Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A
He endured the persecutions and opposition of the Quraish and remained steadfast and
bore all the sufferings.
He always intervened to protect the Prophet ﷺas once he was preventing the
polytheist from persecuting the Prophet ﷺ, uqbah bin abi muait threw a mantle
around his neck started twisting it till it began to strangle the Prophet ﷺ. Abu Bakr
R.A rescued him and he was dragged by his beard and beaten by them severely that he
lost his consciousness but his faith did not waver.
After accepting Islam, He started preaching Islam and invited people towards Allah in a
very successful way.
He was the dynamic missionary of Islam and devoted his whole life to the service of
His eminent personality and remarkable attributes helped in escalating Islam and made
prominent figures accepted it on his call, such as Hazrat Usman, Talha, Zubair Abdur
Rehman bin Auf R.A.
He also accompanied the Holy Prophet ﷺa number of times on his missionary visits
to different tribes.
He was extremely kindhearted and sympathetic and serving to the oppressed, poor, weak
and helpless Muslim slaves.
He bought them and helped them in gaining freedom from their cruel masters such as
Hazrat Bilal, Hazrat Yasir R.A, Lubaina, Amir, Zunaira and Umm-i-Ubais R.A
In the Tenth year of Holy Prophet’s ﷺMission, he had the Miraj to the sublime
throne of Allah Almighty. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A was the first one to testify this
incident without any allegation and for this, the Prophet ﷺawarded him with the
title, ‘As-Siddique’, the most truthful (sincere in faith).
His closeness to the Prophet ﷺwas sealed by the marriage to his daughter, Hazrat
Ayesha R.A after the demise of Hazrat Khadija R.A.
He accompanied the Prophet ﷺin the migration from Makkah to Madinah and he
eluded with the Prophet ﷺin the Cave of Thawr for three days and nights
Allah referred him with the Prophet ﷺin the Cave of Thawr: When those who
disbelieved had driven him out [of Makkah] as one of two, when they were in the cave
and he said to his companion, "Do not grieve; indeed, Allah is with us." [9:40]
He proved to be the most devoted and generous on all occasions and became the first
Muslim to spend most of the money for the cause of Islam.
As, He bought the land for constructing the Masjid-e-Nabawi ﷺ.
He donated all his wealth at the Tabuk expedition by replying to the Prophet ﷺwhen
He asked him, “What did you leave for your family? He said, I have left for them
Allah and His Prophet ”ﷺ.
He participated in all the battles and expeditions along with the Prophet ﷺsuch as
Badr, Uhad, Trench, Tabuk expedition, Battle of Hunain, al-Taif and to Syria.
He was the first one to show his ungrudging support in accepting the peace plan of the
Prophet ﷺat Hudaibiya.
He played a leading role in the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺas,
In the 9th year of Hijra, he was deputy (Ameer-e-Hajj) to lead the caravan of Hajj to
Makkah by the will and permission of the Prophet ﷺ.
He led the congregational Prayer during the illness of the Prophet ﷺby his order.
He received the glad tidings of Paradise by the Prophet ﷺin his lifetime for the
services he rendered for the establishment and expansion of Islam.
He showed remarkable self-control and consoled the Prophet’s ﷺUmmah at the
demise of their beloved Prophet ﷺand delivered his most effective and historical
When he came out of the Masjid after looking the Prophet ﷺ, he found Hazrat Umar
R.A in rage so he asked him to sit down.
Then He stood up to address the Ummah and brought them in sense in their uncertain
sorrowful condition: O People! If anyone of you worshipped Muhammad ﷺ, he
should bear in mind that Muhammad ﷺis dead. But those who worship Allah
should know that He is Alive and will never die”.
He then recited this verse of the Quran: Muhammad ( )ﷺis not but a messenger.
[Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed,
would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his
heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful. (3:144)
He participated in digging the grave, bathing and lowering the blessed body of the Holy
Prophet ﷺin the grave.
He was elected as first Caliph of the Prophet of Allah ﷺand supported the Ummah
in that climacteric and uplifted their status in the world among the powerful nations.
He expanded and established Islam in the corners of the world.
For this answer, candidates should give a detailed account of the main events in Abu
Bakr’s life with the Prophet ﷺ.
