Best Description of LTE-A
Best Description of LTE-A
Best Description of LTE-A
QoS-Guaranteed Radio Resource Management in
LTE-A Co-Channel Networks with Dual Connectivity
Ren-Hung Hwang * , Min-Chun Peng and Kai-Chung Cheng
Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University,
Chiayi 600, Taiwan
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +886-5-272-9396
Received: 26 June 2019; Accepted: 25 July 2019; Published: 26 July 2019
Featured Application: Dual connectivity increases data rate of user equipment (UE), suitable for
multimedia applications in cellular networks.
Abstract: Dual connectivity (DC) was first proposed in 3GPP Release 12 which allows one piece
of user equipment (UE) to connect to two base stations in heterogeneous networks (HetNet) at
the same time, to increase the flexibility of resource utilization. DC has been further extended to
multiple connectivity in 5G New Radio (NR). On the other hand, different UE tends to have different
bandwidth requirements. Thus, in DC, one of the challenging issues is how to integrate resources
from two base stations to enhance the quality of service (QoS) as well as the data transfer rate of
each UE. In this paper, we proposed novel resource management mechanisms to improve the QoS
of UE in the co-channel dual connectivity network. In terms of resource allocation, we designed
the Max–Min Threshold Scheduler (MTS) which, in principle, allocates a resource block to the UE
with the best channel quality while considering the issues of intercell resource allocation and the
QoS requirement of each UE. In order to balance the load of different cells, we designed a novel
cell selection scheme based on the HetNet Congestion Indicator (HCI) which considers not only the
signal quality of UE but also the remaining resources of each base station. To improve the QoS of cell
edge UE, cell range expansion (CRE) and the Almost Blank Subframe (ABS) were proposed in 3GPP.
In this paper, based on Q-learning, we designed an adaptive mechanism which dynamically adjusts
the ABS ratio according to the network condition to improve resource utilization. Our simulation
results showed that our MTS scheduler was able to achieve a 31.44% higher data rate than the
Proportional Fairness Scheduler; our HCI cell selection scheme yielded a 2.98% higher data rate than
the signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) cell selection scheme; the QoS satisfaction rate of
our Q-learning dynamic ABS scheme was 4.06% higher than that of the Static ABS scheme. Finally,
for the cell edge users who often suffer poor data transfer rate, by integrating the mechanisms of DC,
CRE, and ABS, our experimental results showed that the QoS satisfaction ratio of cell edge UEs could
be improved by 10.76% as compared to the single connectivity and no ABS situation.
1. Introduction
Due to the rapidly growing mobile data traffic, 4G is not able to meet the current traffic demand.
With the limited wireless radio resource, dual connectivity (DC) technology and heterogeneous network
(HetNet) architecture can improve the data transfer rate beyond 4G. DC is based on carrier aggregation
(CA) and coordinated multi-point (CoMP), allowing user equipment (UE) to connect two different
base stations at the same time, which are referred to as Master eNodeB (MeNB) and Secondary
eNodeB (SeNB) [1]. Recently, DC has been further extended to include multiple connectivity in 5G
New Radio (NR) [2]. The research studies on DC have attracted quite a lot of attention, e.g., in [3–5],
authors have explored the potential benefits and challenges, including buffer status reporting, power
headroom calculation, discontinuous reception, logical channel prioritization, bearer split, and so on.
In [6], authors indicated that MeNB and SeNB have different scheduling requirements, proposing the
coordination mechanism to prevent the user equipment from using beyond its maximum transmission
power. In [7], a study of DC was divided into control plane and user plane issues. Using the channel
state information reference signal (CSI-RS), which is unique to the Multi-input Multi-output (MIMO)
frame, SeNB no longer deals with handover issues and MeNB can update the Radio Resource Control
(RRC) of the user equipment to achieve handover between the different base stations. In summary,
DC can effectively improve throughput in HetNet by optimal resource allocation [8]. Thus, in this
paper, we focused on DC combined with the radio resource management to integrate resources across
base stations and do the best to satisfy the bandwidth requirements of UEs. We explored three
research topics in DC, including resource allocation, cell selection, and enhanced inter-cell interference
coordination (e-ICIC).
In the study of the resource allocation, most commonly adopted resource scheduling mechanisms are
Round Robin Scheduler (RR), Best Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) Scheduler (BCQI), and Proportional
Fair Scheduler (PF) [9–11]. RR, which is simple to implement, assigns equal portions of resource blocks
(RB) to each UE in a circular order. However, the disadvantage is that this scheduler does not consider
channel condition and can lead to low system throughput. In contrast, BCQI assigns resource blocks
based on the channel condition. Although the system throughput is increased, it may cause UEs with
low CQI suffer starvation. PF is a compromise between throughput and fairness, based on the balance
of the competing benefit among the UEs, trying to maintain fairness while maximizing throughput.
Therefore, in order to emphasize the system throughput and fairness, most of the literature adopted
Proportional Fair scheduling. In [12], the authors use Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimization conditions to
reduce the complexity of Proportional Fair, assuming that the transmission power of the base station is
evenly distributed on each subcarrier. In [13], the geometric mean is used to replace the arithmetic
mean in the Proportional Fair, which yields quicker convergence and improves throughput and block
error rate (BLER). In DC, since a UE could connect to two base stations at the same time, the co-channel
interference factors must also be considered. Therefore, the Proportional Fair is not necessarily the best
scheduler. We proposed to estimate the channel quality of each subcarrier and assign resource block to
the UE with the best CQI while considering how to integrate resources from two stations to enhance
QoS as well as data transfer rate of each UE.
