Leitner Report 2022 EN
Leitner Report 2022 EN
Leitner Report 2022 EN
All Year Round
Zell am Ziller / AT
Vipiteno / IT Alpbach / AT
ITALY a journey that takes just 4 minutes 30 seconds. AUSTRIA constructed the new GD10 “Galsterberg”
Doubling has been the order of the day at the gondola lift, replacing a 30-year-old fixed-grip
Ropeway operators at Monte Cavallo, Vipiteno’s San Martino di Castrozza ski area, where In Austria, LEITNER opened the 2022/23 winter gondola system. Spacious Diamond EVO
local mountain, commissioned the new GD10 LEITNER built the new CF4 “Cima Tognola” season with no fewer than eight new ropeways. cabins in the XL Deep version feature separate
“Rosskopf” complete with new station build- 4-seater chairlift. It's bottom station was slightly Common to them all was the maintenance- upholstered seats and lots of legroom, making
ings, which meant a visible upgrade and mod- moved up compared to the previous 2-seater friendly, resource-friendly LEITNER DirectDrive. things really comfy for passengers.
ernization for the whole region. The new rope- chairlift in order to enable a quick connection to In the Zillertal tourist region, the new CD8C In the Murtal and Pyhrn-Priel holiday regions,
way runs on the route of its 35-year-old prede- the 6-seater chairlift Cigolera. LEITNER also “Kapaunsbahn” replaced an existing ropeway, two new 10-passenger gondola lifts heralded
cessor that passes over the Brennero freeway. built two surface lifts at the Passo Oclini and while the new “Hornbahn 2000” 6-seater the arrival of the latest ropeway technology.
At the Alpe di Siusi, Speikboden, and Cervino 3 Zinnen D olomites resorts. chairlift was completed at Ski Juwel Alpbachtal Timed to coincide with 50th anniversary cele-
ski resorts, LEITNER replaced existing systems Wildschönau. brations, the Telemix ropeway on Rittisberg in
with ultra-modern, ultra-comfortable chairlifts Axamer Lizum was also the starting point for Styria has boosted performance significantly.
with weather protection bubbles. comprehensive modernization. The new GD10 With its 3-in-1 technology, the TMX6-10 “Rittis-
The Via Lattea ski resort on the border between “Hoadlbahn” was built over two sections at the bergbahn” can be operated as a gondola lift,
Piemont in Italy and Provence-Alpes-Côte former Olympic venue. a chairlift, or a combination of both.
d’Azur in France has been given a significant LEITNER also built the highest ropeway system
comfort upgrade. The new CD6 “Cit Roc” is in East Tyrol in the Defereggen Valley: the
routed parallel to the Sestriere World Cup run CD6C “Leppleskofel”.
and carries up to 2600 passengers per hour on In the Schladming-Dachstein region, LEITNER
6 7
Klæbu / NO Vars / FR
SWEDEN, NORWAY, FINLAND the new CD6 “Trastølheis” has replaced a fixed- FRANCE SUCCESSFUL MODERNIZATION
grip ropeway which was built back in 1968.
Twelve new ropeways built by LEITNER in the LEITNER’s CD6 “MIDT-Expressen” is already its By building three new ropeways in France, More and more operators are opting to
far north have brought new quality standards seventh ropeway in the snow-sure family ski LEITNER has demonstrated once again how modernize existing ropeways and make them
across the board. resort of Vassfjellet – Klæbu. best to combine technological innovation with more attractive. As well as thinking about
Situated in the heart of Sweden, the Idre Fjäll LEITNER built the CD6 “Bitihorn Expressen” customized flexibility. The CD6 “Vars Speed comfort, safety, and greater capacity, they have
holiday resort has received a significant upgrade along the summer bobsleigh track in the Master” and CD6 “La Mayt” have brought a been sharpening their focus on sustainability
with a new 10-passenger gondola lift. The GD10 Norwegian town of Beitostølen. Aside from much-needed upgrade to ropeway infrastruc- and budgets. These kinds of projects were high
“Sydgondolen” travels around 2200 m in two undertaking big projects in 2022, LEITNER built ture at the La Forêt Blanche ski resort. The two on the agenda again last year. Some systems
sections to reach the top of Idre Fjäll. four surface lifts in Sweden, as well as one in chairlifts each replaced a predecessor model were equipped with energy-saving products
Near Stockholm, LEITNER built the CD6 Norway and one in Finland. with 4 seats and thus not only bring a speed like the LEITNER DirectDrive, some were given
“Snöberget Direkt”, which is its sixth ropeway at boost but also a pleasing increase in capacity. the latest generation of cabins, some received
the Romme Alpin resort. The new CD6 “Les Nants” at the Saint Gervais, a general overhaul. All in all, many ropeways
A comfortable ropeway for year-round use was which replaces a fixed grip 2-seater chairlift were given a new lease of life in 2022 and now
also erected at the well-known Swedish World built in 1977, has also brought considerably feature LEITNER’s latest developments within
Cup venue of Åre. The CD6 “Stjärnliften” has more comfort while reducing journey times. their new structures.