His name, family, profession, life before Islam (religious and moral life), relationship
with the Prophet ﷺ.
Acceptance of Islam, first Muslim, faced persecutions and opposition, supportive to the
Prophet ﷺ, Preaching of Islam, acceptance of Islam by prominent companions, freed
slaves, testifier to the Prophet’s ﷺwords (incident of Mairaj), Title Al-Siddique,
Marriage of his daughter with the Prophet ﷺ, migration to Madinah, Stay at the cave
of Thawr, addressed in Quran, contribution by wealth (Land of Masjid, Tabuk),
participation in battles, expeditions and treaties, led Prayer and Hajj, glad tidings of
Paradise, consoled and supported the Ummah at the demise of the Prophet ﷺ.
(b) Abu Bakr used his wealth to help others. How can Muslims follow his example
today? [4] (May/June 2020 11)
Candidates can use various examples to show how they can help others with their wealth.
Some could be, paying for water well for those who do not have access to water, donating
money to someone needing medicine/hospital treatment, giving money to look after
orphans. Relevant answers should be credited and better answers will be able to say why
it would be beneficial to use their wealth for that reason.
(b) How can Muslims use the example of Abu Bakr in showing loyalty to their
friends and colleagues? [4] (May/June 2018 11)
(b) What lessons can Muslims learn from Abu Bakr’s conduct in this period, and
how are these lessons relevant now? [4] (Oct/Nov 2014 11)
Candidates could write about stories of friendship and loyalty, or about belief and strong
faith, or other points mentioned about his life, but as well as mentioning them they should
give concrete examples of how these could be applied in people’s lives, so e.g. showing
how Muslims can be loyal to their friends, or how Muslims could give their wealth to
benefit the Muslim community in times of need.
(b) Was Abu Bakr a good choice as caliph? Give reasons to support your answer. [4]
Candidates could give a variety of reasons to support their answer, if they agree to him
being a good choice as caliph,
If they disagree, they will need to support their view. All valid points must be credited.
Election as a Caliph:
The Prophet ﷺdid not nominate his successor during his lifetime and there was no
clear and explicit guidance from the Quran and the Sunnah about it.
Therefore, the first challenge before the Ummah after the demise of the Prophet ﷺ
was to elect the new leader.
However, the closeness to the Prophet ﷺ, eminent excellency and significance in the
Quran and Hadith were declaring Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A as a most suitable
person to be elected Khalifa after the demise of the Prophet ﷺand the issue was
successfully and amicably resolved by the Ijma of all companions.
When the companions knew for certain that the Messenger of Allah ﷺhad indeed
passed away, the Ansaar gathered at the Saqifa-e-Banu Saida on the same day to elect the
first Caliph of the Muslim nation.
The people of Ansaar gathered around the leader of the Khazraj tribe, Saad ibn Ubaadah
Meanwhile, the people of Muhajireen assembled in Masjid-e-Nabawi ﷺwith Hazrat
Abu Bakr Siddique R.A because the majority of Muhajireen lived in the vicinity of
Some of the leading Ansar wanted a Caliph from amongst the Ansaar. They had
difference of opinion for selection of Caliph.
Mughira bin Shubah R.A reached Masjid-e-Nabawi ﷺand informed to the
Muhajireen about the discussion of Ansaar.
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A left the funeral procession by handing over to Hazrat Ali
R.A and took Hazrat Umar and Abu Ubaidah R.A with him to the Ansaar to bring the
situation under control.
The Ansaar had almost declare the leader of the Khazraj tribe, Saad bin Ubaadah R.A.
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A made a persuasive speech with confidence and firmness,
“The first among the chiefs will be from the Quraish, and the Ansaar will be their
Thereupon, Hubab bin Al-Mundhir R.A put forward the proposal for a two-state solution
and said: “It seems reasonable that there should be one Amir (Chief) from us and
another from you”.
Hazrat Umar R.A showed his disagreement with suggestion of Hazrat Hubab R.A.
On hearing this argument, Hazrat Ubaydah ibn Al-Jarrah R.A said, O Ansaar! You were
the first to uphold the Islam. Do not be the first to sow the seeds of dissension in it.