In the study of the cell selection, the 3GPP defines that the basic cell selection principle of the
user equipment is done according to the received reference signal reception power (RSRP). The higher
the transmission power of the base station, the wider the range of signals that can be covered and the
more UEs will connect to that base station [14,15]. Many studies indicated that the RSRP is conducive
to large base stations (e.g., Macro BS), but not obvious for small cells (e.g., pico BS). In [16], the cell
range expansion (CRE) scheme is investigated, in which the coverage of pico BS is extended by adding
additional reference signal such that more UEs could select the pico BS rather than Macro BS. However,
increasing the CRE bias value alone does not improve the performance of the small cell, as the cell edge
users are significantly affected by the intercell interference. In [17], the serving cell is selected according
to the signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) which considers not only the transmission power
of the base station, but also the interference between the base stations. Many other factors are also
considered in cell selection in the literature, such as load balance, utility function of proportional fair,
dynamic strategy, and data transfer rate [18–21]. In this paper, based on the special features of DC,
we consider load balancing and downlink data transfer rate in the cell selection. Specifically, we first
estimate CQI based on SINR and then estimate the number of resource blocks that a UE can be assigned,
and finally calculate the actual data transfer rate.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3018 3 of 22
In the study of the enhanced intercell interference coordination, some previous works took the
the Macro
Almost BlankBS Subframe
were preserved for the
(ABS) into pico BS to achieve
consideration time
[22,23], in domain
which coordination.
a ratio of time slotsMost of previous
of a frame of the
works adopted static ABS setting and showed that the ratio of 0.5 yielded
Macro BS were preserved for the pico BS to achieve time domain coordination. Most of previous works the best performance.
adopted it may
static ABS waste a lotand
setting of wireless
showedresources of the
that the ratio ofMacro BS. Inthe
0.5 yielded thisbest
paper, we proposed
performance. a better
method to adjust the ABS ratio dynamically according to the network conditions.
it may waste a lot of wireless resources of the Macro BS. In this paper, we proposed a better method to It would decrease
the ABS
adjust theratio
ABSwhenratio the Macro BSaccording
dynamically is overloaded,
to theand increase
network the ABS ratio
conditions. to improve
It would decrease the throughput
the ABS ratio
when the Macro BS is overloaded, and increase the ABS ratio to improve the throughput theoretical
of pico BS when the load of Macro BS is low. Simulation results are given to substantiate of pico BS
when the with
load aofcomparison
Macro BS is withlow. fixed ABS configuration.
Simulation results are given to substantiate theoretical findings with
Besides, there
a comparison are various
with fixed types of small cell and UEs with different bandwidth requirements in
ABS configuration.
HetNet. Mostthere
Besides, literature focused
are various on single
types of smalltraffic, which
cell and UEsis with
not able to reflect
different the real-world
bandwidth situation
requirements in
[24]. Thus, in this work, multiple types of applications with different QoS requirements
HetNet. Most literature focused on single traffic, which is not able to reflect the real-world situation [24]. were
Thus, in this By work,considering voice of
multiple types traffic and video
applications traffic,
with we classify
different two types of
QoS requirements theconsidered.
were traffic into
different QoS indicators: Guaranteed bit rate (GBR) and maximum bit
By considering voice traffic and video traffic, we classify two types of the traffic into different rate (MBR). The QoS
indicators: of GBR is bit
Guaranteed a guaranteed
rate (GBR) and fix transmission
maximum bitrate, while that
rate (MBR). The of
QoSMBR is a guaranteed
requirement of GBR of is
a guaranteed fix transmission rate, while that of MBR is a guaranteed of minimum rate and aschemes
minimum rate and a limit of maximum rate. The numerical results show that our proposed limit of
had significant
maximum rate. improvement
The numericalinresults the QoSshowsatisfaction ratio thanschemes
that our proposed previoushadworks in the literature.
significant improvement
in theThe
QoSrest of this paper
satisfaction ratioisthan
previousas follows.
works inSection 2 introduced system design. The proposed
the literature.
Max–min Threshold Scheduler (MTS), HetNet Congestion Indicator (HCI), and Q-learning dynamic
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduced system design. The proposed
ABS will be described in detail in Section 3. The system deployment and the simulation results
Max–min Threshold Scheduler (MTS), HetNet Congestion Indicator (HCI), and Q-learning dynamic
present in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5, conclusion and future works are discussed.
ABS will be described in detail in Section 3. The system deployment and the simulation results present
in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5, conclusion and future works are discussed.
2. System Model
2. System Model
2.1. Co-Channel Networks with Dual Connectivity
2.1. Co-Channel Networks with Dual Connectivity
For HetNets, the wireless radio resources not only determine the quality of the network but also
determine whether
For HetNets, thethe bandwidth
wireless radio requirements of UEs
resources not only are satisfied.
determine In theoflimited
the quality wireless
the network butradio
resources, whether
determine how to effectively
the bandwidthimprove the spectrum
requirements of UEs utilization is very
are satisfied. important;
In the therefore,
limited wireless co-
channel HetNet
resources, how toiseffectively
currently improve
the mosttheefficient approach,
spectrum meaning
utilization that
is very Macro BS
important; and picoco-channel
therefore, BS co-use
the same
HetNet is frequency.
currently theHowever, the challenge
most efficient approach, of meaning
the co-channel network
that Macro is the
BS and picointerference between
BS co-use the same
each base station.
frequency. Based
However, theon the different
challenge downlink
of the transmission
co-channel network ispower of the basebetween
the interference station ineach
the low Based
station. poweron pico
theBS with the
different distancetransmission
downlink closer to the power
Macro of BSthe
suffer the greater
station interference,
in HetNets, the low
and lead
power picoto BS
decrease of the signal
the distance closercoverage of the
to the Macro BSpico
willBS, as shown
suffer in Figure
the greater 1 [25]. and lead to
the decrease of the signal coverage of the pico BS, as shown in Figure 1 [25].
Figure 1. Pico base station (BS) coverage area in the presence of a Macro BS.
Figure 1. Pico base station (BS) coverage area in the presence of a Macro BS.
