Business English Speaking - Marc Roche
Business English Speaking - Marc Roche
Business English Speaking - Marc Roche
Advanced Masterclass
Copyright © 2019 Marc Roche
Copyright © 2018 by Marc Roche. All Rights Reserved.
Get Marc Roche’s Starter Library FOR FREE…
Contributors & Influencers…
Confident Communication…
Emotional Intelligence at Work…
Chapter 1. The Truth about your Public Speaking Skills…
Decisions = Behaviour…
Be a Master of Your Own Learning…
Chapter 2. Voice & the Importance of Sound…
The Impact of Voice When You Speak…
Vocal Warmups…
Voice Projection Exercise…
Chapter 3. Meetings, Conferences & Negotiations: Formal & Informal
Business Meeting & Discussion Phrases…
C1 & C2 Level Speaking Phrases (Advanced & Proficiency)..
Chapter 3. Posture…
Be aware of your posture….
Chapter 4. Barriers to Effective Communication…
What’s in it for them?...
Chapter 5. The Science of Giving Presentations…
The Multi-Modal Technique…
Using Stress to Enhance Memory…
‘Chunking’ Information…
Chapter 6. Your Words Matter…
Think About Your Words…
Speech Case 1: Miss Teen South Carolina 2007…
Speech Case 2: Melania Trump’s Republican National Convention
Chapter 8. Eye Contact…
Chapter 9. Avoiding Business Jargon…
Chapter 10. Focus on the Listener’s Problems…
Chapter 11. Always Give Details…
Chapter 12. Keep it Simple…
Communicating Clearly…
Clarity = Confidence…
Clear Communication Checklist:…
Chapter 13. Apologizing in Meetings & Negotiations…
Chapter 14. Summarizing Data for Meetings, Negotiations &
How to Plan and Talk about Data…
Grammar & Vocabulary…
Chapter 15. How to be More Persuasive…
The 4 Most Persuasive Words in the English Language…
Chapter 16. ESL Business English Phrasal Verbs Mini-dictionary with
Practice Exercises…
Exercise Answers: …
Chapter 17. 80 Grammar Rules for ESL & Business English..
80 Grammar Rules…
80 Grammar Exercises for ESL & Business English…
35. EMAIL…
40. MEDIA…
44. ART….
46. BOOKS…
Resources: 6 Videos on Emotional Intelligence…
Free Bonus: 300+ Presentation Templates for PowerPoint…
Bonus Chapter: The Productivity Cheat Sheet…
Thank you…
“Wise men speak because
they have something to say;
Fools because they have to
say something.”
Contributors & Influencers
I could not possibly list all the people who have
influenced me through their work, but I will try to mention a
few of the ones who spring to mind in no particular order.
These are my business heroes, and without their contribution
through their work, I would never have been able to write
this book.
If you have never read their books, and are interested
in business and entrepreneurship, I implore you to go out,
and buy them and read them over, and over again.
Gary Vaynerchuk
Pat Flynn
Dan Meredith
Timothy Ferriss
Dale Carnegie
Business English Speaking: Advanced Masterclass –
Speak Advanced ESL Business English with Confidence &
Elegance: Business Meetings & Presentations in English.
Includes 300+ PPT Presentation Templates.
Confident Communication
Emotional Intelligence at Work
Successful people know a great deal about their field
of expertise and their job, and the roles of those around them,
but it has become clear that to truly succeed, you need more
than just the standard intellect.
Emotional intelligence is central to helping you reach
your goals and to achieving success, as it boosts your levels
of morale, motivation and co-operation (Strickland, 2000).
E.I. is not only being able to identify and adapt to your
own emotional state, but the emotions of those around you.
An emotionally intelligent individual is a strong
communicator who can “read the room” and thrive in a
variety of social situations. Many astute hiring managers
actively look for this quality when recruiting new staff.
There are many reasons, but one of them is that emotionally
intelligent employees are generally more successful in their
interactions with other members of staff, and as a result, they
quickly adapt to many different types of social environments.
Multiple studies have shown that emotionally
intelligent people achieve more than their counterparts both
inside and outside of work. They’re more likely to handle
criticism well and are able to respond appropriately to
differences of opinion. In teams, the more emotionally
intelligent members help diffuse and prevent emotional
outbursts that could derail or delay projects.
A 2014 study conducted by the University of Bonn in
Germany set out to find how high emotional intelligence
affected an individual. The study was conducted on 142
adults who were asked to identify emotions both through
visual and audio cues. Participants were presented with
photographs of people and audio of a variety of people
expressing their emotions. A ‘high emotional intelligence’
was defined as being able to correctly identify 87% of the
emotional scenarios, a ‘low intelligence’ was defined as
scoring 60% or less.
The participants were then evaluated by their co-
workers and supervisors to see how their communication
skills were viewed by their peers. The results showed that
those with high scores in the test were seen as carrying a
higher social status than those who scored lower.
Interestingly, those same people who scored higher in the
test, also had higher income. Therefore, the study concluded
that emotionally perceptive people were viewed more
favorably by others and were also more likely to have a
higher income than their co-workers.
Regardless of what business you’re in, communication
with colleagues and clients plays a huge role and that is why
emotional intelligence is so valuable. Although the value of
emotional intelligence is abundantly clear today, that was not
always the case. Travis Bradberry, one of the authors
responsible for Emotional Intelligence 2.0 says that
emotional intelligence was never considered a factor in
business until 1995. His book goes over decades of research
to show just what an impact emotional know-how has on the
business world.
Don’t worry – emotional intelligence is a learned skill
and can be improved. The basis of this form of intellect
relies on synthesizing information from both the rational and
emotional areas of your brain. Like anything else in life, the
more you practice emotional intelligence, the stronger that
skill will become.
“The change is gradual, as your brain cells develop
new connections to speed the efficiency of new skills
acquired. Using strategies to increase your emotional
intelligence allows the billions of microscopic neurons lining
the road between the rational and emotional centers of your
brain to branch off small “arms” to reach out to other cells,”
explains Bradberry.
Chapter 1. The Truth about
your Public Speaking Skills
Decisions = Behaviour
Behaviour is a manifestation of decisions, not
conditions. As Franklin Covey stressed in his bestselling
book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Response-
ability” is your ability to choose your response to a situation
or an environment.
Too many people do the exact opposite and blame their
behaviour on their situation or their conditions. Even worse,
they blame their current situation on their past situation. This
makes them feel like it’s not their fault, but is the equivalent
of going into a McDonalds today because you went
yesterday, and then complaining that you want pizza. Get a
grip. If you look at where you are in life now, it’s all a
product of your decisions and your choices, your job, your
level of income, your relationships, your preparation for
exams, 100% your fault, the good and the bad.
People who succeed at an activity do not blame their
situation for their lack of success, and they definitely don’t
blame it on a lack of ability. They try, fail and try again in a
slightly different way until they succeed.
