-'t;J·.e .ef.~;JA " In the event that a member of the Defence Forces is found
I~' M.·',;J· iIt\ "'I:"~1\ to have transgressed military laws. rules. directives and
standing orders and the offence is too minor to be
"'I1~ar9" f'Pt'r'!!'/: hIlA fhil-l·.I;~C Of.A f~~flO+
brought, before a military court, the case shall be
>"1f.lT~ m.e9" O"'mfl~O')' f-'tilTt\.1 :""1.). :"t.;J'
disposed- of under the Defence Forces' Disciplinary
.l'f.~O·)· >"1f.lf~ O"·t.'!!·,, f-'tilTt\.1 ODOD<'-! OD'P~')' Directives.
h(1.·,,;J· f"'l:"/.-oe; ar'U. f"'l-n'"" OD1\+ ,l'.'l~'I'A "
{lfJ'./.}f/D· f"'l:n~ f,,·t'r'!!·" h /11"1''}'' fIP6o,!!-/> h'll\')' 18. Complaints
t\"'I••I'<j·CO"lo h(1.·,,;J· {lID:"-/> ID-"'~ fODilm+ _I!..:" Any member of the Defence Forces shall have the right
ht\tF/:CJ)- " to make a complaint and obtain a decision, in accordance
with the Defence Forces' Disciplinary Directives, where
trr':A Y'il'}' he has suffered an administrative wrong or is aggrieved
iIt\ "'I{J~DI (}f:'I')' : iIt\ h1A-lll-+e; il11\:" by a'disciplinary measure taken against him. Every
Commander shall have the duty to give timely decisions
:W· f"'l{J~-1 .1'.~;.r9'~-. on such complaints.
nIP6o'!!-', aril'" f"'l. 'i~.·)· f"'l{J~-, f.~}f9'':f·· l''''I.h·''Il-:'· PART THREE
e;:':1D- "
Promotion. Service And Dismissal
ji- l''Ju.t~·C :'>.eA
/J) l/"h-loA ~,I"C ~,t\:J' : 19. Ranks
ll) \' ,,/"'C "/\.,,. : The ranks in the Defence Forces are the following:
I) Ground Force:
,It) 1''/1/''''' ',Il:J' :
OD) 9"h')'A dD·r· ',t\.oJ· :
(a) Lance-Corporal.
(b) Corporal,
".) I'OD·f· ',ll .." :
(c) Sergeant,
~) i'j9"'lA :
(d) Second-Lieutenant,
1I) ~'t\.'" :
(e) Lieutenant.
ir) ",.,.r, t't\->'A :
(t) Captain,
.,.) t'll-).A :
(g) Major,
{l) ·tlc.:!.l'.. £: :(,>.t.A : (h) Lieiutenant-Colonel •
.,.) "7.:~c :(,>.t.A : (i) Colonel.
:,:) t\."",' :(,>.t.A : U) Brigadier-General •
•~) :(,>.t.A " (k) Major-General,
(I) Lieutenant-General.
(m) General.
-Ill.' Y.~;ii t a Y.I.,A ~,'}k)- ;J/LIII'/:'I'C Hi fll-/;-)' '!, n :Wf.·if:S 'HI",FederaINegaritGazeta-No.1515Ih February I 996-Page 149

~. fM'C ;>f.A f"'lM."/ .1'.t.~91-:'·· h'l"h'l-A 00.,. M:P 2) The ranks in the Air Force ranging from Second-
Mh :~~/~A f:t.i1.fl\·:" h'l"':C :'>f.A;lC ,,..oo{I''1f. Lieutenant to General are similar to those in the
r,:/:m· • Ground Force,
[. 119uh:/'A oo·r· MI:P o:.H: .fl\")· fM'C ;>f.A 3) The ranks below that of Second-Lieutenant in the Air
Force are the following:
f"'lIJ£:"/ '.£:;{91:}'· hlLU O:J-:}'- f·""£:I/~·l- <J~:ar ::
(a) Junior Aircraftsman,
u) 1::~fC h.Cht-r~-)."'l,,} I (b) Senior Technician,
1\) (UfC ·/;h~jf.n : (c) Master Technician.