In the meanwhile, Bashir bin Nauman Ansari R.A got up and expressed his feelings,
“The Holy Prophet ﷺbelonged to Quraish tribe. Quraishites have preference over
others. All Arabs would agree on them. Therefore, a Caliph must be from amongst
them. We do not want any dispute with Muhajireen in the matter of Caliphate. We,
the Madinites are Ansar and we would prefer to remain helpers of Allah and His
Holy Prophet ﷺ.” (Al Bidaya wan-Nihaya)
These utterances of Bashir R.A received support from a number of Ansaar and there was
a general satisfaction in the council over the selection of a Caliph from Quraish.
Now the entire congregation plunged in deep silence and the growing conflict between
Muhajireen and Ansaar over the issue of the Caliphate disappeared.
In this state of perfect peace, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A said, “Umar R.A and Abu
Ubaydah R.A are here, choose anyone of them”.
But both of them refused and Hazrat Umar R.A said, “Abu Bakr R.A is the most
excellent among the Muhajireen. Because Allah has mentioned him in the Holy
Quran, ‘The one amongst two in the Cave’ (9:40). He excelled at every occasion
during the life of the Prophet ﷺ. He deputized for the Holy Prophet ﷺin leading
prayers when he was sick, he was appointed the chief of Hajj caravan. Therefore,
none is entitled to assume the duties of the Caliphate in the presence of Abu Bakr
Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit R.A took the oath of loyalty (pledge) followed
by Abu Ubaidah and Bashir Ansari R.A.
After that the people on all sides of Abu Bakr R.A rushed to pledge. As, the news spread,
all the believers arrived Madinah to pledge their allegiance to the first Caliph.
Thus, a general pledge of loyalty was taken in Masjid-e-Nabawi ﷺand the greatest
Caliphate was established.
After becoming the Caliph, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A titled with Khalifat-Ur-
Rasul-Allah ﷺi.e., ‘Vicegerent of the Messenger of Allah’ and gave a memorable
‘’I have been given authority over you and I am not best of you. If I do well, help
me, and if I do wrong, set me right. Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His
Prophet ﷺ. But if I disobey Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, you owe me no
Caliph Abu Bakr Siddique’s short caliphate lasted a little over two years.
He has two main concerns: The first was to maintain the unity and solidarity of the
Ummah by putting down the uprisings that began after the Prophet’s ﷺdemise and,
Secondly, He had to continue with the expedition to Syria, which the Prophet ﷺhad
This is a two-part answer; in the first part candidates need to give a detailed account of
the election of Abu Bakr which should include the key points like
how ‘Umar took Abu Bakr to the Saqifa of Bani Saida where the Ansars and other
eminent muhajireen had gathered to elect a caliph;
Ali was not present at this meeting as he was busy with the preparations of the final
rites of the Prophet ﷺ.
Whether the caliph was to be from the ansar or the Quraish could be discussed
here, Abu Bakr's nomination of 'Ubaidah bin Jarra could also be mentioned.
The ansars wanted a caliph from amongst them in view of their sacrifices for Islam,
but Abu Bakr argued that the Arabs would not agree on any Ameer other than a
person from the Quraysh, at which point the ansars suggested the option of electing
two Ameers, one from the Quraysh and one from the ansars, to which ‘Umar
objected saying it would cause confusion in the umma.
‘Ubaidah bin Jarra addressed the ansars at this point and said, ‘O Ansar! You
were the first to uphold Islam do not be the first to sow the seeds of dissension in
it.’ The ansars immediately withdrew their claim.
Abu Bakr suggested the name of ‘Ubaidah bin Jarrah' and Umar took bait at the
hand of Abu Bakr and the people from all sides rushed to pledge their loyalty to
him and a general pledge was taken the next day.
Candidates could also mention the speech made by him upon his election and that
will be seen as development of the answer.
A governor (Wali) was appointed in every province to lead the Prayers, supervise the
army, collected taxes, administer justice and maintain law and order.
He was aided by an Amil (administrator) who collected revenues.
He appointed a number of Judges in various provinces to dispense justice as Hazrat Umar
and Hazrat Ali R.A were judges in Madina.