People who succeed take action and actively learn how
they can change things that they wish to change. If they want
to learn a language they research how best to learn a
language and then they go out there and do it EVERY DAY
because they love the process of getting better and
challenging themselves. If they want to set up a business
they research and research and research and try and fail until
they succeed. If you don’t already do this, it’s definitely not
too late, start now.
It comes back to loving the process. If you love what
you are doing, then failures and mistakes are not failures or
mistakes, they are another step forward in the journey to
your inevitable success.
Mistakes and failures are fun, because they are
learning opportunities and they teach you more than your
successes. If you enjoy what you are doing, then your current
situation doesn´t concern you as much, because you are too
busy enjoying it.
Understanding the key role of emotion in business
separates the best communicators from the rest - not just in
terms of results and talents but also in terms of intangible
personal assets such as morale, inspiration and dedication.
When explaining how great communicators are effective, we
describe their strategies, visions, motivation or ideas.
However, the reality is that emotions are the crux of great
business communication. Leaders understand how to
influence emotions and master the art of manipulating them
either for good or for evil. It all comes down to how you deal
with yourself and your relationships.
Be a Master of Your Own Learning
Be a master of your own learning. Don´t be a victim of
your own bad habits. If you talk to yourself and to others
similar to you are a victim of circumstance, you will never
change the things you don´t like or learn the things you want
to learn.
Chapter 2. Voice & the
Importance of Sound
Friedrich Nietzsche
The Importance of your Voice
Your voice is key when it comes to communicating
effectively in business and in non-business settings alike.
Sound can influence the human brain in different ways and
it's a vital part of how we understand the world around us
and how we interpret different contexts, whether we're aware
of it at the time or not.
Projecting your voice appropriately to fit the situation you
find yourself in is central to how people perceive your
message. Voice control and projection are key, not only for
delivering strong presentations, but for exuding confidence
in your everyday life. There are a few basic methods you can
apply to achieve this, as well as some vocal exercises you
can use.
Vocal Warmups
Right off the bat, it’s important to breathe through your
diaphragm, and stay relaxed around your head, neck and
shoulder areas. You may need to make a conscious effort to
do this initially, but you’ll notice how, as you form the habit,
it will become more automatic.
Our first exercises are going to focus on volume.
Increasing the volume of your voice to be louder is an
essential aspect of projecting your voice. Be sure you’re
practicing breathing from your diaphragm. Your abdominal
area should expand outwards as you breathe in, and contract
as you breathe out to get the best results.
We begin using vowel sounds. Starting with “ah” (as in
the word “bar”) you will begin vocalizing the sounds softly,
and gradually increasing your volume to be loud. Make sure
you do this somewhere private or you’ll lose all your
It’s important to understand that when you’re loud, you
should not be shouting. Think of the difference between
talking to someone directly in front of you, and someone a
few feet away. That should be the difference between your
soft and loud voice.
Reverse the exercise and go from loud to soft.
If you’re feeling a strain on the loud end of things, then
you’re trying too hard. Remember to be gentle.
Finally, combine the exercises and go from soft to loud
to soft to loud, etc. for as long as you like.
This exercise can be done with other vowel sounds
such as “oo” (as in “boo”), “oh” (as in “hole”), “aw” (as in
“raw”), “ay” (as in “bay”) and “ee” (as in “see”).
Counting to ten is also an effective volume exercise.
You can move gradually, starting soft at 1 and ending loud at
10 or vice versa. You can also make a pattern, having every
third number spoken loudly or something similar to that.
Play around with it and find what works best for you. Have
fun and make it part of your routine.
Chapter 3. Meetings, Conferences
& Negotiations: Formal &
Informal Language
It’s vital that you can distinguish between formal and
informal language in English, not only for business, but also
for communication in general. Writing a letter or email to a
friend is obviously not the same as writing a letter of
recommendation for a friend who has applied for a job. Here
are some examples of formal and informal words with the
same meaning,
to depart: to go
to carry out: to do
to provide: to give
to retain: keep
to cease: stop
liberate: to free
obtain: to get
to desire: want
to function: work
to demonstrate: show
to reside: live
require: need
sufficient: enough
hence, therefore: so
perspiration: sweat
inexpensive: cheap
Business Meeting & Discussion Phrases
If you consider… you could be convinced by an argument in favor
But you have to think about another aspect of the problem…
I do not feel this is a direct cause of…
Of course it goes without saying that…
There has been a growing body of opinion that..
… the situation can be addressed by adopting the methods mentioned
While I admit that… I would argue that…
One approach would be…
A second possibility would be to…
This suggests that…
In addition…
To sum up…
In fact..
I tend to disagree…
I am unconvinced by…
In the final analysis…
To conclude…
In conclusion…
On the other hand…
There is no doubt that…
This could involve…
I would argue that…
I firmly believe that…
It seems to me that..
I tend to think that…
People argue that..
Some people think that…
Many people feel that…
In my experience…
It is undoubtedly true that..
It is certainly true that….
I am unconvinced that…
I don not believe that..
It I hard to accept that…
It is unjustifiable to say that…
There is little evidence to support that…
For example,…
For instance,…
In fact,…
Of course,…
It can be generally observed that…
Statistics demonstrate…
If this is/were the case…
In my experience…
Let me illustrate…
I would argue that…
By this I mean…
In other words..
This is to say…
To be more precise..
Here I am referring to …
In spite of…/ Despite the fact that…
Even though…
As a result…
In turn
My response to this argument depend on what is meant by…
There is surely a difference between…. and….
I intend to illustrate how some of these differences are significant to
the argument put forward.
However, whilst I agree that… I am less convinced that…
I certainly believe that…
One of the main arguments in favour of…. is that…
In other words…
Admittedly, in some ways…
Either way…
In any case…
The most important point is that…
Another point is that…
Of crucial importance , in my opinion, is…
There is , however, another possible way of defining…
…that I am in favor of , although I also realize that…
There is no doubt that…
However, it is possible to tackle this serious issue in a number of
One approach would be..
…would be particularly beneficial.
A second possibility would be to…
…this could involve…
Many people feel that this is unacceptable because…
Opponents of… point out that … and argue that…
On the other hand it cannot be denied that…
Supporters of…argue that…
This is partly true, but…
To a certain limited extant, there is some truth in this…
However, the implication that… is oversimplification.
This argument has certain specific logic, but…
C1 & C2 Level Speaking Phrases (Advanced & Proficiency)
Likes/dislikes Opinion
I’m into… As far as I’m concerned,
I’m a keen/avid (surfer) As I see it,
I’m keen on/fond of (surfing) From my point of view,
I (go surfing) to unwind, to In my humble opinion,
escape the stresses and strains of I’d say that…
my day to day life.
I like nothing more than (to go
I’m itching to try/go…. (I really
want to)
Comparing/contrasting Describing pictures
Both pictures show… The first thing that strikes me
In this picture they look as about this picture is…
though they are…. Whereas/while The thing that really jumps out
in this picture… of this picture is…
In contrast In this picture it looks as
On the other hand if/though they are…
They could/might/may be…
They could/might/may have
I’m pretty sure that they’re
I’d guess that they are…
Agreeing Disagreeing
We see eye to eye. We don’t see eye to eye.