<11) "'lil+C ·/;hflin :: 4) Ranks, other than those specified hereinabove, held
4· hl\f. h'l'I/£:l'~'} ar"I'" O"":'l" (llC MII')' f·,..YII· by members of the former army shall remain in
"'l1J£:-):}" Oh.f."I·)· I-JA·,..l'\'i'iI\' Oil'''''''C ooolf;l'lt transitory use unless upgraded by way of promotion.
n:/' f.",'!'"I\. :: 20. Procedure of Promotion
r,. i11\ °'lIJ£:"/ 1J.f."IT l,f1I/I'!' I) In accordance with directives on promotions to be
issued by the Ministry, a member of the Defence
?!. om:J-.I'./~'P. "/Po)'; l,t.??"" : np'~ P'C'H·llhlJt~·}:
Forces shall be promoted for excellence in the
n"oo/~c "}"l\a:J'r, ·n:p·), '0A"'i ! ... f flPt-'P.:'· MA performance of military duties, the observance of
"'l.~i1-/;';' iIfIO'JIJ£:"/ 1J.f.·,/·)' OO'J.!tDt1Jar oooot! discipline and in qualities of leadership.
oo,Pt.-), f"'lIJ£:"/ 1J.f.'''·)· f.f1m'l'A :: 2) Promotions shall be given by the following organs:
i!' f"'lIJ£:"//J.f.·'/·)· fO'J.f1mar OO'J.h+t\-T "I-J"T f.U'<JA; Ca) a Corps-or Force-Commander shall give
U) h'l"h')'A l,P'C M.'" Mh '/'1"'" M:P h<J h~~fC promotions of Lance-Corporal to Sergeant and
h.Ch/~tt:·),O'J,,} Mh "'lil.,..C -t;h~7in hm:""f.
Junior Aircraftsman. to Master Technician, in
accordance with the quota to be allocated by
l ..:J""l1I'C i'i·"u ",,},t,,} (J..). OO'J.f1'1' !>:t' OOIP£::"
the Office of the General Chief of Staff;
nI'C tDf.'I" O:'>f.A ll,,~'n
(b) Second-Lieutenant to Major, by the General
1\) !I"uh-}A oo·r' l,l\:/' ~,i1h i'il\:P O(llC ;>f.I\.:}" Chief of Staff;
m:""f. h.:1""l1I'C jl:,,"; (c) Lieutenant-Colonel or Colonel by the Council
ch) fI,.,..e; !>fla~A mf.'Ju !>i\a~A O(llC :'>f.fla':j·. m:""f. of Defence Commanders, which consists of
uo'l"tY i1C fO'J.'/·'j· foo'l"tY ;>"k91:}'- h·M.",'I" Heads of Departments in the Headquarters of the
f!>Ce; f;>f.A ~""11':}'- OO'J.'/~O:'· foohl\hY Armed Forces as well as Corps-and For-
M11'":j· I-Jar"}i1A; ce-Commanders;
(d) General Officers by the Head of State, upon
00) :(~t-A oo!>"}"} nm:"<\f. "'l.~i1T~ ":"t-O,~·)·
recommendation by the Prime Minister.
OClJfI ·O.h.~ :: 3) Promdtions shall be given where:
[. rO'JIJ£:"/ 1J.f.·'/·} f"'l.f1mar ; (a) there is a vacancy thereto; and
U) hr~-l' foo'(l'O'J..f (1:J- t'I. 'iC ; (b) the person to be promoted satisfies the criteria set
1\) "'!(O' ntlU ,,"}.,.'" "}tril h"}.,.", (?i) O.,..oofl out in sub-Article (I) of this Article.
h·,.ar 00,,'£:-1' Mlt."'LtD·"} 0000l/;;'91:}'- "":I.A·f· 21 . Obligatory Service
t'I. '/»; ~ar :: An officer having received the benefit of specialized
'6?i' f"l Y..:t' "" A"I 1\0:" training or schooling shall, subsequent to its completion,
have the obligation to serve for a period of not more than
,,'}!: oo!>'}"} Af. P'Am<J tDf.'I" T'I"UC:" h"},Il.n»;
12 years, as may be necessary.
h+~£:'/ P'Ame;a,..} mf.'I" '}'I"UC-I:,,} hal.£:f1 0:\"
h"}~"iIt."'L~-I: hli! qoo-l' IIAOl\m 'Lt/. "'/A"IfIoT 22. Dismissal
fooilm-l' "IY..:t' "I\O-l' :: 1) Decisions on dismissal shall be made by the
leadership organs empowered to give promotions
under sub-Article (2) (a), (b), (c) and (d) of Article
?i' hp't- fO'Jfle;OT ar"'~ fO'J.f1mar OIW M'~ h'}"'''' 20 herein.