holders for four bikes on each chair, making it
easy to take bicycles out on summer
excursions. In the Norwegian ski resort of Voss,
8 9
© Vitro Jasso
Ecatepec / MX Zermatt / CH
The new year promises a number of breath- COLUMBIA MONTENEGRO SWITZERLAND
taking projects, all of which demonstrate that
the demand for technological innovation aimed Urban ropeways also have a long tradition in In Montenegro, one of the world’s most spec- The mountains have also been host to a
at more sustainability is not a trend. It’s here to Colombia. In Manizales, a municipality with tacular ropeways will open in summer 2023, number of exciting projects involving LEITNER’s
stay. Demand for urban ropeways as a mean- more than 400,000 inhabitants in the carrying its passengers from sea to mountain in successful, resource-friendly, energy-saving
ingful addition to existing public transport net- department of Caldas, two LEITNER ropeway just eleven minutes. Spanning a distance of in-house developments such as the LEITNER
works has been especially strong. systems have already been successfully 3.9 kilometers and 1316 vertical meters, a DirectDrive. One of these projects is Matterhorn
integrated into the public transport system. LEITNER system will soon connect the Glacier Ride II. It’s a continuation of LEITNER’s
A third ropeway will be added in 2023. UNESCO World Heritage Site of Kotor with successful work on the Klein Matterhorn in
MEXICO Lovćen National Park. The construction will Zermatt, following the construction of Matter-
almost completely eliminate the use of the old horn Glacier Ride I. The new 3S system will
Mexico’s capital is considered a world pioneer and winding Njeguš road, meaning a huge re- create the highest continuous crossing of the
in how to integrate ropeways into urban trans- duction in private motorized transport and a Alps by ropeway, beginning July 2023.
port networks. With the completion and open- noticeable drop in carbon emissions.
ing of “Mexicable 2 – Linea Verde”, its latest
ropeway line forms a self-contained, high-per-
formance system that offers transport which is
both efficient and sustainable.
10 11
Kitzbühel / AT Bressanone / IT
GERMANY AUSTRIA ITALY Like the two ropeways mentioned above, the
new CD6C “Valena” at the Pontedilegno-Tonale
Another major project is being built in the north- LEITNER will be building sustainable chairlifts The resort of Plose in Valle Isarco in South resort will be driven by an energy-efficient, re-
east of Bavaria. Aging chairlifts are being re- in Kitzbühel in 2023 in continuation of what is Tyrol will soon see the arrival of two new source-friendly LEITNER DirectDrive. Equipped
placed by modern gondola lifts at the Ochsen- already a successful, long-established partner- 10-passenger gondola lifts, offering modern, with weather protection bubbles and seat heat-
kopf resort. Construction work on the GD10 ship. The company will once again be integrat- upgraded performance and year-round ing, the new ropeway will be able to carry 3000
"Ochsenkopf Nord" will start in 2023, followed ing its latest technologies to achieve minimum operation. GD10 “Plose 1+2” will replace a passengers per hour and will offer significantly
by the modernization of the South lift one year energy consumption combined with maximum 6-passenger gondola lift built in 1986 and, more comfort than its 2002 predecessor.
later. Equipped with spacious Diamond cabins, operating efficiency. Kitzbühel’s sustainable thanks to LEITNER bicycle holders and racks
this ropeway will soon bring passengers quickly dual ropeway is completed by photovoltaic for the popular mountaincarts, will bolster and
and comfortably up to Ochsenkopf in summer panels on the station covering. extend what this holiday region already has to
and winter, thereby doubling transport capacity The new GD10 “Wilde Krimml” will soon be offer in summer.
at the Fichtelgebirg’s biggest ski resort. forming a direct link between Gerlos and Zell In the Rendena Valley, the Pinzolo ski resort is
at Zillertal in Tyrol. This will replace the old looking forward to a modern 10-passenger
4-seater KrimmlXpress chairlift, including its gondola lift from LEITNER. The GD10 “Doss del
middle station, and will lead directly from Sabion” will soon be taking its guests to the top
Krimmlalm up to the col. station in just under five minutes, where they
will enjoy breath-taking views out over Brenta
and Adamello.