Yeah, I’d go along with that. I take your point but…
Absolutely! I tend to disagree with you there.
That’s not always the case
You took the words right out of I beg to differ
my mouth. Isn’t it more a case of…
I couldn’t agree more.
You have a point there.
I’m with you 100% on this one.
Starting to make a conclusion Asking for opinion
Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. What’s your take on….?
The bottom line is we have to Where do you stand on….?
choose one… In my opinion…., would you go
It’s a tough one, I’m torn along with that?
between … and …. What are your thoughts on this?
Shall we go with ….?
Personalizing Impressive structures
Speaking from personal Another point I’d like to add
experience,… about … is…
For me personally,.. It’s also worth bearing in mind
This is a topic that is particularly that…
close to my heart… Coming back to what (Javi) was
It’s funny I was just thinking saying about …. I’d also like to
about this the other day. point out that…
My gut/initial reaction is… I think it’s important not to
If I were to choose one of these forget that…
situations (part 2 pictures), I’d go The vast majority of people tend
with… because… to think that…
At the end of the day…
When all’s said and done…
Chapter 3. Posture
Christopher Voss
Be aware of your posture.
Chapter 4. Barriers to
Effective Communication
Peter Drucker
What’s in it for them?
The world is full of constant distraction in the form of
media, entertainment, social interaction and many, many
other things. People automatically grab for their phones
whenever they have a spare few seconds. Even billboards are
becoming less and less relevant as a marketing tool since
most people's attention while they sit in cars is now down
towards their phones.
Why should they listen to you? Why should anybody
listen to anyone else?. "What's in it for me?" - This is what
we all instinctively ask ourselves when we start reading
something or listening to someone.
It's not just about what you have to say, it's about how
you deliver your message and about whether your message is
valuable to your audience. You need to be helping your
audience in some way for them to stick with you. This is
what you should be focused on when you speak, write and
In a world where attention is so fickle, if you want
people to listen to you, you need to grab them and keep them
long enough for them to hear your message. There is
constant temptation to become distracted, so you need to get
good at the attention game.
If one were to seek out an unconventional definition of
communication, it would be, Brain to Brain marketing, since
communication is the meeting of minds. Communication is
devoid of words, sentences, paragraphs and the entire
spectrum of linguistic tools and methods. In its truest form, it
is two nervous systems exchanging information. It is
effective when the circumstances are as unbounded as
Using Meaningless Language:
We're all guilty of this now and again, but it really is a
communication killer because it sucks the power and
meaning out of whatever it is you're saying.
Sometimes we resort to hyperboles, like “incredible”
and "awesome" to talk about relatively uninteresting things,
such as when someone has bought a new hat. We often do
this to please others or make them feel at ease, but while it
may be intended as a gesture of goodwill towards the other
person, it can come off as insincere and can shape other
people's perception of what we consider to be "incredible". If
everything is "incredible" then nothing we describe will ever
truly be incredible.
Another thought pattern that damages the effectiveness
of our communication is our fear of being seen to be wrong.
When we’re overly concerned by this, it can distort our
interpretation of the messages we get from other people and
from our environment. This will in turn, influence our
People Pleasing and Seeking Approval
People pleasing or seeking approval from others is
another surefire way to damage and distort your
communication at work.
Although peer pressure is probably more obvious
among teens, it definitely carries on into adulthood in more
subtle and unconscious ways. We buy certain things to keep
up with the Jones' and we all say certain things to be seen in
a certain light to some extent, whether we admit it to
ourselves or not. If we let this behavior get out of hand, we
become people pleasers and others see straight through this.
People pleasers often come across as insincere and
manipulative. People will not respect our message if they do
not respect our values.
Chapter 5. The Science of
Giving Presentations
The Multi-Modal Technique
Engaging with material in multiple formats, such as
combining text with a visual representation, can improve
your audience’s memory of the concepts or ideas being
presented (Paivio and Csapo, 1973). Hardly rocket science is
it, but so many of us throw common sense straight out of the
window the minute we sit down to plan a presentation.
This is what the idea of multimodal education is based
on. Multimodal education emphasizes combining learning
methods in order to better teach students. This technique has
been proven to increase brain activity beyond the point of
what using a singular method can produce (Beauchamp et
al., 2004).
More important than an increase in brain activity is
where that activity takes place. Studies saw increased
activity in the superior temporal sulcus and middle temporal
gyrus, which are both responsible for multisensory
processing. The fact that this region of the brain switches on
automatically when exposed to multiple stimuli suggests that
it plays a large part in the improved memory that results
from multisensory exposure.
So, say you have a presentation coming up, try to
combine images or even short videos (if appropriate), with
small amounts of clearly expressed text and speaking. Keep
shifting between the different ‘modes’ to keep your
audience’s brains as active as possible.
The positive effects of combining mediums on
memory can be seen in a study in which participants had
their brains scanned as they were given a memory test where
they had to memorize pairs of objects. After the test,
participants filled out a questionnaire about what
memorization techniques they used to help them complete
the task. Though self-reporting can be an unreliable method
of gathering information, the brain imaging showed that
people who combined auditory information with the images
they saw, techniques as simple as saying the names of the
objects they saw aloud, performed better than those who
didn’t. The study concluded that engaging with material in
multiple different ways made a stronger impact on the
people’s memories (Kirchhoff and Buckner, 2006).
‘Chunking’ Information
When we look at memory, we often undervalue factual
recall and muscle memory, but advances in neuroscience
have shown that these play a huge factor in maintaining what
is called “working memory.” Working memory serves as a
temporary store for new information we are processing. The
average limitation on a working memory is roughly seven
individual pieces of information though this number can vary
based on the individual and their educational achievements
(Pickering, 2006). Our working memory is what we use for
everything from writing down a phone number (which is
why we often like to get the info in small pieces rather than
all at once) to learning a new skill or concept. Try to use this
knowledge when you present information, so you don’t
overload and ultimately lose your audience. Deliver the
information to your audience in small digestible chunks so
that they can process it.
A 2003 study used functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) to track the regions of the brain that adults
were using as they learned to do long-form multiplication
(Delazer et al., 2003). The study saw brain activity shift from
the region associated to working memory to the region
associated with automatic function as the adults practiced the
skill and familiarized themselves with it. This study shows
how the brain relies on different regions depending on its
familiarity with the task at hand and it also shows why it’s
important to keep your working memory in good nick to
allow it to grasp new ideas quickly and effectively. It’s also
worth noting that external representation of information
(such as the written down phone number or a written-out
math equation) can help take pressure off of the working
memory and increase efficiency, as your brain will be able to
focus better on the task. This is similar to when you close
down unnecessary programs on your computer to free up the
CPU and the system. As result of this, the computer speeds
up and can process tasks faster.
Chapter 6. Your Words
John F. Kennedy
Think About Your Words
When focusing on improving our presentation skills
we often look at some of the best presentations in order to
mimic the techniques of icons like Steve Jobs, or VaynerX’s
Gary Vaynerchuk, but it can be just as valuable to look at bad
presentations to see what kind of mistakes we should avoid.
