Aashisma Proposal

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A Project Report Proposal

Ashishma Pariyar
Symbol No.:
T.U. Regd. No.: 7-2-274-59-2019
Dillibazar Kanya Multiple Campus

Submitted To
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of

Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S)

Kathmandu, Nepal
April, 2024

BBS = Bachelor in Business Studies

e.g. =Example

Etc. = et cetera

i.e. =That is

FY =Fiscal year

No. =Number

Viz. = Such as

Vs. =versus

T.U =Tribhuvan University


Page No.

1. Background 1

2. Junk Food Market in Nepal 2

3. Statement of the Problem 3

4. Objective of the Study 3

5. Rationale of the Study 3

6. Review of Related Study 4

7. Research Methodology 6

7.1 Nature and Source of Data 6

7.2 Population and Sample 6

7.3 Data Collection Tools and Techniques 6

7.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 7

8. Limitation of the Study 7

9. Organization of the Study 9


1. Background
Junk food simply means an empty calorie food. An empty calorie food is a high
calorie or calorie rich food which lacks in micro- nutrients such as vitamins, minerals,
or amino acids, and fiber but has high energy (calories).These foods don't contain the
nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. Hence, these foods that has poor is an
informal term applied to some foods which are perceived to have little or no
nutritional value, but which also have in gradients considered unhealthy when eaten
regularly, or to those considered unhealthy to consume at all.

Junk food consumption has been dramatically increasing in both of the developed and
under developed countries since past 15 years. Junk foods normally contribute low
micronutrients to the diet, contain large amounts of fat and/or sugar and are high in
energy. It helps to provide some calories for body, but usual and frequent use of junk
food is harmful for human beings5 .Therefore, food like fast food, soft drinks, sweets,
salty sweets, and snacks are junk food.

Usually adolescence needs more nutrition than other age group due to rapid growth
and development of body. Micro nutritional deficiency and over weight is major
nutritional problem of adolescent. It happened generally due to the imbalance of food
and unhealthy practice of adolescent. Communication and travelling makes broader
world smaller. In the past, the eating habit was just for living but nowadays, eating
habit and consumption pattern of food are based on preferences, their economic status
or economic power, marketing strategies and various kinds of foods accessible. It can
be stated that eating pattern of adolescents is influenced by many factors.

In Nepal, 24.1 % people are adolescence group, which accounts for around a quarter
of total population. One study of Nepal showed that, prevalence of overweight among
adolescent student is 12.2%. Prevalence of overweight is getting high comparative to
Previous study. With the rise in the incidence of obesity and overweight amongst
youngsters and adults, the dark side of junk food‘cannot be overlooked. The statistics
of America was recorded sixty million deaths every year due to obesity or overweight.

Any food that has poor nutritional value is considered unhealthily that may be called a
''Junk Food". A food that is high in fat, sodium and sugar is known as a Junk Food.
Junk Food is easy to carry purchase and consume. Generally a junk food is given a
very attractive appearance by adding food additives and colors to enhance flavor,
texture appearance and increasing long shelf life. A junk food has little enzyme
producing vitamins and minerals contains high level of calories. When we eat these
empty calories into usable energy. This is not desired as these enzyme producing
functions in our body should be reserved for the performance of vital metabolic
reactions. Junk food is also known as fast food processed food and ready meals.

Junk Food refers to fast food which are easy to make and easy to consume. They are
zero in nutritional value. They have only fats it causing ill effects on the health of the
consumer. The taste is the most attractive feature in junk foods. Their contents are
rich in sodium salts or sugar and fats which provide high calories yet useless in value.
A quick look at junk food facts tells us junk food and diet does not go hand in hand.
Perhaps this is the reason why junk foods are also called as empty calorie foods. Junk
food are popular because of their simplicity to manufacture, consume and of course
their taste. People have their own nations about a certain food being listed as junk
food however chocolate, borgers, pizzas and fries will surely find their way into ones

2. Junk Food Market in Nepal

According to the National Restaurant Association of Nepal (NRAN) 2016 report, the
fast food industry in Nepal is currently estimated to be between Rs 6750- Rs 8000
crore, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 35-40 per cent. A major chunk of
these markets is ruled by global players like McDonald‘s, Yum Brands (Kentucky
Chicken, Pizza Hut), Domino‘s, Subway, Taco Bell, Coca Cola and Barista but
domestic players are not lagging behind. Nirula’s, Pizza Corner, Coffee Day
Group,Hadrian‘s, Bikanerwala capture a fair share of the fast food segment. Junk
foods are high visibility products: easily available almost everywhere, extensively
advertised through every media, these foods find a key target group among children.
Their manufacturers and sellers also take recourse to attractive packaging and
addition of food additives and colors to enhance flavor, texture, appearance and shelf
life. The Integrated Disease Surveillance Report, which found that rural Nepal was

fast catching up with modern diseases, also noted that people were eating less fruits
and vegetables and more fast food.