12 13
Examples of
365 working days …
© Speikboden
Campo Tures / IT
Detachable gondola lifts
Riyadh / SA
Since 2019, the Boulevard has been one of being used for comfortable and rapid trans-
Riyadh’s most spectacular leisure attractions. port between this new area and Boulevard
The metropolis of eight million people, the Riyadh City.
capital and financial center of Saudi Arabia, is The ropeway starts at the parking lot to the
focusing intensively on economic and tourist north of Boulevard Riyadh City, flies over
revitalization with the mega-project and the a wide road and then leads into Boulevard
Riyadh Season festival and has recently World, where the ropeway station has
expanded the area with the Boulevard World. been embedded in the impressive Greek
Entirely based on the model of Las Vegas, landscape of Santorini. The gondola lift
the Boulevard World is to become the new runs over a distance of 1.2 kilometers and
entertainment hotspot of the desert city. A reaches a maximum transport capacity of
10-passenger gondola lift from LEITNER is 2,808 p
eople per hour.
Detachable gondola lifts
Hoadlbahn I Hoadlbahn II
Inclined length 1185 m Inclined length 950 m
Vertical rise 422 m Vertical rise 356 m
Transport capacity 2800 p/h Transport capacity 2800 p/h
Power 794 kW Power 529 kW
Total number of vehicles 40 Total number of vehicles 35
Total number of towers 10 Total number of towers 8
In 2022, a comprehensive modernization was ropeways at the resort, reducing the number
carried out in the Axamer Lizum under the of towers from 44 to 18. LEITNER’s DirectDrive
sign of sustainability and improved comfort. has made an important contribution to even
At the former Olympics venue close to the more sustainability, less maintenance, and
state capital of Innsbruck, a new gondola lift maximum noise reduction. The new system
was built over two sections with an impressive will carry passengers from the parking lot
top station, which was placed right next to the to the highest point in the resort in just six
existing Hoadlhaus. minutes. Seventy-five spacious Diamond EVO
The new Hoadlbahn replaces with the CD4 cabins offer the ultimate in passenger com-
"Schönbodenbahn" and the two fixed 2-seater fort and an all-round view of the surrounding
chairlifts "Hoadl I" and "Hoadl II", three mountains and the Inn Valley.
© Axamer Lizum
Detachable gondola lifts GD10 Hoadlbahn I+II Axams / AT
© Axamer Lizum
20 21
Detachable gondola lifts GD10 Hoadlbahn I+II Axams / AT
22 23
Detachable gondola lifts
Hinterstoder / AT
Situated at the popular World Cup venue in a first-aid room. The ropeway is accessed via
the region of Pyhrn-Priel, Upper Austria's the second floor, which passengers can reach
largest ropeway project to date, the new GD10 across a bridge or using escalators, stairs, or
“Hössbahn”, features Diamond EVO cabins an elevator. The top station has been equipped
with automatic sliding doors, providing more with one of the most powerful LEITNER
legroom as well as ski racks in the interior. The DirectDrives, the LD10, on account of the
bottom station, which features high capacity ropeway’s high capacity and the 811 meters it
loading, has a longer design, making boarding has to ascend. Around 3200 passengers per
easier, and is integrated into a multifunctional hour – 800 more than the old ropeway – are
building that includes cash desks, manage- now carried up the mountain in two and a half
ment offices, public bathroom facilities, and minutes less time.
Detachable gondola lifts GD10 Hössbahn Hinterstoder / AT
© Michael Schirmbeck
© Michael Schirmbeck
26 27
Detachable gondola lifts
Pruggern / AT
Equipped with a LEITNER DirectDrive, the The operators have placed special emphasis
GD10 “Galsterbergbahn” is set to replace an on getting the station buildings to blend in
over thirty year-old fixed-grip gondola lift. This with their surroundings. They’re being built
means a significant upgrade for winter sports in the clapboard look common to traditional
enthusiasts. structures in the region. Building a new main
Spacious Diamond EVO cabins in the XL Deep ropeway has significantly upgraded facilities
version feature separate upholstered seats and there, especially the attractive valley descent
lots of legroom, making things really comfy for which is great for kids and which was wid-
passengers. Big glass sides all round provide ened in the upper section last year. It has also
an exceptional panoramic view of the surround- helped distribute guests more evenly around
ing mountains. the mountain.
