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Spinnovation 023

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No. 23
N 5.–

EliTeQCompactSet V5
HP-GX 400
New Top Weighting Arm
Premium Parts –
0 ProFiLQNavels 0
Solidring CR-Coating
Trash Channel for SE 9
MDTA 3 – Micro Dust
Trash Analyser

Mill Reports:
– Textufil, El Salvador
– K.P. Textiles, India
– GTN Textiles, India
– Gülle Tekstil, Turkey

New Products:
– 5starQ Tube
– EliVario
– EliVAControl V.2 .
– Active Cradle

2 0


Editorial 3
EliTeQCompactSet V5 –
Your Compact Spinning System for any Application 5
Evolution of the SUESSEN Top Weighting Arm Family
– a Historical Review 
HP-GX 400
– New Top Weighting Arm for Roving Frames 4
ProFiLQNavels - A New Generation 6
EliVario - More Flexibility in Producing Compact Yarn 20
MDTA 3 – Microdust and Trash Analyser
for the Cost Effective Selection
and Combination of Raw Material 26
CR-Coating for SOLIDRINGS 30
EliVAControl V.2
– Upgrade of the EliVAC Monitoring System 32

0 The SUESSEN Active Cradle

5starQTube –
New EliTube for the EliTeQCompact Spinning System 36
Premium Parts Trash Channel –
Modernization for SE 9 Machines 38
The Spirit of Vision – Textufil S.A. de C.V., El Salvador 40
Gülle Tekstil, Turkey - Melanging with MDTA 3 42
K.P. Textiles Pvt., Ltd., Coimbatore, India 44
GTN Group Profile – Conversation with B. K. Patodia 46
Compact Spinning – Innovation of 2st Century 50
News 54

Impressum Reprint of articles

with reference permitted –
No. 23 – August 2007 · Price: N 5.–
Voucher copies desired
Publication: twice a year
All rights reserved –
Information & Advertising Contact:
Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH
Fax + 49 (0) 7 62 5-367
Front Cover:
mail@suessen.com · www.suessen.com
SUESSEN Top Weighting Arm
Published by Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH
Familiy HP-GX
Dammstrasse , D-73079 Süssen, Germany
– HP-GX 500
Editor in Chief: Peter Stahlecker
– HP-GX 400
Title registeredQ at German Patent Office
– HP-GX 300
Copyright q 2007


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Erich Casanova, Managing Director SUESSEN /
Peter Stahlecker, Managing Director SUESSEN
and Editor in Chief SPINNOVATION

Dear Reader, A trade show is always a bit of a social technical matters. Those customers,
event: We all meet friends whom we who are successful in marketing
only meet at those shows, but of EliTwistQ – and that is the vast majority
ITMA 2007 is around the corner. course the main raison d’être is for our – are reporting paybacks of 6 months
From September 3 to 20 it will be held customers to get informed about new or even less.
in Munich, Germany. developments.
In past issues of the SPINNOVATION,
ITMA exhibitions have always been SUESSEN has continued its effort in customers have shared with you their
like milestones in our industry; let us research and development, and some experience with EliTeQ/EliTwistQ and
remind you of just a few highlights of the novelties we will show in Munich other SUESSEN products; and
over the past 30 years: will be discussed in this SPINNO- once again in this issue, we are proud
VATION. We sincerely hope that after to present successful SUESSEN
– In 975 the first fully automated reading about them, you will be curi- customers.
OE spin tester was shown (by ous enough to come and see them in
SUESSEN) action in Hall A6, Booth 35/44. We believe that featuring successful
– The ITMA 979 was all OE, a total of mills is one key topic in every
0 3 manufacturers showed their As we said in the last SPINNOVATION SPINNOVATION, and we are very 0
products No. 22, Compact Spinning is here to grateful to these customers. The spirit
– The ITMA 983 was the ”air jet stay. In March 2007, we had the great of sharing shown by these customers
spinning” show, with products from pleasure to hand over the 2,000,000th advances our industry, benefiting
MURATA, TOYOTA, and HOWA. EliTeQCompact Spindle to the Turkish everybody.
– Compact Spinning was the domin- customer MATESA, only nine months
ant theme in 999, with Rieter, after we could celebrate the Our strategic alliance with the giant
SUESSEN, Zinser, CSM and others ,500,000th EliTeQCompact Spindle. As Chinese textile machinery manufactu-
showing their respective versions of this writing, we have sold over rer Jingwei is developing very well.
of compact spinning. 2,300,000 EliTeQCompact Spindles, Jingwei has sold over 400,000 spin-
making SUESSEN the number one dles equipped with EliTeQ in China,
We all hope that Munich will be a wor- supplier for compact spinning in the and Jingwei and SUESSEN jointly
thy successor of some of the real world. We are thankful to our custom- received a very large order from an
important ITMAs before. ers, who made this happen, and we Indian customer recently. In our view,
assure you that we will work hard to this proves that with goodwill and
In recent times, there has been a lot of continue to earn your trust. tolerance on both sides cultural diffe-
competition for the ITMA as the ITME rences are no obstacle for a success-
show in India, as well as the ITMA Asia, Nearly 0% of the EliTeQCompact ful cooperation, but rather an enhan-
CITME and the ShanghaiTex in China Spindles sold are actually with cement!
are rapidly gaining in importance. We EliTwistQTechnology, showing the
believe that this simply reflects the fact increasing importance of this techno- To our pleasant surprise, Open End
that the textile industry, our customers, logy. The main issue with EliTwistQ is has really picked up tremendously
is moving eastwards. marketing, there are no unresolved since the end of 2006.


2 0

SUESSEN is proud to be the exclusive trying to find the answer to a question, Oktoberfest (the world-famous beer
supplier of OE SpinBoxes for the fully which nobody asked. Only your con- festival) to just name a few. May we
automated OE spinning machines of stant input can prevent this. suggest that you delay your return trip
RIETER and of SAVIO. Sales are dou- by a few days to enjoy our secret
ble of what they were in 2006, and We hope to get a lot of your input, capital city.
there is no sign of slowing down. Con- when you come to visit us in Munich.
sequently, our sales of Premium Parts To the best of our recollection this We hope, you will enjoy this 23rd issue
(highest quality technology parts for will be the first ITMA in Munich (or of our SPINNOVATION, and we hope
OE spinning) have increased, too. We München, how we call it in German). to hear from you with comments and
are investing heavily into research and Munich arguably is the cultural capital suggestions.
development to remain at the leading of Germany, with many museums, with
edge of OE technology, where we have theater, opera house, Hofbräu House
been for the past 30 years. (this being the most famous beer
drinking hall in the world) and See you in München!
All our efforts only make sense, if they
add value to your business. We, like all
0 suppliers, are heavily dependent on 0
your frank and open input. Only if we
know your problems, we can try to find
adequate solutions. In all development
work, there is always the danger of Erich Casanova, Managing Director Peter Stahlecker, Managing Director

SUESSEN’s Vision
– Be the global Technology Component and Conversion Supplier to the yarn
manufacturing industries in ring spinning and open-end rotor spinning
– Create added value for our customers through reliability,
productivity and quality
– Ensure a sustainable and profitable growth


2 0

EliTe Q CompactSet V5 –
Your Compact Spinning System for any Application

Rainer Thum, Head Marketing, SUESSEN

The EliTeQCompactSet V5 compact

spinning system is designed to meet
even the most challenging demands
that high-end spinning mills make on
a compact spinning system:

π Optimum and sustained yarn

π High consistency of all yarn para-
π Minimal variation between spinning
π No restrictions in regard to raw
π Easy handling
π Universal application
0 π Can be installed on almost all 0
machine types
π Many optional features

SUESSEN is a pioneer in the compact

spinning technology, a world-wide
technological leader and a highly suc-
cessful supplier of compact spinning

Since the ITMA 999 in Paris, SUESSEN

has sold more than 2.3 million EliTeQ
Compact Spindles and is therefore the
most successful company offering
compact spinning systems, as well as
technology leader of the market. Over
0% of these compact spindles have was provided without the spinning As a result of the technological
been successfully equipped with the machine. This means that the custom- competence and vision of many mill
EliTwistQTechnology. ers are free to choose their favourite owners, the new spinning system was
basic machine for the EliTeQModerni- received with great enthusiasm.
Initially, the system had been designed zation. SUESSEN experts install Consequently, SUESSEN’s market
for SUESSEN’s own Fiomax ring spin- the EliTeQModernization Components leadership expanded significantly
ning machines. However, soon after- on this machine. due to continuous improvement of the
wards the compact spinning system product.


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The applications of compact yarns Process of compacting

have also grown very rapidly over time.
Compacting takes place in the
EliTeQYarns provide revolutionary compacting zone following the main
advantages in all yarn parameters and drafting zone of the drafting system.
have already set new quality stand- The drafted fibre strand is compacted
ards. Furthermore, they have proven to before twist is imparted, meaning fibres
be cost effective in terms of spinning are arranged in close and parallel
and downstream processing. position to one another. And by using
the EliTeQCompactSet, this effect is
This has ensured an unrivalled quality achieved thanks to an air flow produ-
improvement not only in the yarn, but ced by a vacuum and an inclined slot:
also particularly in the textile end pro- π Normal drafting is carried out by a
duct. conventional drafting system.
π When the open fibre strand leaves
This development has been furthered the clamping line of the main draft-
0 through SUESSEN EliTwistQ, which ing zone, a lattice apron will guide it 0
perfectly combines the fundamental over an inclined slot that is under
principles of compact spinning and negative pressure.
”Siro spinning”. And in many respects, π At the edge of this slot the com-
the EliTwistQYarn spun on the ring pacting of the fibre strand will start ,
spinning machine even outclasses i.e. the absolutely close and parallel
two-ply yarn from the 2-for- twister. positioning of the fibres.
π The tension draft between the front
Impressively, every seventh compact top roller and the EliTeQRoller also
spindle supplied by SUESSEN is supports the compacting effect.
already using EliTwistQTechnology. π The fibres leaving the compacting
The wide application range covers zone are perfectly parallel and in
anything from bed sheets to shirts to close contact with one another.
T-shirts (not to mention many other π Twist is imparted to the round fibre
products). strand without a spinning triangle;
through being perfectly embedded,
What is compact spinning? all fibres contribute to yarn
The eliminated spinning triangle is a strength; there will be hardly any
The purpose of a genuine compact by-product of this concept. This close fibres over 3 mm in length that stick
spinning process is to arrange the and parallel arrangement of fibres out; no fibres are lost in the spin-
fibres in a completely parallel and immediately before twist is imparted is ning triangle.
close position before twist is imparted. responsible for the characteristic π Such crushed or reversed fibres as
This is the most important criterion for advantages of compact yarn (see those passing through a condenser
perfect compact yarn. page 9. will not be found.


2 0

top weighting arms of renowned

The Distinctive Characteristics of EliTeQCompactSet
manufacturers already installed on the
π Can be applied to new machines by the OEM or retrofit to all types of
machines. The SUESSEN sales
ring spinning machines of renowned machine manufacturers
department will be happy to provide
π Variants for spinning short-staple and long-staple fibres (worsted
you with further information on this
π Designed for all types of fibres and blends
π Works with spinning single yarns, two-ply yarns and core yarns EliTeQCompactSet-L is supplied with
π Optimised and universally applicable spinning accessories and the new SUESSEN HP-GX 500 Top
components Weighting Arm. Machines with suction
π Retrofit possible to most different types of top weighting arms of tubes for groups of spindles can
well-known suppliers optionally be equipped with single
π Optional equipment for vacuum monitoring and control suction tubes.

The optional EliTwistQ variant will

enable you to produce compact two-
EliTeQCompactSet V5 is an upgraded π Reinforced gearing adjusted for
ply yarn in a single operation on the
0 version. The innovations – either indivi-
dually or collectively – can be retrofit-
the basic machine type and length
ring spinning machine. By replacing a 0
The EliTeQTechnology Components are few individual EliTeQComponents,
ted to preceding versions.
installed by our highly experienced the changeover from spinning single
The EliTeQCompactSet is the most SUESSEN technicians. yarn to producing two-ply yarn can be
flexible and versatile compact spin- easily and rapidly handled.
EliTeQCompactSet V5 is provided in
ning system available on the market,
the versions EliTeQCompactSet-S EliTeQCompactSet and EliTwistQ
and its upgraded version 5 (V5) will be
for spinning short-staple fibres and CompactSet can be upgraded by the
shown at ITMA 2007 in Munich.
EliTeQCompactSet-L for worsted spin- new SUESSEN core-yarn equipment
The basis is the EliTeQCompactSet V5 ning. All natural fibres, man-made COREflex for the production of EliCoreQ
for spinning single EliTeQYarns, which fibres and blends thereof can be pro- Yarns and/or EliCoreTwistQ Yarns.
comprises four well harmonized struc- cessed. Optional equipment for the EliTeQ-
tural groups: CompactSet is the monitoring system
EliTeQCompactSet can be retrofitted to
EliVAControl V.2. Sensors monitor and
π Encapsulated EliTop with front top almost all types of ring spinning
control predetermined parameters for
roller, EliTeQRoller and weighting machines of renowned manufacturers.
the fan speed and vacuum produced
To increase the operational reliability for the compacting process.
π EliTube suction tube with lattice
of a retrofit solution a reinforced gear- (See separate article on page 32)
apron, insert, reversing rod, and
ing is installed, which is adjusted to
connecting pieces To optimise the energy balance, the
the machine type and length.
π EliVAC system for providing the machine can be equipped with the
vacuum with one drive motor, fan The EliTeQCompactSet-S is usually new EliVario system. In this version,
shaft, EliFan ventilators for 24 spin- supplied with the new SUESSEN the EliVAC system is driven by a fre-
ning positions each, hoses, hose HP-GX 300 Top Weighting Arm. In quency-controlled motor. The EliFan
connectors, and EliBelt drive belts addition, it is possible to re-use the speed is infinitely variable on the


2 0

The HP-GX 300 Top Weighting Arm is

now equipped with the new ”Active
The Compact Spinning System Cradle”. Incorporating very close
for Ring Spinning Machines
apron nips, this cradle provides opti-
mum fibre guidance and improves
New Ring Spinning Machines Existing Ring Spinning machines yarn irregularity and the number of IPI
yarn defects. (See article on page 34)

EliTe®COMPACTSET-S EliTe®COMPACTSET-L The new hoses for the EliVAC system

for Short Staple Spinning of for Worsted Spinning of
Cotton, MMF and Blends Wool, MMF and Blends are even more resistant against amb-
ient conditions. Their internal surface
offers optimised flow conditions. For
Standard: Single EliTe®Yarn Optional: EliTwist® Optional: EliCoreTwist®
single compact yarn Two-Ply compact yarn directly Two-Ply compact core yarn directly
easy identification, the metal coil has a
from the ring spinning machine from the ring spinning machine
red sleeve.