3. Statement of Problem
In Nepal, The study among revealed that Junk food (ready to eat snacks, chips) was
preferred by more than two-thirds. the study done by Nepal Public Health Foundation
in Kathmandu valley found that about fifty percent of adolescent and children prefer
junk food to homemade food due to various reasons like taste, availability, cheaper
price and time efficient. In urban schools of Nepal, for instance, a study among pupils
aged 9-11 from middle-income families revealed that Junk food‘ (ready-to-eat snacks,
potato chips, noodles…) was preferred by more than two thirds. Taste, convenience
and affordability were the foremost preference criteria. The role of advertising was
considered relevant for 80% of them. With increasing fast-food consumption, that of
more traditional (and nutrient-dense) food items such as pulses, green leafy
vegetables, fruits and milk decreased significantly. The study on the junk food eating
habits of school children in Delhi found that 60-70 per cent of children in different
age groups consumed chips at least two three times a week. Problem of this study are
as follow:
i. Junk food is ready and find it's easy to consume rather than preparing to
children are becoming addicted to junk food?
ii. Junk food is making people lazy and worthless? iii. Junk foods are found to
be mixed with other types of effecting martials?

4. Objectives of the Study

i. To find out to what extent people are consume fast food
ii. To analysis the cause of consume of junk food
iii. To analysis the effect of junk food
iv. To compare the junk food with other alternative

5. Rationale of the Study

The significance of the study are follow
i. Important to fulfill the partiality for BBS degree
ii. Important to brand management for analysis iii. Important to others who
will be doing research for further study about junk food.

6. Review of Related Studies

Bhatta (2017), was conduct a research in entitled of ―Sales Promotion and its Effect
on Sales: A Case Study, of Beer Market‖. Major objectives of this study were impact
of sales promotion on sales of beer. The major findings of this study are as follows:
i. The person beer for relaxation rather other causes.
ii. The people prefer San Migule Brand more than other brands.
iii. People were aware sales promotion activities. Out of them most people know
about cash prize than other tools of sales promotion. Likewise people are
claimed by the cash prizes out of all others.

Most people like little bit of the contest but out of persons who have taken parts in
contest have not got any prizes yet. And those who have got the prizes are insisted to
have same brand of beer. So it is clear that the people who get the prizes out of
promotional activities are convinced to have brands of beers. Electronic media is very
popular among the people and the people who watch and listen media notice the
advertisement, the percentage of the people notice advertisement for entertainment s
are higher than for information. There are positive relationship between the sales and
sales promotion. If the expense on sales promotion increase in the sales increase in
high speed. Cash prizes are the most popular as well as effective sales promotion
techniques for beer industries. In one hand, companies in every promotional program
offer cash prizes and other hand most people say that they are induced by the cash

Adhikari (2018) entitled on ―Impact of Sales Promotion Tools on Sales of Tea was
conducted in the field of sales promotion. The following are the major objectives of
the present study.
i. To find out the promotional tools and media is more acceptable to Nepalese
ii. To evaluate effectiveness of sales promotional activities in the sales of Tea in
iii. To evaluate the relationship between the relationship between sales promotion
package and consumer behavior.

This research is based on primary data as well as secondary data and the major
findings of this study were as follows:

i. People are aware about sales promotion activities. Out of them most people
know about item prize than coupon than cash prizes .but cash prize is effective
than others tools.
ii. The sales of one brand doesn‘t affect negatively to the sales of other brands. iii.
As the observation shows that the trend of all two brands are increasing.
iv. All media is not popular among the people. Only electronic media (F.M, T.V) is
very popular among the people and the people who watch and listen media notice
the ads, the percentage of the people notices ads for entertainment are higher than
for information.
v. Retailers are interested on promotional program. There are aware of cash prize
than other promotional work. Thus sales promotion programmed has positive
impact on retailers and most of them taken parts on contest and win prizes.

