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Engineering Review, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 1-10, 2019.



Kun Fang–Le Ru * –Yunlong Yu – Xufeng Jia – Shuguang Liu

Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an, Shanxi 710038, China


Article history: Creating a clustering structure is considered the
Received: 22.05.2016. performance of radio frequency (RF) stealth for
Received in revised form: 11.12.2016. data link in the battlefield environment and the
Accepted: 11.01.2017. dynamic topology characteristic for larger-scale
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ad hoc networks.
Energy balance This problem is of a great importance-to get low
Mobility prediction intercept probability of the data link and low
Rf stealth of communication randomness of clustering structure. An energy
Doppler shift balance and mobility prediction (EBMP) clustering
Larger-scale UAV ad hoc networks algorithm is proposed. In the initial clustering
DOI: http://doi.org/10.30765/er.39.1.1 stage, the power management for information
transmission is conducted in the network layer and
the MAC layer. The Doppler shift is implemented
to estimate the relative speeds stability degree
between neighboring UAVs when they exchange
Hello packets. It can be selected as cluster head
(CH) where one UAV associates lower energy
consumption with higher relative stability. In the
cluster maintaining stage, a CH rotation process
for the dynamic topology to improve resource
utilization efficiency. The inter-cluster
communication is enhanced by dynamic packet
forwarding gateway. The simulations and analysis
show that this scheme can provide better results
for larger-scale UAV ad hoc networks compared to
MPBC and MPCR in terms of improving CH
lifetime and throughput, reducing average delay.

1 Introduction application of Ad Hoc Networks. However, when

the speed of UAVs is very fast, the topology
With the development of science and technology, changes quickly, which results in poor link quality
UAVs have become more and more popular in between UAVs. The increasing control overheads
various fields such as military and civilian. The way threaten the throughput of the network. Meanwhile,
to carry out tasks is from single UAV to a swarm of the data link generally uses maximum peak power
UAVs [1]. Aeronautical Ad Hoc Networks to transmit information [2]. However, for large-
(AANET) is the typical development and scale UAV ad hoc networks, not only reliable
transmission of data should be ensured, but also the

Corresponding author. Tel.: +8617791658816
E-mail address: destinywe2015@sina.com
2 K. Fang, L. Ru et al: An energy balance and mobility…