The words you say also matter. Always think that in a
professional environment your words can be misconstrued or
taken out of context. Be very careful with edgy comments
and speeches!
We’ll take a look at a couple arguably dreadful
speeches and presentations to see what went wrong, and
what can be done to avoid these scenarios ourselves. These
speeches are listed in Vanessa Ong’s excellent 2017 article
15 Bad Speeches We Can Learn From. I urge you to check it
out when you have a minute
Speech Case 1: Miss Teen South Carolina 2007
Take an infamous speech made during the Miss Teen
South Carolina show in 2007.
A part of the Miss Teen competition demands that
participants answer a “thought-provoking question” in order
to demonstrate their higher thinking abilities. The questions
are selected at random and Miss South Carolina was asked
the following: “Recent polls have shown that one fifth of
Americans can’t locate the US on a world map, why do you
think this is?”
She begins by slowly explaining that some “US
Americans” don’t have maps and she ends with a vague
suggestion that the United States education system should
somehow benefit South Africa and Iraq. This is what
happens when you charge headlong into a question you are
completely unprepared for.
Before we scoff at Miss Teen Carolina, let’s get off our
high-horse and be honest with ourselves, I’m sure most of us
can recall a situation when we’ve jumped head-first into
answering a question and then realized half-way through that
we’re talking absolute nonsense. It can be a horrible,
embarrassing feeling when this happens. So, what can we
learn from this?
Lesson 1: Be prepared.
Managing a presentation requires you to be aware of
two things: the message you want to deliver to your
audience, and the information your audience might want
from you. During election campaigns, politicians have to be
able to speak on a variety of different issues, from education
to environmental policy and more. If you prepare yourself in
a similar fashion, then you’ll drastically decrease your odds
of being caught out during a big moment.
Speech Case 2: Melania Trump’s Republican
National Convention Speech
Melania Trump’s Republican National Convention
The speech Melania Trump gave at the 2016
Republican National Convention was widely spread around
the internet not because it was an incredible speech, but
because it was almost a word-for-word copy of a speech
previously given by Michelle Obama. Videos went up online
directly comparing the two and the evidence is quite
It is a good thing to be inspired by the works of others.
It’s even smart to bring their work into your own
presentation, but you have to do it properly. Always cite your
source, give credit where credit is due, and make it
abundantly clear when you are using someone else’s words
to support your point. Remember, people came to hear your
words, not to hear you parrot the words of others.
If Melania Trump had talked about how Michelle
Obama’s speech had affected her own views and simply
incorporated quotes into her speech, then it would’ve likely
been received as a ground-breaking political speech and
would have been used as a shining example of respect.
Melania would have come off as a big person who was brave
enough to admit that she was inspired by a political rival and
brave enough to show public respect and appreciation for
her. This rarely happens in politics, so it would have been big
news for all the right reasons.
There are thousands of pitfalls to watch out for in
public speaking, but if you use a little common sense and
take things slowly then you should be able to perform pretty
well on the day.
Chapter 8. Eye Contact
Chapter 9. Avoiding
Business Jargon
We're living in a connection economy where people
want to connect with real people. The old business jargon for
the sake of business jargon of yesteryear has been demoted
to the boardrooms where it's still needed for political games.
To connect with humans, you need words that make you
sound like a real human, sentences that show who you are,
why you're doing what you're doing and why you're different
to the ‘corpobots’.
When humans switch into the "business" mindset,
something dark and strange happens to their brain, they
become flesh and bone robots morphing their vocabulary
into a meaningless collection of clichés and empty
statements - the result is just boring, vague and disjointed
We place greater importance on how someone talks
than on the words they are saying alone. Good speaking and
writing don’t usually do the whole hard-selling approach.
They use accessible language as much as possible and focus
on adding value, reducing pain or discomfort by solving
problems and satisfying a need.
Chapter 10. Focus on the
Listener’s Problems
This is a perfect example of a company using pain
points to show how a product or service solves a ‘personal
hell’. Think of the ‘personal hell’ of having to go to do the
weekly shop as a single parent of two children with no
childcare and no car for example.
Notice how they use the pain-points to empathize with
the audience, create rapport and offer the solution. Notice
also how they use simple, direct and clear language without
any pretense.
This is an excerpt from the “help” section of Gousto’s
Chapter 11. Always Give
This is a great example of a company using details to
convey personality and uniqueness. This style lends itself
well to presentations, website copy, catalogues and even
certain types of emails and meetings.
The following excerpt is from the “Why Blu” section
of Blu Home’s website.
Woody Guthrie
Communicating Clearly
Clarity = Confidence
Clarity shows confidence and respect for your
audience. People see straight through jargon and
unnecessarily complex language in a heartbeat. They often
assume that you don't know what you're talking about, that
you're nervous, or in the worst-case scenario, that you're
pretentious, insecure and incompetent. Chances are you’re
none of the latter, so remember that less is more. Of course,
‘clarity’ isn’t about dumbing it down for your audience, it’s
about making it easy for them, it’s about being your
audience’s advocate.
In academic and political settings, the tendency is to
complicate concepts and make them less accessible. This is
often done unconsciously in academia, as this world has
developed a standardized style which peers have come to
expect from each other. Though it may be tradition to
complicate concepts in the hope of making them seem more
'academic' or 'professional', or in order to justify one's own
research grant, it's of little use when you want to reach other
humans and create meaningful connections.
What do Winston Churchill, Barack Obama and
Adolf Hitler have in common?
They all told a good story and they all won people over
through simple language and clear messaging. Regardless of
politics, all three men were extremely effective
communicators who people listened to.
Even if you look at the most respected business
magazines and newspapers in the world, you’ll find that they
prioritise simplicity and directness. The Economist style
guide emphasizes that the “first requirement of The
Economist is that it should be readily understandable. Clarity
of writing usually follows clarity of thought. So, think what
you want to say, then say it as simply as possible.”
“Improving the efficacy of measurable learning
outcomes” could be expressed as "improving learning" or
"improving learning efficiency" if you want to complicate it
a bit more. There is definitely no need for the empty self-
indulgent language used in the original version. Remember
that clichés and vagueness are for people who don’t know
what they’re talking about.
Read the following text and change it
to make it more personal, direct and
interesting. I’ve provided an example at
the end of the exercise, so you can check,
but there are many ways of rewriting this
paragraph. (Please note that this not a real
example and any resemblance to any real
companies is purely coincidental).
Original text:
“The staff at XYZ Media have been
consulting successfully and fostering
measurable, tailored solutions for their
clients for years. The company’s highly
experienced media consultants understand
and appreciate their clients’ requirement
to launch and implement cost-effective
cutting-edge solutions strategically and
systematically. Their sensitivity to the
client’s objectives, together with their
profound expertise in marketing strategy
and social media bring added-value and
synergy to any project they embark upon.”