In this paper, we combine the dual connectivity technology with CRE and ABS by integrating
resources from two base stations to enhance the data transfer rate of each UE. For example, in 3GPP
In this paper, we combine the dual connectivity technology with CRE and ABS by integrating
co-channel network scenario [1] as shown in Figure 2, it can be observed that UE 1 and UE 3 are close
resources from two base stations to enhance the data transfer rate of each UE. For example, in 3GPP
to the pico BS and Macro BS, respectively, and can receive better CQI than the UE 2. On the other
co-channel network scenario [1] as shown in Figure 2, it can be observed that UE 1 and UE 3 are close
hand, UE 2 is located at the signal junction of the base station and has a worse CQI due to the greater
to the pico BS and Macro BS, respectively, and can receive better CQI than the UE 2. On the other
interference. In order to enhance the data transfer rate, UE 2 with dual connectivity can access the
hand, UE 2 is located at the signal junction of the base station and has a worse CQI due to the greater
resources from Macro BS in non-ABS situations and can also access the resources from pico BS in ABS
interference. In order to enhance the data transfer rate, UE 2 with dual connectivity can access the
situations (see part (a) in Figure 2) where non-ABS means the ABS mechanism is not enabled.
resources from Macro BS in non-ABS situations and can also access the resources from pico BS in ABS
situations (see part (a) in Figure 2) where non-ABS means the ABS mechanism is not enabled.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3018 4 of 22
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x 4 of 22
betweenthe thedual
the original
original single
single connectivity
(SC) is that some UEs, such as UE 2, can access radio resources from the Macro BSBS
is that some UEs, such as UE 2, can access radio resources from the Macro and
and thethe pico
pico BS
BS simultaneously. In order to facilitate the management, as shown in Figure 2b,
simultaneously. In order to facilitate the management, as shown in Figure 2b, we define two we define two
categories of
of the
the user
user equipment,
equipment, namely
namely Macro
Macro user
user equipment
equipment (MUE)
(MUE) and
and Pico
Pico user
user equipment
(PUE). The characteristics of each category are described as follows.
(PUE). The characteristics of each category are described as follows.
•• Macro
userequipment (MUE):Only
equipment(MUE): Onlyaccess
access the radio resources from the pico BS. Therefore, in our proposed mechanisms, wegive
the radio resources from the pico BS. Therefore, in our proposed mechanisms, we will will
the MUE
give a higher
the MUE priority
a higher than the
priority PUE
than thein
resource allocation
the resource of the of
allocation Macro BS. BS.
the Macro
•• Picouser
Pico userequipment
resources from
from the
the pico
pico BS,
BS, aa UE
UE may
also accessthe
Figure2.2. Dual
Figure Dual connectivity
connectivity conditions.
2.2. Optimal Resource Allocation
2.2. Optimal Resource Allocation
In LTE-A, the basic schedule unit is a resource block (RB). One RB consists of 12 subcarriers and
In LTE-A, the basic schedule unit is a resource block (RB). One RB consists of 12 subcarriers and
a time domain, and the base station may calculate the data transfer rate of an RB when it is allocated
a time domain, and the base station may calculate the data transfer rate of an RB when it is allocated
to a specific UE. Due to the difference in channel quality, the signal status of different UE is different,
to a specific UE. Due to the difference in channel quality, the signal status of different UE is different,
so the data transfer rate will be affected by the modulation and coding rate (see Table 1).
so the data transfer rate will be affected by the modulation and coding rate (see Table 1).
Table 1. Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) table.
Table 1. Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) table.
CQI Index Modulation Code Rate × 1024 Efficiency
CQI Index Modulation Code Rate × 1024 Efficiency
0 out of range
0 out of range
1 QPSK 78 0.1523
120 0.1523
QPSK 120
193 0.2344
QPSK 193
308 0.3770
4 QPSK 308 0.6016
5 QPSK 449 0.8770
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3018 5 of 22
Table 1. Cont.
The impact of the resource scheduling on the data transfer rate is very significant. Since all UEs
share bandwidth of a base station, to optimize the system throughput it is intuitive to assign an RB
to the UE with the best channel quality. That is, we formulate a throughput optimization problem
as follows.
max TPu,k ∗ Xu,k (1)
u∈U k=1
where u is a UE belongs to the UE set U = {u1 , . . . , uU }, k is a RB of the RB set K = {1, 2, . . . , K}, TPu,k is
the throughput of RB k when it is allocated to the UE u, and Xu,k represents whether RB k is assigned
to UE u. TPu,k can be calculated by 12 (subcarriers) * 7 (symbols) * CQIe f f iciency . There is a positive
correlation between TPu,k and CQIe f f iciency ; however, CQIe f f iciency is not a linear function of CQIindex ,
which makes the objective function nonlinear. Therefore, we replace CQIe f f iciency with CQIindex and
make the optimization problem (1) to a 0–1 integer programming problem as follows:
max CQIu,k ∗ Xu,k . (2)
Xu,k k =1
Subject to: X
Xu,k ≤ 1∀k (3)
where Equation (3) constrains each RB can only be assigned to a UE, and Equation (4) states that Xu,k
is an indication variable.
Two common approaches of solving 0–1 linear programming problems are “implicit enumeration”
and “branch and bound”. Unfortunately, the computational complexity of these two methods is
exponential time. In order to reduce the computational complexity, we can first relax the 0–1 integer
programming to linear programming. The relaxed linear programming can then be solved by many
existing solutions, such as “simplex method”, “ellipsoid method”, and “interior point method”.
For example, in MATLAB, the linprog library is provided which can obtain the optimal solution by the
“internal point method” according to the scale of the optimization problem.
After obtaining the optimal solution from linear programming, two methods can be used to
transfer the solution back to the 0–1 integer programming solution.
• Max method: For RB k, the sum of all variables is at most 1 under constraint (3). The max
method sorts these variables in descending order, assigns 1 to the variable with the largest value
(i.e., allocate the RB to the UE) and 0 to the rest variables.
• Random method: For RB k, let N = Xi,k . The random method allocates RB k to UE i with
probability pi where pi = N (i.e., set Xi,k =1 and Xu,k = 0 ∀u , i).