'6 (§) (U) (1\) (<11) h<J (00) f"'lIJt."I1JX'1T h"},Il.f1m· 2) Cases of dismissal of General Officers shall be
looked into by a Committee of not less than three
P'At1J"} O.,..f1t1J;/:ar hOOt-C "I-J"T f.U'<JA ::
persons appointed by the Commander-in-Chief of
~' f:(~t-A oo!>,,}'i":j. hp't- oofl<JOT 1-P,f. f"'l.:t'far
the Armed Forces. The Commander-in-Chief shall
OlOC ;>f.flo'f m:""f. ""1f fO' h{lilT Y"~fI­ submit the Committee's recommendation, together
f191:}'- IJt\-OT !>O'J.'/; f.U'<JA :: flOC :>f.fIo:}'- m:""f. with his opinion thereon, to the Head of State .for
M1f O!>"'l.-t;ar far"'~ y... ·O "f. ft-fl-,,} hil.,..YfT final decision.
3) Where it finds it necessary, the leadership organ or
[. fhoot-C "I-Jt\- tDf.'I" !>O'J.·/;ar hilt."'L U''i I-J'/"iar the Committee shall call upon and hear the would-be
ntLU l,"}.,.", "}tril ,,"}.,.'" (?i) he; (i!) OOIP£:T ar",~ dismissed officer before a final decision is reached
under sub-Articles (I) and (2) of this Article.
hooilm-l: OkT hp't- h,,},Il.MOT Y...lI f.,.£:OOT
7'" f:l4J.,?A ~;J&r :1H.llJ <I!·rC Ig flJ1;r 1; n Iiifitt 'l.¥". Federal Negarit Gazeta-No.15 15lhFebruary 1996-Page 150

h<f:A "~.,,. Powers and Duties of the Minister and of the
ft"'l.~lI:"?-t; fm;Pll,e t..;,.D'I1 r C if\l" P'AllJ"}t; "'''1IJC General Chief of staff
23. Powers and Duties of the Minister
?lC' 1'''1~1I:''?- P'AllJ"}<J "'''1CJCI
The Minister shall have the following powers and duties:
"'I.~1I:"?- f"'l.h.,.",:" P'A","}t; "'''1CJC'T ,eti?-;NA i
I) to ascertain that the Defence Forces are loyal to, and
{i. 1P?'f1: /lilt1 OD"}"1P'1: T11C oul1')."}t; /lilt1 OD"}"1P'1:
stand finn in upholding. the Constitution;
ouhOc tl",t;:" OU<\'>oo-'} f~"1llJA i 2) to submit and secure decisions on matters of defence
11' ouMhn O",ou/lh.,. tl"'l.tllrC'T \/"hC n.:,. oumt;T<; which need to be examined and decided by the
ou01I'I"} fIllJTW-"}1..1lI'"T ~"'t:tl filO1lIt;A i Council of Ministers;
C· 1P?'f1: f"'l."''<:~CIJTw-"} ilt1Tt; ~"}(lT fou~"'1.A' 3) to initiate laws and rules governing the Defence
hor.<I!\I" 0:\11 tl'/--,IJC ou'lWfw-"} ft:;J"lllJA ! Forces and ensure their implementation subsequent
2' 1--'lf. /I"'I.ou/lh·/-w- fOU"}"1P':" "IJA ftl:!:" 'l'f</: to approval;
f"'CIJA I I'I.&..,.~.\I" tl"'''1IJC ou,/,/I''} ,e<\'>llJm~A I 4) to submit budgetary requirements to the concerned
li' O1;J-f.l~'f <f..O&I'J9'T1 tlOll,eH U"'m~A' /l1P~'f1: Government organ and supervise allocations thereof
M&'II'L 1'1f)' "'I-t;&f/loT ~\).Il." fY.C;JA I are put to work;
l' ouMhn O.,.ou/lh.,. h~"1J1COD'}"1P';J-T I OD"}"1P' 5) to supervise, as the superior authority, military plants
;J-'ft; OD"}"1P';I"'l! I'JAIf) OUp'&f n..f'ft; .("C:E-fT;JC
and see to it that materials needed by the Defence
Forces are available;
"1"}"f.H· .rr.C.7A i
6) to establish working relationships in respect of def-
'k' OU"}"1P':" tl"'l.f01"'W- OUOU&f OUIPt::" 1J1C ""'<f:
ence matters with foreign governments, governmen-
I'h"''''' Hou;F9''1'") fll"'CJ·tl~A ,: tal and non-governmental offices and organizations;
?l!!' fm;Pll,e t..:JoO 'l1 r C if·\I" P'AllJ"}t; "'''1IJC 7) to coordinate nation-wide mobilization campaigns
subject to Government directives.