OK, let’s see if we can clean it up a bit…
Sample Answer
This sample is by no means perfect. There is still some
work that needs to be done, but it’s better than the original.
The first thing we’ve done here is that we’ve
simplified it. We’ve cut any words that didn’t add to the
message. Words like “synergy” have been cut altogether.
The second thing we’ve done here is we’ve reworded
some of the business jargon to make it more relatable. There
is still some jargon left in this text, but we’ve tried to reduce
it to a minimum. The reader or listener is human, regardless
of whether he/she is the cleaner or the CEO of the company.
Remember this.
The third thing we’ve done is, instead of speaking in
third person about the company all the time, we’ve
introduced personal pronouns like “we” and personal
possessive pronouns like “our” and “your”.
Finally, we’ve tried to be as specific as possible. We’ve
talked about “profits” and “brand recognition” rather than
“measurable, tailored solutions”. This not only adds to our
overall message, but it also adds credibility and makes us
more relatable as a business or business professional.
Clear Communication Checklist:
Chapter 13. Apologizing in
Meetings & Negotiations
Apologizing to a Client or Customer over the phone
We (“I” if you have a smaller business and you want to
make it personal) would like to express regret over the
inconvenience caused earlier this week. We will replace
your product immediately, and you will receive it by Friday.
Exercise 1:
This is an example of an apology from one member of
staff to another for a missed appointment. Please note
that the two employees have a working relationship, so
there is no need to be overly formal.
Read the apology and fill the gaps with words or
phrases from the following list.
a. think that it might strengthen our market position with this
b. I'm terribly sorry that I missed our appointment early this
c. I would like to discuss your proposal in more depth with you.
d. Please let me know if you are available for lunch on
Wednesday or Thursday.
I inadvertently scheduled a breakfast meeting outside the
office for the same time that we had arranged to meet and did
not check my schedule before driving across town.
Maybe we can get together for lunch later this week if
you are available? I have reviewed your proposal for
launching the new TIX project
Answers Exercise 1
I'm terribly sorry that I missed our appointment early
this morning.
I inadvertently scheduled a breakfast meeting outside the
office for the same time that we had arranged to meet and did
not check my schedule before driving across town.
Maybe we can get together for lunch later this week if
you are available?
I have reviewed your proposal for launching the new TIX
project and think that it might strengthen our market
position with this group.
I would like to discuss your proposal in more depth
with you.
Please let me know if you are available for lunch on
Wednesday or Thursday.
Chapter 14. Summarizing
Data for Meetings,
Negotiations &
Understanding what you have read is sometimes
challenging when there is a complex situation, or a chain of
events that you as the reader are not aware of.
A great way is to help the reader is to try to put it in
your own words without giving unnecessary mention to non-
essential details.
You can also include a few words or phrases into your
summary to make it easier to follow. This helps make your
reply more concise and to the point. In your summary, you
can use language like, the first point, then, moreover, in
conclusion or in summary, to address specific points and to
summarize your message.
Let’s take a look on the next page at a sample report
task now. We will use this example task after we’ve gone
through a few things.
The Human Resources Department in your company
has conducted a survey to find out more about employee
satisfaction. Employees were requested to decide what
factors were most important to them in order to increase
overall job satisfaction.
Task instructions:
Using the final results provided below, along with the
notes provided by your manager, write a proposal which
explains and summarizes the results to your manager.
How to Plan and Talk about Data
Communicating effectively requires following the
entire process from brainstorming to final drafting. This is
something which sounds like a lot of hard work at the start,
but which becomes more natural after you’ve practiced a
little. In the long-term, it will actually save you time and
make your communication more effective and powerful.
To plan the outline, you should write brief notes during
your brainstorming. It’s not necessary for you to write full
sentences here as it will take too much time. Most of us
don’t have much time to spare, so it is important to think
about time management.
Make your outline very simple and basic to get you
started. For the task above, your outline could look like this:
Employee satisfaction survey
Paid Sick Leave: 30%
Promotion from within: 25%
More holidays: 21%
Better Cafeteria food: 15%
Most viable: promotion from within/ better cafeteria food
Remember to check your outline to make sure you have
an accurate overview of what you need to communicate.
Rough draft:
Now that you have your outline prepared. You are ready
to begin your rough draft. Remember, your purpose is to
give a summary and to describe the findings in the example
we’re using.
Word Bank
According to the survey
may not be
would like to have
will impact
In order to
resulting in
Rough Draft Example
Human Resources would like to get feedback from the
employees about improving employee’s overall job
satisfaction, so I was asked to present the results of the
employee survey.
Paid sick leave and more holidays: ___________, more
than half of the employees would like to have more time off
from work. This _________ feasible as this _________ cost
and revenue.
Promotion from within: One quarter of all employees
_______________ the opportunity for promotion or career
We/The Human Resources Department needs to get
_____ feedback from employees about the quality of the
cafeteria food ________ promote employee __________.
1. Cost effective paid sick leave to be determined by the
Human Resources Department.
2. Promote more internal promotions to fill requirements.
3. Organize a committee to get additional feedback and
suggestions from employees.
Now that we have finished writing the rough draft, we
need to proofread it for any errors or mistakes. This means
we need to reread it carefully. Here is a checklist to follow:
___ Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.
___ Did I cover the most relevant data?
___ Is there anything less relevant which I can cut out?
___ Is the information presented in a variety of sentence
structures to avoid being repetitive?
Check how sentences begin. For example, using phrases
like “According to the survey” is a great way to begin.
Did I use conjunctions to combine sentences, or are there
a lot of short sentences? While it is a great idea to be direct
and to the point, writing short sentences can make the
message seem choppy, unless you express the ideas as bullet
points of diagrams. If you don-t want to use bullet points or
diagrams here, it’s a good idea to try to combine any
sentences that are similar to improve the flow of ideas.
There should be a variety of words that are used
correctly. Use words from the same word family like in the
example: promote and promotion, so that you are alternating
and not repeating yourself.
___Is my vocabulary appropriate for the topic and
It’s all about context! There is a time and place for
everything and you have to be aware of this.
Answers to the rough draft task:
Paid sick leave and more holidays: According to the
survey, more than half of the employees would like to have
more time off from work. This may not be feasible as this
will impact cost and revenue.
Promotion from within: One quarter of all employees
would like to have the opportunity for promotion or career
The Human Resources Department needs to get more
feedback from employees about the quality of the cafeteria
food in order to promote employee satisfaction.
Chapter 15. How to be More
The 4 Most Persuasive Words in the English
1. “You”
Studies show that using the word “you” gets people
interested and engaged.
2. “Names”
Use people’s name. Research also suggests that we
trust and engage more with someone if we hear our name
being spoke or read it in a message.
3. “Free”
In his book Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely carried
out a small study, where he offered participants a choice
between a Lindor chocolate for 15¢ and a much cheaper
Hershey’s Kiss chocolate for 1¢. The Lindor truffle
chocolate won even though it was 15 times more expensive.