intercept probability of communication in the clusters. But MPCR is too dependent on ferry nodes
complex battlefield environment should be reduced. for inter-cluster communication.
The transmission power is set to minimum value In this paper, inspired by the above work and
that provides acceptable performance in order to shortcomings, we propose an energy balance and
achieve RF stealth. Energy balance is favorable for mobility prediction (EBMP) clustering algorithm.
power management, which can accordingly achieve The proposed EBMP clustering algorithm includes
RF stealth in information transmission process [3]. three stages. In the initial clustering stage, we
Clustering is an effective method for improving the combine the transmission power management with
performance of large-scale UAV ad hoc networks, the RF stealth of communication, which is to realize
which can solve the problem of network expansion the goal of energy balance. We adopt the Doppler
and satisfy the requirements of communication. shift to estimate the neighboring UAVs’ relative
In previous work, the advantages of the clustering stability degree. Then we use the estimated energy
algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) consumption and relative stability degree to select
have been widely studied. As research continues, the appropriate UAV as the CH and establish
the clustering algorithm for mobile nodes over clusters. In the cluster maintaining stage, the CH
hierarchical structure was investigated and rotation strategy is used to keep a stable clustering
compared with plane structure. Now, there has been relationship for a long term. In the communication
much interest in studying the communication stage, we design routing algorithm of EBMP to deal
performance of large-scale and highly dynamic ad with the problems of intra-cluster communication
hoc networks by using clustering algorithm. In [4], a and inter-cluster communication.
clustering algorithm based on probability degree is
proposed by using Markov process for solving the 2 Cluster structure
problem of instability in communication. The node
of the highest link connectivity probability is Without loss of generality, this paper adopts
selected as the CH. The algorithm can decrease the reference point group mobility (RPGM) model. The
clustering maintenance cost. In [5], a mobility CH UAV acts as the reference point and it moves
metric-based clustering (MOBIC) algorithm is with random directions and speeds chosen from
proposed. The algorithm uses the power of two [0,2π] and [vmin,vmax], where vmin and vmax are
successively received packets to evaluate the minimum and maximum speed of UAVs. Other CM
relative motion between two mobile nodes, but the UAVs need an additional [0,2π] random offset on
nodes need to move with similar speed and the basis of the speed and direction of CH UAV.
direction, which is not suitable for the UAV moves The movement characteristics of the CM UAVs are
randomly. The clustering algorithm proposed in [6] generally consistent with the CH UAV in the
called adaptive distributed weighted clustering service area. Each UAV changes its initial speed
algorithm (ADWCA). The algorithm considers and direction only when the CM UAV is ready to
mobility of the node, the average distance between leave the original cluster to join another cluster or
neighbors, degree of nodes, and energy become an orphan node.
consumption. Its comprehensive performance is Each UAV broadcasts Hello packets with a constant
superior, but ADWCA is not especially appropriate period T. Based on the received Hello packet, each
for a highly dynamic network. In [7], a mobility node can establish and update a neighbor list. If
prediction-based clustering (MPBC) scheme is UAV j is currently on the neighbor's list of UAV i,
proposed. The Doppler shift is used to estimate the but UAV i does not receive Hello packets from
neighboring nodes’ relative speeds. The nodes UAV j more than aT(a>1), then UAV j is removed
having the smallest relative mobility in their from the neighbor list of UAV i. Physical channel
neighborhoods are selected as the CHs, but the fading and transmission collision would affect that
speed calculation is not precise. In [8], a mobility UAV i normally receives Hello packets.
prediction clustering routing (MPCR) algorithm is Appropriate increase in the value of a in the
proposed. The algorithm selects the node that has allowed range can provide a more stable cluster
the largest connectivity as the CH and introduces structure.
ferry nodes forward messages between different The backbone network should be established
between clusters for inter-cluster communication
Engineering Review, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 1-10, 2019. 3

and building of the one-hop communication subnet change the transmission power of network layer
within the cluster. The routing information of intra- packet and MAC layer control frame from time to
cluster and inter-cluster is maintained by the CH. It time. In order to preferably achieve RF stealth of
has two-hop communications in the cluster at most, communication, the transmission power is switched
which use CH relay. The hierarchical network of by the distance between two UAVs when
the cluster structure is shown in the Fig. 1. transmitting the data packet. The network layer
packet and MAC layer control frame the use of
transmission power constantly. The transmission
power consists of three types of information, and it
is defined as follows:
1) In order to realize the return routability in the
whole network, the transmission power of RREQ
must be large enough to reach information from any
UAV in the network. We stipulate its transmission
power as the maximum value of Pij, where Pij is the
transmission power between UAV i and UAV j that
they can communicate with each other.

=PRREQ max{Pt (dij ) | i, j ∈ N } (1)