He established a special department of the Muftis (Islamic Jurists) for resolving the daily
life problems of people in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
He is also credited with laying the foundations of the Bait-ul-maal for managing Zakat,
Ushr, Jizya and spoils of war and their distributions among needy and poor.
He set up a strict standard of accounting for public money.
He appointed all officials, commanders, and governors on the basis of merit.
He founded the military cantonments and maintained a reserve force and divided the
army in battalions and each troop was headed by a commander.
He reserved a part of the revenue for purchase of arms and for the maintenance of forces.
Special pastures were preserved for horses and camels used in the battles.
He saved the true image of Islam by defeating the false prophets, suppressed the
uprisings that took place all over the Muslim State and dealt firmly with the tribes
refusing to pay Zakat.
He maintained the integrity of Islam and with his campaigns in Persia and the Byzantine
Empire, extended the boundaries of Islam.
He was also significant for the compilation of the Holy Quran when a large number of
memorizer of the Holy Quran were martyred in the battle of Yamama.
The rights of non-Muslim were protected and granted religious and cultural freedom.
Savior of Islam/Services
Caliph Abu Bakr Siddique R.A proved to be the best amongst the Muslim community, as
he alone faced the distressful situation with brave face and sound judgment.
He was a hope and console men to Muslims in grief of the demise of the Prophet ﷺ.
He took the office of Caliphate at the most critical and crucial moment of Islamic History
He faced disunity among the Muslims, threatened by rebellions, rise of false prophets and
apostasy movements.
He brought the unity among the Muslims and crushed the power of the false prophets and
rebellions because of his firm determination to Islam.
No amount of difficulty could make him negligent of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet
It was in the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A that the teachings of Islam crossed
the Arabian borders.
A major part of Iraq came under his rule and Muslims conquered many important cities
of Syria.
He made adequate and effective arrangements for the safety of the borders of the Muslim
empire and Islam became a world force which successfully confronted the might of the
Persian and Byzantines empires.
In consideration of the difficulties arising out of the demise of the Prophet ﷺand his
calm judgment and sagacity with a gentle and compassionate heart at that critical moment
ensured preservation of Muslim’s faith and their integrity.
Suppression of the apostasy movement brought a great deal of short and long term
benefits to the Muslim Ummah.
Perhaps the most important outcome of this was the compilation of the Holy Quran, the
greatest unifying force for the Muslims.
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A earned the noble title for his devotion and services to
Islam called “the Savior of Islam”.
Thus Islam, the Universal Religion, started to blossom as a world religion and his
administrative ability brought peace and prosperity from within and without in his time.
Past Papers
Question # 3: (a)
Write an account of how Abu Bakr led the Islamic empire when he became the
first caliph. [10] (Oct/Nov 2020 22)
Write an account of the achievements of Abu Bakr as the first caliph of Islam.
(Oct/Nov 2019 21)
Write a detailed account of Abu Bakr’s achievements as Caliph.
(May/june18 21)
Candidates in response to this answer can say that Abu Bakr was the first caliph of
Islam after the death of the Prophet ﷺand can be seen as a role model for all
Muslim leaders and governments today.
He continued with the same principles as were maintained by the Prophet ﷺto
secure peace and solidarity of the Islamic state, e.g.,
How he united the ummah at a critical time after the death of the Prophet ﷺ,
fought and defeated the false prophets, crushed the rebellions and upheld the Pillar
of zakat could all be written about as his achievements and went on to expand the
Islamic empire and implemented Islamic law (Sharia) whilst allowing religious
freedom to all non-Muslims..
He sent the Muslim army to Syria as per the Prophet’s ﷺplan.
It could also be added that he divided the caliphate into provinces under a governor
and list the task of the governor to develop the answer.
Question # 4: (a) Write a detailed account about the election and administration of
Abu Bakr. [10] (Oct/nov17 22)
As for the administration of Abu Bakr, candidates could say that he laid the
foundation of a truly democratic state.
Following the Qur’an and Sunna Abu Bakr conducted the affairs of the state by
discussing all matters with the Majlis-e-Shura.
He divided the state into provinces and appointed governors who were responsible
for both administrative and military affairs.
Public money was strictly accounted for and all those in government were selected
on merit.