However, in the next stage of this study, he offered the same
Lindor chocolate for 14¢ and the Hershey’s Kiss free. This
time almost 100% of participants chose the Hershey’s Kiss
chocolate. What lesson can we learn from this study? People
will often make different decisions even if the value
proposition is basically the same, just because something is
4. “Because”.
This is an extremely powerful word, even if you don’t
give a real reason! In his bestselling book Influence: The
Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini discusses a study
carried out using photocopying machines. In the first stage of
the study, people tried to persuade other people to let them
jump the queue at the photocopying machine with the
sentence “Excuse me, I have 5 pages, may I use the Xerox
machine?” This sentence had a 60% success rate. In the next
stage of the experiment, people used the sentence “I have 5
pages, may I use the Xerox machine because I’m in a rush?”.
Being “in a rush” is definitely not a great reason, but in this
stage of the experiment, an amazing 94% of people allowed
that person to go in front of them.
Chapter 16. ESL Business
English Phrasal Verbs Mini-
dictionary with Practice
Exercise 1
Read the definitions for each phrasal verb in section A
below and complete the exercise at the end of the section.
You can check your answers at the end of this chapter.
Abide by means to accept or respect terms of an agreement,
a law, a rule or a decision that has been made.
Amount to means:
Break down means:
(1) to separate information into several parts to make it
easier to understand, analyze and discuss.
(2) To fail.
Break off means: (1) to stop negotiating or discussing
Break up means: (1) the separation of a company or
an organization into smaller parts.
Exercise 3
Complete each sentence with the most appropriate
word or words. You may need to change the form of the
words to suit the sentence and you will need to use some
words more than once.
Enter into means (1) to begin or start a formal agreement; or
(2) to start to deal with something.
1. “Both parties shall have the right to seek to settle any dispute
arising from the agreement by arbitration, which will
…………… any other form of dispute resolution.”
2. “Ms. Temple …………….. negotiations with the factory to
reach an agreement.”
3. “Early termination of the contract ………………..the lender
to compensation ‟ .
Exercise 4
Complete each sentence with the most appropriate
word or words. You may need to change the form of the
words to suit the sentence and you will need to use some
words more than once.
Factor in: to include or take into account when assessing, evaluating or planning
Find in favour of/Against (also: Rule in favour of/against) is often used to
describe the decision of the judge or jury in court.
Exercise 5
Complete each sentence with the most appropriate
word or words. You may need to change the form of the
words to suit the sentence and you will need to use some
words more than once.
Hand Down:
(1) In inheritance, this phrasal verb means to give or leave something to someone
Exercise 6
Complete each sentence with the most appropriate
word or words. You may need to change the form of the
words to suit the sentence and you will need to use some
words more than once.
Pass off means:
(1) to pretend that something or someone is different from
what they are
(2) ‘Passing off’ also refers to a type of specific business
law, which for example prohibits companies from giving the
impression that their goods or services are associated with
Provide that…
If you are giving a detailed summary, paraphrasing, or
repeating a particular law word for word, use “provide (s)
that “
Exercise 7
Complete each sentence with the most appropriate
word or words. You may need to change the form of the
words to suit the sentence and you will need to use some
words more than once.
Set forth is used before words such as rights, duties,
obligations, and procedures:
Exercise 8
Complete each sentence with the most appropriate
word or words. You may need to change the form of the
words to suit the sentence and you will need to use some
words more than once.
Weigh up is to evaluate evidence and arguments before
making a decision.
Exercise Answers:
1. “The figures appertain to last year's sales.‟ .
2. “When X Ltd failed to deliver the goods as specified under
the agreement, this amounted to a breach of contract”
3. “Both parties have adhered strictly to the terms of the
4. “The defendant accounted to the claimant for damages
5. “There are 265 Euros which been not been accounted for,
we need to review the numbers again‟ .
6. “Food sales accounted for 22% of total revenue”.
7. “The potential tax bill if the case was lost was accounted
for when we made the decision ‟ .
8. “All parties must abide by the terms of the agreement ‟
9. “Last year, the supplier eventually acceded to repeated
requests for an increase in the line of credit ‟ .
10. “How can we account for the fact that the goods
arrived late?‟
11. “The debt amounted to over €120,000 ‟.
1. “The agreement broke down due to one party´s excessive
2. “We had to break off the meeting‟ .
3. “The company was broken up to make the sector more
competitive ‟
4. “The numbers for the year break down as follows ‟
1. “Both parties shall have the right to seek to settle any
dispute arising from the agreement by arbitration, which will
exclude any other form of dispute resolution.”
2. “Ms. Temple entered into negotiations with the factory to
reach an agreement.”
3. “Early termination of the contract entitles the lender to
compensation ‟ .
1. “The judge found in favour of Mr. Right and awarded him
compensation to the amount of £10,000”
2. “Using a computer programme they factored in the costs of
keeping the old machinery for the next three years”
1. “The judge handed down a suspended sentence”
2. “The land was handed down to him by his uncle, who died
last year”.
1. “The law provides that the penalty for a first offence can be
up to 150 USD.”
2. “She was accused of trying to pass off her logo for another
3. “The Regulations provide that “traffic data” must be
recorded and filed with the appropriate agency. “
1. “The judge summed up the evidence presented by both sides
before the jury made their decision”
2. “The Regulation sets forth the procedure for processing and
fulfilment of orders”
3. “Articles 12 and 22 can unite the parties and contribute to
advancing regional priorities within the framework set forth
by the law.”
4. “The judge can strike out the case if she decides there finds
no reasonable grounds”
5. “The following article sets forth the basic terms of the
1. “The judge weighed up the evidence for over an hour before
handing down her verdict.”
Chapter 17. 80 Grammar
Rules for ESL & Business
I am very lucky to have taught business communication
strategies for more than one decade, and as a result I have
witnessed a great number of my clients succeed in their
This section aims to serve as a quick grammar revision
guide for professionals. These grammar tips are particularly
crucial if you want to give a good impression during
meetings, presentations, when you write emails, memos,
proposals and reports. Once you read and internalize the
advice in this mini-guide, you will be better equipped to
succeed in your communication.
Once you have improved your ESL business
communication skills, you will acquire the freedom that you
have always wanted – you will be free to pursue a wide
range of business and job opportunities, or even visas to live
or study abroad. In other words, once you improve your
communication, your life will change forever.
Let´s get started!
80 Grammar Rules
55. Asleep and afraid are not normally used before nouns.
He had the innocent expression of a sleeping baby. (NOT
… of an asleep baby.)
In the house, we found a frightened child hiding in the
kitchen. (NOT … an afraid child.)
80 Grammar Exercises for ESL & Business
8. Add one word to each gap.
8a. Everything …………….. perfect, thanks you so
much!. (Past Tense.)
8b. …………….. everything ready?
Every car needs some good quality wheels.
Every car needs good quality wheels.
I need to speak to the Dr Owen please.
I need to speak to Dr Owen please.
53. Use the word in brackets next to each sentence to
complete the gaps. You may need to change its form to fit
the sentence and/or add another word.