m;Pll,e t..:I'°'l1 r C jl:\I" f"'l.h.,.",.". P'A"'"}t; "'-,CJC'T
,e<:'?-:J-A ; 24. Powers and Duties of the General Chief of Staff
{i. ffllC :,>,eflo1- m;Pll,e 00\1"&11 Otlll,e):,. ,eOU~lA i The General Chief of Staff shall have the following
l'ouMhf ""1 r '1' 1'JW-"}i1A"} ,eI'ltlMA i P't.9'~"} powers and duties:
fil.,.lJ·tlt.A' tll'Jw-"}lI'" 1''''011'1). w-<'I);9'1- tl.,."1CJC I) to diI'ect, as the superior authority, the Headquarters
ou'l'II~w-'} ,e<\,>fJ'mt.Al of the Armed Forces, preside over the meetings of
11' f1J1C"} .<:C Y.""}tlct; "''ill'f):'' filh·tlt.A I fMTl).,e the Council of Defence Commanders, coordinate its
'LIL MJ~ fil'{'?;"'IA i hhAA ouil.,..<:Y."C ,,;p\l" Oll,e activities as well as ascertain that its decisions are
flf~ I'M\I"t; O'l':I' OU'\'.<f:t:i1 I'I.f ;J'l'\I" IJ-);;J-w-"}
2) to hold the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the
/lOU<\'>"'mC {);py: fll;J;.rA : I'I.&."'Y:\I" "'''1IJ~'I!
Nation inviolable and execute a state of emergency.
f~C;JA ;
In the event of violations of peace and security
E' hOD,}-,P"} O"'I.l'ImW- w-<'\>. 001Pt:·1- 1'1J1C ouhllhf
beyond the power of Regions, to work out a plan for
1Pt.'f"'·"} fr.t.;.rA : getting the situation under control and implement
2' 1Pt.'f'" O"'l"}<;"w-\I" 'LtL /lW''Lf ·tl<l!r. 1!"1jf. oolf)'"} same upon approval;
.rt:;J-,fJIA ; 3) to organize the National Defence Forces in line with
li' 1'{IlC :,>,e/l-'1' m;Pll,e ".,:o,·n OUOU&ft; w-<'I); OUIPt::" decisions by the Government;
tl"'l.I';t:-, 1P(~'f"'"} ,rl'A : ,r'/';JI;\ i 4) to ensure that the Anned Forces are, at all times,
'!.. 1'{IlC :~,e/l-1- m;Pll,e ,,·,:o,·nt; "'I.til·)·?-"} tlO1;J-~t.'f combat-ready;
1,)11":)" II,e ,1''''Ih&·A :: 5) subject to the directives and decisions of the
Commander-in-Chief of the Anned Forces, to
hr':A ,,\1"1'1:" command the Anned Forces and direct military
1'1/1 m:J·,I'.t~'f r,:c~' 0.1·'1' operations;
6) to advise the Cornmander-in-Chief of the Armed
Forces and the Minister on military matters.
t?';' l'l/lou9:!/:\I"
tlILU M':e.~ ""}./,,,.
?i''!. 001Pt:·)· I''''I.'''CO· 1-'<:1'"'1'"} PART FIVE
1''''I.,rf. n/lu ,,'/':~ ""}'/'lI.' ~il P'AllJ"} O"'l'Imw- Military Courts
1J/lP'AfJ/1 ~,"}Y.',i1,{,II·I.H' 1''''1.9:9: ..... hlLU "''l'/lo 25. Establishment
1',/-oo/lh,,:·l· {lJ:J'.I'.(~'f tj:C~' 0.1''1' ,ee, ~./I' ~ There shall be the following Military Courts to hear cases
?i- "'.'\'''1, (lJ:J'.l'.&.'f r,:cy: 0..). : brought pursuant to Article 26 of this Proclamation and
~. ,I',"/IJ:} 1'1°'1, (lJ:J'y.(~'f <f:C~' 0."" :: to be established, as necessary, by officials referred to
under Article 29 hereof:
1) the Primary Military Court; and
2) the Appellate Military Court.

