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Big Data Analytics 1

What is Big Data

Definition: Big Data is often described as extremely large data sets that
have grown beyond the ability to manage and analyze them with traditional
data processing tools.
 The data set has grown so large that it is difficult to manage and even
harder to garner value out of it.
 The primary difficulties are the acquisition, storage, searching,
sharing, analytics, and visualization of data. Not only the size of the
data set but also difficult to process the data.
The data come from everywhere : Sensors used to gather climate
information, posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos posted
online, transaction records of online purchases, and cell phone GPS signals
All of these data have intrinsic value that can be extracted using analytics,
algorithms, and other technique.
Why Big Data is Important
 Big Data solutions are ideal for analyzing not only raw structured
data, but semi structured and unstructured data from a wide variety
of sources.
 Big Data solutions are ideal when all, or most, of the data needs to be
analyzed versus a sample of the data; or a sampling of data isn’t
nearly as effective as a larger set of data from which to derive analysis.
 Big Data solutions are ideal for iterative and exploratory analysis
when business measures on data are not predetermined.
 Big Data is well suited for solving information challenges that don’t
natively fit within a traditional relational database approach for
handling the problem at hand.

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Big Data Analytics 2

Big Data has already proved its importance and value in several areas.
Organizations such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
(NOAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), several
pharmaceutical companies, and numerous energy companies have amassed
huge amounts of data and now leverage Big Data technologies on a daily
basis to extract value from them.
NOAA uses Big Data approaches to aid in climate, ecosystem, weather, and
commercial research,
 NASA uses Big Data for aeronautical and other research.
 Pharmaceutical companies and energy companies have leveraged Big
 for more tangible results. such as drug testing and geophysical
 The New York Times has used Big Data tools for text analysis and
Web Mining.
 Walt Disney Company uses them to correlate and understand
customer behavior in all of its stores, theme parks.
 Companies such as Facebook, Amazon, and Google rely on Big Data
analytics a part of their primary marketing schemes as well as a
means of servicing their customers better.
 This accomplished by storing each customer’s searches and
purchases and other piece of information available, and then applying
algorithms to that information to compare one customer’s information
with all other customers information.
 Big Data plays another role in today’s businesses: Large organizations
 increasingly face the need to maintain massive amounts of structured
and unstructured data—from transaction information in data
warehouses to employee tweets, from supplier records to regulatory
filings—to comply with government regulations.

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Big Data Analytics 3

Meet Hadoop- data

Every day zeta bytes or peta bytes of data is generated by People and

If the amount of data is more than hundreds of terabytes then such a data
is called as big data.
Data generated by People:
Through individual interactions-
- Phone calls - emails - documents
Through social media
-twitter -facebook -whatsup etc.
Data generated by Machines:
-RFID readers -Sensor networks -Vehicle GPS traces -Machine logs
Characteristics of Big Data
Three characteristics define Big Data: volume, variety, and velocity

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Big Data Analytics 4

Volume: The amount of data

The size of available data has been growing at an increasing rate. The
Volume of data is growing. Experts predict that the volume of data in the
world will grow to 35 Zetta bytes in 2020.
 Twitter alone generates more than 7 tera bytes(TB) of data every day.
Facebook 10TB.That same phenomenon affects every business – their
data is growing at the same exponential rate too.

 A text file is a few kilo bytes, a sound file is a few mega bytes while a
full length movie is a few giga bytes. More sources of data are added
on continuous basis.

 For companies, in the old days, all data was generated internally by
employees. Currently, the data is generated by employees, partners
and customers.

 For a group of companies, the data is also generated by machines. For

example, Hundreds of millions of smart phones send a variety of
information to the network infrastructure.

 We store everything: Environmental data, financial data, medical data,

surveillance data.

 Peta byte data sets are common these days and Exa byte is not far

Velocity: How fast it is generated

 Data is increasingly accelerating the velocity at which it is created and
at which it is integrated. We have moved from batch to a real-time
 Initially, companies analyzed data using a batch process. One takes a
chunk of data, submits a job to the server and waits for delivery of the

IV.B.Tech-I-Sem 2023-24 CSE

Big Data Analytics 5

result. That scheme works when the incoming data rate is slower than
the batch-processing rate and when the result is useful despite the
 With the new sources of data such as social and mobile applications,
the batch process breaks down. The data is now streaming into the
server in real time, in a continuous fashion and the result is only
useful if the delay is very short.
Variety: Represents all kinds of data
Data can be classified under several categories : structured data, semi
structured data and unstructured data.
Structured data are normally found in traditional databases (SQL or others)
where data are organized into tables based on defined business rules.
Structured data usually prove to be the easiest type of data to work with,
simply because the data are defined and indexed, making access and
filtering easier.
Unstructured data, are not organized into tables and cannot be natively
used by applications or interpreted by a database. A good example of
unstructured data would be a collection of binary image files.
Semistructured data fall between unstructured and structured data.
Semistructured data do not have a formal structure like a database with
tables and relationships. However, unlike unstructured data,
semistructured data have tags or other markers to separate the elements
and provide a hierarchy of records and fields, which define the data.