Shrestha, (2019), has conducted research study on ―The Role of Impaction

Advertising in Sales (A study of Bottlers Nepal Ltd., Bottlers Nepal (Terai) Ltd. and
Nepal Lever Ltd” with following objectives:

i. To measure the advertising expenditure of Bottlers Nepal Limited. Bottles

Nepal (Terai) Ltd and Nepal Lever Limited and its impact of sales.
ii. To analyze the impact of advertising on total performance of Bottlers Nepal
Limited, Bottlers Nepal (Terai) Ltd iii. To measure the advertising
expenditure as percentage of company sales.

The study has conducted that the only purpose of advertising is to sell something a
product, a services or an idea. it is very powerful tool for the creation and retention of
consumer demand and it is pivot of modern industry and commerce .Finally the sales
has positive relationship with advertising expenditures and advertising plays a
significant role on the total performance of company as well as concerned companies
devoted a very small percentage of sale to advertising. The study has recommended
that the quality of advertisement should be improved, television advertising is more
popular and among the consumers of Kathmandu etc.

Aryal (2020), conducted another study is entitled of ―The Study of Impact on Market

Share of Colgate: in Comparison with Other Brands”. This study mainly focuses to
find out the market share of Colgate in comparison with total other brand toothpaste.
In this study is based on the primary and secondary data. The major findings of the
study are as follows.
i. Normally people brushes twice a day in KTM because of the people are
educated and are health conscious.
ii. Most people always performed T.V media among the various other media.
iii. The expenditure on toothpaste by people is not much because the price of
toothpaste is cheap than other daily uses commodities.

7. Research Methodology
Junk food contains little or zero nutritious value to the diet to much of unnecessary
and fat which are useless and harmful to human health. Junk foods are typically ready
to eat convenient food containing high level of saturated fats salt or sugar and little or
no fruits and vegetables.

7.1 Nature and Source of Data

For the accomplishment of this research I have used secondary as well as primary
data. The data collected through probability sampling technique. Primary information
and data has generated through questionnaire and interview with the consumer of

7.2 Population and Sample

The population of the study is all buyers and seller of the junk food in Kathmandu.
They have different academic background, income level, sex, age and professions.
The population represents the resident of Kathmandu and visitor also. It is almost
impossible to include the whole population in the study so; out of these populations
only 100 consumers have been taken.

7.3 Data Collection Tools and Techniques

This study was dominated by primary data. Questionnaire and direct interview with
sample was the source of primary data. Similarly, brochures, manuals, related data,
office article were the source of secondary data.

For the collection of required data some question will be asked to specific peoples.
The question may have different patterned. The concerned people will be asked to

answer their views for the question being asked. The set of questionnaire will be
distributed to each of them and asked to give their opinion about these questions.

As this researcher's topic is related to impact of junk food in Kathmandu so to know

about the previous condition, current status and its impact on society this method will
be appropriate.

7.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

In this chapter those data collected from the respondents consumers of different strata
of Kathmandu are analyzed, interpreted and presented. For this purpose both
descriptive and statistical tools such as tables, bar diagrams, pie charts, percentage,
weighted average, and the used as the analytical and presentation tools.

The survey was aimed to collect views from 100 respondents both male and female in
equal preparation of different segment of Kathmandu.

8. Limitations of the Study

The research was performed for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the BBS.
So the study will be bounded by the following limitations.
i. Since the study deals only with one particular locality, the result drawn from
this study may or may not be applicable to other localities.
ii. This study only focuses on junk food analysis not as whole activities of
iii. The study was based on both primary data.

9. Organization of the Study

The whole study is divided in to three different chapters as below.

Chapter-I: Introduction: It included the background of the study, statement of the

problem, objective of the study, rationale of the study, review of related study,
research methodology, research design, population and sample, data processing
methods, data collection and procedure, limitation of the study and organization of the

Chapter-II: Analysis and Finding: This chapter includes “results and finding” using
computer software like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel etc.

Chapter-III: Summary and Conclusion: which include the summary of main finding
and conclusions of the study.


Adhikari (2018). Impact of Sales Promotion Tools on Sales of Tea. Kathmandu:

Vidyaathi Pusthak Bhandhar.

Aryal, D. (2020). “The Study of Impact on Market Share of Colgate: in Comparison

with Other Brands. Kathmandu: Asmita Publication

Bhatta, P.B. (2017). Sales Promotion and its Effect on Sales: A Case Study, of Beer
Market. Asmita Publication

Shrestha, P. (2019). The Role of Impact on Advertising in Sales (A study of Bottlers

Nepal Ltd., Bottlers Nepal (Terai) Itd. and Nepal Lever Ltd. Kathmandu: M.K.

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