,1)\" tiii U.t·A ~;I&·l· ;IlL"! "l'l'(;!J; rlJ·/:·1·?, n 'H"· Federal NegaritGazeta-No. 15 15"'February 1996-Page 151

?lj. fOl;l·!.t.'I! j~CX' 0.1'.:-". rp,'H·1· P'AIIJ"} 26. Jurisdiction of Military Courts
OI:N'.('·'I! (~CX' o.·H· n...,.h.,./H· /1.1'0 r.<;~H· P'AIIJ") Military Courts shall have jurisdiction over:
.I'o<;'('.:':'I'A: I) persons accused of military offences enumerated in
;!- OOl"}:t>:fI::' oo •.,.Mol ;"'" llh"}"'~' njl MIll h"}.,.)\" the Penal Code (Articles 296-331, inclusive);
rr.<!i(i O-'·IIl.II~··l· /II"}:f.fI-:-'·· -'·m.f4! O"'l.U'~ (t9'if· ; 2) without prejudice to sub-Article (I) of this Article,
~. rltV ~,"},,,y.' io·1l ~,"},,,y.' "(ii) 1-."}f.-'·mO·" 11'<;' , any offence committed by a member of the Defence
O"'p':~ /1.1'0 .I'fI m:J·f.e: 0"".6.)\"...,:,:/11' 0""'1:':/11'9" Forces on active service;
/IIi:f.A, 3) civilians deployed with members of the Defence
i:- O/ll·6~ h1C OlllC "'VI "'.<;f: /1.1'0 IJfI OI;1'~C ;lC Forces on combat duty abroad;
h·Ol.OI· 0...,.119"'"· I 4) offences committed by prisoners-of-war.
1!' Ol"e: 9"cIt<;~:-'·· fo/·6.Y.00 /IIi:f.A ::
27. Jurisdiction of Primary Military Court
tlr,· 1'''''<;''''. /II;I·f.(,·'I! f}:CX' 0.·1· r'<;~H' P'AIIJ")
/II;I'~(,''I! (~CX' 0. •.,. Oltv h'l'f: h"}.,.)\" "61
The Primary Military Court shall have jurisdiction over
offences specified under Article 26 of.this Proclamation.
O",ooflll·,,"'· w"}:f.fI-:r· /1.1'0 1''<;~~'1' P'AIIJ"} .1'0<;' l.'I'A ::
?It· Oll.l.A I'w:t"~(,.'I! (~ex' 0.·1· Oll6.A roof.O::' f}:e~ 0...,. 28. Cases Coming under Dual Jurisdiction
P'AIIJ") 1'11'). h(lif· 1lfI"'1.:J·f.0·1· 1N:.oj· Where one of the several offences an accused person is
h"}¥.: 'l"Il'l'{j h"'l.0·n·1· tl(l:-"· oolJhA hi?,. ow;l·~t·'I! charged with comes under the jurisdiction of a military
(~CX' 0...,. P'AIIJ") p'e I''''/./IIX·:'' OI"};f.A rU'~ 1-."}~U'~ court, all the charges shall be brought before the military
IJofto9" h(lif· r"'/.",cO··l· OI;1'~(,.'I! f}:CX' 0...,. f,U''IA :: court.
lIU' w;JoJ.'.('.'I! r;:c~ o...,."} ()fIooM9" 29. Appointment ofMilitary Cou.rts
ji. .,..<;"'/. w;l·f.(,·'I! f}:CX' 0."" O"'/.ll.,.fI·"" I1f1FAIIJ<;'1- I) A Primary Military Court shall be appointed upon
01.1'09" 01-.)Co· OI·hA'I O,,·omtD· oolt" 'I'&f,M...,A;- calling by the following officials or by an officer
V) O(llC ;}f,fI-1- m:"/I.I'o M:rf I ' delegated by them:
fI) O"".~O·h·; (a) the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces;
rh) Ofl'C ;}f,fl-1- m:"/I.I'o h.;I""'l1 r e if.9" I (b) the Minister;
(0) Olte wf,9" O;}f,A M1f " (c) the General Chief of Staff;
g. f."'I1:~ o"'/. w;l·¥.MI! r~ex' 0."" O(llC ;}f.fl-1- m:"/I.I'o (d) a Corps-or Force-Commander.
h','ff '1'& .I'oM...,A :: 2) The Appellate Military Court shall be appointed upon
0· /'Ill w:t"~t-'I! f}:CX' 0...,. :-'··fI-"" calling by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed
ii Oh1A"IfI-""/I.I'o ffll'''''''' 1-.01'''''''' fflw, oolt"}'} 0.,..<;...,. Forces.
w:t"~t·'I! f}:C~ 0.·1' °YIl7-A .I'o1-/lA " 11'<;'9" "'ll"lif. 30. Proceedings of MilitarY Courts
IJA."O...,...,O/'lol·"'C .,.Mif. r"'/.1~0"" OI:t"XMI! hf}:A
I) Any officer on active duty and having legal skills
hilA flf) 1'l0l' Of}:C.r.· 0.." ...,07-A hf.":f·A9" s:
may sit in a Primary Military Court. However,
g. lllJol\"" '}oo""O/lf. l'hP't·"" :t1lJ"" O"".fO"'1IJ /II"}:f.A unless the defendant agrees otherwise, no member
r·,.hM 1'l0l' ""<;.1'0 O.,..<;"'/. w:t"~t.'I! fj:e~ 0.""
of his home-unit may sit therein.
r"'/.:t"fOl· llh9"O"" 11/1)(1. 0I:t"~(,.'I! oolt"}<;'1-
2) The case of an accused person whose offence is
punishable by a prison-term of over two years shall
[. lllJofl"" 'loo..,. O°'lf.OA'I' 1'hP'(""" :"IIJ"" O"'l.fO"'1IJ
be- tried by not less than five officers in a Primary
w"};f.A r"'Mo 1'l0l·1"<;.I'o O.,..<;"'/. 0I:t"~(,.'I! f}:C~ 0.""