Figure 1. The hierarchical network of the cluster Where, dij is the distance between UAV i and UAV
structure. j, its value can be calculated from received signal
strength indicator (RSSI) [9]:
3 CH selection in the EBMP algorithm
[27.55+ RSSIij (dB) − 20 lg( f ) + ( ∑ Gij − ∑ Lij )]/20
dij = 10 (2)
3.1 Energy consumption model
Where, Gij is the sum of the transmitting and
According to the protocol stack system model, the receiving antenna gain of UAV i and UAV j, f is the
information transmission types of UAVs are natural frequency of the transmitter. These two are
roughly divided into three categories: network layer hardware system parameters that can be found in
packet (Hello, RREQ, RREP), MAC layer control technical manuals. Lij is the loss of signal obtained
frame (RTS, CTS, ACK), and data packet. from basic rules. RSSI can be obtained at the
Economical power management can reduce the receiver.
intercept probability of communication and achieve When RREQ completes the route discovery, it uses
RF stealth for data transmission. One UAV adjusts the same transmission power for RREP and Hello as
the transmission range in the network layer This long as two UAVs can be received successfully.
concern whether or not the UAV has the ability to
discover the neighbor UAVs. The MAC layer = P=
PRREP Pt (dij ) , (i, j ∈ N ) (3)
mainly controls the minimum area required for
information transmission, which concerns space
multiplexing of the entire network. Therefore, 2) In order to achieve data transmission efficiently,
power management must compromise the pros and we select the maximum mean value from the
cons of the network layer and MAC layer to achieve distance and the distance of two UAVs to determine
a relatively optimal result. the transmission power of MAC layer control
The number and duration of data packet are more frame.
than control packet. It would lead to a waste of Each CM UAV with a uniform distribution, the
energy, if data packet and control packet use the probability density function of the distance between
same transmission power. Frequently switched any two UAVs can be expressed as follows:
transmission power will result in additional energy
consumption and power switching delay in the f ( d ) = 2d 2 (4)
hardware system. Therefore, it is not appropriate to Rmax
4 K. Fang, L. Ru et al: An energy balance and mobility…

Where, d is the distance variable of any two UAVs, transmitting and receiving l bits information can be
Rmax is the maximum transmission range of the expressed as follows:
UAV. The mean distance value E(d) can be
obtained by integration. Ptij l
Etij (l ) ( ETelec + ) (9)
σi r
E(d )= ∫ f ( x)xdx =
Rmax (5)
Erij (l ) = ERelec
0 r

Based on the above analysis, the transmission Where, σi is the amplifier power amplifier
power of MAC layer control frame can be efficiency of UAV i, σi∈(0,1].
expressed as follows:
3.2 Mobility prediction model
PMAC max{Pt (dij ), Pt ( R max ) | i, j ∈ N } (6)
3 Any UAVs are flying at a certain speed, in order to
estimate the relative speed between the two UAVs
3) Data packet is the major part of all the UAVs that and reduce the calculation complexity. Without loss
communicate in the network. Based on the wireless of generality, we set up a coordinate system of
channel model, the transmission power is adjusted relative motion and estimate the relative speed in
by the distance between two UAVs: approaching scenario. We see UAV i as static at
coordinate origin O and UAV j as mobile with a
Pt (dij ) b=
Ptmin (dij ) bKPrmin dij (7) relative speed vr toward negative direction of the x
axis at P. In fact, UAV i and UAV j are both mobile.
(4π ) 2 The relative speed can be estimated after UAV i
K= (8)
Gt Gr λ 2 receives two Hello packets from UAV j. UAV j
sends a Hello packet at P and Q, respectively. UAV
Where, Prmin is a sensitivity of receiver, Gt and Gr i successfully receives the packets. T is the time
are the transmitting and receiving antenna gain, λ is interval between two Hello packets. Fig. 2
the wavelength. It is bound to produce the loss in illustrates relative mobility of two UAVs.
the process of information transmission. A
coefficient b greater than one is multiplied before
the theoretical minimum transmission power. This
is to ensure that the received signal is no less
sensitive from a receiver in a real case.
At transmitter, energy consumption is mainly
generated by the transmitting circuit and power
amplifier. At the receiver, energy consumption is
done only by the receiving circuit. Suppose there
are l bits information to be transmitted from the
UAV i to UAV j. Etij(l) represents the energy
consumption that UAV i transmit l bits information
to UAV j, Erij(l) represents the energy consumption
that UAV j receive l bits information from UAV i, Figure 2. Relative mobility of two UAVs.
ETelec represents a unit bit stream energy
consumption of the transmitting circuit, ERelec In the Fig. 2, let frj be the transmission frequency of
represents a unit bit stream energy consumption of Hello packets from UAV j to UAV i at P. θ is the
the receiving circuit. Ptij represents the transmission included angle between frj and vr. According to the
power and determined by the types of information special theory of relativity, frj satisfies the following
transmission, r represents the information formula with the previously mentioned transmitter
transmission rate. The energy consumption of natural frequency f:
Engineering Review, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 1-10, 2019. 5

