EPE2012 MihaiRATAdraft
EPE2012 MihaiRATAdraft
EPE2012 MihaiRATAdraft
5 9,601
7 authors, including:
C. Prodan
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
All content following this page was uploaded by Mihai Rata on 11 March 2016.
Abstract— The IGBT is one of most important power it’s important to consider, for gate drive circuit the follow
semiconductor device for converter applications from several items:
hundred watts up to 2 MW. This is used only in commutation
mode and combines advantages of a MOSFET’s (high gate Conduction losses, which depend by IGBT collector
resistance) and bipolar transistor’s (small collector-emitter drop emitter voltage (VCE) during this is in on-state. This losses can
at saturated condition). When we use IGBTs for converter be reduced if the gate emitter voltage (VGE) is increased. So, for
application it’s very important to choose an optimum solution for minimize the losses is desirable to increase the voltage VGE to
circuit driver. Now many circuits driver have some protections the maximum value permitted by IGBT (on manufactures data
for IGBT incorporated. This paper presents a study on the sheet) usually 15V.
performance of one circuit driver (Skyper32 PRO driver, from
Semikron), some experimental results and conclusions about this. IGBT switching losses, measured during transistor
turn on and turn off are influenced by the voltage VGE level, the
Keywords-component: Electrical engineering education; Power gate resistance (RG), circuit inductance, snubbers, junction
semiconductor devices; temperature, operating voltage and current. To decrease the
switching losses it is necessary to increase voltage VGE or
I. INTRODUCTION decrease resistance RG, which causes a reduce delay time, rise
time and fall time of IGBT, but Electromagnetic Emissions
Today, the modern power semiconductor devices, (EMI) increase.
compared to those of just a few years ago, are used in many
converters topologies for power electronic application, because IGBT short circuit protection. Majority of IGBTs
they have increased power capabilities, easy control and withstand a short circuit for 10ms, if the junction temperature is
reduced the costs. lower than 1250C and VGE = 15V. The short circuit condition
can apear in two cases: If the short circuit apear when the
One of most important power devices for converter IGBT is in on state both the collector emitter voltage and the
applications at moderate switching frequencies from several collector current rise very rapidly. Because dv/dt increase also
hundred watts up to 1 or 2 MW is the IGBT. This transistor is a and considering miller capacitance can increase the voltage
hybrid device and has some combined advantages of the VGE. To limit the level of voltage VGE it’s is recommended to
MOSFET, the BJT and the GTO [1], [2], [3], [4]. These connect a zener diodes directly across the gate emitter
advantages of IGBT are: terminals.
Has a high impedance gate, like MOSFET, which IGBT gate driver failure problems is very
requires only a small amount energy to switch the important thing that you must taking consideration when
device so, for this reason, the IGBT offers a designing a converter. Often failure of gate driver is power loss
considerable reduction in both size and complexity of temporary or permanently. In this case is useful to discharge
the drive circuitry. the gate emitter and easily it can made by connected a resistor
Has a small on-state voltage even at transistors with Gate driver circuit isolation and transmission of
high blocking voltage ratings, as BJT and for this control signals. In converters for power electronics is very
reason these devices with high power capability have important to isolate the power circuit from the control circuitry.
low power loss. For this purpose the isolation must be made for both power
Permits to block negative voltages, similar to the GTO. supply of circuit driver (via transformers) and control / fault
signals transmitted to and from circuit driver (via transformers
or opto isolators). Any solution which is chosen should be
II. GATE DRIVE CIRCUIT FOR IGBT taken to ensure that the driver is suitable for voltage capability,
When designing a converter for power electronic frequency, and immunity to dv/dt.
application, which use IGBTs (only for commutation mode)
may be induced in the wires (this solution is most used) and by
springs (a new solution developed by Semikron) [5].
c) d)
Figure 1. Different solutions for symmetrical or asymmetrical gate control a)
DC Bus
PWM Control
SKYPER Snubber
32PRO IGBT Module capacitor Load
Figure 3. Circuit diagram and picture for experimental tests
Figure 7. IGBT Turn-ON transition
Figure 6. IGBT Turn-OFF transition
The proposed experimental circuit diagram is very useful for
V1 working with students at power electronics laboratory,
because of its features:
Permits to study and observe the behavior of IGBT at
turn-on and turn-off transition, with different gate
resistances. To observe also, how is influenced
VG switching losses and by the gate resistances;
Offer possibility to study and observe the behavior of
iG circuit gate drive and IGBT when is simulate a short
circuit regime;
To choose a different dead time;
To observe how work under voltage protection;
To observe that the IGBT turn-off regime is
characterized by damped oscillation between snubber
capacitor and DC-link capacitor (frequency of these
Figure 8. DSCP protection operation
oscillations is determined by the bus bar parasitic
For test how work the dynamic short circuit protection inductance and the snubber capacitor value) and how is
(DSCP) by voltage VCE monitoring and if the driver switch off influenced this frequency when is changed the bus bar
the IGBT, we simulate a short circuit at outputs for parasitic inductance or the snubber capacitor value;
IGBT_TOP. For that between SEC_TOP_VCE_IN input and
SEC_TOP_GND it’s connected an external DC source with 8V ACKNOWLEDGMENT
through a switch K, as is presented in FIG. 3.a. The voltage This paper was supported by the project "Progress and
VCEsat monitoring is activated before the blanking time tbl is development through post-doctoral research and innovation in
passes after the IGBT is turned-on. It can observe when K is engineering and applied sciences– PRiDE - Contract no.
switched ON and voltage V1 growing up the driver
POSDRU/89/1.5/S/57083", project co-funded from European
automatically switch off the IGBT.
Social Fund through Sectorial Operational Program Human
Resources 2007-2013.
In this paper a new IGBT gate driver circuit features and REFERENCES
some experimental results are presented. The IGBT gate drive [1] N.Mohan, T. M. Underland, W. P. Robbins, “Power Electronics,
Converters, Applications and Design,” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003,
circuit is one of the most important component parts of a ISBN 978-0-471-22, III21150.
converter for power electronic application, because its has [2] B.K. Bose, “Power electronics and motor drives,” Academic Press,
many functions such as: to drive and protect against Elsevier Inc., ISBN 13: 978-0-12-088405-6, 2006.
destruction of IGBTs, to isolate the power circuit from the [3] M. Albu “Electronică de putere,” Casa de editură Venus, Iaşi, 2007,
control circuitry, to establish the switching performances of ISBN: 973-756-003-5.
IGBT and switching losses. [4] M. H. Rashid, “Power electronics handbook,” Elsevier Academic Press,
The SKYPER 32PRO is one of newest circuit driver, from 2001, ISBN: 0125816502.
Semikron which permit to connect with IGBT by wires and by [5] Semikron, www.semikron.com.
springs, depending on the variant construction of the IGBT [6] Dynex Semiconductor, Application Note “Gate Drive Considerations
For Maximum IGBT Efficiency”, online paper,
module by choosing a suitable an adaptor board. http://www.dynexsemi.com/assets/Application_Notes/DNX_AN4507_J
system, for an induction motor. ul02.pdf .