Military Court.
r"'/.:t"rro· MO"" 11/1)(1. ro:t"~(,.'I! 00 It"} <;,1- .I'oU''IA ::
3) The case of an accused person whose offence is
11· OIl.V h"}.,.)\" '}o·O h"}.,.)\" (g) r",ooflll.,,"""} ro:t"~t.'I!
punishable by a prison-term of not more than two
oolt"}<;'1- </l'l'C 01Jo);:t"9'1- hfl oooo7-:f..,. """I"f""
years shall be tried by not less than three officers in a
I1A"'7-fI 1.11. MIll Y'O"" oolt"}<;'1- 1':" ""~l."1
Primary Military Court.
4) The number of officers specified in sub-Article (2) of
G' 0f."I11~ I'l"'/. 0I:t"~&.'I! f}:CX- 0."" O"'/.~O..,.~ h:"(,.
this Article may, under circumstances of non-
0.)"" O(llC ;}.efl-1- m:"/lf, M1f r"'l.ool.m- 1\"}~
availability, be. reduced to three.
r'l.ii.A '<;::''1 !l'fI"" oolt"}<;'1- U')ro' f01-/lfto ..
l' OIl.V h"}.,.?; "}o·O h"}.,.)\" (ji) (ID 1.'1 (t) oowt."" 5) In the Appellate Military Court there. shall sit one
oro:t"~t-'I! f}:C~ 0."" r"'/.f01-fto oolt"}<;'1- Oro"};f.A
civilian judge and two officers to be appointed by
the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces upon
"'mf4! hU')al- 001' Oh")~ ~t.]f r...,{)t."1
recommendation by the Minister.
1lA"'"l f/l:fal- OOU'i .I'o<;'CI1:f'l'A "
6) Officers sitting in a military court, pursuant to sub-
0?l' IlfI .I'o"lI1~ I'l"'l. ro:t"~t.'l! f}:e~ 0."" Articles (I), (2) and (3) of this Article, shall be, at
ji. .I'o"lI1~ I'l"' ro:t"~t·'l! f}:CX-o."" hlJofl"" 'loo..,. 0IIf. least, one notch higher in military rank than the
l'hP't."" :t1lJ"" f"'OII'l)I1:fal-"} Mr-1- O.l'o"lI1~ accused person.
Mf"" P' A IIJ,} hflal- :: 3 I . Appellate Military Court
'I) The Appellate Military Court shall have jurisdiction
to hear, on appeal, cases in which a sentence of
imprisonment exceeding two years has been passed.
,~ f~1 ~A ~;M-l- ;J/I."I o/l'l'C!~ fl11:-l- ~ n !i!f"i'$ 'H"· Federal Negarit Gazeta-No. 1515"'February 1996---Page 152

I· f."1Il'f l'I"'l.ID- 1D;1'f.&-'P. ":Cf.' 11.-r r.,..c;"'l.ID;rf.&-'P. 2) The Appellate Military Court Sllallliave the power to
~Cf.' 11.-r"} 1I)<"Ilr. f"'l"<;-r ! r"'li'fi'fA tDf.'I" rooi'fc confinn, vary or reverse the judgement of the
I" A flJ1 ht\1I)< " Primary Military Court.
r· n.,..<;"'l. tD;1'1.&-'P. ~Cf.' 11.-r hll-t\-r qoo-r nll.f. 3) In case of appeal against a st:ntence exceeding two
years iJ;nprisonment, made within thirty days of its
. f>.P'&--r ~fIJ-rr-t-tDfI~n-r fill)< 1I)<"Ilr.1I)< n-t-flm
pronouncement, a Primary Military Court shall have
n",II."1 .,.1 lI)<it'l' f."1Il~ fmI'''' >'1f.If~ "''<;'''l.1I)<
the file transferred.