f rj =f 1 − ( r ) 2 =f 1 − β 2 (11) 3.3 The CH selection
In order to get low intercept probability of the data
Where, c is the speed of light.
link and low randomness of clustering structure, we
f0 is the receiving frequency of Hello packets at
calculate the energy consumption and the relative
UAV i and can be expressed as follows:
stability degree of each UAV and formulate the
weights to select CH UAV.
1− β 2 Setting a period of time τ (τ<aT), which can ensure
f0 = f (12)
1 − β cos θ that any UAV has sufficient time to receive the
information from neighbor UAVs within τ. The CH
Where T is very short and θ is small, therefore, cosθ selection adopts the Analytic Hierarchy Process
can be approximated as follows: (AHP) to determine the weight of each index. UAV
i become the CH which has the largest Weight.
d OP − d OQ d OP − d OQ
cos θ ≈ = (13)
d PQ vrT =
Weighti 0.26e − Ei + 0.74e − SDi (20)

Where, dOP, dOQ can be calculated from the formula 4 Clusters formation
Substituting (13) in (12), we have In order to ensure the stability of the whole
network, it can reduce the likelihood of congestion
v that set the bandwidth of intra-cluster and inter-
( r ) 2 = 1 − A2 B 2 (14) cluster to be B1 and B2. If the whole network can be
divided into m clusters, we have B2=mB1. We can
A= 0 (15) get the optimal number of UAVs in a cluster
according to the conclusion about [11]:
d OP − d OQ
B= 1− (16)
Tc 3
=n N= N 4 (21)
m B2
From (14), (15) and (16), vr can be solved as

f0 2 d OP − d OQ 2 The clusters formation can be described as follows:

vrnij =
c 1− ( ) (1 − ) (17) 1) UAV i calculated its Weighti from other UAVs in
f Tc its neighbor list. The Weighti is updated based on
the latest neighbor list. Upon receiving the Weightj
The relative speed in the receding scenario can be from its neighbors, UAV i compares them with its
estimated in a similar way. own Weighti. If its Weighti is the most, UAV i
becomes a CH and broadcasts the HEAD
f0 2 d OP − d OQ 2 announcement to its neighbors. The HEAD
vrfij =
c 1− ( ) (1 − ) (18) announcement contains the address of UAV i and
f Tc
its own Weighti. Otherwise, UAV i waits for the
HEAD announcement from other UAVs. Each UAV
The only difference between (17) and (18) is A and independently operates the CH selection algorithm
B which have been defined in (15) and (16), in (17) of EBMP.
A>1,B<1, but in (18) A<1,B>1. 2) CH UAV i initializes a N*2 matrix GJ, each line
The stability degree of X can be calculated by the is used to store a JOIN announcement other UAVs.
variance D(X) [10]. Therefore, the relative stability The JOIN announcement includes the address of the
degree of UAV i can be expressed as follows: applicant UAVs and the amount of HEAD
vr2ij vrij 2 announcement in their own GH. The other UAVs
= SDi (∑ ) − (∑ ) (19)
j N j N
initialize N*2 matrix GH. When other UAVs receive
6 K. Fang, L. Ru et al: An energy balance and mobility…