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Parameters Configuration
Simulation time 500 TTI
Cellular layout Wrap around, 7 Macros, 3 sectors per site
Carrier frequency 2.14 GHz
Bandwidth 10 MHz
Number of RBs 50
Number of UEs per sector 5
Macro transmit power 46 dBm
Thermal noise −174 dBm/Hz
Pathloss model As in 3GPP TS 36.942
Table 3 shows the experimental results. As can be observed, random method did not perform well,
neither yielded good similarity to the optimal solution nor achieved good objective value. The max
method yielded the closest solution to the optimal solution. On the other hand, the max–min method
also yielded a very competitive solution to the max method, in particular, both methods yielded very
high objective value with less than 1% degradation. However, the max-min method had much less
computation complexity as compared to the other methods which need to solve 0–1 integer linear
programming or linear programming problem. In summary, the max-min method is a good candidate
mechanism for RB allocation.
• Guaranteed bit rate (GBR): Some applications, such as audio, require a fixed amount of bandwidth
continuously during their lifetime. Thus, the traffic characteristic as well as QoS requirement of
this kind of traffic is a constant data rate.
• Maximum bit rate (MBR): Yet, other types of applications, such as video, require a variable
amount of bandwidth. The traffic may be bursty, and is usually characterized by a peak data
rate and a sustainable data rate. Thus, we set the QoS requirement of MBR with two parameters,
namely a minimum of the sustainable data rate (or average data rate) and a peak (maximum)
data rate.
We took the QoS requirement into consideration while scheduling RBs. That is, when a base
station allocates RBs to UEs under its coverage, it will try its best to guarantee the QoS of each UE
under the constraint of limited RBs. Specifically, to provide QoS guarantee to UE u, the number of RBs
to be allocated depends on its QoS requirement and channel condition. For GBR traffic, the required
data rate is its guaranteed data rate while for MBR traffic, it is its minimum data rate. The number of
required RBs for UE u can be calculated by following equation [24]:
& '
NRBu = (5)
where UEu,QoS is QoS requirement for UE u, RBdata_rate is data rate of a RB, and NRBu is the minimum
number of the required RBs to satisfy the QoS of UE u. If the base station has abundant RBs, it will not
allocate more RBs to UEs with GBR traffic, instead, it will allocate to UEs with MBR traffic, but only up
to their peak data rate.
3. Proposed Schemes
The radio resource management scheme of base stations affects the performance of applying dual
connectivity in HetNets. In this section, we propose three novel schemes in resource scheduling, cell
selection, and enhanced intercell interference coordination, which are named Max—min Threshold
Scheduler (MTS), HetNet Congestion Indicator (HCI), and Q-learning Dynamic Almost Blank Subframe
(QD-ABS), respectively. The details for these schemes are outlined in the following.
(1) Find the maximum (max) of the CQI value in the matrix A, and assume it is A(i, j). It assigns the
i-th RB to the j-th UE so that the UE can receive the highest data rate with this RB.
(2) When there are more than one maximum CQIs in the matrix A, it selects the RB with minimum
(min) impact to the other UEs in the same row. For example, if A(i1, j1) and A(i2, j2) are the
same maximum in the matrix A, then it calculates s(i1) = M
j=1 A(i1, j) and s(i2) = j=1 A(i2, j),
respectively. It then assigns the i1-th RB to the j1-th UE first if s(i1) < s(i2).
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3018 8 of 22
FigureFigure 3. Table
3. Table of user
of user equipment (UE)’s
equipment (UE)’sCQI
CQIat each resource
at each block (RB).
resource block (RB).
Once the RB allocation is completed, the max–min scheduling then evaluates whether the QoS
Once the RB allocation
requirements is completed,
of the currently assigned UEs the
satisfied. Inscheduling then evaluates
LTE-A, the transport block (TB) whether
is used to the QoS
the currently
throughput assigned
of the UEs
downlink. A TBare satisfied.
consists In LTE-A,
of several RBs, andthe transport
all RBs block (TB) is used
must be transmitted
using the
to calculate unified CQI encoding.
throughput Given
of the the number
downlink. A ofTBavailable
consists RBsofthat can beRBs,
several assigned
UE, must be
it calculates the maximum data rate it can receive from the base station using following equation:
transmitted using unified CQI encoding. Given the number of available RBs that can be assigned to
the UE, it calculates the maximum data∗ RB
TB = Nsymbol rate it can receive from the base station using(6)following
assigned ∗ CQIe f f iciency ∗ Tslot − CRC
where Nsymbols is the number of symbols per RB, RBassigned is the number of RBs which the UE can be
𝑇𝐵is=the 𝑁
assigned, CQIe f f iciency ∗ 𝑅𝐵
bits per RB, ∗ 𝐶𝑄𝐼 of two time
Tslots is the number ∗𝑇 − 𝐶𝑅𝐶
slots per millisecond, and CRC (6)
is the cyclic redundancy check in 24 bits.
where 𝑁 is the number of symbols per RB, 𝑅𝐵 is the number of RBs which the UE can
3.1.2. Threshold Restrictions
be assigned, 𝐶𝑄𝐼 is the bits per RB, 𝑇 is the number of two time slots per millisecond,
Recall that there are two types of UEs in the system, namely MUE and PUE. Thus, we let
and CRC U is= the
UM cyclic redundancy
∪ UP , where UM and Ucheck in set
P are the 24 of
MUEs and PUEs respectively. Since MUE can only
access RBs of the Macro BS, the proposed MTS scheme gives higher priority to MUE when allocating
3.1.2. Threshold
RBs of theRestrictions
Macro BS, as illustrated in Figure 4. The MTS adopts a threshold-based scheme which
allocates a certain number of RBs to MUEs before it exercises the max–min scheduling. The basic idea
is to that theretheare
guarantee QoStwo typesfirst.
of MUEs of It
thenin the system,
adopts namely
the max–min MUEtoand
scheduling PUE.
allocate the Thus, we let 𝑼 =
𝑴 𝑷RBs to both MUEs
𝑼 ∪ 𝑼 , where 𝑼 andand 𝑼 PUEs.
are the set other
On the of MUEs
hand,and PUEs
the pico BS respectively. Since MUE
exercises the max-min can only
scheduling to access
RBs of the Macrothe BS,
RBs the
to PUEs only. MTS scheme gives higher priority to MUE when allocating RBs of
the Macro BS, as illustrated in Figure 4. The MTS adopts a threshold-based scheme which allocates a
certain number of RBs to MUEs before it exercises the max–min scheduling. The basic idea is to
guarantee the QoS of MUEs first. It then adopts the max–min scheduling to allocate the remaining
RBs to both MUEs and PUEs. On the other hand, the pico BS exercises the max-min scheduling to
allocate the RBs to PUEs only.