It should be said that even though there was no police force, all crimes and their
perpetrators were dealt with in the light of the teachings from the Qur’an and
Sunna and if they were silent ijma was practiced.
By his efficient administration he preserved the integrity of Islam by suppressing
rebellions and making sure that the Pillar of zakat was enforced.
The mark is not to be divided 5+5 between the two parts but instead the answer has
to be read as a whole and a global mark should be given.
(b) Which was his greatest contribution as caliph? Give reasons for your answer.
[4] (Oct/Nov 2019 21)
In your opinion, what was the greatest service performed by Abu Bakr during
his caliphate? (Oct/nov17 22)
Give reasons for your choice. Candidates are free to choose which, in their opinion, Abu
Bakr’s greatest service/achievements/ contribution as caliph was.
They could say that by fighting the false prophets he ensured that the Muslims
were not led astray,
or they could say that by upholding the Pillar of zakat he ensured that the faith was
not corrupted
Or that the compilation of the Qur’an ensured its survival in its original form for
future generations of Muslims.
All viewpoints given must be backed up with reasons that why in their opinion they feel
it were his greatest service/achievements/ contribution as caliph. Their choice has to be
backed by valid reasons.
(b) What was the most serious danger faced by the Islamic state during Abu Bakr’s
caliphate? [4] (Oct/Nov 2019 22)
In your opinion what was the most important task that faced Abu Bakr on
becoming caliph? Briefly discuss. (Oct/Nov 2011 21)
Give reasons for your answer.
When Abu Bakr became the first caliph of Islam, he had to face serious challenges
like the emergence of false prophets, refusal of some tribes to pay zakat, rejection
of the political authority in Madina by some tribes/states etc.,
The death of several hundred huffaz in battles which gave rise to the fear that the
Qur’an may therefore be in danger of getting lost, forgotten or corrupted if not
Candidates need to select any one threat, which in their opinion posed the greatest threat
to the Islamic state and state it clearly. They need to go on to give a clear explanation of
why the task they have selected to discuss was important, what benefit came out of it and
perhaps what may have happened it had not been dealt with effectively by Abu Bakr.
This is an evaluative answer which gives the candidate a chance to show their
understanding of the topic.
(b) The Prophet ﷺcalled Abu Bakr ‘Al-Siddique’ (Testifier of the Truth). How
did Abu Bakr live up to his title during his caliphate? [4] (May/june16
During his caliphate, Abu Bakr fought to uphold the finality of the Prophet ﷺ
in the wars against the false prophets;
he refused to give in to the demands of those who wanted to be exempted from
paying zakat and fought battles with them,
And he preserved the word of God by having the Qur’an compiled.
One or more of these events could be given by candidates as examples of how Abu
Bakr always stood by the truth and fought to maintain it, by which he lived up to
the title of ‘al-Siddique’ (Testifier of the Truth) which the Prophet ﷺhad given
him when he was the first to believe the Prophet’s ﷺaccount of mi ’raj.
(b) Why was Abu Bakr given the title ‘Savior of Islam’? [4] (Oct/Nov 2010 01)
Why Abu Bakr is called the Savior of Islam? (Oct/Nov 2009 02)
To gain top marks in this question candidates need to show a good understanding of the
reason why he was called the Savior of Islam.
Candidates in this part should try to show an understanding of the importance and
significance of Abu Bakr to the Prophet ﷺand therefore to Islam.
They could mention how his loyalty to the Prophet ﷺcontributed to keeping
the community united, he held the community together when the Prophet ﷺ
died, and this led to him becoming the first caliph.
A satisfactory answer would simply explain that he fought to prevent the break-up
of Islam.
However, more complete answers will explain that the false prophets and apostates
threatened the uniqueness and unity of Islam and could not be allowed to continue
their activities.
Hence when he became caliph, he not only gave new heart to the Muslims after the
Prophet passed away but helped the community of Muslims against its many
In his short term as caliph, he defeated the tribes who withdrew from Islam and
made them stay Muslim and he fought and won against tribes who refused to pay
He also defeated the false prophets and thus kept the unity of Islam when there was
much danger.
Candidates could mention his contribution in the compilation of the Qur’an as well.