Conference Brochure
Conference Brochure
Conference Brochure
Organized by :
Sponsored by: Departments of CSE & ECE
Science & Engineering (Autonomous)
ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi,
Research Board, DST, Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada,
New Delhi CSE, ECE & EEE Accredited by NBA, NAAC “A” Grade
Agiripalli, Vijayawada, India - 521212
Sponsored by AICTE & Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, New Delhi
About the Conference About the organizing Institute
International Conference on “Research The NRI Institute of Technology (Autonomous),
Advancements and Innovations in Computing, Pothavarappadu, Vijayawada was established in 2008
Communications and Information Technologies” – under the patronage of Sri Durga Malleswari Educational
ICRAIC2IT is being conducted by Departments of society, Vijayawada, to provide quality technical education
Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics and and to promote research and development activities in
Science, Engineering and Management fields. The
Communications Engineering, NRI Institute of
institution is built in a calm and serene atmosphere,
Technology, Agiripalli, Vijayawada, India during 22 –
surrounded by lush greenery and is well connected by
24 April, 2022.
college buses as well as public transportation. Ideally
The conference is going to be organized in a grand located on sprawling 20 acre Mango groves, on
way, in which a large number of academicians, Vijayawada − Nuziveedu State Highway, the campus is
Research Scholars, Industry professionals and about 23 KM away from Vijayawada and 22 KM away
Students from various Technical from Gannavaram Airport.
Institutions/Universities, Research Laboratories
NRIIT offers eight B.Tech Courses in Engineering viz., CSE,
across the globe will meet and share their research
CSE(AI&ML), CSE(DS), AI & ML, (CSE-Telugu Medium), IT,
findings. ICRAIC2IT will afford delegates unparalleled ECE, EEE, MECH and CIVIL Engineering and six Post
opportunities to communicate with competent Graduate programmes viz., M.Tech with five
professionals throughout the world prompt a tight specializations in Computer Science and Engineering,
link between theory and practice and explore Digital Electronics and Communication Systems, Power
different research perspectives and innovations in Electronics and Drives, Structural Engineering, and
the interdisciplinary as well as domain specific Thermal Engineering and Master of Business
approaches. Eminent keynote speakers are invited Administration.
from all over the world to share their experiences,
All departments are well equipped with the
research findings as well as future directions.
state−of−the−art equipment, sophisticated laboratories,
We cordially invite you to participate in the Computer Centers, with the most contemporary facilities
conference and make it a grand success. backed by advanced computer systems and the software.
Venue Call for Papers
NRI Institute of Technology, Pothavarappadu, Original contributions based on the results of research and
Agiripalli Mandalam Krishna District, developments are solicited. Prospective authors are
Andhra Pradesh, India Pin−521212 requested to submit their papers in not more than 8 pages,
Location: 16.66327986299729, 80.73777642559249 prepared in AIP paper format. All the accepted and
presented papers will be published in AIP Conference
proceedings (Scopus indexed).
ICRAIC2IT invites academicians, researchers, industry
professionals for submitting their original, previously
unpublished and high quality research papers. The
conference will be focused on addressing research
challenges in the following fields, but are not limited to:
Topics for Submission
Intelligent Systems Robotics and applications Block chain Technology
Data Mining Internet of Things (IoT) Business Intelligence &
Cloud Computing and Mobile ad hoc Networks Analytics
Applications Soft Computing Computer networks
Artificial Intelligence Ubiquitous Networks Cooperative Autonomous
Augmented Reality (AR)/ Virtual Virtual Reality and Systems (UAVs/UGVs)
Reality (VR) Visualization Cyber Security
Big Data Analytics VLSI/ULSI Data Sciences and Analytics
Information Systems and e- Wireless Sensor Networks Human-Computer Interaction
Governance Algorithms and applications Image, Speech and Signal
Embedded Systems &Applications Real time systems Processing
Sponsored by AICTE & Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, New Delhi