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Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x 9 of 22
4. Macro BS adopts
4. Macro threshold-based
BS adopts threshold-based RB allocationbefore
RB allocation before applying
applying the max-min
the max-min scheduling.
The number of RBs reserved for MUEs is based on solving following optimization problem,
The number of RBs reserved for MUEs is based on solving following optimization problem,
similar to the problem defined in Section 2, but two new constraints are added, as shown in the following.
similar to the problem defined in Section 2, but two new constraints are added, as shown in the
max CQI ∗ X . u,k u,k (7)
Xu,k u∈UM k =1
Xu,k ∈ { 0, 1} ∀u ∈ UM , k (11)
𝑋 , ≤of allocated
where Equation (9) means that the number
𝑁𝑅𝐵 RBs cannot 𝑼𝑴 the QoS requirement of the
∀𝑢 ∈exceed (9)
MUE, and Equation (10) means that the channel quality must be higher than CQI 7 to avoid wasting
RBs on low CQI MUEs. In summary, the threshold-based mechanism is expected to achieve similar
performance of the max-min𝐶𝑄𝐼 , ≥7
scheduling ∀𝑘 on similar optimization
because both methods are based (10)
objectives. The purpose of the threshold-based mechanism is to protect MUEs to access enough
resources before competing𝑋with ∈ 0, 1
, PUEs. ∀𝑢 ∈ 𝑼𝑴 , 𝑘 (11)
Equation (9) meansIndicator
HetNet Congestion that the number of allocated RBs cannot exceed the QoS requirement of
the MUE, and Equation (10) means that the channel quality must be higher than CQI 7 to avoid
Due to the dual connectivity, each piece of user equipment is connected to the Macro BS.
wasting RBs on lowproblem
The handover CQI MUEs. In summary,
between the HeNB willthebe
processed by themechanism
Macro BS. We is propose
expected to achieve
a new
Congestion Indicator (HCI) cell selection scheme to achieve the load balance, considering notsimilar
of the max-min scheduling because both methods are based on
only theobjectives.
signal qualityTheof purpose of also
the UE, but the threshold-based mechanism
the number of remaining is toofprotect
resources MUEs
each base to access
enough In resources
addition to before
the cell competing
selection, wewith
also use HCI to adjust the type of the UE, either MUE or PUE.
3.2.1. Cell Selection Scheme
3.2. HetNet Congestion Indicator
When a UE has more than one BS to join, it selects the one with least HCI. The key idea of HCI is
Due to the the
to estimate dual connectivity,
congestion level ofeach
a basepiece ofbased
station user on
equipment is connected
the competitive to the proposed
online algorithm Macro BS. The
handover problem
in [27]. between
Specifically, thecell
the HCI HeNB willscheme
selection be processed
consists by thesteps:
of two Macro BS. We propose a new HetNet
Congestion Indicator (HCI) cell selection scheme to achieve the load balance, considering not only
the signal quality of the UE, but also the number of remaining resources of each base station. In
addition to the cell selection, we also use HCI to adjust the type of the UE, either MUE or PUE.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x 10 of 22
(1) A UE continuously measures the SINR among neighboring cells. If the SINR of current serving
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3018 10 of 22
BS becomes weaker and some neighboring BSs become stronger, then the UE enters the cell
selection procedure (step 2).
(2) The
(1) UE A UE selects a list ofmeasures
continuously candidatethe BSs
amonghave higher cells.
neighboring SINRs. For
If the each
SINR of BS, the serving
current UE estimates
becomes weaker and some neighboring BSs become stronger, then the
and reports its Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) to the BS. By taking account of the QoSUE enters the cell selection
requirement of(step 2). and the status of RB usage, the BS replies to the UE with its HCI which is
the UE
(2) The UE selects
calculated as follows. a listAssume
of candidate
the BSs which have
maximum higherofSINRs.
number Fortime
RBs per each slot
BS, the UE estimates
(system capacity)andis C,
number reports its Channel
of RBs which Quality Indicator
have been used (CQI) to the BS.
(allocated) is RBy taking account of the QoS requirement
i, the number of RBs required by the UE
of the UE and the status of RB usage, the BS replies to the UE with its HCI which is calculated as
(based on its CQI and QoS requirement) is b, the HCI is given by:
follows. Assume the maximum number of RBs per time slot (system capacity) is C, number of
RBs which have been used (allocated) is Ri , the number of RBs required by the UE (based on its
𝐻𝐶𝐼(𝑏) = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡(𝑅 + 𝑏, 𝐶) − 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡(𝑅 , 𝐶) (12)
CQI and QoS requirement) is b, the HCI is given by:
where the cost() function is defined as follows.
HCI (b) = cost(Ri + b, C) − cost(Ri , C) (12)
( ) (13)
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡(𝑅 , 𝐶) = 𝜇
where the cost() function is defined as follows.
where 𝜇 is a constant parameter which is usually setRto C (in our case, it is set to 50).
cost(Ri , C) = µ( C −1) (13)
After obtaining the HCI of each candidate BS, it selects the BS with the least HCI to join. The HCI
function iswhere
meantµ istoaestimate the congestion
constant parameter whichlevel or traffic
is usually set toload
C (in of
oura case,
BS. it is set to 50).