 Big data extend beyond structured data to include unstructured data

off all varieties: text, audio, video, click streams, log files and more.
 The growth in data sources has fuelled the growth in data types. In
fact, 80% of the world’s data is unstructured and only 20% structured
data . Yet most traditional methods apply analytics only to structured

IV.B.Tech-I-Sem 2023-24 CSE

Big Data Analytics 6

Data Storage and Analysis Problem:

 Struggling with storage and analysis of the data.
 Even though the storage capacities of hard drives have increased
massively over the years, access speeds(the rate at which data can be
read from drives).
 Take long time to read all data on a single drive—and writing is even
slower. The obvious way to reduce the time is to read from multiple
disks at once.
Ex : if we had 100 drives, each holding one hundredth of the data.
Working in parallel, we could read the data in under two minutes.
Even though read and write data in parallel to or from multiple disks , there
are some more problems.

First Problem: Hardware failure

As soon as you start using many pieces of hardware, the chance that one
will fail is fairly high.
A common way of avoiding data loss is through replication: redundant
copies of the data are kept by the system so that in the event of failure,
there is another copy available. This is how RAID(redundant array of
inexpensive disks )works.

Second problem : most analysis tasks need to be able to combine the data
in some way;
i.e data read from one disk may need to be combined with the data from any
of the other 99 disks.

Solution for above problems:

Building distributed systems—for data storage, data analysis, and
Hadoop provides: a reliable shared storage and analysis system. The
storage is provided by HDFS and analysis by MapReduce.

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Big Data Analytics 7

 HDFS - Hadoop Disributed File System . It avoids data loss is through

replication. Minimum of three replicas for the data.

 MapReduce- Programming model. It abstracts the problem from disk

reads and writes, transforming it into a computation over sets of keys
and values

Comparison with other systems

 The approach taken by MapReduce may seem like a brute-force
approach on the entire dataset—or at least a good portion of it—is
processed for each query.
 MapReduce is a batch query processor, and the ability to run an ad
hoc query against the whole dataset and get the results in a
reasonable time is transformative.
 It changes the way you think about data, and unlocks data that was
previously archived on tape or disk.
 Why can’t we use databases with lots of disks to do large-scale batch
analysis? Why is MapReduce needed?
 MapReduce can be seen as a complement to an RDBMS. The
differences between the two systems are shown in Table

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Big Data Analytics 8

 MapReduce is a good fit for problems that need to analyze the whole
dataset, in a batch fashion, particularly for ad hoc analysis. RDBMS is
good for point queries or updates, where the dataset has been indexed
to deliver low-latency retrieval and update times of a relatively small
amount of data.
 MapReduce suits applications where the data is written once, and
read many times.Relational database is good for datasets that are
continually updated.
 Another difference is the amount of structure in the datasets that they
operate on

RDBMS operate on Structured data is data that is organized into entities that
have a defined format, such as XML documents or database tables that
conform to a particular predefined schema. Map Reduce operate on
Semistructured and Unstructured data. In Semi-structured data there may
be a schema, it is often ignored, so it may be used only as a guide to the
structure of the data.
Ex : Spreadsheet, in which the structure is the grid of cells, although the
cells themselves may hold any form of data.Unstructured data does not have
any particular internal structure
Ex : plain text or image data. MapReduce works well on unstructured or
semistructured data, since it is designed to interpret the data at processing

 Relational data is normalized to retain its integrity(assurance of

accuracy) and remove redundancy. Normalization poses problems for
MapReduce, since it makes reading a record a nonlocal operation, and
one of the central assumptions that MapReduce makes is that it is
possible to perform (high-speed) streaming reads and writes.

Ex : Web server log is a good example of a set of records that is not

normalized .

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Big Data Analytics 9

The client hostnames are specified in full each time, even though the same
client may appear many times and this is one reason that logfiles of all
kinds are particularly well-suited to analysis with MapReduce.