Stop ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the wall, you are going to hurt
yourself! (CLIMB)
I threw his ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the fence, where he
couldn't get them. (KEYS)
The most important thing is to be healthy and happy.
The most important is to be healthy and happy.
James is the most experienced of the department.
James is the most experienced member of the department.
I listened to the music for hours, it was beautiful.
I heard the music for hours, it was beautiful.
I suddenly heard a loud noise.
I suddenly listened to a loud noise.
Let me help you (to) wash up.
Let me help you (to) washing up.
79. Fill the gaps to form negative statements. Use the
correct form of the word in brackets next to each
sentence. You can use more than one word.
I hope ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tomorrow. (RAIN)
‘I hope Peter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, today’ (COMING)
80. Fill the gaps. Use the correct form of the word in
brackets next to each sentence. You can use more than
one word.
80a. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my bike ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a tree
yesterday. (CRASH)
80b. The car ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a sign and then
exploded. (CRASH)
7a. You needn't/ don’t need to/ don’t have to pay now;
tomorrow will be OK.
7b. He doesn't have to/need to wear a tie at work. (“want
to” is possible but it has a different meaning)
Where does she come from?
Maddi comes/is from Wales.
I need to speak to the Dr Owen please.
I need to speak to Dr Owen please.
53. Use the word in brackets next to each sentence to
complete the gaps. You may need to change its form to fit
the sentence and/or add another word.
Stop climbing over the wall, you are going to hurt
yourself! (CLIMB)
I threw his keys over the fence, where he couldn't get
them. (KEYS)
57a. It took a long time, but eventually/finally he
finished his studies.
57b. I'm not sure what I'll do next year. Perhaps/maybe
I'll go to university if I can get a place.
64b. He can make his own bed. After all, he’s not a baby
any more.
After all
The most important thing is to be healthy and happy.
The most important is to be healthy and happy.
James is the most experienced of the department.
James is the most experienced member of the
I listened to the music for hours, it was beautiful.
I heard the music for hours, it was beautiful.
I suddenly heard a loud noise.
I suddenly listened to a loud noise.
Let me help you (to) wash up.
Let me help you (to) washing up.
I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow. (RAIN)
‘I hope Peter isn’t coming today’ (COMING)
80. Fill the gaps. Use the correct form of the word in
brackets next to each sentence. You can use more than
one word.
80a. I crashed my bike into a tree yesterday. (CRASH)
80b. The car crashed into a sign and then exploded.
What do you do?
What does your job position entail?
Can you describe your tasks on a daily basis?
What is your favorite task at work?
What is your least favorite task at work?
How would you describe your current job?
At what age did you start working?
What is the ideal age for someone to start working?
What is the ideal age for someone to stop working?
At what age would you want to retire?
At what age do people start working in your country?
At what age do people retire in your country?
What jobs are available in your hometown?
What will make you consider working in your hometown?
Why did you choose to work in your hometown?
What jobs are available in your city?
What will make you consider working in the city?
Why did you choose to work in the city?
What is the most popular city in your country in terms of job
What is the most sought-after business center in your country?
What is the ideal city for you to work in?
In your own words, how would you define working from home?
What is a good excuse to work from home?
How do you stay productive working from home?
What are the benefits of working from home?
What are the disadvantages of working from home?
What would it take for you to permanently work from home?
How popular are work from home jobs in your country?
Should working from home be an option for all office workers?
How far do you live from your office?
How many hours do you commute in total per week?
What mode of transportation do you use to get to work?
How much time do you spend in traffic?
How much do you spend on transportation?
Would you consider renting an apartment near your office?
How far is your office from the nearest mall?
How far is your office from the nearest park?
How far is your office from the nearest hang out place?
How far is your office from the nearest train station?
How far is your office from the nearest bus stop?
How many floors does your work building have?
How would you consider working overseas?
In your opinion/experience, what is the best country to work in?
In your opinion/experience, what is the worst country to work
If you were given a chance, which country would you like to
work in?
What would you consider before working overseas?
Why do some people prefer to work abroad?
What type of people are ideal for working overseas?
What type of people do you think would not be successful
working overseas?
Where do you usually eat out during lunch break?
How often do you usually take for your lunch break?
Who do you eat out with at work?
When do you usually eat out at work?
How much do you usually spend when you eat out at work?
What do you usually order when you eat out at work?
Why do people prefer eating out than eating in the office?
Why do some people prefer eating home cooked meals in the
office than eating out?
Where do you usually hang out after work?
How often do you usually hang out after work?
Who do you hang out with after work?
How much do you usually spend when you hang out with your
How far is the nearest place where you can hang out?
Why do so many people hangout after work?
Why do many people choose not to hangout after work?
In your country, what is the most common hangout activity after
Why should employers recognize employees’ efforts?
How are employees recognized for their achievements in your
How should an employer recognize an employee?
When was the last time an employee was recognized in your
When was the last time you were recognized at work?
How would you feel if you were recognized for the quality of
your work? What reward would you like to receive?
Why is it important to have team building activities? Who
benefits the most in team building, employees or employers?
When was the last time you participated in a team building
What is the best team building activity in your opinion?
What is your least favorite team building activity?
How does team building help a business/company?
Who should choose the venue of the team building exercises?
Who should choose the activities of the team building exercises?
What office supplies do you have at your desk?
What office supplies do you often use?
What office supplies do you seldom use?
What office supplies would you like to be available in your
What do you think about 9 to 5 jobs? Would you prefer a
different time-table? Why?
In your opinion, how many hours should someone work in a
day? Why?
In your opinion, how many days should someone work in a
week? Why?
When was the last time you worked overtime?
How many hours do you usually work overtime?
How many hours was your longest overtime?
Should companies be able to force employees to work overtime?
Should companies be forced to pay employees for any overtime
they work?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of frequent business
Would you like to travel as part of your job?
How often do you go on business trips?
When and where was your last business trip?
What is your most memorable business trip?
Which country would you most like to visit in your next
business trip?
Which country would you least like to visit again in your next
business trip?
How do you feel about business trips?
Why are business trips important?
How long have you been in your current company?
How long do you plan to stay with your current company?
How long did you stay with your first company?
In your country, how common is it to stay with a company for a
long time?
What professional experience has been the most important in
your career so far? Why?
When was your last promotion?
When are you expecting to get a promotion?
How old is your oldest co-worker?
How young is your youngest co-worker?
How important is getting a promotion to you?
What is the best way to be promoted?
How can office politics affect promotion?
What would be your reaction if you got promoted tomorrow?
How common is demotion in your company?
Why would someone get demoted?
How long is your company's probationary period?
How long did it take for you to get a permanent position?
What are the differences between a regular employee and
someone on probation?
Are there any ways for someone to be made permanent faster?
What are they?
How many workers do you have in your company?
How common are permanent contracts in your country?
How do you feel about the general way companies contract
workers in your country?
Who benefits more from contracts, the worker or the company?
Would you consider working under a third-party agency?
Why do people consider working under third party agencies?
Why do companies hire from third party agencies?
