Spec Single Wagon Test Rig
Spec Single Wagon Test Rig
Spec Single Wagon Test Rig
Specification No.:Mech./M&P/2900/GM/13
(i) Tenderer are required to give comments/compliance against each clause and sub
clause on the following Technical Specifications. Comments should be specific and to
the point and precise information should be given wherever asked for. Deviations, if
any, should be clearly indicated with details and proper justification.
(ii) The bidder will quote only for the same make of sub-assemblies and equipment
wherever specified. Other makes of sub-systems will normally not be acceptable.
(v) Tenderer must offer and quote the price of all the specified concomitant
accessories, as these are considered essential for commissioning and utilization of
the machine. Offers received without prices of any of the specified concomitant
accessories will be considered as incomplete and shall be liable for rejection.
(i) The machines are required to work in tropical conditions, i.e. Maximum variation
of ambient temperature would be from 0-50ºC with maximum humidity of 98%.
(ii) The electrical equipment should be tropicalized and other sub-assemblies of the
machine should be suitably designed to function efficiently under tropical conditions.
(iii) The bidder should clearly indicate the features/sub-assemblies provided in the
electrical, mechanical and electronic systems to function effectively under the above
operating conditions.
1. Description and Scope of Supply :- Scope of Supply covers supply, Design and
manufacturing of testing Rig as per drawing No: RCF/MECH/SWTR/01 MH
required to test during emergency brake application and release, sensitivity and
insensitivity testing in Air brake section in furnishing shop at Rail Coach Factory,
6. Inspection:- Inspection will be carried out by consignee and Shop User at firms
premises before supply of material to Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala.
9.1 One copy of the printed illustrative catalogue showing features of the
machine and its elements must be enclosed with each copy of the bid.
9.2 The successful bidder will have to furnish, 04 copies of spare parts
catalogue (giving the part list number of each component and
assembly drawings), maintenance manual, trouble shooting guide &
operation manual of the machine to the consignee directly. Bidders should
provide a list of literature,which they will supply along with the machine.
The technical literature shall be provided for complete machine.
II Make
The bidder should clearly indicate the special features incorporated in the
machine, if any, and also the advantages of the special features.
11.1 The tenderer should certify that the machine offered fully meets with the
specifications. Various design features incorporated in the machine to
fulfill different technical requirements shall be fully explained in the offer.
However, minor deviations from these specifications which do not affect
or in any way interfere with the stipulated performance standards or
would result in improved safety/reliability or would reduce recurring
maintenance/operating cost of the machine, can be considered for
acceptance. The tenderer in such eventuality, shall clearly indicate
details of these deviations and their implications.
11.2 The tenderer in such eventuality shall clearly indicate the details of these
deviations and their implications as per the following format:
12.1 Manufacturer must have suitable facilities at their works for carrying
out various performance tests on the machine/sub-systems. The
tenderer should clearly confirm that all the facilities exist and shall be
made available to the inspecting authority.
12.3 The tenderer will submit Quality Assurance Plan being followed at the
manufacturer’s works for ensuring quality of the product offered in
general and of fabrication of the structures.
12.4.1 Authorized inspection agency will carry out capability test at manufacturers