Detachable gondola lifts GD10 Galsterbergbahn Pruggern / AT
30 31
Detachable gondola lifts
St. Lambrecht / AT
At the ski resort of Grebenzen – St. Lambrecht, The ropeway has a maximum transport
the new GD10 “Greben10” replaces one capacity of 2100 people per hour and delivers
chairlift and two surface lifts, reducing journey maximum comfort with 65 Diamond cabins.
times by around 30 minutes. All the skiers who Designed by Pininfarina, these have large glass
use the training slope in Grebenzen (which sides all round, offering an uninterrupted pan-
is open throughout the winter) for training, oramic view, and carry visitors at six meters
competitions, and races will benefit from fast per second.
travel times.
© Mediadome
Detachable gondola lifts GD10 GREBEN10 St. Lambrecht / AT
© Mediadome
© Mediadome
© Mediadome
34 35
Detachable gondola lifts
Sterzing - Vipiteno / IT
A new ropeway era began at Monte Cavallo Diamond EVO Premium cabins. This ropeway
in Vipiteno in December 2022. Very near is especially quiet and easy on resources due
to LEITNER’s headquarter, the resort’s to its DirectDrive system. Its 65 cabins offer ex-
6-passenger gondola lift, which was com- ceptionally comfortable s eating and a unique,
missioned right back in 1987, has now been all-round viewing experience. New buildings
replaced by a modern 10-passenger gondola and architectural touches have been included.
system. The GD10 “Rosskopf” travels along New station buildings were completed at the
exactly the same route, including the well- top and b ottom of the ropeway when the gon-
known crossing of the Brennero freeway, dola lift was built. The bottom station building
and has been equipped with the eco-friendly, offeres space for new offices for the Vipiteno
maintenance-friendly LEITNER DirectDrive and Tourist Board.
Detachable gondola lifts GD10 Rosskopf Sterzing - Vipiteno / IT
38 39
Detachable gondola lifts
Sydgondolen I Sydgondolen II
Inclined length 1519 m Inclined length 629 m
Vertical rise 238 m Vertical rise 58 m
Transport capacity 3000 p/h Transport capacity 3000 p/h
Power 529 kW Power 353 kW
Total number of vehicles 52 Total number of vehicles 28
Total number of towers 11 Total number of towers 6
LEITNER has upgraded the Idre Fjäll ski resort upper areas. There will be a total of 80 cabins
by completing a new 10-passenger gondola providing a capacity of up to 3000 passen-
lift called GD10 “Syndgondolen I+II”. Sus- gers per hour. This ropeway will remain open
tainability is high on the agenda in Sweden all year round and will offer bike transport in
(as it is elsewhere), so the new, two-section summer. In the winter season, visitors to this
ropeway is naturally equipped with a LEITNER popular leisure destination can look forward
DirectDrive. This ropeway’s bottom sector can to two new descents made accessible by the
be run autonomously, so that the lower slopes new gondola lift.
can still be used when winds are high in the
Detachable gondola lifts GD10 Sydgondolen I+II Idre / SE
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Detachable gondola lifts GD10 Sydgondolen I+II Idre / SE
44 45
Ramsau / AT
Timed to coincide with the ski resort’s 50th different ways. These include, increasingly,
anniversary, the completion of the TMX6-10 cross-country skiing, winter hiking, and snow-
“Rittisbergbahn” brought significant modern- shoeing. By combining cabins and chairs,
ization to the Schladming-Dachstein region, the new ropeway offers the flexibility needed
with much greater flexibility and performance. for the ascent. Another of its benefits is that it
The journey time to the top station at 1500 makes it easier to carry sledges for the illumi-
meters has been almost halved compared to nated night toboggan run on Rittisberg.
the previous lift and now takes just over three Only the cabins are used in summer. This
minutes. Thanks to its 3-in-1 technology, the Telemix ropeway positions the resort ideally
system can be operated as a gondola lift, a for the opening of a new mountaincart route
chairlift, or a combination of both. scheduled for summer 2023. Special holders
This makes the Telemix ropeway on Rittisberg have been developed for the carts so that they
the ideal solution, because the mountain can be transported outside the cabin.