the HEAD announcement, they will save the HEAD 1) If CM UAVs does not receive Hello packet from
announcement in their own GH. CH UAV i after a long time aT, CH UAV i is
3) Waiting for a period of time τ. UAV j will send considered that have lost contact or been shot down.
the JOIN announcement to apply to join the cluster At this time, CM UAVs remove CH UAV from
if there is only one HEAD announcement in its GH. their GH and re-select a new CH UAV.
UAV j will select the largest Weight of UAVs and 2) When CH UAV i find that its Weighti is below
send the JOIN announcement if there are many more than half of CM UAVs, CH UAV i broadcasts
HEAD announcements in its GH. a ROTATION announcement to CM UAVs. CM
4) CH UAV i counts the rows nJ of its GJ after a UAVs begin the CH selection algorithm when
period of time τ. It will send AGREE receive the ROTATION announcement. The
announcements to all the UAVs which are in the GJ previous CH UAV i does not participate in the
if nJ<n. If nJ>n, CH UAV i preferentially send the competition and no longer serves as the CH and
AGREE announcements to UAVs whose second only waits to receive the HEAD announcement.
column value of GJ is 1 (UAV j only received one The new CH UAV modifies the previous CH UAV
HEAD announcement). The aim is to reduce the and its own IP address base on the IP address of
state of orphan UAV. Then CH UAV i selects the originally assigned for the cluster, which can avoid
smaller row index value (CH UAV i early received introducing unnecessary cost after CH rotations and
the JOIN announcements, means shorter distance improve the efficiency of the cluster.
between two UAVs) of UAVs in the GJ and send
AGREE announcements to them, just like the first 6 Routing algorithm of the EBMP
in first out (FIFO) of the stack structure. CH UAV i
specifies n UAVs in the cluster at most, make nJ=n. 6.1 Intra-cluster communication
AGREE announcement includes the address of CH
UAV i and IP address that assigned for each CM CH UAV directly sends the data to CM UAVs to
UAVs. lookup its neighbor list. When CM UAV j wants to
5) UAV j removes CH UAV i from its GH if it does send the data, it first lookups whether the
not receive the AGREE announcement after a destination UAV in its neighbor list. If the
period of time τ. If its GH is void, UAV j becomes destination UAV is in the neighbor list, then it
orphan UAV. If its GH is non-void, UAV j selects communicates directly to the destination UAV.
the largest Weight of UAVs in the modified GH and Otherwise, UAV j sends data to CH UAV, CH
send the JOIN announcement to it. When UAV j UAV acts as a relay.
successfully becomes a CM UAV, it will clear its
GH except the address of CH UAV, which is used to
identify the cluster that UAV j belongs to. 6.2 The inter-cluster communication

5 The CH rotations Priority of routing will be given to those who have

the least energy consumption (the shorter distance)
Energy consumption of CH UAV is much larger by CH UAV when broadcasts RREQ. Since CM
than CM UAVs. Since CH UAV not only maintains UAVs are within one hop range for their CH UAV.
the topology within the cluster, but also updates the If one CH UAV finds that destination UAV is in its
routing list at any moment. The relative mobility neighbor list when received RREQ, it will
between a CH UAV and all its CM UAVs may immediately reply RREP to source CH. Therefore,
change with time. To keep a stable clustering the communication routing is established which can
relationship for a long term, it may be necessary to provide a viable path for information transmission
have a different UAV service as CH UAV under between different clusters of lower energy
some conditions. consumption.
In EBMP clustering algorithm, CH UAV updates its However, the communication between the different
neighbor list with CM UAVs based on the received clusters must occur through the gateway. It is
Hello packets. It will implement CH rotations if the mainly due to different clusters use the different
following two conditions occurr: spreading codes. The gateway can choose to
connect two different clusters. A UAV cannot
Engineering Review, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 1-10, 2019. 7