The housings of the EliFans have also

HP-GX Top Weighting Arm family Other top arm types been revised for optimum flow condi-
0 NEW: HP-GX 5010 for worsted spinning of renowned manufacturers
tions. They are made of synthetic 0
New Components: New optional applications:
5star®Tube - EliVAControl The new yellow EliBelt (to drive the
5star®plus - EliVario
EliFans) has better anti-ageing pro-
perties and resistance against amb-
ient conditions. Its service life will be
display. The compacting performance The optimised design of the T-slot
increased by up to 25%.
required at the spinning position can (T = traverse) for combed yarns means
be easily optimised. that up to 50% more traverse in the A newly designed cross rail will facili-
yarn path is achievable without adver- tate the precise adjustment of the fan
The new flexible belts type EliBelt for
sely affecting yarn quality. Conse- shaft after maintenance.
driving the fans and a new method of
quently, the buffing intervals and the
distributing the new robust hoses, in Spinning limits:
service life of the front top roller
line with the new fan housing help to
cots are considerably extended. There are in fact no restrictions regard-
save energy.
(See separate article on page 36) ing the yarn counts that can be spun.
Thanks to the improved embedding of
The following revised spinning acces- The newly developed lattice apron
the fibres in the fibre strand (utilisation
sories and components are used for 5starQplus will guarantee a long
of fibre substance) the number of
the EliTeQCompactSet V5: service life, as well as low variation of
fibres in the yarn cross-section can be
the yarn parameters between the
The new EliTube 5starQTube has been reduced when reaching the limit of
individual spinning positions.
equipped with a larger insert that can spinning stability, in contrast with con-
very easily be ’snapped in’. This will The encapsulated EliTop with new pins ventional ring spinning. This means
facilitate the correct positioning of the to guide the intermediate gears is that with the same fibre quality a finer
top rollers and increase the service life. even more efficient. yarn count can be spun.


2 0

How do our customers use the com-

pact spinning system?

There is a multitude of business stra-

tegies for using and exploiting the
benefits of compact spinning systems,
which all result in individual success.
Basically, mill owners pursue the fol-
lowing strategies:

π Quality improvement
π Optimised utilisation of fibre sub-
stance (raw material)
π Production increase
π Substitution of products (carded
instead of combed material)
π Cost saving in raw material
0 . Quality improvement increase. On the one hand, the spindle tem, less expensive raw material can
speed may sometimes be raised, be used.
Initially, this was the purpose of deve-
because as a result of the absolutely
loping compact spinning systems. In industrial practice we find a com-
close and parallel fibre positioning
With unvarying raw material quality bination of purposes which fits the
and therefore optimised embedding of
and production parameters of the ring corresponding business strategy best.
all fibres in the yarn the ends-down
spinning frame, they are capable of
rate could be substantially reduced.
producing ring-spun yarns in a quality Customers will profit from the com-
not known until now with respect to On the other hand, the twist coefficient pact spinning system in the following
yarn hairiness, strength and irregular- can be reduced by about 0% compa- applications:
ity. red with conventionally spun yarn, for
Advantages for your yarn
the same reason.
2. Optimised utilisation of fibre sub-
π Tenacity increased by up to 25%
stance (raw material) 4. Substitution of products
π Zweigle (S 3) hairiness (fibres
As a result of the special processing The improved yarn quality permits to exceeding 3mm) reduced by up to
method, the compact spinning system use carded yarns in applications, 85%, Uster (H) hairiness reduced
requires less fibres in the yarn cross- which originally required combed by up to 30%
section (spinning limit). The same raw yarns. Combed compact yarns substi- π Elongation increased by 5% (CO)
material is spun into finer (and there- tute for two-ply yarns. EliTwistQYarns to 20% (WO)
fore more expensive) yarns. replace 2-for- twisted yarns. π Work capacity increased by up to
3. Production increase 5. Cost saving in raw material
π Yarn irregularity often improved
Another variant of improved utilisation To produce a predetermined yarn π IPI imperfections frequently redu-
of fibre substance is production quality with a compact spinning sys- ced significantly


2 0

Your advantages in spinning Weaving π Reduced combing in case of

π Optimum utilisation of fibre sub- π Better weaving machine efficiency, combed yarns
stance resulting in increase in production π Spinning of coarser wool
π Substantially improved spinning of up to 5% (Example: Nm 50 in π Singeing is reduced or even
stability air-jet weaving machine: weft superfluous; no valuable yarn is
π Possibility of reducing yarn twist by insertion with conventional ring- burnt (since yarn is generally sold
up to 0% with corresponding pro- spun yarn 500-600 m/min, with by weight, finished yarn is burnt,
duction increase EliTeQYarn 700-800 m/min) not just a few fibres!)
π Ends-down rate reduced by up to π 30% less ends-down in weft inser-
60% tion Advantages in the textile article
π Fewer fibres/inexpensive raw π Less fibre entanglement in the π Increased strength in the fabric
material warp π Less pilling tendency
π Fibre loss reduced up to 0.0% π Less contamination/accumulation π Improved lustre
π Fibre fly definitely reduced of fly on the machine π Clear print
π Better stitch definition
Sustainable advantages Knitting π Clearer weaving structure and
0 in downstream processes π Increase in machine efficiency and more defined contours 0
production π Better touch of fabric
Winding π Less contamination, less mainte- π Possibility of developing comple-
π Increased efficiency, reduced con- nance, less idle periods tely new products
tamination π Less waxing
π Higher winding speeds possible π Single thread can substitute for
π Fewer clearer cuts owing to fewer double threads
ends-down in spinning π Reduced wear of needles EliTeQCompactSet is the most
successful and versatile compacting
Twisting Finishing system available to the market. Con-
π EliTeQYarn often replaces conven- π Reduced loss due to singeing sequent innovation and advancement
tional two-ply yarn π Dye liquor absorption improved, are aiming at ensuring the universal
π EliTwistQYarns replace conven- less dye liquor required applicability of components and
tional two-ply yarn structural groups, improved yarn
π Two-ply yarn made of compact Savings in raw material are also quality, extended service life, even
single yarns requiring up to 20% possible less maintenance and maximum
less twist π Less expensive raw material operational reliability in industrial
π Carded compact yarn instead of application.
Weaving preparation combed yarn
π Less fibre fly and reduced ends- π Standard PES instead of ”low-pil- Nobody beats the flexibility and
down in beaming and warping ling fibres” reliability of EliTeQCompactSet!
increase efficiency
π 30 to 50% less sizing agent


2 0

Evolution of the SUESSEN Top Weighting

Arm Family – a Historical Review
Tobias Lang, Product Manager HP, SUESSEN

For more than five decades SUESSEN

has codetermined the events in the
top weighting arm market. During this
long period of time, innumerable deve-
lopments and innovations had a last-
ing effect and pushed evolution
ahead. The secret of this long-term
success lies within SUESSEN’s basic
ambition to create and design pro-
ducts for versatile and flexible appli-

So the birth of the well-known

SUESSEN Top Weighting Arm Family
originated in the year 956 with the
product launch of the UT3 Universal

0 Top Weighting Arm for 3-roller drafting

systems. The design was meant to
meet the special requirements of the
US market, in those days the undis-
Fig.  UT 200
puted market leader.

The development focused on the two

priorities: values, still maintaining the apron nip, Launching the stability cradle in the
π To achieve the best possible tech- resulted in improved yarn irregularity same year set another milestone. This
nological yarn parameters (Uster CV) and higher breaking cradle principle without hold-down
π Easy and fast conversion from strength of the yarn. device improved the fibre guidance in
3-roller to 2-roller drafting system respect of precision and process relia-
These consolidated findings were
(UT 2) by means of an efficient bility and is still state-of-the-art today.
implemented in the first product
modular principle
upgrade in 960 – both top weighting The evolution of the UT3-family had
With this design, top roller pressure arm versions of the UT3 for ring such a momentum that within a short
was already applied using the now spinning machines and roving frames period of time the market requested a
well-established spring plate princi- allowed even higher pressures (up to variety of versions. Just to name a few:
ple. The possibility of setting an infini- 320 N and 450 N respectively).
π UT 200 for processing cotton and
tely adjustable apron nip enabled this
Additionally, SUESSEN started to set man-made fibres on ring spinning
top weighting arm to process both
the top weighting arms in the factory, frames
natural fibres and man-made fibres.
so that a uniform and constant pres- π UTZ 300 e.g. for worsted spinning
Independent tests proved already then sure and consequently a high consis- machines requiring highest poss-
that the higher top roller pressure, tency in yarn counts have been ible pressures
which exceeded the competitors’ granted since then. π UT 500 for roving frames


2 0

In 964, SUESSEN launched an even

more advanced and sophisticated con-
cept in top weighting arm design (for
the time being for roving and ring spin-
ning frames). The UT 600 was the first
top weighting arm to provide pressure
for each single top roller using one
plate spring for each top roller. This
UT 600 series, too, was continuously
expanded further. Following the motto
”identical working conditions on every
single spinning position” different ver-
sions for various applications were
developed, amongst others:

π UTM 600 e.g. for 4-roller roving

0 π
UTS 600 e.g. for worsted spinning

In 972, the UT family was upgraded by Fig. 2 UT 600

the UT 620 series. Its success is
reflected by the numerous design ver-
sions: in the end, the UT 620 series The ”High-Precision” principle produ- π Changing top roller distance by
counted roughly 250 types for almost ced yarn parameters unimaginable by moving the top weighting units in
any application possible worldwide. then. the top arm body
π Enhancing the field of application
In those days, SUESSEN manufac- Based on the plate spring principle,
in respect of spindle gauges and
tured up to 80,000 top weighting arms the top weighting arms convinced by a
staple length of processed fibres
per month for either modernizing draft- multitude of technical developments
ing systems or equipping new machin- significantly improving not only yarn Û Perfect adaptation to any specific
ery. In 979, when the last UT 620 ver- quality, but also machine efficiency application possible!
sion named UTA was presented at the and top weighting arm handling:
Right from the start, the HP Top
ITMA, 3.4 million UT 620 top weighting
π ”High Precision” guidance of the Weighting Arm family comprised three
arms had already left the works in
top rollers in the top roller retainer types for the different fields of applica-
π Sustained and constant applica- tions:
Entering the business as spinning tion of pressure by means of plate
π HP-A 30 and HP-A 320 for short-
machine manufacturer in 988, springs
staple ring spinning machines
SUESSEN presented a completely new π Easy pressure setting at the desi-
π HP-A 40 for roving frames
type of top weighting arm design to the red top weighting unit
π HP-A 50 for worsted spinning
market – the HP family.


2 0

π Wider top roller retainer for safer

guidance of the axle
π Ergonomic handle for better han-
π Further improved rust-protection
π Use of new cradle made of non-
deformable polymer

The co-operation of the experts from

both sides, our customers and our
technical department, made it possible
to put into practice many ideas and
amendments adding up to the enor-
mous progress.

The wide acceptance of the HP-GX

300 together with the excellent yarn
0 results achieved, encouraged us to 0
now launch our advancements for rov-
ing machines and worsted spinning
Fig. 3 HP-GX 300 machines.

Starting with the ITMA 2007 in Munich,

the successors to our established
Consistently high yarn quality, high free weighting-principle of the plate
HP-A 40 and HP-A 50 top weighting
stability and long service life made the springs. All other solutions of pressure
arms will be presented to the public
HP-A Top Weighting Arm a benchmark application by far do not grant the
for the first time:
acknowledged worldwide. same reliability and uniformity of ope-
ration. Furthermore, the current costs π HP-GX 400 for roving machines
The HP-A Top Weighting Arm was one
are significantly higher. π HP-GX 500 for worsted spinning
of the decisive factors for the success
of the worldwide leading EliTeQCom- The HP-GX implies the aforesaid
pact Spinning System. beneficial characteristics and features Now the HP-GX family is complete –
of its predecessor model HP-A includ- for any industrial application in ring
Since 2006, SUESSEN has convinced
ing further improvements and deve- spinning SUESSEN offers the perfect
the customers with the latest HP
lopments: HP-GX solution.
Generation – the HP-GX 300 Top
Weighting Arm for short-staple ring π Even higher precision due to
spinning. Again, as a result of careful redesigned spring retainer and Satisfy your curiosity and see the new
analysis and developments, SUES- minimized production tolerances Top Weighting Arms in our Booth
SEN relies on the proven and wear- 35/44, Hall A6 during ITMA 2007!


2 0

HP-GX 400 –
New Top Weighting Arm for Roving Frames

Tobias Lang, Product Manager HP, SUESSEN

For decades, SUESSEN has set the

highest standards in regard to the
design of top weighting arms equip-
ped with plate springs.