is popular with families and used in many
Telemix TMX6-10 Rittisbergbahn Ramsau / AT
48 49
Detachable chairlifts
Sand in Taufers - Campo Tures / IT
At the South Tyrolean ski resort of Speik- Pininfarina studio. The new ropeway increases
boden, the new CD8C “Seenock” replaces capacity to 3400 passengers per hour, brings
a 4-seater chairlift which has already been the journey time down to just four minutes, and
operating for 30 years. The new chairlift uses gives easy access to the various slopes of this
the existing route and features LEITNER family-friendly ski resort. The highlight is the
DirectDrive, Premium chairs with genuine almost eight-kilometer-long valley run involving
leather seats, weather protection bubbles, and 1450 meters of descent – one of the biggest
seat heating. The modern 8-seater chairlift’s drops in South Tyrolean skiing.
station has been designed by Italy’s renowned
© Speikboden
Detachable chairlifts CD8C Seenock Sand in Taufers - Campo Tures / IT
© Speikboden
© Speikboden
52 53
Detachable chairlifts CD8C Seenock Sand in Taufers - Campo Tures / IT
© Speikboden
54 55
Detachable chairlifts
Zell am Ziller / AT
The new CD8C “Kapauns” in the tourist region been made significantly more attractive by the
of Zillertal has replaced an old system built new ropeway. With a journey time of around
in 1993, and its extended route takes it right seven minutes, the new 8-seater chairlift
up to the top of the col. This has created a carries up to 3000 people per hour along a
new link between Zell and Gerlos. The new route of nearly two kilometers.
routing has almost doubled the associated It incorporates not only the latest ropeway
pistes to over 2.5 km, bringing some to above technology from LEITNER, but also, in
2500 m in the process, and making them fully collaboration with world-renowned architects
north-facing, which means excellent snow Snøhetta, a strong architectural dimension.
conditions right into the spring. This part of the The new stations feature designs that are
Zillertal Arena, with its 147 km of slopes, has minimalist yet spectacular.
Detachable chairlifts CD8C Kapauns Zell am Ziller / AT
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Detachable chairlifts CD8C Kapauns Zell am Ziller / AT
60 61
Detachable chairlifts
The new CD6C “Hornbahn 2000” has re- is very much on quality rather than quantity.
placed its 4-seater predecessor at Ski Juwel This replacement investment was not aimed
Alpbachtal Wildschönau. This modern, detach- at expansion, but on improving the quality of
able 6-seater chairlift carries up to 2600 peo- the mountain experience. That includes the
ple over a distance of nearly 1100 meters to new Top of Alpbachtal attraction, which can
the Top of Alpbachtal station in under four min- be reached on the “Hornbahn 2000”. The new
utes. High-end equipment, including LEITNER top station, with its observation tower, platform
DirectDrive, heated seats, and weather protec- and modern premises, has become a new
tion bubbles, means the focus in Alpbachtal focal point for the entire region.
© Skijuwel
Detachable chairlifts CD6C Hornbahn 2000 Alpbach / AT
64 65
Detachable chairlifts CD6C Hornbahn 2000 Alpbach / AT
© Skijuwel
66 67
Detachable chairlifts
St. Jakob im Defereggental / AT
A new 6-seater chairlift has brought ultimate in all weather conditions. With a journey time
comfort to the Tyrolean ski resort of Defereg- of under four minutes, the chairlift carries up
gental. The new facility, which ascends to to 2400 people per hour, making it part of the
nearly 2700 meters above sea level, is East new quality offensive in East Tyrol’s ski resorts.
Tyrol’s highest ropeway system and offers In combination with the new construction, the
especially impressive levels of comfort. operators also invested in expanding their ski
LEITNER DirectDrive, heated premium seats, slope infrastructure. The development of three
and weather protection bubbles provide new ski runs means no less than 25 percent
sustainable efficiency and relaxed transport more slopes.
© Martin Lugger
Detachable chairlifts CD6C Leppleskofelbahn St. Jakob im Defereggental / AT
© Simon Abele
© Simon Abele
© Martin Lugger
70 71
Detachable chairlifts
Seis - Siusi / IT
Europe’s largest high alpine pasture, Alpe di the Spitzbühlhütte on the Sciliar, one of South
Siusi in the South Tyrolean Dolomites, offers Tyrol’s most famous landmarks. Powered by
ideal conditions for winter sports enthusiasts. a LEITNER DirectDrive, the CD6C “Spitzbühl”
LEITNER replaced the Spitzbühel 2-seater offers skiers weather protection bubbles and
chairlift with a new, modern, 6-seater chairlift seat heating for more comfort, as well as a
which carries its passengers up to the level of shorter journey time.