After obtaining the HCI of each candidate BS, it selects the BS with the least HCI to join. The HCI
3.2.2. Classify a UE as a MUE or PUE Type
function is meant to estimate the congestion level or traffic load of a BS.
As mentioned in Section 2, a UE could be either MUE or PUE. If a UE receives signal from both
3.2.2. Classify a UE as a MUE or PUE Type
Macro BS and pico BS, and it selects the Macro BS as its serving BS as the BS has the least HCI, then
the UE is As mentioned
classified as ain Section
MUE; 2, a UE could
otherwise, it is abePUE.
MUE to or
thePUE. If a UEareceives
mobility, UE maysignal
change fromitsboth
BS which BS andalsopico BS, and
change itsit type.
selectsAs theaforementioned,
Macro BS as its serving BS as the BS
the different hasof
type thethe
UEHCI,willthen the the
UE is classified as a MUE; otherwise, it is a PUE. Due to the mobility,
priority of accessing resources. Specifically, a MUE can only access resources from the Macroa UE may change its serving BS BS,
which will also change its type. As aforementioned, the different type of the UE will affect the priority
while a PUE can access resources from two BSs simultaneously. Figure 5 illustrates how a UE may
of accessing resources. Specifically, a MUE can only access resources from the Macro BS, while a PUE
enter the dual connectivity range or transits from PUE to MUE. Initially, a UE may be within the
can access resources from two BSs simultaneously. Figure 5 illustrates how a UE may enter the dual
coverage range of a pico BS, but far from the Macro BS. In this stage, it is a PUE. As it moves closer
connectivity range or transits from PUE to MUE. Initially, a UE may be within the coverage range of
to thea Macro
pico BS,BS, butitfar
Macro signal fromstage,
BS. In this Macroit isBS and enters
a PUE. the dual
As it moves connectivity
closer to the Macro range.
BS, At
this stage,
it beginsit is
toable to utilize
receive resources
signal from Macro of BSboth BSs. As
and enters theitdual
continues to move
connectivity closer
range. thestage,
At this Macro BS, it
it is
able to utilize resources of both BSs. As it continues to move closer the Macro BS, it eventually selects it
selects Macro BS as its serving BS based on the HCI cell selection scheme. At this stage,
Macro a MUE.
BS as its serving BS based on the HCI cell selection scheme. At this stage, it becomes a MUE.
Figure 5. 5.
Figure Signal
in dual connectivitymode.
dual connectivity mode.
Thus, we also propose a centralized decision to adjust the ABS ratio which requires all Macro BSs to
synchronize their ABS ratio.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3018 11 of 22
In order to meet the QoS requirements of the UE, the Equation (16) illustrates the opportunity
of using ABS, which contains two conditions. The first one is that all of the MUEs must satisfy QoS
requirement, and there are remaining resources in the Macro BS (∆ThMUE > 0). The other one is that
some PUEs have not satisfied QoS requirement after resource allocation in pico BS (∆ThPUE < 0).
Let the set of Macro BSs be denoted by M. If the above two conditions are met, then we can first give
the parameter µb (b ∈ M) as the ABS ratio in each sector of the Macro station.
Assuming that the throughput of the radio resource is evenly distributed across each TTI in
a frame. For example, the allocation of 1000 bits by a frame is equivalent to an average transmission of
100 bits in 10 TTI. The formula of the ABS µb is described as follows:
(1 − µb )ThMUE ∗ − NMUE ≥ 0
µb [1 + µb (ε − 1)]ThPUE ∗ − NPUE ≤ 0
= argmax (17)
0<µ <1
where ε is the gain factor and µb (ε − 1) is the ratio of increased data transfer rate of the PUE after
using ABS over the original data rate. Through the difference in the throughput and the restriction of
the QoS requirement, ABS µb can be calculated by solving the simultaneous inequalities. Equation (17)
consists of three conditions: (1) The decreased throughput of MUEs will not be less than their required
bandwidth (NMUE ); (2) the increased throughput of PUEs will not be more than their required
bandwidth (NPUE ); (3) the value of µb must be between 0 and 1. The aim is to avoid wasting the
resources of the MUE after using ABS.
(2) With the ABS µb of each sector of the Macro station, the next step is to learn the unified ABS
ratio by Q-learning algorithm. The state, action, and cost of the Q-learning algorithm based on the ABS
configuration are defined as follows:
The cost c estimates the immediate return incurred due to action at at state s. The cost function is
calculated as:
∆µ = at − µb (18)
i f ∆µ = 0
∆µTh i f ∆µ > 0
Costb , (19)
∆µ (ε − 1) Th ∗
PUE , i f ∆µ < 0
c= Costb (20)
where Equation (18) represents the difference before and after adjusting the ABS ratio. In Equation
(19), ∆µ > 0 indicates that the actual ABS ratio chosen by the system (at ) is greater than that of the
sector of the Macro BS estimated by itself (µb ), thus losing the excessive throughput of MUEs. On the
contrary, ∆µ < 0 indicates that the actual ABS ratio chosen by the system is less than that of the sector
of the Macro BS estimated by itself, thus losing the expected throughput of PUEs. Finally, the sum of
these costs in each sector of the Macro BS is calculated in Equation (20).
Given aforementioned parameters, the Q-value Q(st , at ) can be defined as the expected cost of
taking action at at state st . Then Q-value is updated as follows:
" #
Q(st , at ) = (1 − ρ)Q(st , at ) + ρ c + min Q(st+1 , at+1 )
at + 1
where st+1 is the next state after taking the action at , and ρ is the learning rate, which denotes the willing
to learn from the environment. Eventually, a Q-table will be built as shown in Table 4. Once these
values in a Q-table have been learned and converged, the optimal action at each state is the one with
the lowest Q-value.