~ci 11.-r 0011111-1 fit-t-II.A~t\;1'A "
32. Powers of the Federnl Supreme Court
<1jg. r~fo&-A m~II.f. ~Cf.' 11.-r P'AflJ1
The Federal Supreme Court shall have the power to hold
n.,..<;"'l. tD;1'1.&-'P. ~Cf.' 11.-r<; nf."1Il'f fI"'l. tD;1'1.&-'P. a cassation hearing where a final judgement by a Primary
~Cf.' 11.-r r-tflm foo(,'f 1I)<"Ilr. oo/Pl;1''P. rlf~ fm"1 and 'an Appellate Military Court contains fundamental
itu-t:" fM:" 1ft;' 1'I.1'f m~II.f. ~Cf.' 11.:" error of law.
"''<;~1 OMC f"'lf-l- I"AflJ1 ht\1I)< "
33. Investigation and suit
<1jr· M 'l"COO&-<; 'hit hOO/P&-l-r
I) Intensive and impartial investigation shall be carried
ji. h1f.' "'.<;f. tD;1'f.&-'I! ~Cf.' 11.-r hoo~t.11- nk-r out prior to bringing a case before a military court.
'l'A:t><; 1t\A-t ... flf~ 'l"COO&- ooll'lf.' ht\n:" " 2) The power to cause the carrying out of the investigation
I· Oftu M'~oo",.t.:" ntD;1'1.~'P. ~cy.· 11.:" -tfl)f4: of the case of a person to appear before a military court,
rlf~1 fill)< '1-.<:f.II'1"Coo&- fOO'l"&--r P'AfIJ"} ffl.lI)< under this Proclamation, shall be vested in the person
~Cf.' 11.-t:"} f"'l.flf.ooll)< 1lt\P'AfIJ"} f.If<;A "
having to appoint the military court.
3) A case for investigation, pursuant to sub-Article (1)
r· nu,u h1.,." 1o-it h"}"''' (li) oo"'t.-r h"}f.' '1-.<:f.
of this Article, may be referred to a soldier or a team
t\'I"COO&- >'"}f.hit"-"1.H: t\}."}f.' tD;1'f.C i nl1-f.'"}
of soldiers or to the police as necessary.
t\"'l./P~ tD;1'f.C:'1- tDf.'I" t\;rt\.it t\.00&- f.'1-II.A r- 4) Where he'finds it necessary to 'bring a charge, the
i!' ~Cf.' 11.-t:"} r"'l.flf.ooll)< 1lt\P'AflJ1 'l"COO&-1I)< person having to appoint the inilitary court shall.
h-tm<;"'''' n:\II. hit 0000P't.-r r"''{'A"1 1ft;' refer to the concerned bodies upon corn·
111'fll)< t\"'l.oot\h,,.1I)< f.OO&-A " pletion of the inveStigation.
+Mllf. M "'l"''I'' 34. Appointment of Counsel
ji. &-fl' ·,.Mllf. "'l"''I'' t\"'lf.'1-A hh'l"it-r qoo:" n"'lf"}it I) The State shall provide a defence counsel to a person
>.1"&-·1' n"'"'fIJ tD"}1:A t\-thM fill)< 00"}"11"-r charged with an offence punishable with imprison-
·I'Mllf. f.OO.r.~IIt\:J·A " ment of not less than five years and is unable to retain
I' OfW h"}"''' "}a·it h1.,." (/i) oo"'t.-r n-t-MllM-r a counsel.
2) The defence counsel to be appointed, pursuant to
t\."''I'' r"'l.'1-t\1I)< h/p&-'P.-t: hllll.:" oollhA f.If<;&I. "
sub- Article (I) of this Article, shall be from among
<1jg. M ~Cf.' h".K~'I" members of the Defence Forces ..
fi· 0"'l"};;'1I)<'I" fill)< 1""".0'. f>'I"&-:" ~Cf.' IItD;1'1.&-'P. 35. Execution of Sentence
Wf.'I" OI'l.ii.A },I"C 11.:,. t\."-~'I" f.'1-II.&I. "
I) Any prison-term may be served in military or civilian
I' 1''1''·1' ~nl:" ~c.r: O(llC ;'Jf.t\0'1- m~II.f. M:<fr ll&l.~<; prisons.
"'''.1.'''l. hf.If"}'I" " 2) A death sentence may not be executed unless confinned
[. IIllU ""}.,.,,, 10-{\ t,1'"'' (I) OO/Pl:" n(Oc ;'Jf.t\o'l" by the Commander-in-Chief of the Anned Forces.
m:t>II.f. hI':"', 1'1\<; 1''1''·1· :t>fIJ:" hoo".~lJDo Ilk:" 3) Cases of death penalty confinned in accordance with
1'f.~C:J· },':&I. f"'l..I'·I'~ OPIf~"} t\"'ll;J1'J' t\CM sub-Article (2) of this Article shall, prior to ex-
ecution, be submitted to the Head of State in
consideration of possible pardon.