always serve as a gateway due to the random Fig. 4. We use the literature [12] proposed the
movement. For this reason, we modified RREP concept of entropy:
packet by adding two fields for storing the sequence
number of the gateway and assigned IP address. The 1 1
= K = −{0.5[H1 ( X ) − H 2 ( X )]−5} − (0.5 ∆ H −5)
modified RREP packet as shown in Fig. 3. 1+ e 1+ e
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Where, K∈(0,1]. H1(X), H2(X) denotes the entropy
Type RA Reserved Prefix size Hop count of UAV X at time t1, t2. ΔH is the difference of the
Destination UAV IP address entropy in the t1-t2. The larger of the value K is, the
Destination UAV sequence number greater the data fluctuates, and vice versa.
Source UAV IP address
Therefore, one UAV that has the largest value of K
Gateway of cluster i IP address
... will be selected as the gateway. The UAV that has
the smallest r value K is the standby gateway.
Gateway of cluster i sequence number

Life time
7 Simulation and analysis

The simulation software is NS-2.29 and MATLAB.

Figure 3. The modified RREP packet.
There are 200 UAVs distributing in 500km*500km
service area. Dynamic TDMA is adopted in the
The CH of the source UAV assigns the gateway and
cluster. The competition slots have the same
IP addresses when received RREP. The source
number of UAVs. The number of data slots is 1.5
UAV only submits the data to CH UAV or the
times than the competition slots. When two UAVs
assigned gateway. CH UAV and the assigned
are within each other’s communication distance, the
gateway complete the information transmission
packet loss probability that transmitted Hello packet
through the established routing.
is 0.1.

Table 1. Parameter settings

Parameters Value
MAC protocol IEEE802.11
number of UAVs 200
speed of UAVs 70m/s~150m/s
Figure 4. The gateway selection. data packet length 5120bits
channel rate 4Mb/s
The selection of gateway uses the method of the
bandwidth 30Mb/s
shortest projection distance. One UAV is selected
carrier frequency 2.4GHz
as gateway that it has the shortest distance between
data packets delay 0.1s
its projection point and the adjacent CH UAV. The
projection point is on the line connecting two CH
UAVs. For example, in the cluster 1 of the Fig. 4, For comparison, MPCR and MPBC clustering
the projection points on the line connecting the CH algorithm are indicated with the EBMP. In order to
UAV h1 and CH UAV h2 of UAV A and UAV G are make each clustering algorithm in the same
A0 and G0. The UAV A selects the gateway because simulation condition, in the simulation, the ferry
of A0 h2< G0 h2. UAV is canceled from MPCR algorithm. The
But the projection points may coincide with one average CH lifetime, throughput, and average delay
point, which corresponds to two or more UAVs that are compared in order to analyze the performance of
have the shortest distance with the adjacent CH three clustering algorithms.
UAV. One UAV is selected as the gateway and the
other is the standby gateway. Which UAV E or F
can be selected as gateway in the cluster 4 of the
8 K. Fang, L. Ru et al: An energy balance and mobility…

In Fig. 6, the average CH lifetime decreases

gradually with the number of UAVs increasing in
one cluster at vmax=90m/s. The variance of relative
speed will be violent due to many UAVs in the
cluster, which makes the Weight of CH UAV early
below more than half of CM UAVs. Three
clustering algorithms have the same tendency before
35 UAVs in one cluster. When the number of UAVs
exceeds 35, for MPCR, its delivery rate of packets
increases, but CH UAV requires a lot of
information to maintain its topology, which makes
the average CH lifetime to rapidly decline. That
sacrifices the control overhead and only slightly
improves the delivery rate of packets. It is
substantially the same tendency with the EBMP and
Figure 5. The average CH lifetime versus vmax. MPBC. Two clustering algorithms use the Doppler
shift to predict relative speed between two UAVs.
The EBMP uses variance to calculate the stability
degree differing from the sliding average of MPBC.
The EBMP adopts power control to reduce intercept
probability of the data link. The limitations of CH
rotations are more detailed.

Figure 6. The average CH lifetime versus the

number of UAVs.