4. Evaluation
Figure 7.7.Layout
Figure Layoutof
of network topology.
network topology.
Parameter Configuration
Cellular layout Wrap around, 7 Macros, 3 sectors per site
Carrier frequency 2.14 GHz
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3018 15 of 22
Parameter Configuration
Cellular layout Wrap around, 7 Macros, 3 sectors per site
Carrier frequency 2.14 GHz
Bandwidth 10 MHz
ISD 500 m
Macro transmit power 46 dBm
Pico transmit power 30 dBm
Number of picos per sector 2
Number of UEs per sector 15
Cell selection HCI and SINR
Scheduler MTS and PF
ABS Q-learning dynamic and Static
Thermal noise −174 dBm/Hz
UE speed 3 km/hr
Pathloss model As in 3GPP TS 36.942
Traffic model VoIP (GBR for 1.5 Mbps) and
Video (MBR for 3 Mbps–7 Mbps)
Duplex model FDD
Number of RBs C = 50
Learning rate ρ = 0.5
• Scenario 1: It is designed to verify the performance of the HCI cell selection scheme, which is
compared with the SINR scheme.
• Scenario 2: It is designed to verify the performance of the MTS resource allocation scheme,
which is compared with the Max-min scheme.
• Scenario 3: It is designed to verify the performance of the PF resource allocation scheme in dual
connectivity environment, which is compared with our proposed MTS scheme. In addition, it is
also compared with itself in single connectivity environment.
• Scenario 4: It is designed to verify the performance of the QD-ABS scheme in single connectivity,
which is compared with the static ABS scheme.
• Scenario 5: It is designed to verify the performance of dual connectivity combined with CRE
and ABS.
Table 6. Simulation scenarios.
• System: The QoS satisfaction ratio of the system. The ratio was defined as the percentage of UEs
that met their QoS requirements.
• VoIP: The QoS satisfaction ratio of UEs generating voice traffic (GBR).
• Video: The QoS satisfaction ratio of UEs generating video traffic (MBR).
• MUE: The QoS satisfaction ratio of MUEs.
• PUE: The QoS satisfaction ratio of PUEs.
• RE: The QoS satisfaction ratio of UEs in the coverage of the CRE signal. A positive CRE bias 6 dB
was added to the downlink received signal strength from pico BS.
Figure 8. Connection
Figure ratio
8. Connection of of
ratio thetheMacro
user equipment (MUE)and
equipment (MUE) and Pico
Pico user
user equipment
equipment (PUE).
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 3018 17 of 22
Figure 8. Connection ratio of the Macro user equipment (MUE) and Pico user equipment (PUE).
Figure 9. 9.
Figure Satisfaction
of the
the different cellselection
different cell selection schemes.
schemes. Evaluation
Evaluation for for
thethe ResourceAllocation
Resource Allocation of
of MTS
MTS Scheme
In this scenario, the distribution of UE population was the same as that of the cell selection scenario.
In this scenario, the distribution of UE population was the same as that of the cell selection
We verified our proposed MTS scheme by comparing to the original max-min scheduling. As shown
scenario. We verified our proposed MTS scheme by comparing to the original max-min scheduling.
in Table 3, the max-min scheme can achieve almost optimal radio resource scheduling. In the MTS
As shown
scheme, inweTable 3, the
added max-min
a threshold schemethe
to protect can achieve
MUEs’ QoSalmost
in dual optimal radio
connectivity resource
mode. Figurescheduling.
10 shows In
the MTS scheme,
that the we added
MTS scheme a threshold
yielded higher QoSto protect the MUEs’
satisfactions from allQoS in dual
aspects. connectivity
Especially, the MTS mode. Figure
10 shows
Appl. Sci.
that the higher
2019, 5.07%
9, x
MTS scheme yielded of
QoS satisfaction higher QoS system
the whole satisfactions from all
as compared aspects.
to the Especially,
max-min scheme. the MTS
17 of 22
scheme yielded 5.07% higher QoS satisfaction of the whole system as compared to the max-min
Table x7 is
where shows the fairness
the throughput index
of the of and
ith UE the nMTS
is theinnumber
DC mode of UEsas in
theas the PF scheduling in both
DC and SC modes.
Table We
7 shows theobserved that of
fairness index PFthe
in MTS
SC mode
in DC had
modethe best as
as well fairness index, while
the PF scheduling the DC
in both MTS in
DC mode
and SChad the lowest
modes. fairness
We observed thatindex. However,
PF in SC mode had thethe
difference wasindex,
best fairness not very
the MTS in InDCother
words, thehad
mode MTS thescheme could achieve
lowest fairness much higher
index. However, QoS satisfaction
the difference was not very by significant.
sacrificingIna other
little words,
fairness as
the MTS scheme could achieve much higher QoS satisfaction by sacrificing a little fairness as a tradeoff.
a tradeoff.
Figure 11. 11. Satisfaction
Satisfaction ratioofofthe
ratio thedifferent
different scheduling
schedulingschemes in scenario
schemes 3. 3.
in scenario
Table 7. Fairness index of the Max–min Threshold Scheduler (MTS) scheme and the Proportional Fair
Scheduler (PF) scheduling.
Figure 12.
Figure12. Satisfactionratio
12.Satisfaction ratioof
ratio ofthe
different enhancedinter-cell
enhanced inter-cellinterference
schemes in the overload schemes
situation inthe
of theoverload
Macro situation
overload ofthe
Satisfaction ratioof
ratio ofthe
of thedifferent
the differente-ICIC
different e-ICICschemes
4.4.5. Evaluation for the Dual Connectivity Combined with CRE and ABS
Both the dual connectivity and the e-ICIC can improve the performance of the UE at the edge
of BSs. For this reason, we propose a comprehensive scheme to explore the feasibility of combining
the dual connectivity with CRE and ABS, and evaluate whether it can effectively improve the QoS
bandwidth requirements of edge UEs via a scenario 5 simulation. Since the comprehensive scheme is
based on the connection mode, cell selection, resource allocation, e-ICIC, and CRE bias, we compared
its performance with individual schemes, including SC, DC, non-ABS and Static ABS, and Q-learning
dynamic ABS.