What are the benefits of hiring workers from third party
If you were a business owner, would you consider hiring
workers from third party agencies? Why?
How long should an employee be under probation?
In your own words, how would you define work-life balance?
How important is work-life balance? Why?
Who benefits from work-life balance?
How can you achieve work-life balance in your life?
How much work-life balance do you currently have?
What initiatives does your company have with regards to work-
life balance?
How can the government help in achieving work-life balance for
workers in your country or region?
Describe someone you know who has a great work-life balance.
For you, what activities help in achieving work-life balance?
What are the advantages of being a boss?
What are the disadvantages of being a boss?
What are some qualities of a good boss?
What are some qualities of a bad boss?
Who is the best boss you’ve ever had?
How often do you talk to your boss?
How often does your boss check on you?
How often does your boss hangout with your team?
What are the traits you like most about your current boss?
How common is it in your country for employees to address
their bosses with sir/ma'am?
If you were given a choice, would you like to be given more
management responsibilies? Why?
What does your boss say when you come in late for work?
In your own words, how would you define a leader?
Is there a difference between a manager and a leader? Why?
Is it necessary to be a good leader in order to be a good
What was your very first job?
When did you land your first job?
What are the advantages of being a normal employee and not
having any people management duties?
What are the disadvantages of being a normal employee and not
having any people management duties?
Would you like to have one job for your whole life with a good,
steady salary or do you need change to stay motivated?
How common is freelancing in your country?
Why do some people choose to work as freelancers?
What are the advantages of working as a freelancer?
What are the disadvantages of working as a freelancer?
What is the best thing about being a freelancer?
What is the worst thing about working as a freelancer?
If you were given a chance, would you work as a freelancer?
What are the most common jobs of freelancers?
What are some examples of professions that suit your
What is the worst job you can think of for your personality?
What are the most prestigious professions in your country?
Who do you think should be the most well paid in terms of jobs?
Who do you think should be the least paid in terms of jobs?
What was your dream job when you were a kid?
What is your dream job now?
Given the opportunity, would you pursue your dream job? Why
or why not?
How well paid are politicians in your country?
What is the most in demand job in your country?
How important is educational achievement when applying for a
job in your country?
Which is more important, qualifications or experience? Why?
How important is experience when applying for a job in your
In your country, how challenging is it to find a job for newly
graduated candidates?
Was it difficult to get your first job?
What assistance do recent graduates get from the government
when applying for jobs?
How was your first ever interview? Describe your experience.
What did you do well and what did you do badly?
How do you feel during interviews?
How do you prepare before your interviews?
What clothes do you wear in interviews?
How important are first impressions in interviews?
What makes you stand out from other applicants when you
apply for a job? (What are your strong points?)
What’s your biggest weakness?
How do you see your career evolving in the next 2 years?
Do you think job interviews are a fair assessment of a
candidate’s suitability for a job?
If you were an interviewer, what you look for in an applicant?
What do you look for in a company?
Rank the following benefits and perks in order of importance for
you. Explain your answers:
Frequent travel
Management responsibilities
Child-care benefits
Long holidays
Travel and food allowances
Frequent social events and activities organized by the
The option to work from home
What benefits and perks would you most like to have in your
current position?
What is the most common reason for someone to resign?
What was the reason why you left your previous job?
What's the difference between termination and resignation?
Would you ever consider leaving your current position? What
would it take for you to leave?
How would you feel if your closest co-worker resigned?
How would you feel if your current boss resigned?
How do you think your co-workers would feel if you resigned?
How do you think your boss would feel if you resigned?
How many jobs have you had in the past five years?
How common is it for people to change jobs in your country?
What do you think about job-hopping?
Why do some people job-hop?
How can job-hopping affect your career?
How do you feel about your first ever salary?
What is your ideal salary? Why?
How important is salary in applying for a job?
What is the common salary range for your chosen profession?
How important are salary increases for staff motivation?
Is salary the most important factor in a job?
Would you rather do something you love for a low salary or
something you hate for a high salary? Why?
Is it good for governments to introduce laws to guarantee a
minimum wage? Why or why not?
What are the factors you consider when choosing a company?
How do you find job openings?
What is the most effective way of finding jobs?
How important is company image in choosing a company?
How important is location when choosing a company?
How important is personal growth when choosing a company?
How important is professional growth when choosing a
How important is diversity when choosing a company?
How much do you like your job? (Be as sincere as possible)
Why do you (or don’t you) like your job?
What is your favorite part about your job?
What kind of people do you like to work with?
What kind of people are you working with now?
Who do you prefer working with, young or old employees?
Who do you prefer working with, male or female employees?
Would you consider yourself a workaholic? Why?
Would you consider yourself easy going? Why?
What do you think about people who are easy going in their
When do you plan to retire?
Why do you think some people never want to retire and others
can’t wait to retire?
What is your ideal retirement?
At what age do people in your country usually retire?
Where would you like to spend your retirement?
How many emails do you receive in a day?
How helpful is emailing in your job?
Why is it sometimes easier to have misunderstandings with
people during email exchanges?
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the number of emails in
your inbox? Do you have any tricks to tackle this problem?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using office
memos to communicate with staff?
How do you feel about meetings?
When was the last time you attended a meeting?
What do you think about lunch meetings?
Which do you prefer, formal or informal meetings? Why?
Have you ever ‘dozed off’ while in a meeting?
When was the last time you dozed off in a meeting?
Do you prefer traditional meetings or teleconferences?
How many conferences do you have in a year?
How do you feel about conferences?
Describe the last conference you attended.
How often do you answer phone calls in your current job?
How often do you use your cellphone at work?
What kind of technology do you use at the office?
How has technology changed the way we work?
How has technology changed the way we learn?
How would you describe your current office environment?
How important is office environment?
What is your ideal work environment?
How many co-workers can you count as friends?
How do you feel about office politics?
How rampant is office politics in your company?
If you could keep Is there such a
only one form of thing as an unbiased
media, which would source of news?
you choose?
Would you like to What are the
work in a hotel? advantages and
disadvantages of
staying in a hotel?
What are the Which language
advantages and do you think would
disadvantages of be the best global
English becoming a language?
global language?
What body Is preserving a
language do you use dying language as
in your culture? important as
preserving an
endangered species?
Apart from Do you agree that
English, which other English is essential
language would you for success in one’s
like to learn? career?
Has technology Do technological
made our lives more advances increase
complicated? the gap between rich
and poor?
44. ART
How would you What paintings,
describe your drawings, or
relationship with sculptures do you
art? have in your home?
Do you think it is What period of
important to have a history would you
knowledge of like to learn more
history? about?
How important is What should be
reading books? the roles of libraries
in modern life?
AAP (1998) Learning disabilities, dyslexia, and vision:
A subject review (electronic version), Pediatrics. American
Academy of Pediatrics.
Resources: 6 Videos on Emotional
6 Steps to Improve Your Emotional
Intelligence – Ramona Hacker
I hope you have found this book useful. Thank you for
Bonus Chapter: The Productivity
Cheat Sheet
Thank you