Detachable chairlifts CD6C Spitzbühel Seis - Siusi / IT
74 75
Detachable chairlifts
Together with the Swiss ski resort of Zermatt, eco-friendly LEITNER DirectDrive. Passengers
the Cervino Ski Paradise is part of the "Mat- are now more comfortable because of the new
terhorn Ski Paradise", one of the largest and heated seats and weather protection bubbles.
snowiest ski areas in the Alps. The new CD6C The new ropeway is also impressively quick,
“Gran Sometta” has vastly improved the con- carrying sports enthusiasts to the 3092 m top
nection between Valtournenche and the rest of station in just four minutes, which is over 65%
the ski resort. This modern ropeway replaces faster than its predecessor.
the eponymous surface lift and is driven by the
Detachable chairlifts CD6C Gran Sometta Cervinia / IT
78 79
Detachable chairlifts
The Via Lattea (which means ‘Milky Way’ and of r ecord-breaking proportions. A modern
is also the name of the ski resort) between 6-seater chairlift made by LEITNER was
Piemont in Italy and Provence-Alpes-Côte recently installed along the famous world cup
d’Azur in France connects the Italian venues run in Sestriere. The new CD6 “Cit Roc” car-
of the 2006 Turin winter Olympics with ries up to 2600 people per hour on a journey
Montgenèvre in France, via Claviere on the of just under five minutes, which means signifi-
border. But it isn’t just the resort’s location cantly greater capacity for the ski resort which
which crosses boundaries: it’s 400 km of belongs to Turin’s Olympic region.
slopes and numerous ropeways are also
Detachable chairlifts CD6 Cit Roc Sestriere / IT
82 83
Detachable chairlifts
Åre / SE
LEITNER built a new 6-seater chairlift to this ropeway was to enable bicycles to be
augment the forty-plus existing ropeways at carried during the summer months. LEITNER
Sweden’s largest ski resort. The new CD6 bicycle holders, which can carry four bikes
“Stjärnliften” was erected in the center of the per chair, are super-easy to use and make it
well-known World Cup venue of Åre, where it much more convenient to take bikes up into
replaces a fixed grip 2-seater chairlift. the hills. The CD6 “Stjärnliften” is also the first
Aside from boosting capacity for winter ropeway in Sweden to be built specifically for
operation, one of the aims of modernizing year-round use.
Detachable chairlifts
LEITNER built a 6-seater chairlift at the Romme Alpin’s longest ropeway. Covering a
Romme Alpin ski resort near Stockholm. It length of 2427 m, just before its highest point,
has boosted capacity and comfort, e specially the ropeway crosses the Nordexpress 6-seater
for the numerous weekend visitors who chairlift built by LEITNER in 2012. LEITNER’s
come from the city. This ropeway, powered CD6 “Snöberget Direkt” is its sixth ropeway at
by a LEITNER DirectDrive, connects the two this central Swedish ski area.
farthest locations at the resort, making it
Detachable chairlifts CD6 Snöberget Direkt Romme Alpin / SE
88 89
Detachable chairlifts
Klaebu / NO
The Norwegian ski resort of Vassfjellet – and has a capacity of 2600 passengers
Klæbu, south of Trondheim, which is especially per hour. It’s LEITNER’s seventh ropeway in
popular with families, invested in a modern, snow-sure Vassfjellet, which offers a total of
detachable 6-seater chairlift built by LEITNER. 15 kilometers of slopes.
This ropeway is called CD6 “MIDT-Expressen”
Detachable chairlifts
LEITNER built the CD6 “Bitihorn Expressen” facilities in general. The Bitihorn Expressen
chairlift along the summer bobsleigh track in not only offers space for twice as many pas-
the Norwegian town of Beitostølen in 2022. sengers as its predecessor, it also saves them
This comfortable new system is the second over six minutes of travel time. This capacity
detachable chairlift which LEITNER has and speed increase has made the Beitostølen
built there, and replaces a 3-seater chairlift Skisenter tangibly more attractive.
built in 1986. It means quick access to twelve kilometers of
By making this investment, the operators varied slopes in winter, and makes it easy to
aimed to distribute visitors more evenly across transport bicycles in summer with its LEITNER
the resort and give them better access to the bike holders.
steeper slopes, as well as modernizing the
Detachable chairlifts
Voss / NO
Voss Resort is the largest skiing area in At this picturesque resort, LEITNER construct-
western Norway and offers descents for every ed the new CD6 “Trastølen” chairlift to replace a
ability. A highlight of the Norwegian fjord land- fixed-grip ropeway built back in 1968. Powered
scape, Voss is idyllically situated between the by a LEITNER DirectDrive, the new system
Hardanger and Sogne fjords and boasts views delivers a significantly improved capacity of up
over the mountains and forested valleys, rivers, to 2400 passengers per hour. The new ropeway
and waterfalls, and even – when visibility is also reduces the journey time along the existing
good – a view out to the Norwegian coast. route to just over three minutes.