Starting with the UT3 series in 956 up

to the well-known HP-A 40 model in
988, the SUESSEN roving frame top
weighting arms always stood out for
their special characteristics, i.e. stabil-
ity, reliability and last but not least
enduring quality.

Until today, after decades of delivery,

you can find UT top weighting arms in
the production line of high-quality
0 yarns. Consistency and endurance on 0
a top level are two of the many rea-
sons for the world-wide reputation of
the HP top weighting arm family.

The lasting success is based on the

continuous and market oriented
development – the guiding principle
that marks all SUESSEN products
and reflects best the SUESSEN phi-

In the sense of this principle we

present the new member of the HP-GX
family, the HP-GX 400 for roving HP-GX 400 – 3 different versions
The HP-GX 400 meets even the most π Sustained roving quality
Based on tremendous experience and challenging demands that high-end π Minimal variations between
in close co-operation with our cus- spinning mills make on a top weight- spinning positions
tomers, the SUESSEN R&D depart- ing arm: π No restrictions in regard of raw
ment designed the new Top Weighting material
Arm for roving frames, setting again π Optimum roving quality π Free from wear
benchmarks in respect of quality and π High consistency of all quality π Easiest operation
technology. parameters π Modular system


2 0

units from assuming an inclined

π The minimal tolerances in manu-
facture guarantee minimal variation
of the loads.
π The new handle has been develo-
ped by closely considering ergo-

0 nomic aspects and optimised

Cradles are available for short-staple,
medium-staple and long-staple fibres.
They are available for spindle gauges
of 90, 00, 0, and 30 mm. In combi-
nation with top roller cot diameters of
28 mm, 3 mm or 35 mm the top weight-
ing arm covers the whole field of appli-
cation for a fibre length up to 65 mm.
Compared to its predecessor, the to the requirements without any
The HP-GX 400 Top Weighting Arm
HP-A 40, the new HP-GX 400 shows additional components.
is available as modernization for
up with improved features and addi- π Easy handling of the top rollers in
any brand or type of roving frame.
tional possibilities: the reworked top roller retainers
Customers buying new roving frames
π Distance or load on all weighting
may specify these components directly
π Fine tuned top arm body that, in a units are set with the units being
with the machine maker.
modular assembly system, can be installed.
used both for the 3 different ver- π The redesigned retention system All of the above mentioned factors will
sions of the 3-roller system and for prevents the cradles from falling enable the customers to process their
the 4-roller system. out when the Top Weighting Arm is raw material under optimum condi-
π In the 4-roller drafting system, the opened. tions. By combining superior quality
cradle unit can be installed at π The perfect guidance of the top with lasting reliability, the HP-GX 400
position 2 or 3. It is easy to change arm body prevents the weighting is the best top weighting arm on the
the position at any time according market.


2 0

ProFiLQ Navels – A New Generation

Michael Basting, Head Technics and Engineering OE, SUESSEN

The ambition of any new development

is to become an innovation.
An Open-End spinning mill would
define ”innovation” as:

A beneficial advantage, meaning an

investment to either save yarn manu-
facturing costs, and/or promote yarn
sales, or at least maintain yarn sales at
the current level.

The new generation of ProFiLQNavels

π higher production without affecting
the yarn quality, nor causing more
end-breaks at the higher spinning
0 π or, on the other hand, reduction of 0
ends-down rate and improved yarn
quality at the original spinning
Fig. 1 speeds.

Type Fibre-Material Application Yarn Characteristics

Smooth surface 00% Viscose Weaving/Knitting Universal speed range, standard hairiness,
4 flutes improved yarn quality
Standard diameter 00% PES Knitting Normal speed range, standard hairiness,
improved yarn quality
PES/Cotton blends Knitting Normal speed range, standard hairiness,
improved yarn quality

Smooth surface 00% Cotton Knitting High speed range, increased short hairiness,
6 flutes 00% PES improved yarn quality
Small diameter PES/Cotton blends

Smooth surface 00% Cotton Weaving High speed range, low hairiness,
Spiral 00% Viscose improved yarn quality
Small diameter

Smooth surface 00% Cotton Weaving High speed range, increased short hairiness,
Spiral 00% Viscose Weaving improved yarn quality
Soft knurled inlay Normal speed range, increased short hairiness,
Small diameter improved yarn quality


2 0

0 0

Fig. 2

These new ProFiLQNavels have been Technological and technical features be very smooth and have no pores
developed for exactly those fibre exceeding the fibre diameter.
What is the difference of the ProFiLQ
materials mainly processed in Open-
Navels compared to conventional
End spinning: Today, modern ceramic composites
fulfil this demand and naturally they
π 00% Cotton Two aspects are responsible for the are used for the new generation of
π 00% Polyester aforesaid advantages: ProFiLQNavels.
π Polyester/Cotton blends
. Ceramic surface
π Viscose The improved surface quality certainly
The importance of the ceramic surface minimizes the fibre damage, but has
A general survey for the application of is unquestioned. For minimum fibre only a proportionally small impact in
each navel is given in table . damage the ceramic surface must speed increase.


2 0

0 0
Fig. 3

Indeed, the spinning tension, which speed range of an individual rotor dia- The cleaner, the longer and the stron-
depends on the rotor speed, causes meter. ger the fibres of the processed yarn
end-breaks, if it exceeds the minimum The minimum and maximum speed are, the higher are the speeds that can
yarn break force. range of an individual rotor diameter be achieved.
The ProFiLQNavels lower the frictional follows technological rules:
force and thereby reduce the spinning π A minimum rotor rpm is necessary But still the level of spinning tension
tension, so that higher speeds are to provide sufficient centrifugal limits the maximum production speed
possible. force for a safe and homogeneous of each individual fibre blend.
fibre slip into the rotor groove. The afore described characteristic of
Individual range of application π The maximum rotor rpm also the ProFiLQNavels, i.e. reduction of
depends on the centrifugal force spinning tension, enables the spinner
Extensive field tests with the ProFiLQ causing the spinning tension, to process the desired yarn at the high
Navels have been evaluated and led to which should not exceed the mini- speed range of an individual rotor dia-
recommendations as guide lines for mum yarn break force. meter. In some cases even a smaller
the fibre raw materials mainly proces- rotor diameter can be chosen.
sed and their applications. See Figs. 2, In general the rotor diameter is chosen
3, and 4. Helpful hints for the graphs. in accordance with the yarn count, the As an overall result the speed
The differentiation between ”normal fibre quality processed and the fibre increase by the ProFiLQNavels is bet-
and high rpm-level” refers to the mass. ween 5% to 2%.


2 0

0 0
Fig. 4

π Cotton diagram Fig. 2 π PES and PES/Cotton described in terms of better USTER
In knitwear applications the hand of a diagram Fig. 3 CV% and less imperfections.
fabric is an important attribute. In knitwear applications the In some rare cases a slight increase in
The hairiness level has a direct ProFiLQNavels minimize the thermal end-breaks is observed – but this level
influence on this attribute. At the ”nor- damage to the PES fibres, due to the is definitely lower than with any stand-
mal” speed level, the previously intro- smooth surface. ard navel.
duced KS-M navel provides increased The resulting hairiness still provides a
short hairiness (up to 2 mm) while the good hand of the knitwear. Summary
other navels increase the amount of In weaving applications the well-
longer hairs (longer than 3 mm). known MIMA navels are still unbeaten. The ProFiLQNavels enable the open
ProFiLQ6 navels also increase the end spinning mills to process their
π Viscose diagram Fig. 4
amount of short hairs (up to 2 mm). favourite raw materials at the highest
The speed range and application with
possible production speeds.
In weaving applications long hairs the ProFiLQ4 navel is universal. The
As an overall result, the speed
disturb the downstream processes, ProFiLQ4 performs with any Viscose
increase provided by the ProFiLQ
while short hairs improve e.g. the fibre-type at a very low end-break level
Navels is between 5% to 2% without
efficiency of air jet looms. with good yarn quality parameters.
negatively influencing the yarn quality,
The KS-M and the ProFiLQSM navels In weaving applications the displayed nor causing more end-breaks at the
provide these required short hairs up improvements in ”yarn quality” are higher spinning speeds.
to 2 mm.

2 0

EliVario – More Flexibility

When Producing Compact Yarn
Dr. Norbert Brunk, Head Technics & Engineering RS, SUESSEN

. Introduction

There is a reason why the EliTeQCom-

pactSet is regarded as the most flex-
ible compacting spinning method
available to the market. This is
because it is characterised by a
straightforward yet highly effective
working principle, enabling all types of
fibres and fibre lengths to be proces-
sed without any restriction. In addition,
the system can be retrofitted to almost
all ring spinning machine types of well
known manufacturers.

Fig.  Field of Application of EliTeQCompactSet-S

To date, over 2.3 million spindles
0 across the globe have already been 0
equipped with EliTeQCompactSet Fig.  displays the range of application and hardly any long fibres sticking out
producing single compact yarns, for EliTeQCompactSet-S (short staple). are, however, also likely to have unde-
compact two-ply yarns (EliTwistQ), sired effects in downstream proces-
compact single core-yarns (EliCoreQ) The properties of a ring yarn can be sing or in the textile article. Conse-
and compact two-ply core yarns greatly influenced by compacting. The quently, as the maximum effects of
(EliCoreTwistQ) from short- and long- typical characteristics like compact, compacting are now widely recogni-
staple fibres. round cross-section, higher strength sed, a trend can be observed in terms

Fig. 2 Inverter Fig. 3 Special motor


2 0

short, or whether the fan speed is high

Power loss and efficiency of the special fan motor or low. (Fig. 3)
1,2 100

1 90 When starting or stopping the

machine, the frequency inverter con-
0,8 80

Efficiency (%)
Power loss (kW)

trols acceleration and deceleration in

0,6 70 line with predetermined parameters.
0,4 60 When starting, it ensures that the
vacuum at the suction slots is produ-
0,2 50
ced correspondingly early. In addition,
0 40 it will enable the fan shaft to only stop
2.2 4.6 6.9 9.2 10.9
Energy consumption (kW)
when the spindles have come to a
Power loss Efficiency standstill after the machine has been

Fig. 4
The fan speed that the user requires
0 can be entered on an easily access- 0
of producing compact yarns that are 2007. This product will enable our cus- ible display. Consequently, the vacuum
not merely in accordance with the tomers to produce a compact yarn is infinitely adjustable over a wide
principle of being ”as compact as with great ease, according to any range of settings (Fig. 5).
possible”. Indeed, there is an increas- requirement, whilst simultaneously
ing demand for the possibility of vary- optimising their energy consumption. The same display that applies for
ing the compacting effect. This EliVario is also used for the optional
depends on the various requirements 2. What is EliVario? EliVAControl system (see page 32).
of the downstream process, the end
product or just the more cost-effective The EliFans are driven by a special 3. Specific energy consumption
spinning process. Applications have motor that is controlled by a frequency in kWh per kg of Yarn
expanded beyond the mere spinning inverter via the drive shaft that reaches
of long-staple cotton and have there- through the machine. Depending on Fig. 6 shows the approximate quantity
fore supported this development. the amount of space available, the fre- of yarn (measured in grams) that can
quency inverter is installed in the con- be produced on an hourly basis for
This expansion has involved proces- trol cabinet of the basic machine or in each spindle, depending on the yarn
sing carded cotton, man-made fibres a separate housing by way of excep- count. We have contrasted this with
and blends, as well as using compact tion (Fig. 2). the annual power consumption of a
yarns both in weaving and knitting spindle in kilowatt hours.
applications. The special motor has been designed
to ensure that it will always perform This trend is based on extensive tests
The optional product EliVario has requiring the least amount of energy in various spinning mills. It should be
been designed to meet this trend and possible. And this is irrespective of noted that the specific energy con-
we will proudly present this at ITMA whether the machines are long or sumption is highly dependent on the


2 0

Determining such data is a rather

complex process and is achieved by
power meters during several doffings.
And in this period of time, the yarn
that has been produced is weighed. It
should be emphasised that care must
be taken to ensure that the marginal
conditions of the spinning machine
are maintained at a constant level
during this measurement.

And it is only through this measuring

method that one is able to realistically
establish how much energy is
consumed in producing a specific
quantity of yarn. As such, it is suitable
0 for comparisons and subsequent 0
Fig. 5 Display

4. Practical spinning trials

Production per spindle and energy consumption
of a ring spinning machine with EliVario

8 40
The extent to which the share of EliTeQ
in the total energy costs of a ring spin-
Energy consumption

Spindle production

6 30
(kWh/kg Yarn)

5 ning machine can be influenced and


4 20 the effect this can have on yarn quality

3 is displayed by the results of elaborate
2 10 trials with EliVario in an Indian spin-
ning mill. This customer prefers mode-
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 rate spindle speeds, and high yarn
Yarn count Ne quality and its lowest possible varia-
Energy consumption Production per spindle tion are the top priority.

Fig. 6 Two yarn counts – Ne 30 and Ne 70 –

were spun from long-staple cotton
condition of the machines and the ser- that there are considerable differen- on a Rieter G5 machine. For each
vice life of important components ces between the different machine yarn count, the vacuum in the com-
such as rings and travellers, spindle designs, spindle drive systems and pacting zone was varied between 8
oil, etc. Therefore, it is understandable draft gearings. and 34 mbar.