In Figure 5, there are 30 UAVs in one cluster. The

average CH lifetime reduces rapidly when the vmax
increases. The larger the vmax, the smaller is stability
degree. Meanwhile, the delivery rate of packets will Figure 7. Throughput versus time.
reduce, and extra energy would be consumed to
retransmit the packets. It can be seen that the EBMP Figure 7 depicts the throughput versus time at 30
has larger average of CH lifetime than MPBC and UAVs in one cluster and vmax = 90m/s. Before 200s,
MPCR. The MPCR clustering algorithm requires a three clustering algorithms have little difference.
lot of information to update the cluster topology After 200s, there are many differences for three
structure. O the one hand, the EBMP considers the algorithms. Because MPCR canceled ferry UAVs in
energy consumption of information transmission the simulation, it has little effect on intra-cluster
relieving the pressure of CH UAV and the network communication, but the inter-cluster communication
overhead. On the other hand, using the minimum faces being capped. The inter-cluster
transmission power to send information and ensure communication of MPBC uses two CH UAVs from
the information can be received exactly, which can different adjacent clusters. It needs the step of
decrease the intercept probability of the data link. decoding due to UAVs in different cluster and use
Engineering Review, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 1-10, 2019. 9

different spreading codes, which affects the speed of UAV increases. The data loss and
throughput of the whole network. The EBMP adds retransmissions make the average delay increase
the gateway, which is not fixed one UAV. On the rapidly. In the EBMP, CH UAV flexibly chooses
one hand, it can adapt to the dynamic topology of the gateway, which can increase the number of hops
the network. On the other hand, the gateway and improve the reliability. When the link interrupts,
relieves the pressure of CH UAV and coordinates CH UAV quickly finds a suitable route for
the different spreading codes between the adjacent information transmission because it maintains a
clusters, which increase the throughput. routing list with the other CHs. Therefore, the
EBMP has a lower average delay than MPBC and
In Fig. 9, the average delay rises with the number of
UAVs increase in one cluster at vmax=90m/s. The
possibility of congestion will be increased with the
number of CM UAVs increase. For MPCR, the
redundancy of information will produce in the
cluster without ferry UAVs. When the number of
CM UAVs is small, the average delay increased
slowly. The average delay increases rapidly as the
number of CM UAVs increases. MPBC has the
same tendency with the EBMP when the number of
CM UAVs is lower than 30. After more than 30, the
average delay rises rapidly. On the one hand, the
CM UAVs contend slots with dynamic TDMA. On
the other hand, CH UAV works as a receiver and
Figure 8. Average delay versus vmax. transmitter for inter-communication, which makes
enormous pressure on CH UAV. The contradiction
frequently increases when the number of CM UAVs
increases, which increases the packet loss
probability of information for CH UAV, so that the
average delay rises rapidly. The EBMP dynamically
changes the gateway. On the one hand, it can
alleviate the pressure of CH UAV. On the other
hand, it can avoid a UAV serving as the gateway all
the time. It can assign another gateway to choose a
new path with light load when the path congested.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed the EBMP

algorithm for larger-scale UAV ad hoc networks
and analyzed its performance. The proposed
Figure 9. Average delay versus the number of clustering algorithm uses power management and
UAVs. the Doppler shift to select CHs. Further we used
the CH rotation strategy for a cluster to maintain the
In Fig. 8, there are 30 UAVs in one cluster. The established clusters. Meanwhile, we designed a
average delay rises rapidly when the vmax increases. routing algorithm of the EBMP to optimize
The larger the vmax, the faster the outage probability effectively the routing policy in intra-cluster and
of the link increases. MPCR canceled ferry UAVs, inter-cluster communication. The simulations show
and the data cannot be efficiently forwarded when that the EBMP algorithm can do well in making the
the queue is full. MPBC pays more attention to the energy consumption in the whole network more
link lifetime, which is bound to decline when the balanced, and the structure of clusters trends stable.
10 K. Fang, L. Ru et al: An energy balance and mobility…

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