In this scenario, we focused on the dual connectivity mode. Notably, the DC mode with CRE and
ABS did not yield better system QoS satisfaction, but it was useful to increase the QoS satisfaction
of edge UEs. Figure 14 shows the QoS satisfaction of different combinations of schemes of different
aspects where the labels RE, RE VoIP, RE Video on the x-axis denote the UEs in the CRE region, the UEs
of type GBR in the CRE region, and the UEs of the type MBR in the CRE region respectively. UEs in
CRE region are referred to as cell edge UEs. We can observe from Figure 14 that by integrating the
mechanisms of dual connectivity, CRE, and ABS, the QoS satisfaction ratio of cell edge UEs can be
improved by 10.76% as compared to the traditional approach.
of edge UEs. Figure 14 shows the QoS satisfaction of different combinations of schemes of different
aspects where the labels RE, RE VoIP, RE Video on the x-axis denote the UEs in the CRE region, the
UEs of type GBR in the CRE region, and the UEs of the type MBR in the CRE region respectively. UEs
in CRE region are referred to as cell edge UEs. We can observe from Figure 14 that by integrating the
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9,of dual connectivity, CRE, and ABS, the QoS satisfaction ratio of cell edge UEs can
3018 20 ofbe
improved by 10.76% as compared to the traditional approach.
Figure 14. Satisfaction
14. Satisfaction ratio ratio
of theofscheme
the scheme that integrates
that integrates dual connectivity
dual connectivity withrange
with cell cell range
(CRE) and ABS. expansion (CRE) and ABS.
5. Conclusions
5. Conclusions and
and Future
Future Works
In this
In thiswork,
work, we we
discussed the development
discussed the developmentof spectrum utilization utilization
of spectrum in the future.inFor heterogeneous
the future. For
heterogeneous network research, we designed how to integrate dual connectivity, cell allocation,
network research, we designed how to integrate dual connectivity, cell selection, resource selection,
and e-ICIC
resource in the co-channel
allocation, and e-ICIC networks. On thenetworks.
in the co-channel other hand, On we studied
the other UEswe
hand, with different
studied QoS
UEs with
different QoS and traffic characteristics,
requirements such as voice traffic
and traffic characteristics, such(low data traffic
as voice transfer rate)
(low andtransfer
data video traffic
(high data transfer rate). In the resource allocation mechanism, we propose
and video traffic (high data transfer rate). In the resource allocation mechanism, we propose the MTSthe MTS scheduling to
meet the QoS requirement, considering the resource integration across the base
scheduling to meet the QoS requirement, considering the resource integration across the base stations stations to enhance the
to transferthe
enhance rate. In the
data cell selection
transfer rate. In mechanism, we propose
the cell selection the HCIwe
mechanism, scheme
proposeto consider
the HCInot only the
scheme to
signal quality received by the UE, but also the remaining RBs of each base
consider not only the signal quality received by the UE, but also the remaining RBs of each station, and further achieve
the loadand
station, balancing
further between
achieve the theload
stations. between
In the e-ICIC mechanism,
the base wethe
stations. In propose
scheme to adjust the ABS ratio dynamically according to system feedback.
we propose the QD-ABS scheme to adjust the ABS ratio dynamically according to system feedback.
The ultimate
The ultimate goal
goal ofof the
the proposed
proposed mechanisms
mechanisms is is to
to improve
improve the the QoS
QoS satisfaction
satisfaction ratio
ratio of
of UEs.
Our simulation
Our results showed
simulation results showed that that our
our MTSMTS scheduler
scheduler waswas able
able to
to achieve
achieve 31.44%
31.44% higher
higher rate
rate than
the Proportional Fairness scheduler; our HCI cell selection scheme yielded 2.98%
the Proportional Fairness scheduler; our HCI cell selection scheme yielded 2.98% higher rate than higher rate than the
SINR cell selection scheme; the QoS satisfaction ratio of our Q-learning-based
SINR cell selection scheme; the QoS satisfaction ratio of our Q-learning-based dynamic ABS scheme dynamic ABS scheme
was 4.06%
4.06% higher
higher than
than that
that of
of the
the static
static ABS
ABS scheme. Finally, by
scheme. Finally, by integrating
integrating the
the mechanisms
mechanisms of of dual
connectivity, CRE, and ABS, the QoS satisfaction ratio of cell edge UEs could
connectivity, CRE, and ABS, the QoS satisfaction ratio of cell edge UEs could be improved by 10.76% be improved by 10.76%
as compared
as compared to to the
the traditional
traditional approach.
We are expecting to see some small-scale commercial deployments for the fifth generation (5G)
networks by some leading operators in 2019 worldwide. The 5G air interface, called new radio (NR),
is expected to interwork with different wireless technologies where UEs will have multiconnectivity
capabilities. In particular, in the early stage of 5G deployment, interworking with LTE-A based on
dual connectivity will be necessary to boost the deployment and has been proposed by 3GPP as
a 5G operational requirement [2,36]. Extending the dual connectivity to multi-connectivity in 5G will
become an important technique and require further study [37].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.-H.H. and M.-C.P.; methodology, R.-H.H. and K.-C.C.; software,
K.-C.C.; validation, R.-H.H. and M.-C.P.; formal analysis, R.-H.H. and K.-C.C.; investigation, R.-H.H. and M.-C.P.;
resources, R.-H.H.; data curation, K.-C.C.; writing—original draft preparation, K.-C.C.; writing—review and
editing, R.-H.H. and M.-C.P.; visualization, K.-C.C.; supervision, R.-H.H.; project administration, R.-H.H.; funding
acquisition, R.-H.H.
Funding: This research was funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, grant number MOST
105-2221-E-194-03 and MOST 106-2221-E-194-021-MY3.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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