2 0

Table  shows some additional import- yarn, the potential is already approxi-

Ne 70 EliT
e ant trial conditions. mately 4%, following these trials.
m ac h ine +
Power consumption [kWh per kg yarn]


Basic machine
As indicated in Fig. 7, the share of Based on energy costs of 0.06 per
compacting in the specific energy kWh, table 2 displays the cost
costs predominantly rises with a increase due to compacting.
decreasing delivery speed, i.e. finer
yarn requires more energy for com- So how much energy is really needed?
pacting. As a result, the vacuum has To better understand this, the end-
an increasing influence when finer breaks were counted and yarn quality
Ne 30

Basic machine + Eli

Te yarns are spun. was tested for several doffings and all
Basic machine
vacuum values applied.
1.00 If the energetic aspect only is taken as
15 20 25 30 35
a basis, a potential energy saving of The ends-down rate is not influenced
Vacuum [mbar]
approximately 5% can be achieved for by the vacuum.
a Ne 30 yarn and a vacuum ranging
0 0
Fig. 7 Influence of vacuum on energy
consumption of ring spinning machine between 8 and 34 mbar. For a Ne 70 Fig. 8 illustrates the influence on
tenacity and USTER hairiness. In this
respect as well, results are very clear –
Tab.  vacuum values exceeding 26 mbar do
Count Ne 30 Ne 70 not further improve the quality of the
Yarn twist 854 T/m 283 T/m yarns tested.

Ring diameter 36 mm 36 mm
The influence of values below 26 mbar
Lift/tube length 65/90 mm 65/90 mm
is not as considerable as is widely
Spindle speed avg. 6,000 /min 7,500 /min
believed. Even with 8 mbar it is poss-
Spindle speed max. 7,000 /min 9,400 /min
ible to spin compact yarns of sufficient
No. of spindles 960 960
quality to unquestionably meet the
Type of lattice apron 5starQApron 5starQApron demands of many customers in the
Type of slot G-Slot G-Slot downstreaming process.
Draft EliTop .065 .065
End breaks avg. 6/000 spih 24/000 Spih In this regard, it should be noted that
Waste in pneumafil 0.29% 0.47% lower vacuum values and therefore fan
speeds have an effect on the service
life of the fans, shaft bearings and
Tab. 2
drive belts. This should be taken into
Yarn count Cost increase due Cost increase due account as it helps to reduce the
to compacting with 8 bar to compacting with 34 bar
maintenance costs.
Ne 30 0.008 z / kg yarn 0.06 z / kg yarn
Ne 70 0.02 z / kg yarn 0.049 z / kg yarn


2 0

Table 3 Conventional ring yarn vs. EliTeQ with various vacuums

Yarn type Tested Conventional EliTeQYarns

parameter ring-spun yarn 0 mbar 5 mbar 20 mbar 25 mbar
Ne 20, 00% CO cN/tex 6.5 7.8 8. 8.4 8.5
H 6.06 4.8 4.5 4.4 4.34
S3 3500 26 200 49 50
Ne 30, 00% combed CO cN/tex 8.7 20. 20.2 20.5 20.5
Medium staple H 4.44 3.8 3.52 3.44 3.33
S3 2000 350 300 38 92
Ne 50, 00% combed CO cN/tex 25.0 26.0 26.5 26.9 27.3
Long staple H 3.6 2.85 2.66 2.50 2.35
S3 250 82 60 54 39
Ne 70, 00% combed CO cN/tex 23.5 25.2 25.7 25.9 26.0
Long staple H 3.00 2.35 2.27 2.20 2.5
S3 200 49 48 42 40
Ne 35, 50/50% PES/CO cN/tex 2.0 2.6 2.9 22.2 22.3
H 4.02 3.46 3.40 3.32 3.23
S3 350 32 20 99 83

0 Ne 48, 00% PES cN/tex

S3 400 72 70 66 76
Ne 60, 00% CV cN/tex 3.0 32.0 32.0 32.7 33.0
H 3.3 2.85 2.85 2.70 2.72
S3 250 46 48 53 46

5. Effects of the vacuum

Influence of vacuum on USTER (H) and tenacity (cN/tex) on different types of yarn

23 3,50
Naturally, the trends described above
Uster Hairiness (H)

Tenacity (cN/tex)

cannot simply be applied to all fibre

21 blends and yarn types. This is due to
the fact that in many instances there
will be divergence in terms of the opti-
2,25 mum balance between yarn quality
18 2,00 and energy consumption.
18 20 25 30 35
Vacuum (mbar)
To confirm this statement, an extensive
Ne 30 Tenacity [cN/tex] Ne 70 Tenacity [cN/tex] series of trials were undertaken in
Ne 30 Uster Hairiness (H) Ne 70 Uster Hairiness (H) the SUESSEN R&D department using
different types of raw material and
yarn counts.
Fig. 8


2 0

The range of vacuum tested was bet- In conclusion, these laboratory tests 6. Summary
ween 25 mbar and 0 mbar (an extre- indicate that in achieving minor quality
mely low value). improvements one often has to accept Following the wide range of applica-
a significantly higher energy con- tions for compact yarns, the demands
The results (cN/tex, H and S3) are sumption, and that the influence of the made on compact spinning methods
shown in table 3 and contrasted with vacuum depends on the raw material have further differentiated.
the values of conventional ring yarn. processed.
And the findings can be summarised The influence of additional energy
as follows: costs for the ring spinning machine
on the total yarn price is low for
π Even with a very low vacuum of coarser EliTeQYarns. In the case
0 mbar, it is possible to achieve of yarns with a count of Ne 60 and
substantial improvements for all finer, energy costs have become
yarns compared with conventional increasingly important.
reference yarn.
Without question, the studies have
0 π On the whole, the maximum quality proven that this factor can be influen- 0
increase for cotton yarns in these ced, as it is usually possible to achieve
trials is achieved with vacuums quite substantial quality advantages
from about 20 to 25 mbar. over conventional ring yarn, even with
rather low vacuum values.
π When man-made fibres are spun
into compact yarn, an increase in EliVario will enable the spinning
yarn strength is usually not the mills to match the quality with the
goal. Instead, the reduction of corresponding demands. And this
long-hairiness is the fundamental can be done in a very simple way
intention. Therefore, for this pur- and without additional components,
pose, a very low vacuum is already whilst simultaneously optimising the
sufficient. energy consumption for producing an


2 0

MDTA 3 –
Microdust and Trash Analyser for the Cost Effective
Selection and Combination of Raw Material
Anja Weinans, Product Manager QSS, SUESSEN

In today’s fierce competition it is more

than ever important to be able to flex- Trash content of various growth areas

Trash content (%)

ibly react on customers’ requirements 8,00

with still keeping the costs down. Raw 6,00

material is one of the most dominant
factors in the costs of yarn production 0,00
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47
and in many cases the figure exceeds
Growth area
50% of the total cost. Consequently,
the selection of the fibre material and 0,8
Dust content of various growth areas
Dust content (%)

its material compositions are absolu- 0,6

tely critical aspects regarding both, 0,4

the quality and the profitability of the

spinning mill. The most important con-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
sideration in selecting raw material is
Growth area
to be able to produce the required
quality at lowest cost. 0,8
Fibre fragments of various growth areas

0 0
Fibre fragment content (%)


Due to the prevalent form of classing 0,4

by colour and leaf grade, many far-


mers are cleaning the cotton to a high


degree. Consequently the fibres get 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Growth area
damaged, the short fibre content
increases and the usually easily Fig. 
removable leaf and seed particles get
smashed and are therefore hard to Function Gravimetrical and visual
clean out. Besides the cleanability and assessment of dust,
the trash, dust and fibre fragment The MDTA 3 processes tufts as well as trash and fibre fragment content
content, processing behaviour as well different slivers of 5-20 g and is able to
as the tendencies of stickiness are separate the samples into fibres, trash, 48 different cotton samples have been
also important parameters, which dust and fibre fragments. This is achie- tested regarding trash, dust and fibre
influence the quality and the profitabil- ved by opening the fibres in a similar fragment content. As Fig.  shows,
ity. All these parameters can be deter- way to carding. Dust, trash and fibre trash, dust and fibre fragments are
mined by the MDTA 3. fragments are separated and finally the individual parameters, which do not
fibres are formed into a homogeneous correlate to each other. It is therefore
fibre ring of  m in length. For clear not sufficient to just know one of them.
evaluation the different results are
weighed and proportioned to the size The fibre fragment content is an indi-
of the sample. In order to achieve cator for sensitive fibres or fibres over-
representative test results 3 passages loaded from the ginning process. The
with a total of 20 g are recommended. knowledge of the dust and fibre frag


2 0

ment content also becomes important

for processing the yarn on circular 8

Trash in raw cotton [%]

knitting machines with regard to 6

defects in the knitted product. 4

The dust value is an important factor 2

for the anticipation of potential pro- 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

blems in rotor and ring spinning mills Cotton origins

as well. During yarn production the 100 normal
Cleanability [%]

fine dust often increases the wear on 90

machinery elements stressed by the
yarn. On ring and rotor spinning fra- 60
mes a high dust content often leads to 50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

processing problems due to increased Cotton origins

dust and fly deposits on the machine
Fig. 2
and on ring spinning frames, in parti-
cular even to augmented wear of the
0 ring traveller.
The MDTA 3 not only determines the
Numbers of neps/g

actual trash content, it also allows

visual assessment to ascertain its pre-
cise contents. The clear advantage of
the gravimetrical measurement of
trash as compared to the optical mea-
surement of the HVIs is that the actual
trash content is measured, whereas
the HVI simply provides information 0 1 2 3
relating the number of trash points Passages on MDTA 3
and the trash area on the surface of
Fig. 3
the test sample.
content – is extracted during the first ent fibre property, which is of major
Cleanability passage on the MDTA 3, the cleanabil- importance for the processing of
ity of the fibres is good. fibres.
The cleanability of a raw material des-
cribes the degree of opening and 34 different cotton types have been Very often those cotton bales, which
cleaning that can be reached with a tested regarding the trash content and seem to be relatively clean cause the
raw material. It can be determined by the cleanability. Fig. 2 shows that there greatest problems. The trash of these
running several passages on the is no correlation between total trash cotton bales often consists mostly of
MDTA 3. If a relatively large amount of content and cleanability. This proves seed coat fragments, which can only
trash – compared to the total trash that cleanability is a completely differ- be separated with difficulties or even


2 0

not at all. If high trash content in fibre presented to the MDTA3, due to the
material consists primarily of leaf par- opening up to single fibre, a melange,
ticles, the raw material can be easily which will match the results of a pro-
cleaned. Since fibre material with low duction machine, is produced within
trash content is usually more expen- just a few minutes. Thereby the MDTA 3
sive than material with higher trash represents a substantial progress for
content, knowing the cleanability of the preparation of melanges because
the fibre material permits significant it simplifies and shortens the colour
cost savings. The cleanability can only matching process and helps to not-
Fig. 4
be measured by the MDTA 3, no other ably reduce the costs for melanging
testing instrument is measuring this and sampling
important parameter. ciency of an opening/cleaning equip-
Tendencies of stickiness
ment, cards or of an entire cleaning
Process optimization
line. The MDTA 3 opens and cleans raw
The MDTA 3 not only serves to evalu- cotton similar to the processes in the
ate raw material, it also supplies blow room and card. After opening, the
0 important parameters for process The production of colour matching raw material is pressed against the 0
optimisation. blends is very time consuming and in rotor wall by centrifugal force to form a
certain circumstances also very sliver. It was observed from time to
Fibre material reacts diversely on the
expensive since it has to be done time that it was difficult to remove the
processing in the opening and clean-
either on production machines with fibre ring from the rotor. Fibres and
ing line. Since the MDTA 3 simulates
big raw material quantities or by hand. trash particles sticking to the rotor wall
the opening and cleaning line, the nep
If individual blend components are were the reason for this. Subsequent
sensitivity of a material can be deter-
mined by running the material several Fig. 5 Rotor
times through the MDTA 3 and subse-
quently testing the sliver on a nep tes-
ter. Fig. 3 shows an example of the nep
sensitivity of 5 different fibre materials.

The MDTA 3 can also be used to adjust

the opening and cleaning equipment
according to the trash and fibre frag-
ment content. It also allows to improve
the setting of the cards regarding the
optimized cleaning of trash und dust
without creating additional fibre frag-

Furthermore it can be used to conti-

nuously observe the cleaning effi-


2 0

tests proved that these were either

honey dew drops or oily trash particles
which are the main reasons for sticki-
ness in cotton. Just like in the other
general methods for determining sti-
ckiness, the sticking places have to be
counted. Due to the black rotor sur-
face the sticking places are clearly
visible as Fig. 5 shows. The correlation
to the H2SD-test is almost 00%.
There is only a difference in absolute
values, as Fig. 6 shows.

Simulation and optimization of raw

material blends
Fig. 6

0 If the sliver of the MDTA 3 is subse- 0

quently spun on the QuickSpin Unit or testing, quality control and laboratory The MDTA 3 also gives you an indica-
a production spinning machine, a equipment. For further information tion about tendencies of stickiness.
simulation and optimization of the regarding SDL Atlas, please visit
existing raw material blend regarding http://www.sdlatlas.com. Moreover, the MDTA 3 can be applied
its costs is possible. First the existing for the simulation and optimization of
mix is presented to the MDTA 3 and a Summary raw material blends.
yarn is spun. Then the ratio of the mix
is changed, presented to the MDTA 3 By testing a sample on the MDTA 3 the The MDTA 3 is the only instrument,
and spun as well. Afterwards the yarn gravimetrical content of trash, dust which can be flexibly used for raw
quality is compared. By repeating this and fibre fragments is determined. material evaluation, optimization of
process with several modified material blend, evaluation of cleaning machin-
mixtures, the minimum cost mix of a The MDTA 3 is the only instrument to ery, production of melanges and
certain yarn quality can be determi- measure the cleanability, an important determination of stickiness.
ned. In one case a customer managed factor which allows cost savings in
to achieve cost savings of 48,000 material purchasing. Furthermore, the It therefore provides important addi-
US-$ with even improved yarn quality. cleaning efficiency of machinery can tional information to the established
be determined. measurements of HVI and AFIS, which
In distributing the QuickSpin System, are essential for the cost effective
which consists of the MDTA 3 and the In addition, the MDTA 3 notably selection and combination of raw
QuickSpin Unit, SUESSEN decided to shortens the colour matching process material as well as for the quality
enter into a sales cooperation with of melanges, which results in signi- management.
SDL Atlas. This is the world’s largest ficant cost savings in melanging and
and most complete source of textile sampling.