 MapReduce is a linearly scalable programming model. The

programmer writes two functions—a map function and a reduce
function—each of which defines a mapping from one set of key-value
pairs to another.

 These functions are unmind to the size of the data or the cluster that
they are operating on, so they can be used unchanged for a small
dataset and for a massive one.

 if you double the size of the input data, a job will run twice as slow.
But if you also double the size of the cluster, a job will run as fast as
the original one. This is not generally true of SQL queries

Grid Computing
1) The HPC and Grid computing doing large scale data processing using
APIs as Message Passing Interface(MPI).
The approach of HPC is to distribute the work across a cluster of machines
 Which access shared files system
 Hosted by a Storage Area Network(SAN)
Works well for compute intensive jobs.
 It face problem when nodes need to access larger data volumes i.e
hundreds of giga bytes.
Reason is the network bandwidth is the bottleneck and computer
nodes become idle. (At this point Hadoop starts shines).
 MapReduce tries to collocate the data with the compute node, so data
access is fast since it is local. This feature, known as data locality, is
at the heart of MapReduce and is the reason for its good performance.

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Big Data Analytics 10

 Network bandwidth is more precious resource in the data center

environment(easy to saturate network links by copying data around).
 Hadoop models its network topology by consuming bandwidth as less
as possible. It does not prevent high –CPU analysis in hadoop.

2)MPI gives great control to the programmer, but requires that explicitly
handle the mechanics of the
 data flow
 exposed via low-level C routines
 constructs, such as sockets
 the higher-level algorithm for the analysis.
MapReduce operates only at the higher level: the programmer thinks in
terms of functions of key and value pairs, and the data flow is implicit.

3) Coordinating the processes in a large-scale distributed computation is a

The hardest aspect is gracefully handling partial failure—you don’t know if a
remote process has failed or not.
MapReduce spares the programmer from having to think about failure, since
the implementation detects failed map or reduce tasks and reschedules
replacements on machines that are healthy.
MapReduce is able to do this since it is a shared-nothing architecture,
meaning that tasks have no dependence on one other.
(This is a slight oversimplification, since the output from mappers is fed to
the reducers, but this is under the control of the MapReduce system; it
needs to take more care rerunning a failed reducer than rerunning a failed
map, it has to make sure it can retrieve the necessary map outputs, and if
not, regenerate them by running the relevant maps again.)
 the programmer’s point of view, the order in which the tasks run
doesn’t matter.

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Big Data Analytics 11

 By contrast, MPI programs have to explicitly manage their own check

pointing and recovery, which gives more control to the programmer,
but makes them more difficult to write.
 MapReduce is a restrictive programming model, and in a sense it is:
limited to key and value types that are related in specified ways, and
mappers and reducers run with very limited coordination between one

MapReduce was invented by engineers at Google . It was inspired by older

ideas from the functional programming, distributed computing, and
database communities.

 Many applications in many industries use MR . It is pleasantly

surprising to see the range of algorithms that can be expressed in
MapReduce, from image analysis, to graph-based problems, to
machine learning algorithms.
 It can’t solve every problem, but it is a general data-processing tool.

Volunteer Computing

 Volunteer computing is one in which volunteers donate CPU time from

their idle computers to analyze data.
 Volunteer computing projects work by breaking the problem they are
trying to solve in to chunks called work unit.
 Work units are send to computers around the world to be analyzed.

Ex: SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) runs a project

SETI@home in which volunteers donate CPU time from their idle computers
to analyze radio telescope data for signs of intelligent life outside earth.

 In SETI@home work unit is about 0.35 MB of radio telescope data,

and takes hours or days to analyze on a typical home computer.

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Big Data Analytics 12

 When the analysis is completed, the results are sent back to the
server, and the client gets another work unit.
 As a precaution to combat cheating, each work unit is sent to three
different machines and needs at least two results to agree to be
 SETI@home may be superficially similar to MapReduce (breaking a
problem into independent pieces to be worked on in parallel).
 The difference is SETI@home problem is very CPU-intensive, which
makes it suitable for running on hundreds of thousands of computers
across the world.
 The time to transfer the work unit is very small by the time to run the
computation on it. Volunteers are donating CPU cycles, not
 MapReduce is designed to run jobs that last minutes or hours on
trusted, dedicated hardware running in a single data center with very
high aggregate bandwidth interconnects.
 By contrast, SETI@home perform computation on untrusted machines
on the Internet with highly variable connection speeds and no data

IV.B.Tech-I-Sem 2023-24 CSE

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