Detachable chairlifts
The La Forêt Blanche ski resorts connects bined with every variety of snowy fun. Its new
the two French winter sports venues of Vars CD6 “Vars Speed Master” has brought it a
and Risoul in the Briançon arrondissement. much-needed upgrade, replacing its 4-seater
Surrounded by the peaks of the Ecrin massif, predecessor. The new ropeway has speeded
Ubaye valley, and Queyras national parks, this up journey times and also increased capacity
winter sports area offers stunning views com- considerably.
Detachable chairlifts
Vars / FR
With its multiple snow parks, children’s areas, the largest ski resorts in France. So it requires
and other attractive features, the La Forêt ropeways of the highest quality. Spanning
Blanche ski resort appeals to different target a length of just under 2.5 kilometers, the
groups. Its diverse facilities, combined with new CD6 “La Mayt” system ascends over
its picturesque setting and well-maintained 600 m eters and carries up to 2800 people per
slopes, make this region one of France’s most hour. This modern LEITNER chairlift replaces
popular skiing areas. La Forêt Blanche, lying an old 4-seater ropeway and a surface lift, pro-
between 1650 and 2750 meters in altitude, viding a comfortable connection to the top sta-
has 185 kilometers of pistes, making it one of tion beneath the peak of La Mayt, at 2470 m.
Detachable chairlifts CD6 La Mayt Vars / FR
100 101
Detachable chairlifts
Immediately adjoining Mont Blanc, the French As well as its 263 kilometers of pistes, multiple
ski resort of St. Gervais offers its visitors ski snow parks, cross-country ski trails, snowshoe
runs of every level. This idyllic resort, with its and winter hiking trails, this popular Haute
unspoiled character, is just around the corner Savoie can now boast the “Les Nants”, which
from one of the major centers of alpine skiing: hasn’t just reduced journey time significantly,
Chamonix. Interestingly, although the highest it also makes things much more comfortable
mountain in the Alps is surrounded by the for winter sports enthusiasts. The new detach-
municipality of Chamonix on the French side, able ropeway replaces the Arbois fixed grip
the summit area belongs to the village of 2-seater chairlift built in 1977 and carries up to
St. Gervais. 2400 people per hour.
Detachable chairlifts CD6 LES NANTS Saint Gervais / FR
104 105
Fixed-grip chairlifts
LEITNER built the new CF4 “Cima Tognola” tion from the Cigolera 6-seater chairlift.
chairlift in continuation of a successful, Nestling amid the fabulous Dolomite land-
long-standing partnership at the San Martino scape, the Italian ski resort offers peerless
di Castrozza ski resort. views over the Pala Group, as well as
The new ropeway’s bottom station has been 60 kilometers of slopes for beginners and
moved a little further uphill from its 2-seater advanced skiers alike.
predecessor’s, which creates a quick connec-
Fixed-grip chairlifts CF4 Cima Tognola San Martino / IT
108 109
Surface lifts
Innichen - San Candido / IT
Surface lifts
Jochgrimm - Passo Oclini / IT
Successfully modernized
Detachable gondola lifts
Danter Cepies
Inclined length 2160 m Inclined length 507 m
Vertical rise 519 m Vertical rise 126 m
Transport capacity 3000 p/h Transport capacity 3000 p/h
Power 900 kW Power 360 kW
Total number of vehicles 74 Total number of vehicles 24
Total number of towers 15 Total number of towers 5
The two Danter and Cepies 10-passenger able conversion of the two drives positioned
gondola lifts have been playing an important in the middle station. The planetary gearing in
strategic role in the skiing paradise between the gondola lifts Danter (LP300) and Cepies
Selva di Val Gardena and Passo Gardena (LP135), together with the motors, were re-
since 2013. On behalf of operator Seggiovia placed with two new LEITNER LD10 and LD5
Dantercepies SpA, LEITNER last year set an- DirectDrives. This brought about significant
other technical milestone in the development reductions in noise and energy consumption,
of this ropeway. The focus was on the sustain- as well as minimizing maintenance.