2 0


Michael Basting, Head Technics and Engineering OE, SUESSEN

Common knowledge?!

When processing cotton or viscose

fibres on Open-End spinning machi-
nes, a N-Coated SOLIDRING provides
a better yarn quality, better trash
extraction and often less yarn-breaks
than a DN-coated one!!

. . .but the N-coating does not really

ensure a long service life, which neu-
tralises the a.m. advantages after a few
000 hours.

The demand: A market-oriented

solution – the CR-Coating
0 0
There is demand for SOLIDRINGS,
which achieve the highest yarn quality
level and provide a long service life.
The SUESSEN CR-Coating combines
the quality advantages of the
N-coated SOLIDRINGS and the wear
protection of the DN-coated SOLI-
Quality Advantages

The yarn quality improves with

CR-coated SOLIDRINGS, depending 100

on fibre material and yarn count

(Fig. ):

[%] 60
π up to 2% improved USTER CV%
π 20% to 40% less thin places 40
π 5% to 30% less thick places
π 20% to 40% less neps 20

Uster CV% Thins (-50%) Thicks (-50%) Neps (+280%)

DN-Coating CR-Coating
Fig. 1


2 0

Technological – Technical aspects

Process-related requirements com-

mand a diamond layer, which is relati-
vely thick, so it can only be applied to
soft edged carriers, preventing the
layer from cracking.

Diamond-coated SOLIDRING teeth

are more rounded (Fig. 2-C) and the-
refore less aggressive in opening.
On the other hand, the relatively thin
nickel layer does not require an edg-
ing level like for DN-coating and con-
sequently the N-coated SOLIDRINGS
are sharper.
0 0
Fig. 2-A: tooth shape after machining Fig. 2-C: shape of a DN-coated tooth.
Fig. 2-B: shape of a N-coated tooth
Sharper teeth naturally provide a more
aggressive opening work, which
improves the fibre separation and
therefore the trash extraction.

The better the fibres are separated, the

more parallelized they get into the
rotor and the better they are embed-
ded in the produced yarn.

USTER CV%, thin places, thick places

and neps are reduced.
Higher trash extraction helps to avoid
rotor groove contamination.
More homogeneous yarn is produced
over a longer time.
Fig. 3 CR-Coating

In addition, the ends-down rate is CR-Coating The CR-Coating perfectly fulfills

reduced. To meet the demands of the market, a these requirements (Fig. 3), thus
new type of coating had to be develo- reaching the yarn-quality level of
Fig. 2 illustrates sections out of open- ped ensuring sharp teeth. nickel-coated SOLIDRINGS and the
ing roller teeth with the different This coating had to be durable and durability of DN-coated SOLIDRINGS.
degrees of edging. have a thin layer.


2 0

EliVAControl V.2
Upgrade of the EliVAC Monitoring System
for EliTeQCompactSet
Rainer Thum, Head Marketing, SUESSEN

For two years now, EliVAControl

(Monitoring System of the EliFans) has
been available for optional installation
in our EliTeQCompactSet moderniza-

EliVAControl monitors the EliFans for

correct speed and thus ensures a uni-
form vacuum over the whole length of
the ring spinning machine.

A sensor (Fig. 2) spots every single Eli-

Fan individually – malfunctions are
detected and indicated – so that the
processing of non-compacted yarn is
reliably prevented.
0 Fig.  Control unit in the section of the ring spinning machine 0
Among others, malfunctions of the
EliFan can have the following reasons:

π Old or defective EliBelts

π Contaminated EliFan (for instance
by fibre strands sucked into the
suction slot of the EliTube)

With the EliVAControl V.2 upgrade ver-

sion, handling will be even easier and
more reliable.


A sensor individually spots every

single EliFan. The sensor scans the
speed of the EliFan whorl, which
represents the vacuum effective at the Fig. 2 Sensor
suction slots of the EliTubes. The data
of four individual sensors are col- The control units pass on the data SUESSEN applications for EliTeQ
lected in one control unit (Fig.). The to the central display (Fig. 3) located at CompactSet like EliVario (see page
control units are located in the sec- the machine end, which is also able to 20) or the SUESSEN Core Yarn Device
tions of the ring spinning machine. handle the data of many other optional Coreflex (see next issue SPINNO-


2 0


π Uniform vacuum over the whole

length of the ring spinning machine
π Acute malfunctions (e.g. torn Eli-
Belt) are instantly detected and
π Creeping drop in pressure, caused
by dirt, oil, ageing etc. at EliFan or
EliBelt are detected in time and
π EliVAControl permits to apply a
lower vacuum for compact spin-
ning, because errors and malfunc-
tions at the EliFan/EliBelt system
are instantly detected and dis-
0 played. Setting a higher vacuum for 0
the only reason of having some
Fig. 3 Central display
additional security in case of
malfunctions can be avoided, thus
VATION or see us at ITMA 2007). At the value for the error message (20% prolonging the service life of
display a reference speed is entered below reference value recommended), EliFan, bearing and EliBelt.
as well as a first threshold value to ini- the ID-number of the individual EliFan π Costs savings due to less inspec-
tiate a warning message and a second is indicated on the display, the red tion work
threshold value for an error message. LED lights up in the corresponding
control unit in the spinning section, Summary
Whenever the speed of an EliFan and an additionally installed warning
drops below the first threshold value light on the endstock of the ring spin- Sensors checking the speed of the
for the warning message (0% below ning machine is activated. Alternati- EliFans monitor the yarn compacting
reference value recommended), the vely, the customer is free to link up the process. Deviations in speed from a
ID-number of the individual EliFan is error message with an automatic stop set threshold value are instantly
indicated on the display and a red of the ring spinning machine to prev- detected and displayed. EliVAControl
light-emitting diode (LED) lights up in ent the production of low-quality yarn. ensures the processing of yarn identi-
the corresponding control unit in the cally compacted at each single spin-
spinning section. With the ID-number given, the position ning position, prolongs the service
of the EliFan in question is easily loca- life of the components EliFan, EliFan
As soon as the speed of an EliFan lized. bearing and EliBelt, and minimizes
drops below the second threshold the inspection work.


2 0

The SUESSEN Active Cradle

Peter Blankenhorn, Head Technical Developments

Wilhelm Stahlecker GmbH, Germany

Purpose of the double-apron unit

The real requirement of a double-

apron unit I could only grasp for the
first time when I had the possibility of
watching a lady working at a classical
spinning wheel.

If the fibre material is drafted without

any further preventive measure, the
fibre strand widens and the resistance
to drafting declines all at once, as a
result of the decrease in interfibre fric-

This results in thick and thin places

0 and in the worst case the fibre strand Influencing the drafting conditions Usually this distance is created by a 0
breaks. To avoid this worst-case sce- distance piece, the so-called cradle
nario, the lady is rubbing the fibre By means of the distance between top spacer. To realize the uniform and
strand back and forth between her fin- apron and bottom apron the pressure steady drafting process, the highest
gers while drafting the fibre strand. applied to the fibres can be manipu- possible pressure onto the fibres has
This prevents the fibre strand from lated. to be applied.

A rubbing movement on an industrial

machine with many working positions
cannot easily be put into practice.
Engineers very early had to find other
solutions to simulate this procedure.
Already in the early 9th century, two
leather aprons controlled the main
draft. Although today synthetic aprons
generally substitute for the leather
aprons, the system and assembly have


2 0

The SUESSEN Active Cradle

In the SUESSEN Active Cradle the top

aprons are tensioned by a spring-
loaded leading edge. If the apron ten-
sion varies when using low cradle
spacers as a result of variations in the
top apron stiffness, this effect is com-
pensated by the flexible leading edge,
thus preventing almost any negative
influence on the drafting process.

The spring-loaded leading edge has

the additional advantage that top
aprons can be replaced without
removing the unit from the top weight-
0 By choosing a small cradle spacer you Restrictions of the system ing arm or dismantling the unit itself. 0
can process a very even yarn.
When using higher cradle spacers, the Field tests and comparisons
However, reducing the distance bet- influence of dimensional tolerances of
ween the aprons, yarn hairiness will the top aprons is of minor importance. Field tests on a broad basis confirmed
rise and yarn strength will decline. If, however, the distance at the mouth all our careful considerations being
of the apron pair is reduced to only a the basis of this development. The new
Furthermore, the double-apron unit few tenth of a millimetre, the variation cradle type is particularly effective in
must not clamp the fibres too strongly, in thickness of the aprons or the stiff- combination with low cradle spacers
as the pair of delivery rollers might not ness of the aprons may lead to erratic or in drafting arrangements applying
succeed in pulling the fibres smoothly fluctuations in the drafting process. stepped nose bars.
and uniformly out of the unit. This results in yarn defects.
The SUESSEN Active Cradle will be
Drafting defects and ends-down are This is of extraordinary importance presented on our ring spinning
the consequence. Here are the limits when using drafting systems with machine exhibited at ITMA 2007 in
for using very small cradle spacers. stepped nose bars. Due to the special Munich.
Depending on the yarn characteristics geometry of the profile of the bar, the
desired and the textile article, it might resulting pressing force between the
be favourable to choose a higher cra- aprons is much higher compared with
dle spacer. flat nose bars or uniformly curved
nose bars.


2 0

5star Q Tube –
New EliTube for the EliTeQCompact Spinning System

Rainer Thum, Head Marketing, SUESSEN

One of the core compo-

nents in EliTeQCompact
Spinning is the EliTube,
which is responsible for
applying the consistent
vacuum needed for the
reliable compacting of
the fibre strand spun into
compact yarn.

The combination and

arrangement of the indi-
Fig.  T-Slot and new Insert
vidual components are
decisive factors in rela- π New surface finish New slot design (T-Slot) for combed
tion to the quality of the π New slot-type for combed yarns yarns
compact yarn produced. π New insert
0 Furthermore, they are π Refined lateral covers The optimized design of the T-Slot for 0
critical as regards the π Web position of guide rod combed yarns Ne 20 and finer permits
operational reliability of up to 50% more traverse in the yarn
the entire spinning sys- New surface finish path without influencing yarn quality,
tem. Be it airflow, suction thus considerably extending the buffing
slot, lattice apron, insert Many years of R&D resulted in this intervals of the front top rollers cots.
or surface roughness – hardwearing and specially defined
any advancement surface. New Insert
applied in this respect is
subjected to extensive The new finish reduces friction bet- Instead of fixing the insert with plastic
and careful tests. Conse- ween tube and lattice apron by 0% plugs, it is now simply snapped in. A
quently, only those and will extend the service life of the user-friendly tool enables the user to
improvements with a lattice apron. The new finish further easily remove the worn insert. With the
positive influence on reduces the accumulation of fluff and simple press of a finger the new insert
yarn quality and opera- fly on tube and lattice apron. is fastened.
tional reliability are
incorporated in the pro-
duct update.

The 5starQTube compri-

ses the following advan-
cements and improve-
ments compared to the
previous EliTube:


2 0

The supporting surface of the insert π G-Slot: straight inclined; former

has been modified, so the precise standard, now only for worsted
positioning of EliTop and EliTeQRoller spinning
is easier. The new geometry of the π D-Slot: with Delta at the top for
insert prolongs the service life. carded counts coarser than Ne 20
π T-Slot: straight inclined curved to
Web position of guide rod the right at the top for combed
G-Slot counts finer Ne 20
The position of the webs on the guide
π E-Slot: V-shaped for EliTwistQ
rod has been optimized. This modifica-
(gap with different angles for short-
tion helps to safely avoid the accumu-
staple and worsted spinning)
lation of fly under the lattice apron.
Core yarns can be spun with all slot
Refined lateral covers types – for the highest possible perfor-
mance we recommend the G-Slot.
The fit of the lateral covers, which are
made of plastic with lamellar structure,
0 D-Slot
has been improved. This avoids air This new 5starQTube can be applied 0
leaks and optimizes the air balance. to all previous versions of the SUES-
SEN EliTeQCompact Spinning System.
The 5starQTube was tested both
The new 5starQTube can be used in extensively and carefully. It is able to
all previous versions of the SUESSEN considerably improve the uniformity
EliTeQCompact Spinning System. The of yarn quality produced on all
5starQTube may be used only in com- spinning positions and increases the
bination with any type of 5starQApron. operational reliability. Furthermore,
it reduces maintenance costs.
Matching the slot types available with
SUESSEN recommends to use the
the appropriate application
5starQTube exclusively in combina-
The new 5starQTube comes with 4 tion with the lattice apron types
different slot types: 5starQApron or 5starQplus.

Suction Slot Description Application

G-Slot Straight inclined Worsted spinning
D-Slot With Delta at the top Carded counts coarser than Ne 20
T-Slot Straight inclined, curved Combed counts finer than Ne 20
to the right at the top
E-Slot V-shaped EliTwistQ


2 0

Premium Parts Trash Channel –

Modernization for SE 9 Machines
Michael Basting, Head Technics and Engineering OE, SUESSEN

Modernization, meaning upgrading an

existing SE 9 machine of 2 years of
age and older?

What would be reasonable circums-

tance to look into such a project? –
the first thought of most spinning mill

The answer: benefit, meaning cost-

savings in the first place.

Your Problem?

The standard trash removal system of

ACO 240 and ACO 288 is not sufficient.