<1j];. M iI.l\':'}" ;,,")'1" ·'·".K"'l.H
t\OO1.nO;: ~CX: 11.1'·'1- "',{,K"'l. flf~1I)< ftD"}1:t\'" 00~""1. 36. Applicability of Other Laws.
I"~ I"c'H' ;"'" nm:Jo.l'.I,,'P. ~C1.· 11.";'1" II.f. >'"}1.h The CriminaiProcedure Code applied in regular courts
shall, mutatis mutandis, be applicable in rrlilitary courts.

hr,:&I. iI.\':it·}
A f· A f..r."} ,:n?"·}'· Miscellaneous Provisions
i!)'j,. fot·il·~·{; "·".'lIl'I.H· 1''''lf.''/,,:':(''' ,n")·,}'· 37. Repealed and InapplicabJe Laws
!i- 1'°7.h·I·t\··)· ,l,H·· II,W h'l':~ ·'··lil'l'A : I) The following laws are hereby repealed:
0) \,(IIC "'II"/!')' u'IM·)I.r.t..1' "'I':~ "I'I'C ~J?;~
(a) the Imperial Anny Proclamation No. 6811944;
:(!":c!)'li '}.,?u :
(b) the Administration of Officers of the Armed
t\) \,(IIC :~.r,t\.'.}'. upl'·}";}'· "M·)U'.C: '}M1' o/l'l'C
Forces Order No. 8111973;
·ii·.li/:(!ir~~·?; 'H" :
., .... i::i!: 6...~.. /'·A ',:'/.-} :",./1/ ·':·,'e))i \,11'/:;" '!; .,"} nix'in 'H"·Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 15 15'" February 1996- Page 153

,hi ~I"C :~.I',lI·:·1·· 00!"}'} "'/bl.'" >S:";,, ~,l'ltl''I' :

I'",y.. :,. i.·/A",lI,,·'j·'i hl"l.· ('''?lw' 11,:,. f:HI (c) the Anned Forces Officers Promotion, Obligatory
u Service an~ Dismissal Regulations No, 42911973;
'I:'J~C !!~'?;H :(!H~:?~?; f}·9 :

"u) 1'(IJ:'·.\'.".'e ',:c\': n.·(·1'· "Y~/:~':"'I..r >"J>:(~: 'I:'I'C (d) the Military Courts Establishment Proclamation
/ :O!~:··U-~·I.: 'i·Yu. No. 1011987.
2) Any law inconsistent with this Proclamation shall
I!' hl/.I' >,"':e>:. :'C I"''I.:''[} °'l';"'IlI·'r .1,'" ·/"tI.'l"'I:,:'·
not be applicable.
),.t!.':'l.w·v" ::
.'X. Powers /() IsslIe lJircClivl's
';.i::o.:. "ooot..I' I'°Ym· II I:'· I"A"I'}
I) Without prejudice to Articles 23 and 24 hereinabove.
ji' Ill/.II >"1')£. >,·Hl" 'M M' ?,ii \"/"rn"'j)·:j' },'H'.'hnll'/:
the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces shall
U""n· : 1'11It: :~,I',lI":f' 11\,)0<\.1', t,I,:f,. 1''''1.H0·..·Y;
issue detailed directi yes on the respective powers
I'mq,<\,r, >,.;""'/'1"":) I"A"/'}'; ·'·""le H"'U!'fIIH' and duties of the Minister and the General Chief of
'IICI/C (fD(fOt..r .rmlllA :: Staff.
i{· 1'1/.11 >,'H')'.· ·W·1'l >,')0/>)'.' (ii) ~'}.\'.·hnn.,. 1/";': "'Uil·L· ...
2) Without prejudice to sub-Article (I) of this Article,
1\l1.U t,'P:l'.: )',6.7.)'.9" t,{lII.... ·l. I'tl')· (fOO°t..1'9':1'·'} the Ministry may issue directives necessary for the
0'/1/)-111')' .I';.y·<\A :: implementation of this Proclamation.
39. Effective Date
<!.ill' M':<}: I'°Y.O'iH')· 'I"}:
This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 15'" day
,\',11 )"'l':~: hI'IH:''j' :;, 'I''} :(ii~'!('~I; '}·9u • ;l')"r: 1'0'; of February, 1996.
g.IY','A ::
Done at Addis Ababa. this 15,h day of February, 1996.


I'i.. -)-V'A',f &..,I.'.t..t\'e .It qunlrll.,I',/! 1.'1"(\1\.11 .' REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA


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