Detachable gondola lifts
Bergbahn Nesselbahn
Inclined length 1571 m Inclined length 1678 m
Vertical rise 240 m Vertical rise 477 m
Transport capacity 2400 p/h Transport capacity 2400 p/h
Power 794 kW Power 794 kW
Total number of vehicles 52 Total number of vehicles 55
Total number of towers 14 Total number of towers 14
Visitors to the Rio Pusteria ski resort in South been upgraded as part of comprehensive
Tyrol can enjoy a total of 55 kilometers of modernization work, making them especially
pistes reaching as high as 2500 meters, far energy-efficient. Two LeitDrive frequency
from the hustle and bustle of many other converters have been incorporated along
winter sports regions. The “Bergbahn and with two LEITNER DirectDrives. This general
Nesselbahn” 8-passenger gondola lifts, which overhaul also included a vibration monitoring
are c onnected by a middle station, have been system, laying the foundations for safe, low-
operation for around 20 years and have now energy operation.
Detachable gondola lifts
The San Martino di Castrozza ski resort in course of modernizations. Thanks to 38 new
Trentino encompasses 60 kilometers of pistes Diamond cabins with external ski racks, the
of every difficulty, as well as children’s areas ropeway has now been brought up to date
and an attractive range of cross-country ski in terms of comfort, making for a pleasant
trails. The gondola lift built by LEITNER in 1.5 kilometer journey.
1998 has been significantly updated in the
Aerial tramways
One of the world’s most spectacular aerial tionality as part of a comprehensive overhaul.
tramways, the Snow Eagle carries 160 people, Complete with the stylized face of a woman
making it also one of the largest in the world. which is the ski resort’s logo on the cabin,
It’s been responsible for superlatives since it resumed operations punctually in time for
1999 and carrying passengers up into the Christmas. This means up to 1400 people per
piste landscape of the Valmalenco Bernina ski hour can now enjoy the almost four-minute
resort in the heart of Alpe Palù in Lombardy. journey in conjunction with the latest technical
This ropeway, which will soon be 25 years old, standards.
was closely inspected for safety and func-
Successes 2022
Successes 2022
Sterzing - Vipiteno / IT Axams / AT Axams / AT Cervinia / IT Seis - Siusi / IT Sestriere / IT
2706 m 1185 m 950 m 1168 m 1015 m 1211 m
892 m 422 m 356 m 234 m 219 m 325 m
2300 p/h 2800 p/h 2800 p/h 2400 p/h 2400 p/h 2600 p/h
950 kW 794 kW 529 kW 475 kW 441 kW 2 x 280 kW
65 40 35 57 50 64
15 10 8 11 8 13
Hinterstoder / AT GALSTERBERGBAHN St. Lambrecht / AT Alpbach / AT St. Jakob im SPEED MASTER
Pruggern / AT Defereggental / AT Vars / FR
2606 m 2884 m 1123 m
812 m 2334 m 647 m 391 m 1130 m 1549 m
3195 p/h 507 m 2100 p/h 2600 p/h 390 m 522 m
1298 kW 1760 p/h 794 kW 662 kW 2400 p/h 2000 p/h
89 794 kW 65 61 529 kW 808 kW
19 45 17 11 48 56
14 10 14
Riyadh / SA Idre / SE Idre / SE Vars / FR Saint Gervais / FR EXPRESSEN
Beitostølen / NO
1128 m 1519 m 629 m 2251 m 811 m
5m 238 m 58 m 609 m 248 m 726 m
2808 p/h 3000 p/h 3000 p/h 2800 p/h 2400 p/h 130 m
441 kW 529 kW 353 kW 882 kW 400 kW 2600 p/h
40 52 28 104 41 250 kW
8 11 6 21 8 40
RITTISBERGBAHN Sand in Taufers - Zell am Ziller / AT Klaebu / NO Voss / NO Åre / SE
Ramsau / AT Campo Tures / IT
1936 m 1371 m 1002 m 765 m
853 m 1192 m 597 m 301 m 255 m 328 m
316 m 294 m 2940 p/h 2600 p/h 2400 p/h 2600 p/h
2343 p/h 3400 p/h 882 kW 560 kW 368 kW 368 kW
441 kW 679 kW 72 60 49 42
44 65 17 12 8 12
10 11
Romme Alpin / SE San Martino di Castrozza / IT Kranjska Gora / SI
2427 m 444 m 1021 m
266 m 144 m 459 m
3200 p/h 1500 p/h 1000 p/h
529 kW 132 kW 200 kW
126 42 63
19 6 10
Vipiteno, Italy
Vipiteno, Italy