0 Due to the narrow dimensions of the

standard trash channel, the trash
already extracted gets into air turbu-
lences, re-enters and contaminates
the spinning units causing additional
yarn-clearer cuts and yarn breaks.
Furthermore, the basically parallel
walls of the standard trash channel
support the formation of the so-called
”lint-rolls”, which worsen the a.m.
contamination of the spinning units.

Yarn-clearer cuts and end-breaks Fig.  Trash Channel dimensions –

have a direct and negative effect on before and after modernization
the machine efficiency, thus they cost
The bend of the back wall prevents the Pay-Back
Our Solution! formation of any lint-rolls, thus the Considering these results the return
contamination of the spinning units is on investment is within one year for
The Premium Parts Trash Channel reduced, resulting in: most applications.
modernization has an increased depth Interviews with many mill managers
– known from the SUESSEN Sweep- π up to 25% less yarn-clearer cuts confirmed that a pay-back period
Cat system – ensuring a safe removal π up to 50% less end-breaks within one year is their goal and the
of the extracted trash out of the range π up to 4% increase in machine effi- only reasonable justification of any
of air turbulences. ciency investment in older machinery.


2 0

Premium Parts Trash Channel vs. Standard System

Premium Parts Trash Channel vs. Standard System

100 1
Standard Premium Parts Standard Premium Parts

Yarn Breaks/kg - Clearer Cuts/kg

90 0,8
Machine Efficiency [%]

80 0,6

70 0,4

60 0,2

50 0
AEF% YB/kg YC/kg
Fig. 2 Average Efficiency Fig. 3 Yarn Breaks per kg Clearer Cuts per kg

Technical features

Indeed, the only component to be replaced is the trash Thus maintenance, settings and spare parts of the trash

0 channel. The complete drive system of the trash conveyor removal system remain the same. This is very convenient for 0
belts is reused as well as the conveyor belts themselves. your spare parts stock and the maintenance personnel.

Fig. 4 before. . . and. . . after modernization Fig. 5


2 0

The Spirit of Vision –

Textufil S.A. de C.V., El Salvador
Antonio Durante, Area Sales Director Latin America, SUESSEN

Textufil is a fully integrated, flexible

industrial enterprise, continuously
evolving technological and opera-
tional resources. It is a significant
example of vitality, tenacity and entre-
preneurial intelligence aimed at over-
all quality and customer service.
Founded in 972, it is a family business
currently run by its President Mr. Jorge
Elı´as Bahaia and his two sons Elı´as
Jorge Bahaia and Jorge Elı´as Bahaia.

History of Textufil

In the beginnings, the factory produ-

ced only texturized nylon and polyes-
Ricardo Ayala (Mill Manager), Alejandro Barra (Intercambio Commercial
0 ter yarn. As part of its plans to become
a vertically integrated company and to
Americano), Rogelio Machado (Assistant to the Mill Manager)
satisfy the demands of its consumers
of 32,288 spindles. The Open-End for Textufil with an export quota of
and customers, it started production
capacity includes 800 rotor spinning more than 80%.
of dyed fabrics with prints in line with
the latest fashion and customer prefe-
Short facts about yarn production:
Yarn production of Textufil
π Ring and rotor yarns for knitting
985 – investment in a new facility to The production capacity is up to 2
π Carded, combed yarns with a
produce yarn for the sewing industry million kg per year. The ring spinning
count range of Ne 4 to Ne 50
division manufactures both combed
987 – installation of a spinning facility π Polyester spun yarns with a count
and carded yarn as well as polyester/
for cotton and blends range of Ne 30 to Ne 40
cotton yarn.
π Polyester/cotton blended yarns
992 – commissioning of an eight-
The yarn counts range from Ne 4 to with a count range of Ne 2 to Ne 45
colour rotary printing machine
Ne 50. According to the market needs, π Heathers
993 – installation of a facility for either combed or carded ring-spun
spinning carded and combed cotton, yarns are manufactured. At the Short view of knitwear fabrics:
increasing the installed capacity of moment 70% of the production is com-
π Interlock
cotton spun by 60% bed ring yarn.
π Jersey
Approximately 50% of the production π Ribs
Some details about the spinning mill
is used in their own knitting mill. 86% π Piques
With the latest investments in 4,52 of production is exported to interna- π Jacquards
spindles, Marzoli MPTN with EliTeQ, the tional customers. Nowadays the USA π Thermal
ring spinning capacity grew to a total represent the most important market π and more


2 0

Textufil S.A. de C.V.
info @ textufil.com

Short view of sewing thread:

π Ne 40/2 – 00% PES
π Ne 50/3 – 00% PES
π 50/ – Textures 00% PES

The conversion
to EliTeQCompact Spinning

Textufil’s aim is the creation of high-

quality, marketable and niche pro-
ducts. To achieve this goal, Textufil
decided to transform their conven-
tional ring spinning machines apply-
ing the latest spinning technology and
are now successfully producing the
best compact yarn worldwide. Rieter G 5/ equipped with SUESSEN EliTeQCompactSet at Textufil SA
0 0
The change, short and effective
machines. The conversion of these With the investment in EliTeQTechno-
At the end of 2005, the first two Rieter machines is scheduled for August 2007. logy, Mr. Elı´as Jorge Bahaia converted
G5/ machines were converted with Textufil into a high-end spinning mill
the SUESSEN EliTeQCompactSet. With this last order the total amount of with a lead over its competitors,
EliTeQCompactSet spindles, including securing them a leadership position
After only three months of experience also the new Marzoli ring spinning in the Latin American market.
and intensive trials, Mr. Elı´as Jorge machines, is rising to 45,056 spindles
Bahaia decided to invest more in the and will be the largest compact spin- The mission of Textufil to be a
EliTeQCompactSet and ordered the ning unit in America. globally acting first class company,
conversion of further 4 Rieter G5/ committed to permanent improve-
spinning machines and confirmed the Textufil’s goal is to convert also the ment and focusing on the customers
EliTeQSystem some weeks later order- remaining conventional Marzoli ring satisfaction in the textile area, is
ing for his new project from the Italian spinning machines of the types NSF2, underlined by the latest investment.
machine manufacturer Marzoli 6 of the NSF3 and NSF4 with the EliTeQSpin- The EliTeQ and EliTwistQ Yarns offer
just recently released Marzoli MPT ning system. After this step the amount new business opportunities to
with EliTeQ. of EliTeQCompact spindles will be of achieve a continuous and successful
57,824 spindles. growth.
Even before the erection of the Rieter
machines was completed, Mr. Elı´as Today, the EliTeQ and EliTwistQ com-
Jorge Bahaia ordered another 2 pact yarn production covers more
EliTeQCompactSet conversions for than 50% of the monthly production of
their Marzoli NSF/L ring spinning ring spun yarns.


2 0

Melanging with MDTA 3

Turker Edis, General Manager of Gülle Tekstil, Turkey

Gülle Tekstil companies started their Production Capacity We at Gülle Tekstil introduced the
facilities at the beginning of 980 with MDTA 3 to overcome the problem of
a very small knitting capacity. In 983 Gülle Tekstil produces yarn in the the costly process of finding the
we established our dyeing house to range between Ne 6 and Ne 00. colour matching recipes.
improve our activities in this sector. With the existing capacity, the yarn
Investing in knitting and dyeing until production is 40 tons/day, the knitting We have bought the MDTA 3 in 2004
996, we constantly increased the capacity is 30 tons/day, the dyeing, for the purpose of producing colour
existing capacity. finishing, printing capacity is 35 tons/ matching melange samples.
day, the fibre and yarn dyeing capacity
In 996, we invested in yarn spinning is 2 tons/day We are producing melanges on the
and bought 0 Open-End rotor spin- MDTA 3 with basically the total range
ning machines. So we started produc- The company also produces its own of raw material processed in our mill
ing melange yarn as there is a big electricity. e.g. cotton, viscose, polyester, silk,
demand from the market. This invest- linen, bamboo.
ment enabled Gülle Tekstil to offer the Gülle Tekstil currently has 900
complete product range from yarn to employees. Description of the melanging process
0 fabric to the market. with MDTA 3 0
70 % of our products are exported. The
In 2000, with a second spinning main export markets are in Europe If we have a new colour yarn order, we
investment of 30,86 ring spindles, we and Asia. select of our existing mixtures the
started producing especially blends, colour recipe coming closest to the new
melange and cotton yarn. A good portion of the production is order. Then we start varying the ingre-
covered by melange yarns. For the dients by making trials on the MDTA 3 to
Between 2000-2003, we invested in most part, Gülle Tekstil sell knitted match the newly required colour.
dyeing and knitting to increase the fabrics with melange yarns. But the
capacity. melange yarn is also sold directly to After having blended the raw material
the market. on the MDTA 3, we present the MDTA 3
In 2003, we invested in ring spinning sliver to our production ring spinning
again. We finalized the first phase of When melange yarn is produced, or open-end rotor machines where a
the third investment with another finding the correct colour recipe is sample yarn is produced. In some
2,464 ring spindles. always a problem. The suitable recipe cases we also produce a melange
has to be found by experimental sample fabric. Often the melange yarn
Currently, we have a capacity of blending of different colours. This is or fabric sample is sent to the custo-
52,280 ring spindles and 2,800 open- usually very time consuming as well mer for approval, before we are start-
end rotors. With other orders already as cost intensive, especially when ing production.
placed in the course of this year, the expensive raw material like cashmere
ring spinning capacity will reach a has to be used. Once the recipes have been tested
total of almost 67,000 ring spindles. and approved on the MDTA 3 they can
be transferred  :  to the production


2 0

Gülle Tekstil
turker @ edis.tr.tc

Generating colour-matching melan-

ges before we used MDTA 3

Before we had the MDTA 3 it was not so

comfortable and easy to make colour
matching melanges. We had to stop
one carding machine from our produc-
tion line for at least  shift. We fed the
fibre blend from the back of the
machine by hand to get the sliver. A
minimum of two or three persons were
required to make these trials on the
carding machine which took approx. 25
minutes per trial, also a lot more raw
material was needed for the trials,

0 We draw great benefits out of the 0


The colour matching process is consi-

derably shortened. It now only takes us
2–3 minutes to receive a melanged
sliver, which we can present to our
production machines. The MDTA 3 not
only saves time, it also saves labour.
The colour matching process can now
be operated by just one person.
We now only need 0-20 g of raw mate-
rial for  melange, which reduces our
raw material sampling costs notably.
Our production has no longer to be
interrupted for the colour matching
processes, so we do not lose any pro-
duction capacity. We also save energy
The MDTA 3 contributed considerably to
shorten our colour matching process
and to make it more cost effective. We
do not want to miss the MDTA 3 in our
colour matching processes anymore.


2 0

K.P. Textiles Pvt., Ltd. Coimbatore – India

Peter Stahlecker, Managing Director, SUESSEN

K.P. Textiles is one of those success conscientious ladies in India and

stories, which I cannot help but admire! elsewhere.
π The spinning division will be des-
Mr. Padmanaban started K.P. Textiles
cribed in more detail below.
in 997 in Coimbatore, TN. He came
from a modest background, but hard In addition, Mr. Padmanaban soon rea-
work, perseverance, and his entrepre- lized that the cost of power was bound
neurial spirit made K.P. Textiles a shin- to increase, as India industrializes at a
ing success! rapid pace, and power generation has
a hard time keeping up that pace.
Initially, they only had weaving, but
Mr. Padmanaban, owner K.P. Textiles Again Mr. Padmanaban acted in a
then ventured out into processing /
decisive way, installing wind mills to
finishing with the Sri Venkatesa Pro-
reduce his power cost.
cessors Ltd., also located in South
K.P. Textiles is organized into three
India. In logical progression, Mr. Pad- After some discussions with SUESSEN
manaban next went into spinning. representative Mr. Mathew, Mr. Padma-
π The weaving division has over naban quickly understood the eco-
0 Today K.P. Textiles is the world’s lead-
ing supplier of fabrics for sari blouses.
2,000 automatic looms, and of nomic advantages he could get out of 0
course full preparatory, sizing, SUESSEN’s EliTwistQTechnology. A les-
This is a very specialized high twist steaming and doubling facilities. ser entrepreneur would have started
voile material, usually made from π The finishing division has all the with 2 or 3 thousand spindles, to test
Ne 00/2 highly twisted yarn. The qua- modern machinery needed to fin- the waters, so to speak. Not so this mill
lity is held in high regard all over India, ish the fabrics into any of the owner: He ordered 36,288 spindles
and is also exported to all corners of almost infinite number of colors EliTwistQ to be supplied over a period of
the globe. and shades required by fashion- several months!


2 0

M/s. K.P. Textiles (Cbe) Pvt Ltd,
4/237, Caltonpet (P.O), Near Sulur, Palladam (Tk),
Coimbatore – 6440, Tamil Nadu, India.
kptcbe @ sify.com

Table  Ring Doubled Yarn EliTwistQ Yarn

Count Ne 96/2 Ne 96/2
C.S.P. 2,400 2,900
U% 0.8 0.07
Hairiness (USTER H) 3.5 2.5
Thin 0 0
Thick 25 2
Neps 80 30
Total IPI 05 42

Table 2
Sector/Wrap/Strech: 350 350
Breaks / Million Meters 0.9 0.4
Weaving machine Sulzer Sulzer
Warp Breaks/0,000end/00,000 m .5 0.0
Weft breaks/00,000 m .9 .5

0 0
Of course, there were some initial pro- During the discussion the mill quality Mr. Padmanaban would not be the
blems to be overcome, but for K.P. Tex- assurance leader shared with us the successful entrepreneur he is, if he
tiles and his leader, problems are yarn parameters given in table . now decided to rest on his laurels. A
challenges to be solved. They have a further expansion by 00 looms and
The superior performance continues
very strong technical team as I could by 8,000 spindles will be undertaken
into weaving. Again, we are happy to
convince myself during a mills visit. very shortly.
share K.P. Textiles’ results with our
The quality is monitored all the way
readers (table 2). It is always a very positive experience
from the cotton to the finished fabric,
for any equipment supplier to be asso-
leaving nothing to chance. As the These values improve warping pro-
ciated to a forward-looking enterprise
famous American Edison once said: duction by 20% to 30% and weaving
like K.P. Textiles.
”Success is 20% inspiration or luck production by 0% to 20%. According
and 80% hard work”. to the weaving master, the fly genera- Figuratively speaking, equipment sup-
tion in weaving is much reduced com- pliers like SUESSEN are merely the
K.P. Textiles tell us about the following
pared to ring doubled yarn. makers of the piano. It is only our cus-
advantages of EliTwistQ over their
tomers, who can perform a symphony
conventional ring doubled yarn: According to their finishing expert, the
using the piano – we cannot!
feel of the fabric is very good, it is of
π tenacity increased by 20% to 25%
high quality, and very resistant. We at SUESSEN are proud to be a
π elongation increased by 2 – 3
small part of K.P. Textiles’ success, and
percentage points.
I personally want to thank Mr. Padma-
π Hairiness reduced
naban and his dedicated team of pro-
π Spinning breaks / 00 h reduced
fessionals for sharing all this informa-
by 20%
tion with us and with our readers.
π Fly generation reduced by 50%


2 0

GTN Group Profile –

Conversation with Mr. B. K. Patodia, Vice Chairman
and Managing Director, GTN Textiles Limited
Peter Stahlecker, Managing Director, SUESSEN

The GTN Group has been a SUESSEN Promotion Council (Texprocil), Mum- GTN Group now encompasses GTN
EliTeQCustomer right from the begin- bai; and Southern India Mills Associa- Textiles Limited, the Flagship Com-
ning. GTN and SUESSEN went tion (SIMA), Coimbatore. He was also pany of the Group, based at Cochin,
through some trials and tribulations the President of the Employers’ Fede- Patspin India Limited at Palakkad in
together during the early days of ration of Southern India; and the Kerala, as well as a new unit being set
EliTeQCompact Spinning, but they Cochin Chamber of Commerce and up at Udumalpet, near Coimbatore
never lost their faith in the system. Industry. (Tamil Nadu); and GTN Enterprises
Their patience, but also their insis- Limited, also at Udumalpet.
tence that things be right 00% greatly
inproved the EliTeQSystem. I had the . The spectacular success of your GTN Group is a pioneer in the field of
pleasure to be associated with Mr. group of companies especially in yarn Cotton Yarn Exports from India, espe-
B.K. Patodia right from the start of our exports shows, what entrepreneurial cially in fine and superfine combed
cooperation, and I learned a lot from spirit, paired with determination and yarns. In the early 980s, GTN Group
him and from his way of dealing with hard work can achieve. Please tell us a became the first in India to export
problems. I am very pleased that we little bit about yourself, your back- combed cotton yarns to sophisticated
can share some of GTN Group’s ground and how you grew over time to markets like Japan and Italy.
0 secrets of success with our readers. reach your present stature. 0
My elder son Mr.Umang Patodia, who
Ans: Our association with the textile is the Managing Director of Patspin
industry goes back to over 75 years, India Limited and is responsible for the
initially starting with trading activities. operation and management of the
Our focus changed in966, when my Spinning Units, ably assists me. My
father Mr. M. L. Patodia, Group Chair- younger son, Mr. Anckur Patodia, is the
man, took over a spinning unit with Managing Director of GTN Enterprises
a small capacity of 2,000 spindles Limited. He is mainly responsible for
at Alwaye, near Cochin, in Kerala our knitting and readymade garment
State. With this brand new venture, business that supplies both exports
I embarked into this career when and domestic markets.
I became the Managing Director of the
Company at an early age of 22. 2. Would you let us know, which are
your major markets and what count
Over the years, GTN Group, which ranges you cover in your Group and
started with a modest 2,000 spindles your present turnover.
Mr. B.K. Patodia is the Vice Chairman & and 50 workers, has since grown into
Managing Director of GTN Group. He a multi-locational Spinning Group Ans: Group’s counts range from Ne
has had the privilege of holding vari- with nearly 50,000 spindles in ope- 24s to Ne 200s and our focus is more
ous positions as Chairman of prestigi- ration. With current plans for expan- on value added products like doubled,
ous associations like the Confedera- sion, this is expected to reach 20,000 gassed, high twisted, reverse twisted,
tion of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), spindles by early 2008; along with an compact and core-spun, both for
New Delhi; The Cotton Textiles Export increase in employment to nearly 2500. weaving and knitting applications.


2 0

GTN exports 90% of its production to

various markets like Japan, Italy, South
Korea, Israel, China, Austria, Taiwan,
Turkey, Germany among others. The
present turnover is 90 Million USD and
it is expected to reach 50 Million USD
by 2008/09.

3. India has grown spectacularly over

the past several years, and particularly
in the textile industry. How do you see
the future growth of the Indian textile

Ans: The future of the textile industry

Patspin India Limited – Kerala
in India is highly promising; as the
0 country is blessed with three integral 0
basic requirements for its success, rise appreciably. Therefore, availability 4. Could you tell us, how you got
namely: men, materials and machines. of quality cottons at competitive prices started with EliTeQCompact Spinning?
is expected to provide necessary sti- How many of EliTeQSpindles do you
The number of installed spindles in mulus for larger production of textile run by now?
India has progressively increased from products.
37.03 million in 2003-04 to 39.50 mil- Ans: I would like to stress that our mill
lion in 2006-07. Similarly, the number Since April 999, textile units have was among the first in the country to
of shuttleless looms has also increa- made huge investments for moderni- install Compact Spinning. Realising
sed, albeit at a slower speed. Two fac- zation by inducting latest-technology. the enormous scope for Compact
tors are primarily responsible for this In addition, progressive units have Yarn, GTN took the pioneering step by
growth: the Technology Upgradation also been undertaking HRD program- installing 3,000 SUESSEN EliTeQ
Fund Scheme introduced in April, mes for honing the skills of workers. machines in 999. Since then, the
999 and the elimination of quantita- company has steadily increased the
tive restrictions by US & EU on exports The total market size of the Indian tex- Compact capacity to the present level
of textile products since 2005. tile industry in 2006 was $52 billion. of 80,000 spindles. By the first quarter
As per the th Five Year Plan of Gov- of 2008, its Compact capacity will
India has already achieved an impres- ernment of India, the target of $ 5 reach up to 00,000 spindles.
sive breakthrough in cotton produc- billion market size is sought to be
tion and it has emerged as the second achieved by 20-2. This would call After the introduction of Compact
largest exporter of cotton in the world. for substantial expansion of spinning, technology, most of the spinning
With rapidly expanding production of weaving, processing and garmenting machinery manufacturers have ven-
Bt. and hybrid cottons, the production capacities. tured to exploit this revolutionary tech-
of quality cotton in India is expected to nology. However,the large number of


2 0

SUESSEN EliTeQ in the global market

today, speaks volumes for its quality. It
has managed to safely enjoy an edge
over all its competitors.

5. Please let us know, how satisfied

you are with EliTeQ, and with the service
SUESSEN and VTS are providing.
Please critically let us know, where we
may improve to serve you better.

Ans: As one of the first users of EliTeQ

Technology, we are proud to be nuously giving them the technical Ans: Renowned the world over for
associated with SUESSEN. There is a feedback to further upgrade the com- its strict adherence to high standards
constant endeavour on their part to pact technology and quality. of quality, GTN has been awarded
improve and continuously evolve the certifications like ISO 900 for Quality
0 compact technology, which we fully 6. It is clear that your group will conti- Systems, ISO 400 for Environmental 0
support. We are extremely satisfied nue to grow aggressively. Would you Management System and the Oeko-
with the services that we receive from share with us your view of the future of Tex Standard Certification for Yarn
SUESSEN and their agents, VTS, in your company? Purity. Furthermore, the company
India. We, on our part, are conti- has been the proud recipient of the

GTN Enterprises Limited, Udumalpet


2 0

TEXPROCIL Award for Excellence in This is epitomized in GTN’s branded All our production units and offices
Exports of Cotton Yarn for 9 years products INFINITI, SVELTE and are networked on a vibrant Intranet,
consecutively. WONDER TWIST which are all well which helps us to deliver high levels of
recognized labels the world over. efficiency, both internally and, most
GTN’s range of international quality importantly, to our customers.
products is a testimony to its princi- At the heart of GTN’s success lies
ples of perfection. All our spinning the dedication of its work-force. 7. One decisive trait of any successful
units are equipped with the most Committed personnel, with diligent entrepreneur is his ability to predict the
modern machines, manufactured by drive and technical expertise, foster an future a bit more accurately than the
LMW, Rieter, Truetzschler, Schlafhorst, environment of high productivity and rest of us. Please tell us your view of
Murata and SSM. Similarly, all labora- efficiency. With the collective focus the future of compact spinning in gen-
tories are fully equipped with an entire and rich experience of a motivated eral, and in your company in particular.
range of testing machines, manufac- team,the stamp of abiding devotion
tured by Uster and Spinlab. marks every product that wears the Ans: Compact spinning is THE tech-
GTN tag. nology of our future and we can
No success story is complete unless undoubtedly predict that the share of
0 fortified by research and development Every GTN employee undergoes an this technology will continue to rise at 0
activities. Our research and develop- in-house training and in-plant orienta- a rapid pace in most of the Asian
ment efforts have played an emphatic tion programme to ensure that their countries including India. Compact
role in innovation, modification and know-how is updated with the most yarns are increasingly becoming
upgradation. Today, GTN yarns are recent global trends and technologies. necessary for many present genera-
used by fashion heavyweights across Sound human resource policies and tion specialized products. In our
the globe in creating fine shirting, efficient labour management have company itself, we are already seeing
branded bed linen and made-ups, generated a successful working envi- 50% of our capacity into compact
handkerchiefs, dress material, voiles ronment. spinning and we plan to boost this
and crepes. even further.
The group recognized very early on
GTN is one of the largest users of the importance of information techno-
SUPIMA and ELS Giza cotton varieties. logy, which could help differentiate our
We were the first Indian spinners to efficiencies and provide superior cus-
be given the SUPIMA brand licence. tomer service. Keeping this objective
As the charter member and partner in in view, we implemented ERP in our
the Cotton Gold Alliance, GTN has group using SAP as early as 998.
made a significant impact in the global We have been constantly upgrading
context. our systems and currently we are ope-
rating on the latest MySAP Platform,
which encompasses the entire supply
chain within.


2 0

Compact Spinning –
Innovation of 2 st Century
V.N. Balakrishnan, Senior Vice President Operations,
GTN Textiles Ltd./India

Ring Spinning, still the most accept- Yarn quality improvement in our count most of the articles of SPINNOVATION
able yarn spinning system, has under- ranges, ie., Ne 30s to 20s, achieved or elsewhere. However, so far, the
gone several changes to improve qua- over a period is summarised as under: phenomena of cop to cone compact
lity and productivity during these yarn quality difference have not
years. However, a major revolutionary Hairiness: by Zweigle S3 value – 60 to been dealt with in any article in the
change has taken place in 999, Com- 80%, by Uster H – 20 to 30%. SPINNOVATION. Therefore an attempt
pacting System. Strength: improvement in RKM – 0 to is made here to share our own experi-
8%, ence on the subject with our fine and
Much has been said about this great Elongation: improvement 0 to 5% superfine yarns.
system and the tremendous popula- Unevenness: 0.3 to 0.6 reductions in
tion growth speaks about its accepta- U%. Cop to cone increase
bility and benefits. Today, more than 5 IPI: 20 to 35% reduction in Imperfec- in imperfections
million compact spindles are working tions.
satisfactorily with a major contribution Ring Frame Breaks: 40 to 50% reduc- Upon the introduction of automatic
from SUESSEN EliTeQ. tion in ends down winders two decades ago, a signific-
ant increase in yarn imperfections and
0 Looking at the speed at which com- Educating the end user to exploit the hairiness was noticed in the final yarn, 0
pact is conquering the textile spinning enormous advantages of this yarn especially in counts above Ne 50s.
industry, it is clear that this is going to needs further efforts from both yarn Counts like Ne 00s and Ne 20s, the
be a normal spinning system for and machine manufacturer. In this increase in imperfections was as high
tomorrow. The tremendous benefits of regard, contribution of SPINNOVA- as 80–20%. This phenomenon of
this system are fully exploited both by TION is praiseworthy in educating the abnormal increase in imperfections
yarn manufacturers as well as end Spinner as well as the Weaver / Knitter was taken up with manufacturers of
users. in making use of the compact yarn automatic winders as well as lab
most profitably. equipment manufacturers and several
Compact spinning, the system that trials were conducted over these
ensures better optimum utilisation of We, at GTN group,installed the first years. In spite of the best efforts by the
costly raw material with minimum loss SUESSEN EliTeQRing Spinning manufacturers of automatic winders,
and damages to the fibre, improves Machine as early as 999 with just no substantial reduction could be
the yarn quality tremendously, more 3,000 spindles and today we are at achieved till now.
importantly on the hairiness aspect. almost 80,000 spindles and by st
quarter 2008, we will be completing But with the compact yarn, the adverse
This helps the weaver, besides less 00,000 spindles. Counts ranging from effect on the yarn quality after the
consumption of costly wet processing Ne 30s to 20s are regularly manufac- winding process was found signifi-
ingredients, with better machine tured, practically maintaining the same cantly reduced. For a spinner like us,
efficiency particularly on looms normal Ring Frame speed, with far bet- who is marketing yarn in the cone
and with a much cleaner atmosphere. ter yarn quality parameters. form, it was a great relief. This advant-
Contribution of compact yarn in age is accrued only due to the sub-
making dense fabrics is quite reward- The benefits accrued from this yarn stantially lower hairiness in the parent
ing. were dealt with in greater details in compact cop yarns. In table  we have


2 0

M/s. GTN Textiles Limited
COCHIN 682 06
mktg.ho @ gtntextiles.com

Table : Summary of difference in yarn quality parameters of various compact/normal yarn counts after winding
U% increase IPI Elongation UT-3 H Zweigle S3
Count (Ne) RKM diff%
(unit) Increase% diff% increase% increase%
50/ combed weaving (compact) +0. 20 0.0 +2.0 +7.7 +457
50/ combed weaving (normal) +0.7 50 +0.7 +2.7 +5.0 +88
60/ combed weaving (compact) +0. 22 –.9 0.0 +8.9 +377
60/ combed weaving (normal) +0.5 62 +0.4 0.0 +6.4 +79
70/ combed weaving (compact) 0.0 24 +2.7 +5. +7.7 +380
70/ combed weaving (normal) +0.3 65 –. +4.5 +25 +40
80/ combed weaving (compact) +0. 22 +0.7 0.0 +23.6 +896
80/ combed weaving (normal) +0.4 62 –0.4 +4.9 +7.7 +84
00/ combed hosiery (compact) +0. 25 +.8 +3.3 +7.5 +208
00/ combed hosiery (normal) +0.5 82 –0.8 +2.0 +6.7 +77
Overall average of Compact yarn +0. 23 +0.8 +2.0 +3.0 +463
Overall average of normal ring spun yarn +0.5 64 –.2 +2.8 +8.2 +94

0 0
summarised the yarn deterioration in The data used in the table  is the been informing that the real ”doubled
quality of both compact and normal overall average of the yarn quality yarn effect” is not achieved in final fini-
yarns after cone winding. tested at Ring Frame Bobbin stage shed fabric with this yarn. However
and cone from the Autoconer for a later on, a few of them, realizing the
As can be seen, there is a significant period of two years. price/performance advantage, started
reduction in IPI increase in the Com- consuming. Here again, the education
pact Yarn in all the counts compared EliTwistQTechnology of the end users to exploit the maxi-
to normal yarn, without any exception. mum advantage of this yarn is to be
We have added small capacity of
However as far as hairiness is concer- undertaken by both yarn and m/c
EliTwistQSpindles and commercial
ned, the increase in Zweigle S3 values manufacturer. As far as a spinner is
production started recently in super
is much higher than normal spun yarn; concerned, the elimination of
fine counts and yarn is marketed
however the same trend is not noticed assembly winder and double yarn
under the brand ”WONDERTWIST”.
in UT3 Hairiness values. Of course twisting, result in saving in investment,
the S3 value of compact cone yarn is Initially, the customers were hesitant to power, labour, space etc. The end user
still lower by 50% of normal cone yarn. use this new concept yarn and have is also benefited by lower yarn price

Table 2: Summary of difference in yarn quality parameters of various compact/normal yarn counts after winding
counts after winding (cop to cone)
U% increase IPI Elongation UT-3 H Zweigle S3
Count (Ne) RKM diff%
(unit) Increase% diff% increase% increase%
80/ combed weaving wondertwist –0. 7 2.2 1.8 3.4 319
00/2 combed weaving wondertwist –0.1 5 2.2 5.0 4.8 350
Overall average of wondertwist 0. 6 2.2 3.4 4.1 355


2 0

Table 3
80/2 CW-WT 80/2 CWR 80/2 CWFG
Count (Ne) % diff w.r.t. % diff w.r.t.
(TM-4.0) (TM-4.0) (TM-4.0)
Remarks Wondertwist normal normal normal normal
yarn doubled yarn gassed yarn doubled yarn gassed yarn
UTJ Results:
Single yarn strength (cN) 477.3 425.6 464.9
Rkm 33.0 29.4 32. +2.2 +2.8
Rkm CV% 6.6 7. 7.2
Elongation% 5.7 5. 5.2 +.8 +9.6
Elongation CV% 5.7 8.7 6.4
B-work (cN.cm) 74.8 59.2 643.8 +20.9 +.0
UT-3B Results:
U% 8.4 8.5 8.3 –0. unit +0. unit
Thin places (–50%)/km 0 0 0

0 Thick places (+50%)/km

Neps (+200%)/km
+46 +90
IPI/km (Normal sen.) 25 6 3 +56.2 +92
Thin places (–40%)/km 8 7 5
Thick places (+35%)/km 5 53 47
Neps (+40%)/km 79 0 75
IPI/km (Higher sen.) 38 6 27 –4 +8
Hairiness H 3. 4.9 2.6 –36.7 +9.2
Hairiness sh 0.6 .0 0.5
Classimat Results:
Total classimat faults 95.0 5.0 50.0 +86.3 +90
Objectionable faults .2 0. 0.0
Slub .4 0. 0.0
Zweigle Results:
S3 383.2 544.8 43. –29.7 +800
S3 CV% 6.5 34.6 39

with well acclaimed advantages of The above results are limited in scope; Despite the increase in S3 hairiness
compact yarn. also a strict comparison of cop to being high, the hairiness level of this
EliTwistQ cop to cone difference cone, as done earlier, could not be yarn is far lower than RING DOUBLED
in yarn quality, as done with single done, as the process involved here is AND TFO twisted yarns – thanks to
EliTeQYarn, is summarisel in table 2. different and not identical. compacting!


2 0

Table 4
00/2 CW-WT 00/2 CWR 00/2 CWFG
Count (Ne) % diff w.r.t. % diff w.r.t.
(TM-4.0) (TM-4.0) (TM-4.0)
Remarks Wondertwist normal normal normal normal
yarn doubled yarn gassed yarn doubled yarn gassed yarn
UTJ Results:
Single yarn strength (cN) 374.7 39.9 347.5
Rkm 32.4 27.6 30.0 +7.4 +8.0
Rkm CV% 7.7 7.8 8.
Elongation% 5.6 4.9 4.8 +4.3 +6.7
Elongation CV% 6.0 7.2 7.6
B-work (cN.cm) 578.4 269.3 475.8
UT-3B Results:
U% 9.1 9.6 9.2 –0.5 unit +0. unit
Thin places (–50%)/km 1 0 0

0 Thick places (+50%)/km

Neps (+200%)/km
42 26
IPI/km (Normal sen.) 59 50 33 +18 +78
Thin places (–40%)/km 8 7 5
Thick places (+35%)/km 95 79 101
Neps (+40%)/km 64 40 161
IPI/km (Higher sen.) 290 242 294
Hairiness H 2.6 3.0 2.4 –3 +8
Hairiness sh 0.5 0.7 0.5
Classimat Results:
Total classimat faults 6 50.0 63.0 +222 +155
Objectionable faults 2.0 0.2 0.1
Slub 2.2 0.0 0.1
Zweigle Results:
S3 266.6 95.0 22.9 –78 +056
S3 CV% 22.0 4. 39.8

The tables 3 and 4 show the difference well proved. Hairiness, obviously, is However, looking to the greater scope
in yarn qualities with respect to tradi- lower in EliTwistQYarn compared to of this system and resultant yarn, we
tional doubled yarn and gassed yarn. twisted grey yarn. However, gassed are of the opinion that this yarn can
From these limited comparative stu- yarn hairiness is definitely lower than replace conventional doubled yarn in
dies, the superiority of EliTwistQYarn the EliTwistQYarn. Similarly Classimat certain sectors of end use.
with respect to RKM and elongation is faults are also high in EliTwistQYarn.


2 0

EliTeQCompactSet Cotton Inc. is the development and
in the U.S. marketing organisation of the Ameri-
can cotton industry, accepted world-
Jim Blalock, American Suessen wide. In their Cary, NC, headquarters
Corporation, USA they are equipped to perform research
and development on cotton products
Two textile institutes in the U.S. are from fibre to finished goods using
working with our Fiomax E EliTeQ state-of-the-art technology. In May
Compact Ring Spinning Machine: 2000 already they purchased a
Fiomax E due to its superior design
π NCSU (North Carolina State and flexibility to spin both compact
University) and conventional yarns.
π Cotton Incorporated,
North Carolina SUESSEN upgraded this machine
Jim Blalock, ASC and
technologically thus enabling Cotton
Martin Schreiner, Associate Director,
SUESSEN updated both machines in Inc. to remain on the cutting edge of Fiber Processing, Cotton Inc.
0 spring 2007 with the components technology when spinning compact 0
incorporating the latest technological yarns.
development: new EliTops, 5starQ
Apron, new EliTubes for single yarn Mr. Clapp, Director Fiber Processing,
and EliTwistQ. . . commented that SUESSEN and Cot-
ton Inc. have maintained a mutually
At NCSU the machine serves for edu- beneficial relationship for more than
cating American students in new 25 years, because both companies
methods of spinning technology. Stu- are committed to the idea that cotton
dies have begun comparing compact fibre remains one of the most import-
yarn to conventional yarn. The next ant textile ingredients. Current and
focus will be on downstream cost- future cooperative developments will
savings by using Compact Yarn. reflect this strong commitment to pro-
viding consumers with cotton yarns
Apart from its academic benefits, the that are both performance oriented
Tim Pleasants,
machine is also available for outside and cost effective for today’s competi-
Spun Yarn Lab Manager, NCSU
trials. This service is offered for a tive and global textile marketplace.
nominal fee to domestic and interna-
Contact NCSU:
tional textile companies. M/s. Watson,
Tim Pleasants@ncsu.edu
Associate Director TexEd Programs
and Pleasant, Spun Yarn Lab Manager Contact Cotton Inc.:
thank SUESSEN for its assistance. www.cottoninc.com/FiberProcessing


2 0

3 rd EliTeQForum To round off the theme we additionally In spring 2007 we celebrated the
invited experts from adjoining areas of 2,000,000th EliTeQCompact Spindle
Our annual EliTeQForum took place at compact spinning as from NOVIBRA, with our esteemed Turkish customer
our R&D centre WST from May 7 – . BRÄCKER, ZWEIGLE, ROSINK and MATESA Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
This was already the third time and we SAVIO.
decided to install this event as a regu- Today we are very happy to announce
lar institution in the years to come. All participants received the precious the ceremonial handover of the
and well-known certificate SUESSEN Award to GTN Textiles
Again mill managers and owners parti- Group/ India – Sri B.K.Patodia /
cipated in the fully comprehensive Certified Technologist Chairman (see interview page 46).
training of the EliTeQTechnology of EliTeQCompact Yarn.
imparting theoretical and practical More than 2,300,000 EliTeQCompact
knowledge. All participants confirmed the intrinsic Spindles have been sold worldwide, of
value of the EliTeQForum contributing which ,000,000 to India alone.
This time we welcomed guests from to the most successful operation of
Turkey, Pakistan, Brasil, El Salvador our installations in the spinning mills. Recently we delivered the ,000,000th
0 and Bangladesh. Satisfied customers from Pakistan and EliTeQSpindle to India. By happy coin- 0
Turkey have already placed follow-up cidence, it went to our customer GTN,
The five days were filled with intense orders. who had also received the very first
training and instruction concerning one a few years back!
operation and handling of the EliTeQ
CompactSet including maintenance. We cordially invite you to the
ceremonial handover scheduled for
Our experts from the different depart- SUESSEN Awards Saturday, September 5, 2007, on
ments Service, Technical Department the premises of ITMA Munich, Hall A6,
and R & D gave valuable tips and hints During the last ITMA Asia in October Booth 35/44 at 4.00 pm.
helping our customers to make their 2005, SUESSEN could celebrate
compact spinning installations even the installation of the ,000,000th
more successful and profitable. EliTeQSpindle. The award went to
Ejaz Spinning, Pakistan.
The discussions with customers
having actual experience with Already a few months later, SUESSEN
EliTeQCompact Spinning are of course again had reason to celebrate: the
extremely valuable for the progress ,500,000th EliTeQSpindle had been
of SUESSEN’s R & D work. installed. This time, the customer was
Super Spinning of India, with their
headquarters in Coimbatore.


2 0


Product Range 2007
Compact Ring Spinning
Modernization of ring spinning machines
Two-Ply Compact Yarn directly from the ring spinning machine
Two-Ply Compact Yarn with Core Yarn directly from the ring spinning machine

Conventional Ring Spinning

HP Drafting Systems and Spinning Components
HP-GX 300 Top Weighting Arm – for short staple spinning
HP-GX 400 Top Weighting Arm – for roving frames
HP-GX 500 Top Weighting Arm – for worsted spinning
Top rollers, cradles, bottom rollers, bottom apron nose bars:
Customers buying new ring spinning machines or roving frames may
specify these components directly with the machine maker.

Open-End Rotor Spinning

Open-End SpinBoxes
for OEMs Rieter and Savio
Premium Parts – Modernization
SC/SQ SpinBoxes for Autocoro rotor spinning machines
Premium Parts – Packages
Modernization Packages for Autocoro rotor spinning machines
Premium Parts – Spinning Components
Spinning Components for Autocoro rotor spinning machines
Premium Parts – Spare Parts
Spare Parts for SE 7/8/9/0/SC/SQ SpinBoxes

Testing Equipment
Microdust Trash Analyser MDTA 3

Fibre dust and trash testing equipment
QuickSpin Unit
Prediction of yarn properties
QuickSpin System
Combination of MDTA 3 and QuickSpin Unit

. . . market oriented solutions . . .

Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH · Dammstrasse  · D-73079 Süssen · Germany

Phone +49(0)762 5-0 · Fax +49(0)762 5-367 · mail@suessen.com · www.suessen.com


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